indexing description: "Generic parent class for 3D-Vector." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" deferred class EM_ABSTRACT_VECTOR4[N -> NUMERIC] inherit EM_ABSTRACT_VECTOR[N] undefine default_create end ANY undefine default_create, is_equal end feature -- Access is_equal(other: like Current): BOOLEAN is -- are two vectors equal? do Result := x = other.x and y = other.y and z = other.z and w = other.w end x: N assign set_x y: N assign set_y z: N assign set_z w: N assign set_w set_x ( value: like x ) is -- Specify x do x := value ensure x_set: x = value end set_y ( value: like y ) is -- Specify y do y := value ensure y_set: y = value end set_z ( value: like z ) is -- Specify z do z := value ensure z_set: z = value end set_w ( value: like w ) is -- Specify w do w := value ensure w_set: w = value end element, item alias "[]", infix "@" (i: INTEGER): N assign set_element is -- Returns element number i of the vector do inspect i when 1 then Result := x when 2 then Result := y when 3 then Result := z when 4 then Result := w else check false end end end dimension: INTEGER is 4 -- Dimension zero: like Current is -- Zero vector deferred ensure then x_set: Result.x = 0 y_set: Result.y = 0 z_set: Result.z = 0 w_set: Result.w = 0 end one: like Current is -- Vector containing a 1 in each dimension deferred ensure then x_set: Result.x = 1 y_set: Result.y = 1 z_set: Result.z = 1 w_set: Result.w = 1 end feature -- Initialization make( a_x: like x; a_y: like y; a_z: like z; a_w: like w ) is -- creates a vector from 2 components do x := a_x y := a_y z := a_z w := a_w end make_from_tuple( t: TUPLE[N, N, N, N] ) is -- Create a vector from a tuple eg. [1,2,3,4] deferred end make_from_tuplei( t: TUPLE[INTEGER, INTEGER, INTEGER, INTEGER] ) is -- Create a vector from a tuple eg. [1,2,3,4] deferred end make_from_tuplef( t: TUPLE[REAL, REAL, REAL, REAL] ) is -- Create a vector from a tuple eg. [1,2,3,4] deferred end make_from_tupled( t: TUPLE[DOUBLE, DOUBLE, DOUBLE, DOUBLE] ) is -- Create a vector from a tuple eg. [1,2,3,4] deferred end make_from_reference ( vec: like Current ) is -- create the vector from a ref deferred ensure then x_set: x = vec.x y_set: y = vec.y z_set: z = vec.z w_set: w = vec.w end fill, make_filled ( a_value: N ) is -- Fill vector with 'a_value' do x := a_value y := a_value z := a_value w := a_value ensure then x_set: x = a_value y_set: y = a_value z_set: z = a_value w_set: w = a_value end default_create is -- creates a vector set to 0 deferred end feature -- Commands set_element, put (a_value: N; i: INTEGER) is -- Sets the selected element to 'a_value'. do inspect i when 1 then x := a_value when 2 then y := a_value when 3 then z := a_value when 4 then w := a_value else check false end end end norm: N is -- returns the norm(length*length) of the vector do result := dot_product(Current) end length alias "||": N is -- returns the length of the vector deferred end scale ( factor: N ) is -- scale the vector do x := x * factor y := y * factor z := z * factor w := w * factor ensure then -- x_set: x = old x * factor -- y_set: y = old y * factor -- z_set: z = old z * factor -- w_set: w = old w * factor end scaled alias "*" ( factor: N ) : like Current is -- returns the length of the vector deferred ensure then -- x_set: Result.x = factor * x -- y_set: Result.y = factor * y -- z_set: Result.z = factor * z -- w_set: Result.w = factor * w end normalized: like Current is -- return a normalized vector do result := Current*( end dot_product ( other: like Current ): N is -- not much to say here do result := x*other.x + y*other.y + z*other.z + w*other.w end scale_d ( factor: DOUBLE) is -- Scales the vector. deferred end scaled_d ( factor: DOUBLE) : like Current is -- Returns a new scaled vector deferred end ew_multiply ( a_factor: like Current) is -- Multiplies the operand 'a_factor' element wise on 'Current' do x := x * a_factor.x y := y * a_factor.y z := z * a_factor.z w := w * a_factor.w ensure then -- x = old x * a_factor.x -- y = old y * a_factor.y -- z = old z * a_factor.z -- w = old w * a_factor.w end ew_multiplied ( a_factor: like Current) : like current is -- Returns a new vector constructed by element wise multiplication of the operands 'Current' and 'a_factor' deferred end ew_divide ( a_divisor: like Current) is -- Divides 'Current' through 'a_divisor' do x := x / a_divisor.x y := y / a_divisor.y z := z / a_divisor.z w := w / a_divisor.w ensure then -- x = old x / a_factor.x -- y = old y / a_factor.y -- z = old z / a_factor.z -- w = old w / a_factor.w end ew_divided ( a_divisor: like Current) : like current is -- Returns a new vector constructed by element wise division of the operands 'Current' and 'a_divisor' deferred end add, ew_add ( other: like Current) is -- Add the vector to Current. do x := x + other.x y := y + other.y z := z + other.z w := w + other.w ensure then -- x_set: x = old x + other.x -- y_set: y = old y + other.y -- z_set: z = old z + other.z -- w_set: w = old w + other.w end sub, ew_subtract ( other: like Current) is -- Subtract the vector 'other' from Current. do x := x - other.x y := y - other.y z := z - other.z w := w - other.w ensure then -- x_set: x = old x - other.x -- y_set: y = old y - other.y -- z_set: z = old z - other.z -- w_set: w = old w - other.w end infix "+", ew_added ( other: like Current ): like Current is -- adds two vectors deferred ensure then -- x_set: Result.x = x + other.x -- y_set: Result.y = y + other.y -- z_set: Result.z = z + other.z -- w_set: Result.w = w + other.w end infix "-", ew_subtracted ( other: like Current ): like Current is -- substracts two vectors deferred ensure then -- x_set: Result.x = x - other.x -- y_set: Result.y = y - other.y -- z_set: Result.z = z - other.z -- w_set: Result.w = w - other.w end prefix "-" : like Current is -- negates the vector deferred ensure then -- x_set: Result.x = -x -- y_set: Result.y = -y -- z_set: Result.z = -z -- w_set: Result.w = -w end feature -- Conversion to_tuple: TUPLE[N, N, N, N] is -- convert to a tuple do result := [x,y,z,w] end to_c: ANY is -- Address of actual sequence of values, -- for passing to external (non-Eiffel) routines. do result := Current end to_reference: EM_ABSTRACT_VECTOR4[N] is -- Associated reference of Current deferred ensure to_reference_not_void: Result /= Void x_set: Result.x = x y_set: Result.y = y z_set: Result.z = z w_set: Result.w = w end to_pointer: POINTER is -- Convert to c-pointer do result := $Current end end