note description: "Handler loading of projects. It also takes care of converting old Project format (.ace and .epr) to new format." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" deferred class PROJECT_LOADER inherit ANY SHARED_WORKBENCH export {NONE} all end SHARED_EIFFEL_PROJECT export {NONE} all {ANY} eiffel_project end PROJECT_CONTEXT rename project_location as compiler_project_location export {NONE} all end SYSTEM_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end SHARED_ERROR_HANDLER export {NONE} all end COMPILER_EXPORTER export {NONE} all end SHARED_EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT export {NONE} all end SHARED_FLAGS export {NONE} all end EIFFEL_LAYOUT export {NONE} all end SHARED_OVERRIDDEN_METADATA_CACHE_PATH export {NONE} all end CONF_ACCESS CONF_FILE_CONSTANTS SHARED_COMPILER_PROFILE feature -- Loading open_project_file (a_file_name: PATH; a_target_name: STRING_32; a_project_path: PATH; from_scratch: BOOLEAN; settings: detachable CONF_TARGET_SETTINGS) -- Initialize current project using `a_file_name'. -- Is specified, use `settings' to override options for the selected target. local l_default_file_name: PATH l_load_config: CONF_LOAD l_factory: CONF_COMP_FACTORY do create l_factory reset is_recompile_from_scrach := from_scratch project_location := a_project_path if a_file_name = Void or else a_file_name.is_empty then -- We are in the case where no file was specified, so we will try either to read -- Ace or Ace.ecf from the current working directory. l_default_file_name := execution_environment.current_working_path.extended ("Ace.ecf") if is_file_readable (l_default_file_name) then config_file_name := l_default_file_name else -- Try to locate `Ace'. l_default_file_name := execution_environment.current_working_path.extended ("Ace") if is_file_readable (l_default_file_name) then -- Most likely it is not an Ace file, so it must be in the new format. config_file_name := l_default_file_name else -- Report error stating that we could not find `Ace.ecf' -- in the current working directory. l_default_file_name := execution_environment.current_working_path.extended ("Ace.ecf") report_non_readable_configuration_file (l_default_file_name) end end elseif is_file_readable (a_file_name) then -- Extract the extension of the file and depending -- on its value try different loading approach. if a_file_name.has_extension ({EIFFEL_CONSTANTS}.config_extension) then -- Case where it is a `ecf' extension. or another one. config_file_name := a_file_name else -- Unknown extension, let's try as an ecf. config_file_name := a_file_name create l_load_config.make (l_factory) l_load_config.retrieve_and_check_configuration ( if l_load_config.is_error and l_load_config.is_invalid_xml then -- Could not load the file, but it was not XML. l_load_config := Void end end else report_non_readable_configuration_file (a_file_name) end if not has_error then -- Initializes the `workbench' since we are creating/opening a project. workbench.make -- If `l_load_config' is not Void, it is possible that it was the result -- of one of the above calls when trying to guess type of config file, -- thus no need to read the config file a second time. if l_load_config = Void then -- We try to load it as a normal config file. create l_load_config.make (l_factory) l_load_config.retrieve_and_check_configuration ( end if l_load_config.is_error then report_cannot_read_config_file (config_file_name, l_load_config.last_error) else -- Now we have to find `a_target_name' in this configuration file -- if one is specified. find_target_name (a_target_name, l_load_config.last_system) if not has_error then if not is_project_creation_or_opening_not_requested then -- Use specified settings for further processing. lace.set_settings (settings) lace.set_conf_system (l_load_config.last_system) lace.set_target_name (target_name) compiler_project_location.set_target (target_name) lace.set_file_name ( -- Try to retrieve project if already compiled. retrieve_or_create_project (a_project_path) if not has_error then -- check if precompiles are ok, otherwise (re)create them if is_recompile_from_scrach then eiffel_layout.set_precompile (, end lace.check_location_mappings if attached lace.iron_packages_to_install as l_iron_packages and then not l_iron_packages.is_empty then ask_iron_package_installation (l_iron_packages) if attached iron_packages_user_wants_to_install as l_iron_packages_to_install then install_iron_packages (l_iron_packages_to_install) if is_iron_execution_error then report_iron_packages_installation_error else install_iron_packages_dependencies_from_project (, target_name) if is_iron_execution_error then report_iron_packages_installation_error end end end end lace.check_precompile if lace.is_precompile_invalid then -- FIXME: handle invalid precompile ! -- print ("precompile is invalid!!!%N") elseif lace.is_precompilation_needed then ask_compile_precompile (lace.precompile) if is_user_wants_precompile then compile_precompile (lace.precompile) if is_precompilation_error then report_precompilation_error end end end if is_recompile_from_scrach and then is_compilation_requested then compile_project end end else is_project_ok := True end end end end end open_single_file_compilation_project (a_class_filename: PATH; a_libraries: ARRAYED_LIST [PATH]; a_project_path: PATH; from_scratch: BOOLEAN; settings: CONF_TARGET_SETTINGS) -- Open project for a single file compilation. -- -- `a_class_filename': Filename of Eiffel class which acts as root -- `a_libraries': List of libraries which should be included -- `a_project_path': Path of project -- `from_scratch': Indicates if a clean is requested before compilation require a_libraries_not_void: a_libraries /= Void a_class_filename_not_void: a_class_filename /= Void local l_target_name: STRING_32 l_config_file_name: like config_file_name l_file: RAW_FILE l_factory: CONF_FACTORY l_system: CONF_SYSTEM l_target: CONF_TARGET l_load: CONF_LOAD do -- First split the class name into components. A possible classname is -- 'path/to/file/hello_world.e' and we will extract just `hello_world' in `l_target_name'. l_target_name := l_target_name.remove_tail (2) create l_factory -- Only create ecf if it does not exist yet if attached a_class_filename.parent as l_parent then create l_file.make_with_path (l_parent.extended (l_target_name + {EIFFEL_CONSTANTS}.dotted_config_extension)) else create l_file.make_with_name (l_target_name + {EIFFEL_CONSTANTS}.dotted_config_extension) end l_config_file_name := l_file.path if l_file.exists then -- ecf exists, load it create l_load.make (l_factory) l_load.retrieve_and_check_configuration ( if l_load.is_error then -- ecf could not be loaded, an error will be triggered -- later when the config file will be loaded again by -- the `open_project_file' feature else l_system := l_load.last_system -- Check if target exists if l_system.targets.has (l_target_name) then -- Default target exists, l_target := l_system.targets.item (l_target_name) -- Add libraries a_libraries.do_all (agent add_library_to_target (?, l_target)) -- Check console application flag if l_target.libraries.current_keys.there_exists (agent is_gui_library (?)) then l_target.update_setting ({CONF_CONSTANTS}.s_console_application, "false") end else -- Target does not exist yet, create it add_single_file_compilation_target (l_system, l_target_name, l_target_name.as_upper, "make", a_libraries) end -- Save config file to disk end else -- ecf does not exist, create it -- Configuration system l_system := l_factory.new_system_generate_uuid_with_file_name (, l_target_name, latest_namespace) l_system.set_file_name ( -- Add the target for single file compilation add_single_file_compilation_target (l_system, l_target_name, l_target_name.as_upper, "make", a_libraries) -- Save config file to disk end -- Now that an ecf exists, call the normal project loading with the new ecf. open_project_file (l_config_file_name, l_target_name, a_project_path, from_scratch, settings) end feature -- Access has_error: BOOLEAN -- Did an error occur while trying to load a project file? is_project_ok: BOOLEAN -- If `is_project_creation_or_opening_not_requested' is not set, `is_project_ok' states -- whether or not current is properly set for a compilation. is_recompile_from_scrach: BOOLEAN -- Is a recompilation from scratch requested? is_project_location_requested: BOOLEAN -- If `True', ask user for a project location, otherwise simply create -- project where configuration file is located. do end is_project_creation_or_opening_not_requested: BOOLEAN -- Will project be open or created when calling `open_project_file'. is_compilation_requested: BOOLEAN -- Is a compilation requested after loading the project? ignore_user_configuration_file: BOOLEAN -- Will user configuration file be used for current compilation? converted_file_name: PATH -- Name of new format config file chosen by user. has_library_conversion: BOOLEAN -- Should cluster be transformed into libraries whenever possible? feature -- Settings set_is_compilation_requested (v: like is_compilation_requested) -- Set `is_compilation_requested' with `v'. do is_compilation_requested := v ensure is_compilation_requested_set: is_compilation_requested = v end enable_project_creation_or_opening_not_requested -- Ensure `is_project_creation_or_opening_not_requested'. This is of course -- only possible if a compilation was not requested. require not_is_compilation_requested: not is_compilation_requested do is_project_creation_or_opening_not_requested := True ensure is_project_creation_or_opening_not_requested_set: is_project_creation_or_opening_not_requested end set_ignore_user_configuration_file (v: like ignore_user_configuration_file) -- Set `ignore_user_configuration_file' with `v'. do ignore_user_configuration_file := v ensure ignore_user_configuration_file_set: ignore_user_configuration_file = v end set_has_library_conversion (v: like has_library_conversion) -- Set `has_library_conversion' with `v'. do has_library_conversion := v ensure has_library_conversion_set: has_library_conversion = v end feature {NONE} -- Settings set_should_override_project (v: like should_override_project) -- Set `should_override_project' with `v'. do should_override_project := v ensure should_override_project_set: should_override_project = v end set_has_error -- Set `has_error' to True. do has_error := True ensure has_error_set: has_error end reset -- Reset variabes. do has_error := False is_compilation_requested := False is_project_ok := False config_file_name := Void target_name := Void project_location := Void should_override_project := False end feature {NONE} -- Implementation: access config_file_name: detachable PATH -- Name of new format config file chosen by user. target_name: STRING_32 -- Name of a target chose by user. project_location: PATH -- Location of project chosen by user. should_override_project: BOOLEAN -- If project was incompatible, did user want to override it -- and create a new one instead? is_deletion_cancelled: BOOLEAN -- Was last deletion operation cancelled? feature -- Status report is_file_readable (a_file_name: PATH): BOOLEAN -- Does file of path `a_file_name' exist and is readable? require a_file_name_not_void: a_file_name /= Void a_file_name_not_empty: not a_file_name.is_empty local l_file: RAW_FILE do create l_file.make_with_path (a_file_name) Result := l_file.exists and then l_file.is_readable end is_file_writable (a_file_name: PATH): BOOLEAN -- Does file of path `a_file_name' exist and can be written/created? require a_file_name_not_void: a_file_name /= Void a_file_name_not_empty: not a_file_name.is_empty local l_file: RAW_FILE do create l_file.make_with_path (a_file_name) Result := (l_file.exists and then l_file.is_writable) or else l_file.is_creatable end is_directory_readable (a_dir_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): BOOLEAN -- Does directory of path `a_dir_name' exist and is readable? require a_dir_name_not_void: a_dir_name /= Void a_dir_name_not_empty: not a_dir_name.is_empty local l_dir: DIRECTORY do create l_dir.make (a_dir_name) Result := l_dir.exists and then l_dir.is_readable end is_user_wants_precompile: BOOLEAN -- Does the user want to compile the needed precompile? is_precompilation_error: BOOLEAN -- Was there an error during the generation of a needed precompile? is_update_environment: BOOLEAN -- Should changed environment variables be used? iron_packages_user_wants_to_install: detachable LIST [READABLE_STRING_32] -- Iron packages the user wants to install? is_iron_execution_error: BOOLEAN -- Was there an error during the last iron command execution? -- i.e: iron packages installation. feature {NONE} -- Status report is_config_file_name_valid: BOOLEAN -- Is `config_file_name' valid? That is to say exist, and is readable? do Result := config_file_name /= Void and then not config_file_name.is_empty and then is_file_readable (config_file_name) end feature {NONE} -- Settings convert_ace (a_file_name: PATH) -- Convert `a_file_name' which is supposely in the `ace' format to the -- new configuration format. require a_file_name_not_void: a_file_name /= Void a_file_name_not_empty: not a_file_name.is_empty a_file_name_readable: is_file_readable (a_file_name) local -- l_load: CONF_LOAD_LACE -- l_factory: CONF_COMP_FACTORY do -- -- load config from ace -- create l_factory -- create l_load.make (l_factory, {EIFFEL_CONSTANTS}.config_extension) -- if not has_library_conversion then -- l_load.disable_library_conversions -- end -- l_load.retrieve_configuration (a_file_name) -- if l_load.is_error then -- report_cannot_read_ace_file (a_file_name, l_load.last_error) -- else -- -- Ask user for a new name for the converted config file. -- -- If user does not specify one, then the processing will stop right there. -- ask_for_config_name (a_file_name.parent, + {EIFFEL_CONSTANTS}.dotted_config_extension, -- agent store_converted ( l_load.last_system, ?)) -- end ensure config_file_name_set: not has_error implies is_config_file_name_valid end store_converted (a_conf_system: CONF_SYSTEM; a_file_name: PATH) -- Store updated configuration into `file_name'. require a_conf_system_not_void: a_conf_system /= Void a_file_name_not_void: a_file_name /= Void a_file_name_not_empty: not a_file_name.is_empty local l_print: CONF_PRINT_VISITOR l_file: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE do create l_print.make a_conf_system.process (l_print) check no_error: not l_print.is_error end if is_file_writable (a_file_name) then create l_file.make_with_path (a_file_name) l_file.open_write l_file.put_string (l_print.text) l_file.close config_file_name := a_file_name else report_cannot_save_converted_file (a_file_name) end ensure config_file_name_set: not has_error implies config_file_name = a_file_name config_file_name_valid: not has_error implies is_config_file_name_valid end retrieve_or_create_project (a_project_path: PATH) -- Retrieve or create project. local msg: STRING_32 do --| Define temporary default directory structure for project lace.process_user_file (a_project_path, not ignore_user_configuration_file) compiler_project_location.set_location (lace.project_path) -- If `compiler_project_location.project_file' actually exists we will try to retrieve it. -- Otherwise, it means that we are trying to compile a new project. if compiler_project_location.project_file.exists and not is_recompile_from_scrach then -- Retrieve the project Eiffel_project.make (compiler_project_location) if not eiffel_project.error_occurred then check_used_environment report_project_loaded_successfully else if Eiffel_project.retrieval_error then if Eiffel_project.manager.is_created then Eiffel_project.manager.on_project_close end if Eiffel_project.is_incompatible then msg := warning_messages.w_project_incompatible_version (, version_number, Eiffel_project.incompatible_version_number) report_incompatible_project (msg) else if Eiffel_project.is_corrupted then msg := Warning_messages.w_project_corrupted ( report_project_corrupted (msg) elseif Eiffel_project.retrieval_interrupted then msg := Warning_messages.w_project_interrupted ( report_project_retrieval_interrupted (msg) end end elseif Eiffel_project.incomplete_project then msg := Warning_messages.w_project_directory_not_exist (, report_project_incomplete (msg) elseif Eiffel_project.read_write_error then msg := Warning_messages.w_cannot_open_project report_cannot_open_project (msg) end -- Project was somehow incompatible, and user may have selected to -- override the existing project and recompile from scratch. if should_override_project then is_recompile_from_scrach := True create_project (lace.project_path, False) post_create_project end end else -- Project file did not exist. is_recompile_from_scrach := True create_project (lace.project_path, is_project_location_requested) post_create_project end end check_used_environment -- Check if the current environment values still have the same values as the ones stored in the project settings. local l_envs: STRING_TABLE [READABLE_STRING_GENERAL] l_key, l_old_val, l_new_val: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL do if eiffel_project.system_defined and then eiffel_project.initialized and then eiffel_system.workbench.is_already_compiled and then eiffel_system.workbench.last_reached_degree <= 5 then from l_envs := l_envs.start until l_envs.after loop l_key := l_envs.key_for_iteration l_old_val := l_envs.item_for_iteration l_new_val := eiffel_layout.get_environment_32 (l_key) if {PLATFORM}.is_windows then l_old_val := l_old_val.as_lower if l_new_val /= Void then l_new_val := l_new_val.as_lower end end if not l_key.is_case_insensitive_equal (eiffel_layout.default_il_environment.ise_dotnet_framework_env) and then not l_key.is_case_insensitive_equal (eiffel_layout.default_il_environment.ise_dotnet_packs_env) and then not l_key.is_case_insensitive_equal (eiffel_layout.default_il_environment.ise_dotnet_shared_env) and then not l_key.is_case_insensitive_equal (eiffel_layout.default_il_environment.ise_dotnet_platform_env) and then not l_key.is_case_insensitive_equal (eiffel_layout.default_il_environment.ise_dotnet_tfm_env) and then not l_key.is_case_insensitive_equal (eiffel_layout.default_il_environment.ise_dotnet_version_env) and then not l_key.is_case_insensitive_equal ({EIFFEL_CONSTANTS}.ise_precomp_env) and then not l_key.is_case_insensitive_equal ({EIFFEL_CONSTANTS}.ise_emdc_env) and then not l_key.is_case_insensitive_equal ({EIFFEL_CONSTANTS}.ise_dotnet_assemblies_path_env) and then not same_environment_variable_value (l_new_val, l_old_val) then ask_environment_update (l_key, l_old_val, l_new_val) if is_update_environment then if l_new_val /= Void then l_envs.force (l_new_val, l_key) else l_envs.remove (l_key) end system.force_rebuild else eiffel_layout.set_environment (l_old_val, l_key) end end l_envs.forth end end end same_environment_variable_value (v1,v2: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): BOOLEAN -- Are `v1` and `v2` represent the same variable value? -- note: empty or Void value are considered the same. do if v1 = Void then Result := v2 = Void or else v2.is_empty elseif v2 = Void then Result := v1.is_empty else Result := v1.same_string (v2) end end create_project (a_project_path: PATH; a_should_prompt_for_project_location: BOOLEAN) -- Try to create a project and ask for project's location if `a_should_prompt_for_project_location'. require a_project_path_not_void: a_project_path /= Void a_project_path_not_empty: not a_project_path.is_empty local retried: BOOLEAN l_dir: DIRECTORY do if not retried then if a_should_prompt_for_project_location then ask_for_new_project_location (a_project_path) if not has_error then lace.process_user_file (project_location, not ignore_user_configuration_file) compiler_project_location.set_location (lace.project_path) end else project_location := a_project_path end if not has_error then create l_dir.make_with_path (project_location) eiffel_project.make_new (l_dir, compiler_project_location, True, deletion_agent, cancel_agent) if is_deletion_cancelled then set_has_error elseif workbench.system_defined then system.reset_all end end else if project_location /= Void then report_cannot_create_project (project_location) else report_cannot_create_project (a_project_path) end end rescue retried := True retry end post_create_project -- Action to be done just after creating a project. do end compile_project -- Compile newly created project. require not_has_error: not has_error is_compilation_requested: is_compilation_requested is_project_ready_for_compilation: not is_project_creation_or_opening_not_requested deferred end compile_precompile (a_precompile: CONF_PRECOMPILE) -- Generate the precompile `a_precompile'. require a_precompile_not_void: a_precompile /= Void local l_path: STRING_32 l_target: CONF_TARGET l_args: ARRAYED_LIST [READABLE_STRING_GENERAL] do l_target := create l_args.make (10) across compiler_profile.command_line_list as c loop l_args.extend (c.item) end l_args.extend ("-config") l_args.extend (a_precompile.path) l_args.extend ("-precompile") l_args.extend ("-clean") l_args.extend ("-c_compile") l_args.extend ("-batch") if l_target.setting_msil_generation then l_args.extend ("-finalize") l_path := overridden_metadata_cache_path if l_path = Void then l_path := l_target.setting_metadata_cache_path end if l_path /= Void and then not l_path.is_empty then l_args.extend ("-metadata_cache_path") l_args.extend (l_path) end end l_args.extend ("-project_path") if a_precompile.eifgens_location /= Void then l_args.extend ( else -- If no path is specified we default to the location of the ecf. l_args.extend ( end launch_precompile_process (l_args) end launch_precompile_process (a_arguments: LIST [READABLE_STRING_GENERAL]) -- Launch precompile process `a_command'. require a_arguments_ok: a_arguments /= Void deferred end install_iron_packages (a_packages: LIST [READABLE_STRING_32]) -- Install iron package `a_packages'. require a_packages_not_empty: not a_packages.is_empty local l_args: ARRAYED_LIST [READABLE_STRING_GENERAL] do create l_args.make (2 + a_packages.count) l_args.extend ("install") l_args.extend ("--batch") across a_packages as ic loop l_args.extend (ic.item) end is_iron_execution_error := False launch_iron_execution (eiffel_layout.iron_command_name, l_args) end install_iron_packages_dependencies_from_project (a_ecf, a_target: READABLE_STRING_32) -- Install iron packages on which depends `a_ecf.a_target'. local l_args: ARRAYED_LIST [READABLE_STRING_GENERAL] do create l_args.make (6) l_args.extend ("install") l_args.extend ("--setup") l_args.extend ("--batch") l_args.extend ("--ecf") l_args.extend (a_ecf) l_args.extend ("--target") l_args.extend (a_target) is_iron_execution_error := False launch_iron_execution (eiffel_layout.iron_command_name, l_args) end launch_iron_execution (a_iron_cmd: PATH; a_arguments: LIST [READABLE_STRING_GENERAL]) -- Launch iron process `a_iron_cmd' with `a_arguments'. require a_iron_cmd_ok: a_iron_cmd /= Void and then not a_iron_cmd.is_empty a_arguments_ok: a_arguments /= Void not_is_iron_execution_error: is_iron_execution_error = False deferred end find_target_name (a_proposed_target: STRING_32; a_system: CONF_SYSTEM) -- Given `a_proposed_target', try to find it in `a_targets'. If not found or if `a_proposed_target' -- is not valid, ask the user to choose a target among `a_targets'. require a_system_not_void: a_system /= Void local l_not_found: BOOLEAN l_list: ARRAYED_LIST [READABLE_STRING_GENERAL] l_infos: detachable STRING_TABLE [TUPLE [text: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; is_error: BOOLEAN]] l_targets: STRING_TABLE [CONF_TARGET] l_user_options_factory: USER_OPTIONS_FACTORY l_last_target: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL l_last_target_matched: BOOLEAN l_sorter: QUICK_SORTER [READABLE_STRING_GENERAL] l_parent_checker: detachable CONF_PARENT_TARGET_CHECKER t: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL obs: CONF_ERROR_CONTAINER do -- `a_system.compilable_targets` needs to know the eventual parent of target. -- mostly to know about the root entry point if any. create obs create l_parent_checker.make_with_observer (create {CONF_PARSE_FACTORY}, obs) l_parent_checker.resolve_system (a_system) if l_parent_checker.has_cycle_error then report_cannot_read_config_file (a_system.file_path, obs.last_errors.last) set_has_error else l_targets := a_system.compilable_targets if a_proposed_target /= Void then target_name := a_proposed_target (target_name) if not l_targets.found then l_not_found := True target_name := Void end else l_not_found := True end if l_not_found then -- Try and find the previously used target. create l_user_options_factory l_user_options_factory.load (a_system.file_name) if l_user_options_factory.successful and then attached l_user_options_factory.last_options as l_options then l_last_target := l_options.target_name else l_last_target := "" end -- Order targets in alphabetical order after last selected target (if any) from create l_list.make (l_targets.count) l_targets.start until l_targets.after loop t := l_targets.key_for_iteration if t.is_case_insensitive_equal (l_last_target) then -- We want the last target first in the list. l_last_target_matched := True else l_list.extend (t) end if attached l_targets.item_for_iteration.parent_reference as par and then attached par.associated_error as err then if l_infos = Void then create l_infos.make (1) end l_infos.force ([err.text, True], t) elseif attached l_targets.item_for_iteration.description as desc then if l_infos = Void then create l_infos.make (1) end l_infos.force ([desc, False], t) end l_targets.forth end create l_sorter.make (create {COMPARABLE_COMPARATOR [READABLE_STRING_GENERAL]}) l_sorter.sort (l_list) if l_last_target_matched then -- Set the last used target as first in the list. l_list.start l_list.put_left (l_last_target) end ask_for_target_name (a_proposed_target, l_list, l_infos) end end ensure target_name_set: not has_error implies target_name /= Void and then not target_name.is_empty end feature {NONE} -- Error reporting report_non_readable_configuration_file (a_file_name: PATH) -- Report an error when `a_file_name' cannot be read. require a_file_name_not_void: a_file_name /= Void a_file_name_not_empty: not a_file_name.is_empty deferred ensure has_error_set: has_error end report_cannot_read_ace_file (a_file_name: PATH; a_conf_error: CONF_ERROR) -- Report an error when ace file `a_file_name' can be read, but its content cannot -- be properly interpreted. The details of the error are stored in `a_conf_error'. require a_file_name_not_void: a_file_name /= Void a_file_name_not_empty: not a_file_name.is_empty a_conf_error_not_void: a_conf_error /= Void deferred ensure has_error_set: has_error end report_cannot_read_config_file (a_file_name: PATH; a_conf_error: CONF_ERROR) -- Report an error when a config file `a_file_name' can be read, but its content cannot -- be properly interpreted. The details of the error are stored in `a_conf_error'. require a_file_name_not_void: a_file_name /= Void a_file_name_not_empty: not a_file_name.is_empty a_conf_error_not_void: a_conf_error /= Void deferred ensure has_error_set: has_error end report_cannot_save_converted_file (a_file_name: PATH) -- Report an error when result of a conversion from ace to new format cannot be stored -- in file `a_file_name'. require a_file_name_not_void: a_file_name /= Void a_file_name_not_empty: not a_file_name.is_empty deferred ensure has_error_set: has_error end report_cannot_create_project (a_dir_name: PATH) -- Report an error when we cannot create project in `a_dir_name'. require a_dir_name_not_void: a_dir_name /= Void a_dir_name_not_empty: not a_dir_name.is_empty deferred ensure has_error_set: has_error end report_cannot_open_project (a_msg: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Report an error when project cannot be read/write for some reasons -- and possibly propose user to upgrade require a_msg_not_void: a_msg /= Void deferred end report_incompatible_project (a_msg: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Report an error when retrieving an incompatible project and possibly -- propose user to upgrade. require a_msg_not_void: a_msg /= Void deferred end report_project_corrupted (a_msg: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Report an error when retrieving a project which is corrupted and possibly -- propose user to recompile from scratch. require a_msg_not_void: a_msg /= Void deferred end report_project_retrieval_interrupted (a_msg: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Report an error when project retrieval was stopped. require a_msg_not_void: a_msg /= Void deferred end report_project_incomplete (a_msg: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Report an error when project is incomplete and possibly propose -- user to recompile from scratch. require a_msg_not_void: a_msg /= Void deferred end report_project_loaded_successfully -- Report that project was loaded successfully. require is_config_file_name_valid: is_config_file_name_valid target_name_not_void: target_name /= Void target_name_not_empty: not target_name.is_empty deferred end report_precompilation_error -- Report that the precompilation of a precompile did not work. deferred end report_iron_packages_installation_error -- Report that previous iron execution did not work. deferred end feature {NONE} -- User interaction ask_for_target_name (a_target: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_targets: ARRAYED_LIST [READABLE_STRING_GENERAL]; a_info: detachable STRING_TABLE [TUPLE [text: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; is_error: BOOLEAN]]) -- Ask user to choose one target among `a_targets'. -- If not Void, `a_target' is the one selected by user. require a_targets_not_void: a_targets /= Void deferred ensure target_name_set: not has_error implies target_name /= Void end ask_for_new_project_location (a_project_path: PATH) -- Given a proposed location `a_project_path', ask user if he wants -- this location or another one. require a_project_path_not_void: a_project_path /= Void deferred ensure project_location_set: not has_error implies project_location /= Void end ask_compile_precompile (a_pre: CONF_PRECOMPILE) -- Should a needed precompile be automatically built? deferred end ask_environment_update (a_key, a_old_val: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_new_val: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Should new environment values be accepted? require a_key_ok: a_key /= Void and then not a_key.is_empty and then not a_key.has ('%U') a_old_val_ok: a_old_val /= Void and then not a_old_val.has ('%U') deferred end ask_iron_package_installation (a_packages: LIST [READABLE_STRING_32]) -- Should iron packages `a_packages' be automatically installed? require a_packages_not_empty: not a_packages.is_empty deferred end feature {NONE} -- Deletion deletion_agent: PROCEDURE [LIST [READABLE_STRING_GENERAL]] -- Agent for displaying progress when deleting files of a project. cancel_agent: FUNCTION [BOOLEAN] -- Agent for cancelling deletion of a project. feature {NONE} -- Constants warning_messages: WARNING_MESSAGES -- All warnings used in the interface once create Result end feature {NONE} -- Implementation add_single_file_compilation_target (a_system: CONF_SYSTEM; a_target_name, a_root_class_name: STRING_32; a_root_feature_name: STRING; a_libraries: LIST [PATH]) -- Add a target to `a_system' consisting of given parameters. -- -- `a_system': The configuration system which the target will be added to -- `a_target_name': Name of target to add to the system -- `a_root_class_name': Name of root class -- `a_root_feature_name': Name of root feature -- `a_libraries': List of libraries which will be added to the target require a_system_not_void: a_system /= Void a_target_name_not_void: a_target_name /= Void a_root_class_name_not_void: a_root_class_name /= Void a_root_feature_name_not_void: a_root_feature_name /= Void local l_factory: CONF_FACTORY l_target: CONF_TARGET l_root: CONF_ROOT l_directory_location: CONF_DIRECTORY_LOCATION do create l_factory -- Configuration target. l_target := l_factory.new_target (a_target_name, a_system) a_system.add_target (l_target) -- Root class and feature. l_root := l_factory.new_root (Void, a_root_class_name, a_root_feature_name, False) l_target.set_root (l_root) -- Default to SCOOP application. -- Set only capability part, root setting will default to it. if l_target.changeable_internal_options.concurrency_capability.value.index /= {CONF_TARGET_OPTION}.concurrency_index_scoop then l_target.changeable_internal_options.concurrency_capability.value.put_index ({CONF_TARGET_OPTION}.concurrency_index_scoop) end -- Add libraries to target. if a_libraries /= Void then a_libraries.do_all (agent add_library_to_target (?, l_target)) end -- Check if there are any gui libraries and set flag accordingly. if l_target.libraries.current_keys.there_exists (agent is_gui_library (?)) then l_target.update_setting ({CONF_CONSTANTS}.s_console_application, "false") else -- Default to console application. l_target.update_setting ({CONF_CONSTANTS}.s_console_application, "true") end -- Add 'current directory' as root cluster. l_directory_location := l_factory.new_location_from_path ("./", l_target) l_target.add_cluster (l_factory.new_cluster (a_target_name, l_directory_location, l_target)) -- Add base library. l_target.add_library (l_factory.new_library ("base", "$ISE_LIBRARY/library/base/base.ecf", l_target)) if l_target.precompile = Void then -- No precompile is set, add base as precompile. l_target.set_precompile (l_factory.new_precompile ("base_pre", "$ISE_PRECOMP/base-scoop-safe.ecf", l_target)) end ensure target_exists: a_system.targets.has (a_target_name) end add_library_to_target (a_library: PATH; a_target: CONF_TARGET) -- Add library `a_library' to `a_target'. -- -- `a_library': Either the name of a library or the location of an ecf file -- `a_target': Configuration target where library is added require a_library_not_void: a_library /= Void a_target_not_void: a_target /= Void local l_factory: CONF_FACTORY l_library_name: STRING_32 l_ecf_path: detachable STRING_32 l_library: CONF_LIBRARY l_loc: CONF_FILE_LOCATION ut: FILE_UTILITIES do create l_factory -- Check if extension denotes a configuration file if a_library.has_extension ({EIFFEL_CONSTANTS}.config_extension) then -- The library is specified as full path to ecf file create l_ecf_path.make_from_string_general ( -- Name of config file is taken as name of library l_library_name := l_library_name.remove_tail ({EIFFEL_CONSTANTS}.config_extension.count + 1) else -- The library is specified as name only l_library_name := -- Guess location l_ecf_path := {STRING_32} "$ISE_LIBRARY/library/" + l_library_name + "/" + l_library_name + "-safe" + {EIFFEL_CONSTANTS}.dotted_config_extension create l_loc.make (l_ecf_path, a_target) if not ut.file_path_exists (l_loc.evaluated_path) then l_ecf_path := {STRING_32} "$ISE_LIBRARY/library/" + l_library_name + "/" + l_library_name + {EIFFEL_CONSTANTS}.dotted_config_extension create l_loc.make (l_ecf_path, a_target) if not ut.file_path_exists (l_loc.evaluated_path) then -- Todo: should we raise an error or just ignore? l_ecf_path := Void end end -- Todo: smarter guess, check if ECF exists in this location and try also $ISE_LIBRARY/framework/ -- Todo: check if location exist and raise an error if it does not -- Todo: check if library can be used as precompile (e.g. Vision2) end -- Add library to ecf target if l_ecf_path /= Void then l_library := l_factory.new_library (l_library_name, l_ecf_path, a_target) a_target.add_library (l_library) else -- Todo: should we raise an error or just ignore? end end is_gui_library (a_library: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): BOOLEAN -- Is `a_library' a GUI library? -- At the moment this only checks if 'Vision2' or 'WEL' is present. require a_library_not_void: a_library /= Void do Result := a_library.same_string ("vision2") or a_library.same_string ("wel") end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2023, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end