Efficient expanded implementation
Current issues
Expanded were hard to implement correctly because of the high requirement on
the GC. It was done so that embedded expanded references were just treated as
normal references except they were pointing to a subpart of their enclosing object.
Therefore when within the expanded object, we were assigning a new object to an
attribute, we
needed to go back not to the expanded header, but to the enclosing object
header to see if it needed to be marked so that the GC update some references if
needed. Most of the bugs we had were related to an incorrect header update.
Generalities and requirements about expanded
- When you have an expanded type, the compiler knows exactly when it is used
and therefore it not needs any special runtime information during execution to
perform a correct binding to one of its attributes or routines.
- An expanded class which has only one attribute and this attribute is a
basic type should be as fast as the manipulation of the basic type.
- A SPECIAL of expanded types, where expanded type only contains basic
types, should not provide an header for each entries and the GC should not
traverse it. (Very important for ARRAY of COMPLEX which are made of two DOUBLE
attributes, important because of the size consideration, if you have 1GB of
elements, then it corresponds to 8GB of data + 8GB of headers, you definitely
don't want that).
- A SPECIAL of expanded types, where expanded type contains some references
needs to be handled in a special way. We really don't want a header for each
object (See previous case), however the marking needs to be done is a smart way. For example we
could store somewhere the number of references per object, then the GC can
mark those `n' references, go to the next element and do that over and over.
We do not need a special marking routine stored somewhere in the header.
- reference COMPLEX and expanded COMPLEX are two distinct types and needs to
be considered as such.
- They should satisfy the following validity rules: VLEC, VTEC, VGCP.
- VLEC: It is valid for a class C to be an expanded client of a classs SC
if and only if SC is not a direct or indirect expanded client of C.
- VTEC: You can use `expanded' only if base class is not deferred and it
contains `default_create' as a creation procedure.
- VGCP: in an expanded class, `default_create' should be listed as a
creation procedure.