system: "EM Test Suite"
copyright: "Copyright (c) 2001-2002, Till G. Bay and others"
license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see forum.txt)"
date: "$Date$"
revision: "$Revision$"
Test '${system}'.
Use Eiffel compiler set in ${GOBO_EIFFEL}
or 'se' if this variable is not defined.
Compile in debug mode if ${debug} is defined.
Test '${system}' with ISE Eiffel.
Compile in debug mode if ${debug} is defined.
Test '${system}' with Visual Eiffel.
Compile in debug mode if ${debug} is defined.
Test '${system}' with SmartEiffel.
Compile in debug mode if ${debug} is defined.
Test '${system}' in debug mode.
Use Eiffel compiler set in ${GOBO_EIFFEL}
or 'se' if this variable is not defined.
Test '${system}' with ISE Eiffel in debug mode.
Test '${system}' with Visual Eiffel in debug mode.
Test '${system}' with SmartEiffel in debug mode.