[[Property:title|Split Area]] [[Property:weight|5]] [[Property:uuid|b53ef206-7cda-5f27-649c-e43b47688061]] [[Image:splitarea|splitarea]]

==Compiling== To compile the example: * Launch EiffelStudio. * Click '''Add project''' * Browse to ''$ISE_EIFFEL\examples\wel\splitarea\''. * Choose ''split_area.ecf'' * Choose the location where the project will be compiled, by default the same directory containing the configuration file. * Click '''OK'''. ==Running== After launching the program, a window will be displayed containing a pair of [[ref:libraries/wel/reference/wel_rich_edit_chart|WEL_RICH_EDIT]] in a split area. Clicking the mouse on the split area (between the two rich edits) and dragging the mouse, will adjust the split area and its content accordingly. ==Under the Hood== There is no split area class provided with WEL, but WEL_SPLIT_AREA was created for this sample to illustrate how new controls can be built when required. Redefining some of the `on_` features inherited from [[ref:libraries/wel/reference/wel_window_chart|WEL_WINDOW]] in WEL_SPLIT_AREA shows how the control over the contents of the split area is achieved. This sample contains the following classes: * APPLICATION * SPLIT_AREA_DEMO * WEL_SPLIT_AREA {{seealso|
[[ref:libraries/wel/reference/wel_rich_edit_chart|WEL_RICH_EDIT]] }}