note description: "[ Object that represents a domain used in Eiffel query language Basic conception The most basic conception in Eiffel Query Language (EQL) is domain. A domain is a list of some type of basic element. A domain is like a one column relation in SQL. Type of a domain depends on type of its elements. There are 10 different kinds of basic elements: 1. Target: Target of current system or target of a library. See {QL_TAREGET} 2. Group: Groups in a target, can be a cluster, a library or an assembly. See {QL_GROUP}. 3. Class: Classes contained in a group. See {QL_CLASS}. 4. Generic: Formal generics of a class. See {QL_GENERIC}. 5. Feature: Features in a class, there two types of features: real feature and invariant (class invariant is treated as a special type of feature). See{QL_FEATURE}. 6. Contract: Assertions associated with a feature. Class invariant assertions are considered associated with feature `invariant'. See{QL_ASSERTION}. 7. Local: Local variables of a feature. See {QL_LOCAL}. 8. Argument: Formal arguments of a feature. See {QL_ARGUMENT}. 9. Line: A line in a code-related element. Code-related element is an basic element which represents a piece of source code, including Class, Generic, Feature, Contract, Local and Argument. See{QL_LINE}. 10. Quantity: A double value element. See {QL_QUANTITY}. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Major operation The major operation of EQL is domain projection or transformation using a domain generator with some criterion. For more information of domain generator, see {QL_DOMAIN_GENERATOR}. One domain of certain type can be projected to another domain of the same type using some criterion and one domain of certain type can be transformed into another domain with a different type. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Criterion Each kind of basic element has a set of criteria associated with it. For example, basic element class {QL_CLASS} has criteria such as "is_deferred", "is_effective", "name_is", "ancestor_is". And basic element feature has criteria such as "is_query", "is_command", "return_type_is". A criterion can be prefixed with logical operator "not". And same type of criteria can be combined using logical operator "and", "or". Different kinds of criteria CANNOT be combined together. For more information of criteria for each type of basic element, see {QL_CRITERION_FACTORY} and its descendant classes. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Example l_class_cri: QL_CLASS_CRITERION l_class_domain: QL_CLASS_DOMAIN l_class_domain_generator: QL_CLASS_DOMAIN_GENERATOR ... l_class_cri := class_criterion_factory.criterion_with_name ("name_is", ["STRING", True, True]) -- Get a class criterion from criterion factory. `class_criterion_factory' is defined in {QL_SHARED}. -- This criterion tests if a class is named "STRING". create l_class_domain_generator.make (l_class_cri, True) -- Get a class domain generator and set the class name criterion into it. -- The boolean argument means store satisfied item into result domain. l_class_domain ?= system_target_domain.new_domain (l_class_domain_generator) -- Transform `system_target_domain' into `l_class_domain'. -- `system_target_domain' is defined in `QL_SHARED'. It represents a domain which -- contains the application target element of current system. Now we get a class domin, in which there is a QL_CLASS item representing a class named "STRING". We can use `l_class_domain' to generate new domains: l_feature_cri: QL_FEATURE_CRITERION l_feature_domain: QL_FEATURE_DOMAIN l_feature_domain_generator: QL_FEATURE_DOMAIN_GENERATOR ... l_feature_cri := feature_criterion_factory.criterion_with_name ("is_command", []) -- Get a feature criterion from `feature_criterion_factory' which is defined in {QL_SHARED}. create l_feature_domain_generator.make (l_feature_cri, True) l_feature_domain ?= l_class_domain.new_domain (l_feature_domain_generator) Now we get a feature domain, in which all commands in class {STRING} is available. And you can generate feature domain directly from a target domain. For example: Let's reuse system_target_domain, l_feature_cri, l_feature_domain, l_feature_domain_generator which are defined before. l_feature_domain ?= system_target_domain.new_domain (l_feature_domain_generator). -- Now we get all commands in current system, no matter to which classes they belong. ]" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." author: "" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" deferred class QL_DOMAIN inherit REFACTORING_HELPER undefine copy, is_equal end QL_VISITABLE QL_SHARED_SCOPE_CONSTANTS undefine copy, is_equal end QL_SHARED_SCOPES undefine is_equal, copy end QL_UTILITY undefine is_equal, copy end feature -- Access content: LIST [QL_ITEM] -- Content of current domain deferred ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end scope: QL_SCOPE -- Scope of current domain deferred ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end domain_generator: QL_DOMAIN_GENERATOR -- Domain generator which can generate domains of same type as Current domain deferred ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end feature -- Status report is_empty: BOOLEAN -- Is `content' empty? deferred end count: INTEGER -- Number of items in `content' deferred end is_delayed: BOOLEAN -- Is `Current' a delayed domain? -- A delayed domain means that `content' of the domain is not defined until a certain time. -- For example, in query: -- from "base" select class where (count feature from current_class > 10) -- in this query, current_class is a delayed domain. Content of this delayed domain -- is only meaningful when this query is executed. To be more detailed, when this query -- executes, it will iterate all classes in group "base", and for every class, current_class -- defines a domain which has one item which is the current iterated class in it. do end is_target_domain: BOOLEAN -- Is current a target domain? do end is_group_domain: BOOLEAN -- Is current a group domain? do end is_class_domain: BOOLEAN -- Is current a class domain? do end is_generic_domain: BOOLEAN -- Is current a generic domain? do end is_feature_domain: BOOLEAN -- Is current a feature domain? do end is_argument_domain: BOOLEAN -- Is current a argument domain? do end is_local_domain: BOOLEAN -- Is current a local domain? do end is_assertion_domain: BOOLEAN -- Is current a assertion domain? do end is_line_domain: BOOLEAN -- Is current a line domain? do end is_quantity_domain: BOOLEAN -- Is current a quantity domain? do end feature -- Removal wipe_out -- Remove all items. deferred end clear_cache -- Clear cache information. -- cache information is used for optimization. do end feature -- Domain creation new_domain (a_generator: QL_DOMAIN_GENERATOR): QL_DOMAIN -- New domain generated by `a_generator' require a_generator_attached: a_generator /= Void do a_generator.reset_domain prepare_before_new_domain_generation a_generator.process_domain (Current) cleanup_after_new_domain_generation Result := a_generator.domain.twin ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end feature -- Visit process (a_visitor: QL_VISITOR) -- Process `a_visitor'. do a_visitor.process_domain (Current) end feature -- Preparation and cleanup prepare_before_new_domain_generation -- Prepare before new domain generation. do end cleanup_after_new_domain_generation -- Clean up after new domain generation. do end feature -- Sorting sort (a_test_agent: FUNCTION [TUPLE [item_a: like item_type; item_b: like item_type], BOOLEAN]) -- Use `a_test_agent' to sort current. require a_test_agent_attached: a_test_agent /= Void local l_sorted_list: ARRAYED_LIST [like item_type] l_agent_tester: AGENT_EQUALITY_TESTER [like item_type] l_sorter: QUICK_SORTER [like item_type] l_content: like content do if not is_empty then create l_sorted_list.make (count) l_content := content across l_content as l_item loop l_sorted_list.extend (l_item.item) end l_content.wipe_out create l_agent_tester.make (a_test_agent) create l_sorter.make (l_agent_tester) l_sorter.sort (l_sorted_list) from l_sorted_list.start until l_sorted_list.after loop l_content.extend (l_sorted_list.item_for_iteration) l_sorted_list.forth end l_sorted_list.wipe_out end end feature -- Set operation union (other: like Current): like Current -- An new domain containing all the elements from both `Current' and `other'. require other_attached: other /= Void current_and_other_of_same_type: same_type (other) deferred ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end intersect (other: like Current): like Current -- A new domain containing all the elements that are in both `Current' and `other'. require other_attached: other /= Void current_and_other_of_same_type: same_type (other) deferred ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end minus (other: like Current): like Current -- A new domain containing all the elements of `Current', with the elements from `other' removed. require other_attached: other /= Void current_and_other_of_same_type: same_type (other) deferred ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end distinct: like Current -- A new domain which only contain distinct items in Current deferred ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end is_subset_of (other: like Current): BOOLEAN -- Is current domain a subset of `other'? require other_attached: other /= Void current_and_other_are_of_same_type: scope = other.scope local l_other_set: SEARCH_TABLE [like item_type] l_cur_content: like content l_cursor: CURSOR do create l_other_set.make (other.count) across other.content as l_other_content_item loop l_other_set.put (l_other_content_item.item) end l_cur_content := content l_cursor := l_cur_content.cursor from Result := True l_cur_content.start until l_cur_content.after or not Result loop Result := l_other_set.has (l_cur_content.item) l_cur_content.forth end l_cur_content.go_to (l_cursor) end is_proper_subset_of (other: like Current): BOOLEAN -- Is current domain a proper subset of `other'? do Result := other.count > count and then is_subset_of (other) end feature{QL_CRITERION} -- Implementation class_item_from_current_domain (a_class: CONF_CLASS): QL_CLASS -- If `a_class' is included in current domain, return the item, -- otherwise return Void. require a_class_attached: a_class /= Void deferred ensure good_result: Result /= Void implies Result.is_valid_domain_item end class_item_list_from_current_domain (a_classes: LIST [CLASS_C]): LIST [QL_CLASS] -- If a class in `a_classes' is included in current domain, then its coordinate QL_CLASS object -- will appear in `Result'. If no class in `a_classes' i s included in current domain, -- return an empty list. local l_class: QL_CLASS do if a_classes /= Void and then not a_classes.is_empty then create {ARRAYED_LIST [QL_CLASS]}Result.make (a_classes.count) from a_classes.start until a_classes.after loop l_class := class_item_from_current_domain (a_classes.item.lace_class.config_class) if l_class /= Void then Result.extend (l_class) end a_classes.forth end else create {ARRAYED_LIST [QL_CLASS]}Result.make (0) end ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end feature_item_from_current_domain (e_feature: E_FEATURE): QL_FEATURE -- If `e_feature' is included in current domain, return the item, -- otherwise return Void. require e_feature_attached: e_feature /= Void deferred ensure good_result: Result /= Void implies Result.is_valid_domain_item end invariant_item_from_current_domain (a_class_c: CLASS_C): QL_FEATURE -- If invariant part of `a_class_c' is included in current domain, -- then return an QL_FEATURE object representing this invariant part, otherwise, -- return Void. require a_class_c_attached: a_class_c /= Void a_class_c_has_invariant: a_class_c.has_invariant deferred ensure good_result: Result /= Void implies (Result.is_valid_domain_item and then Result.is_invariant_feature) end class_from_group (a_class: CONF_CLASS; a_group: QL_GROUP; a_class_table: HASH_TABLE [HASH_TABLE [QL_CLASS, CONF_CLASS], CONF_GROUP]): QL_CLASS -- Find out if `a_class' is defined directly in `a_group'. -- If yes, return a QL_CLASS object representing `a_class' in `a_group', -- otherwise return Void. -- `a_class_table' is used to cache temporary results for optimization. require a_class_attached: a_class /= Void a_group_attached: a_group /= Void a_group_valid: a_group.is_valid_domain_item a_class_table_attached: a_class_table /= Void local l_classes: STRING_TABLE [CONF_CLASS] l_class_table: HASH_TABLE [QL_CLASS, CONF_CLASS] l_conf_class: CONF_CLASS do l_class_table := a_class_table.item ( if l_class_table = Void then if then l_classes := create l_class_table.make (l_classes.count) a_class_table.put (l_class_table, from l_classes.start until l_classes.after loop l_conf_class := l_classes.item_for_iteration l_class_table.put (create{QL_CLASS}.make_with_parent (l_conf_class, a_group), l_conf_class) l_classes.forth end else create l_class_table.make (0) a_class_table.put (l_class_table, end end Result := l_class_table.item (a_class) end feature{NONE} -- Implementation is_domain_valid: BOOLEAN -- Is current domain valid? do Result := content.for_all (agent is_item_valid) ensure good_result: Result implies content.for_all (agent is_item_valid) end is_item_valid (a_item: like item_type): BOOLEAN -- Is `a_item' valid? -- True if all items in current are valid domain item. -- See {QL_ITEM}.`is_valid_domain_item' for more information. do Result := a_item /= Void and then a_item.is_valid_domain_item ensure good_result: Result implies (a_item /= Void and then a_item.is_valid_domain_item) end feature{NONE} -- Implementation/Set operations internal_union (a_new_domain, a_other_domain: like Current) -- Fill `a_new_domain' with elements from both `Current' and `other'. require a_new_domain_attached: a_new_domain /= Void a_other_domain_attached: a_other_domain /= Void a_new_domain_and_a_other_domain_of_same_type: a_new_domain.same_type (a_other_domain) a_new_domain_is_empty: a_new_domain.is_empty local l_item_set: SEARCH_TABLE [like item_type] l_tester: AGENT_EQUALITY_TESTER [like item_type] l_content: like content l_content2: like content l_item: like item_type do if a_other_domain.is_empty then a_new_domain.content.fill (content) else create l_tester.make (agent are_items_equivalent) create l_item_set.make_with_key_tester (count, l_tester) across content as l_content_item loop l_item_set.put (l_content_item.item) end l_content := a_other_domain.content l_content2 := a_new_domain.content from l_content.start until l_content.after loop l_item := l_content.item if not l_item_set.has (l_item) then l_content2.extend (l_item) end l_content.forth end l_item_set.wipe_out l_content2.fill (content) end end internal_intersect (a_new_domain, a_other_domain: like Current) -- Fill `a_new_domain' with all the elements that are in both `Current' and `a_other_domain'. require a_new_domain_attached: a_new_domain /= Void a_other_domain_attached: a_other_domain /= Void a_new_domain_and_a_other_domain_of_same_type: a_new_domain.same_type (a_other_domain) a_new_domain_is_empty: a_new_domain.is_empty local l_item_set: SEARCH_TABLE [like item_type] l_tester: AGENT_EQUALITY_TESTER [like item_type] l_content: like content l_content2: like content l_item: like item_type do if not a_other_domain.is_empty then create l_tester.make (agent are_items_equivalent) create l_item_set.make_with_key_tester (count, l_tester) across content as l_content_item loop l_item_set.put (l_content_item.item) end l_content := a_other_domain.content l_content2 := a_new_domain.content from l_content.start until l_content.after loop l_item := l_content.item if l_item_set.has (l_item) then l_content2.extend (l_item) end l_content.forth end l_item_set.wipe_out end end internal_complement (a_new_domain, a_other_domain: like Current) -- Fill `a_new_domain' with all the elements of `Current', with the elements from `a_other_domain' removed. require a_new_domain_attached: a_new_domain /= Void a_other_domain_attached: a_other_domain /= Void a_new_domain_and_a_other_domain_of_same_type: a_new_domain.same_type (a_other_domain) a_new_domain_is_empty: a_new_domain.is_empty local l_item_set: SEARCH_TABLE [like item_type] l_tester: AGENT_EQUALITY_TESTER [like item_type] l_content: like content l_content2: like content l_item: like item_type do if a_other_domain.is_empty then a_new_domain.content.fill (content) else create l_tester.make (agent are_items_equivalent) create l_item_set.make_with_key_tester (count, l_tester) across content as l_content_item loop l_item_set.put (l_content_item.item) end l_content := a_other_domain.content l_content2 := a_new_domain.content from l_content.start until l_content.after loop l_item := l_content.item l_item_set.remove (l_item) l_content.forth end from l_item_set.start until l_item_set.after loop l_content2.extend (l_item_set.item_for_iteration) l_item_set.forth end end end internal_distinct (a_domain: like Current) -- Fill `a_domain' with distinct items in Current require a_domain_attached: a_domain /= Void local l_hash_set: SEARCH_TABLE [like item_type] l_domain_content: LIST [like item_type] do create l_hash_set.make (count) across content as l_content_item loop l_hash_set.force (l_content_item.item) end from l_domain_content := a_domain.content l_hash_set.start until l_hash_set.after loop l_domain_content.extend (l_hash_set.item_for_iteration) l_hash_set.forth end end feature{NONE} -- Item comparison are_items_equivalent (a_item, b_item: like item_type): BOOLEAN -- Is `a_item' equal to `b_item'? require a_item_attached: a_item /= Void b_item_attached: b_item /= Void do if a_item.same_type (b_item) then Result := a_item.is_equal (b_item) end ensure good_result: Result implies (a_item.same_type (b_item) and then a_item.is_equal (b_item)) end item_type: QL_ITEM -- Anchor type for items in current domain invariant content_attached: content /= Void domain_valid: is_domain_valid note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2013, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end