indexing description : "Objects that ..." author : "$Author$" date : "$Date$" revision : "$Revision$" class XML2WIKITEXT_WINDOW inherit EV_TITLED_WINDOW redefine initialize end XML2WIKITEXT_TOOL undefine default_create, copy redefine reset, initialize_tool, append_error_to_log, append_detailled_log, xmldoc_page, notify_status, notify_page_fetched, notify_page_saved end feature {NONE} -- Initialize initialize is -- local vb, gb: EV_VERTICAL_BOX hv: EV_HORIZONTAL_BOX hsp: EV_HORIZONTAL_SPLIT_AREA vsp: EV_VERTICAL_SPLIT_AREA noteb: EV_NOTEBOOK tb: EV_TOOL_BAR tbb: EV_TOOL_BAR_BUTTON lab: EV_LABEL do Precursor create vb vb.set_padding_width (4) vb.set_border_width (3) extend (vb) create gb create grid initialize_grid gb.extend (grid) create hv create prefix_url_tf create base_directory_tf create product_tf create {EV_LABEL} lab.make_with_text ("product:"); lab.set_minimum_width (3 + lab.font.string_width (lab.text)); hv.extend (lab); hv.disable_item_expand (lab) hv.extend (product_tf) product_tf.set_minimum_width_in_characters (10) create {EV_LABEL} lab.make_with_text ("prefix:"); lab.set_minimum_width (3 + lab.font.string_width (lab.text)); hv.extend (lab); hv.disable_item_expand (lab) hv.extend (prefix_url_tf) hv.disable_item_expand (prefix_url_tf) prefix_url_tf.set_minimum_width_in_characters (10) create {EV_LABEL} lab.make_with_text ("base:"); lab.set_minimum_width (3 + lab.font.string_width (lab.text)); hv.extend (lab); hv.disable_item_expand (lab) hv.extend (base_directory_tf) hv.disable_item_expand (product_tf) gb.extend (hv) gb.disable_item_expand (hv) create tb gb.extend (tb) gb.disable_item_expand (tb) create hsp create vsp vb.extend (vsp) vsp.extend (gb) vsp.extend (hsp) create xmldoc_text create wikitext_text create logs_box logs_box.enable_tree logs_box.disable_row_height_fixed logs_box.set_column_count_to (1) logs_box.hide_header create noteb hsp.extend (xmldoc_text) hsp.extend (noteb) hsp.set_proportion (0.5) noteb.extend (wikitext_text) noteb.item_tab (wikitext_text).set_text ("WikiText") noteb.extend (logs_box) noteb.item_tab (logs_box).set_text ("Logs") create status_label vb.extend (status_label) vb.disable_item_expand (status_label) show_actions.extend_kamikaze (agent (i_vsp,i_hsp: EV_SPLIT_AREA) do i_vsp.set_proportion (0.25) i_hsp.set_proportion (0.5) end(vsp,hsp) ) close_request_actions.extend (agent destroy_and_exit_if_last) set_size (800, 500) create tbb.make_with_text ("Process All") tbb.select_actions.extend (agent process_all) tb.extend (tbb) create tbb.make_with_text ("Export All") tbb.select_actions.extend (agent export_all) tb.extend (tbb) create tbb.make_with_text ("Refresh") tbb.select_actions.extend (agent do current_text := xmldoc_text.text.as_string_8 update_wikitext end) tb.extend (tbb) create tbb.make_with_text ("Clear") tbb.select_actions.extend (agent reset) tb.extend (tbb) initialize_tool customize_text (xmldoc_text) customize_text (wikitext_text) end initialize_tool do Precursor product_tf.set_text (product_name) if url_resolver.prefix_url = Void then prefix_url_tf.remove_text else prefix_url_tf.set_text (url_resolver.prefix_url) end if url_resolver.base_directory = Void then base_directory_tf.remove_text else base_directory_tf.set_text (url_resolver.base_directory) end end customize_text (t: EV_TEXT) is do t.set_default_key_processing_handler (agent (it: EV_TEXT; k: EV_KEY): BOOLEAN do Result := not ev_application.ctrl_pressed end(t, ?)) t.key_press_actions.extend (agent on_key_pressed_for (t, ?)) end on_key_pressed_for (t: EV_TEXT; k: EV_KEY) is local do if ev_application.ctrl_pressed then inspect k.code when {EV_KEY_CONSTANTS}.key_a then t.select_all when {EV_KEY_CONSTANTS}.key_c then ev_application.clipboard.set_text (t.selected_text) else end end end on_key_pressed_grid (g: EV_GRID; k: EV_KEY) is local r: INTEGER s: STRING glab: EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM do if ev_application.ctrl_pressed then inspect k.code when {EV_KEY_CONSTANTS}.key_c then from create s.make_empty r := 1 until r > g.row_count loop glab ?= g.row (r).item (1) if glab /= Void then s.append (glab.text) s.append ("%N") end r := r + 1 end ev_application.clipboard.set_text (s) else end end end update_parameters do product_name := product_tf.text.as_string_8.as_lower product_name.left_adjust product_name.right_adjust url_resolver.base_directory := base_directory_tf.text.as_string_8 url_resolver.prefix_url := prefix_url_tf.text.as_string_8 end initialize_grid local g: like grid do g := grid g.set_column_count_to (1)g.hide_header g.file_drop_actions.extend (agent on_files_dropped) g.row_select_actions.extend (agent on_row_selected) g.key_press_actions.extend (agent on_key_pressed_grid (g, ?)) end all_filenames: ARRAYED_LIST [!STRING_8] local g: EV_GRID r: INTEGER do g := grid from create Result.make (g.row_count) r := 1 until r > g.row_count loop if {fn: STRING_8} g.row (r).data then Result.extend (fn) end r := r + 1 end end process_all is do discard_display if {lst: like all_filenames} all_filenames then from lst.start until lst.after loop status_label.set_text (lst.index.out + " / " + lst.count.out + " items") status_label.refresh_now ev_application.process_events set_xmldoc_filename (lst.item) lst.forth end end restore_display end export_all is do set_export_status (True) discard_display export_filenames (all_filenames) restore_display set_export_status (False) end notify_status (m: STRING) do status_label.set_text (m) status_label.refresh_now end notify_page_fetched, notify_page_saved do ev_application.process_events end feature -- Access status_label: EV_LABEL grid: EV_GRID xmldoc_text: EV_TEXT wikitext_text: EV_TEXT base_directory_tf: EV_TEXT_FIELD prefix_url_tf: EV_TEXT_FIELD product_tf: EV_TEXT_FIELD logs_box: EV_GRID colors: TUPLE [error: EV_COLOR; unavailable: EV_COLOR] once create Result; Result.error := create {EV_COLOR}.make_with_8_bit_rgb (255,0,0) Result.unavailable := create {EV_COLOR}.make_with_8_bit_rgb (255,170,0) end default_font: EV_FONT once create Result end details_font: EV_FONT is local f: EV_FONT once create f f.preferred_families.extend ("Lucida Console") f.preferred_families.extend ("Terminal") f.set_family ({EV_FONT_CONSTANTS}.family_typewriter) f.set_shape ({EV_FONT_CONSTANTS}.Shape_regular) f.set_height_in_points (7) Result := f end feature {NONE} -- Settings current_text: STRING current_filename: STRING display_discarded: BOOLEAN export_enabled: BOOLEAN feature {NONE} -- Settings change reset do current_filename := Void current_text := Void xmldoc_text.remove_text wikitext_text.remove_text Precursor end set_export_status (b: BOOLEAN) do export_enabled := b end discard_display do display_discarded := True end restore_display do display_discarded := False end feature -- Logs append_error_to_log (e: ERROR) local s: STRING r: INTEGER do r := logs_box.row_count if {ee: ERROR_EXCEPTION} e then append_detailled_log (" - Exception: " + e.to_string, ee.exception.exception_trace) logs_box.row (r+1).set_foreground_color (colors.error) elseif {eu: ERROR_UNAVAILABLE} e then append_detailled_log (" - Unavailable: " + eu.associated_tag, Void) logs_box.row (r+1).set_foreground_color (colors.unavailable) else append_detailled_log (e.to_string, Void) end end append_detailled_log (m: STRING; s: STRING) local g1,g2: EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM r: EV_GRID_ROW ft: EV_FONT do create g1.make_with_text (m) logs_box.set_item (1, logs_box.row_count + 1, g1) if s /= Void then ft := details_font create g2.make_with_text (s)g2.set_font (ft) g1.row.insert_subrow (g1.row.subrow_count + 1) r := g1.row.subrow (g1.row.subrow_count) r.set_item (1, g2) r.set_height (ft.string_size (s).height) end logs_box.column (1).resize_to_content logs_box.row (logs_box.row_count).enable_select end feature -- Basic operation on_files_dropped (lst: LIST [STRING_32]) is -- Files dropped require lst_attached: lst /= Void local files: ARRAYED_LIST [!STRING_8] gi: EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM fn: STRING_8 do create files.make (1050) from lst.start until lst.after loop if {pn: STRING_8} lst.item.as_string_8 then get_from_pathname (pn, files) end lst.forth end from files.start until files.after loop fn := files.item if fn.count > 4 and then fn.substring (fn.count - 3, fn.count).is_case_insensitive_equal (once ".xml") then create gi.make_with_text (fn) grid.set_item (1, grid.row_count + 1, gi) gi.row.set_data (fn) end files.forth end grid.column (1).resize_to_content status_label.set_text (grid.row_count.out + " input(s)") end -- on_pathname_dropped (pn: STRING) is -- -- Pathname `pn' dropped -- local -- f: RAW_FILE -- do -- create f.make (pn) -- if f.exists and then f.is_directory then -- on_directory_dropped (pn) -- else -- on_filename_dropped (pn) -- end -- end -- on_filename_dropped (fn: STRING) is -- -- Filename `fn' dropped -- local -- gi: EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM -- do -- if fn.count > 4 and then fn.substring (fn.count - 3, fn.count).is_case_insensitive_equal (once ".xml") then -- create gi.make_with_text (fn) -- grid.set_item (1, grid.row_count + 1, gi) -- gi.row.set_data (fn) -- end -- end -- on_directory_dropped (dn: STRING) is -- -- Directory `dn' dropped -- require -- dn_attached: dn /= Void -- local -- d: KL_DIRECTORY -- fns: ARRAYED_LIST [STRING] -- do -- create d.make (dn) -- if d.exists and d.is_readable then -- create fns.make (1050) -- d.do_all (agent (ibn, ifn: STRING; ifns: LIST [STRING]) -- local -- fn: FILE_NAME -- do -- if not ifn.is_case_insensitive_equal (once ".svn") then -- create fn.make_from_string (ibn) -- fn.set_file_name (ifn) -- ifns.extend (fn.string) -- end -- end (dn, ?, fns)) -- fns.do_all (agent on_pathname_dropped) -- end -- end on_row_selected (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW) -- `a_row' is selected require a_row_attached: a_row /= Void do if {fn: STRING} then set_xmldoc_filename (fn) end end set_xmldoc_filename (fn: !STRING) -- Set filename source for xmldoc local f: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE s: STRING do reset current_filename := fn s := text_from_filename (fn) if s /= Void then append_detailled_log ("Process [" + fn + "]", Void) current_text := s if not display_discarded then xmldoc_text.set_text (current_text) end update_wikitext end end update_wikitext -- Update wikitext content local s: STRING vis: WIKITEXT_XMLDOC_VISITOR x2w: XML2WIKITEXT page: XMLDOC_PAGE do if {l_xml: STRING} current_text and then not l_xml.is_empty then page := xmldoc_page (l_xml, current_filename) if page /= Void then add_page (page, url_resolver.source_url) s := wikitext_from_page (page, url_resolver.source_url) if export_enabled then save_output (s, current_filename, url_resolver.base_directory) end if not display_discarded then wikitext_text.set_text (s) end else wikitext_text.set_text ("Exception occurred!%N") if {e: EXCEPTION} x2w.exception then wikitext_text.append_text (e.exception_trace) end end end end xmldoc_page (txt: STRING; fn: STRING): XMLDOC_PAGE do update_parameters Result := Precursor (txt, fn) end end