note description: "Set of information about a profiled run." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class."; date: "$Date$"; revision: "$Revision$" class PROFILE_SET create make feature -- Creation make -- Creation feature do create eiffel_profiling_list.make; create c_profiling_list.make; create cycle_profiling_list.make; calls_min_eiffel := -1; calls_min_c := -1; calls_min_cycle := -1; end; feature -- Iteration start -- Set `item' to first item in the set. do eiffel_profiling_list.start; c_profiling_list.start; cycle_profiling_list.start; end; finish -- Set `item' to last item in the set. do eiffel_profiling_list.finish; eiffel_profiling_list.forth; c_profiling_list.finish; c_profiling_list.forth; cycle_profiling_list.finish; end; forth -- Make next item the current. require not_after: not after; do if not eiffel_profiling_list.after then eiffel_profiling_list.forth; else if not c_profiling_list.after then c_profiling_list.forth; else if not cycle_profiling_list.after then cycle_profiling_list.forth; end; end; end; end; back -- Make previous item the current. require not_before: not before; do if not cycle_profiling_list.before then cycle_profiling_list.back; else if not c_profiling_list.before then c_profiling_list.back; else if not eiffel_profiling_list.before then eiffel_profiling_list.back; end; end; end; end; after: BOOLEAN -- Is there no next item left? do Result := eiffel_profiling_list.after and then c_profiling_list.after and then cycle_profiling_list.after; end; before: BOOLEAN -- Is there no previous item left? do Result := cycle_profiling_list.before and then c_profiling_list.before and then eiffel_profiling_list.before; end; item: PROFILE_DATA -- The current item. do if not eiffel_profiling_list.after then Result := eiffel_profiling_list.item; else if not c_profiling_list.after then Result := c_profiling_list.item; else if not cycle_profiling_list.after then Result := cycle_profiling_list.item; end; end; end; end; feature {PROFILE_FILTER} -- Adding insert_unknown_profile_data (data: PROFILE_DATA) -- Puts `data' in the set. local ed: EIFFEL_PROFILE_DATA; cyd: CYCLE_PROFILE_DATA; cd: C_PROFILE_DATA; do debug("PROFILE_CONVERT") io.error.put_string ("`insert_unknown_profile_data' has been called."); io.error.put_new_line end; ed ?= data; if ed /= Void then insert_eiffel_profiling_data (ed); end; cd ?= data; if cd /= Void then insert_c_profiling_data (cd); end; cyd ?= data; if cyd /= Void then insert_cycle_profiling_data (cyd); end; end; feature {PROFILE_INFORMATION, PROFILE_FILTER} -- Adding insert_eiffel_profiling_data (data: EIFFEL_PROFILE_DATA) do debug("PROFILE_CONVERT") io.error.put_string ("`insert_eiffel_profile_data' has been called."); io.error.put_new_line end; eiffel_profiling_list.extend (data); update_eiffel (data); end; insert_c_profiling_data (data: C_PROFILE_DATA) do debug("PROFILE_CONVERT") io.error.put_string ("`insert_c_profile_data' has been called."); io.error.put_new_line end; c_profiling_list.extend (data); update_c (data); end; insert_cycle_profiling_data (data: CYCLE_PROFILE_DATA) do debug("PROFILE_CONVERT") io.error.put_string ("`insert_cycle_profile_data' has been called."); io.error.put_new_line end; cycle_profiling_list.extend (data); update_cycle (data); end; add_function_to_cycle (function: LANGUAGE_FUNCTION; number: INTEGER) local function_added: BOOLEAN; do from cycle_profiling_list.start; until cycle_profiling_list.after or else function_added loop if cycle_profiling_list.item.number = number then cycle_profiling_list.item.add_function (function); function_added := True; else cycle_profiling_list.forth; end; end; end; has_cycle (number: INTEGER): BOOLEAN do from cycle_profiling_list.start; until cycle_profiling_list.after or else Result loop if cycle_profiling_list.item.number = number then Result := True; else cycle_profiling_list.forth; end; end; end; stop_computation -- Stops computation i.e. computes the averages. local count: INTEGER; do count := eiffel_profiling_list.count; if count > 0 then percentage_avg_eiffel := percentage_avg_eiffel / count; total_avg_eiffel := total_avg_eiffel / count; self_avg_eiffel := self_avg_eiffel / count; descendants_avg_eiffel := descendants_avg_eiffel / count; calls_avg_eiffel := calls_avg_eiffel // count end; count := c_profiling_list.count; if count > 0 then percentage_avg_c := percentage_avg_c / count; total_avg_c := total_avg_c / count; self_avg_c := self_avg_c / count; descendants_avg_c := descendants_avg_eiffel / count; calls_avg_c := calls_avg_c // count; end; count := cycle_profiling_list.count; if count > 0 then percentage_avg_cycle := percentage_avg_cycle / count; total_avg_cycle := total_avg_cycle / count; self_avg_cycle := self_avg_cycle / count; descendants_avg_cycle := descendants_avg_cycle / count; calls_avg_cycle := calls_avg_cycle // count; end; end; feature -- Status report number_of_feature_calls: INTEGER -- Number of calls to Eiffel features do from eiffel_profiling_list.start; until eiffel_profiling_list.after loop Result := Result + eiffel_profiling_list.item.calls; eiffel_profiling_list.forth; end; end; number_of_function_calls: INTEGER -- Number of calls to C functions do from c_profiling_list.start; until c_profiling_list.after loop Result := Result + c_profiling_list.item.calls; c_profiling_list.forth; end; end; number_of_cycles: INTEGER -- Number of cycles detected during the run. do Result := cycle_profiling_list.count; end; number_of_eiffel_features: INTEGER -- Number of Eiffel features called during the run. do Result := eiffel_profiling_list.count; end; number_of_c_functions: INTEGER -- Number of C functions called during the run. do Result := c_profiling_list.count; end; feature -- Attributes eiffel_profiling_list: TWO_WAY_LIST [EIFFEL_PROFILE_DATA] -- Profiling data of all Eiffel features c_profiling_list: TWO_WAY_LIST [C_PROFILE_DATA] -- Profiling data of all C functions cycle_profiling_list: TWO_WAY_LIST [CYCLE_PROFILE_DATA] -- Profiling data of all cycles feature {NONE} -- Implementation init_eiffel (data: EIFFEL_PROFILE_DATA) -- Initialization of column-attributes for the -- language Eiffel. do calls_min_eiffel := data.calls; calls_max_eiffel := data.calls; calls_avg_eiffel := data.calls; percentage_min_eiffel := data.percentage; percentage_max_eiffel := data.percentage; percentage_avg_eiffel := data.percentage; descendants_min_eiffel := data.descendants; descendants_max_eiffel := data.descendants; descendants_avg_eiffel := data.descendants; self_min_eiffel := data.self; self_max_eiffel := data.self; self_avg_eiffel := data.self; total_min_eiffel :=; total_max_eiffel :=; total_avg_eiffel :=; end; init_c (data: C_PROFILE_DATA) -- Initialization of column-attributes for the -- language C. do calls_min_c := data.calls; calls_max_c := data.calls; calls_avg_c := data.calls; percentage_min_c := data.percentage; percentage_max_c := data.percentage; percentage_avg_c := data.percentage; descendants_min_c := data.descendants; descendants_max_c := data.descendants; descendants_avg_c := data.descendants; self_min_c := data.self; self_max_c := data.self; self_avg_c := data.self; total_min_c :=; total_max_c :=; total_avg_c :=; end; init_cycle (data: CYCLE_PROFILE_DATA) -- Initialization of column-attributes for the -- cycles. do calls_min_cycle := data.calls; calls_max_cycle := data.calls; calls_avg_cycle := data.calls; percentage_min_cycle := data.percentage; percentage_max_cycle := data.percentage; percentage_avg_cycle := data.percentage; descendants_min_cycle := data.descendants; descendants_max_cycle := data.descendants; descendants_avg_cycle := data.descendants; self_min_cycle := data.self; self_max_cycle := data.self; self_avg_cycle := data.self; total_min_cycle :=; total_max_cycle :=; total_avg_cycle :=; end; update_eiffel (data: EIFFEL_PROFILE_DATA) -- Updates all column-attributes for the language -- Eiffel. do if calls_min_eiffel = -1 then init_eiffel (data); else if data.calls < calls_min_eiffel then calls_min_eiffel := data.calls; end; if data.calls > calls_max_eiffel then calls_max_eiffel := data.calls; end; calls_avg_eiffel := calls_avg_eiffel + data.calls; if data.descendants < descendants_min_eiffel then descendants_min_eiffel := data.descendants; end; if data.descendants > descendants_max_eiffel then descendants_max_eiffel := data.descendants; end; descendants_avg_eiffel := descendants_avg_eiffel + data.descendants; if data.self < self_min_eiffel then self_min_eiffel := data.self; end; if data.self > self_max_eiffel then self_max_eiffel := data.self; end; self_avg_eiffel := self_avg_eiffel + data.self; if < total_min_eiffel then total_min_eiffel :=; end; if > total_max_eiffel then total_max_eiffel :=; end; total_avg_eiffel := total_avg_eiffel +; if data.percentage < percentage_min_eiffel then percentage_min_eiffel := data.percentage; end; if data.percentage > percentage_max_eiffel then percentage_max_eiffel := data.percentage; end; percentage_avg_eiffel := percentage_avg_eiffel + data.percentage; end; end; update_c (data: C_PROFILE_DATA) -- Updates all column-attributes for the language C. do if calls_min_c = -1 then init_c (data); else if data.calls < calls_min_c then calls_min_c := data.calls; end; if data.calls > calls_max_c then calls_max_c := data.calls; end; calls_avg_c := calls_avg_c + data.calls; if data.descendants < descendants_min_c then descendants_min_c := data.descendants; end; if data.descendants > descendants_max_c then descendants_max_c := data.descendants; end; descendants_avg_c := descendants_avg_eiffel + data.descendants; if data.self < self_min_c then self_min_c := data.self; end; if data.self > self_max_c then self_max_c := data.self; end; self_avg_c := self_avg_c + data.self; if < total_min_c then total_min_c :=; end; if > total_max_c then total_max_c :=; end; total_avg_c := total_avg_c +; if data.percentage < percentage_min_c then percentage_min_c := data.percentage; end; if data.percentage > percentage_max_c then percentage_max_c := data.percentage; end; percentage_avg_c := percentage_avg_c + data.percentage; end; end; update_cycle (data: CYCLE_PROFILE_DATA) -- Updates all column-attributes for the Cycles. do if calls_min_cycle = -1 then init_cycle (data); else if data.calls < calls_min_cycle then calls_min_cycle := data.calls; end; if data.calls > calls_max_cycle then calls_max_cycle := data.calls; end; calls_avg_cycle := calls_avg_cycle + data.calls; if data.descendants < descendants_min_cycle then descendants_min_cycle := data.descendants; end; if data.descendants > descendants_max_cycle then descendants_max_cycle := data.descendants; end; descendants_avg_cycle := descendants_avg_cycle + data.descendants; if data.self < self_min_cycle then self_min_cycle := data.self; end; if data.self > self_max_cycle then self_max_cycle := data.self; end; self_avg_cycle := self_avg_cycle + data.self; if < total_min_cycle then total_min_cycle :=; end; if > total_max_cycle then total_max_cycle :=; end; total_avg_cycle := total_avg_cycle +; if data.percentage < percentage_min_cycle then percentage_min_cycle := data.percentage; end; if data.percentage > percentage_max_cycle then percentage_max_cycle := data.percentage; end; percentage_avg_cycle := percentage_avg_cycle + data.percentage; end; end; feature {E_SHOW_PROFILE_QUERY} -- Column-Attributes -- column-attributes: min, max, avg per column means -- calls_min_eiffel, percentage_min_eiffel, etc. -- calls_max_eiffel, percentage_max_eiffel, etc. -- calls_avg_eiffel, percentage_avg_eiffel, etc. -- These attributes spawn also the languages. -- -- Both the min and amx attributes are computed during -- the calls to the update features. -- -- However, avg is first a summerization of all values, -- and when compute_avg is called, the avg-attributes are -- divided by the number of elements, which is the count -- of the list. This way of computing the average is -- mathematical and statistical correct for each sample-item -- has the same weight: 1. calls_min_eiffel, calls_max_eiffel, calls_avg_eiffel, calls_min_c, calls_max_c, calls_avg_c, calls_min_cycle, calls_max_cycle, calls_avg_cycle: INTEGER percentage_min_eiffel, percentage_max_eiffel, percentage_avg_eiffel, descendants_min_eiffel, descendants_max_eiffel, descendants_avg_eiffel, self_min_eiffel, self_max_eiffel, self_avg_eiffel, total_min_eiffel, total_max_eiffel, total_avg_eiffel, percentage_min_c, percentage_max_c, percentage_avg_c, descendants_min_c, descendants_max_c, descendants_avg_c, self_min_c, self_max_c, self_avg_c, total_min_c, total_max_c, total_avg_c, percentage_min_cycle, percentage_max_cycle, percentage_avg_cycle, descendants_min_cycle, descendants_max_cycle, descendants_avg_cycle, self_min_cycle, self_max_cycle, self_avg_cycle, total_min_cycle, total_max_cycle, total_avg_cycle: REAL_64 invariant note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2013, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class PROFILE_SET