#!/bin/bash # Deploy Origo nodes remotely to hip and hop. # Call this script from within an artifacts folder on naboo. # $Id$ # common config SSH="ssh -p12" SCP="scp -P12" INITDIR=/etc/init.d SBINDIR=/usr/local/sbin/origo/ # hop HOP="hop.inf.ethz.ch" HOP_SSH="$SSH hop.inf.ethz.ch" # hip HIP="hip.inf.ethz.ch" HIP_SSH="$SSH hip.inf.ethz.ch" # stop nodes $HOP_SSH $INITDIR/origo-api stop $HOP_SSH $INITDIR/origo-api-internal stop $HOP_SSH $INITDIR/origo-config stop $HOP_SSH $INITDIR/origo-mail stop $HOP_SSH $INITDIR/origo-core stop $HIP_SSH $INITDIR/origo-config stop $HIP_SSH $INITDIR/origo-storage stop $HIP_SSH $INITDIR/origo-core stop # deploy new binaries $SCP api1/origo-api $HOP:$SBINDIR $SCP config1/origo-config $HOP:$SBINDIR $SCP core/origo-core $HOP:$SBINDIR $SCP mail1/origo-storage $HOP:$SBINDIR $HOP_SSH chmod +x $SBINDIR* $SCP storage1/origo-storage $HIP:$SBINDIR $SCP core/origo-core $HIP:$SBINDIR $SCP mail1/origo-storage $HIP:$SBINDIR $HIP_SSH chmod +x $SBINDIR* # start core nodes $HOP_SSH $INITDIR/origo-core start $HIP_SSH $INITDIR/origo-core start sleep 5 # start rest of nodes $HOP_SSH $INITDIR/origo-config start $HOP_SSH $INITDIR/origo-mail start $HOP_SSH $INITDIR/origo-api start $HOP_SSH $INITDIR/origo-api-internal start $HIP_SSH $INITDIR/origo-storage start $HIP_SSH $INITDIR/origo-config start