indexing description: " A Quaternion is a replacement for retation-matrices. Its very fast and easy to interpolate, ... and can be transformed into a rotation matrix and vice versa " date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class EM_QUATERNION_REF inherit DOUBLE_MATH rename log as log_math export {NONE} all redefine out, default_create end EM_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all {ANY} Em_eps redefine out, default_create end ANY redefine out, default_create end create make, default_create, make_from_rotation, make_from_matrix44, make_from_arc, make_from_exp feature -- Access v: EM_VECTOR3D w: DOUBLE set_w( a_w: like w ) -- Specify the forth parameter cos(angle) do w := a_w ensure w_is_set: w = a_w end set_v( a_v: like v ) -- Specify the vector sin(angle)*axis do v := a_v ensure v_is_set: v = a_v end feature -- Initialization make_from_reference( quaternion: EM_QUATERNION_REF ) is -- Creates from a reference require quaternion /= void do v := quaternion.v w := quaternion.w end make( a_v: like v; a_w: like w) is -- Creates a Quaternion from its components -- ATTENTION a_v and a_w ARE NOT ANGLE AND DIRECTION!! require normalized: (a_v.norm+a_w*a_w-1)em_eps then s := 0.5 / sqrt(t) w := 0.25 / s v.set ( s * (matrix[2,3] - matrix[3,2]), s * (matrix[3,1] - matrix[1,3]), s * (matrix[1,2] - matrix[2,1]) ) elseif (matrix[1,1] > matrix[2,2]) and (matrix[1,1] > matrix[3,3]) then s := sqrt( 1.0 + matrix[1,1] - matrix[2,2] - matrix[3,3] ) * 2 v.set ( s * 0.25, (matrix[1,2] + matrix[2,1]) / s, (matrix[1,3] + matrix[3,1]) / s ) w := (matrix[3,2] - matrix[2,3] ) / s elseif matrix[2,2] > matrix[3,3] then s := sqrt( 1.0 + matrix[2,2] - matrix[1,1] - matrix[3,3] ) * 2 v.set ( (matrix[2,1] + matrix[1,2]) / s, s * 0.25, (matrix[2,3] + matrix[3,2]) / s ) w := (matrix[1,3] - matrix[3,1] ) / s else s := sqrt( 1.0 + matrix[3,3] - matrix[2,2] - matrix[1,1] ) * 2 v.set ( (matrix[3,3] + matrix[3,3]) / s, (matrix[3,2] + matrix[2,3]) / s, s * 0.25 ) w := (matrix[2,1] - matrix[2,1] ) / s end normalize end make_from_arc( v1: EM_VECTOR3D; v2: EM_VECTOR3D ) is -- Create a quaternion from the angle between v1 and v2, -- so that is transforms v1 to v2 local n_v1: EM_VECTOR3D -- A normalized 3D vector n_v2: EM_VECTOR3D -- A normalized 3D vector c: EM_VECTOR3D -- Cross product d: DOUBLE -- Dot Product s: DOUBLE -- temp value do n_v1 := v1.normalized n_v2 := v2.normalized c := n_v1.cross_product ( n_v2 ) d := n_v1.dot_product ( n_v2 ) s := sqrt( (1+d)*2 ) if s.abs < Em_eps then -- there is no unique solution if n_v1.x=0 then v.set ( 1, 0, 0 ) else s := 1 / sqrt( ( (n_v1.y*n_v1.y)/(n_v1.x*n_v1.x) ) + 1 ) v.set ( -n_v1.y/n_v1.x*s , s, 0 ) end w := 0 else v.set ( c.x/s , c.y/s , c.z/s ) w := s / 2 end normalize end make_from_euler( yaw, pitch, roll: DOUBLE ) is -- Create the Quaternion from an Euler rotation local sinY, cosY: DOUBLE sinP, cosP: DOUBLE sinR, cosR: DOUBLE do sinY := sine( yaw / 2 ) cosY := cosine( yaw / 2 ) sinP := sine( pitch / 2 ) cosP := cosine( pitch / 2 ) sinR := sine( roll / 2 ) cosR := cosine( roll / 2 ) v := [ cosR * sinP * cosY + sinR * cosP * sinY, cosR * cosP * sinY - sinR * sinP * cosY, sinR * cosP * cosY - cosR * sinP * sinY ] w := cosR * cosP * cosY + sinR * sinP *sinY normalize end make_from_exp( an_exponent: EM_VECTOR3D ) is -- Create a quaternion exp( 'an_exponent' ) -- The length of the vector is the rotation angle -- the direction of the vector the axis local a: DOUBLE do make_from_rotation( an_exponent, an_exponent.length ) end feature -- Commands conjugate is -- returns the inverse of the Quaternion do v := -v end conjugated: like Current is -- returns the inverse of the Quaternion do create result.make(-v, w) end inverse is -- returns the inverse of the Quaternion do conjugate scale(1/norm) end inversed: like Current is -- returns the inverse of the Quaternion do result := conjugated.scaled(1/norm) end interpolate_linear( b: like Current; t: DOUBLE): like Current is -- Interpolates current and b, t is in [0, 1] 0 is current and 1 is b require 0<=t and t<=1 do result := scaled( 1-t ) + b.scaled (t) -- linear interpolation does NOT preserve magnitude so we have to normalize result.normalize ensure (result.norm -1).abs < Em_eps end interpolate_spherical( b: like Current; t: DOUBLE): like Current is -- Interpolates current and b, t is in [0, 1] 0 is current and 1 is b -- If you can precompute the angle between the two vectors safe it and use -- 'interpolate_spherical_linear_a' instead. This function is a big overhead -- Since b and -b are the same rotation, its best to choose -b if |cutting_angle| > pi/2 require 0<=t and t<=1 local a: DOUBLE do a := cutting_angle( b ) if a > pi/2 then result := interpolate_spherical_a( -b, t, pi-a ) else result := interpolate_spherical_a( b, t, a ) end ensure (result.norm -1).abs < Em_eps end interpolate_spherical_a( b: like Current; t: DOUBLE; a: DOUBLE): like Current is -- Interpolates current and b, t is in [0, 1] 0 is current and 1 is b -- a: is the angle between current and b, so it dont has to be recomputed every time -- Since b and -b are the same rotation, its best to choose -b if |cutting_angle| > pi/2 require 0<=t and t<=1 (a - cutting_angle(b) ).abs > Em_eps do result := scaled( sine ( (1-t) * a ) ) + b.scaled( sine ( t * a ) ) -- linear interpolation does NOT preserve magnitude so we have to normalize result.normalize ensure (result.norm -1).abs < Em_eps end cutting_angle ( other: like current ): DOUBLE is -- returns the cutting angle local dp: DOUBLE do dp := dot_product ( other ) if dp<1 then result := arc_cosine ( dp ) else result := 0 end end acute_cutting_angle ( other: like current ): DOUBLE is -- returns the acute cutting angle do result := arc_cosine ( dot_product ( other ).abs ) end dot_product ( other: like Current ): DOUBLE is -- Multiplies two Quaternion do result := (w*other.w) + v.dot_product(other.v); end infix "*" ( other: like Current ): like Current is -- Multiplies two Quaternion do create result.make( v.cross_product(other.v) + (v*other.w) + (other.v*w) , (w*other.w) - (v.dot_product(other.v)) ) end infix "+" ( other: like Current ): like Current is -- Adds two Quaternion do create result.make( v + other.v , w + other.w ) end infix "-" ( other: like Current ): like Current is -- Adds two Quaternion do create result.make( v - other.v , w - other.w ) end prefix "-" : like Current is -- Adds two Quaternion do create result.make( - v , - w ) end norm : DOUBLE is -- gets length*length of a quaternion do result := v.x*v.x + v.y*v.y + v.z*v.z + w*w end length alias "||" : DOUBLE is -- gets the "length" of a quaternion do result := sqrt(norm) end normalized: like Current is -- returns a the unit quaternion belonging to the current quaternion do if length>Em_eps then result := scaled(1/length) else create result.make( v , w ) end end normalize is -- returns a the unit quaternion belonging to the current quaternion local a: DOUBLE do if length>Em_eps then a := 1/length v := v * a w := w * a end end scaled( factor: DOUBLE ): like Current is -- returns a scalar of the current Quaternion do create result.make( v*factor, w*factor ) end scale( factor: DOUBLE ) is -- returns a scalar of the current Quaternion do v := v*factor w := w*factor end power alias "^" ( t: DOUBLE ): like Current is -- returns the t'th power of current do create result.make_from_rotation ( axis_of_rotation, angle_of_rotation*t ) end angle_of_rotation_sign: INTEGER is -- The sign of the angle of rot local a: DOUBLE do a := w/length + 3/2 * pi -- Modulo a := a - 2*pi*( a / (2*pi) ).floor result := (a-pi).sign end axis_of_rotation: EM_VECTOR3D is -- returns the rotation vector do if v.is_equal( then Result := else result := v.normalized * angle_of_rotation_sign end end angle_of_rotation: DOUBLE is -- returns the rotation angle in radians do result := 2 * arc_cosine ( w/length ) end angle_of_rotation_degree: DOUBLE is -- returns the rotation angle in radians do result := angle_of_rotation*180.0/pi end rotate_vector3( a_vector: EM_VECTOR3D ): EM_VECTOR3D is -- rotate a vector around a quaternion local vv: EM_VECTOR3D ww: DOUBLE do vv := v.cross_product( a_vector ) + (a_vector*w) ww := -v.dot_product(a_vector) result := vv.cross_product ( -v ) - v*ww + vv*w ensure length_perserved: (a_vector.length - result.length).abs < Em_eps end log: EM_VECTOR3D is -- Logarithm of a quaternion. -- Mostly used for interpolation -- The length of the resulting vector is the rotation angle -- the direction of the vector the axis do result := v result.normalize result.scale( angle_of_rotation ) end feature -- Output out: STRING is -- Output the matrix to a string do Result := "[ " + v.x.out + " , " + v.y.out + " , " + v.z.out + " , " + w.out + " ]" end feature -- Conversion to_reference: EM_QUATERNION_REF is -- Associated reference of Current do create Result.make(v,w) ensure to_reference_not_void: Result /= Void end invariant normalized: (length-1).abs < Em_eps end