indexing description: "[ 2 dimensional vector with DOUBLE Coordinates (x, y) ]" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class EM_VECTOR_2D inherit ANY redefine out end DOUBLE_MATH undefine out end create make, make_from_other, make_moved, make_distance feature -- Access x: DOUBLE -- Horizontal position y: DOUBLE -- Vertical position feature -- Constants one: DOUBLE is -- Neutral element for "*" and "/" do Result := 1.0 end zero: like Current is -- Neutral element for "+" and "-" do create Result.make (0.0, 0.0) end feature -- Creation make (a_x, a_y: DOUBLE) is -- Make with values `a_x' and `a_y'. do x := a_x y := a_y ensure x_set: x = a_x y_set: y = a_y end make_from_other (other: like Current) is -- Make with values of `other'. require other_not_void: other /= Void do x := other.x y := other.y ensure equal_to_other: is_equal (other) end make_moved (other, a_distance: like Current) is -- Make `Current' like `other' moved by `direction'. require other_not_void: other /= Void a_distance_not_void: a_distance /= Void do x := other.x + a_distance.x y := other.y + a_distance.y ensure equal_to_moved_other: is_equal (other + a_distance) end make_distance (from_vector, to_vector: like Current) is -- Make distance from `from_vector' to `to_vector'. require from_vector_not_void: from_vector /= Void to_vector_not_void: to_vector /= Void do x := to_vector.x - from_vector.x y := to_vector.y - from_vector.y ensure equal_to_distance: is_equal (to_vector - from_vector) end feature -- Element change set_x (an_x: DOUBLE) is -- Set `x' to `an_x'. do x := an_x ensure x_set: x = an_x end set_y (an_y: DOUBLE) is -- Set `y' to `an_y'. do y := an_y ensure y_set: y = an_y end left_by (a_value: DOUBLE) is -- Subtract `a_value' from `x'. do x := x - a_value ensure moved_left: x = old x - a_value end right_by (a_value: DOUBLE) is -- Add `a_value' to `x'. do x := x + a_value ensure moved_right: x = old x + a_value end up_by (a_value: DOUBLE) is -- Subtract `a_value' from `y'. do y := y - a_value ensure moved_up: y = old y - a_value end down_by (a_value: DOUBLE) is -- Add `a_value' to `y'. do y := y + a_value ensure moved_down: y = old y + a_value end move_by, add (other: like Current) is -- Move `Current' by `other'. require other_not_void: other /= Void other_not_current: other /= Current do y := y + other.y x := x + other.x ensure moved: y = old y + other.y and x = old x + other.x end subtract (other: like Current) is -- Subtract `other' from `Curent'. require other_not_void: other /= Void other_not_current: other /= Current do y := y - other.y x := x - other.x ensure moved: y = old y - other.y and x = old x - other.x end rotate (angle: DOUBLE) is -- Rotate `Current' by `angle' (radian). local x_new: DOUBLE a_sin, a_cos: DOUBLE do a_sin := sin (angle) a_cos := cos (angle) x_new := x * a_cos - y * a_sin y := x * a_sin + y * a_cos x := x_new end rotate_rectangularly is -- Rotate `Current' by rectangular angle. local x_new: DOUBLE do x_new := - y y := x x := x_new end scale (a_value: DOUBLE) is -- Scale `Current' by `a_value'. do x := x * a_value y := y * a_value ensure scaled: x = old x * a_value and y = old y * a_value end stretch (x_factor, y_factor: DOUBLE) is -- Scale `x' by `x_factor' and `y' by `y_factor'. do x := x * x_factor y := y * y_factor ensure stretched: x = old x * x_factor and y = old y * y_factor end scale_to (a_length: DOUBLE) is -- Scale 'Current' to `a_length'. require current_not_zero: length > 0 local fact: DOUBLE do fact := a_length / length x := x * fact y := y * fact end normalize is -- Normalize `Current'. require current_not_zero: length > 0 do scale (1 / length) end feature -- Calculations length: DOUBLE is -- Length of `Current'. do Result := sqrt (x^2 + y^2) ensure result_calculated: Result = sqrt (x^2 + y^2) end length_squared: DOUBLE is -- squared Length of `Current'. do Result := x^2 + y^2 ensure result_calculated: Result = (x^2 + y^2) end infix "+" (other: like Current): like Current is -- Sum with `other' (commutative). do create Result.make (x + other.x, y + other.y) end infix "-" (other: like Current): like Current is -- Result of subtracting `other' do create Result.make (x - other.x, y - other.y) end infix "*" (a_factor: DOUBLE): like Current is -- Scalar multiplication by `a_factor' do create Result.make (x * a_factor, y * a_factor) end infix "/" (a_divisor: DOUBLE): like Current is -- Scalar division by `a_divisor'. do create Result.make (x / a_divisor, y / a_divisor) end prefix "+": like Current is -- Unary plus do create Result.make (x, y) ensure then result_is_same: Result.x = x and Result.y = y end prefix "-": like Current is -- Unary minus do create Result.make (-x, -y) ensure then result_is_negation: Result.x = -x and Result.y = -y end scalar_product (other: like Current): DOUBLE is -- Scalar product of `Current' with `other'. require other_exists: other /= Void do Result := x * other.x + y * other.y ensure result_calculated: Result = x * other.x + y * other.y end rotation_around_zero (angle: DOUBLE): like Current is -- Rotation of `Current' around `zero' by `angle' (radian). local cos_angle, sin_angle: DOUBLE do cos_angle := cos (angle) sin_angle := sin (angle) create Result.make (x * cos_angle - y * sin_angle, x * sin_angle + y * cos_angle) end is_parallel_to (other: like Current): BOOLEAN is -- Is `Current' parallel to `other'? do Result := x * other.y - other.x * y = 0.0 end straight_line_intersection_point (direction, other_point, other_direction: like Current): like Current is -- Intersection point of two straight_lines -- starting at `Current' and `other_point' -- with directions `direction' and `other_direction'. require directions_not_parallel: not direction.is_parallel_to (other_direction) local x_dist, y_dist, param, denom: DOUBLE do -- Algorithm as explained under x_dist := x - other_point.x y_dist := y - other_point.y denom := other_direction.y * direction.x - other_direction.x * direction.y param := (other_direction.x * y_dist - other_direction.y * x_dist) / denom create Result.make (x + direction.x * param, y + direction.y * param) ensure result_created: Result /= Void end rotation (center: like Current; angle: DOUBLE): like Current is -- Rotation of `Current' around `center' by `angle' (radian). require center_not_void: center /= Void center_not_equal_current: center.x /= x or center.y /= y local x_new, y_new, cos_angle, sin_angle, x_rot, y_rot: DOUBLE do x_new := x - center.x y_new := y - center.y cos_angle := cos (angle) sin_angle := sin (angle) x_rot := x_new * cos_angle - y_new * sin_angle y_rot := x_new * sin_angle + y_new * cos_angle create Result.make (x_rot + center.x, y_rot + center.y) ensure result_set: Result /= Void end reflection (axis: like Current): like Current is -- Mirrors the `current' along the `axis' require axis_not_void: axis /= Void do Result := axis * (Current.scalar_product(axis) / axis.length_squared) * 2 - Current end distance (other: like Current): DOUBLE is -- Distance between `Current' and `other'. do Result := sqrt ((other.x - x) ^ 2 + (other.y - y) ^ 2) end feature -- Output out: STRING is -- Textual representation do Result := "(x = " + x.out + ", y = " + y.out + ")" end feature {NONE} -- Implementation cos (angle: DOUBLE): DOUBLE is -- Cosine function that handles all input (radian) do Result := sin (Pi/2 - angle) end sin (angle: DOUBLE): DOUBLE is -- Sine function that handles all input (in radian) local rad: DOUBLE do from rad := angle until rad >= 0 and rad <= 2*Pi loop if rad < 0 then rad := rad + 2 * Pi else rad := rad - 2 * Pi end end if rad <= Pi / 4 then Result := sine (rad) elseif rad <= Pi / 2 then Result := cosine (Pi/2 - rad) elseif rad <= Pi then Result := sin (Pi-rad) elseif rad <= 3/2*Pi then Result := - sin (rad - Pi) else Result := - sin (2*Pi - rad) end end end