About the em3d_frustum.e class: a frustum is defined by: - fovy, aspect, near_dist, far_dist (perspective) - or left, right, bottom, top, near_dist, far_dist (ortho) there are the following inside tests: - insideTest_Point(p: EM_VECTOR3D):INTEGER Here a Point p is tested to be in the frustum. - insideTest_Sphere(m: EM_VECTOR3D; r: DOUBLE):INTEGER A sphere s, given by m and radius r, is used as a bounding box and is tested to be in the frustum. return values of the testing functions: -- p or s is completely inside the frustum em3d_frustum_inside: INTEGER is 1 -- there is a intersection with s and the frustom -- or p lays on the frustum em3d_frustum_intersection: INTEGER is 2 -- p or s are outside the frustum em3d_frustum_outside: INTEGER is 0 unsolved problems: - the frustum_matrix so far only contains 0's. After initializing this should not be the case. frustom_matrix is a EM_MATRIX44 and is generated by emglu_perspective(...) or emgl_ortho(...) - objects that use the frustum culling before rendering - generation of bounding boxes