[[Property:title|Progress bar sample]] [[Property:weight|6]] [[Property:uuid|3b888246-2382-ec0b-ed4c-e1d35fe1bd79]]
[[Image:progress-bar|Hello world form]]
==Compiling== To compile the example: # Launch EiffelStudio. # Click '''Add project''' # Browse to ''$ISE_EIFFEL\examples\dotnet\winforms\control_reference\progress_bar_ctl\'' # Choose ''progress_bar_ctl.ecf'' # Choose the location where the project will be compiled, by default the same directory containing the configuration file. # Click '''Open'''. ==Running== After launching the application, you will see a window displayed with a similar appearance to the one above. On the left of the form you have the PROGRESS_BAR control, and on the right you have some controls to configure the PROGRESS_BAR. ==Under the Hood== The application shows how to configure a PROGRESS_BAR. The feature on_load is redefined and launch a thread (THREAD_START) that simulates the progression of a process. This sample uses the following classes: * PROGRESS_BAR * GROUP_BOX * TRACK_BAR * COMBO_BOX * LABEL * THREAD_START ==Notes== This sample is translated from the example located in the QuickStart\winforms\samples\controlReference\ProgressBar sub-directory of the .NET Framework SDK samples directory of Microsoft Visual Studio .NET.