note description: "Shared object that manages all debugging actions." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." author: "$Author$" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class TTY_DEBUGGER_MANAGER inherit ES_DEBUGGER_MANAGER redefine make, on_application_launched, on_debugging_terminated, on_application_just_stopped, debugger_output_message, display_system_info, display_application_status, display_debugger_info, controller end EIFFEL_SYNTAX_CHECKER OUTPUT_ROUTINES INTERNAL_COMPILER_STRING_EXPORTER create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make -- Create current do Precursor create {DEBUGGER_TEXT_FORMATTER_OUTPUT} text_formatter_visitor.make create {TERM_WINDOW} tty_output end feature -- Output helpers debugger_output_message (msg: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) do tty_output.add_string (msg) tty_output.add_new_line end display_application_status do text_formatter_visitor.append_status (application_status, tty_output) end display_system_info do append_system_info (tty_output) end display_debugger_info (param: detachable DEBUGGER_EXECUTION_RESOLVED_PROFILE) do text_formatter_visitor.append_debugger_information (Current, param, tty_output) end feature -- output display_callstack require application_is_executing do text_formatter_visitor.append_stack (application_status.current_call_stack, tty_output) end display_exception require application_is_executing do text_formatter_visitor.append_exception (application_status, tty_output) end display_locals require application_is_executing do text_formatter_visitor.append_locals (application_status.current_call_stack_element, tty_output) end display_arguments require application_is_executing do text_formatter_visitor.append_arguments (application_status.current_call_stack_element, tty_output) end display_breakpoints (on_select_proc: PROCEDURE [BREAKPOINT]; a_proc_message: STRING) -- Display on breakpoints local bl: BREAK_LIST b: BREAKPOINT i: INTEGER s: STRING arr: SPECIAL [BREAKPOINT] do bl := breakpoints_manager.breakpoints if bl.count > 0 then from if on_select_proc /= Void then create arr.make_empty (bl.count) end localized_print (debugger_names.m_n_breakpoints (bl.count.out)) i := 1 bl.start until bl.after loop b := bl.item_for_iteration if arr /= Void then io.put_string (" [" + i.out + "] ") arr.extend (b) check b_added: arr[i - 1] = b end else io.put_string (" - ") end localized_print (b.string_representation (True) + "%N") bl.forth i := i + 1 end end if on_select_proc /= Void then from localized_print (debugger_names.m_zero_cancel) if a_proc_message /= Void then localized_print (" -> " + a_proc_message + ": ") end i := 1 b := Void until b /= Void or i = 0 loop s := adjusted_answer if s.is_integer then i := s.to_integer if 1 <= i and i <= arr.count then b := arr[i - 1] end end if b = Void and then i /= 0 then localized_print (debugger_names.m_error_invalid_value ("0-" + arr.count.out)) io.put_new_line io.put_string (" -> ") end end if b /= Void then ([b]) end end end feature -- Access on_application_launched do Precursor enter_events_handling end on_application_just_stopped do Precursor debugger_message (debugger_names.t_paused) --| Activate user interaction raise_dbg_running_menu (False) end on_debugging_terminated (was_executing: BOOLEAN) -- do leave_events_handling Precursor (was_executing) end feature -- Interaction inside_debugger_menu: BOOLEAN dbg_running_menu: EWB_TTY_MENU local ag_is_stopped: FUNCTION [BOOLEAN] ag_is_executing: FUNCTION [BOOLEAN] do Result := internal_dbg_running_menu if Result = Void then ag_is_stopped := agent safe_application_is_stopped ag_is_executing := agent application_is_executing create Result.make (debugger_names.t_debugger_excetion_menu) Result.enter_actions.extend (agent do inside_debugger_menu := True end) Result.quit_actions.extend (agent do inside_debugger_menu := False end) Result.add_conditional_entry ("N", debugger_names.c_step_next, agent tty_controller_do_if_stopped ({EXEC_MODES}.Step_next, Result), ag_is_stopped) Result.add_conditional_entry ("I", debugger_names.c_step_into, agent tty_controller_do_if_stopped ({EXEC_MODES}.step_into, Result), ag_is_stopped) Result.add_conditional_entry ("O", debugger_names.c_step_out, agent tty_controller_do_if_stopped ({EXEC_MODES}.step_out, Result), ag_is_stopped) Result.add_conditional_entry ("C", debugger_names.c_run_to_next_stop_point, agent tty_controller_do_if_stopped ({EXEC_MODES}.Run, Result), ag_is_stopped) Result.add_conditional_entry ("G", debugger_names.c_run_without_stop_point, agent tty_controller_do_if_stopped ({EXEC_MODES}.Run, Result), ag_is_stopped) Result.add_conditional_entry ("T", debugger_names.c_toggle_ignore_breakpoint, agent do set_execution_ignoring_breakpoints (not execution_ignoring_breakpoints) end, ag_is_stopped) Result.add_conditional_entry ("K", debugger_names.c_kill_application, agent controller.debug_kill, ag_is_executing) Result.add_conditional_entry ("P", debugger_names.c_pause_application, agent controller.debug_interrupt, ag_is_executing) Result.add_separator (" --- ") Result.add_conditional_entry ("B", debugger_names.c_breakpoints_controls, agent raise_debugger_menu_breakpoints, ag_is_stopped) Result.add_conditional_entry ("D", debugger_names.c_display_information, agent raise_debugger_menu_display, ag_is_stopped) Result.add_conditional_entry ("Q", debugger_names.e_quit, agent Result.quit, agent :BOOLEAN do Result := not application_is_executing end) Result.add_entry ("H", debugger_names.e_help, agent Result.request_menu_display) internal_dbg_running_menu := Result end end tty_controller_do_if_stopped (a_exec_mode: INTEGER; a_menu: TTY_MENU) do if safe_application_is_stopped then controller.debug_operate (a_exec_mode) a_menu.quit end end raise_dbg_running_menu (sm: BOOLEAN) do io.put_new_line dbg_running_menu.execute (sm) end raise_debugger_menu_display do dbg_display_menu.execute (True) end raise_debugger_menu_breakpoints do dbg_breakpoints_menu.execute (True) end dbg_display_menu: EWB_TTY_MENU do create Result.make (debugger_names.t_debugger_menu_display) Result.add_entry ("L", debugger_names.e_locales, agent display_locals) Result.add_entry ("A", debugger_names.e_arguments, agent display_arguments) Result.add_entry ("C", debugger_names.e_callstack, agent display_callstack) Result.add_entry ("S", debugger_names.e_status, agent display_application_status) if safe_application_is_stopped and then application_status.exception_occurred then Result.add_entry ("X", debugger_names.e_exception, agent display_exception) end Result.add_entry ("E", debugger_names.e_expression_evaluation, agent local exp_txt: STRING x: DBG_EXPRESSION v: DBG_EXPRESSION_EVALUATION s: STRING_GENERAL do localized_print (debugger_names.m_expression) io.read_line exp_txt := io.last_string.twin create x.make_with_context (exp_txt) if not x.error_occurred then create v.make (x) v.evaluate end if v = Void or else v.error_occurred then if v /= Void then s := v.short_text_from_errors end if s /= Void then localized_print (s) else localized_print (debugger_names.m_error_occurred) end elseif v.value /= Void then tty_output.add_string (exp_txt + " => " + v.value.output_for_debugger + "%N") else tty_output.add_string (exp_txt + " => Returned ...%N") end x := Void v := Void io.put_new_line end ) Result.add_entry (Void, Void, Void) Result.add_entry ("H", debugger_names.e_help, agent Result.request_menu_display) Result.add_quit_entry ("..", debugger_names.e_back_to_parent_menu) end dbg_breakpoints_menu: EWB_TTY_MENU do create Result.make (debugger_names.t_debugger_menu_breakpoints) Result.add_entry ("A", debugger_names.e_add_breakpoint, agent add_breakpoint) Result.add_entry ("M", debugger_names.e_modify_exsiting_breakpoint, agent display_breakpoints (agent modify_breakpoint, "Modify breakpoint")) Result.add_entry ("L", debugger_names.e_list_breakpoints, agent display_breakpoints (Void, Void)) Result.add_entry (Void, Void, Void) Result.add_entry ("H", debugger_names.e_help, agent Result.request_menu_display) Result.add_quit_entry ("..", debugger_names.e_back_to_parent_menu) end feature {NONE} -- Menu caching internal_dbg_running_menu: like dbg_running_menu -- Cached `dbg_running_menu'. feature -- Breakpoints management add_breakpoint local s: STRING i: INTEGER curr_bi: INTEGER ci_lst: LIST [CLASS_I] ci: CLASS_I curr_cc, cc: CLASS_C curr_fe, fe: E_FEATURE l_added: BOOLEAN do localized_print (debugger_names.m_class_name) curr_cc := current_debugging_class_c if curr_cc /= Void then localized_print ("[" + curr_cc.name_in_upper + "] ") end s := adjusted_answer s.to_upper if s.is_empty then if curr_cc /= Void then cc := curr_cc end else i := s.index_of ('[', 1) if i > 0 then s := s.substring (1, i - 1) end s.prune_all (' ') if s /= Void and then not s.is_case_insensitive_equal ( then if is_valid_class_name (s) then if curr_cc /= Void then ci := eiffel_universe.class_named (s, else ci_lst := Eiffel_universe.classes_with_name (s) if ci_lst /= Void and then not ci_lst.is_empty then ci := ci_lst.first end end end if ci = Void then localized_print (debugger_names.m_could_not_find_class (s)) else cc := ci.compiled_class end else cc := curr_cc end end if cc /= Void then localized_print (debugger_names.m_feature_name) if cc = curr_cc then curr_fe := current_debugging_feature if curr_fe /= Void then localized_print ("[") localized_print (curr_fe.name_32) localized_print ("] ") end end s := adjusted_answer s.to_lower if s.is_empty then if curr_fe /= Void then fe := curr_fe end else if s.item (1) = '*' then breakpoints_manager.enable_first_user_breakpoints_in_class (cc) l_added := True localized_print (debugger_names.m_added_breakpoints_in_class (cc.name_in_upper)) else if is_valid_feature_name (s) then -- |FIXME: Unicode should be handled fe := cc.feature_with_name (s) end if fe = Void then localized_print (debugger_names.m_could_not_find_feature (cc.name_in_upper, s)) end end end if fe /= Void then localized_print (debugger_names.m_break_index) if fe = curr_fe then curr_bi := current_debugging_breakable_index if curr_bi > 0 then localized_print ("[" + curr_bi.out + "] ") end end s := adjusted_answer if s.is_empty then if curr_bi > 0 then i := curr_bi end else if s.is_integer then i := s.to_integer else i := 0 s := Void end end if s /= Void then --| i.e `i' is a number if i <= 0 then i := 1 elseif i > fe.number_of_breakpoint_slots then i := fe.number_of_breakpoint_slots end breakpoints_manager.enable_user_breakpoint (fe, i) l_added := True localized_print (debugger_names.m_added_breakpoint_detailed (cc.name_in_upper, fe.name_32, i.out)) end end end if not l_added then localized_print (debugger_names.m_no_breakpoint_addition) end end modify_breakpoint (bp: BREAKPOINT) local m: EWB_TTY_MENU s: STRING_32 do create m.make (debugger_names.m_modify_breakpoint (bp.string_representation (False))) if bp.hits_count > 0 then s := "Hits count = " s.append_integer (bp.hits_count) m.add_separator (s) end if bp.has_condition then s := "Condition = " s.append_string_general (bp.condition.text) m.add_separator (s) end if bp.has_when_hits_action_for ({BREAKPOINT_WHEN_HITS_ACTION_PRINT_MESSAGE}) then if attached {BREAKPOINT_WHEN_HITS_ACTION_PRINT_MESSAGE} bp.when_hits_actions_for ({BREAKPOINT_WHEN_HITS_ACTION_PRINT_MESSAGE}).first as x then s := "Message = " s.append_string_general (x.message) m.add_separator (s) end end m.add_separator ("----") if not bp.is_enabled then m.add_entry ("E", debugger_names.e_enable_breakpoint, agent bp.enable) end if not bp.is_disabled then m.add_entry ("D", debugger_names.e_disable_breakpoint, agent bp.disable) end m.add_entry ("R", debugger_names.e_remove_breakpoint, agent bp.discard) m.add_conditional_entry ("Z", debugger_names.e_reset_bp_hits_count (bp.hits_count), agent bp.reset_hits_count, agent (a_bp: BREAKPOINT): BOOLEAN do Result := a_bp.hits_count > 0 end(bp)) m.add_conditional_entry ("I", debugger_names.e_edit_condition, agent edit_breakpoint_condition (bp), agent bp.has_condition) m.add_conditional_entry ("R", debugger_names.e_remove_condition, agent bp.remove_condition, agent bp.has_condition) m.add_conditional_entry ("C", debugger_names.e_add_condition, agent edit_breakpoint_condition (bp), agent (a_bp: BREAKPOINT): BOOLEAN do Result := not a_bp.has_condition end (bp)) m.add_entry ("W", debugger_names.e_bp_when_hits, agent edit_breakpoint_when_hits (bp)) m.add_separator (Void) m.add_quit_entry ("..", debugger_names.e_back_to_previous_menu) m.execute (True) end edit_breakpoint_condition (bp: BREAKPOINT) local s: STRING_32 exp: DBG_EXPRESSION fe: E_FEATURE d: STRING do if bp.has_condition then s := bp.condition.text localized_print (debugger_names.m_current_condition (s)) end localized_print (debugger_names.m_edit_new_condition) s := adjusted_answer if not s.is_empty then fe := bp.routine create exp.make_with_context (s) if bp.continue_on_condition_failure then d := "y" else d := "n" end s := confirmation_answer (debugger_names.m_continue_on_condition_failure_question, <<"y", "n">>, d, True) bp.set_continue_on_condition_failure (s.is_equal ("y")) if bp.condition_as_is_true then d := "1" else d := "2" end s := confirmation_answer (debugger_names.m_condition_is_true_or_has_changed_question ("1", "2"), <<"1", "2">>, d, True) if s.is_equal ("1") then bp.set_condition_as_is_true else bp.set_condition_as_has_changed end if exp.error_occurred then localized_print (debugger_names.m_not_a_valid_condition) elseif bp.condition_as_is_true and then (fe /= Void and then not exp.is_boolean_expression (fe)) then localized_print (debugger_names.m_not_a_valid_boolean_condition) else bp.set_condition (exp) localized_print (debugger_names.m_new_condition_applied) end end end edit_breakpoint_when_hits (bp: BREAKPOINT) local s: STRING_32 d: STRING wha: detachable BREAKPOINT_WHEN_HITS_ACTION_PRINT_MESSAGE do if bp.has_when_hits_action_for ({BREAKPOINT_WHEN_HITS_ACTION_PRINT_MESSAGE}) then if attached {BREAKPOINT_WHEN_HITS_ACTION_PRINT_MESSAGE} bp.when_hits_actions_for ({BREAKPOINT_WHEN_HITS_ACTION_PRINT_MESSAGE}).first as o_wha then wha := o_wha s := wha.message localized_print (debugger_names.m_current_bp_message(s)) d := "y" else d := "n" end else d := "n" end s := confirmation_answer (debugger_names.m_print_message_when_bp_hit_question, <<"y", "n">>, d, True) if s.is_equal ("y") then localized_print (debugger_names.e_enter_print_message) s := adjusted_answer if s.is_empty and wha /= Void then if confirmation_answer (debugger_names.m_remove_or_use_current_bp_message_question ("1", "2"), << "1", "2">>, "2", True).is_equal ("1") then bp.remove_when_hits_action (wha) else --| Do nothing end -- do you want to keep existing message else if wha = Void then create wha.make (s) bp.add_when_hits_action (wha) bp.set_continue_execution (True) else wha.set_message (s) end end end if bp.continue_execution then d := "y" else d := "n" end s := confirmation_answer (debugger_names.m_continue_when_bp_hit_question, <<"y", "n">>, d, True) bp.set_continue_execution (s.is_equal ("y")) end feature -- Events enter_events_handling require events_handler /= Void do events_handler.start_events_handling end leave_events_handling do events_handler.stop_events_handling end feature -- Properties tty_output: TEXT_FORMATTER controller: TTY_DEBUGGER_CONTROLLER feature -- Output visitor text_formatter_visitor: DEBUGGER_TEXT_FORMATTER_VISITOR; feature {NONE} -- Implementation truncated_text (s: STRING; a_size: INTEGER): STRING require a_size > 3 do Result := s.twin if Result.count > a_size and Result.count > 2 then Result.keep_head (a_size - 2) Result.append ("..") end end adjusted_answer: STRING -- Return input answer. do io.read_line Result := io.last_string.twin Result.left_adjust Result.right_adjust end confirmation_answer (m: STRING_GENERAL; lst: ARRAY [STRING]; a_default: STRING; a_caseless: BOOLEAN): STRING -- Confirmation answer require a_default_in_lst: (a_default /= Void and lst /= Void) implies lst.there_exists (agent (s:STRING; d:STRING): BOOLEAN do Result := s.is_equal (d) end(?,a_default)) local i: INTEGER l_is_valid: BOOLEAN do from -- lst.there_exists (test: FUNCTION [ANY, TUPLE [G], BOOLEAN]) until Result /= Void loop localized_print (m) if lst /= Void and then lst.count > 1 then io.put_string (" (") from i := lst.lower until i > lst.upper loop if i > lst.lower then io.put_character ('/') end io.put_string (lst[i]) i := i + 1 end io.put_string (") ") if a_default /= Void then io.put_character ('[') localized_print (a_default) io.put_string ("] ") end end Result := adjusted_answer if a_default /= Void and then Result.is_empty then Result := a_default elseif lst /= Void and then lst.count > 1 then from l_is_valid := False i := lst.lower until i > lst.upper or l_is_valid loop if a_caseless then l_is_valid := Result.is_case_insensitive_equal (lst[i]) else l_is_valid := Result.is_equal (lst[i]) end if l_is_valid then Result := lst[i] end i := i + 1 end if not l_is_valid then Result := Void end end end end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2020, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end