indexing description: "[ CONTEXT objects represent a certain game context used fot processing events/actions. The CONTEXT class ist just a glueing class to merge registry, repository, trash and context item (see Event) into one class. For this reason, we do not have to pass 4 arguments when perfoming actions, but only one CONTEXT object (e.g. see ACTION.perform) This class is part of the XAE Extended Adventure Engine Project. ]" author: "Adrian Rabenseifner," date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class CONTEXT create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make(reg: REGISTRY; rep, tra: REPOSITORY; item: ITEM) is -- Initialize `Current'. do registry := reg repository := rep trash := tra context_item := item end feature -- Access registry: REGISTRY repository: REPOSITORY trash: REPOSITORY context_item: ITEM end -- class CONTEXT