[[Property:title|New function layout]] [[Property:weight|3]] [[Property:uuid|ae292b6e-7274-47a5-59f1-0f625493474f]]
When clicking '''Function''', the dialog changes to the function layout. It has the following components: * [[Feature clauses|Feature clause selection]] * [[Name field|Feature name field]] * [[Argument list|Argument list]] * [[Type selection|Type selection]] * [[Header comment|Header comment field]] * [[Precondition|Precondition field]] * [[Local variable|Local variable field]] * [[Feature body|Selection for: normal, once, deferred or external routine]] * [[Postcondition|Postcondition field]] ==Example== This dialog box:

Produces this feature:
class PRODUCT feature -- Status report order_price (quantity: INTEGER): DOUBLE -- Total price when ordering `quantity'. require quantity_non_negative: quantity >= 0 do Result := quantity * price ensure correct: Result = quantity * price end end -- class PRODUCT