indexing description: "[ This factory loads objects from files in the 'wavefront obj' format. ]" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class EM_3D_OBJ_LOADER obsolete "use em3d instead" inherit EM_3D_OBJECT_FACTORY EM_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end GL_FUNCTIONS export {NONE} all end EM_SHARED_FILE_LOADER export {NONE} all end create make feature -- Initialization make is do create color.make(0,3) color.put(0, 0) color.put(0, 1) color.put(0, 2) color.put(1, 3) end feature -- Commands load_file (a_filename: STRING) is -- Load an object from 'a_filename' local obj_file: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE do -- initialize minimas and maximas -- TODO why doesn't this work? -- min_x := min_x.Max_value -- min_y := min_y.Max_value -- min_z := min_z.Max_value -- max_x := max_x.Min_value -- max_y := max_y.Min_value -- max_z := max_z.Min_value min_x := 100000 min_y := 100000 min_z := 100000 max_x := -100000 max_y := -100000 max_z := -100000 create vertices.make (0,2) create faces.make (0,0) file_loader.load_text_file_read_write (a_filename) obj_file := file_loader.last_text_file -- read line for line from vertex_count := 0 until obj_file.after loop -- read first character and decide what to do obj_file.read_character inspect obj_file.last_character when '#' then -- comment => ignore line obj_file.read_line when 'v' then -- vertex data vertices.force (read_vertex (obj_file), vertex_count) vertex_count := vertex_count + 1 when 'f' then -- face data faces.force (read_face (obj_file), face_count) face_count := face_count + 1 else -- unknown => ignore line and print line as output obj_file.read_line print ("Unknown line:") print (obj_file.last_string) end end -- we loaded a new file, so the model informations have changed unchanged := false ensure changed: not unchanged end set_color ( a_r: REAL; a_g: REAL; a_b: REAL; a_a: REAL ) is -- As we don't support the mtllib command, this command set's the collor of the whole object do color.put (a_r, 0) color.put (a_g, 1) color.put (a_b, 2) color.put (a_a, 3) -- we changed the color, so the model informations have changed unchanged := false ensure changed: not unchanged end feature -- Status object_width: DOUBLE -- The size of the bounding box in x direction of created objects object_height: DOUBLE -- The size of the bounding box in y direction of created objects object_depth: DOUBLE -- The size of the bounding box in z direction of created objects color: ARRAY[REAL] -- Color of the object feature {EM_3D_OBJECT_FACTORY} -- Deferred features that should not be accessible from the outside specify_object is -- Specify an object that can be drawn in the origin -- (front, left, lower corner of bounding box = 0,0,0) local act_face: INTEGER cur_face: ARRAY[INTEGER] vert0,vert1,vert2: ARRAY[DOUBLE] p, q: ARRAY[DOUBLE] fnormal: ARRAY[DOUBLE] tmp: ANY do -- TODO support other faces than triangles -- and also support other data, like texture coordinates -- vertex normals and material informations -- maybe also support computation of vertex normals if -- they aren't given in the file -- as we don't support textures yet, we save the flag and disable them gl_push_attrib ( Em_gl_enable_bit) gl_disable (Em_gl_texture_2d) -- Warning, the z axis is out of the screen, -- but we want our object into the screen -- so max and min are reversed for the z coordinate gl_begin ( Em_gl_triangles ) tmp := color.to_c gl_materialfv (Em_gl_front, Em_gl_ambient_and_diffuse, $tmp) from act_face := 0 until act_face = face_count loop -- get vertices cur_face := faces @ act_face vert0 := vertices @ (cur_face @ 0) vert1 := vertices @ (cur_face @ 1) vert2 := vertices @ (cur_face @ 2) -- compute face normal create p.make (0, 2) create q.make (0, 2) p.put (vert0 @ 0 - vert1 @ 0, 0) p.put (vert0 @ 1 - vert1 @ 1, 1) p.put (vert0 @ 2 - vert1 @ 2, 2) q.put (vert2 @ 0 - vert1 @ 0, 0) q.put (vert2 @ 1 - vert1 @ 1, 1) q.put (vert2 @ 2 - vert1 @ 2, 2) fnormal := crossproduct(p, q) -- draw vertices gl_normal3d (fnormal @ 0, fnormal @ 1, fnormal @ 2) gl_vertex3d (vert0 @ 0 - min_x, vert0 @ 1 - min_y, vert0 @ 2 - max_z) gl_vertex3d (vert1 @ 0 - min_x, vert1 @ 1 - min_y, vert1 @ 2 - max_z) gl_vertex3d (vert2 @ 0 - min_x, vert2 @ 1 - min_y, vert2 @ 2 - max_z) act_face := act_face + 1 end gl_end -- restore old attrib stack gl_pop_attrib -- set bounding box object_width := max_x - min_x object_height := max_y - min_y object_depth := max_z - min_z end feature {NONE} -- implementation read_vertex (a_file: FILE): ARRAY[DOUBLE] is -- Read the vertex data from the current position do create result.make(0,2) -- read vertex data -- x a_file.read_double -- new minima or maxima? if a_file.last_double < min_x then min_x := a_file.last_double end if a_file.last_double > max_x then max_x := a_file.last_double end result.put (a_file.last_double, 0) -- y a_file.read_double -- new minima or maxima? if a_file.last_double < min_y then min_y := a_file.last_double end if a_file.last_double > max_y then max_y := a_file.last_double end result.put (a_file.last_double, 1) -- z a_file.read_double -- new minima or maxima? if a_file.last_double < min_z then min_z := a_file.last_double end if a_file.last_double > max_z then max_z := a_file.last_double end result.put (a_file.last_double, 2) end read_face (a_file: FILE): ARRAY[INTEGER] is -- Read the face data from the current position do create result.make(0,2) -- read face data -- TODO at the moment we only read the geometric vertices -- it would be possible to also read texture vertices or normal vertices -- we also only read 3 vertices, so only triangle faces are acceptable a_file.read_integer result.put (a_file.last_integer-1, 0) a_file.read_integer result.put (a_file.last_integer-1, 1) a_file.read_integer result.put (a_file.last_integer-1, 2) end -- This are used to place the object correctly and to specify the correct bounding box min_x: DOUBLE max_x: DOUBLE min_y: DOUBLE max_y: DOUBLE min_z: DOUBLE max_z: DOUBLE vertex_count: INTEGER -- number of vertices face_count: INTEGER -- number of faces vertices: ARRAY[ARRAY[DOUBLE]] -- Array with all vertices faces: ARRAY[ARRAY[INTEGER]] -- Faces, described with indizes to the vertices feature {NONE} -- Helper methods crossproduct (p: ARRAY[DOUBLE]; q: ARRAY[DOUBLE]): ARRAY[DOUBLE] is -- compute the crossproduct of two vectors do create result.make(0,2) result.put (p @ 1 * q @ 2 - p @ 2 * q @ 1, 0) result.put (p @ 2 * q @ 0 - p @ 0 * q @ 2, 1) result.put (p @ 0 * q @ 1 - p @ 1 * q @ 0, 2) end end