Bcc32 5.5 startup objs and libs

Date: 20 Mar 2000
Time: 6:48:36
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Q. BCC32 5.5 info needed please.What six start up objs go with what four libs.
>Windows plain?

c0w32.obj + import32.lib + cw32.lib

>Windows multi threaded?

c0w32.obj + import32.lib + cw32mt.lib

>Windows DLL plain?

c0d32.obj + import32.lib + cw32.lib

>Windows DLL multi threaded?

c0d32.obj + import32.lib + cw32mt.lib

>Console plain?

c0x32.obj + import32.lib + cw32.lib

>Console multi threaded?

c0x32.obj + import32.lib + cw32mt.lib

>Console DLL plain?
>Console DLL multi threaded?

What is the difference between a console DLL and a GUI DLL?

To summarize the startup OBJs:

c0d32.obj  DLL startup module  
c0d32w.obj DLL startup module Wide-char version
c0d32x.obj DLL startup module no exception handling
c0pkg32.obj Package startup module  
c0w32.obj GUI EXE startup module  
c0w32w.obj GUI EXE startup module Wide-char version
c0x32.obj 32-bit console-mode EXE startup module  
c0x32w.obj 32-bit console-mode EXE startup module Wide-char version

The d stands for dll, the w for windows GUI exe's, and the x is for console
mode exe's.

The RTL libs are

cp32mt.lib       VCL-compliant C RTL multithreaded static library
cp3250mt.dll, cp32mti.lib    VCL-compliant import library for multithreaded C RTL
cw32.lib          RTL single-threaded static library
cw3250.dll, cw32i.lib  Import library for RTL cw3250.dll
cw32mt.lib      RTL multi-threaded static library
cw3250mt.dll, cw32mti.lib     Import library for multithreaded RTL cw3250mt.dll

The 'p' in 'cp' means pascal. No need for that one. The 'i's stand for
import library. mt stands for multi-threaded. For simplicity, you can stic
to cw32.lib and cw32mt.lib for apps compiled with the free bc55.

Harold Howe (TeamB)