indexing description: "[ Abstract processors for XML nodes. ]" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" deferred class EM_GOOF_LOADER_NODE_PROCESSOR inherit EM_GOOF_LOADER_NODE_PROCESSOR_REGISTRY EM_GOOF_LOADER_PARSE_ERROR_CONSTANTS redefine set_error, is_complete end feature -- Initialization make is -- Create processor. do create {LINKED_LIST [XM_ELEMENT]} subnodes.make reset ensure subnodes_exist: subnodes /= Void reset: is_reset end feature -- Access name: STRING is -- Name of node to process. deferred ensure name_exists: Result /= Void name_not_empty: not Result.is_empty end source: XM_ELEMENT -- Source to process. target: ANY--CITY_ELEMENT -- Target to build. parent: EM_GOOF_LOADER_NODE_PROCESSOR -- Parent processor. data: ANY -- Data from subnodes for parent. attribute (a_name: STRING): STRING is -- Attribute named `a_name'. require has_source: has_source name_exists: a_name /= Void name_not_empty: not a_name.is_empty has_attribute: has_attribute (a_name) do Result := source.attribute_by_name (a_name).value ensure Result_exists: Result /= Void end attribute_integer (a_name: STRING): INTEGER is -- Integer attribute named `a_name'. require has_source: has_source name_exists: a_name /= Void name_not_empty: not a_name.is_empty has_attribute: has_attribute (a_name) is_integer: is_attribute_integer (a_name) do Result := attribute (a_name).to_integer end attribute_double (a_name: STRING): DOUBLE is -- Double attribute named `a_name'. require has_source: has_source name_exists: a_name /= Void name_not_empty: not a_name.is_empty has_attribute: has_attribute (a_name) is_double: is_attribute_double (a_name) local attr: STRING do attr := attribute (a_name).twin if attr.is_integer then attr.append (".0") end Result := attr.to_double end attribute_boolean (a_name: STRING): BOOLEAN is -- Boolean attribute named `a_name'. require has_source: has_source name_exists: a_name /= Void name_not_empty: not a_name.is_empty has_attribute: has_attribute (a_name) is_boolean: is_attribute_boolean (a_name) do Result := attribute (a_name).to_boolean end text: STRING is -- Text of element. require has_source: has_source has_text: has_text local l: LIST [STRING] do create Result.make (0) l := source.text.split ('%N') from l.start until l.after loop l.item.left_adjust l.item.right_adjust if not l.item.is_empty then Result.append (l.item) Result.extend ('%N') end l.forth end Result.right_adjust ensure Result_exists: Result /= Void end allowed_subnode_types: ARRAY [STRING] is -- Table of allowed subnode types. do if Allowed_subnode_registry.has (name) then Result := Allowed_subnode_registry.item (name) else Result := << >> end ensure Result_exists: Result /= Void object_comparison: Result.object_comparison end mandatory_attributes: ARRAY [STRING] is -- Table of mandatory attributes. deferred ensure Result_exists: Result /= Void object_comparison: Result.object_comparison end subnodes: LIST [XM_ELEMENT] -- List of subnodes. container: EM_GOOF_CONTAINER -- 'Container' for adding object (use if /= void) feature -- Measurement subnode_count: INTEGER is -- Number of subnodes. do Result := subnodes.count end feature -- Status report has_subnodes: BOOLEAN is -- Are there any subnodes? do Result := (subnode_count > 0) end has_source: BOOLEAN is -- Is a source set? do Result := (source /= Void) end has_target: BOOLEAN is -- Is a target set? do Result := (target /= Void) end has_parent: BOOLEAN is -- Is a parent set? do Result := (parent /= Void) end has_attribute (a_name: STRING): BOOLEAN is -- Is there an attribute named `a_name'? require has_source: has_source name_exists: a_name /= Void name_not_empty: not a_name.is_empty do Result := source.has_attribute_by_name (a_name) end is_attribute_integer (a_name: STRING): BOOLEAN is -- Is attribute named `a_name' an integer? require has_source: has_source name_exists: a_name /= Void name_not_empty: not a_name.is_empty has_attribute: has_attribute (a_name) do Result := attribute (a_name).is_integer end is_attribute_double (a_name: STRING): BOOLEAN is -- Is attribute named `a_name' a double? require has_source: has_source name_exists: a_name /= Void name_not_empty: not a_name.is_empty has_attribute: has_attribute (a_name) do Result := is_attribute_integer (a_name) or else attribute (a_name).is_double end is_attribute_boolean (a_name: STRING): BOOLEAN is -- Is attribute named `a_name' a boolean? require has_source: has_source name_exists: a_name /= Void name_not_empty: not a_name.is_empty has_attribute: has_attribute (a_name) do Result := attribute (a_name).is_boolean end valid_source (an_element: XM_ELEMENT): BOOLEAN is -- Is `an_element' a valid source? require source_exists: an_element /= Void local n: STRING do n := n.to_lower Result := equal (n, name) end has_text: BOOLEAN is -- Does element have text attached? do Result := has_source and then source.text /= Void end is_reset: BOOLEAN is -- Is processor in default state? do Result := not has_source and not has_target and not has_parent and not has_subnodes and not has_error end feature -- Status setting set_source (an_element: XM_ELEMENT) is -- Set source to `an_element'. require an_element_exists: an_element /= Void an_element_valid: valid_source (an_element) do source := an_element initialize ensure source_set: source = an_element end set_target (a_target: like target) is -- Set target to `a_target'. do target := a_target ensure target_set: target = a_target end set_parent (a_parent: like parent) is -- Set parent to `a_parent'. do parent := a_parent ensure parent_set: parent = a_parent end reset is -- Reset processor. do source := Void target := Void parent := Void subnodes.wipe_out set_error (0, << >>) ensure reset: is_reset end feature {EM_GOOF_LOADER_NODE_PROCESSOR} -- Status setting set_error (a_code: INTEGER; an_error_string_array: ARRAY [STRING]) is -- Set error to `a_code' with additional information `an_error_string_array'. local p: like parent do Precursor (a_code, an_error_string_array) if has_parent then from p := parent until p = Void loop p.set_error (a_code, an_error_string_array) p := p.parent end end end feature {EM_GOOF_LOADER_NODE_PROCESSOR} -- Status report is_complete (a_code: INTEGER; an_error_string_array: ARRAY [STRING]): BOOLEAN is -- redefined for visibility do Result := Precursor (a_code, an_error_string_array) end feature -- Basic operations send_data (a_data: ANY) is -- Store `a_data'. do data := a_data end process is -- Process node. require has_source: has_source no_error: not has_error deferred end process_subnodes is -- Process subnodes. require has_source: has_source no_error: not has_error local n: XM_ELEMENT p: EM_GOOF_LOADER_NODE_PROCESSOR do from subnodes.start until has_error or subnodes.after loop n := subnodes.item if has_processor ( then p := processor ( check no_error: not p.has_error -- Because a new processor was retrieved. end else set_error (Unknown_node_processor, << , name >>) end if not has_error then p.set_source (n) p.set_parent (Current) p.set_level_factory (level_factory) if has_target then p.set_target (target) end if not p.has_error then p.process else set_error (p.error_code, p.slots) end end subnodes.forth end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation initialize is -- Initialize processor. require has_source: has_source local i: INTEGER el: DS_LIST [XM_ELEMENT] e: XM_ELEMENT attr: STRING do set_error (0, << >>) from i := Mandatory_attributes.lower until has_error or i > Mandatory_attributes.upper loop attr := Mandatory_attributes @ i if not has_attribute (attr) or else attribute (attr).is_empty then set_error (Mandatory_attribute_missing, << attr >>) end i := i + 1 end el := source.elements from i := 1 until has_error or i > el.count loop e := el.item (i) if Allowed_subnode_types.has ( then subnodes.extend (e) else set_error (Unknown_subnode, <<, name >>) end i := i + 1 end end invariant subnodes_exist: subnodes /= Void subnode_count_definition: subnode_count = subnodes.count has_subnode_definition: has_subnodes = (subnode_count > 0) has_source_definition: has_source = (source /= Void) has_target_definition: has_target = (target /= Void) has_parent_definition: has_parent = (parent /= Void) has_text_definition: has_text = (has_source and then source.text /= Void) source_valid: has_source implies valid_source (source) end