To compile the example:
* Launch EiffelStudio.
* Click '''Add project'''
* Browse to ''$ISE_EIFFEL\examples\wel\brushes\''.
* Choose ''brushes.ecf''
* Choose the location where the project will be compiled, by default the same directory containing the configuration file.
* Click '''OK'''.
After launching the program you will see a window displayed containing three push buttons marked "Brushes", "Rectangles" and "3D". Clicking "Brushes" will open a new window demonstrating different brushes available. Clicking "Rectangles" will open a new window within which many different shaped and colored rectangles will be drawn. Clicking"3D" will open a new window demonstrating the use of multiple bitmaps for animation.
==Under the Hood==
Each of the three windows that are opened from the programs MAIN_WINDOW
inherit [[ref:libraries/wel/reference/wel_frame_window_chart|WEL_FRAME_WINDOW]] and contains code for generating their output. BRUSHES_DEMO
redefines idle_action
to force a re-draw on the applicable windows.
{{note|If enable_idle_action
is not called, then idle_action
is never executed. }}
This sample contains the following classes: