note description: "Factory for compiler which generates descendants of certain AST classes." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class AST_COMPILER_FACTORY inherit AST_FACTORY redefine new_array_as, set_expanded_class_type, new_debug_as, new_expr_address_as, new_feature_as, new_feature_name_alias_as, new_formal_dec_as, new_integer_as, new_integer_hexa_as, new_integer_octal_as, new_integer_binary_as, new_external_lang_as, new_vtgc1_error, new_vvok1_error, new_vvok2_error, validate_integer_real_type, validate_non_conforming_inheritance_type end SHARED_WORKBENCH export {NONE} all end SHARED_ERROR_HANDLER export {NONE} all end COMPILER_EXPORTER export {NONE} all end SHARED_STATELESS_VISITOR export {NONE} all end SHARED_STATEFUL_VISITOR export {NONE} all end -- FIXME: we are only using it to generate the errors in `new_expr_address_as' and `new_class_as' -- for reporting unsupported constructs. Ideally we need a different way of generating errors, -- for example, by making the parser aware of such limitations. SHARED_EIFFEL_PARSER export {NONE} all end feature -- Access new_array_as (exp: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [EXPR_AS]; l_as, r_as: detachable SYMBOL_AS): detachable COMPILER_ARRAY_AS -- New COMPILER_ARRAY_AS do if exp /= Void then create Result.initialize (exp, l_as, r_as) end end set_expanded_class_type (a_type: detachable TYPE_AS; is_expanded: BOOLEAN; s_as: detachable KEYWORD_AS) do Precursor {AST_FACTORY} (a_type, is_expanded, s_as) if is_expanded then system.set_has_expanded if attached {CLASS_C} parser.current_class as l_class_c then l_class_c.set_has_expanded end end end new_debug_as (k: detachable KEY_LIST_AS; c: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [INSTRUCTION_AS]; d_as, e: detachable KEYWORD_AS): detachable DEBUG_AS local l_str: STRING do if e /= Void then create Result.initialize (k, c, d_as, e) if k /= Void and then k.keys /= Void then from -- Debug keys are not case sensitive k.keys.start until k.keys.after loop k.keys.item.value_to_lower l_str := k.keys.item.value system.add_new_debug_clause (l_str) k.keys.forth end end end end new_expr_address_as (e: detachable EXPR_AS; a_as, l_as, r_as: detachable SYMBOL_AS): detachable EXPR_ADDRESS_AS do if not system.address_expression_allowed then error_handler.insert_error (create {SYNTAX_ERROR}.init (eiffel_parser)) elseif e /= Void then create Result.initialize (e, a_as, l_as, r_as) end end new_external_lang_as (l: detachable STRING_AS): detachable COMPILER_EXTERNAL_LANG_AS -- New EXTERNAL_LANGUAGE AST node do if l /= Void then create Result.initialize (l) end end new_feature_as (f: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [FEATURE_NAME]; b: detachable BODY_AS; i: detachable INDEXING_CLAUSE_AS; next_pos: INTEGER): detachable FEATURE_AS -- New FEATURE AST node local feature_name: FEATURE_NAME is_query: BOOLEAN argument_count: INTEGER arguments: EIFFEL_LIST [TYPE_DEC_AS] vfav: VFAV_SYNTAX l_built_in_processor: like built_in_processor l_built_in_class_as: CLASS_AS l_built_in_feature_node: FEATURE_AS l_routine_as: ROUTINE_AS l_built_in_as: BUILT_IN_AS do if (f /= Void and then not f.is_empty) and b /= Void then -- Check if there are any operator names that violate VFAV rules is_query := b.type /= Void from f.start until f.after loop feature_name := f.item if attached {FEATURE_NAME_ALIAS_AS} feature_name as l_feat_name_alias_as then -- TODO This code occurs in almost the same fashion in `{RENAMING_A}.adapt_alias_feature_name_properties' vfav := Void arguments := b.arguments if arguments /= Void then -- It's possible to calculate the value of `argument_count' once -- before loop, but from the other hand it is required only for -- features with aliases, so it makes sense to put it here. from argument_count := 0 arguments.start until arguments.after loop argument_count := argument_count + arguments.item.id_list.count arguments.forth end end if l_feat_name_alias_as.has_bracket_alias then if not is_query or else argument_count < 1 then -- Invalid bracket alias. create {VFAV2_SYNTAX} vfav.make (l_feat_name_alias_as, l_feat_name_alias_as.bracket_alias_as) elseif l_feat_name_alias_as.has_convert_mark then -- Invalid convert mark. create {VFAV5_SYNTAX} vfav.make (l_feat_name_alias_as, l_feat_name_alias_as.bracket_alias_as) end elseif l_feat_name_alias_as.has_parentheses_alias then if argument_count < 1 then -- Invalid parenthesis alias. create {VFAV3_SYNTAX} vfav.make (l_feat_name_alias_as, l_feat_name_alias_as.parenthesis_alias_as) elseif l_feat_name_alias_as.has_convert_mark then -- Invalid convert mark. create {VFAV5_SYNTAX} vfav.make (l_feat_name_alias_as, l_feat_name_alias_as.parenthesis_alias_as) end elseif is_query then across l_feat_name_alias_as.aliases as ic until vfav /= Void loop if (argument_count = 0 and then ic.item.is_valid_unary) or else (argument_count = 1 and then ic.item.is_valid_binary) then -- FIXME: maybe move this check outside the loop [2019-09-25]. if argument_count = 0 and then l_feat_name_alias_as.has_convert_mark then -- Invalid convert mark create {VFAV5_SYNTAX} vfav.make (l_feat_name_alias_as, ic.item.alias_name) end else -- Invalid operator alias create {VFAV1_SYNTAX} vfav.make (l_feat_name_alias_as, ic.item.alias_name) end end if vfav /= Void then -- Error detected elseif argument_count = 1 then l_feat_name_alias_as.set_is_binary elseif l_feat_name_alias_as.has_convert_mark then create {VFAV5_SYNTAX} vfav.make (l_feat_name_alias_as, Void) else l_feat_name_alias_as.set_is_unary end else -- This is an alias, but not a bracket or parenthesis alias, and this is not a query ... create {VFAV1_SYNTAX} vfav.make (l_feat_name_alias_as, Void) end if vfav /= Void then error_handler.insert_error (vfav) end end f.forth end create Result.initialize (f, b, i, system.feature_as_counter.next_id, next_pos) if b.is_built_in and then system.workbench.is_compiling then -- The system.workbench.is_compiling needs to be checked here because refactoring uses this factory. -- When working with uncompiled classes system.current_class will be Void. See fix_me below -- We have a built in so we set the replacement feature inside if available. l_built_in_processor := built_in_processor l_built_in_processor.parse_current_class (parser.current_class, system.il_generation) l_built_in_class_as := l_built_in_processor.class_as if l_built_in_class_as /= Void then -- We have an associating built in class. -- If we find a feature with the name matching the built in then we set this -- replacement feature as an attribute of the dummy built in. l_built_in_feature_node := l_built_in_class_as.feature_with_name (f.first.feature_name.name_id) if l_built_in_feature_node /= Void then l_routine_as ?= b.content l_built_in_as ?= l_routine_as.routine_body l_built_in_as.set_body (l_built_in_feature_node) -- Add any newly introduced suppliers if any. if l_built_in_class_as.suppliers /= Void then -- Make sure any uncompiled classes referenced by the built in get compiled. --| FIXME IEK Optimize if possible as this only needs to be performed once per built in class. eiffel_parser.suppliers.merge (l_built_in_class_as.suppliers) end end end l_built_in_processor.reset end if b.is_unique and then attached {CLASS_C} parser.current_class as l_class_c then l_class_c.set_has_unique end end end new_feature_name_alias_as (feature_name: detachable ID_AS; aliases: detachable LIST [FEATURE_ALIAS_NAME]; convert_keyword: detachable KEYWORD_AS): detachable FEATURE_NAME_ALIAS_AS -- <Precursor> local first_operator, second_operator: STRING_AS has_error: BOOLEAN do if attached feature_name and then attached aliases then across aliases as a loop first_operator := a.item.alias_name across aliases as b loop second_operator := b.item.alias_name if -- Avoid processing already processed operators. a.target_index < b.target_index and then -- Check whether aliases have the same name. first_operator.value.same_string (second_operator.value) then error_handler.insert_error (create {VFAV4_SYNTAX}.make (feature_name, first_operator, second_operator)) has_error := True end end end if not has_error then Result := Precursor (feature_name, aliases, convert_keyword) end end end new_formal_dec_as (f: detachable FORMAL_AS; c: detachable CONSTRAINT_LIST_AS; cf: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [FEATURE_NAME]; c_as: detachable SYMBOL_AS; ck_as, ek_as: detachable KEYWORD_AS): detachable FORMAL_CONSTRAINT_AS -- New FORMAL_DECLARATION AST node do if f /= Void then create Result.initialize (f, c, cf, c_as, ck_as, ek_as) end end new_integer_as (t: detachable TYPE_AS; s: BOOLEAN; v: detachable STRING; buf: detachable READABLE_STRING_8; s_as: detachable SYMBOL_AS; l, c, p, n, cc, cp, cn: INTEGER): detachable INTEGER_CONSTANT -- New INTEGER_AS node do if v /= Void then create Result.make_from_string (t, s, v) Result.set_position (l, c, p, n, cc, cp, cn) end end new_integer_hexa_as (t: detachable TYPE_AS; s: CHARACTER; v: detachable STRING; buf: READABLE_STRING_8; s_as: detachable SYMBOL_AS; l, c, p, n, cc, cp, cn: INTEGER): detachable INTEGER_CONSTANT -- New INTEGER_AS node do if v /= Void then create Result.make_from_hexa_string (t, s, v) Result.set_position (l, c, p, n, cc, cp, cn) end end new_integer_octal_as (t: detachable TYPE_AS; s: CHARACTER; v: detachable STRING; buf: READABLE_STRING_8; s_as: detachable SYMBOL_AS; l, c, p, n, cc, cp, cn: INTEGER): detachable INTEGER_CONSTANT -- New INTEGER_AS node do if v /= Void then create Result.make_from_octal_string (t, s, v) Result.set_position (l, c, p, n, cc, cp, cn) end end new_integer_binary_as (t: detachable TYPE_AS; s: CHARACTER; v: detachable STRING; buf: READABLE_STRING_8; s_as: detachable SYMBOL_AS; l, c, p, n, cc, cp, cn: INTEGER): detachable INTEGER_CONSTANT -- New INTEGER_AS node do if v /= Void then create Result.make_from_binary_string (t, s, v) Result.set_position (l, c, p, n, cc, cp, cn) end end feature -- Access for Errors new_vtgc1_error (a_line: INTEGER; a_column: INTEGER; a_filename: like {ERROR}.file_name; a_type: TYPE_AS): VTGC1 -- <Precursor> do create Result if attached {CLASS_C} parser.current_class as l_class_c then Result.set_class (l_class_c) end Result.set_location (a_type.start_location) end new_vvok1_error (a_line: INTEGER; a_column: INTEGER; a_filename: like {ERROR}.file_name; a_once_as: FEATURE_AS): VVOK1 -- Create new VVOK1 error. do create Result.make (a_line, a_column, a_filename, Void) end new_vvok2_error (a_line: INTEGER; a_column: INTEGER; a_filename: like {ERROR}.file_name; a_once_as: FEATURE_AS): VVOK2 -- Create new VVOK2 error. do create Result.make (a_line, a_column, a_filename, Void) end feature {NONE} -- Validation validate_integer_real_type (a_psr: EIFFEL_SCANNER_SKELETON; a_type: detachable TYPE_AS; buffer: READABLE_STRING_8; for_integer: BOOLEAN) -- New integer value. local l_type: TYPE_A l_class_c: CLASS_C do is_valid_integer_real := True l_class_c ?= a_psr.current_class if for_integer then if a_type /= Void and l_class_c /= Void then l_type := type_a_generator.evaluate_type (a_type, l_class_c) end if l_type /= Void then if not l_type.is_valid or (not l_type.is_integer and not l_type.is_natural) then is_valid_integer_real := False a_psr.report_invalid_type_for_integer_error (a_type, buffer) end elseif a_type /= Void then -- A type was specified but did not result in a valid type is_valid_integer_real := False a_psr.report_invalid_type_for_integer_error (a_type, buffer) end else if a_type /= Void and l_class_c /= Void then l_type := type_a_generator.evaluate_type (a_type, l_class_c) end if l_type /= Void then if not l_type.is_valid or (not l_type.is_real_32 and not l_type.is_real_64) then is_valid_integer_real := False a_psr.report_invalid_type_for_real_error (a_type, buffer) end elseif a_type /= Void then -- A type was specified but did not result in a valid type is_valid_integer_real := False a_psr.report_invalid_type_for_real_error (a_type, buffer) end end end validate_non_conforming_inheritance_type (a_psr: EIFFEL_PARSER_SKELETON; a_type: detachable TYPE_AS) -- Validate `a_type' for non-conforming inheritance. local l_none_type_as: NONE_TYPE_AS l_syntax_error: SYNTAX_ERROR do -- Make sure that `a_type' is of type NONE_TYPE_AS. l_none_type_as ?= a_type if l_none_type_as = Void then -- Raise error. create l_syntax_error.make (a_psr.line, a_psr.column, a_psr.filename, "Use 'inherit {NONE}' to specify non-conforming inheritance") a_psr.report_one_error (l_syntax_error) end end note ca_ignore: "CA011", "CA011: too many arguments", "CA033", "CA033: very long class" copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2021, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end