name,$hidden_columns)) { array_push($cols,$tmp->name); $i++; } else { $col_count--; } } //get the selected cols $selected_cols = implode(', ',$cols); //get the sort string $sort_string = getSortString($s,$cols); //create the page links $pagelinks="
."; for($i=1;$i<=($count/100)+1;$i++) { if($p!=$i) $pagelinks .=": $i :"; else $pagelinks .=": $i :"; } $pagelinks.=".
"; //create the query $query="SELECT $selected_cols FROM $gi ORDER BY $sort_string, timestamp ASC, name DESC LIMIT " . ($p-1)*100 . ', 100'; $result = mysql_query($query); //start renderung html $data = "
\n"; //create the table header $data.=""; for($i=0;$i<$col_count;$i++) { $data.=''; } $data.=""; $entry=($p-1)*100+1; while ($dat = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { //012345678901234567890 //YYYY-MM-DD HH:SS:mmhh //2005-08-21 18:13:5121 if ($entry%2==0) $style="b1"; else $style="b2"; switch ($entry) { case 1: $style="first"; break; case 2: $style="second"; break; case 3: $style="third"; break; } $t = trim($dat["timestamp"]); $mydate = substr($t,11,8)."   " . substr($t,8,2).".".substr($t,5,2)."." . substr($t,0,4); $data .= ''; for($i=0;$i<$col_count;$i++) { $data.=''; } $data.="\n"; $entry++; } $data.="

\n"; include("disconnect.php"); echo $data; ?>