[[Property:title|EiffelCOM Wizard Reference]] [[Property:weight|-12]] [[Property:uuid|d3564eb8-ef56-4ec1-599f-430b023fa7e8]] The '''EiffelCOM Wizard''' is delivered with EiffelStudio, but it is a '''standalone tool''' (i. e., not part of the EiffelStudio IDE). You can find the wizard by following the directory path: <code lang="text">$ISE_EIFFEL\wizards\com</code>. The executable file <code lang="text">com_wizard_launcher.exe</code> will launch the GUI version of the wizard. The executable file <code lang="text">com_wizard.exe</code> is a command line version of the wizard described [[Wizards: Command Line Options|here]]. The EiffelCOM Wizard facilitates the creation of Eiffel projects implementing or reusing COM components. * [[How the EiffelCOM Wizard works|How the EiffelCOM Wizard works]] describes the steps followed by the wizard when creating the Eiffel project. * [[Generated Files|Generated Files]] describes the list of generated files and their usage. * [[Class Hierarchy|Class Hierarchy]] describes the class hierarchy of the generated Eiffel project. * [[Eiffel Project Processing|Eiffel Project Processing]] covers how to add a COM interface to an existing EiffelStudio project. * [[Reusing a COM Component|Accessing a COM Component]] describes how to reuse an existing COM component. * [[Building a COM Component|Building a COM Component]] describes how to build a new COM component. * [[Wizards: Command Line Options|Command Line Options]] describes using the wizard from the command line. {{seealso|<br/> [[EiffelCOM Wizard Introduction|Introduction]] <br/> [[EiffelCOM Wizard Guided Tour|Guided Tour]] }}