[[Property:title|Commands]] [[Property:weight|-12]] [[Property:uuid|e1942cb8-02df-352e-061c-2c87c280ead8]] [[Image:commands|commands]]

==Compiling== To compile the example: * Launch EiffelStudio. * Click '''Add project''' * Browse to ''$ISE_EIFFEL\examples\wel\commands\''. * Choose ''commands.ecf'' * Choose the location where the project will be compiled, by default the same directory containing the configuration file. * Click '''OK'''. ==Running== After launching the program, you will see a window displayed with a similar appearance to the one illustrated above. Please follow the instructions displayed in the window. ==Under the Hood== MAIN_DIALOG inherits [[ref:libraries/wel/reference/wel_main_dialog_chart|WEL_MAIN_DIALOG]] which provides the feature put_command, used to associate a [[ref:libraries/wel/reference/wel_command_chart|WEL_COMMAND]] to a Windows message received by the window. A [[ref:libraries/wel/reference/wel_command_chart|WEL_COMMAND]] contains a deferred feature, execute which is executed when the command is fired. SHOW_COMMAND_INFORMATION, SHOW_MOUSE_BUTTON_INFORMATION and SHOW_MOVE_INFORMATION all inherit [[ref:libraries/wel/reference/wel_command_chart|WEL_COMMAND]] . {{note|execute has an argument of type ANY which is used to pass any additional information required. }} This sample contains the following classes: * APPLICATION_IDS * COMMANDS_DEMO * MAIN_DIALOG * SHOW_COMMAND_INFORMATION * SHOW_MOUSE_BUTTON_INFORMATION * SHOW_MOVE_INFORMATION