note description: "[ A formatter that injects objects of arbitrary types into a string message. A formal parameter of the class denotes a type of the underlying formatter. Argument placeholders in a string message are denoted by {n} where n stands for an argument number n (starting from 1). The same argument number can be used multiple times. Example. Assuming there is a function as_injectable that converts its arguments to an injectable list, format ("{1} has {3} apples, all {3} are {2}", as_injectable ("Bob", "green", 8)) the generated message looks like "Bob has 8 apples, all 8 are green". ]" syntax: "[ The following characters have special meaning: { (opening brace) - beginning of an argument placeholder } (closing brace) - end of an argument placeholder | (vertical bar) - separator between argument number and format specification ` (backquote) - escape character Escape character is discarded from the original string and removes any special meaning of the character that follows it: `` - denotes a single character ` without any special meaning, `{ - denotes a single character { without any special meaning, etc. An argument placeholder for an argument number n is denoted in a message string by one of the following sequences: {n} - a placeholder with default format {n|f} - a placeholder with (possibly empty) format specification f The format specification f (if specified) or void (if there is no format specofication) is passed to the corresponding argument injector. ]" class COMPOSITE_FORMATTER [G] create make feature {NONE} -- Creation make (format_substring: PROCEDURE [G, READABLE_STRING_GENERAL, INTEGER_32, INTEGER_32]) -- Associate formatter with the procedure `format_substring' to render message string elements. do format_message := format_substring end feature -- Formatting format (formatter: G; message: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; arguments: ITERABLE [PROCEDURE [FORMAT_SPECIFICATION, G]]) -- Format `message' replacing placeholders with elements from `arguments' using `formatter'. -- Placeholders are denoted by {n} where n indicates an argument position. local a: ARRAYED_LIST [PROCEDURE [FORMAT_SPECIFICATION, G]] i: INTEGER j: INTEGER n: INTEGER nesting_level: NATURAL_32 has_number: BOOLEAN argument_number: INTEGER_32 cursor: ITERATION_CURSOR [PROCEDURE [FORMAT_SPECIFICATION, G]] state: NATURAL_32 do from i := 1 n := message.count state := state_message j := 1 until j > n loop inspect state when state_message then -- Regular message string between `i' and `j - 1'. inspect message [j] when escape_char then -- Emit message collected so far. if j > i then format_message (formatter, message, i, j - 1) end -- Do not interpret next character. j := j + 1 -- Advance to the next part. i := j when start_spec then -- Emit message collected so far. if j > i then format_message (formatter, message, i, j - 1) end -- Increase nesting level. nesting_level := nesting_level + 1 -- Advance to the next part. state := state_placeholder i := j + 1 else -- Continue collecting regular characters. end when state_placeholder then -- Beginning of a placeholder. inspect message [j] when '0' .. '9' then -- Prepare `argument_number' for reading an argument number. argument_number := 0 -- There is an argument number. has_number := True state := state_number else -- Bad format, skip it. has_number := False state := state_format end -- Process the current character in a new state. j := j - 1 when state_number then -- Argument number. inspect message [j] when '0' .. '9' then -- Read argument number. argument_number := argument_number * 10 + (message [j].code - zero_code) -- Check for overflow. if argument_number < 0 then -- Bad format, skip it. has_number := False argument_number := 0 state := state_format end when middle_spec then -- Advance to the format specification. i := j + 1 state := state_format when stop_spec then -- Advance to the empty format specification. i := j + 1 state := state_format -- Process the current character in a new state. j := j - 1 else -- Bad format, skip it. has_number := False argument_number := 0 state := state_format end when state_format then -- Format specification. inspect message [j] when start_spec then -- Nested placeholder. nesting_level := nesting_level + 1 when stop_spec then -- Decrease nesting level and check if this is the end of the current format specification. nesting_level := nesting_level - 1 if nesting_level = 0 then -- This is the end of the current format specification. -- Ignore invalid placeholders. if has_number and then argument_number > 0 then -- This is a valid format specification, replace it with a formatted argument. if not attached a or else not attached cursor then -- Avoid allocating too much space in case there is an error in the argument specification. if argument_number < 10 then create a.make (argument_number) else create a.make (10) end -- Initialize iteration. cursor := arguments.new_cursor end -- Compute argument at position `argument_number' if possible and store it to `a'. compute_argument (a, cursor, argument_number) -- Check if an argument is found. if a.valid_index (argument_number) and then attached a [argument_number] as append then -- Check if there is a format specification. if i <= j then -- Use given format specification. append (create {FORMAT_SPECIFICATION}.make (message.substring (i, j - 1)), formatter) else -- Use default format. append (default_format_specification, formatter) end end end end -- Prepare for a regular message. i := j + 1 state := state_message when escape_char then -- Do not interpret next character. j := j + 1 else -- Continue collecting format specification. end end -- Advance to the next character. j := j + 1 end if state = state_message and then i <= n then -- Emit last message. format_message (formatter, message, i, n) end end feature {NONE} -- State of a parser state_message: NATURAL_32 = 0 -- State of message collection. state_placeholder: NATURAL_32 = 1 -- State of placeholder parsing. state_number: NATURAL_32 = 2 -- State of number parsing. state_format: NATURAL_32 = 3 -- State of format specification parsing. feature {NONE} -- Argument evaluation compute_argument (storage: ARRAYED_LIST [PROCEDURE [FORMAT_SPECIFICATION, G]]; cursor: ITERATION_CURSOR [PROCEDURE [FORMAT_SPECIFICATION, G]]; argument_number: INTEGER_32) -- Compute argument at position `argument_number' if possible using `cursor' and put it to `storage'. local n: INTEGER_32 do -- Check if argument has been computed. n := storage.count if argument_number > n and then not cursor.after then -- Argument has not been computed yet. -- The loop cannot be replaced with an iteration form because the cursor is reused. from until n = argument_number or else cursor.after loop -- Place next argument at the unallocated index. storage.extend (cursor.item) -- Update number of arguments. n := n + 1 -- Advance to next argument. cursor.forth end end end feature -- Constructor list (add_list: PROCEDURE [FORMAT_SPECIFICATION, G, ITERABLE [PROCEDURE [G]]]; items: ITERABLE [PROCEDURE [G]]): PROCEDURE [FORMAT_SPECIFICATION, G] -- New list composed by `add_list' from given `items' that can be passed as an element to `format'. -- For example, "t.format ("{1}", [t.list (..., foo)])" will process "foo" as a list to be injected at position "{1}". -- If "foo" were an iterable object, the call "t.format ("{1}", [foo])" will inject only the first item of "foo" instead. do Result := agent (s: FORMAT_SPECIFICATION; a: PROCEDURE [FORMAT_SPECIFICATION, G, ITERABLE [PROCEDURE [G]]]; i: ITERABLE [PROCEDURE [G]]; t: G) do a (s, t, i) end (?, add_list, items, ?) end feature {NONE} -- Access format_message: PROCEDURE [TUPLE [f: G; s: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; first: INTEGER_32; last: INTEGER_32]] -- Formatter to be used for rendering message `s' from index `first' to index `last' using formatter `f'.. escape_char: CHARACTER_32 = '`' -- Escape character. start_spec: CHARACTER_32 = '{' -- Character used to strart placeholder. stop_spec: CHARACTER_32 = '}' -- Character used to stop placeholder. middle_spec: CHARACTER_32 = '|' -- Character used to delimit argument number associated with a placeholder from the format specification string. zero_code: INTEGER_32 = 48 -- Code of the character '0'. feature {NONE} -- Format specification default_format_specification: FORMAT_SPECIFICATION -- Format specification used when no explicit format specification is provided. once create Result.make_default end invariant zero_code_definition: zero_code = ('0').code note date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2016, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end