[[Property:title|General Editor Preferences]] [[Property:weight|1]] [[Property:uuid|37b448fb-37a8-7996-1a8a-35b4e74b17d0]] General Preferences {| border="1" |- | '''Label in the preferences window''' | '''Complete Description''' |- | Automatic update | Automatic update when the file has not been modified. |- | Blinking cursor | Does text cursor blink? |- | Editor font | All-purpose editor font. |- | Keyword font | Keyword editor font. |- | Left margin width | Width of left margin in editor. Note: this is not the breakpoint margin, but the whitespace to the left of the editor. |- | Mouse wheel scroll full page | Mouse wheel scroll full page? |- | Mouse wheel scroll size | Mouse wheel scroll size. |- | Quadruple click enabled | Does a quadruple click select the entire document? |- | Scrolling common line count | Number of common lines staying on screen after scrolling by one page up or down. |- | Show line numbers | Indicates if editor displays the line numbers by default. |- | Smart indentation | Should editor perform auto-indenting? |- | Tab step | Number of spaces that a tabulation character represents. |- | Use buffered line | Indicates if editor line drawing is first buffered and then drawn, or just drawn directly to the screen. If true scrolling will be smoother, but performance will be slower. |- | Use tab for indentation | Should tab character be used for auto-indentation? |} Display Colors {| border="1" |- | '''Label in the preferences window''' | '''Complete Description''' |- | colors.normal_text_color | Color for normal text. |- | colors.normal_background_color | Background color for normal text. |- | colors.selection_text_color | Color of selected text. |- | colors.selection_background_color | Background color of selected text. |- | colors.string_text_color | Color of string text. |- | colors.string_background_color | Background color of string text. |- | colors.keyword_text_color | Color of keyword text. |- | colors.keyword_background_color | Background color of keyword text. |- | colors.spaces_text_color | Color of space characters. |- | colors.spaces_background_color | Background color of space characters. |- | colors.comments_text_color | Color of comments text. |- | colors.comments_background_color | Background color of comments text. |- | colors.operator_text_color | Color of operator text. |- | colors.operator_background_color | Background color of operator text. |- | colors.number_text_color | Color of number text. |- | colors.number_background_color | Background color of number text. |- | colors.margin_background_color | Background color of line number margin. |- | colors.margin_separator_color | Color of separator between line number margin and editor. |- | colors.line_number_text_color | Color of line number text. |}