indexing description: "A Simple Interface for the elfractal application" author: "Lars Krapf" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class EF_SIMPLE_PANEL inherit EM_PANEL EM_SHARED_THEME export {NONE} all end create make feature -- Initialization make(a_display: EF_3D_DISPLAY; a_history: EF_HISTORY) is require a_display: a_display /= Void do -- Initialize Panel panel_view := a_display panel_history := a_history make_from_dimension(200,570) set_background_color(create {EM_COLOR}.make_with_rgb(225,225,225)) --- ### Hier Programmcode für zusätzliche Widgets einfügen (1.4 - 1.8) ensure panel_s_not_void: panel_view /= Void and panel_history /= Void end feature -- Widgets -- A reference to the 3d panel panel_view: EF_3D_DISPLAY -- A reference to the history panel panel_history: EF_HISTORY -- Ein Textbox Widget textbox_system: EM_TEXTBOX -- ### Hier zusätzliche Widgets deklarieren... (1.4 - 1.8) feature {NONE} -- Implementation compile_event(an_event: EM_MOUSEBUTTON_EVENT) is -- Compile Button has been clicked do compile end compile is -- Compile the Script and redraw do panel_view.set_system_string(create {STRING}.make_from_string(textbox_system.text)) panel_view.set_iterations(0) panel_view.create_script -- Add a screenshot to the history panel_history.add_screenshot(create {STRING}.make_from_string(textbox_system.text)) end change_example(example_string: STRING) is -- Change the Example and redraw require example_string: example_string /= Void do -- Hier Programmcode für den selection_changed_event der -- Combobox ergänzen (1.8) end end