Used .NET classes
Static methods used
- {ENVIRONMENT}.get_current_directory, set_current_directory, get_environment_variable
Security notes
- Need unrestricted permission to get the current directory.
- Need unmanaged code to set the current directory.
- Read permission is needed when accessing the Path environment variable.
Unhandled exceptions
- If the directory doesn't exist in set_current_directory, DirectoryNotFoundException is raised.
- When trying to set the current directory to a Void or empty string, exceptions are raised too.
Other notes
- .NET doesn't seem to provide a way to set environment variables, so that
"user_environment_variables" was added to store additional environment variables.
Of course these variables won't be accessible by {ENVIRONMENT}.get_environment_variable.
- Do not support home directories by default.
- Needed to include some system.dll classes (all in support.net\systemdll) concerning PROCESS.