indexing description: "[ Objects of type EM_3D_SKYBOX_COLLIDABLE implement a collision detection for a skybox. using infinite, axis aligned planes. Objects of this type can only collide with objects of type EM_3D_SPHERE_COLLIDABLE ]" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" deferred class EM_3D_SKYBOX_COLLIDABLE inherit EM_COLLIDABLE_3D EM_COLLIDE_3D_SPHERE feature -- Status report does_collide (other: EM_COLLIDABLE_3D): BOOLEAN is -- Does `current' collide with `other'? local skybox_collide: EM_COLLIDE_3D_SKYBOX do skybox_collide ?= other if skybox_collide /= void then result := skybox_collide.does_collide_skybox (current) else result := false end end does_collide_sphere (other: EM_3D_SPHERE_COLLIDABLE): BOOLEAN is -- do we collide with a sphere? do -- This is the same as collision in a sphere with a skybox, so we call this implementation result := other.does_collide_skybox (current) end min_x: DOUBLE is -- Min x of the skybox deferred end max_x: DOUBLE is -- Max x of the skybox deferred end min_y: DOUBLE is -- Min y of the skybox deferred end max_y: DOUBLE is -- Max y of the skybox deferred end min_z: DOUBLE is -- Min z of the skybox deferred end max_z: DOUBLE is -- Max z of the skybox deferred end end