[[Property:title|Context Tools]] [[Property:weight|1]] [[Property:uuid|40300782-f154-3a13-acd4-ee48184be315]] This category gathers the preferences related to context tools. {| border="1" |- | '''Label in the preferences window''' | '''Complete Description''' |- | Default class formatter index | Class view format that is selected by default (see table below for available format indexes). |- | Default feature formatter index | Feature view format that is selected by default (see table below for available format indexes). |- | Excluded indexing items | Indexing items that need not be included in formatted texts. |- | Formatters history size | Number of cached formatted text in history. |- | Show all callers | Show all callers (as opposed to local callers) in `callers` form. |} Class views indices: {| border="1" |- | '''Index''' | '''Class view''' |- | 1 | Clickable view |- | 2 | Flat view |- | 3 | Contract view |- | 4 | Interface view |- | 5 | Ancestors |- | 6 | Descendants |- | 7 | Clients |- | 8 | Suppliers |- | 9 | Attributes |- | 10 | Routines |- | 11 | Deferred features |- | 12 | Once routines and constants |- | 13 | External features |- | 14 | Exported features |} Feature views indices: {| border="1" |- | '''Index''' | '''Feature view''' |- | 1 | Basic text view |- | 2 | Flat view |- | 3 | Callers |- | 4 | Implementers |- | 5 | Ancestor versions |- | 6 | Descendants versions |- | 7 | Homonyms |} {{seealso|
[[EiffelStudio Tools Preferences|Preferences for other tools]] }}