indexing description: "[ Objects of type EM_COLLIDABLE_3D can be added to the EM_COLLISION_DETECTOR_3D container. An object of type EM_COLLIDABLE_3D can collide with any other ESDL_COLLIDABLE_3D. If current collides with any other collidable on_collide is called by the EM_COLLISION_DETECTOR_3D. ]" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" deferred class EM_COLLIDABLE_3D feature -- Status report does_collide (other: EM_COLLIDABLE_3D): BOOLEAN is -- Does `current' collide with `other'? require other_not_void: other /= void deferred end type_id: INTEGER is -- The id given to all instances of `current' generating class deferred end feature {EM_COLLISION_DETECTOR_3D} -- Implementation on_collide (other: EM_COLLIDABLE_3D) is -- `current' collided with `other' require other_not_void: other /= void deferred end end