description: "common targets for EiffelMedia applications" copyright: "Copyright (c) 2005, Till G. Bay and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see forum.txt)" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" Build Ace file or ESD file for Eiffel compiler ${eiffel}. Generate file in ${gexace_output} if specified. Pass $DEBUG option to 'gexace' if ${debug} is defined. Pass $BOOTSTRAP option to 'gexace' if ${bootstrap} is defined. Pass $GOBO_OS value to 'gexace'. Pass $cc value to 'gexace' as $GOBO_CC. Pass $eiffel value to 'gexace' as $GOBO_EIFFEL. Pass $GOBO_XML_EXPAT option to 'gexace' if defined. Pass $GOBO_DOTNET option to 'gexace' if defined. Pass $ISE_5_1 option to 'gexace' if defined. Pass $SE_0_74 option to 'gexace' if defined. Pass $EWG_FFCALL option to 'gexace' if defined. Pass $IS_MAC_OS_X option to 'gexace' if `ewg.is_mac_os_x' is set to 'true'. Pass $HAS_NEW_GTK_CONFIG option to 'gexace' if `em.has_new_gtk_config' is set to 'true'. To be redefined in descendant if additional options are necessary. Remove other intermediary generated files. Create the executable File and remove all other files.