[[Property:title|How to contribute to documentation]]
[[Property:link_title|To documentation]]
= Current documentation system =
* The documentation is written using wikitext syntax (similar to wikipedia).
* Each documentation page is stored in a wiki file on disk.
* Those files come from the subversion repository: [https://svn.eiffel.com/eiffel-org/trunk/documentation/trunk] .
* The outline of book are following the underlying directory structure, and each wiki file can have properties that hold metadata such as:
[[Property:title|The page title]]
[[Property:link_title|short title]]
** '''link_title''' is used to have a short title in menu, or various links.
** '''weight''' is used to order sibling pages (lower weight goes before, upper weight goes after).
= To contribute =
* First, you can post comment on any page (see comment form at the bottom of each page).
* As one would contribute to any source maintained on a subversion repository, one can contribute via the repository [https://svn.eiffel.com/eiffel-org/trunk/documentation/trunk/] and provide patch.
* Note there is also a git mirror at [https://github.com/eiffelsoftware/eiffel-org] so you can also contribute via github by sending pull request.
= Step by step with git =
* Go to [https://github.com/eiffelsoftware/eiffel-org] for the project, then git clone on your machine.
* create a git branch.
* add or edit the files locally.
* once you want to share your changes.
** git commit your changes.
** git push them to your github repository.
** then create a pull request so that the Eiffel.org documentation team can review and integrate the changes.
* See current pull requests at [https://github.com/EiffelSoftware/eiffel-org/pulls].
= Step by step with subversion =
* svn checkout https://svn.eiffel.com/eiffel-org/trunk/documentation/trunk/
* add or edit the files locally.
* once you want to share your changes.
** svn update.
** Send the patch via [https://codereview.appspot.com/]. (note: follow the instructions from codereview site, you will need to use a python script "upload.py" distributed by the codereview site).
* See current patches at [https://codereview.appspot.com/search?base=https://svn.eiffel.com/eiffel-org/trunk/documentation/trunk/].
= Live editing on this site =
* If you are a trusted editor, you can edit the documentation directly.
* To be a trusted editor, please request it via the [https://www.eiffel.org/contact contact] page (do not forget to mention who you are and why you think you should be a trusted editor).