indexing description: "Objects that ..." author: "" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class WIKITEXT_XMLDOC_VISITOR inherit XMLDOC_VISITOR create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (s: STRING) is -- Initialize `Current'. require s_attached: s /= Void do output := s reset end reset do inside_code_block := False create list_bullet.make_empty end output: STRING -- Associated output inside_code_block: BOOLEAN -- Is inside code block? list_bullet: STRING -- Bullet prefix for list item feature -- Access source: STRING all_pages: HASH_TABLE [XMLDOC_PAGE, STRING] url_resolver: URL_RESOLVER url_to_wiki_url (a_url: STRING): STRING local p: XMLDOC_PAGE t: STRING l: STRING do l := a_url.twin if l.substring_index ("://", 1) > 0 then Result := l else if l.count > 4 and then l.substring (l.count - 3, l.count).is_case_insensitive_equal (".xml") then l.remove_tail (4) end p := all_pages.item (l) if p = Void then if l.item (1) = '/' then p := all_pages.item (l.substring (2, l.count)) end end if p /= Void then t := p.title else io.error.put_string ("Referenced page ["+ l +"] from ["+ source +"] not found%N") t := l t.prepend ("ref:") -- t.replace_substring_all ("/", ".") end if t /= Void then Result := t end end end url_to_wiki_image_url (a_url: STRING): STRING do Result := a_url end url_to_eiffel_url (a_url: STRING): STRING do Result := a_url end output_append_new_line_if_needed do if output.is_empty or else output.item (output.count) /= '%N' then output_append_new_line end end output_append_new_line do output.append_character ('%N') end feature -- Element change set_source (v: like source) do source := v end set_all_pages (v: like all_pages) do all_pages := v end set_url_resolver (v: like url_resolver) do url_resolver := v end feature -- Visiting process_item (i: XMLDOC_ITEM) do check False end end process_unused (i: XMLDOC_UNUSED) do check should_not_occur: False end end process_metadata (i: XMLDOC_METADATA) local m: XMLDOC_META lst: LIST [XMLDOC_META] do from lst := i.meta_list lst.start until lst.after loop m := lst.item output.append ("#tags=") output.append (m.content) output_append_new_line lst.forth end end process_unavailable (i: XMLDOC_UNAVAILABLE) do output.append ("") end process_image (i: XMLDOC_IMAGE) is do output.append (" [[Image:") output.append (url_to_wiki_image_url (i.url)) if i.width /= Void or i.height /= Void then -- output.append ("|") -- output.append (i.width + "px") end if i.border > 0 then output.append ("|") output.append ("border") end if i.legend /= Void then output.append ("|") output.append (i.legend) elseif i.alt_text /= Void then output.append ("|") output.append (i.alt_text) end output.append ("]] ") end process_anchor (i: XMLDOC_ANCHOR) do if /= Void then output.append ("") end end process_external_link (i: XMLDOC_LINK) do check i.is_external end output.append ("[") if i.url /= Void then output.append (i.url) elseif i.anchor_name /= Void then output.append ("#" + i.anchor_name) end if i.label /= Void then output.append (" ") process_text_container (i.label) end output.append ("] ") end process_link (i: XMLDOC_LINK) local s: STRING do if i.is_external then process_external_link (i) else if i.url /= Void then create s.make_from_string (url_to_wiki_url (i.url)) elseif i.anchor_name /= Void then create s.make_from_string ("#" + i.anchor_name) end if s /= Void then output.append ("[[") output.append (s) if i.label /= Void then output.append ("|") process_text_container (i.label) end output.append ("]] ") elseif i.label /= Void then -- check error: False end process_text_container (i.label) end end end process_image_link (i: XMLDOC_IMAGE_LINK) do process_image (i.image) output.append ("[[") output.append (url_to_wiki_image_url (i.url)) output.append ("|(link)") output.append ("]] ") end process_page (i: XMLDOC_PAGE) local comps: LIST [XMLDOC_COMPOSITE_TEXT] retried: BOOLEAN do if not retried then if i.title /= Void then output.append ("#title=") output.append (i.title) output.append ("%N") end if i.meta_data /= Void then process_metadata (i.meta_data) end comps := i.composite_texts from comps.start until comps.after loop comps.item.process_visitor (Current) comps.forth end output.append ("%N") else output.append ("%N%N ERROR ... VISITOR RAIZED AN EXCEPTION !!!") end rescue retried := True retry end process_text (i: XMLDOC_TEXT) do output.append (i.text) end process_list (i: XMLDOC_LIST) local elts: LIST [XMLDOC_LIST_ITEM] do if False then process_list_tag (i) else if i.ordered then list_bullet.append_character ('#') else list_bullet.append_character ('*') end elts := i.items from elts.start until elts.after loop output_append_new_line_if_needed output.append_string (list_bullet) output.append_character (' ') elts.item.process_visitor (Current) if not elts.islast then output_append_new_line end elts.forth end output_append_new_line list_bullet.remove_tail (1) end ensure then same_list_bullet: list_bullet.count = old (list_bullet.count) end process_list_tag (i: XMLDOC_LIST) local bul: STRING elts: LIST [XMLDOC_LIST_ITEM] do if i.ordered then bul := once "ol" else bul := once "ul" end elts := i.items output.append ("<" + bul + ">") output_append_new_line list_bullet.append (" ") from elts.start until elts.after loop output.append_string (list_bullet) output.append_string ("
  • ") output.append_character (' ') elts.item.process_visitor (Current) output.append_string ("
  • ") output_append_new_line elts.forth end list_bullet.remove_tail (2) output.append ("") output_append_new_line end process_list_item (i: XMLDOC_LIST_ITEM) local n: STRING do if False then process_composite_text (i) else if {o: like output} output then create n.make_empty output := n process_composite_text (i) n.prune_all ('%N') output := o output.append (n) end end end process_with_content (i: XMLDOC_WITH_CONTENT) do i.items.do_all (agent {XMLDOC_ITEM}.process_visitor (Current)) end process_composite_text_with_template (i: XMLDOC_COMPOSITE_TEXT; tpl: STRING) is do output_append_new_line if i.is_align_center then output.append ("
    ") end output.append ("{{" + tpl + "|") process_with_content (i) output.append ("}}") if i.is_align_center then output.append ("
    ") end output_append_new_line end process_composite_text_with_tag (i: XMLDOC_COMPOSITE_TEXT; tag: STRING) do if i.is_align_center then output.append ("
    ") end output.append ("<" + tag + ">") process_with_content (i) output.append ("") if i.is_align_center then output.append ("
    ") end end process_composite_text (i: XMLDOC_COMPOSITE_TEXT) is do if i.is_align_center then output.append ("
    ") end process_with_content (i) if i.is_align_center then output.append ("
    ") end end process_code (i: XMLDOC_CODE) local b: like inside_code_block do b := inside_code_block inside_code_block := True process_composite_text_with_tag (i, "code") inside_code_block := b end process_code_block (i: XMLDOC_CODE_BLOCK) local b: like inside_code_block do b := inside_code_block inside_code_block := True output_append_new_line_if_needed process_composite_text_with_tag (i, "code") output_append_new_line inside_code_block := b end process_note (i: XMLDOC_NOTE) do process_composite_text_with_template (i, "note") end process_paragraph (i: XMLDOC_PARAGRAPH) local t: like output do output_append_new_line if {o: like output} output then create t.make_empty output := t process_composite_text (i) t.left_adjust output := o end output.append (t) output_append_new_line end process_sample (i: XMLDOC_SAMPLE) do process_composite_text_with_template (i, "sample") end process_seealso (i: XMLDOC_SEEALSO) do process_composite_text_with_template (i, "seealso") end process_tip (i: XMLDOC_TIP) do process_composite_text_with_template (i, "tip") end process_warning (i: XMLDOC_WARNING) do process_composite_text_with_template (i, "warning") end process_info (i: XMLDOC_INFO) do process_composite_text_with_template (i, "info") end process_text_container (i: XMLDOC_TEXT_CONTAINER) require i_attached: i /= Void local lst: LIST [XMLDOC_ITEM] e: XMLDOC_ITEM do lst := i.items from lst.start until lst.after loop e := lst.item e.process_visitor (Current) -- if {t: XMLDOC_TEXT} e then -- process_text (t) -- elseif {tc: XMLDOC_TEXT_CONTAINER} e then -- process_text_container (tc) -- elseif {l: XMLDOC_LINK} e then -- process_link (l) -- else -- check False end -- end lst.forth end end process_heading (i: XMLDOC_HEADING) is local s: STRING n: like output do if {o: like output} output then create n.make_empty output := n process_with_content (i) n.prune_all ('%N') n.left_adjust n.right_adjust output := o end if n /= Void and then not n.is_empty then inspect i.size when 1 then s := "=" when 2 then s := "==" when 3 then s := "===" when 4 then s := "====" when 5 then s := "=====" when 6 then s := "======" else s := "" end output_append_new_line output.append (s) -- output.append_character (' ') output.append (n) -- output.append_character (' ') output.append (s) output_append_new_line end end process_cluster_name (i: XMLDOC_CLUSTER_NAME) do if inside_code_block then process_text_container (i) else -- output.append ("") output.append ("") if i.url /= Void then output.append ("[") output.append (url_to_eiffel_url (i.url)) output.append ("|") process_text_container (i) output.append ("]") else process_text_container (i) end output.append ("") -- output.append ("") end end process_class_name (i: XMLDOC_CLASS_NAME) do if inside_code_block then process_text_container (i) else -- output.append ("") output.append ("") if i.url /= Void then output.append ("[") output.append (url_to_eiffel_url (i.url)) output.append ("|") process_text_container (i) output.append ("]") else process_text_container (i) end output.append ("") -- output.append ("") end end process_feature_name (i: XMLDOC_FEATURE_NAME) do if inside_code_block then process_text_container (i) else -- output.append ("") output.append ("") if i.url /= Void then output.append ("[") output.append (url_to_eiffel_url (i.url)) output.append ("|") process_text_container (i) output.append ("]") else process_text_container (i) end output.append ("") -- output.append ("") end end process_label (i: XMLDOC_LABEL) do if not i.is_empty then process_text_container (i) end end process_bold (i: XMLDOC_BOLD) do if not i.is_empty then output.append ("'''") process_text_container (i) output.append ("'''") end end process_italic (i: XMLDOC_ITALIC) do if not i.is_empty then output.append ("''") process_text_container (i) output.append ("''") end end process_underline (i: XMLDOC_UNDERLINE) do if not i.is_empty then output.append ("") process_text_container (i) output.append ("") end end process_span (i: XMLDOC_SPAN) do output.append ("") process_composite_text (i) output.append ("") end process_div (i: XMLDOC_DIV) do if = Void then output.append ("
    ") else output.append ("
    ") end process_composite_text (i) output.append ("
    ") end process_line_break (i: XMLDOC_LINE_BREAK) do output.append ("
    %N") end process_table (i: XMLDOC_TABLE) do output_append_new_line_if_needed output.append ("{| ") if i.has_border then output.append ("border=%"" + i.border.out + "%" ") end if /= Void then output.append ("style=%"" + + "%" ") end output_append_new_line if i.legend /= Void then output.append ("|+ " + i.legend) output_append_new_line end i.rows.do_all (agent process_table_row) output.append ("|}") output_append_new_line end process_table_row (i: XMLDOC_TABLE_ROW) local s: STRING do output.append ("|- ") if /= Void or i.height /= Void then s := " style=%"" if /= Void then s.append ( + ";") end if i.height /= Void then s.append ("height=" + i.height + ";") end s.append ("%"") output_append_new_line output.append ("! " + s + " ") end output_append_new_line i.cells.do_all (agent process_table_cell) end process_table_cell (i: XMLDOC_TABLE_CELL) local s: STRING do output.append ("| ") process_composite_text (i) if /= Void or i.width /= Void or i.height /= Void then s := "|| style=%"" if /= Void then s.append ( + ";") end if i.width /= Void then s.append ("width=" + i.width + ";") end if i.height /= Void then s.append ("height=" + i.height + ";") end s.append ("%"") output.append (s) end output.append ("%N") end process_code_entity (i: XMLDOC_CODE_ENTITY) do if not i.is_empty then if inside_code_block then process_with_content (i) -- output.append (i.text) else output.append ("") process_with_content (i) -- output.append (i.text) output.append ("") end end end invariant output_attached: output /= Void end