<code lang="text">
#include "eif_cecil.h"

void eif_enable_visible_exception ();
void eif_disable_visible_exception ();

The [[eif_enable_visible_exception]] routine enables the visible exception, while [[eif_disable_visible_exception]] disables it. These routines can be used for debugging purpose. A visible exception is raised when the user tries to access to an Eiffel attribute or a Eiffel routine address which is not visible. 

The visible exception is disabled by default. 


ISE Eiffel 4.5 and later. 


In ISE Eiffel 4.3 and 4.4, the visible exception is enabled by default. 

{{SeeAlso| <br/>
[[eif_attribute]] <br/>
[[eif_procedure]] <br/>
[[eif_*_function]]  }}