indexing description: "[ The singleton object of GUI_CONSTANTS encapsulates various constants such as colors, fonts, default image paths and size parameters. It also provides a 'ticks' function (not exactly a constant) which gives you the number of milliseconds since the app was started. This class is part of the XAE Extended Adventure Engine Project. ]" author: "Ralph Wiedemeier," date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class GUI_CONSTANTS inherit EM_TIME_SINGLETON export {NONE} all end create {GUI_SHARED} default_create feature -- Colors color_transparent: EM_COLOR is -- transparent color once result := create {EM_COLOR}.make_black result.set_alpha (0) end color_black: EM_COLOR is -- black color once result := create {EM_COLOR}.make_black end color_dark_grey: EM_COLOR is -- dark grey color once result := create {EM_COLOR}.make_with_rgb (64, 64, 64) end color_light_grey: EM_COLOR is -- light grey color once result := create {EM_COLOR}.make_with_rgb (192, 192, 192) end color_white: EM_COLOR is -- black color once result := create {EM_COLOR}.make_white end color_yellow: EM_COLOR is -- yellow color once result := create {EM_COLOR}.make_with_rgb (255, 255, 0) end color_closeup_fill: EM_COLOR is -- color for closeup fill once Result := create {EM_COLOR}.make_with_rgb (0, 0, 0) Result.set_alpha (170) end color_closeup_border_normal: EM_COLOR is -- color for closeup border in normal state once Result := create {EM_COLOR}.make_with_rgb (164, 45, 45) end color_closeup_border_hoover: EM_COLOR is -- color for closeup border in hoover state once Result := create {EM_COLOR}.make_with_rgb (212, 52, 52) end color_option_fill_normal: EM_COLOR is -- color for option text fill once Result := clone (color_black) Result.set_alpha (192) end color_option_fill_hoover: EM_COLOR is -- color for option text fill once Result := create {EM_COLOR}.make_with_rgb (212, 52, 52) Result.set_alpha (128) end color_menu_border_normal: EM_COLOR is -- color for menu borders once result := create {EM_COLOR}.make_with_rgb (38, 80, 133) end color_menu_border_hoover: EM_COLOR is -- color for menu border once Result := create {EM_COLOR}.make_with_rgb (7, 100, 215) end color_menu_fill: EM_COLOR is -- color for menu backgrounds once result := create {EM_COLOR}.make_with_rgb (9, 30, 61) end color_repository_border_normal: EM_COLOR is -- color for repository border once result := create {EM_COLOR}.make_with_rgb (38, 80, 113) end color_repository_border_hoover: EM_COLOR is -- color for repository border once Result := create {EM_COLOR}.make_with_rgb (7, 100, 215) end color_repository_fill: EM_COLOR is -- color for repository background once result := create {EM_COLOR}.make_with_rgb (9, 30, 61) end color_button_border_normal: EM_COLOR is -- color for button item border once result := create {EM_COLOR}.make_with_rgb (20, 77, 162) end color_button_fill_normal: EM_COLOR is -- color for button item border once result := create {EM_COLOR}.make_with_rgb (16, 51, 104) end color_button_fill_hoover: EM_COLOR is -- color for button item background once result := create {EM_COLOR}.make_with_rgb (37, 112, 205) end color_button_text_disabled: EM_COLOR is -- color for button item background once result := create {EM_COLOR}.make_with_rgb (100, 100, 128) end color_item_fill_normal: EM_COLOR is -- color for repository item border once result := create {EM_COLOR}.make_with_rgb (11, 39, 81) end color_item_fill_hoover: EM_COLOR is -- color for repository item background once result := create {EM_COLOR}.make_with_rgb (22, 89, 172) end color_item_border_selected: EM_COLOR is -- color for selected repository item once result := create {EM_COLOR}.make_with_rgb (255, 255, 0) end color_tooltip_border: EM_COLOR is -- border color for tooltip once result := create {EM_COLOR}.make_with_rgb (201, 255, 86) end color_tooltip_fill: EM_COLOR is -- fill color for tooltip once result := color_black end color_credits_text_1: EM_COLOR is -- color for selected repository item once result := create {EM_COLOR}.make_with_rgb (212, 255, 138) end color_credits_text_2: EM_COLOR is -- color for selected repository item once result := create {EM_COLOR}.make_with_rgb (94, 237, 144) end color_credits_text_3: EM_COLOR is -- color for selected repository item once result := create {EM_COLOR}.make_with_rgb (47, 220, 198) end color_credits_text_4: EM_COLOR is -- color for selected repository item once result := create {EM_COLOR}.make_with_rgb (2, 24, 70) end feature -- Fonts font_normal: GUI_PROPORTIONAL_FONT is -- standard font, normal face once result := create {GUI_PROPORTIONAL_FONT}.make_with_font_resource ("fonts/isonorm_normal_512") end font_bold: GUI_PROPORTIONAL_FONT is -- standard font, bold face once result := create {GUI_PROPORTIONAL_FONT}.make_with_font_resource ("fonts/isonorm_bold_512") end font_big: GUI_PROPORTIONAL_FONT is -- big font, normal face once result := create {GUI_PROPORTIONAL_FONT}.make_with_font_resource ("fonts/isonorm_normal_1024") end feature -- Image path path_skin: STRING is "images/default_skin.tga" path_panorama_default_1: STRING is "images/p_default_1.jpg" path_panorama_default_2: STRING is "images/p_default_2.jpg" feature -- Window size window_width: INTEGER is 1024 window_height: INTEGER is 768 window_aspect: DOUBLE is 1.3333333 feature -- Time service ticks: INTEGER is -- get milliseconds since start of esdl do result := time.ticks end feature -- Panorama stage_radius: INTEGER is 650 end -- class GUI_CONSTANTS