note description: "XMI Translation (for UML Tools)." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class XMI_EXPORT inherit SHARED_EIFFEL_PROJECT SHARED_ERROR_HANDLER INTERNAL_COMPILER_STRING_EXPORTER create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make -- Initializes XMI Export Module. do create xmi_clusters.make (1024) create xmi_classes.make (1024) create xmi_associations.make (1024) create xmi_generalizations.make (1024) create xmi_diagrams.make (1024) create xmi_types.make (1024) xmi_types.compare_objects create doc_universe.make id_counter := 1001 idref_counter := 2 last_class_x := 500 last_class_y := 200 end feature -- Status setting set_universe (a_universe: DOCUMENTATION_UNIVERSE) -- Change `doc_universe' to `a_universe'. require a_universe_not_void: a_universe /= Void do doc_universe := a_universe end feature -- Access doc_universe: DOCUMENTATION_UNIVERSE -- Cluster selection to include in the generation. root_directory: DIRECTORY -- Directory where the documentation is going -- to be generated. target_file_name: PATH -- Location. feature -- Actions generate (deg: DEGREE_OUTPUT) -- Exports XMI, according to the user selection. local current_compiled_class: CLASS_C current_cluster: STRING_TABLE [CONF_CLASS] current_cluster_id: INTEGER new_xmi_cluster: XMI_CLUSTER new_xmi_class: XMI_CLASS new_xmi_diagram: XMI_DIAGRAM new_xmi_class_presentation: XMI_CLASS_PRESENTATION new_xmi_cluster_presentation: XMI_CLUSTER_PRESENTATION retried: BOOLEAN classes: like {DOCUMENTATION_UNIVERSE}.classes -- Classes to be generated. do deg.put_start_output if not retried then deg.put_string ("Initializing XMI") groups := doc_universe.groups classes := doc_universe.classes -- Clusters from groups.start until groups.after loop create new_xmi_cluster.make (id_counter, idref_counter, groups.item_for_iteration) id_counter := id_counter + 1 create new_xmi_diagram.make (id_counter, new_xmi_cluster) id_counter := id_counter + 1 current_cluster := groups.item_for_iteration.classes current_cluster_id := idref_counter idref_counter := idref_counter + 1 -- Classes if attached current_cluster then across current_cluster as c loop if attached {CLASS_I} c.item as l_class_i and then l_class_i.is_compiled then current_compiled_class := l_class_i.compiled_class create new_xmi_class.make (id_counter, current_cluster_id, current_compiled_class) last_class_x := last_class_x + ((id_counter \\ 4) - 1) * 300 last_class_y := last_class_y + 300 create new_xmi_class_presentation.make (idref_counter, new_xmi_class, last_class_x, last_class_y) idref_counter := idref_counter + 1 id_counter := id_counter + 1 new_xmi_cluster.add_class (new_xmi_class) new_xmi_diagram.add_presentation (new_xmi_class_presentation) xmi_classes.put (new_xmi_class, current_compiled_class) end end end idref_counter := idref_counter + 1 xmi_clusters.extend (new_xmi_cluster) xmi_diagrams.extend (new_xmi_diagram) groups.forth end deg.put_string ("Adding features") add_features create new_xmi_diagram.make_as_root (id_counter, idref_counter) idref_root_diagram := idref_counter id_counter := id_counter + 1 idref_counter := idref_counter + 1 from xmi_clusters.start until xmi_clusters.after loop create new_xmi_cluster_presentation.make (idref_counter, xmi_clusters.item) idref_counter := idref_counter + 1 new_xmi_diagram.add_presentation (new_xmi_cluster_presentation) xmi_clusters.forth end xmi_diagrams.extend (new_xmi_diagram) deg.put_string ("Building generalizations list") across classes as c loop check class_i_is_compiled: c.item.is_compiled end add_generalizations (c.item.compiled_class) classes.forth end deg.put_string ("Generating XMI") generate_from_lists deg.put_string ("XMI generated") groups := Void xmi_classes := Void xmi_clusters := Void xmi_diagrams := Void xmi_generalizations := Void xmi_types := Void doc_universe := Void end deg.put_end_output rescue if attached Error_handler.error_list as es and then not es.is_empty and then attached {INTERRUPT_ERROR} es.first as ir_error then retried := True deg.put_string ("XMI generation was cancelled.") es.wipe_out retry end end feature -- Settings set_directory (p: DIRECTORY) -- Assign `p' to `root_directory'. -- This is the location where the documentation will be generated. require p_not_void: p /= Void do root_directory := p if not root_directory.exists then root_directory.create_dir end set_target_file_name ensure root_directory_assigned: root_directory = p directory_exists: p.exists directory_is_writable: p.is_writable end feature {NONE} -- Cache tmp_target_file: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE max_string_cache: INTEGER = 1_000_000 string_cache: STRING write_to_cache (a_str: STRING) -- Write `a_str' to cache. -- Put it into temporary file if too big. require a_str_not_void: a_str /= Void do if string_cache = Void then create string_cache.make (max_string_cache) end if string_cache.count + a_str.count < max_string_cache then string_cache.append (a_str) else if tmp_target_file = Void then create tmp_target_file.make_open_temporary end tmp_target_file.putstring (string_cache) tmp_target_file.putstring (a_str) string_cache.wipe_out end rescue if tmp_target_file /= Void then if not tmp_target_file.is_closed then tmp_target_file.close end tmp_target_file := Void end end commit_cache (a_file_name: PATH) -- Commit the cache into `a_file_name'. require a_file_name_not_void: a_file_name /= Void do if tmp_target_file = Void then create tmp_target_file.make_open_temporary end tmp_target_file.putstring (string_cache) tmp_target_file.close tmp_target_file.rename_path (a_file_name) -- Reset. string_cache.wipe_out tmp_target_file := Void rescue if tmp_target_file /= Void then if not tmp_target_file.is_closed then tmp_target_file.close end tmp_target_file := Void end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation groups: ARRAYED_LIST [CONF_GROUP] -- Clusters to be generated. xmi_clusters: ARRAYED_LIST [XMI_CLUSTER] -- Representations of the system clusters for XMI. xmi_classes: HASH_TABLE [XMI_CLASS, CLASS_C] -- Representations of the system classes for XMI. xmi_associations: ARRAYED_LIST [XMI_ASSOCIATION] -- Representations of the system associations between classes for XMI. xmi_generalizations: ARRAYED_LIST [XMI_GENERALIZATION] -- Representations of the system inheritance relations for XMI. xmi_diagrams: ARRAYED_LIST [XMI_DIAGRAM] -- Class diagrams representing the system in Rose. xmi_types: ARRAYED_LIST [XMI_TYPE] -- Formal types or types associated with classes -- not present in user's selection. id_counter: INTEGER -- XMI id of classes, packages, diagrams and attributes. idref_counter: INTEGER -- XMI id of models, presentations and relations. idref_root_diagram: INTEGER -- Number identifying the root diagram in Rose. last_class_x: INTEGER -- X-coordinate of the last instance of XMI_CLASS_PRESENTATION created. last_class_y: INTEGER -- Y-coordinate of the last instance of XMI_CLASS_PRESENTATION created. xmi_class_by_class_c (a_class_c: CLASS_C): XMI_CLASS -- Search XMI representation of `a_class_c'. require compiled_class_not_void: a_class_c /= Void local xmi_class_cursor: CURSOR do xmi_class_cursor := xmi_classes.cursor xmi_classes.start (a_class_c) if xmi_classes.found then Result := xmi_classes.found_item end xmi_classes.go_to (xmi_class_cursor) end xmi_diagram_by_group (a_group: CONF_GROUP): XMI_DIAGRAM -- Search Rose diagram linked to `a_group'. require cluster_not_void: a_group /= Void local l_item: XMI_DIAGRAM do from xmi_diagrams.start until Result /= Void or else xmi_diagrams.after loop l_item := xmi_diagrams.item if not l_item.is_root and then = a_group then Result := xmi_diagrams.item end xmi_diagrams.forth end -- we don't have the cluster but we should have the enclosing library if Result = Void then Result := xmi_diagram_by_group ( end ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end is_in_selection (c: CLASS_C): BOOLEAN -- Is `c' in the clusters selected by the user? do Result := doc_universe.classes.has (c.lace_class) end add_type (t: XMI_TYPE) -- Add `t' to `xmi_types' if not already present. require type_not_void: t /= Void do if not xmi_types.has (t) then xmi_types.extend (t) end ensure type_present: xmi_types.has (t) end add_generalizations (c: CLASS_C) -- Add all inheritance relations where `c' is involved. require arg_not_void: c /= Void local current_parent: CLASS_C new_xmi_class: XMI_CLASS new_xmi_parent_class: XMI_CLASS new_xmi_generalization: XMI_GENERALIZATION new_xmi_generalization_presentation: XMI_GENERALIZATION_PRESENTATION current_diagram: XMI_DIAGRAM l_parents: FIXED_LIST [CL_TYPE_A] do from l_parents := c.parents l_parents.start until l_parents.after loop current_parent := l_parents.item.base_class if is_in_selection (current_parent) then new_xmi_class := xmi_class_by_class_c (c) new_xmi_parent_class := xmi_class_by_class_c (current_parent) create new_xmi_generalization.make (idref_counter, new_xmi_class, new_xmi_parent_class) idref_counter := idref_counter + 1 create new_xmi_generalization_presentation.make (idref_counter, new_xmi_generalization) idref_counter := idref_counter + 1 xmi_generalizations.extend (new_xmi_generalization) if new_xmi_generalization.enclosing_group /= Void then current_diagram := xmi_diagram_by_group (new_xmi_generalization.enclosing_group) current_diagram.add_presentation (new_xmi_generalization_presentation) end end l_parents.forth end end add_features -- Fill field `features' in items of `xmi_classes'. local current_xmi_class: XMI_CLASS current_feature: E_FEATURE do across xmi_classes as c loop current_xmi_class := c.item across current_xmi_class.compiled_class.written_in_features as f loop current_feature := f.item if current_feature.is_attribute then add_attribute_or_association (current_feature, current_xmi_class) elseif current_feature.is_procedure then add_procedure (current_feature, current_xmi_class) else add_function (current_feature, current_xmi_class) end end end end add_function (a_feature: E_FEATURE; a_xmi_class: XMI_CLASS) -- Add XMI representation of `a_feature' to the field `features' in `a_xmi_class'. require a_feature_not_void: a_feature /= void do if not a_feature.type.has_associated_class then add_function_type_formal (a_feature, a_xmi_class) elseif attached xmi_class_by_class_c (a_feature.type.base_class) as feature_type then add_function_type_known (a_feature, a_xmi_class, feature_type) else add_function_type_unknown (a_feature, a_xmi_class) end end add_function_type_unknown (a_feature: E_FEATURE; a_xmi_class: XMI_CLASS) -- Add XMI representation of `e_feature' in `a_xmi_class' -- create, if necessary, a new type. require a_feature_not_void: a_feature /= Void a_xmi_class_not_void: a_xmi_class /= Void local new_xmi_type: XMI_TYPE new_xmi_operation: XMI_OPERATION full_type_name: STRING f_name: STRING c: CLASS_C do f_name := feature_name (a_feature) c := a_feature.type.base_class full_type_name := c.name_in_upper.twin if c.has_ast and c.generics /= Void then full_type_name.append (c.ast.generics_as_string) end create new_xmi_type.make_type (idref_counter, full_type_name) if not xmi_types.has (new_xmi_type) then idref_counter := idref_counter + 1 add_type (new_xmi_type) else xmi_types.start (new_xmi_type) new_xmi_type := xmi_types.item end create new_xmi_operation.make_op (id_counter, idref_counter, f_name, new_xmi_type) id_counter := id_counter + 1 idref_counter := idref_counter + 1 if a_feature.has_arguments then add_arguments (a_feature, new_xmi_operation) end if a_feature.export_status.is_none then new_xmi_operation.set_private elseif a_feature.export_status.is_set then new_xmi_operation.set_protected else new_xmi_operation.set_public end a_xmi_class.add_feature (new_xmi_operation) end add_function_type_known (a_feature: E_FEATURE; a_xmi_class: XMI_CLASS; a_xmi_type: XMI_CLASS) -- Add XMI representation of `e_feature' in `a_xmi_class' -- assign `a_xmi_type' to its type. require a_feature_not_void: a_feature /= Void a_xmi_class_not_void: a_xmi_class /= Void a_xmi_type_not_void: a_xmi_type /= Void local new_xmi_operation: XMI_OPERATION f_name: STRING do f_name := feature_name (a_feature) create new_xmi_operation.make_op (id_counter, idref_counter, f_name, a_xmi_type) id_counter := id_counter + 1 idref_counter := idref_counter + 1 if a_feature.has_arguments then add_arguments (a_feature, new_xmi_operation) end if a_feature.export_status.is_none then new_xmi_operation.set_private elseif a_feature.export_status.is_set then new_xmi_operation.set_protected else new_xmi_operation.set_public end a_xmi_class.add_feature (new_xmi_operation) end add_function_type_formal (a_feature: E_FEATURE; a_xmi_class: XMI_CLASS) -- Add XMI representation of `e_feature' in `a_xmi_class' -- create, if necessary, a new formal type. require a_feature_not_void: a_feature /= Void a_xmi_class_not_void: a_xmi_class /= Void local new_xmi_type: XMI_TYPE new_xmi_operation: XMI_OPERATION f_name: STRING do f_name := feature_name (a_feature) if a_feature.type.is_formal then create new_xmi_type.make_type (idref_counter, "G") else create new_xmi_type.make_type (0, "NONE") end if not xmi_types.has (new_xmi_type) then idref_counter := idref_counter + 1 add_type (new_xmi_type) else xmi_types.start (new_xmi_type) new_xmi_type := xmi_types.item end create new_xmi_operation.make_op (id_counter, idref_counter, f_name, new_xmi_type) id_counter := id_counter + 1 idref_counter := idref_counter + 1 if a_feature.has_arguments then add_arguments (a_feature, new_xmi_operation) end if a_feature.export_status.is_none then new_xmi_operation.set_private elseif a_feature.export_status.is_set then new_xmi_operation.set_protected else new_xmi_operation.set_public end a_xmi_class.add_feature (new_xmi_operation) end add_procedure (a_feature: E_FEATURE; a_xmi_class: XMI_CLASS) -- Add XMI representation of `a_feature' to the field `features' in `a_xmi_class'. require a_feature_not_void: a_feature /= void local new_xmi_type: XMI_TYPE new_xmi_operation: XMI_OPERATION f_name: STRING do f_name := feature_name (a_feature) create new_xmi_type.make_type (0, "NONE") add_type (new_xmi_type) create new_xmi_operation.make_op (id_counter, idref_counter, f_name, new_xmi_type) id_counter := id_counter + 1 idref_counter := idref_counter + 1 if a_feature.has_arguments then add_arguments (a_feature, new_xmi_operation) end if a_feature.export_status.is_none then new_xmi_operation.set_private elseif a_feature.export_status.is_set then new_xmi_operation.set_protected else new_xmi_operation.set_public end a_xmi_class.add_feature (new_xmi_operation) end add_arguments (a_feature: E_FEATURE; a_xmi_operation: XMI_OPERATION) -- Add to `a_xmi_operation' the representation of `a_feature' arguments. require a_feature_not_void: a_feature /= Void a_xmi_operation_not_void: a_xmi_operation /= Void a_feature_has_arguments: a_feature.has_arguments local current_argument_list: E_FEATURE_ARGUMENTS current_argument_names_list: LIST [STRING] new_xmi_class: XMI_CLASS new_xmi_type: XMI_TYPE new_xmi_argument: XMI_ARGUMENT do current_argument_list := a_feature.arguments current_argument_names_list := a_feature.argument_names from current_argument_list.start current_argument_names_list.start until current_argument_list.after loop if current_argument_list.item.has_associated_class then new_xmi_class := xmi_class_by_class_c (current_argument_list.item.base_class) if new_xmi_class = Void then create new_xmi_type.make_type (idref_counter, current_argument_list.item.base_class.name_in_upper.twin) if not xmi_types.has (new_xmi_type) then idref_counter := idref_counter + 1 add_type (new_xmi_type) else xmi_types.start (new_xmi_type) new_xmi_type := xmi_types.item end create new_xmi_argument.make (idref_counter, current_argument_names_list.item, new_xmi_type) idref_counter := idref_counter + 1 else create new_xmi_argument.make (idref_counter, current_argument_names_list.item, new_xmi_class) idref_counter := idref_counter + 1 end else create new_xmi_type.make_type (idref_counter, "G") if not xmi_types.has (new_xmi_type) then idref_counter := idref_counter + 1 add_type (new_xmi_type) else xmi_types.start (new_xmi_type) new_xmi_type := xmi_types.item end create new_xmi_argument.make (idref_counter, current_argument_names_list.item, new_xmi_type) idref_counter := idref_counter + 1 end a_xmi_operation.add_argument (new_xmi_argument) current_argument_list.forth current_argument_names_list.forth end ensure added_right_number: a_xmi_operation.arguments.count = a_feature.arguments.count end add_attribute_or_association (a_feature: E_FEATURE; a_xmi_class: XMI_CLASS) -- Add XMI representation of `a_feature' to the field `features' in `a_xmi_class' -- once we have determined whether the type of 'a_feature' should be represented -- as an association or as an attribute in the XMI. require a_feature_not_void: a_feature /= Void a_feature_is_attribute: a_feature.is_attribute do if a_feature.type.has_associated_class then if a_feature.type.has_generics and not a_feature.type.generics.is_empty then add_generics_association (a_feature, a_xmi_class) else if a_feature.type.is_basic then -- Basic types are considered attributes add_attribute (a_feature, a_xmi_class) else -- Complex types are considered associations add_association (a_feature, a_xmi_class) end end end end add_association (a_feature: E_FEATURE; a_xmi_class: XMI_CLASS) -- Add XMI representation of `a_feature' to the field `features' in `a_xmi_class'. require a_feature_not_void: a_feature /= Void a_feature_is_attribute: a_feature.is_attribute local feature_type: XMI_CLASS do if a_feature.type.has_associated_class then feature_type := xmi_class_by_class_c (a_feature.type.base_class) if feature_type = Void then add_association_type_unknown (a_feature, a_xmi_class) else add_association_type_known (a_feature, a_xmi_class, feature_type) end end end add_association_type_unknown (a_feature: E_FEATURE; a_xmi_class: XMI_CLASS) -- Add XMI representation of `e_feature' in `a_xmi_class'. -- Create, if necessary, a new type. require a_feature_not_void: a_feature /= Void a_xmi_class_not_void: a_xmi_class /= Void local new_xmi_type: XMI_TYPE new_xmi_association: XMI_ASSOCIATION full_type_name: STRING f_name: STRING c: CLASS_C do f_name := feature_name (a_feature) c := a_feature.type.base_class full_type_name := c.name_in_upper.twin if c.has_ast and c.generics /= Void then full_type_name.append (c.ast.generics_as_string) end create new_xmi_type.make_type (idref_counter, full_type_name) xmi_types.start (new_xmi_type) if xmi_types.exhausted then idref_counter := idref_counter + 1 xmi_types.extend (new_xmi_type) else new_xmi_type := xmi_types.item end create new_xmi_association.make (idref_counter, f_name, new_xmi_type, a_xmi_class, False, False) idref_counter := idref_counter + 3 if a_feature.export_status.is_none then new_xmi_association.set_private elseif a_feature.export_status.is_set then new_xmi_association.set_protected else new_xmi_association.set_public end a_xmi_class.add_association (new_xmi_association) new_xmi_type.add_association (new_xmi_association) xmi_associations.extend (new_xmi_association) end add_association_type_known (a_feature: E_FEATURE; a_xmi_class: XMI_CLASS; a_xmi_type: XMI_CLASS) -- Add XMI representation of `e_feature' in `a_xmi_class'. -- Assign `a_xmi_type' to its type. require a_feature_not_void: a_feature /= Void a_xmi_class_not_void: a_xmi_class /= Void a_xmi_type_not_void: a_xmi_type /= Void local new_xmi_association: XMI_ASSOCIATION f_name: STRING do f_name := feature_name (a_feature) create new_xmi_association.make (idref_counter, f_name, a_xmi_type, a_xmi_class, False, False) idref_counter := idref_counter + 3 if a_feature.export_status.is_none then new_xmi_association.set_private elseif a_feature.export_status.is_set then new_xmi_association.set_protected else new_xmi_association.set_public end a_xmi_class.add_association (new_xmi_association) a_xmi_type.add_association (new_xmi_association) xmi_associations.extend (new_xmi_association) end add_generics_association (a_feature: E_FEATURE; a_xmi_class: XMI_CLASS) -- Add XMI representation of `e_feature' in `a_xmi_class' where 'a_feature' is -- contains generics. require a_feature_not_void: a_feature /= Void a_xmi_class_not_void: a_xmi_class /= Void a_feature_has_generics: a_feature.type.has_generics local feature_type: XMI_CLASS l_type: TYPE_A do if a_feature.type.has_associated_class then -- Is first generic known? l_type := a_feature.type.generics.i_th (1) if l_type.has_associated_class then feature_type := xmi_class_by_class_c (l_type.base_class) end if feature_type = Void then add_generics_association_unknown (a_feature, a_xmi_class) else add_generics_association_known (a_feature, a_xmi_class, feature_type) end end end add_generics_association_known (a_feature: E_FEATURE; a_xmi_class: XMI_CLASS; a_xmi_type: XMI_CLASS) -- Add XMI representation of `e_feature' in `a_xmi_class' where 'a_feature' is -- contains generics. require a_feature_not_void: a_feature /= Void a_xmi_class_not_void: a_xmi_class /= Void a_feature_has_generics: a_feature.type.has_generics local new_xmi_association: XMI_ASSOCIATION l_ordered, l_multiple: BOOLEAN f_name, full_type_name: STRING do f_name := feature_name (a_feature) -- Take 1st generic full_type_name := full_class_name_from_generic_class (a_feature) if is_parent_of (ordered_type, full_type_name) then l_ordered := True end if is_parent_of (multiple_type, full_type_name) then l_multiple := True end create new_xmi_association.make (idref_counter, f_name, a_xmi_type, a_xmi_class, l_ordered, l_multiple) idref_counter := idref_counter + 3 if a_feature.export_status.is_none then new_xmi_association.set_private elseif a_feature.export_status.is_set then new_xmi_association.set_protected else new_xmi_association.set_public end a_xmi_class.add_association (new_xmi_association) a_xmi_type.add_association (new_xmi_association) xmi_associations.extend (new_xmi_association) end add_generics_association_unknown (a_feature: E_FEATURE; a_xmi_class: XMI_CLASS) -- Add XMI representation of `e_feature' in `a_xmi_class' where 'a_feature' is -- contains generics. require a_feature_not_void: a_feature /= Void a_xmi_class_not_void: a_xmi_class /= Void a_feature_has_generics: a_feature.type.has_generics local new_xmi_association: XMI_ASSOCIATION new_xmi_type: XMI_TYPE f_name, full_type_name: STRING do f_name := feature_name (a_feature) -- Take 1st generic. full_type_name := full_class_name_from_generic_class (a_feature) create new_xmi_type.make_type (idref_counter, full_type_name) xmi_types.start (new_xmi_type) if xmi_types.exhausted then idref_counter := idref_counter + 1 xmi_types.extend (new_xmi_type) else new_xmi_type := xmi_types.item end create new_xmi_association.make (idref_counter, f_name, new_xmi_type, a_xmi_class, is_parent_of (ordered_type, full_type_name), is_parent_of (multiple_type, full_type_name)) idref_counter := idref_counter + 3 if a_feature.export_status.is_none then new_xmi_association.set_private elseif a_feature.export_status.is_set then new_xmi_association.set_protected else new_xmi_association.set_public end a_xmi_class.add_association (new_xmi_association) new_xmi_type.add_association (new_xmi_association) xmi_associations.extend (new_xmi_association) end add_attribute (a_feature: E_FEATURE; a_xmi_class: XMI_CLASS) -- Add XMI representation of `a_feature' to the field `features' in `a_xmi_class'. require a_feature_not_void: a_feature /= Void a_feature_is_attribute: a_feature.is_attribute local feature_type: XMI_CLASS do if a_feature.type.has_associated_class then feature_type := xmi_class_by_class_c (a_feature.type.base_class) if feature_type = Void then add_attribute_type_unknown (a_feature, a_xmi_class) else add_attribute_type_known (a_feature, a_xmi_class, feature_type) end else add_attribute_type_formal (a_feature, a_xmi_class) end end add_attribute_type_unknown (a_feature: E_FEATURE; a_xmi_class: XMI_CLASS) -- Add XMI representation of `e_feature' in `a_xmi_class' -- create, if necessary, a new type. require a_feature_not_void: a_feature /= Void a_xmi_class_not_void: a_xmi_class /= Void local new_xmi_type: XMI_TYPE new_xmi_attribute: XMI_ATTRIBUTE full_type_name: STRING f_name: STRING c: CLASS_C do f_name := feature_name (a_feature) c := a_feature.type.base_class full_type_name := c.name_in_upper.twin if c.has_ast and c.generics /= Void then full_type_name.append (c.ast.generics_as_string) end create new_xmi_type.make_type (idref_counter, full_type_name) if not xmi_types.has (new_xmi_type) then idref_counter := idref_counter + 1 add_type (new_xmi_type) else xmi_types.start (new_xmi_type) new_xmi_type := xmi_types.item end create new_xmi_attribute.make (id_counter, f_name, new_xmi_type) id_counter := id_counter + 1 if a_feature.export_status.is_none then new_xmi_attribute.set_private elseif a_feature.export_status.is_set then new_xmi_attribute.set_protected else new_xmi_attribute.set_public end a_xmi_class.add_feature (new_xmi_attribute) end add_attribute_type_known (a_feature: E_FEATURE; a_xmi_class: XMI_CLASS; a_xmi_type: XMI_CLASS) -- Add XMI representation of `e_feature' in `a_xmi_class' -- assign `a_xmi_type' to its type. require a_feature_not_void: a_feature /= Void a_xmi_class_not_void: a_xmi_class /= Void a_xmi_type_not_void: a_xmi_type /= Void local new_xmi_attribute: XMI_ATTRIBUTE do create new_xmi_attribute.make (id_counter, feature_name (a_feature), a_xmi_type) id_counter := id_counter + 1 if a_feature.export_status.is_none then new_xmi_attribute.set_private elseif a_feature.export_status.is_set then new_xmi_attribute.set_protected else new_xmi_attribute.set_public end a_xmi_class.add_feature (new_xmi_attribute) end add_attribute_type_formal (a_feature: E_FEATURE; a_xmi_class: XMI_CLASS) -- Add XMI representation of `e_feature' in `a_xmi_class' -- create, if necessary, a new formal type. require a_feature_not_void: a_feature /= Void a_xmi_class_not_void: a_xmi_class /= Void local new_xmi_type: XMI_TYPE new_xmi_attribute: XMI_ATTRIBUTE f_name: STRING do f_name := feature_name (a_feature) if a_feature.type.is_formal then create new_xmi_type.make_type (idref_counter, "G") else create new_xmi_type.make_type (0, "NONE") end if not xmi_types.has (new_xmi_type) then idref_counter := idref_counter + 1 add_type (new_xmi_type) else xmi_types.start (new_xmi_type) new_xmi_type := xmi_types.item end create new_xmi_attribute.make (id_counter, f_name, new_xmi_type) id_counter := id_counter + 1 if a_feature.export_status.is_none then new_xmi_attribute.set_private elseif a_feature.export_status.is_set then new_xmi_attribute.set_protected else new_xmi_attribute.set_public end a_xmi_class.add_feature (new_xmi_attribute) end generate_from_lists -- Write XMI description to `target_file_name'. local src_depot: XMI_CODE do create src_depot.make write_to_cache (src_depot.header) write_to_cache (src_depot.content_start (idref_root_diagram)) from xmi_clusters.start until xmi_clusters.after loop write_to_cache (xmi_clusters.item.code) xmi_clusters.forth end from xmi_associations.start until xmi_associations.after loop write_to_cache (xmi_associations.item.code) xmi_associations.forth end from xmi_generalizations.start until xmi_generalizations.after loop write_to_cache (xmi_generalizations.item.code) xmi_generalizations.forth end from xmi_types.start until xmi_types.after loop write_to_cache (xmi_types.item.code) xmi_types.forth end write_to_cache (src_depot.content_end) write_to_cache (src_depot.extensions_start) from xmi_diagrams.start until xmi_diagrams.after loop write_to_cache (xmi_diagrams.item.code) xmi_diagrams.forth end write_to_cache (src_depot.extensions_end) write_to_cache (src_depot.file_end) commit_cache (target_file_name) end set_target_file_name -- Finalize file name using `root_directory'. do target_file_name := root_directory.path.extended ( ("xml") end feature_name (f: E_FEATURE): STRING -- Formatted name of `f'. require valid_feature: f /= Void local st: YANK_STRING_WINDOW do create st.make f.append_full_name (st) Result := st.stored_output Result.replace_substring_all ("&", "&") Result.replace_substring_all ("<", "<") Result.replace_substring_all (">", ">") end is_parent_of (a_parent_name, a_child_name: STRING): BOOLEAN -- Is class with name 'a_parent_name' an actual parent class with name 'a_child_name'? require a_parent_not_void: a_parent_name /= Void a_child_not_void: a_child_name /= Void local internal: INTERNAL l_child_id, l_parent_id: INTEGER do create internal l_parent_id := internal.dynamic_type_from_string (a_parent_name) l_child_id := internal.dynamic_type_from_string (a_child_name) if l_parent_id >= 0 and then l_child_id >= 0 then Result := internal.type_conforms_to (l_child_id, l_parent_id) end end full_class_name_from_generic_class (a_feature: E_FEATURE): STRING -- Get the full string representation 'a_feature' including actual generic types. -- |FIXME: We should use AST_TYPE_OUTPUT_STRATEGY to get this. require a_feature_not_void: a_feature /= Void local i: INTEGER n: INTEGER generics: ARRAYED_LIST [TYPE_A] g: TYPE_A do Result := a_feature.type.base_class.name_in_upper.twin from i := 1 generics := a_feature.type.generics n := generics.count Result.append_character (' ') Result.append_character ('[') until i > n loop if i > 1 then Result.append_character (',') Result.append_character (' ') end g := generics [i] if g.has_associated_class then Result.append (g.base_class.name_in_upper) elseif attached {FORMAL_A} g.actual_type as l_formal then -- This is not proper until AST_TYPE_OUTPUT_STRATEGY is used. Result.append (a_feature.associated_class.generics [l_formal.position] end i := i + 1 end Result.append_character (']') end ordered_type: STRING = "CHAIN [ANY]" -- Name of topmost ordered type multiple_type: STRING = "CONTAINER [ANY]"; -- Name of topmost multiple type note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2017, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end