note description: "Project Documentation" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class DOCUMENTATION inherit SHARED_EIFFEL_PROJECT SHARED_ERROR_HANDLER CLASS_FORMAT_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end DOCUMENTATION_ROUTINES export {NONE} all {ANY} set_excluded_indexing_items end EB_SHARED_ID_SOLUTION export {NONE} all end EIFFEL_LAYOUT export {NONE} all end create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make -- Initialize Documentation Module. do filter_name := "html-stylesheet" create doc_universe.make end feature -- Status setting set_filter (a_filter: like filter_name) -- Change text filter to `a_filter'. require a_filter_not_void: a_filter /= Void do filter_name := a_filter end set_universe (a_universe: DOCUMENTATION_UNIVERSE) -- Change `doc_universe' to `a_universe'. require a_universe_not_void: a_universe /= Void do doc_universe := a_universe end feature -- Access filter_name: STRING_32 -- Text filter used for output. doc_universe: DOCUMENTATION_UNIVERSE -- Cluster selection to include in the generation. feature -- Actions generate (deg: DEGREE_OUTPUT) -- Generate documentation, according to the user selection. local cl_name: STRING_32 cf: CLASS_FORMAT af: LINEAR [INTEGER] retried: BOOLEAN l_groups: like groups l_group: CONF_GROUP l_classes: STRING_TABLE [CONF_CLASS] l_cursor: CURSOR l_class: CONF_CLASS l_context_group: CONF_GROUP l_filter: like filter do eiffel_system.system.set_current_class (any_class) deg.put_start_output if not retried then deg.put_initializing_documentation create l_filter.make (filter_name) filter := l_filter l_filter.set_universe (doc_universe) classes := doc_universe.classes base_path := "" l_filter.set_keyword (kw_Class, {STRING_32}"") if l_filter.is_html then l_filter.set_keyword ({STRING_32}"html_meta", html_meta_for_system.as_string_32) else l_filter.set_keyword ({STRING_32}"html_meta", {STRING_32}"") end class_links := Void feature_links := Void set_defaults if class_links /= Void then prepare_for_file (Void, "index") set_document_title ( + " documentation") generate_index if filter_name.same_string_general ("html-stylesheet") then copy_additional_file (create {PATH}.make_from_string ("default.css")) generate_goto_html end if class_list_generated then deg.put_string ({STRING_32}"Building class list") prepare_for_file (Void, "class_list") set_document_title ( + " class dictionary") generate_dictionary end if cluster_list_generated then deg.put_string ({STRING_32}"Building cluster list") prepare_for_file (Void, "cluster_list") set_document_title ( + " alphabetical cluster list") generate_cluster_list end if cluster_hierarchy_generated then deg.put_string ({STRING_32}"Building cluster hierarchy") prepare_for_file (Void, "cluster_hierarchy") set_document_title ( + " cluster hierarchy") generate_cluster_hierarchy end l_groups := groups if cluster_chart_generated then from l_groups.start until l_groups.after loop l_group := l_groups.item deg.put_string ({STRING_32}"Building cluster chart for " + group_name_presentation ({STRING_32}".", {STRING_32}"", l_group)) deg.flush_output if l_filter.is_html then l_filter.set_keyword ({STRING_32}"html_meta", html_meta_for_cluster (l_group)) end set_base_cluster (l_group) prepare_for_file (relative_path (l_group), "index") set_document_title ({STRING_32} "cluster " + generate_cluster_index (l_group) l_groups.forth end end if l_filter.is_html and then cluster_diagram_generated then from l_groups.start until l_groups.after loop l_group := l_groups.item deg.put_string ({STRING_32}"Building cluster diagram for " + group_name_presentation ({STRING_32}".", {STRING_32}"", l_group)) deg.flush_output generate_cluster_diagram (l_group) l_groups.forth end end if any_class_format_generated then deg.put_start_documentation (doc_universe.classes.count, generated_class_formats_string) l_context_group := l_filter.context_group from l_groups.start until l_groups.after loop l_group := l_groups.item l_groups.forth l_classes := l_group.classes if l_classes /= Void then l_cursor := l_classes.cursor from l_classes.start until l_classes.after loop l_class := l_classes.item_for_iteration l_filter.set_context_group ( if l_class.is_compiled then deg.put_case_class_message (l_class) deg.flush_output set_base_cluster (l_group) cl_name := set_class_name (cl_name) if l_filter.is_html and then attached {CLASS_I} l_classes.item_for_iteration as c and then c.is_compiled then l_filter.set_keyword ({STRING_32}"html_meta", html_meta_for_class (c)) end af := all_class_formats.linear_representation from af.start until af.after loop create cf.make (af.item) af.forth if cf.is_generated then prepare_for_file ( relative_path (l_group), cl_name + cf.file_extension ) set_document_title (cl_name + " " + cf.description) generate_class (l_class, cf) end end end l_classes.forth end l_classes.go_to (l_cursor) end end l_filter.set_context_group (l_context_group) end end end deg.put_end_output rescue if attached Error_handler.error_list as es and then not es.is_empty and then attached {INTERRUPT_ERROR} es.first as ir_error then retried := True es.wipe_out retry end end any_class_format_generated: BOOLEAN -- Are any of the class formats requested? local af: LINEAR [INTEGER] cf: CLASS_FORMAT do af := all_class_formats.linear_representation from af.start until af.after loop create cf.make (af.item) af.forth if cf.is_generated then Result := True end end end generated_class_formats_string: STRING_32 -- To display when user is wasting time watching slow progressing. local af: LINEAR [INTEGER] cf: CLASS_FORMAT do af := all_class_formats.linear_representation create Result.make (10) from af.start until af.after loop create cf.make (af.item) af.forth if cf.is_generated then if not Result.is_empty then Result.append_character ({CHARACTER_32}'/') end if attached cf.description as desc then Result.append_string_general (desc) end end end end create_directories -- Create directories where documentation is -- to be generated. require root_directory /= Void local l_groups: like groups do l_groups := groups from l_groups.start until l_groups.after loop create_directory_for_group (l_groups.item_for_iteration) l_groups.forth end end create_directory_for_group (a_group: CONF_GROUP) -- require root_directory /= Void local d: DIRECTORY do create d.make_with_path (root_directory.path.extended_path (relative_path (a_group))) if not d.exists then d.recursive_create_dir end end copy_additional_file (fn: PATH) -- Copy `fn' to directory where documentation is to be generated. require fn_not_void: fn /= Void local fi: PATH rf, wf: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE do fi := eiffel_layout.filter_path.extended_path (fn) create rf.make_with_path (fi) rf.open_read rf.read_stream (rf.count) fi := root_directory.path.extended_path (fn) create wf.make_with_path (fi) wf.open_write wf.put_string (rf.last_string) rescue io.put_string (fn.out + " not found in filters directory.%N") end feature -- Settings set_directory (p: DIRECTORY) -- Assign `p' to `root_directory'. -- This is the location where the documentation will be generated. require p_not_void: p /= Void do root_directory := p if not root_directory.exists then root_directory.create_dir end create_directories ensure root_directory_assigned: root_directory = p directory_exists: p.exists directory_is_writable: p.is_writable end set_all_universe do doc_universe.include_all end set_class_formats (clickable, flat, short, flatshort, relational, chart: BOOLEAN) -- Set boolean values to the different possible class formats. local cf: CLASS_FORMAT do create cf.make (cf_Chart) cf.set_generated (chart) cf.set_type (cf_Diagram) cf.set_generated (relational) cf.set_type (cf_Clickable) cf.set_generated (clickable) cf.set_type (cf_Flat) cf.set_generated (flat) cf.set_type (cf_Short) cf.set_generated (short) cf.set_type (cf_Flatshort) cf.set_generated (flatshort) end set_cluster_formats (a_clusters_charts, a_cluster_diagrams: BOOLEAN) -- Specify whether cluster charts and diagrams should be generated. do cluster_chart_generated := a_clusters_charts cluster_diagram_generated := a_cluster_diagrams end set_system_formats (a_classes, a_clusters, a_cluster_hierarchy: BOOLEAN) -- Assign flags to systemwide formats. do class_list_generated := a_classes cluster_list_generated := a_clusters cluster_hierarchy_generated := a_cluster_hierarchy end set_diagram_views (views: like diagram_views) -- Assign `views' to `diagram_views'. do diagram_views := views end feature -- Access cluster_chart_generated: BOOLEAN -- Is Cluster Chart format generated ? cluster_diagram_generated: BOOLEAN -- Is Cluster diagram generated ? class_list_generated: BOOLEAN -- Is class dictionary generated ? cluster_list_generated: BOOLEAN -- Is Cluster repository generated ? cluster_hierarchy_generated: BOOLEAN -- Is Cluster repository generated ? root_directory: DIRECTORY -- Directory where the documentation is going -- to be generated. feature {NONE} -- Implementation set_defaults local cf: CLASS_FORMAT i: INTEGER do doc_universe.set_any_group_format_generated (cluster_chart_generated) from i := cf_Flatshort until i < cf_Chart loop create cf.make (i) if cf.is_generated then set_default_class_redirect (cf.file_extension) end i := i - 1 end doc_universe.set_any_class_format_generated (class_links /= Void) from i := cf_Flatshort until i < cf_Clickable loop create cf.make (i) if cf.is_generated then set_default_feature_redirect (cf.file_extension) end i := i - 1 end doc_universe.set_any_feature_format_generated (feature_links /= Void) end classes: ARRAYED_LIST [CLASS_I] -- Classes to be generated. groups: ARRAYED_LIST [CONF_GROUP] -- Groups to be generated. do Result := doc_universe.groups end diagram_views: HASH_TABLE [STRING_32, STRING_32] -- (View name, cluster name) couples for `clusters'. -- Void if not `cluster_diagrams_generated'. generate_goto_html -- Generate HTML file that contains the JavaScript function -- `go_to' wich takes 2 arguments. The first one is the base -- path and the second is a class name. It looks up the address -- of the class and if it exists, redirects the browser to the -- preferred class view. Creates the file in the documentation root -- directory. An example file is given at the bottom. local s, class_array, location_array, goto_text: STRING_32 textfile: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE l_add: BOOLEAN l_index: INTEGER l_classes: like classes l_class: CLASS_I do create class_array.make (5000) create location_array.make (8000) l_classes := classes l_index := l_classes.index from l_classes.start until classes.after loop l_class := l_classes.item_for_iteration if l_class.is_compiled then s := class_array.append ({STRING_32} "%T%T%"" + s + "%"") s.to_lower s := relative_path_using_sep (, "/") + "/" + s + class_links + ".html" location_array.append ({STRING_32} "%T%T%"" + s + "%"") l_add := True end l_classes.forth if l_add and then not l_classes.after then class_array.append_string_general (",%N") location_array.append_string_general (",%N") l_add := False end end l_classes.go_i_th (l_index) goto_text := {STRING_32} "%N" create textfile.make_with_path (root_directory.path.extended ("goto.html")) textfile.open_write save_string_into_file (textfile, goto_text) textfile.close end -- format: CLASS_FORMAT -- Class format feature {NONE} -- Filtered generation set_target_file_name (f: like target_file_name) -- Set `target_file_name' with `f' do target_file_name := f.appended ({STRING_32} "." + filter.file_suffix) end set_base_cluster (c: CONF_GROUP) do base_path := base_relative_path (c) filter.set_base_path (base_path) end set_default_class_redirect (p: STRING_32) -- In case of a class link outside a class format, -- link to format `p'. do class_links := p filter.prepend_to_file_suffix (class_links) end set_default_feature_redirect (p: STRING_32) -- In case of a feature link outside a feature format, -- link to format `p'. do feature_links := p filter.set_feature_redirect (feature_links) end set_document_title (a_title: STRING_32) -- Set "$title$" keyword in `filter'. do filter.set_keyword (kw_Title, a_title) end set_class_name (a_class: STRING_32) -- Set "$class$" keyword in `filter'. do filter.set_keyword (kw_Class, a_class) end feature -- Access filter: TEXT_FILTER -- Filter to process formatted text. target_file_name: PATH -- Location. base_path: STRING_32 -- Relative path to documentation root dir. class_links: STRING_32 -- Class format linked to by class links. feature_links: STRING_32 -- Class format linked to by feature links. relative_to_base (rel_filename: STRING_32): STRING_32 -- Path of `rel_filename' relative to documentation root dir. local l_filter: like filter l_sep: STRING_32 do create Result.make_from_string (base_path) if not base_path.is_empty then Result.append_character (operating_environment.directory_separator) end Result.append (rel_filename) l_filter := filter if l_filter.file_separator /= Void and then not l_filter.file_separator.is_equal ("%U") then create l_sep.make (1) l_sep.append_character (operating_environment.directory_separator) Result.replace_substring_all (l_sep, l_filter.file_separator) end end feature {EB_DIAGRAM_HTML_GENERATOR, DOCUMENTATION_ROUTINES} -- Access relative_path (a_cluster: CONF_GROUP): PATH -- Path of `a_cluster' relative to `root_directory'. require a_cluster_not_void: a_cluster /= Void local l_string: STRING_32 do l_string := path_representation (operating_environment.directory_separator.out,, a_cluster, False) create Result.make_from_string (l_string) end relative_path_using_sep (a_cluster: CONF_GROUP; a_sep: STRING_32): STRING_32 -- Path of `a_cluster' relative to `root_directory'. require a_cluster_not_void: a_cluster /= Void do Result := path_representation (a_sep,, a_cluster, False) end base_relative_path (a_cluster: CONF_GROUP): STRING_32 -- Path from `a_cluster' to `root_directory'. -- To be generated in files, taking `filter.file_separator' into account. require a_cluster_not_void: a_cluster /= Void local l_sep: STRING_32 do l_sep := filter.file_separator if l_sep = Void then l_sep := operating_environment.directory_separator.out end create Result.make_from_string (path_representation (l_sep, "..", a_cluster, True)) end feature -- Specific Generation prepare_for_file (base_dir: PATH; file_name: STRING_32) -- Set `target_file_name' to relative `base_dir' and `file_name'. local final_name: PATH do final_name := root_directory.path if base_dir /= Void then final_name := final_name.extended_path (base_dir) end final_name := final_name.extended (file_name) set_target_file_name (final_name) end generate_from_text_filter (text: TEXT_FILTER) -- Output `ctxt.text' using `filter' to `target_file_name'. local fi: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE do create fi.make_with_path (target_file_name) if not fi.exists then fi.create_read_write elseif fi.is_writable then fi.open_write else check file_writable: False end end if fi.is_open_write then save_string_into_file (fi, filter.image) fi.close end filter.wipe_out_image end generate_index -- Write project index to `target_file_name'. local l_filter: like filter do l_filter := filter l_filter.prepend_to_file_suffix (class_links) index_text (l_filter) generate_from_text_filter (l_filter) end generate_dictionary -- Write project class list to `target_file_name'. local l_filter: like filter do l_filter := filter l_filter.prepend_to_file_suffix (class_links) class_list_text (doc_universe, l_filter) generate_from_text_filter (l_filter) l_filter.set_feature_redirect (Void) end generate_cluster_list -- Write project cluster list to `target_file_name'. local l_filter: like filter do l_filter := filter l_filter.prepend_to_file_suffix (class_links) cluster_list_text (doc_universe, l_filter) generate_from_text_filter (l_filter) end generate_cluster_hierarchy -- Write project cluster hierarchy to `target_file_name'. local l_filter: like filter do l_filter := filter l_filter.prepend_to_file_suffix (class_links) cluster_hierarchy_text (doc_universe, l_filter) generate_from_text_filter (l_filter) end generate_cluster_index (a_group: CONF_GROUP) -- Write project a_group index to `target_file_name'. local l_group: CONF_GROUP l_filter: like filter do l_filter := filter l_group := l_filter.context_group l_filter.set_context_group (a_group) l_filter.prepend_to_file_suffix (class_links) group_index_text ( a_group, doc_universe.classes_in_group (a_group), l_filter.is_html and cluster_diagram_generated, l_filter ) l_filter.set_context_group (l_group) generate_from_text_filter (l_filter) end generate_cluster_diagram (cluster: CONF_GROUP) -- Write project cluster diagram to `target_file_name'. local g: EB_DIAGRAM_HTML_GENERATOR do check views_exist: diagram_views /= Void end if attached diagram_views.item (id_of_group (cluster).as_string_32) as view_name then create g.make_for_documentation (cluster, view_name, Current) else create g.make_for_documentation (cluster, Void, Current) end g.execute end generate_class (a_class: CONF_CLASS; a_format: CLASS_FORMAT) -- Write project class `format' to `target_file_name'. require a_class_not_void: a_class /= Void format_not_void: a_format /= Void format_generated: a_format.is_generated local class_c: CLASS_C retried: BOOLEAN l_filter: like filter do if attached {CLASS_I} a_class as l_class_i then check l_class_i.is_compiled end format := a_format l_filter := filter l_filter.prepend_to_file_suffix (format.file_extension) if not retried then class_c := l_class_i.compiled_class inspect format.type when cf_Chart then class_chart_text (class_c, l_filter) when cf_Diagram then class_relations_text (class_c, l_filter) when cf_Clickable then l_filter.set_feature_redirect (Void) class_text (class_c, False, False, l_filter) when cf_Flat then l_filter.set_feature_redirect (Void) class_text (class_c, True, False, l_filter) when cf_Short then l_filter.set_feature_redirect (Void) class_text (class_c, False, True, l_filter) when cf_Flatshort then l_filter.set_feature_redirect (Void) class_text (class_c, True, True, l_filter) end else -- An error occurred due to an internal bug while doing the formal for -- `class_c'. Instead of failing the whole documentation generation process, -- we generate an empty class and continue to the next class. -- Note: we need to insert `ti_before_class_declaration' and -- `ti_after_class_declaration' so that `insert_class_menu_bars' -- works properly. l_filter.process_filter_item (f_menu_bar, True) insert_class_menu_bar (l_filter, {UTF_CONVERTER}.utf_8_string_8_to_string_32 ( l_filter.process_filter_item (f_menu_bar, False ) l_filter.process_filter_item (f_class_declaration, True) l_filter.add_new_line l_filter.add_string ("Internal compiler error while generating documentation for class ") l_filter.add_class (l_class_i) l_filter.add_new_line l_filter.process_filter_item (f_menu_bar, True) insert_class_menu_bar (l_filter, {UTF_CONVERTER}.utf_8_string_8_to_string_32 ( l_filter.process_filter_item (f_menu_bar, False) l_filter.process_filter_item (f_class_declaration, False) end generate_from_text_filter (l_filter) l_filter.set_feature_redirect (feature_links) elseif not retried then check is_a_class_i: False end end rescue retried := True retry end save_string_into_file (a_file: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE; a_str: STRING_32) require a_file_not_void: a_file /= Void a_file_open: a_file.is_open_write a_file_exist: a_file.exists a_str_not_void: a_str /= Void local utf_conv: UTF_CONVERTER do Utf32.convert_to (System_encoding, a_str) if Utf32.last_conversion_successful and not utf32.last_conversion_lost_data then a_file.put_string (Utf32.last_converted_stream) else a_file.put_string (utf_conv.utf_32_string_to_utf_8_string_8 (a_str)) end end feature {NONE} -- Menu bars insert_global_menu_bar (text: TEXT_FORMATTER; d, l, h: BOOLEAN) -- Append a menu bar to `text'. do insert_menu_item (text, "class_list", "Classes", d, class_list_generated) insert_menu_item (text, "cluster_list", "Clusters", l, cluster_list_generated) insert_menu_item (text, "cluster_hierarchy", "Cluster hierarchy", h, cluster_hierarchy_generated) end insert_class_menu_bar (text: TEXT_FORMATTER; class_name: STRING_32) -- Append a menu bar to `text'. local af: LINEAR [INTEGER] do insert_global_menu_bar (text, True, True, True) af := all_class_formats.linear_representation from af.start until af.after loop insert_class_menu_item (text, class_name, create {CLASS_FORMAT}.make (af.item), format) af.forth end end insert_menu_item (text: TEXT_FORMATTER; link, label: STRING_32; enabled, generated: BOOLEAN) -- Insert in `text', a menu item `label' with `link', if `generated' `True'. -- Insert as disabled if not `enabled'. -- `link' is a file relative to root dir without extension. local path: STRING_32 do if enabled then path := relative_to_base (link) end if generated then text.process_menu_text (label, path) end end insert_class_menu_item (text: TEXT_FORMATTER; class_name: STRING_32; a_format, class_format: CLASS_FORMAT) -- Insert in `text', a menu item for `class_name' for `format'. local path: STRING_32 do if a_format.type /= class_format.type then path := class_name + a_format.file_extension end if a_format.is_generated then text.process_class_menu_text (a_format.description, path) end end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2020, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end