[[Property:title|CECIL - How to compile the samples?]]
==Compiling for Windows==

Depending on your C compiler different steps have to be done, but do not forget to do the following before starting the C compiler specific part in a DOS console:
<code>set ISE_EIFFEL=XXX</code>

where XXX is the EiffelStudio installation directory. 

===With Borland C++:===

By default, Borland C++ is not in your path, so you will have to first set your path correctly by typing:
<code>set PATH=%ISE_EIFFEL%\BCC55\bin;%PATH%</code>

If the file `Makefile. win' is present, then you can launch the compilation with:
<code>make -f Makefile. win</code>

Otherwise launch the compilation with:
<code>make -f Makefile. bcb</code>

===With Microsoft Visual C++:===

By default, the command line tools of Visual C++ should be available from the command line. 

If the file `Makefile. win' is present, then you can launch the compilation with:
<code>nmake -f Makefile. win</code>

Otherwise launch the compilation with:
<code>nmake -f Makefile. msc</code>

==Compiling for UNIX==

Then, make sure that your path to the EiffelStudio executables are properly configured before launching the command below. 

To compile and execute from scratch type:
<code>finish_freezing -library</code>