struct appdata { float4 position : POSITION; float4 color : COLOR0; float3 wave : COLOR1; }; struct vfconn { float4 HPos : POSITION; float4 Col0 : COLOR0; }; vfconn main(appdata IN, uniform float4x4 ModelViewProj) { vfconn OUT; // Variable to handle our output from the vertex // shader (goes to a fragment shader if available). // Change The Y Position Of The Vertex Based On Sine Waves IN.position.z = ( sin(IN.wave.x + (IN.position.x / 5.0f) ) + sin(IN.wave.x + (IN.position.z / 4.0f) ) ) * 2.5f; //IN.position.z = IN.wave.x; //IN.position.z = 0.0 + IN.position.z; // Transform The Vertex Position Into Homogenous Clip-Space (Required) OUT.HPos = mul(ModelViewProj, IN.position); // Set The Color To The Value Specified In IN.color =; return OUT; }