note description: "Abstract representation of addition of Eiffel routines in a dynamic library" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class E_DYNAMIC_LIB inherit SHARED_WORKBENCH SHARED_EIFFEL_PROJECT COMPILER_EXPORTER INTERNAL_COMPILER_STRING_EXPORTER feature -- Properties file_name: PATH -- Name of shared definition file. feature -- Access text: STRING -- Text of the Def file. -- Void if unreadable file require non_void_file_name: file_name /= Void local a_file: RAW_FILE do if valid_file_name (file_name) then create a_file.make_with_path (file_name) a_file.open_read a_file.read_stream (a_file.count) a_file.close -- No need to twin `last_string' because it belongs to `a_file' -- which is only used locally. Result := a_file.last_string end ensure text_not_void_if_file_valid: valid_file_name (file_name) implies Result /= Void end feature -- Status report valid_file_name (f_name: like file_name): BOOLEAN -- Is `f_name' a valid file name (i.e -- does it exist and is it readable)? require valid_f_name: f_name /= Void local f: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE do create f.make_with_path (f_name) Result := f.exists and then f.is_readable and then f.is_plain end is_content_valid: BOOLEAN -- Is current date read from `file_name' valid? is_empty: BOOLEAN -- Does current have some exported features? do Result := dynamic_lib_exports.is_empty end feature -- Update update -- Update data with new values from configuration file. -- Set `file_name' with new shared definition file name if specified. -- Set `is_content_valid' to True if `file_name' exists and contains -- valid data. local l_file: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE do is_content_valid := False file_name := Void if System.dynamic_def_file /= Void then if valid_file_name (System.dynamic_def_file) then set_file_name (System.dynamic_def_file) create l_file.make_with_path (file_name) l_file.open_read parse_exports_from_file (l_file) l_file.close end end end feature -- Setting set_file_name (f_name: like file_name) -- Set lace_file_name to `f_name'. require valid_f_name_if_not_void: f_name /= Void implies valid_file_name (f_name) do file_name := f_name ensure file_name_set: file_name = f_name end feature -- Data dynamic_lib_exports: HASH_TABLE [LINKED_LIST[DYNAMIC_LIB_EXPORT_FEATURE],INTEGER] once create Result.make (0) end feature -- DYNAMIC_LIB Exports processing. add_export_feature (d_class:CLASS_C; d_creation:E_FEATURE; d_routine:E_FEATURE; d_index:INTEGER; d_alias, d_call_type: STRING) require class_exists: d_class /= Void creation_exists: d_creation /= Void routine_exists: d_routine /= Void local dl_exp, dl_item: DYNAMIC_LIB_EXPORT_FEATURE dl_exp_list: LINKED_LIST[DYNAMIC_LIB_EXPORT_FEATURE] has_feature: BOOLEAN i:INTEGER do -- Addition of an export feature already defined in a ".def" file. if d_creation.arguments /= Void and then d_creation /= d_routine then -- Error: a creation procedure cannot have an argument elseif d_routine.is_attribute then -- Error: an attribute cannot be exported. elseif d_routine.is_deferred then -- Error: a deferred feature cannot be exported. else if dynamic_lib_exports.has_key (d_class.class_id) then dl_exp_list := dynamic_lib_exports.found_item else create dl_exp_list.make dynamic_lib_exports.put (dl_exp_list, d_class.class_id) end -- Check if the feature is or is not in the list. from dl_exp_list.start until has_feature = True or else dl_exp_list.after loop dl_item := dl_exp_list.item has_feature := (d_routine.feature_id = dl_item.feature_id) and then (d_creation.feature_id = dl_item.creation_routine.feature_id) and then (equal (d_alias, dl_item.alias_name)) i := dl_exp_list.index dl_exp_list.forth end if not has_feature then create dl_exp.make (d_class, d_creation, d_routine) dl_exp.set_creation_routine (d_creation) if d_index /= 0 then dl_exp.set_index (d_index) end if d_alias /= Void then dl_exp.set_alias_name (d_alias) end if d_call_type /= Void then dl_exp.set_call_type (d_call_type) end dl_exp_list.extend (dl_exp) else dl_exp_list.go_i_th (i) dl_exp_list.remove if dl_exp_list.is_empty then dynamic_lib_exports.remove (d_class.class_id) end end end end add_export_feature_from_file (t_class, t_creation, t_routine, t_index, t_alias, t_call_type: STRING) local class_list: LIST [CLASS_I] class_i:CLASS_I dl_class:CLASS_C dl_creation:E_FEATURE dl_routine:E_FEATURE dl_index:INTEGER api_feature_table:E_FEATURE_TABLE do if t_class /= Void and then t_routine /= Void then class_list := Eiffel_universe.compiled_classes_with_name (t_class) if class_list.is_empty then -- Error cannot process the line class_list := Void elseif class_list.count = 1 then class_i := class_list.first --FIXME: if there are many cluster with the class_list := Void else -- Error cannot process the line end if class_i /= Void then dl_class := class_i.compiled_class if not dl_class.is_precompiled and then dl_class.has_types then api_feature_table:= dl_class.api_feature_table if api_feature_table.has_key (t_routine) then dl_routine:= api_feature_table.found_item end if api_feature_table.has_key (t_creation) then dl_creation:= api_feature_table.found_item end if t_index/= Void then dl_index:=t_index.to_integer else dl_index := 0 end if dl_class /= Void and then dl_creation /= Void and then dl_routine /= Void then add_export_feature (dl_class,dl_creation,dl_routine,dl_index, t_alias, t_call_type) end end end end end parse_exports_from_file (f: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE) -- Parse content of `f'. require f_not_void: f /= Void f_open: f.is_open_read local lastline: STRING lastchar: CHARACTER pos, mark, index_mark, alias_mark, call_type_mark: INTEGER state, done: INTEGER t_class: STRING t_creation: STRING t_routine: STRING t_index: STRING t_alias: STRING t_call_type: STRING do dynamic_lib_exports.wipe_out is_content_valid := True from f.start until f.end_of_file loop f.read_line lastline := f.last_string.twin lastline.left_adjust lastline.right_adjust if not lastline.substring (1,2).is_equal ("--") and then not lastline.is_empty then from pos := 0 done := 0 until pos >= lastline.count or done > 0 loop pos := pos + 1 if lastline.item (pos) = '(' then done := 1 elseif lastline.item (pos) = ':' then done := 2 end end if done > 0 then mark := pos+1 --Class t_class := lastline.substring (1,pos-1) if done = 1 then --creation from until pos >= lastline.count or done > 1 loop pos := pos + 1 if lastline.item (pos) = ')' then done := 3 end end end if done > 1 then if done = 3 then t_creation := lastline.substring (mark,pos-1) elseif done = 2 then t_creation := Void end --routine from if done = 2 then -- we already found ':' done := 1 pos := pos-1 else done := 0 end until pos >= lastline.count or done > 1 loop pos := pos + 1 if lastline.item (pos) = ':' then done := 1 mark := pos + 1 elseif lastline.item (pos) = '@' then done := done + 2 index_mark := pos end end -- Read alias part if there is one --| Note: the alias part is at the end of the line, so --| that we can export a feature with the name `alias'. from if done /= 3 then pos := mark else pos := index_mark + 1 end state := 0 alias_mark := 0 call_type_mark := 0 until pos >= lastline.count or else state = 4 loop lastchar := lastline.item (pos) if state = 0 and then (lastchar.is_alpha or lastchar.is_digit) then -- We either find `routine_name' or `index'. state := 1 elseif state = 1 and then not (lastchar.is_alpha or lastchar.is_digit) then -- We either find the end of `routine_name' or `index' state := 2 elseif state = 2 and then has_alias_keyword (lastline, pos) then -- We find the `alias' keyword. state := 3 alias_mark := pos elseif (state = 2 or state = 3) and then has_call_type_keyword (lastline, pos) then state := 4 call_type_mark := pos end pos := pos + 1 end if alias_mark /= 0 then -- We found the `alias' keyword. if call_type_mark /= 0 then -- We found the `call_type' keyword. t_alias := lastline.substring (alias_mark + 6, call_type_mark - 1) t_call_type := lastline.substring (call_type_mark + 10, lastline.count) else t_alias := lastline.substring (alias_mark + 6, lastline.count) end else alias_mark := lastline.count + 1 if call_type_mark /= 0 then -- We found the `call_type' keyword. t_call_type := lastline.substring (call_type_mark + 10, lastline.count) else call_type_mark := lastline.count + 1 end end if done = 0 or else done = 2 then is_content_valid := False elseif done = 1 then -- We only found a routine name. if call_type_mark /= 0 then t_routine := lastline.substring (mark, alias_mark.min (call_type_mark) - 1) else t_routine := lastline.substring (mark, alias_mark - 1) end elseif done = 3 then -- We found a routine name and the `@' sign. t_routine := lastline.substring (mark, index_mark - 1) if call_type_mark /= 0 then t_index := lastline.substring (index_mark + 1, alias_mark.min (call_type_mark) - 1) else t_index := lastline.substring (index_mark + 1, alias_mark - 1) end end else is_content_valid := False end -- if on "done > 2" else is_content_valid := False end -- if on "done > 1" end -- if not "--" if t_class /= Void then t_class.left_adjust t_class.right_adjust end if t_creation /= Void then t_creation.left_adjust t_creation.right_adjust end if t_routine /= Void then t_routine.left_adjust t_routine.right_adjust end if t_index /= Void and then not t_index.is_empty then t_index.left_adjust t_index.right_adjust end if t_alias /= Void and then not t_alias.is_empty then t_alias.left_adjust t_alias.right_adjust end if t_call_type /= Void and then not t_call_type.is_empty then t_call_type.left_adjust t_call_type.right_adjust end if t_creation =Void and then t_routine /= Void then t_creation := t_routine.twin end add_export_feature_from_file (t_class,t_creation,t_routine,t_index, t_alias, t_call_type) t_class := Void t_creation := Void t_routine := Void t_index := Void t_alias := Void t_call_type := Void end -- loop on file end save_to_file (f: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE) local dl_exp:DYNAMIC_LIB_EXPORT_FEATURE class_name: STRING out_text: STRING do create out_text.make (200) out_text.append ("%N-- EXPORTED FEATURE(s) OF THE SHARED LIBRARY %N-- SYSTEM : ") out_text.append ( out_text.append ("%N") from dynamic_lib_exports.start until dynamic_lib_exports.after loop if dynamic_lib_exports.item_for_iteration /= Void and then not dynamic_lib_exports.item_for_iteration.is_empty then out_text.append ("%N-- CLASS [") dynamic_lib_exports.item_for_iteration.start class_name := dynamic_lib_exports.item_for_iteration.item.compiled_class.name_in_upper out_text.append (class_name) out_text.append ("]%N") from until dynamic_lib_exports.item_for_iteration.after loop dl_exp := dynamic_lib_exports.item_for_iteration.item class_name := dl_exp.compiled_class.name_in_upper out_text.append (class_name) if (dl_exp.creation_routine /= Void) and then (dl_exp.routine.feature_id /= dl_exp.creation_routine.feature_id) then out_text.append (" (") out_text.append ( out_text.append (")") elseif (dl_exp.creation_routine = Void) then out_text.append (" (create)") end if (dl_exp.routine /= Void) then out_text.append (" : ") out_text.append ( end if (dl_exp.index /= 0) then out_text.append (" @ ") out_text.append (dl_exp.index.out) end if dl_exp.alias_name /= Void then out_text.append (" alias ") out_text.append (dl_exp.alias_name) end if dl_exp.call_type /= Void then out_text.append (" call_type ") out_text.append (dl_exp.call_type) end out_text.append ("%N") dynamic_lib_exports.item_for_iteration.forth end end dynamic_lib_exports.forth end f.put_string (out_text) end feature {NONE} -- Implementation has_alias_keyword (current_line: STRING; pos: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Is there the `alias' keyword in `current_line'? require valid_line: current_line /= Void and then current_line.count > 0 valid_position: pos > 0 do Result := current_line.substring (pos, pos + 4).is_case_insensitive_equal ("alias") end has_call_type_keyword (current_line: STRING; pos: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Is there the `alias' keyword in `current_line'? require valid_line: current_line /= Void and then current_line.count > 0 valid_position: pos > 0 do Result := current_line.substring (pos, pos + 8).is_case_insensitive_equal ("call_type") end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2020, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end