indexing description: "[ Parser for XML input files. ]" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" deferred class EM_GOOF_LOADER_XML_INPUT_FILE_PARSER inherit EM_GOOF_LOADER_PARSE_ERROR_CONSTANTS redefine error_description, has_error end KL_SHARED_FILE_SYSTEM feature {NONE} -- Initialization make is -- Create parser. do xml_parser := new_xml_parser create tree_pipe.make xml_parser.set_string_mode_mixed xml_parser.set_callbacks (tree_pipe.start) xml_parser.set_resolver (create {XM_FILE_EXTERNAL_RESOLVER}.make) ensure xml_parser_exists: xml_parser /= Void tree_pipe_exists: tree_pipe /= Void end feature -- Access xml_document: XM_DOCUMENT is -- Parsed XML document require parsed: is_parsed do Result := tree_pipe.document ensure Result_exists: Result /= Void end root_element: XM_ELEMENT is -- Root element of document require parsed: is_parsed do Result := xml_document.root_element ensure Result_exists: Result /= Void end error_description: STRING is -- Description of last parser error do if error_code > 0 then Result := Precursor else Result := xml_parser.last_error_extended_description end ensure then Result_exists: Result /= Void Result_not_empty: not Result.is_empty end feature -- Status report has_error: BOOLEAN is -- Did a parser error occur? do Result := Precursor or not xml_parser.is_correct end is_parsed: BOOLEAN -- Has a level been parsed? has_file_name: BOOLEAN is -- Has a file name been set? do Result := file_name /= Void and then not file_name.is_empty end can_process: BOOLEAN is -- Can document tree be processed? deferred end feature -- Status setting set_file_name (a_name: STRING) is -- Set file name to `a_name'. require file_name_valid: File_system.is_file_readable (a_name) file_exists: File_system.file_exists (a_name) do create file_name.make_from_string (a_name) is_parsed := False ensure file_name_set: has_file_name not_parsed: not is_parsed end set_working_directory is -- Set the current working directory to the place where the filename -- comes from (needs to be done if dtd-files with relative paths should be accepted). require file_name_set: has_file_name do (create {EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT}).change_working_directory (File_system.absolute_parent_directory (file_name)) end feature -- Basic operations parse is -- Parse level. require file_name_set: has_file_name local file: KL_TEXT_INPUT_FILE do set_error (0, << >>) create file.make (file_name) file.open_read if file.is_open_read then xml_parser.parse_from_stream (file) file.close if not has_error then is_parsed := True end else set_error (File_not_readable, << File_system.basename (file_name) >>) end ensure parsed_if_no_error: not has_error implies is_parsed end process is -- Process document tree. require processing_ready: can_process deferred end feature {NONE} -- Implementation xml_parser: XM_PARSER -- XML parser tree_pipe: XM_TREE_CALLBACKS_PIPE -- Tree generating callbacks new_xml_parser: XM_PARSER is -- Create new parser local factory: XM_EXPAT_PARSER_FACTORY do create factory if factory.is_expat_parser_available then Result := factory.new_expat_parser else create {XM_EIFFEL_PARSER} Result.make end end invariant xml_parser_exists: xml_parser /= Void tree_pipe_exists: tree_pipe /= Void has_error_definition: has_error = ((error_code > 0) or not xml_parser.is_correct) has_file_name_definition: has_file_name = (file_name /= Void and then not file_name.is_empty) parsed_constraint: is_parsed implies has_file_name end