note description: "Type checking and code generation of BYTE_NODE tree." class AST_FEATURE_CHECKER_GENERATOR inherit AST_VISITOR AST_FEATURE_CHECKER_EXPORT EIFFEL_LAYOUT export {NONE} all end REFACTORING_HELPER export {NONE} all end SHARED_TYPES export {NONE} all end SHARED_ERROR_HANDLER export {NONE} all end COMPILER_EXPORTER export {NONE} all end SHARED_WORKBENCH export {NONE} all end SHARED_INSTANTIATOR export {NONE} all end SHARED_NAMES_HEAP export {NONE} all end SHARED_INSPECT export {NONE} all end SYNTAX_STRINGS export {NONE} all end SHARED_SERVER export {NONE} all end SHARED_TMP_SERVER export {NONE} all end CONF_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end SHARED_DEGREES export {NONE} all end REFACTORING_HELPER export {NONE} all end INTERNAL_COMPILER_STRING_EXPORTER export {NONE} all end SHARED_ENCODING_CONVERTER export {NONE} all end SHARED_LOCALE export {NONE} all end FORMATTED_MESSAGE export {NONE} all end OBSOLETE_CALL_HANDLER feature -- Initialization init (a_context: AST_CONTEXT) require current_class_is_attached: attached a_context.current_class as c current_class_has_feature_table: c.has_feature_table do if type_a_checker = Void then create type_a_checker end if inherited_type_a_checker = Void then create inherited_type_a_checker end if type_a_generator = Void then create type_a_generator end if byte_anchor = Void then create byte_anchor end context := a_context feature_table := a_context.current_class.feature_table end feature -- Type checking type_check_only (a_feature: FEATURE_I; a_is_safe_to_check_inherited, a_code_inherited, a_replicated_in_current_class: BOOLEAN) -- Type check `a_feature'. require a_feature_not_void: a_feature /= Void valid_inherited_check: a_code_inherited implies a_is_safe_to_check_inherited do fixme (once "Make sure to use `a_code_inherited' to properly initialize our type checker.") set_is_replicated (a_replicated_in_current_class) type_a_checker.init_for_checking (a_feature, context.current_class, context.supplier_ids, error_handler) a_feature.record_suppliers (context.supplier_ids) current_feature := a_feature reset -- Ensure feature body is in memory if we are processing the class where it comes from -- so that updates to AST (like routine IDs, class IDs, status of an entity, etc.) are saved. if a_feature.written_in = context.current_class.class_id then tmp_ast_server.load (context.current_class) end -- Initialize structures to record attribute scopes. context.init_attribute_scopes is_byte_node_enabled := False is_ast_modified := False break_point_slot_count := 0 if a_is_safe_to_check_inherited then process_inherited_assertions (a_feature, True) end if a_code_inherited then inherited_type_a_checker.init_for_checking (a_feature, context.written_class, Void, Void) if not a_feature.is_deferred and not a_feature.is_il_external then set_is_inherited (not a_replicated_in_current_class) a_feature.body.process (Current) set_is_inherited (False) end else a_feature.body.process (Current) end is_byte_node_enabled := False if a_is_safe_to_check_inherited then process_inherited_assertions (a_feature, False) end check_creation end type_check_and_code (a_feature: FEATURE_I; a_is_safe_to_check_inherited, a_replicated_in_current_class: BOOLEAN) -- Type check `a_feature'. require a_feature_not_void: a_feature /= Void do set_is_replicated (a_replicated_in_current_class) type_a_checker.init_for_checking (a_feature, context.current_class, context.supplier_ids, error_handler) a_feature.record_suppliers (context.supplier_ids) current_feature := a_feature reset -- Ensure feature body is in memory if we are processing the class where it comes from -- so that updates to AST (like routine IDs, class IDs, status of an entity, etc.) are saved. if a_feature.written_in = context.current_class.class_id then tmp_ast_server.load (context.current_class) end -- Initialize structures to record attribute scopes. context.init_attribute_scopes if a_is_safe_to_check_inherited then is_byte_node_enabled := False break_point_slot_count := 0 process_inherited_assertions (a_feature, True) is_byte_node_enabled := True if a_replicated_in_current_class then -- We need to correct set the inherited TYPE_A checker to be the current -- class so that like features are correctly handled. inherited_type_a_checker.init_for_checking (a_feature, context.written_class, Void, Void) end a_feature.body.process (Current) is_byte_node_enabled := False process_inherited_assertions (a_feature, False) else is_byte_node_enabled := True if a_replicated_in_current_class then -- We need to correct set the inherited TYPE_A checker to be the current -- class so that like features are correctly handled. inherited_type_a_checker.init_for_checking (a_feature, context.written_class, Void, Void) end a_feature.body.process (Current) end if attached a_feature.real_body as b and then attached {ROUTINE_AS} b.content as rout_as and then break_point_slot_count > 0 then --| FIXME(jfiat:2007/01/26): --| It occurs `break_point_slot_count' = 0 at this point --| but just before we set rout_as.number_of_breakpoint_slots --| had been set to non zero value --| Check why we have this kind of issue. rout_as.set_number_of_breakpoint_slots (break_point_slot_count) end check_creation end invariant_type_check (a_feature: FEATURE_I; a_clause: INVARIANT_AS; a_generate_code: BOOLEAN) -- Type check `a_feature'. require a_feature_not_void: a_feature /= Void a_clause_not_void: a_clause /= Void local l_invariant: INVARIANT_B do set_is_replicated (False) type_a_checker.init_for_checking (a_feature, context.current_class, context.supplier_ids, error_handler) is_byte_node_enabled := a_generate_code is_ast_modified := False current_feature := a_feature reset -- Initialize structures to record attribute scopes. context.init_attribute_scopes -- There are no locals, but we need to initialize the structures that are used for scope tests. context.init_local_scopes a_clause.process (Current) if a_generate_code and then attached {BYTE_LIST [ASSERT_B]} last_byte_node as l then create l_invariant l_invariant.set_class_id (context.current_class.class_id) l_invariant.set_byte_list (l) l_invariant.set_once_manifest_string_count (a_clause.once_manifest_string_count) context.init_invariant_byte_code (l_invariant) last_byte_node := l_invariant end end custom_attributes_type_check_and_code (a_feature: FEATURE_I; a_cas: EIFFEL_LIST [CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE_AS]) -- Type check `a_cas' for `a_feature'. require a_feature_not_void: a_feature /= Void a_cas_not_void: a_cas /= Void do set_is_replicated (False) type_a_checker.init_for_checking (a_feature, context.current_class, context.supplier_ids, error_handler) is_byte_node_enabled := True current_feature := a_feature reset -- Initialize structures to record attribute scopes. context.init_attribute_scopes a_cas.process (Current) end feature -- Status report is_ast_modified: BOOLEAN -- Is AST modified as a part of processing? -- The value is reset at the beginning of `type_check_only' and `invariant_type_check'. -- If it is set at the end, AST is modified and the code may need to be regenerated. feature {AST_FEATURE_CHECKER_GENERATOR} -- Internal type checking check_body (a_feature: FEATURE_I; a_body: BODY_AS; a_is_byte_node_enabled, a_is_inherited, a_is_replicated_in_current_class, a_is_for_inline_agent: BOOLEAN) -- Type check `a_feature' which represents an inline agent `a_body'. require a_feature_not_void: a_feature /= Void local l_written_class: CLASS_C l_error_level: NATURAL_32 do break_point_slot_count := 0 l_error_level := error_level type_a_checker.init_for_checking (a_feature, context.current_class, context.supplier_ids, error_handler) inherited_type_a_checker.init_for_checking (a_feature, context.written_class, Void, Void) a_feature.record_suppliers (context.supplier_ids) current_feature := a_feature reset is_byte_node_enabled := a_is_byte_node_enabled set_is_inherited (a_is_inherited) l_written_class := context.written_class -- Initialize AST context before calling `check_types' -- This is an optimization for checking types during degree 4 to avoid repetitive type creation. context.initialize (feature_table.associated_class, feature_table.associated_class.actual_type) a_feature.check_types (feature_table) if error_level = l_error_level then a_feature.check_type_validity (context.current_class) if error_level = l_error_level then context.set_written_class (l_written_class) if not is_inherited and then a_is_for_inline_agent and then a_feature.has_arguments then a_feature.check_argument_names (feature_table) end if error_level = l_error_level then a_body.process (Current) end end end end feature {NONE} -- Internal type checking check_creation -- Check VEVI for attributes and record information necessary to check validity rules for targeted expressions. local c: CLASS_C do c := context.current_class -- Optimization: skip deferred classes. if not c.is_deferred and then is_void_safe_initialization then -- Check if the current feature is a creation procedure. if attached c.creators as cs and then cs.has (current_feature.feature_name_id) or else attached c.creation_feature as cf and then cf.feature_id = current_feature.feature_id then (create {AST_CREATION_PROCEDURE_CHECKER}.make (current_feature, context)).do_nothing end end end feature -- Access byte_code: BYTE_CODE -- Last computed BYTE_CODE instance if any. do Result ?= last_byte_node end inline_agent_byte_codes: LINKED_LIST [BYTE_CODE] -- List of computed inline agent byte nodes if any. invariant_byte_code: INVARIANT_B -- Last computed invariant byte node if any. do Result ?= last_byte_node end last_byte_node: BYTE_NODE -- Last computed BYTE_NODE after a call to one of the `process_xx' routine feature {NONE} -- Access last_calls_target_type: TYPE_A -- Static type of last feature call. -- In case of multiple constrained formal generics there are several static types possible. -- MTNASK: current_target_type could be used instead, for now i don't want to interfere with that... feature {NONE} -- Implementation: Access type_a_generator: AST_TYPE_A_GENERATOR -- To convert TYPE_AS into TYPE_A inherited_type_a_checker, type_a_checker: TYPE_A_CHECKER -- To check a type byte_anchor: AST_BYTE_NODE_ANCHOR -- To get node type for UNARY_AS and BINARY_AS nodes feature {NONE} -- Implementation: Context current_feature: FEATURE_I -- Feature which is checked feature {AST_FEATURE_CHECKER_GENERATOR} is_void_safe_call: BOOLEAN -- Is code being check for void-safe calls on `a_class'? do Result := context.is_void_safe_call end is_void_safe_conformance: BOOLEAN -- Is code being check for void-safe conformance on `a_class'? do Result := context.is_void_safe_conformance end is_void_safe_initialization: BOOLEAN -- Is code being check for void-safe initialization on `a_class'? do Result := context.is_void_safe_initialization end is_void_safe_construct: BOOLEAN -- Is code being check for void-safe constructs (e.g. no CAP for "check ...end") on `a_class'? do Result := context.is_void_safe_construct end is_replicated: BOOLEAN -- Is code being processed to be replicated in the current class? set_is_replicated (a_replicated: BOOLEAN) do is_replicated := a_replicated end feature {NONE} -- Implementation: State is_byte_node_enabled: BOOLEAN -- Are we also doing BYTE_NODE generation as well as type checking? has_loop: BOOLEAN -- Does Current have a loop instruction? has_hector: BOOLEAN -- Does Current have an address expression? once_manifest_string_index: INTEGER -- Index of once manifest strings from the beginning -- of the current routine or of the current class invariant is_in_rescue: BOOLEAN -- Flag to ensure that `retry' instruction appears only in a rescue clause. is_in_creation_expression: BOOLEAN -- Are we type checking a creation expression? -- Usefull, for not checking VAPE error in precondition -- using creation expression, since type checking -- on CREATION_EXPR_AS will report a not sufficiently -- exported creation routine. is_target_of_creation_instruction: BOOLEAN -- Are we type checking the call to the creation routine? check_for_vaol: BOOLEAN -- Is current checking for VAOL error? depend_unit_level: NATURAL_16 -- Current level used to create new instances of DEPEND_UNIT. context: AST_CONTEXT -- Context in which current checking is done feature_table: FEATURE_TABLE -- Current feature table is_checking_postcondition: BOOLEAN -- Are we currently checking a postcondition. -- Needed to ensure that old expression only appears in -- postconditions do Result := (depend_unit_level & {DEPEND_UNIT}.is_in_ensure_flag) = {DEPEND_UNIT}.is_in_ensure_flag end is_checking_invariant: BOOLEAN -- Level of analysis for access, When analyzing an access id, -- (instance of ACCESS_ID_AS), locals, arguments -- are not taken into account if set to True. -- Useful for analyzing class invariant. -- [Set on when analyzing invariants]. do Result := (depend_unit_level & {DEPEND_UNIT}.is_in_invariant_flag) = {DEPEND_UNIT}.is_in_invariant_flag end is_checking_precondition: BOOLEAN -- Level for analysis of precondition do Result := depend_unit_level & ({DEPEND_UNIT}.is_in_require_flag | {DEPEND_UNIT}.is_in_wait_condition_flag) /= 0 end is_checking_check: BOOLEAN -- Level for analyzis of check clauses do Result := (depend_unit_level & {DEPEND_UNIT}.is_in_check_flag) = {DEPEND_UNIT}.is_in_check_flag end is_in_assignment: BOOLEAN -- Level for analysis of target of an assignment do Result := (depend_unit_level & {DEPEND_UNIT}.is_in_assignment_flag) = {DEPEND_UNIT}.is_in_assignment_flag end last_expressions_type: ARRAYED_LIST [TYPE_A] -- Last computed types of a list of expressions last_tuple_type: TUPLE_TYPE_A -- Type of last computed manifest tuple current_target_type: TYPE_A -- Type of target of expression being processed -- Only useful for type checking of manifest array or evaluating the type of `?' when -- used in agent. old_expressions: LINKED_LIST [UN_OLD_B] -- List of old expressions found during feature type checking is_type_compatible: TUPLE [is_compatible: BOOLEAN; conversion_info: detachable CONVERSION_INFO] -- Result of computation of `process_type_compatibility'. If `last_type' is -- compatible then `is_compatible' is set, if there is a conversion, then -- `conversion_info' is set? last_assigner_command: detachable FEATURE_I -- Last assigner command associated with a feature. last_assignment_target: detachable FEATURE_I -- Target of assignment or assigner command. assigner_source: detachable EXPR_AS -- Source of a current assigner command (if any). is_qualified_call: BOOLEAN -- Is a qualified call being processed? is_checking_cas: BOOLEAN -- Is a custom attribute being processed? error_level: NATURAL_32 -- Convenience feature for compactness. do Result := error_handler.error_level ensure definition: Result = error_handler.error_level end has_untyped_local: BOOLEAN -- Is there a local declared without type? feature {NONE} -- Measurement maximum_inference_count: NATURAL_32 = 100 -- Maximum number of iterations to perform type inference. feature {NONE} -- Implementation: Access last_access_writable: BOOLEAN -- Is last ACCESS_AS node creatable? is_object_test_local_initializing: BOOLEAN -- Is an object test local being initialized, so that it can be used as a target of an assignment? last_actual_feature_name: STRING -- Whenever a feature name is required, use this to select the actually correct one. --| If last_original_feature_name is 0 then last_feature_name will be selected require at_least_one_name_available: last_original_feature_name_id /= 0 or last_feature_name_id /= 0 do if last_original_feature_name_id = 0 then Result := last_feature_name else Result := last_original_feature_name end ensure Result_not_void: Result /= Void end last_actual_feature_name_id: INTEGER -- Whenever a feature name is required, use this to select the actually correct one. --| If last_original_feature_name is 0 then last_feature_name will be selected require at_least_one_name_available: last_original_feature_name_id /= 0 or last_feature_name_id /= 0 do Result := last_original_feature_name_id if Result = 0 then Result := last_feature_name_id end ensure Result_not_zero: Result /= 0 end last_original_feature_name: STRING -- Original name of last ACCESS_AS (`last_feature_name' might be different and depending -- on what usage is intended this or the other might be the one to use) require last_original_feature_name_id_not_negative: last_original_feature_name_id >= 0 do Result := names_heap.item (last_original_feature_name_id) ensure Result_correct: last_original_feature_name_id /= 0 implies Result /= Void end last_original_feature_name_id: INTEGER -- Names_heap Id of original name of last ACCESS_AS (`last_feature_name' might be different and depending -- on what usage is intended this or the other might be the one to use) last_feature_name: STRING -- Actual name of last ACCESS_AS (might be different from original name -- in case an overloading resolution or a renaming of a formal constraint took place) require last_feature_name_id_not_zero: last_feature_name_id /= 0 do Result := names_heap.item (last_feature_name_id) ensure Result_correct: Result /= Void end last_feature_name_id: INTEGER -- Names_heap Id of `last_feature_name' is_last_access_tuple_access: BOOLEAN -- Is last ACCESS_AS node an access to a TUPLE element? feature {NONE} -- Settings reset -- Reset all attributes to their default value local l_conv_info: detachable CONVERSION_INFO do old_expressions := Void reset_types has_loop := False has_hector := False once_manifest_string_index := 0 is_in_rescue := False is_in_creation_expression := False is_target_of_creation_instruction := False check_for_vaol := False depend_unit_level := 0 last_access_writable := False last_original_feature_name_id := 0 last_feature_name_id := 0 last_calls_target_type := Void is_type_compatible := [False, l_conv_info] last_assigner_command := Void last_assignment_target := Void set_is_inherited (False) inline_agent_byte_codes := Void internal_agent_call_routine_ids := Void end reset_types -- Reset attributes storing types to Void do last_tuple_type := Void last_type := Void last_calls_target_type := Void last_expressions_type := Void current_target_type := Void end reset_byte_node -- Reset byte node generation do if is_byte_node_enabled then last_byte_node := Void end end reset_for_unqualified_call_checking do last_type := context.current_class_type is_controlled := False is_qualified_call := False end set_is_checking_postcondition (b: BOOLEAN) -- Assign `b' to `is_checking_postcondition'. do if b then depend_unit_level := depend_unit_level | {DEPEND_UNIT}.is_in_ensure_flag else depend_unit_level := depend_unit_level & {DEPEND_UNIT}.is_in_ensure_flag.bit_not end ensure is_checking_postcondition_set: is_checking_postcondition = b end set_is_checking_invariant (b: BOOLEAN) -- Assign `b' to `is_checking_invariant'. do if b then depend_unit_level := depend_unit_level | {DEPEND_UNIT}.is_in_invariant_flag else depend_unit_level := depend_unit_level & {DEPEND_UNIT}.is_in_invariant_flag.bit_not end ensure is_checking_invariant_set: is_checking_invariant = b end set_is_checking_precondition (b: BOOLEAN) -- Assign `b' to `is_checking_precondition'. -- Also set `b' to check_for_vape. do if b then if system.is_scoop and then current_feature.has_separate_arguments then -- It's possible that there are no wait conditions, -- but then the combined precondition should be tested for that -- and this is not done at the moment. debug ("to_implement") to_implement ("[ Test if a combined precondition has a wait condition and use this result to do more precise evaluation. ]") end depend_unit_level := depend_unit_level | {DEPEND_UNIT}.is_in_wait_condition_flag else depend_unit_level := depend_unit_level | {DEPEND_UNIT}.is_in_require_flag end else depend_unit_level := depend_unit_level & ({DEPEND_UNIT}.is_in_require_flag | {DEPEND_UNIT}.is_in_wait_condition_flag).bit_not end ensure is_checking_precondition_set: is_checking_precondition = b end set_is_checking_check (b: BOOLEAN) -- Assign `b' to `is_checking_check'. do if b then depend_unit_level := depend_unit_level | {DEPEND_UNIT}.is_in_check_flag else depend_unit_level := depend_unit_level & {DEPEND_UNIT}.is_in_check_flag.bit_not end ensure is_checking_check_set: is_checking_check = b end set_is_in_assignment (b: BOOLEAN) -- Assign `b' to `is_in_assignment'. do if b then depend_unit_level := depend_unit_level | {DEPEND_UNIT}.is_in_assignment_flag else depend_unit_level := depend_unit_level & {DEPEND_UNIT}.is_in_assignment_flag.bit_not end ensure is_in_assignment_set: is_in_assignment = b end set_current_feature (a_feature: FEATURE_I) -- Assign `a_feature' to `current_feature'. do current_feature := a_feature ensure is_current_feature_set: current_feature = a_feature end feature {NONE} -- Roundtrip process_keyword_as (l_as: KEYWORD_AS) -- Process `l_as'. do end process_symbol_as (l_as: SYMBOL_AS) -- Process `l_as'. do end process_break_as (l_as: BREAK_AS) -- Process `l_as'. do end process_leaf_stub_as (l_as: LEAF_STUB_AS) -- Process `l_as'. do end process_symbol_stub_as (l_as: SYMBOL_STUB_AS) -- Process `l_as'. do end process_keyword_stub_as (l_as: KEYWORD_STUB_AS) -- Process `l_as'. do end process_none_id_as (l_as: NONE_ID_AS) -- Process `l_as'. do process_id_as (l_as) end process_typed_char_as (l_as: TYPED_CHAR_AS) -- Process `l_as'. do check_type (l_as.type) if attached last_type as t then if not t.is_character then -- The type is unexpected. error_handler.insert_error (create {VWMQ}.make (t, <>, context, l_as)) reset_types elseif -- Do nothing for CHARACTER_32, since all characters are valid. not t.is_character_32 and then not l_as.value.is_character_8 then -- Report error when the type is CHARACTER_8, but the value is not. error_handler.insert_error (create {VWMQ}.make (t, <>, context, l_as)) reset_types end if is_byte_node_enabled then create {CHAR_CONST_B} last_byte_node.make (l_as.value, t) end end end process_agent_routine_creation_as (l_as: AGENT_ROUTINE_CREATION_AS) -- Process `l_as'. do process_routine_creation_as (l_as) end process_inline_agent_creation_as (l_as: INLINE_AGENT_CREATION_AS) -- Process `l_as'. local l_feature_name: ID_AS l_context: like context l_feature_as: FEATURE_AS l_feature_generator: AST_FEATURE_I_GENERATOR l_feature, l_cur_feature, l_enclosing_feature: FEATURE_I l_feature_names: EIFFEL_LIST [FEATURE_NAME] l_current_class, l_written_class: EIFFEL_CLASS_C l_body_code: BYTE_CODE l_loc: LOCATION_AS l_new_feature_dep: FEATURE_DEPENDANCE l_feature_checker: AST_FEATURE_CHECKER_GENERATOR l_used_argument_names: SEARCH_TABLE [INTEGER] l_used_local_names: SEARCH_TABLE [INTEGER] l_arg_names: SPECIAL [INTEGER] l_locals: EIFFEL_LIST [LIST_DEC_AS] i: INTEGER l_routine: ROUTINE_AS l_id_list: IDENTIFIER_LIST l_error_level: NATURAL_32 l_vpir: VPIR3 do if current_feature.is_class then report_vucr (create {VUCR_BODY}.make_inline_agent (current_feature, context.current_class, context.written_class, l_as.first_token (match_list_of_class (context.written_class.class_id)))) end l_error_level := error_level l_current_class ?= context.current_class if is_inherited then -- We have to retrieve the FEATURE_I object from the class where the inline agent is -- written, since those are not inherited. l_feature := system.class_of_id (l_as.class_id).eiffel_class_c.inline_agent_of_rout_id (l_as.inl_rout_id) l_feature := l_feature.instantiation_in (context.current_class_type.conformance_type.as_implicitly_detachable.as_variant_free) elseif not attached {ROUTINE_AS} l_as.body.content as r or else r.is_deferred or else r.is_attribute then create l_vpir l_vpir.set_class (context.current_class) l_vpir.set_feature (context.current_feature) l_vpir.set_location (l_as.body.start_location) error_handler.insert_error (l_vpir) reset_types elseif r.is_external or else r.is_once then error_handler.insert_error (create {NOT_SUPPORTED}.make (agent format_elements (?, locale.translation_in_context ("Inline agent with the body other than a {1} form is not supported.", "compiler.error"), <>), context, l_as.body.start_location)) reset_types elseif is_byte_node_enabled or else has_untyped_local then -- TODO: Move creation of a new `{FEATURE_I}' object to an earlier stage to avoid the dependency on code generation. -- This is the first place, where inline agents are looked at as features. -- They are ignored by degree 2. So a new FEATURE_I has to be created create l_feature_names.make (1) l_feature_names.extend (create {FEATURE_NAME}.initialize (create {ID_AS}.initialize ("inline_agent"))) create l_feature_as.initialize (l_feature_names, l_as.body, Void, 0, 0) l_cur_feature := context.current_feature create l_feature_generator if is_replicated then -- Agent needs to be created with respect to its original class. l_written_class ?= l_cur_feature.written_class else l_written_class := l_current_class end l_feature := l_feature_generator.new_feature (l_feature_as, 0, l_written_class) l_feature := init_inline_agent_feature (l_feature, Void, l_current_class, l_written_class) create l_feature_name.initialize_from_id (l_feature.feature_name_id) l_loc := l_as.start_location l_feature_name.set_position (l_loc.line, l_loc.column, l_loc.position, 0, l_loc.character_column, l_loc.character_position, 0) l_as.set_feature_name (l_feature_name) context.put_inline_agent (l_feature, l_as) else l_cur_feature := context.current_feature if l_cur_feature.is_invariant then l_enclosing_feature := l_cur_feature else l_enclosing_feature := l_cur_feature.enclosing_feature end l_feature := context.inline_agent (l_as) if l_feature = Void then l_feature := l_current_class.inline_agent_with_nr (l_enclosing_feature.body_index, context.put_inline_agent (l_feature, l_as) end end if error_level = l_error_level then -- The context is modified, for the processing of the body of the inline agent. l_context := if not is_inherited then create l_used_argument_names.make (1) if l_cur_feature.argument_count > 0 then from l_arg_names := context.current_feature.arguments.argument_names i := l_arg_names.lower until i > l_arg_names.upper loop l_used_argument_names.force (l_arg_names.item (i)) i := i + 1 end end if l_context.used_argument_names /= Void then l_used_argument_names.merge (l_context.used_argument_names) end context.set_used_argument_names (l_used_argument_names) create l_used_local_names.make (1) if not l_cur_feature.is_invariant then if l_cur_feature.is_inline_agent then l_routine ?= context.current_inline_agent_body.content else l_routine ?= l_cur_feature.real_body.content end if l_routine /= Void then l_locals := l_routine.locals if l_locals /= Void and not l_locals.is_empty then from l_locals.start until l_locals.after loop l_id_list := l_locals.item.id_list from l_id_list.start until l_id_list.after loop l_used_local_names.force (l_id_list.item.item) l_id_list.forth end l_locals.forth end end end end if l_context.used_local_names /= Void then l_used_local_names.merge (l_context.used_local_names) end context.set_used_local_names (l_used_local_names) end context.set_current_feature (l_feature) context.init_attribute_scopes create l_feature_checker l_feature_checker.init (context) l_feature_checker.set_type_recorder (type_recorder) context.set_current_inline_agent_body (l_as.body) l_feature_checker.check_body (l_feature, l_as.body, is_byte_node_enabled, is_inherited, is_replicated, True) l_new_feature_dep := context.supplier_ids context.restore (l_context) l_context := Void if error_level = l_error_level then if not is_inherited then if is_byte_node_enabled then l_body_code ?= l_feature_checker.last_byte_node l_body_code.set_start_line_number (l_as.body.start_location.line) -- When an inline agent X of an enclosing feature f is a client of -- feature g, we make the enclosing feature f a client of g. if inline_agent_byte_codes = Void then create inline_agent_byte_codes.make end inline_agent_byte_codes.extend (l_body_code) if l_feature_checker.inline_agent_byte_codes /= Void then inline_agent_byte_codes.append (l_feature_checker.inline_agent_byte_codes) end init_inline_agent_dep (l_feature, l_new_feature_dep) end l_as.set_inl_class_id (l_feature.access_in) l_as.set_inl_rout_id (l_feature.rout_id_set.first) end -- Now as the features is generated the inline agent creation is -- threaten like a normal routine creation process_routine_creation_as_ext (l_as, l_feature) else if not is_inherited and then is_byte_node_enabled and then l_current_class.has_inline_agents then l_current_class.inline_agent_table.remove (l_feature.feature_name_id) end reset_types end end end process_creation_as (l_as: CREATION_AS) -- Process `l_as'. local l_access: ACCESS_B l_target_type, l_explicit_type, l_creation_type: TYPE_A l_vgcc3: VGCC3 l_vgcc31: VGCC31 l_vgcc7: VGCC7 l_needs_byte_node: BOOLEAN l_error_level: NATURAL_32 l_warning_level: like {ERROR_HANDLER}.warning_level l_reinitialized_variable: like last_reinitialized_variable do l_error_level := error_level break_point_slot_count := break_point_slot_count + 1 l_needs_byte_node := is_byte_node_enabled reset_for_unqualified_call_checking -- Set flag so that depend_unit knows it is used as a creation routine -- not just a normal feature call. It is reset as soon as it is processed. is_target_of_creation_instruction := True last_access_writable := False last_reinitialized_variable := 0 (Current) if l_needs_byte_node then l_access ?= last_byte_node end -- Record initialized variable to commit it after the call is processed. l_reinitialized_variable := last_reinitialized_variable -- Although it might be already reset when `target' is indeed -- a feature of the current class, it is not reset when it is a local, -- that's why we reset it. is_target_of_creation_instruction := False l_target_type := last_type if l_target_type /= Void then if not last_access_writable then create l_vgcc7 context.init_error (l_vgcc7) l_vgcc7.set_target_name ( l_vgcc7.set_type (l_target_type) l_vgcc7.set_location ( error_handler.insert_error (l_vgcc7) else if l_as.type /= Void then l_as.type.process (Current) l_explicit_type := last_type -- If `l_explicit_type' is Void then we stop the process here. if l_explicit_type /= Void then -- Creation type is always attached l_explicit_type := l_explicit_type.as_attached_in (context.current_class) end end if error_level = l_error_level then -- Check validity of creation type. if l_target_type.is_none or else (l_explicit_type /= Void and then (l_explicit_type.is_none or else (l_target_type.is_expanded and then l_explicit_type.is_expanded and then not l_explicit_type.same_as (l_target_type)))) then -- Cannot create instance of NONE. -- Cannot create an expanded type which is different from -- the declared type of `'. create l_vgcc3 context.init_error (l_vgcc3) l_vgcc3.set_type (l_explicit_type) l_vgcc3.set_target_name ( l_vgcc3.set_location ( error_handler.insert_error (l_vgcc3) else l_warning_level := error_handler.warning_level if l_explicit_type /= Void and then not l_target_type.backward_conform_to (context.current_class, l_explicit_type) then -- Specified creation type must conform to -- the entity type create l_vgcc31 context.init_error (l_vgcc31) l_vgcc31.set_target_name ( l_vgcc31.set_type (l_explicit_type) l_vgcc31.set_location (l_as.type.start_location) error_handler.insert_error (l_vgcc31) elseif l_warning_level /= error_handler.warning_level then error_handler.warning_list.last.set_location (l_as.type.start_location) end if attached l_explicit_type then instantiator.dispatch (l_explicit_type, context.current_class) l_creation_type := l_explicit_type else -- Creation type is always attached. l_creation_type := l_target_type.as_attached_in (context.current_class) end -- Check call validity for creation. process_abstract_creation (l_creation_type,,, l_as, if attached last_type as t then -- Update creation type. l_creation_type := t end if not is_inherited then record_creation_dependence (if not attached l_explicit_type and then attached {ACCESS_FEAT_AS} as a and then a.is_feature and then attached context.current_class.feature_of_name_id (a.feature_name.name_id) as f and then attached type_a_checker.check_and_solved (create {LIKE_FEATURE}.make (f, context.current_class.class_id), Void) as t then -- Use `attached like feature_name` type for creation on a feature without explicit type. t.as_attached_in (context.current_class) else -- Use type of the target otherwise. l_creation_type end) end if l_needs_byte_node then generate_creation (l_as.is_active, l_access, {ROUTINE_B} / last_byte_node, l_creation_type, l_explicit_type, -- Set line information for instruction. if attached {ASSIGN_B} last_byte_node as l_assign then l_assign.set_line_pragma (l_as.line_pragma) end end end end end if l_reinitialized_variable /= 0 then -- Local variable is now attached. if l_reinitialized_variable = result_name_id then context.add_result_instruction_scope context.set_result elseif l_reinitialized_variable > 0 then context.add_local_instruction_scope (l_reinitialized_variable) context.set_local (l_reinitialized_variable) else context.add_attribute_instruction_scope (- l_reinitialized_variable) end end end reset_types end process_creation_expression (target_type: TYPE_A; is_active: BOOLEAN; call: ACCESS_FEAT_AS; target_node: TYPE_AS) -- Process a creation expression with the target type `t` with region activity specified by `is_active` -- and call `call` at location identified by `target_node`. local t: TYPE_A e: CREATION_EXPR_B do -- Type of a creation expression is always attached. t := target_type.as_attached_in (context.current_class) -- Type of a creation expression is frozen if this is a class type. if attached {DEANCHORED_TYPE_A} t as d then t := d.duplicate t.set_frozen_mark end instantiator.dispatch (t, context.current_class) is_in_creation_expression := True process_abstract_creation (t, call, Void, target_node, target_node.start_location) if attached last_type as c then if not is_inherited then record_creation_dependence (c) end if is_byte_node_enabled and then attached {ROUTINE_B} last_byte_node as a then create e e.set_is_active (is_active) e.set_call (a) e.set_info (c.create_info) e.set_type (c) e.set_line_number (target_node.start_location.line) last_byte_node := e end end end process_creation_expr_as (l_as: CREATION_EXPR_AS) -- Process `l_as'. local l_vgcc3: VGCC3 l_error_level: NATURAL_32 do reset_for_unqualified_call_checking l_error_level := error_level l_as.type.process (Current) if attached last_type as t then if t.is_none then -- Cannot create instance of NONE. create l_vgcc3 context.init_error (l_vgcc3) l_vgcc3.set_type (t) l_vgcc3.set_location (l_as.type.start_location) error_handler.insert_error (l_vgcc3) else process_creation_expression (t, l_as.is_active,, l_as.type) end end if error_level /= l_error_level then reset_types end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation process_custom_attribute_as (l_as: CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE_AS) local l_ca_b: CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE_B do check dotnet_generation: system.il_generation end is_checking_cas := True l_as.creation_expr.process (Current) if attached {CL_TYPE_A} last_type as l_creation_type then if l_creation_type.has_like or else l_creation_type.has_formal_generic then fixme ("Generate an error here as it should be a valid type") end if is_byte_node_enabled then if attached {CREATION_EXPR_B} last_byte_node as l_creation then create l_ca_b.make (l_creation) if l_as.tuple /= Void then check_tuple_validity_for_ca (l_creation_type, l_as.tuple, l_ca_b) end last_byte_node := l_ca_b else -- FIXME: find out how this can happens [2023-09-27] -- TODO: report an error or provide default creation ? default_create? check has_creation_expr_b: False end last_byte_node := Void end elseif l_as.tuple /= Void then check_tuple_validity_for_ca (l_creation_type, l_as.tuple, Void) end end reset_types is_checking_cas := False ensure then is_checking_cas_reset: not is_checking_cas rescue -- If an exception occurs while type checking the custom attribute -- we need to satisfy our post-condition before passing the exception -- to our caller. is_checking_cas := False end process_id_as (l_as: ID_AS) do -- Nothing to be done end process_integer_as (l_as: INTEGER_CONSTANT) do set_type (l_as.manifest_type, l_as) if not {SYSTEM_I}.is_basic_class_alive and then not is_inherited then record_creation_dependence (l_as.manifest_type) end if is_byte_node_enabled then last_byte_node := l_as end end process_static_access_as (l_as: STATIC_ACCESS_AS) local l_vsta1: VSTA1 l_feature: FEATURE_I l_error_level: NATURAL_32 do l_as.class_type.process (Current) if attached last_type as l_type then -- Check validity of type declaration for static access if l_type.is_none then create l_vsta1.make (l_type.dump, l_vsta1.set_class (context.current_class) l_vsta1.set_location (l_as.class_type.start_location) error_handler.insert_error (l_vsta1) reset_types elseif attached l_type.base_class as c and then c.is_once and then (attached c.creators as creators and then creators.has (l_as.feature_name.name_id) or c.allows_default_creation and then attached c.default_create_feature as d and then d.feature_name_id = l_as.feature_name.name_id) then -- This is a shorthand for creating an object of a once class. process_creation_expression (l_type, False, l_as, l_as.class_type) else set_type (l_type, l_as.class_type) instantiator.dispatch (l_type, context.current_class) if is_inherited then l_feature := l_type.base_class.feature_of_rout_id (l_as.routine_ids.first) else record_non_object_call_dependence (l_type) end l_error_level := error_level process_call (l_type, Void, l_as.feature_name, l_feature, l_as.parameters, True, False, True, False, True) if error_level = l_error_level and then not is_inherited then set_routine_ids (last_routine_id_set, l_as) l_as.set_class_id (last_calls_target_type.base_class.class_id) end if attached last_vuar_error as e and then attached last_type as t then -- Feature without arguments is found, try parenthesis alias on it. look_for_parenthesis_alias (l_as.internal_parameters, e, t) end -- Set type of the call as a whole. set_type (last_type, l_as) end end end process_call ( a_type, a_precursor_type: TYPE_A; a_name: ID_AS; a_feature: FEATURE_I; a_params: EIFFEL_LIST [EXPR_AS]; is_static, is_agent, is_qualified, is_precursor: BOOLEAN; is_vuar_delayed: BOOLEAN) -- Process call to `a_name' in context of `a_type' with `a_params' if ANY. -- If `is_static' it is a static call. -- -- `a_type': Target on which feature is called -- `a_precursor_type': Target type of precursor call, i.e Precursor {A_PRECURSOR_TARGET_TYPE} (a_params) -- `a_name': Name of called feature -- `a_feature': Feature object if alredy known -- `a_params': List of parameters to the call -- `is_static': Indicates a static call (C external or constant) -- `is_qualified': True => Call of the form 'a.b' / False => Call of the form 'b' -- `is_precursor': True => Call of the form Precursor {A_PRECURSOR_TYPE} (a_params) -- `is_vuar_delayed': Is VUAR error report when a feature take no arguments, but there are actual arguments, delayed (the error is available in `last_vuar_error')? require a_type_not_void: a_type /= Void a_precursor_type_not_void: is_precursor implies a_precursor_type /= Void a_name_not_void: a_feature = Void implies a_name /= Void local l_arg_nodes: BYTE_LIST [EXPR_B] l_arg_types: like last_expressions_type l_formal_arg_type: TYPE_A l_like_argument: LIKE_ARGUMENT l_feature: FEATURE_I l_found_feature: FEATURE_I l_seed: FEATURE_I i, l_actual_count, l_formal_count: INTEGER -- Id of the class type on the stack l_arg_type: TYPE_A l_last_type: TYPE_A l_last_constrained: TYPE_A l_last_type_set: TYPE_SET_A -- Type onto the stack l_last_id: INTEGER -- Id of the class correponding to `l_last_type' l_last_class: CLASS_C l_context_current_class: CLASS_C l_access: ACCESS_B l_vuar1: VUAR1 l_vuex: VUEX l_vkcn3: VKCN3 l_vape: VAPE l_is_in_creation_expression, l_is_target_of_creation_instruction: BOOLEAN l_feature_name: ID_AS l_parameters: EIFFEL_LIST [EXPR_AS] l_wrapped_actuals: EIFFEL_LIST [EXPR_AS] l_argument: EXPR_AS l_needs_byte_node: BOOLEAN l_conv_info: CONVERSION_INFO l_expr: EXPR_B l_result_type, l_pure_result_type: TYPE_A l_generated_result_type: TYPE_A l_veen: VEEN l_vica2: VICA2 l_cl_type_i: CL_TYPE_A l_parameter: PARAMETER_B l_parameter_list: BYTE_LIST [PARAMETER_B] old_assigner_source: like assigner_source l_is_last_access_tuple_access: BOOLEAN l_formal: FORMAL_A l_last_feature_table: FEATURE_TABLE l_is_multiple_constraint_case: BOOLEAN l_result_tuple: TUPLE[feature_item: FEATURE_I; class_type_of_feature: CL_TYPE_A; features_found_count: INTEGER; constraint_position: INTEGER] l_last_original_feature_name_id: INTEGER l_tuple_access_b: TUPLE_ACCESS_B vbac2: VBAC2 l_vtmc1: VTMC1 l_error_level: NATURAL_32 l_is_in_assignment: BOOLEAN l_warning_level: like {ERROR_HANDLER}.warning_level l_tcat: CAT_CALL_WARNING l_is_controlled: BOOLEAN is_target_known: BOOLEAN tuple_argument_number: INTEGER w: like {ERROR_HANDLER}.warning_level has_vucr: BOOLEAN l_is_qualified_call: BOOLEAN old_expressions_type: like last_expressions_type do -- Reset any previously reported VUAR error. last_vuar_error := Void -- Record if the call is controlled. l_is_controlled := is_controlled -- Record if the call is qualified (the attribute `is_qualified_call` may change when processing arguments). -- TODO: check whether `is_qualified` would be a safe replacement for `is_qualified_call`. l_is_qualified_call := is_qualified_call -- Reset l_error_level := error_level if a_feature = Void then last_calls_target_type := Void end l_needs_byte_node := is_byte_node_enabled -- Retrieve if we are type checking a routine that is the creation -- routine of a creation expression. As soon as we know this, we -- reset `l_is_in_creation_expression' to False, so that if any parameter -- of the creation routine is also a creation expression we perform -- a correct type checking of the VAPE errors. l_is_in_creation_expression := is_in_creation_expression l_is_target_of_creation_instruction := is_target_of_creation_instruction l_is_in_assignment := is_in_assignment is_in_creation_expression := False is_last_access_tuple_access := False -- Reset assigner call flag old_assigner_source := assigner_source assigner_source := Void -- `a_name' can be void for inline agents if a_name /= Void then l_feature_name := a_name -- We need to store the original name as it may change due to -- renamings applied of multi constraint formal generics. l_last_original_feature_name_id := a_name.name_id last_original_feature_name_id := l_last_original_feature_name_id check last_original_feature_name_correct: last_original_feature_name = end else last_original_feature_name_id := 0 end l_context_current_class := context.current_class l_last_type := a_type.actual_type is_target_known := True if l_last_type.is_formal then l_formal ?= l_last_type if not l_formal.is_single_constraint_without_renaming (l_context_current_class) then l_last_type_set := l_last_type.to_type_set.constraining_types (l_context_current_class) -- from now on we know that we have multiple constraints -- we cannot compute `l_last_class', `l_last_id', ... as we do not know which -- which type to take out of the type set. we know it after we computed the feature. l_is_multiple_constraint_case := True else -- Resolve formal type l_last_constrained := l_formal.constrained_type (l_context_current_class) -- Protect if constrained type is NONE. if l_last_constrained.has_associated_class then l_last_class := l_last_constrained.base_class l_last_id := l_last_class.class_id l_last_feature_table := l_last_class.feature_table else check l_last_constrained_is_none: l_last_constrained.is_none end end end elseif l_last_type.is_known then -- We have no formal, therefore we don't need to recompute `l_last_constrained' l_last_constrained := l_last_type if l_last_type.is_void then -- No call when target is a procedure create l_vkcn3 context.init_error (l_vkcn3) l_vkcn3.set_location (l_feature_name) l_vkcn3.set_called_feature ( error_handler.insert_error (l_vkcn3) else -- Protect if constrained type is NONE. if l_last_constrained.has_associated_class then l_last_class := l_last_type.base_class l_last_id := l_last_class.class_id l_last_feature_table := l_last_class.feature_table else check l_last_constrained_is_none: l_last_constrained.is_none end end end else -- Type is being computed. is_target_known := False l_last_constrained := unknown_type end if l_vkcn3 = Void and then not is_static and then not a_type.is_attached and then is_void_safe_call then error_handler.insert_error (create {VUTA2}.make (context, a_type, l_feature_name)) end -- Check for `NONE' if (l_last_constrained /= Void and then l_last_constrained.is_none) or (l_last_type_set /= Void and then l_last_type_set.has_none) then create l_vuex.make_for_none ( context.init_error (l_vuex) l_vuex.set_location (l_feature_name) error_handler.insert_error (l_vuex) elseif error_level = l_error_level then -- When there is no error we can continue l_parameters := a_params if l_parameters /= Void then l_actual_count := l_parameters.count end if a_feature /= Void then l_feature := a_feature if l_is_multiple_constraint_case then l_last_constrained := last_calls_target_type elseif l_formal /= Void then l_last_constrained := l_formal.constrained_type (l_context_current_class) else l_last_constrained := a_type end check has_associated_class: l_last_constrained.has_associated_class end l_last_class := l_last_constrained.base_class l_last_id := l_last_class.class_id else if l_is_multiple_constraint_case then check type_set_available: l_last_type_set /= Void no_last_constraint: l_last_constrained = Void no_last_class: l_last_class = Void no_last_id: l_last_id = 0 end -- NOTE: The look-up for overloaded functions for .NET is not done because it's not used so often. l_result_tuple := l_last_type_set.feature_i_state_by_name_id (l_feature_name.name_id) -- If there we did not found a feature it could still be a tuple item. if l_result_tuple.features_found_count > 1 then error_handler.insert_error (new_vtmc_error (l_feature_name.name_id, l_formal.position, l_context_current_class, False, l_feature_name)) else l_feature := l_result_tuple.feature_item l_last_constrained := l_result_tuple.class_type_of_feature -- If no feature was found it is void. if l_last_constrained /= Void then l_last_class := l_last_constrained.base_class l_last_id := l_last_class.class_id end end elseif is_target_known then check no_type_set_available: l_last_type_set = Void last_constrained_available: l_last_constrained /= Void last_class_available: l_last_class /= Void last_class_id_available: l_last_id > 0 end -- Look for a feature in the class associated to the -- last actual type onto the context type stack. If it -- is a generic take the associated constraint. if l_last_feature_table.has_overloaded (l_feature_name.name_id) then -- Evaluate parameters. This is needed for overloading resolution. -- Note: if one parameter is a manifest array, then its type is resolved -- without context. if l_parameters /= Void then l_actual_count := l_parameters.count current_target_type := Void old_expressions_type := last_expressions_type process_expressions_list (l_parameters) l_arg_types := last_expressions_type last_expressions_type := old_expressions_type if l_needs_byte_node then l_arg_nodes ?= last_byte_node end end if error_level = l_error_level then l_feature := overloaded_feature (l_last_type, l_last_class, l_arg_types, l_feature_name, is_static) if l_feature /= Void then -- Update `l_feature_name' with appropriate resolved name. -- Otherwise some routine using `l_feature_name' will fail although -- it succeeds here (e.g. CREATION_EXPR_AS and CREATION_AS) create l_feature_name.initialize_from_id (l_feature.feature_name_id) end end else l_feature := feature_with_name_using (l_feature_name, l_last_feature_table) end end end check -- If we found a feature all the necessary information should be computed. state_correct:l_feature /= Void implies ( l_last_constrained /= Void and then l_last_class /= Void and then l_last_id > 0) end if error_level = l_error_level then if l_feature = Void then -- If no feature was found, so the target of the call may be a named tuple -- then it may be a call on one of its label. --| This we only check in the case of single cosntraint formals. --| It does not make any sense to check it for multi constraints as --| one is not allowed to inherit from `TUPLE'. if attached {NAMED_TUPLE_TYPE_A} l_last_type as l_named_tuple and then attached l_named_tuple.label_position_by_id (l_feature_name.name_id) as l_label_pos and then l_label_pos > 0 then l_formal_arg_type := l_named_tuple.generics.i_th (l_label_pos) set_type (l_formal_arg_type, a_name) l_is_last_access_tuple_access := True last_feature_name_id := l_feature_name.name_id -- No renaming possible (from RENAMED_TYPE_A), they are the same last_original_feature_name_id := last_feature_name_id check last_feature_name_correct: last_feature_name = end -- Restore previous value of `is_controlled'. is_controlled := l_is_controlled if attached old_assigner_source then -- Assignment to a tuple field. old_assigner_source.process (Current) l_arg_type := last_type if attached l_arg_type then if attached argument_compatibility_error (l_named_tuple, l_named_tuple, l_arg_type, l_label_pos, l_named_tuple.generics, Void, l_feature_name, l_feature_name) as e then error_handler.insert_error (e) else l_warning_level := error_handler.warning_level if not l_formal_arg_type.backward_conform_to (l_context_current_class, l_arg_type) then if not is_inherited and then l_arg_type.convert_to (l_context_current_class, l_formal_arg_type.deep_actual_type) then l_conv_info := context.last_conversion_info if l_conv_info.has_depend_unit then context.supplier_ids.extend (l_conv_info.depend_unit) end l_argument := converted_expression (old_assigner_source, l_conv_info) -- Make sure the source of the assigner instruction is updated. assigner_source := l_argument -- Generate conversion byte node only if we are not checking -- a custom attribute. Indeed in that case, we do not want those -- conversion routines, we will use the attachment type to figure -- out how the custom attribute will be generated. if l_needs_byte_node and not is_checking_cas and then attached {EXPR_B} last_byte_node as e then last_byte_node := l_conv_info.byte_node (e) end -- Update `l_arg_type' with the converted type. l_arg_type := l_formal_arg_type end elseif l_warning_level /= error_handler.warning_level then error_handler.warning_list.last.set_location (l_feature_name) end if l_needs_byte_node then -- Preserve source byte node check is_expression: attached {EXPR_B} last_byte_node as source_byte_node then -- When assigning to a tuple, we simply transform the tuple -- access by giving a source. create {TUPLE_ACCESS_B} l_tuple_access_b.make (l_named_tuple, l_label_pos) l_tuple_access_b.set_line_number (l_feature_name.line) create l_parameter l_parameter.set_expression (source_byte_node) l_parameter.set_attachment_type (l_tuple_access_b.tuple_element_type) l_parameter.set_is_for_tuple_access (True) l_tuple_access_b.set_source (l_parameter) last_byte_node := l_tuple_access_b end end end end else -- Adapt separateness and controlled status of the result to target type. adapt_type_to_target (last_type, a_type, Void, l_is_controlled, a_name, l_error_level, l_feature_name) if l_needs_byte_node then create {TUPLE_ACCESS_B} l_tuple_access_b.make (l_named_tuple, l_label_pos) last_byte_node := l_tuple_access_b last_byte_node.set_line_number (l_feature_name.line) end end elseif not is_target_known then -- No feature is found and this is not a tuple access. -- Unknown target case: do not report an error. -- Lookup for a feature in a set of possible types. if attached {LOCAL_TYPE_A} a_type.actual_type as t and then attached t.feature_call (a_name.name_id, context.current_class) as f then -- For the use of `' see test#anchor086. l_result_type := f.descriptor.type.recomputed_in (, l_context_current_class.class_id,, if attached l_arg_types then l_result_type := l_result_type.actual_argument_type (l_arg_types) end set_type (l_result_type, a_name) last_calls_target_type := last_access_writable := f.descriptor.is_attribute last_feature_name_id := f.descriptor.feature_name_id last_routine_id_set := f.descriptor.rout_id_set else -- Propagate information that the result type is unknown. set_type (unknown_type, a_name) end elseif l_is_multiple_constraint_case then -- No feature is found and this is not a tuple access. -- Multiple constraints case: report VTMC1 error instead of a VEEN. create l_vtmc1 context.init_error (l_vtmc1) l_vtmc1.set_feature_call_name ( l_vtmc1.set_location (l_feature_name) l_vtmc1.set_type_set (l_last_type_set) l_vtmc1.set_location (l_feature_name) error_handler.insert_error (l_vtmc1) -- We have an error, so we need to reset the types. reset_types else -- No feature is found and this is not a tuple access. -- Single constraint case: report that a feature name is not found. create l_veen context.init_error (l_veen) l_veen.set_identifier ( l_veen.set_target_type (l_last_type) if system.il_generation then l_veen.set_parameter_count (l_actual_count) end l_veen.set_location (l_feature_name) error_handler.insert_error (l_veen) -- We have an error, so we need to reset the types. reset_types end else -- A feature is found. l_found_feature := l_feature if is_static then if not l_feature.is_class then -- Not a valid feature for static access. check_instance_free (l_feature, l_last_class, agent error_handler.insert_error (create {VUNO_FEATURE}.make (l_feature, current_feature, context.current_class, context.written_class, l_feature_name)), l_feature_name) end if not l_feature.is_target_free then if not attached {CL_TYPE_A} l_last_type then -- Instance-free calls are not supported on formal generic and anchored types. error_handler.insert_error (create {VUNO_NOT_CLASS_TYPE}.make (l_last_type, current_feature, context.current_class, context.written_class, a_name)) elseif l_last_class.is_deferred then -- Instance-free calls are not allowed on deferred classes. error_handler.insert_error (create {VUNO_DEFERRED}.make (l_last_class, current_feature, context.current_class, context.written_class, a_name)) end end if error_level /= l_error_level then reset_types end elseif not l_is_qualified_call and then current_feature.is_class and then not l_feature.is_class then -- The error for agents is reported elsewhere. if not is_agent then w := error_handler.warning_level check_instance_free (l_feature, context.current_class, if is_precursor then agent report_vucr (create {VUCR_BODY}.make_precursor (l_feature, current_feature, context.current_class, context.written_class, a_name)) else agent report_vucr (create {VUCR_BODY}.make_feature (l_feature, current_feature, context.current_class, context.written_class, a_name)) end, l_feature_name) if error_level = l_error_level then has_vucr := w /= error_handler.warning_level else reset_types end end end if attached old_assigner_source then -- Check if the assigner query is obsolete. check_obsolescence (l_feature, l_last_class, a_name) -- Transform a query into an assigner command call if necessary. process_assigner_command (l_last_type, l_last_constrained, l_feature) if not attached last_assigner_command as target_assigner then -- No assigner command is found. create vbac2 context.init_error (vbac2) if attached a_name then vbac2.set_location (a_name.start_location) end error_handler.insert_error (vbac2) else -- Replace an assigner instruction with a call to an assigner command. l_feature := target_assigner end if error_level = l_error_level then -- Put source expression of the assigner instruction as a first actual argument. if attached l_parameters then create l_parameters.make_from_iterable (l_parameters) else create l_parameters.make (1) end l_parameters.put_front (old_assigner_source) l_actual_count := l_actual_count + 1 if attached l_arg_types then -- Query arguments have been processed, process the assigner command argument now. reset_for_unqualified_call_checking old_assigner_source.process (Current) if attached last_type as t then l_arg_types.put_front (t) end if attached l_arg_nodes and then attached {EXPR_B} last_byte_node as e then l_arg_nodes.put_front (e) end end end end if error_level = l_error_level then if is_static and then not l_feature.is_class then -- The instance-free call is OK, but the called feature is not instance-free. error_handler.insert_warning (create {VUNO_NOT_INSTANCE_FREE}.make (l_feature, current_feature, context.current_class, context.written_class, l_feature_name), context.current_class.lace_class.options.is_warning_as_error) elseif not has_vucr and then not l_is_qualified_call and then current_feature.is_class and then not l_feature.is_class and then not is_agent then -- The unqualified call is OK, but the called feature is not instance-free. error_handler.insert_warning (if is_precursor then create {VUCR_BODY_WARNING}.make_precursor (l_feature, current_feature, context.current_class, context.written_class, a_name) else create {VUCR_BODY_WARNING}.make_feature (l_feature, current_feature, context.current_class, context.written_class, a_name) end, l_context_current_class.lace_class.options.is_warning_as_error) end if not system.il_generation then if l_feature.is_inline_agent then l_seed := l_feature else l_seed := system.seed_of_routine_id (l_feature.rout_id_set.first) end end -- Attachments type check l_formal_count := l_feature.argument_count if is_agent and l_actual_count = 0 and l_formal_count > 0 then -- Delayed call with all arguments open. -- Create l_parameters. from create l_parameters.make (l_formal_count) i := 0 until i = l_formal_count loop l_parameters.extend (create {OPERAND_AS}.initialize (Void, Void)) i := i + 1 end l_actual_count := l_formal_count l_parameters.start end if l_actual_count /= l_formal_count and then not is_agent and then not l_is_in_assignment and then l_formal_count > 0 then tuple_argument_number := tuple_argument_index (l_feature.arguments, l_last_type.as_implicitly_detachable.as_variant_free, l_last_constrained.as_implicitly_detachable.as_variant_free, l_last_id) if tuple_argument_number > 0 then -- The list of actual arguments may be adapted to the list of formal arguments. if l_actual_count > l_formal_count then -- Additional actual arguments may be converted to a TUPLE. create l_wrapped_actuals.make (l_actual_count - l_formal_count + 1) from l_parameters.go_i_th (tuple_argument_number) until l_wrapped_actuals.count = l_actual_count - l_formal_count + 1 loop l_wrapped_actuals.extend (l_parameters.item) l_parameters.forth end -- Avoid changing original list of arguments. create l_parameters.make_from_iterable (l_parameters) -- Replace extra arguments with a tuple. l_parameters.put_i_th (create {TUPLE_AS}.initialize (l_wrapped_actuals, Void, Void), tuple_argument_number) -- Remove extra arguments. from l_parameters.go_i_th (tuple_argument_number) until l_actual_count = l_formal_count loop l_parameters.remove_right -- Adjust number of actual arguments. l_actual_count := l_actual_count - 1 variant actual_count_formal_count_difference: l_actual_count - l_formal_count end elseif l_actual_count + 1 = l_formal_count then -- Avoid changing original list of arguments. if attached l_parameters then l_parameters := l_parameters.twin else create l_parameters.make (1) end -- Add an empty tuple. create l_wrapped_actuals.make (0) l_parameters.go_i_th (tuple_argument_number) l_parameters.put_left (create {TUPLE_AS}.initialize (l_wrapped_actuals, Void, Void)) -- Adjust number of actual arguments. l_actual_count := l_formal_count end end end if l_actual_count /= l_formal_count then if not l_is_in_assignment and not l_is_target_of_creation_instruction then create l_vuar1 context.init_error (l_vuar1) l_vuar1.set_called_feature (l_feature, l_last_id) l_vuar1.set_argument_count (l_actual_count) l_vuar1.set_formal_count (l_feature.argument_count) l_vuar1.set_location (l_feature_name) if l_formal_count = 0 and then is_vuar_delayed then -- Record error for future use. last_vuar_error := l_vuar1 else error_handler.insert_error (l_vuar1) end end elseif l_parameters /= Void then if l_needs_byte_node then create l_parameter_list.make (l_actual_count) end if l_arg_types /= Void then -- Parameters have been evaluated, nothing to be done. -- Case for overloaded routine call or agent with all open arguments. else -- Parameters haven't yet evaluated from i := 1 create l_arg_types.make (l_actual_count) if l_needs_byte_node then create l_arg_nodes.make (l_actual_count) end until i > l_actual_count loop -- Get formal argument type. l_formal_arg_type := l_feature.arguments.i_th (i) reset_for_unqualified_call_checking current_target_type := l_formal_arg_type.instantiation_in (l_last_type.as_implicitly_detachable.as_variant_free, l_last_id).actual_type l_parameters.i_th (i).process (Current) if attached last_type and then attached l_arg_types then l_arg_types.extend (last_type) if l_needs_byte_node then l_expr ?= last_byte_node l_arg_nodes.extend (l_expr) end else -- An error occurred, we reset `l_arg_types'. l_arg_types := Void end i := i + 1 end end if error_level = l_error_level then -- Conformance checking of arguments. from i := 1 until i > l_actual_count loop -- Report type compatibility issues if any. if attached argument_compatibility_error (a_type, l_last_constrained, l_arg_types [i], i, l_arg_types, l_feature, Void, l_parameters [i].start_location) as e then -- Actual and formal types of the argument at position `i' are not compatible. if tuple_argument_number = 0 and then tuple_argument_index (l_feature.arguments, l_last_type.as_implicitly_detachable.as_variant_free, l_last_constrained.as_implicitly_detachable.as_variant_free, l_last_id) = i then -- No actual arguments are wrapped to match a formal tuple argument -- and there is a formal tuple argument at position `i'. -- Try to wrap the actual argument into a tuple. l_arg_type := l_arg_types [i] reset_for_unqualified_call_checking create l_wrapped_actuals.make (1) l_wrapped_actuals.extend (l_parameters [i]) current_target_type := l_formal_arg_type.instantiation_in (l_last_type.as_implicitly_detachable.as_variant_free, l_last_id).actual_type ;(create {TUPLE_AS}.initialize (l_wrapped_actuals, Void, Void)).process (Current) l_arg_types.put_i_th (last_type, i) -- Check if now actual and formal types of the tuple argument are compatible. if attached argument_compatibility_error (a_type, l_last_constrained, l_arg_types [i], i, l_arg_types, l_feature, Void, l_parameters [i].start_location) then -- Revert changes back. l_arg_types.put_i_th (l_arg_type, i) -- Report an original error. error_handler.insert_error (e) elseif l_needs_byte_node and then attached {EXPR_B} last_byte_node as b then -- Keep changes, update byte nodes. l_arg_nodes.put_i_th (b, i) end else -- There is no tuple argument that may be involved in argument wrapping. -- Report an original error. error_handler.insert_error (e) end end -- Get actual argument type. l_arg_type := l_arg_types [i] -- Get formal argument type. l_formal_arg_type := l_feature.arguments [i] -- Actual formal type of feature argument. l_formal_arg_type := l_formal_arg_type.recomputed_in (l_last_type.as_implicitly_detachable.as_variant_free, l_context_current_class.class_id, l_last_constrained.as_implicitly_detachable.as_variant_free, l_last_id).actual_type -- check if `l_formal_arg_type' involves some generics whose actuals -- are marked `variant'. Only do this when `is_inherited' is false, since -- all descendants are checked in `check_cat_call'. if not is_inherited and then is_qualified and then not l_last_type.is_like_current and then context.current_class.is_catcall_detection_enabled and then l_formal_arg_type.is_variant then if l_tcat = Void then create l_tcat.make (l_feature_name) context.init_error (l_tcat) l_tcat.set_called_feature (l_feature) system.update_statistics (l_tcat) error_handler.insert_error (l_tcat) end l_tcat.add_covariant_generic_violation end l_warning_level := error_handler.warning_level if not l_formal_arg_type.backward_conform_to (l_context_current_class, l_arg_type) then if not is_inherited and then l_arg_type.convert_to (l_context_current_class, l_formal_arg_type.deep_actual_type) then l_conv_info := context.last_conversion_info if l_conv_info.has_depend_unit then context.supplier_ids.extend (l_conv_info.depend_unit) end l_argument := converted_expression (l_parameters [i], l_conv_info) l_parameters [i] := l_argument if attached old_assigner_source and then i = 1 then -- Make sure the source of the assigner instruction is updated. assigner_source := l_argument end -- Generate conversion byte node only if we are not checking -- a custom attribute. Indeed in that case, we do not want those -- conversion routines, we will use the attachment type to figure -- out how the custom attribute will be generated. if l_needs_byte_node and not is_checking_cas then l_expr ?= l_arg_nodes.i_th (i) l_arg_nodes.put_i_th (l_conv_info.byte_node (l_expr), i) end -- Update `l_arg_types' with the converted type. -- This fixes eweasel test#freez022. l_arg_types.put_i_th (l_formal_arg_type, i) end elseif l_warning_level /= error_handler.warning_level then error_handler.warning_list.last.set_location (l_parameters.i_th (i).start_location) end if l_needs_byte_node then create l_parameter l_expr ?= l_arg_nodes.i_th (i) l_parameter.set_expression (l_expr) -- Partial solution to the case of using Precursor in an expanded -- class where some of the arguments are not expanded in the parent -- class but are now in the current class (a typical example is -- `prefix "not": like Current' defined in BOOLEAN_REF which is kept -- as is in BOOLEAN). We need to remember that the original type -- were not expanded otherwise we do not perform a proper code -- generation. -- This fix is incomplete since it does not take care of types -- that are redefined as expanded. if a_precursor_type /= Void and l_last_class.is_expanded then l_parameter.set_attachment_type (l_formal_arg_type.instantiation_in (a_precursor_type.as_implicitly_detachable.as_variant_free, a_precursor_type.base_class.class_id)) else l_parameter.set_attachment_type (l_formal_arg_type) if not system.il_generation then -- It is pretty important that we use `actual_type.is_formal' and not -- just `is_formal' because otherwise if you have `like x' and `x: G' -- then we would fail to detect that. l_parameter.set_is_formal (l_seed.arguments.i_th (i).actual_type.is_formal) end end l_parameter_list.extend (l_parameter) if is_checking_cas then fixme ("[ Validity checking should not be done when byte code generation is required. But unfortunately we need the compiled version to get information about the parameters. ]") if not l_expr.is_constant_expression then create l_vica2.make (l_context_current_class, current_feature) l_vica2.set_location (l_parameters.i_th (i).start_location) error_handler.insert_error (l_vica2) end end end i := i + 1 end end -- Reset VUAR error (if any). last_vuar_error := Void if context.current_class.lace_class.is_catcall_conformance and then agent_call_routine_ids.has (l_feature.rout_id_set.first) then -- This is an agent call with catcall avoidance enabled. We will verify that none of TUPLE -- actual generic argument are variant. check_agent_call_validity (l_feature, l_last_type, l_parameters, l_arg_types) end end -- Reset original name because it was polluted by the argument checking last_original_feature_name_id := l_last_original_feature_name_id check last_original_feature_name_correct: a_name /= Void implies (last_original_feature_name = end -- Get the type of Current feature. l_result_type := l_feature.type l_result_type := l_result_type.recomputed_in (l_last_type.as_implicitly_detachable.as_variant_free, l_context_current_class.class_id, l_last_constrained.as_implicitly_detachable.as_variant_free, l_last_id) -- Adapted type in case it is a formal generic parameter or a like. if l_arg_types /= Void then l_pure_result_type := l_result_type l_result_type := l_result_type.actual_argument_type (l_arg_types) if l_pure_result_type.is_like_argument and then is_byte_node_enabled then -- Ensure the expandedness status of the result type matches -- the expandedness status of the argument it is anchored to (if any). l_like_argument ?= l_pure_result_type check l_like_argument_attached: l_like_argument /= Void end i := l_like_argument.position if l_feature.arguments.i_th (i).actual_type.is_reference and then l_result_type.is_expanded and then attached {CL_TYPE_A} l_result_type as l_cl_type_a then l_generated_result_type := l_cl_type_a.reference_type end end end -- Export validity if not context.is_ignoring_export and is_qualified and not l_feature.is_exported_for (l_context_current_class) then create l_vuex context.init_error (l_vuex) l_vuex.set_static_class (l_last_class) l_vuex.set_exported_feature (l_feature) l_vuex.set_location (l_feature_name) error_handler.insert_error (l_vuex) end check_obsolescence (l_feature, l_last_class, a_name) if not System.do_not_check_vape and then is_checking_precondition and then not l_is_in_creation_expression and then not current_feature.export_status.is_subset (l_feature.export_status) then -- In precondition and checking for vape create l_vape context.init_error (l_vape) l_vape.set_exported_feature (l_feature) l_vape.set_location (l_feature_name) error_handler.insert_error (l_vape) end -- Supplier dependances update only for non-inherited code. if not is_inherited then context.supplier_ids.extend_depend_unit_with_level (l_last_id, l_feature, depend_unit_level | if l_is_target_of_creation_instruction then {DEPEND_UNIT}.is_in_creation_flag else {NATURAL_16} 0 end | if is_precursor or else is_static and then attached {CL_TYPE_A} l_last_type or else is_agent and then l_feature.is_inline_agent then {DEPEND_UNIT}.is_uniform_flag else {NATURAL_16} 0 end) end if not l_is_target_of_creation_instruction and then not is_qualified and then l_feature.is_replicated_directly and then -- We are unqualified-calling an inherited feature that is replicated in the current class. -- Therefore the calling feature must also be replicated in the current class. not current_feature.is_replicated_directly and then current_feature.written_class /= System.current_class then -- Invalid call to replicated feature, raise VMCS. Error_handler.insert_warning (create {REPLICATED_FEATURE_CALL_WARNING}.make (System.current_class, current_feature, l_feature), context.current_class.lace_class.options.is_warning_as_error) end -- Check if cat-call detection only for qualified calls and if enabled for current context class and -- if no error occurred during the normal checking and only for non-inherited feature, since the -- type checking has already been done in the class where it was written. if error_level = l_error_level and then l_tcat = Void and then not is_inherited and then is_qualified and then context.current_class.is_catcall_detection_enabled and then -- Feature without arguments don't need to be checked. -- Inline agents have no descendants, so they don't need to be checked anyway -- Static calls don't need to be checked since they can't have a descendant either l_feature.argument_count > 0 and then not l_feature.is_inline_agent and not is_static then -- Cat call detection is enabled: Test if this feature call is valid -- in all subtypes of the current class. check_cat_call (l_last_type, l_feature, l_arg_types, l_feature_name, l_parameters) end set_type (if l_is_qualified_call then -- We need to use deep_actual_type because we cannot carry -- the anchors from the result type which do not make sense in -- the current context. -- TODO: Remove this branch when anchored types are properly adapted to the current context. l_result_type.deep_actual_type else l_result_type end, a_name) last_calls_target_type := l_last_constrained if l_feature.is_attribute then last_access_writable := True if not is_qualified and then current_feature.is_class and then not l_feature.is_class then report_vucr (create {VUCR_BODY}.make_attribute (l_feature, current_feature, context.current_class, context.written_class, a_name)) end else last_access_writable := False end -- Use feature name and routine IDs before any transformation. -- (E.g., before replacing an assigner query with an assigner command.) last_feature_name_id := l_found_feature.feature_name_id check last_feature_name_correct: last_feature_name = l_found_feature.feature_name end last_routine_id_set := l_found_feature.rout_id_set if not is_qualified and then last_access_writable and then l_feature.is_stable then if l_is_in_assignment or else l_is_target_of_creation_instruction then -- The attribute might change its attachment status. -- It is recorded for future checks because -- it might be still unsafe to use the attribute in the expression -- before actual reattachment takes place. last_reinitialized_variable := - l_feature.feature_name_id last_assignment_target := l_feature elseif context.is_attribute_attached (l_feature.feature_name_id) then -- Attribute may be of a detachable type, but it's safe to use it as an attached one. l_result_type := l_result_type.as_attached_in (context.current_class) set_type (l_result_type, a_name) end end -- Restore previous value of `is_controlled'. is_controlled := l_is_controlled if is_qualified and then attached last_type then -- Adapt separateness and controlled status of the result to target type. adapt_type_to_target (last_type, a_type, l_feature, l_is_controlled, a_name, l_error_level, l_feature_name) end if l_needs_byte_node then if l_generated_result_type = Void then l_generated_result_type := last_type end if is_static then l_access := l_feature.access_for_feature (l_generated_result_type, a_type, is_qualified, a_type.is_separate, True) if l_is_multiple_constraint_case then check not l_last_constrained.is_formal end l_access.set_multi_constraint_static (l_last_constrained) end elseif is_precursor then l_cl_type_i ?= a_precursor_type l_access := l_feature.access_for_feature (l_generated_result_type, l_cl_type_i, False, False, False) -- Strange situation where Precursor is an external, then we do as if -- it was a static call. else if l_is_multiple_constraint_case then check not l_last_constrained.is_formal end l_access := l_feature.access_for_multi_constraint (l_generated_result_type, l_last_constrained, is_qualified, a_type.is_separate) else l_access := l_feature.access (l_generated_result_type, is_qualified, a_type.is_separate) end if l_is_in_assignment or else l_is_target_of_creation_instruction then l_access.set_is_attachment end end l_access.set_parameters (l_parameter_list) last_byte_node := l_access end end end -- Finally update current to reflect if current call is a tuple -- access or not. is_last_access_tuple_access := l_is_last_access_tuple_access if l_is_last_access_tuple_access then -- Properly update current to show we have just accessed a tuple. last_access_writable := True last_routine_id_set := Void end end end if attached l_feature and then not l_feature.has_return_value and then l_feature.is_failing then -- This is a procedure that fails, so the code after it is unreachable. -- The cases of unreachable queries are not handled yet. debug ("to_implement") to_implement ("Detect unreachable code after failing queries.") end context.set_all end ensure last_calls_target_type_proper_set: (error_level = old error_level and not is_last_access_tuple_access and last_type.is_known) implies last_calls_target_type /= Void end tuple_argument_index (arguments: FEAT_ARG; target_type: TYPE_A; base_type: TYPE_A; base_class_id: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Index of an argument of a tuple type or 0 if there is none or several such arguments. local i: INTEGER context_current_class_id: INTEGER do context_current_class_id := context.current_class.class_id from i := arguments.count until i <= 0 loop if arguments.i_th (i).recomputed_in (target_type, context_current_class_id, base_type, base_class_id).actual_type.is_tuple then if Result = 0 then -- One tuple argument is found. Result := i else -- There is more than one tuple argument. Result := 0 -- Exit loop. i := 1 end end i := i - 1 variant countdown: i end end feature {NONE} -- Type checks argument_compatibility_error (target_type: TYPE_A; target_base_type: TYPE_A; expression_type: TYPE_A; argument_number: INTEGER; actual_types: ARRAYED_LIST [TYPE_A]; callee: detachable FEATURE_I; name: detachable ID_AS; location: LOCATION_AS): detachable ERROR -- Error describing validity violation in case actual an argument type `a' is not compatible with a formal argument type `f'. require feature_or_tuple_attached: attached callee or attached name local actual_target_type: TYPE_A current_class: CLASS_C formal_type: TYPE_A like_argument_type: TYPE_A target_base_class: CLASS_C target_base_class_id: INTEGER warning_level: like {ERROR_HANDLER}.warning_level do actual_target_type := target_type.actual_type target_base_class := target_base_type.base_class target_base_class_id := target_base_class.class_id current_class := context.current_class if attached callee then -- Regular feature calll. formal_type := callee.arguments [argument_number] -- Adapt formal type of a feature argument. formal_type := formal_type.recomputed_in (actual_target_type.as_implicitly_detachable.as_variant_free, current_class.class_id, target_base_type.as_implicitly_detachable.as_variant_free, target_base_class_id).actual_type else -- Tuple access. formal_type := actual_types [argument_number] end if formal_type.is_like_argument then like_argument_type := formal_type.instantiation_in (actual_target_type.as_implicitly_detachable.as_variant_free, target_base_class_id).actual_argument_type (actual_types).actual_type -- Check that `expression_type' is compatible to its `like argument'. -- Once this is done, then type checking is done on the real -- type of the routine, not the anchor. warning_level := error_handler.warning_level if not expression_type.conform_to (current_class, like_argument_type) and then (is_inherited or else not expression_type.convert_to (current_class, like_argument_type.deep_actual_type)) then create {VUAR2} Result.make (context, callee, name, target_base_class, argument_number, like_argument_type, expression_type, location) end if warning_level /= error_handler.warning_level then error_handler.warning_list.last.set_location (location) end elseif system.is_scoop and then target_type.is_separate and then expression_type.is_reference and then not formal_type.is_separate then create {VUAR3} Result.make (context, callee, name, target_base_class, argument_number, formal_type, expression_type, location) elseif system.is_scoop and then expression_type.is_expanded and then not expression_type.is_processor_attachable_to (target_type) then create {VUAR4} Result.make (context, callee, name, target_base_class, argument_number, formal_type, expression_type, location) end warning_level := error_handler.warning_level if not formal_type.backward_conform_to (current_class, expression_type) then if not is_inherited and then expression_type.convert_to (current_class, formal_type.deep_actual_type) then elseif expression_type.is_expanded and then formal_type.is_external and then expression_type.is_conformant_to (current_class, formal_type) then else create {VUAR2} Result.make (context, callee, name, target_base_class, argument_number, formal_type, expression_type, location) end elseif not is_frozen_type_compatible (expression_type, formal_type, False) then create {VUAR2} Result.make (context, callee, name, target_base_class, argument_number, formal_type, expression_type, location) elseif warning_level /= error_handler.warning_level then error_handler.warning_list.last.set_location (location) end end feature {NONE} -- Visitor process_feature_clause_as (l_as: FEATURE_CLAUSE_AS) do -- Nothing to be done end process_unique_as (l_as: UNIQUE_AS) do -- Nothing to be done end process_tuple_as (l_as: TUPLE_AS) local l_tuple_type: TUPLE_TYPE_A l_list: BYTE_LIST [EXPR_B] l_error_level: NATURAL_32 old_expressions_type: like last_expressions_type do old_expressions_type := last_expressions_type reset_for_unqualified_call_checking -- Type check expression list l_error_level := error_level process_expressions_list_for_tuple (l_as.expressions) if error_level = l_error_level then -- Update type stack create l_tuple_type.make (system.tuple_id, last_expressions_type) l_tuple_type.set_frozen_mark -- Type of tuple is always attached l_tuple_type := l_tuple_type.as_attached_in (context.current_class) if across last_expressions_type as e all e.item.is_known end then instantiator.dispatch (l_tuple_type, context.current_class) end last_tuple_type := l_tuple_type set_type (l_tuple_type, l_as) if not {SYSTEM_I}.is_tuple_class_alive and then not is_inherited then record_creation_dependence (l_tuple_type) end if is_byte_node_enabled then l_list ?= last_byte_node create {TUPLE_CONST_B} last_byte_node.make (l_list, l_tuple_type, l_tuple_type.create_info) end else reset_types end last_expressions_type := old_expressions_type ensure then last_tuple_type_set_if_no_error: error_level /= old error_level or else not last_type.is_known or else last_tuple_type /= Void end process_real_as (l_as: REAL_AS) do if l_as.constant_type = Void then set_type (manifest_real_64_type, l_as) else fixme ("We should check that `constant_type' matches the real `value' and% %possibly remove `constant_type' from REAL_AS.") check_type (l_as.constant_type) if attached {REAL_A} last_type as l_real then if l_real.size = 32 then set_type (manifest_real_32_type, l_as) else set_type (manifest_real_64_type, l_as) end end end if attached last_type as t then if not {SYSTEM_I}.is_basic_class_alive and then not is_inherited then record_creation_dependence (t) end if is_byte_node_enabled then create {REAL_CONST_B} last_byte_node.make (l_as.value, t) end end end process_bool_as (l_as: BOOL_AS) do set_type (Boolean_type, l_as) if not {SYSTEM_I}.is_basic_class_alive and then not is_inherited then record_creation_dependence (boolean_type) end if is_byte_node_enabled then create {BOOL_CONST_B} last_byte_node.make (l_as.value) end end process_array_as (l_as: COMPILER_ARRAY_AS) local i, nb: INTEGER l_array_type: GEN_TYPE_A l_generics: ARRAYED_LIST [TYPE_A] l_type_a, l_element_type: TYPE_A l_list: BYTE_LIST [EXPR_B] l_last_types: like last_expressions_type l_has_error: BOOLEAN l_current_class: CLASS_C l_context: like context explicit_type: TYPE_A implicit_type: GEN_TYPE_A default_element_type: TYPE_A default_array_type: GEN_TYPE_A old_expressions_type: like last_expressions_type do l_context := context l_current_class := l_context.current_class reset_for_unqualified_call_checking -- Check explicit array type (if specified). if attached l_as.type as type_declaration then check_type (type_declaration) if not attached last_type as t then l_has_error := True elseif not attached t.conformance_type.base_class as b then -- Error: there is no fixed class type. error_handler.insert_error (create {VWMA_NO_CLASS_TYPE}.make (context, t, type_declaration.first_token (match_list_of_class (context.written_class.class_id)))) l_has_error := True elseif attached {GEN_TYPE_A} t.conformance_type as g implies g.class_id /= system.array_id and then (is_checking_cas implies g.class_id /= system.native_array_id) then -- Error: the specified type is not an ARRAY class type. error_handler.insert_error (create {VWMA_NOT_ARRAY}.make (context, t, type_declaration.first_token (match_list_of_class (context.written_class.class_id)))) l_has_error := True elseif t.is_separate then -- Error: the specified ARRAY type is separate. error_handler.insert_error (create {VWMA_SEPARATE_ARRAY}.make (context, t, type_declaration.first_token (match_list_of_class (context.written_class.class_id)))) l_has_error := True else explicit_type := t current_target_type := t implicit_type := g l_type_a := implicit_type.generics.first.actual_type end elseif -- Look at the target type to see if it can be used to compute target type. attached current_target_type as t and then attached {GEN_TYPE_A} t.conformance_type as g and then -- Check that it is either an ARRAY, or a NATIVE_ARRAY when used -- in a custom attribute. (g.base_class.class_id = system.array_id or else is_checking_cas and then g.base_class.class_id = system.native_array_id) then implicit_type := g l_type_a := implicit_type.generics.first.actual_type end if not l_has_error then -- Type check expression list. -- Use element type (if any) as a target type. current_target_type := l_type_a old_expressions_type := last_expressions_type process_expressions_list (l_as.expressions) l_last_types := last_expressions_type last_expressions_type := old_expressions_type end if attached l_last_types then if is_byte_node_enabled then l_list := {BYTE_LIST [EXPR_B]} / last_byte_node end if not attached explicit_type then -- There is no explicit manifest array type. -- Compute the type from the common type for all elements. default_element_type := maximal_type (l_last_types) create l_generics.make (1) l_generics.extend (default_element_type) -- Type of a manifest array is always attached. default_array_type := (create {GEN_TYPE_A}.make (system.array_id, l_generics)).as_normally_attached (l_current_class) -- Type of a manifest array is always frozen. default_array_type.set_frozen_mark end if attached l_type_a then -- There is either an explicit array type or a target type of the array reattachment. check attached_implicit_type_from_code: attached implicit_type end if attached default_element_type implies not default_element_type.conform_to (context.current_class, l_type_a) then -- Either an explicit array type is specified or the computed array type is not useable for all elements. -- Check conformance and conversion rules for the explicit array type or for the target type. if attached default_element_type then -- The implicit type is required to compute array type, it should be replaced with an explicit one. if context.current_class.lace_class.is_manifest_array_type_mismatch_warning then -- Report a warning. error_handler.insert_warning (create {VWMA_EXPLICIT_TYPE_REQUIRED_FOR_CONFORMANCE}.make (context, default_element_type, l_type_a, l_as, False), context.current_class.lace_class.options.is_warning_as_error) elseif context.current_class.lace_class.is_manifest_array_type_mismatch_error then -- Report an error. error_handler.insert_error (create {VWMA_EXPLICIT_TYPE_REQUIRED_FOR_CONFORMANCE}.make (context, default_element_type, l_type_a, l_as, True)) end end -- Check that expressions' type matches element's type of the array. from nb := l_as.expressions.count i := 1 until i > nb loop l_element_type := l_last_types [i] if not l_type_a.backward_conform_to (l_current_class, l_element_type) then if not is_inherited and then l_element_type.convert_to (l_current_class, l_type_a.deep_actual_type) then if l_context.last_conversion_info.has_depend_unit then context.supplier_ids.extend (l_context.last_conversion_info.depend_unit) end l_as.expressions [i] := converted_expression (l_as.expressions [i], l_context.last_conversion_info) if attached l_list and not is_checking_cas then l_list [i] := l_context.last_conversion_info.byte_node (l_list [i]) end else if attached default_element_type then -- There is no explicit array type and the computed array type is not compatible with the target array type. -- Use the default (computed) array type. -- Note: the byte code for some elements might be changed due to conversion, but it is safe to leave it "as is" because an error will be reported for the incompatible types. l_type_a := default_element_type implicit_type := default_array_type else -- Report an error only for the explicit type. -- For the implicit type the error has been reported above or will be reported where the array is used. error_handler.insert_error (create {VWMA_INCOMPATIBLE_EXPRESSION}.make (context, l_element_type, l_type_a, i, l_as.expressions [i].first_token (match_list_of_class (context.written_class.class_id)))) l_has_error := True end -- Exit the loop i := nb + 1 end end i := i + 1 end else -- There is no explicit array type and the computed array type conforms to the target array type. if not is_inherited and then not context.current_class.lace_class.is_manifest_array_type_standard and then attached default_element_type and then not l_type_a.conform_to (context.current_class, default_element_type) then -- The source type is different from the target one. if context.current_class.lace_class.is_manifest_array_type_mismatch_error then -- Report an error. error_handler.insert_error (create {VWMA_EXPLICIT_TYPE_REQUIRED_FOR_MATCH}.make (context, default_element_type, l_type_a, l_as, True)) else -- Report a warning. error_handler.insert_warning (create {VWMA_EXPLICIT_TYPE_REQUIRED_FOR_MATCH}.make (context, default_element_type, l_type_a, l_as, False), context.current_class.lace_class.options.is_warning_as_error) end end -- Use the default (computed) array type. l_type_a := default_element_type implicit_type := default_array_type end if not l_has_error then -- Adjust array type if needed. if is_checking_cas and then implicit_type.class_id /= system.native_array_id then -- Create a .NET array. create l_generics.make (1) l_generics.extend (l_type_a) create {NATIVE_ARRAY_TYPE_A} l_array_type.make (system.native_array_id, l_generics) else -- Reuse the target type for the ARRAY type. l_array_type := implicit_type end if is_qualified_call then -- When the manifest array appears in a qualified call, the anchors if any should -- be resolved in the context of the target of the qualified call and not Current -- (See eweasel test#term106 for an example). However the code generation does not -- support that, so we remove the anchors. l_array_type := l_array_type.deep_actual_type end -- Type of a manifest array is always attached. l_array_type := l_array_type.as_normally_attached (l_current_class) end else -- There is no explicit or implicit array type, use the default one. l_type_a := default_element_type l_array_type := default_array_type end if l_has_error then reset_types else if l_type_a.is_known then instantiator.dispatch (l_array_type, l_current_class) end -- Update type stack. set_type (l_array_type, l_as) if not {SYSTEM_I}.is_array_class_alive and then not is_inherited then record_creation_dependence (l_array_type) end l_as.set_array_type (last_type) if attached l_list then create {ARRAY_CONST_B} last_byte_node.make (l_list, l_array_type) end end else reset_types end end process_char_as (l_as: CHAR_AS) local t: TYPE_A do t := if l_as.value.is_character_8 then character_type else wide_char_type end set_type (t, l_as) if not {SYSTEM_I}.is_basic_class_alive and then not is_inherited then record_creation_dependence (t) end if is_byte_node_enabled then create {CHAR_CONST_B} last_byte_node.make (l_as.value, t) end end adapted_manifest_string_class_c (a_class_id: INTEGER; a_class_i: detachable CLASS_I): detachable CLASS_C do if attached a_class_i and then attached a_class_i.compiled_class as c and then c.class_id = a_class_id then Result := c end ensure Result /= Void implies Result.class_id = a_class_id and Result.original_class = a_class_i end process_string_as (l_as: STRING_AS) local l_simplified_string_type: TYPE_A l_is_string_32: BOOLEAN l_value: detachable STRING class_id: INTEGER s8, s32: detachable CLASS_C l_is_immutable: BOOLEAN do if attached l_as.type as t then -- Check explicit manifest string type. check_type (t) if attached last_type as l_last_type then l_simplified_string_type := l_last_type.duplicate -- Manifest strings are always frozen. l_simplified_string_type.set_frozen_mark end else -- Default to STRING_8, if possible, and to STRING_32 otherwise. l_simplified_string_type := if l_as.is_code_point_valid_string_8 then manifest_string_8_type else manifest_string_32_type end end if attached l_simplified_string_type then -- Constants are always of an attached type. l_simplified_string_type := l_simplified_string_type.as_normally_attached (context.current_class) set_type (l_simplified_string_type, l_as) if not {SYSTEM_I}.is_string_class_alive and then not is_inherited then record_creation_dependence (l_simplified_string_type) end class_id := l_simplified_string_type.base_class.class_id s32 := adapted_manifest_string_class_c (class_id, system.string_32_class) if s32 = Void then s32 := adapted_manifest_string_class_c (class_id, system.immutable_string_32_class) l_is_immutable := s32 /= Void end if s32 = Void then s8 := adapted_manifest_string_class_c (class_id, system.string_8_class) if s8 = Void then s8 := adapted_manifest_string_class_c (class_id, system.immutable_string_8_class) l_is_immutable := s8 /= Void end end if attached s8 then check s8.class_id = class_id end if l_as.is_code_point_valid_string_8 then -- Constant is of type "STRING_8". if is_byte_node_enabled then -- At code generation we convert UTF-8 into UTF-32. -- ISO-8859-1, the default encoding we take as implicit encoding, -- is compatible with UTF-32. l_value := l_as.value end else -- Invalid Unicode code point for STRING_8. error_handler.insert_error (create {VWMQ}.make (l_simplified_string_type, << if attached system.string_32_class as i and then attached i.compiled_class as c then c.actual_type else Void end, if attached system.immutable_string_32_class as i and then attached i.compiled_class as c then c.actual_type else Void end >>, context, l_as)) reset_types end elseif attached s32 then check s32.class_id = class_id end -- Constant is of type "STRING_32". if is_byte_node_enabled then -- For STRING_32 manifest string, UTF-8 value is kept for later transformation. l_value := l_as.value l_is_string_32 := True end else -- The type is unexpected. error_handler.insert_error (create {VWMQ}.make (l_simplified_string_type, << if l_as.is_code_point_valid_string_8 and then attached system.string_8_class as i and then attached i.compiled_class as c then c.actual_type else Void end, if l_as.is_code_point_valid_string_8 and then attached system.immutable_string_8_class as i and then attached i.compiled_class as c then c.actual_type else Void end, if attached system.string_32_class as i and then attached i.compiled_class as c then c.actual_type else Void end, if attached system.immutable_string_32_class as i and then attached i.compiled_class as c then c.actual_type else Void end >>, context, l_as)) reset_types end if attached l_value then if l_as.is_once_string then once_manifest_string_index := once_manifest_string_index + 1 create {ONCE_STRING_B} last_byte_node.make (l_value, l_is_string_32, l_is_immutable, once_manifest_string_index) else create {STRING_B} last_byte_node.make (l_value, l_is_string_32, l_is_immutable) end end end end process_verbatim_string_as (l_as: VERBATIM_STRING_AS) do process_string_as (l_as) end process_body_as (l_as: BODY_AS) do safe_process (l_as.content) end process_built_in_as (l_as: BUILT_IN_AS) -- Process `l_as'. local l_feature_as: FEATURE_AS l_feature_checker: AST_FEATURE_CHECKER_GENERATOR old_local_scopes: like context.local_scopes do if is_byte_node_enabled then -- If associated feature is not an external anymore, it means that it was interpreted -- by our compiler as a real `built_in'. if attached {EXTERNAL_I} current_feature as l_external then create {EXT_BYTE_CODE} last_byte_node.make (l_external.external_name_id) else l_feature_as := l_as.body if l_feature_as /= Void and then l_feature_as.body.content /= Void then -- Save old local scopes. old_local_scopes := context.local_scopes -- Only interprets the `built_in' implementation if this is not an attribute. create l_feature_checker l_feature_checker.init (context) l_feature_checker.set_type_recorder (type_recorder) l_feature_checker.check_body (current_feature, l_feature_as.body, True, False, False, False) last_byte_node := l_feature_checker.last_byte_node l_as.set_body (l_feature_as) -- Restore local scopes. context.set_local_scopes (old_local_scopes) else -- No implementation is provided, let's assume empty body. create {STD_BYTE_CODE} last_byte_node end end end end process_result_as (l_as: RESULT_AS) local l_feat_type: TYPE_A l_vrle3: VRLE3 l_has_error: BOOLEAN l_veen2a: VEEN2A do reset_byte_node -- Error if in procedure or invariant l_has_error := is_checking_invariant if not l_has_error then l_feat_type := current_feature.type l_has_error := l_feat_type.actual_type.conform_to (context.current_class, Void_type) end if l_has_error then create l_vrle3 context.init_error (l_vrle3) l_vrle3.set_location (l_as.start_location) error_handler.insert_error (l_vrle3) reset_types else if is_checking_precondition then -- Result entity in precondition create l_veen2a context.init_error (l_veen2a) l_veen2a.set_location (l_as.start_location) error_handler.insert_error (l_veen2a) reset_types else -- Update the type stack last_access_writable := True if is_byte_node_enabled then create {RESULT_B} last_byte_node end if is_in_assignment or else is_target_of_creation_instruction then -- "Result" might change its attachment status. -- It is recorded for future checks because -- it might be still safe to use it in the expression -- before actual reattachment takes place. last_reinitialized_variable := result_name_id -- Treat result type as detachable, then check that it is attached at the end of a feature. l_feat_type := l_feat_type.as_detachable_type elseif context.is_result_attached then -- "Result" is safe to be used as an attached type. l_feat_type := l_feat_type.as_attached_in (context.current_class) elseif l_feat_type.is_initialization_required and then not context.local_initialization.is_result_set and then is_void_safe_initialization then -- Result is not properly initialized. -- Treat it as if it is of a detachable type. -- The void-safety level should be "initialization" or higher -- because otherwise errors may be reported for cases -- when local is of an attached type but is uninitialized -- and initialization errors are not reported at this level. -- (See test#attach120). l_feat_type := l_feat_type.as_detachable_type end set_type (l_feat_type, l_as) end end end process_current_as (l_as: CURRENT_AS) local l_type: LIKE_CURRENT do if current_feature.is_class then report_vucr (create {VUCR_BODY}.make_current (current_feature, context.current_class, context.written_class, l_as)) end -- The type of Current in class X is X .. X. l_type := context.current_class_type.duplicate l_type.set_frozen_mark set_type (l_type, l_as) if is_byte_node_enabled then create {CURRENT_B} last_byte_node end end process_access_feat_as (l_as: ACCESS_FEAT_AS) local l_type_a, l_last_type, l_feature_type, l_last_feature_type: TYPE_A l_formal: FORMAL_A l_feature: FEATURE_I l_result: LIST [TUPLE [feature_i: FEATURE_I; cl_type: RENAMED_TYPE_A]] l_result_item: TUPLE [feature_i: FEATURE_I; cl_type: RENAMED_TYPE_A] l_type_a_is_multi_constrained: BOOLEAN l_type_set: TYPE_SET_A l_vtmc4: VTMC4 l_error_level: NATURAL_32 l_is_not_call: BOOLEAN l_is_byte_node_enabled: BOOLEAN do l_is_byte_node_enabled := is_byte_node_enabled l_type_a := last_type.actual_type if l_type_a.is_formal then l_formal ?= l_type_a if l_formal.is_multi_constrained (context.current_class) then l_type_a_is_multi_constrained := True else l_type_a := l_formal.constrained_type (context.current_class) end end l_error_level := error_level l_last_type := last_type if not l_type_a_is_multi_constrained then if not l_type_a.is_none and not l_type_a.is_void and then is_inherited then if not l_as.is_tuple_access then -- Reuse the feature when it is really one, otherwise when it is a tuple -- access the call to `process_call' will do the right thing for -- inherited code. l_feature := l_type_a.base_class.feature_of_rout_id (l_as.routine_ids.first) else if attached {TUPLE_TYPE_A} l_last_type.actual_type as l_tuple_type then l_is_not_call := True is_last_access_tuple_access := True assigner_source := Void set_type (l_tuple_type.generics.i_th (l_as.label_position), l_as) else check False end end end end else -- Multi constraint case if is_inherited then l_is_not_call := True -- This code here is very similar to some parts of `process_abstract_creation'. -- It has the very same issues as described there. fixme ("Related to fix me in `process_abstract_creation'") -- Note: We do not need to protect against TUPLE access here since -- named tuples are not allowed in multiple-constraint. -- We need to iterate through the type set to find the routine of ID l_formal ?= l_type_a check -- It should work as we are in the multi constraint case l_formal_not_void: l_formal /= Void end l_type_set := context.current_class.constraints (l_formal.position) l_type_set := l_type_set.constraining_types (context.current_class) l_result := l_type_set.feature_i_list_by_rout_id (l_as.routine_ids.first) check at_least_one_feature_found: l_result.count > 0 end -- As we inherited this feature there's the possiblity that now, from l_result.start until l_result.after or l_vtmc4 /= Void loop l_result_item := l_result.item l_feature := l_result_item.feature_i -- Restore last_type last_calls_target_type := l_result_item.cl_type.type -- Type check the call process_call (l_last_type, Void, l_as.feature_name, l_feature, l_as.parameters, False, False, True, False, True) l_result.forth -- We inherited this feature. l_feature_type := last_type if l_last_feature_type = Void then l_last_feature_type := l_feature_type is_byte_node_enabled := False elseif not l_last_feature_type.same_as (l_feature_type) then -- The two features have redefined their return type differently. -- We don't allow this: Add an error, but continue checking as this only an additional -- check and does not break anything else. -- Note: If `like Current' is the type of the feature this is ok, as the type is adapted to the formal. create l_vtmc4 l_vtmc4.set_class (context.current_class) l_vtmc4.set_written_class (system.class_of_id (l_as.class_id)) l_vtmc4.set_feature (context.current_feature) l_vtmc4.set_location (l_as.start_location) l_vtmc4.set_feature_info (l_result) error_handler.insert_error (l_vtmc4) end if attached last_vuar_error as e and then attached last_type as t then look_for_parenthesis_alias (l_as.internal_parameters, e, t) l_feature_type := last_type end end -- We inherited this feature. Adapt it's type. l_last_type := l_feature_type -- Restore code generation status. is_byte_node_enabled := l_is_byte_node_enabled end end if not l_is_not_call then -- Type check the call. process_call (l_last_type, Void, l_as.feature_name, l_feature, l_as.parameters, False, False, True, False, True) end if error_level = l_error_level then if not is_inherited then -- set some type attributes of the node if last_calls_target_type /= Void then l_as.set_class_id (last_calls_target_type.base_class.class_id) else l_as.set_class_id (-1) end if not last_type.is_known then -- Feature for an unknown type is unknown. elseif last_routine_id_set /= Void then check not_is_tuple_access: not is_last_access_tuple_access end set_routine_ids (last_routine_id_set, l_as) else check is_tuple_access: is_last_access_tuple_access end l_as.enable_tuple_access if attached {NAMED_TUPLE_TYPE_A} l_last_type.actual_type as l_labeled_tuple then l_as.set_label_position (l_labeled_tuple.label_position ( else check False end end end end if not l_is_not_call and then attached last_vuar_error as e and then attached last_type as q then look_for_parenthesis_alias (l_as.internal_parameters, e, q) end if attached last_type as t then set_type (t, l_as) end else reset_types end end process_access_inv_as (l_as: ACCESS_INV_AS) local l_class_id: INTEGER l_type: TYPE_A l_feature: FEATURE_I l_error_level: NATURAL_32 do l_type := last_type.actual_type check not_formal: not l_type.is_formal end l_class_id := l_type.base_class.class_id if attached context.inline_local (l_as.feature_name.name_id) as i then process_inline_local (i, l_as, False) else if is_inherited then l_feature := l_type.base_class.feature_of_rout_id (l_as.routine_ids.first) end l_error_level := error_level process_call (last_type, Void, l_as.feature_name, l_feature, l_as.parameters, False, False, False, False, True) if error_level = l_error_level and not is_inherited then -- set some type attributes of the node l_as.set_class_id (l_class_id) set_routine_ids (last_routine_id_set, l_as) end if attached last_vuar_error as e and then attached last_type as t then -- Feature without arguments is found, try parenthesis alias on it. look_for_parenthesis_alias (l_as.internal_parameters, e, t) end if attached last_type as t then -- Record type of the feature call. set_type (t, l_as) end end end process_access_id_as (l_as: ACCESS_ID_AS) local l_arg_pos: INTEGER l_last_id: INTEGER l_argument: ARGUMENT_B l_local_info: LOCAL_INFO l_feature: FEATURE_I l_has_vuar_error: BOOLEAN l_vuar1: VUAR1 l_veen2b: VEEN2B l_needs_byte_node: BOOLEAN l_type: TYPE_A l_context_current_class: CLASS_C l_error_level: NATURAL_32 is_type_set: BOOLEAN do l_context_current_class := context.current_class l_needs_byte_node := is_byte_node_enabled -- No need for `last_type.actual_type' as here `last_type' is equal to -- `context.current_class_type' since we start a feature call. check not_is_formal: not last_type.is_formal end l_last_id := last_type.base_class.class_id check equivalent_ids: l_last_id = last_type.conformance_type.base_class.class_id end l_feature := current_feature -- Look for an argument if l_feature /= Void then if is_inherited then if l_as.is_argument then l_arg_pos := l_as.argument_position end else l_arg_pos := l_feature.argument_position (l_as.feature_name.name_id) end end if l_arg_pos /= 0 then -- Found argument -- Arguments are controlled. is_controlled := True l_type := l_feature.arguments.i_th (l_arg_pos) l_type := l_type.instantiation_in (last_type.as_implicitly_detachable.as_variant_free, l_last_id) l_has_vuar_error := l_as.parameters /= Void if l_needs_byte_node then create l_argument l_argument.set_position (l_arg_pos) last_byte_node := l_argument end if context.is_readonly_attached (l_as.feature_name.name_id) then l_type := l_type.as_attached_in (l_context_current_class) end -- Set some type attributes of the node. if not is_inherited then set_argument_position (l_arg_pos, l_as) l_as.set_class_id (class_id_of (l_type)) end else -- Look for a local if not in a pre- or postcondition if not is_inherited or else l_as.is_local then l_local_info := context.locals.item (l_as.feature_name.name_id) end if l_local_info /= Void then -- Local found l_local_info.enable_is_used last_access_writable := True l_has_vuar_error := l_as.parameters /= Void l_type := l_local_info.type l_type := l_type.instantiation_in (last_type.as_implicitly_detachable.as_variant_free, l_last_id) if l_needs_byte_node then create {LOCAL_B} last_byte_node.make (l_local_info.position) end if is_checking_postcondition or else is_checking_precondition then -- Local in post- or precondition --|Note: this should not happen since --|in the context of assertions we would have --|ACCESS_ASSERT_AS and not ACCESS_ID_AS objects. --|(Fred) create l_veen2b context.init_error (l_veen2b) l_veen2b.set_identifier ( l_veen2b.set_location (l_as.feature_name) error_handler.insert_error (l_veen2b) elseif is_in_assignment or else is_target_of_creation_instruction then -- The local might change its attachment status. -- It is recorded for future checks because -- it might be still safe to use the local in the expression -- before actual reattachment takes place. last_reinitialized_variable := l_as.feature_name.name_id -- Treat local type as detachable. l_type := l_type.as_detachable_type elseif context.is_local_attached (l_as.feature_name.name_id) then -- Local is safe to be used as of an attached type. l_type := l_type.as_attached_in (context.current_class) elseif l_type.is_initialization_required and then not context.local_initialization.is_local_set (l_local_info.position) and then is_void_safe_initialization then -- Treat it as if it is of a detachable type. -- The void-safety level should be "initialization" or higher -- because otherwise errors may be reported for cases -- when local is of an attached type but is uninitialized -- and initialization errors are not reported at this level. -- (See test#attach120). l_type := l_type.as_detachable_type end if not is_inherited then -- set some type attributes of the node set_local (l_as) l_as.set_class_id (class_id_of (l_type)) end elseif attached context.inline_local (l_as.feature_name.name_id) as i then process_inline_local (i, l_as, False) is_type_set := True else -- Look for a feature l_feature := Void if is_inherited then check system.class_of_id (l_last_id) = last_type.base_class end l_feature := system.class_of_id (l_last_id).feature_of_rout_id (l_as.routine_ids.first) end l_error_level := error_level process_call (last_type, Void, l_as.feature_name, l_feature, l_as.parameters, False, False, False, False, True) l_type := last_type if error_level = l_error_level and not is_inherited then -- set some type attributes of the node l_as.set_class_id (l_last_id) set_routine_ids (last_routine_id_set, l_as) end if attached {VUAR1} last_vuar_error as e and then attached last_type as t then -- Feature without arguments is found, try parenthesis alias on it. l_vuar1 := e l_type := t l_has_vuar_error := True end end end if l_has_vuar_error then -- Record type of the entity without arguments. set_type (l_type, l_as.feature_name) if not attached l_vuar1 then create l_vuar1 if l_arg_pos = 0 then l_vuar1.set_local_name ( else l_vuar1.set_arg_name ( end context.init_error (l_vuar1) l_vuar1.set_location (l_as.feature_name) end look_for_parenthesis_alias (l_as.internal_parameters, l_vuar1, l_type) -- Record type of the call as a whole. l_type := last_type end if not is_type_set then set_type (l_type, l_as) end end process_inline_local (l_local_info: LOCAL_INFO; a: ACCESS_INV_AS; is_predecessor: BOOLEAN) -- Process object test local identified by `i` in access node `a` (interpreted as a predecessor call -- when `is_predecessor` is set) including an optional call to a parenthesis alias and set `last_type` accordingly. local l_type: TYPE_A l_vuar1: VUAR1 old_is_inherited: BOOLEAN do if not is_predecessor and l_local_info.is_cursor then -- Process access to the feature `item` on the cursor variable. -- Disable expansion of the variable name in recursive calls. l_local_info.disable_is_cursor -- Process associated expression instead of the variable using routine ID computed earlier to handle renaming properly. old_is_inherited := is_inherited is_inherited := False l_local_info.expression.process (Current) is_inherited := old_is_inherited -- Restore status of the variable meaning. l_local_info.enable_is_cursor if not old_is_inherited then -- Record type information for analysis tools. set_inline_local (a) if attached last_type as t then a.set_class_id (class_id_of (t)) end end else l_local_info.enable_is_used last_access_writable := False is_controlled := l_local_info.is_controlled l_type := l_local_info.type.instantiation_in (last_type.as_implicitly_detachable.as_variant_free, last_type.base_class.class_id) if context.is_readonly_attached (a.feature_name.name_id) then l_type := l_type.as_attached_in (context.current_class) end if not is_inherited then set_inline_local (a) a.set_class_id (class_id_of (l_type)) end if is_byte_node_enabled then create {OBJECT_TEST_LOCAL_B} last_byte_node.make (l_local_info.position, current_feature.body_index, l_type) end if attached a.parameters as p then create l_vuar1 context.init_error (l_vuar1) l_vuar1.set_local_name ( l_vuar1.set_location (a.feature_name) look_for_parenthesis_alias (a.internal_parameters, l_vuar1, l_type) if attached last_type as t then -- Record type of the object test local. set_type (l_type, a.feature_name) l_type := t end end set_type (l_type, a) end end process_access_assert_as (l_as: ACCESS_ASSERT_AS) local l_arg_pos: INTEGER l_local_info: LOCAL_INFO l_argument: ARGUMENT_B l_arg_type: TYPE_A l_feature: FEATURE_I l_vuar1: VUAR1 l_veen2b: VEEN2B l_last_id: INTEGER l_error_level: NATURAL_32 do -- No need for `last_type.actual_type' as here `last_type' is equal to -- `context.current_class_type' since we start a feature call. check not_is_formal: not last_type.is_formal end l_last_id := last_type.base_class.class_id check equivalent_ids: l_last_id = last_type.base_class.class_id end l_feature := current_feature -- Look for an argument if is_inherited then if l_as.is_argument then l_arg_pos := l_as.argument_position end else l_arg_pos := l_feature.argument_position (l_as.feature_name.name_id) end l_error_level := error_level if l_arg_pos /= 0 then -- Found argument -- Arguments are controlled. is_controlled := True l_arg_type := l_feature.arguments.i_th (l_arg_pos) l_arg_type := l_arg_type.instantiation_in (last_type.as_implicitly_detachable.as_variant_free, l_last_id) if context.is_readonly_attached (l_as.feature_name.name_id) then l_arg_type := l_arg_type.as_attached_in (context.current_class) end if is_byte_node_enabled then create l_argument l_argument.set_position (l_arg_pos) last_byte_node := l_argument end if not is_inherited then set_argument_position (l_arg_pos, l_as) l_as.set_class_id (class_id_of (last_type)) end if attached l_as.parameters as p then create l_vuar1 context.init_error (l_vuar1) l_vuar1.set_arg_name ( l_vuar1.set_location (l_as.feature_name) look_for_parenthesis_alias (l_as.internal_parameters, l_vuar1, l_arg_type) if attached last_type as t then -- Set type for the argument. set_type (l_arg_type, l_as.feature_name) l_arg_type := t end end set_type (l_arg_type, l_as) else -- Look for a local if in a pre- or postcondition if not is_inherited then l_local_info := context.locals.item (l_as.feature_name.name_id) end if l_local_info /= Void then -- Local found create l_veen2b context.init_error (l_veen2b) l_veen2b.set_identifier ( l_veen2b.set_location (l_as.feature_name) error_handler.insert_error (l_veen2b) elseif attached context.inline_local (l_as.feature_name.name_id) as i then process_inline_local (i, l_as, False) else -- Look for a feature l_feature := Void if is_inherited then l_feature := system.class_of_id (l_last_id).feature_of_rout_id (l_as.routine_ids.first) end process_call (last_type, Void, l_as.feature_name, l_feature, l_as.parameters, False, False, False, False, True) if error_level = l_error_level and not is_inherited then -- Record routine and class IDs for descendants and tools. set_routine_ids (last_routine_id_set, l_as) l_as.set_class_id (l_last_id) end if attached last_vuar_error as e and then attached last_type as t then -- Feature without arguments is found, try parenthesis alias on it. look_for_parenthesis_alias (l_as.internal_parameters, e, t) end if attached last_type as t then -- Set type for the feature call. set_type (t, l_as) end end end if error_level /= l_error_level then reset_types end end process_precursor_as (l_as: PRECURSOR_AS) local l_vdpr1: VDPR1 l_vdpr2: VDPR2 l_vdpr3: VDPR3 l_pre_table: like precursor_table l_feature_i: FEATURE_I l_parent_type: CL_TYPE_A l_parent_class: CLASS_C l_feat_ast: FEATURE_AS l_precursor_id: ID_AS l_instatiation_type: LIKE_CURRENT l_has_error: BOOLEAN l_current_class: CLASS_C l_rout_id_set: ROUT_ID_SET l_orig_result_type: TYPE_A l_precursor_keyword: KEYWORD_AS l_error_level: like error_level do if not is_inherited then if current_feature.is_invariant or else current_feature.is_inline_agent then create l_vdpr1 context.init_error (l_vdpr1) error_handler.insert_error (l_vdpr1) l_has_error := True else l_feat_ast := context.current_class.feature_with_name (current_feature.feature_name).ast -- When a precursor is evaluated in a inherited replicated feature, the context should be its written class. -- Otherwise written class coincides with the current class. l_current_class := current_feature.written_class if not current_feature.is_selected then -- We are trying to evaluate a precursor where the routine id is different from its parent precursor routine -- Retrieve rout id set from from parent routine, merging if necessary with current routine id set. --| FIXME IEK: We need to retrieve the routine id of the selected routine. l_rout_id_set := current_feature.rout_id_set else l_rout_id_set := current_feature.rout_id_set end -- Check that feature has a unique name (vdpr1) -- Check that we're in the body of a routine (l_vdpr1). if l_feat_ast.feature_names.count > 1 or is_checking_precondition or is_checking_postcondition or is_checking_invariant then create l_vdpr1 context.init_error (l_vdpr1) error_handler.insert_error (l_vdpr1) l_has_error := True else -- Create table of routine ids of all parents which have -- an effective precursor of the current feature. l_pre_table := precursor_table (l_as, l_current_class, l_rout_id_set) -- Check that current feature is a redefinition. if l_pre_table.is_empty then if l_as.parent_base_class /= Void then -- The specified parent does not have -- an effective precursor. create l_vdpr2 context.init_error (l_vdpr2) error_handler.insert_error (l_vdpr2) l_has_error := True else -- No parent has an effective precursor -- (not a redefinition) create l_vdpr3 context.init_error (l_vdpr3) error_handler.insert_error (l_vdpr3) l_has_error := True end elseif l_pre_table.count > 1 then -- Unqualified precursor construct is ambiguous create l_vdpr3.make_with_list (l_pre_table) context.init_error (l_vdpr3) error_handler.insert_error (l_vdpr3) l_has_error := True end if not l_has_error then -- Table has exactly one entry. l_pre_table.start l_parent_type := l_pre_table.item.parent_type l_parent_class := l_parent_type.base_class l_feature_i := l_pre_table.item.feat l_as.set_class_id (l_parent_class.class_id) set_routine_ids (l_feature_i.rout_id_set, l_as) end end end else l_parent_class := system.class_of_id (l_as.class_id) l_parent_type := l_parent_class.actual_type l_parent_type ?= l_parent_type.instantiation_in ( context.current_class.actual_type, l_as.class_id) l_feature_i := l_parent_class.feature_of_rout_id (l_as.routine_ids.first) end if not l_has_error then -- Update signature of parent `l_feature_i' in context of its instantiation -- in current class. l_feature_i := l_feature_i.duplicate -- Adapt `l_feature_i' to context of current class (e.g. if `l_parent_type' is -- generic then we need to resolve formals used in `l_feature_i' but the one from -- the instantiation `l_parent_type'. if not l_parent_type.is_attached then l_parent_type := l_parent_type.twin if context.current_class.lace_class.is_attached_by_default then l_parent_type.set_is_attached else l_parent_type.set_is_implicitly_attached end end create l_instatiation_type.make (l_parent_type) l_orig_result_type := l_feature_i.type l_feature_i := l_feature_i.instantiated (l_instatiation_type) -- Now that we have the fully instantiated type, we need to adapt it to -- the current class type (e.g. like Current). l_feature_i := l_feature_i.instantiated (context.current_class_type) create l_precursor_id.initialize_from_id ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.precursor_name_id) l_precursor_keyword := l_as.precursor_keyword l_precursor_id.set_position (l_precursor_keyword.line, l_precursor_keyword.column, l_precursor_keyword.position, l_precursor_keyword.location_count, l_precursor_keyword.character_column, l_precursor_keyword.character_position, l_precursor_keyword.character_count) l_error_level := error_level process_call (context.current_class_type, l_parent_type, l_precursor_id, l_feature_i, l_as.parameters, False, False, False, True, True) if error_level = l_error_level then -- Now `last_type' is the type we got from the processing of `Precursor'. We have to adapt -- it to the current class, but instead of using the malformed `last_type' we use `l_orig_result_type'. set_type (l_orig_result_type.evaluated_type_in_descendant (l_parent_type.base_class, context.current_class, context.current_feature), l_as.precursor_keyword) if attached last_vuar_error as e and then attached last_type as t then -- Feature without arguments is found, try parenthesis alias on it. look_for_parenthesis_alias (l_as.internal_parameters, e, t) end -- Record type of the call as a whole. set_type (last_type, l_as) end else reset_types end end process_nested_expr_as (l_as: NESTED_EXPR_AS) local l_target_type: TYPE_A target_code: ACCESS_B l_nested: NESTED_B l_is_qualified_call: BOOLEAN l_error_level: NATURAL_32 old_assigner_source: like assigner_source s: like context.scope connective_id: like {NAMES_HEAP}.id_of is_connective: BOOLEAN binary_b: BINARY_B do -- Type check the target, but we reset the -- assigner flag syntax, because it is only pertinent -- to the message, not the target. old_assigner_source := assigner_source assigner_source := Void (Current) l_target_type := last_type if l_target_type /= Void then -- Restore assigner source for nested call. assigner_source := old_assigner_source -- Make sure separate call is valid. if l_target_type.is_separate then validate_separate_target (l_as.message.access_name_32, end if is_byte_node_enabled then check last_byte_node_not_void: last_byte_node /= Void end if attached {ACCESS_B} last_byte_node as b then target_code := b else create {ACCESS_EXPR_B} target_code.make ({EXPR_B} / last_byte_node) end end -- Type check the message l_is_qualified_call := is_qualified_call is_qualified_call := True l_error_level := error_level if l_target_type.is_boolean then connective_id := l_as.message.feature_name.name_id inspect connective_id when {PREDEFINED_NAMES}.conjuncted_name_id, {PREDEFINED_NAMES}.disjuncted_exclusive_name_id, {PREDEFINED_NAMES}.disjuncted_name_id then is_connective := True when {PREDEFINED_NAMES}.conjuncted_semistrict_name_id then is_connective := True s := context.scope ;(create {AST_SCOPE_CONJUNCTIVE_EXPRESSION}.make (context)).add_scopes ( when {PREDEFINED_NAMES}.disjuncted_semistrict_name_id then is_connective := True s := context.scope ;(create {AST_SCOPE_DISJUNCTIVE_EXPRESSION}.make (context)).add_scopes ( when {PREDEFINED_NAMES}.implication_name_id then is_connective := True s := context.scope ;(create {AST_SCOPE_IMPLICATIVE_EXPRESSION}.make (context)).add_scopes ( else -- Some other call on BOOLEAN. end end l_as.message.process (Current) if s > 0 then context.set_scope (s) end is_qualified_call := l_is_qualified_call if error_level = l_error_level and then is_byte_node_enabled then if attached {CALL_B} last_byte_node as c then if is_connective and then attached {CALL_ACCESS_B} c as a and then attached a.parameters as ps and then ps.count = 1 and then attached ps [1] as p then inspect connective_id when {PREDEFINED_NAMES}.conjuncted_name_id then create {BIN_AND_B} binary_b.make (target_code, p.expression) when {PREDEFINED_NAMES}.conjuncted_semistrict_name_id then -- TODO: replace specialized code with conditional expression after specializing code generation -- to produce the code comparable by efficiency with the binary equivalent. -- a ∧ b ≜ if a then b else False end -- create {IF_EXPRESSION_B} last_byte_node.make (l_access_expr, p.expression, Void, create {BOOL_CONST_B}.make (False), l_target_type, Void) create {B_AND_THEN_B} binary_b.make (target_code, p.expression) when {PREDEFINED_NAMES}.disjuncted_exclusive_name_id then create {BIN_XOR_B} binary_b.make (target_code, p.expression) when {PREDEFINED_NAMES}.disjuncted_name_id then create {BIN_OR_B} binary_b.make (target_code, p.expression) when {PREDEFINED_NAMES}.disjuncted_semistrict_name_id then -- TODO: replace specialized code with conditional expression after specializing code generation -- to produce the code comparable by efficiency with the binary equivalent. -- a ∨ b ≜ if a then True else b end -- create {IF_EXPRESSION_B} last_byte_node.make (l_access_expr, create {BOOL_CONST_B}.make (True), Void, p.expression, l_target_type, Void) create {B_OR_ELSE_B} binary_b.make (target_code, p.expression) when {PREDEFINED_NAMES}.implication_name_id then -- TODO: replace specialized code with conditional expression after specializing code generation -- to produce the code comparable by efficiency with the binary equivalent. -- a ⇒ b ≜ if a then b else True end -- create {IF_EXPRESSION_B} last_byte_node.make (l_access_expr, p.expression, Void, create {BOOL_CONST_B}.make (True), l_target_type, Void) create {B_IMPLIES_B} binary_b.make (target_code, p.expression) end binary_b.init (a) last_byte_node := binary_b else create l_nested l_nested.set_target (target_code) l_nested.set_message (c) c.set_parent (l_nested) target_code.set_parent (l_nested) last_byte_node := l_nested end else check expected_byte_node: False end end end end end process_routine_as (l_as: ROUTINE_AS) local l_vxrc: VXRC l_byte_code: BYTE_CODE l_list: BYTE_LIST [BYTE_NODE] l_assertion_byte_code: ASSERTION_BYTE_CODE l_needs_byte_node: BOOLEAN s: like {AST_CONTEXT}.scope l_error_level: NATURAL_32 l_has_invalid_locals: BOOLEAN l_feat_type: TYPE_A f: FEATURE_I l_rescue: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [INSTRUCTION_AS] l_check_count: like maximum_inference_count old_is_byte_node_enabled: BOOLEAN had_untyped_local: BOOLEAN l_untyped_local: like untyped_local retried: BOOLEAN do if not retried then f := current_feature l_needs_byte_node := is_byte_node_enabled -- Request freeze if there are too many arguments some of which are separate. -- ("interp.c" uses "EIF_NATURAL_64" to keep track of uncontrolled arguments, -- so if there are more arguments, freeze is requested.) if l_needs_byte_node and then f.argument_count > 64 and then f.has_separate_arguments then system.request_freeze end l_error_level := error_level -- Remember current scope state s := context.scope -- Check if some arguments are attached because of an inherited precondition. -- Avoid doing it when there are no inherited preconditions. -- Strict void safety: no variables change their attachment status because of inherited preconditions. -- Soft void safety: variables may change attachment status because of inherited preconditions. if is_void_safe_conformance and then not is_void_safe_construct and then not (f.has_precondition and then f.assert_id_set = Void) then ;(create {AST_SCOPE_COMBINED_PRECONDITION}.make (f, context)).do_nothing end -- Check local variables before checking precondition because local count is used to initialize the structures. if l_as.locals /= Void then check_locals (l_as) l_untyped_local := untyped_local l_has_invalid_locals := error_level /= l_error_level end -- Initialize structures to record local scopes. -- This should be done after checking locals that sets their count. context.init_local_scopes -- Check preconditions if l_as.precondition /= Void then -- Set Result access analysis level to `is_checking_precondition': locals -- and Result cannot be found in preconditions set_is_checking_precondition (True) l_as.precondition.process (Current) if l_needs_byte_node then l_assertion_byte_code ?= last_byte_node end -- Reset the levels to default values set_is_checking_precondition (False) end l_rescue := l_as.rescue_clause if attached l_rescue and then (l_as.routine_body.is_deferred or else l_as.routine_body.is_external) then -- A deferred or external feature cannot have a rescue clause. create l_vxrc context.init_error (l_vxrc) l_vxrc.set_deferred (l_as.routine_body.is_deferred) l_vxrc.set_location (l_rescue.start_location) error_handler.insert_error (l_vxrc) end from if l_has_invalid_locals then -- Do not check code with invalid locals. -- l_check_count := 0 elseif attached l_untyped_local then -- Compute type of locals and then do real type-checking. has_untyped_local := True -- The maxium inference count is increased by 1 to take the real code generation pass into account. l_check_count := maximum_inference_count + 1 old_is_byte_node_enabled := l_needs_byte_node is_byte_node_enabled := False l_needs_byte_node := False else -- All locals are declated with types, do normal type checks. has_untyped_local := False l_check_count := 1 end until l_check_count = 0 loop l_check_count := l_check_count - 1 if attached l_rescue and then not l_as.routine_body.is_built_in then -- Make it possible to remove variable scopes so that -- rescue clause can be processed in a state where only -- variable scopes started in the precondition are recorded. -- Built-in features are not handled in this way, because -- the scope information is cleaned when they are processed. context.enter_realm end -- Avoid relying on the body when checking postcondition. if l_as.postcondition /= Void then context.enter_realm end -- Check body l_as.routine_body.process (Current) if l_needs_byte_node and then error_level = l_error_level then l_byte_code ?= last_byte_node l_byte_code.set_precondition (l_assertion_byte_code) end l_feat_type := f.type if (l_feat_type.is_basic implies not {SYSTEM_I}.is_basic_class_alive) and then not is_inherited and then l_feat_type.is_expanded_creation_possible then record_expanded_dependence (l_feat_type) end if l_feat_type.is_initialization_required then -- Verify that result is properly set in internal routine if required. if not context.local_initialization.is_result_set and then not l_as.is_deferred and then not l_as.is_external and then not (l_as.is_attribute and then l_as.routine_body.is_empty) and then is_void_safe_initialization then -- Result is not properly initialized. error_handler.insert_error (create {VEVI}.make_result (context, l_as.end_keyword)) end elseif l_as.is_attribute and then not l_as.routine_body.is_empty and then not is_inherited and then context.current_class.is_warning_enabled (w_vwab) then -- Warn that the attribute has a non-empty body that is never executed. error_handler.insert_warning (create {VWAB}.make (l_as.routine_body.start_location, context), context.current_class.is_warning_reported_as_error (w_vwab)) end -- Check postconditions if l_as.postcondition /= Void then -- Revert to the state just after a precondition. context.leave_optional_realm -- Set access id level analysis to `is_checking_postcondition': locals -- are not taken into account set_is_checking_postcondition (True) if l_feat_type.is_initialization_required and then not context.local_initialization.is_result_set then context.set_result end if l_feat_type.is_attached then context.add_result_instruction_scope end l_as.postcondition.process (Current) if l_needs_byte_node and then error_level = l_error_level then l_assertion_byte_code ?= last_byte_node l_byte_code.set_postcondition (l_assertion_byte_code) end if l_feat_type.is_attached then context.remove_result_scope end -- Reset the level set_is_checking_postcondition (False) end if attached l_rescue then if not l_as.routine_body.is_built_in then -- Ensure the variable scopes do not affect rescue clause. context.leave_optional_realm end -- Set mark of context. is_in_rescue := True -- Remove any previously started local scopes. context.init_local_scopes process_compound (l_rescue) if l_needs_byte_node and then error_level = l_error_level then l_list ?= last_byte_node l_byte_code.set_rescue_clause (l_list) end is_in_rescue := False end if has_untyped_local then -- Compute types of local variables. -- Uncomputed types are allowed if this is not the last iteration. resolve_locals (l_check_count > 1, l_untyped_local) -- Adjust inference count if there are no more untyped locals during this and previous iteration. if not has_untyped_local then -- Check if all local types were resolved at the previous step. -- Perform one more iteration to make sure the fixed point is reached. -- Set `has_untyped_local' to `True' to be able to call `resolve_locals'. has_untyped_local := True if not had_untyped_local then -- Assign real types to locals if this is not done yet. if l_check_count > 1 then resolve_locals (False, l_untyped_local) end -- Flag that this is going to be a real pass rather than just type computation. l_check_count := 1 end -- Record last status of untyped locals. -- If there are no untyped locals during 2 iterations then the fixed-point is reached. had_untyped_local := False else -- Record last status of untyped locals. had_untyped_local := True end if l_check_count = 1 then -- Restore code generation flags. is_byte_node_enabled := old_is_byte_node_enabled l_needs_byte_node := old_is_byte_node_enabled -- Terminate the loop without generating code at the last iteration -- for the feature with untyped locals. l_check_count := 0 end end variant (l_check_count + 1).to_integer_32 end -- Revert to the original scope state context.set_scope (s) -- Check for unused locals only when there is no errors otherwise it -- is confusing to get a warning for something that might be incorrect. if not l_has_invalid_locals and then l_as.locals /= Void and then error_level = l_error_level and then context.current_class.is_warning_enabled (w_unused_local) and then not is_inherited then check_unused_locals (context.locals) end if error_level = l_error_level then if l_needs_byte_node then context.init_byte_code (l_byte_code) if old_expressions /= Void and then old_expressions.count > 0 then l_byte_code.set_old_expressions (old_expressions) end l_byte_code.set_end_location (l_as.end_location) l_byte_code.set_once_manifest_string_count (l_as.once_manifest_string_count) last_byte_node := l_byte_code end l_as.set_number_of_breakpoint_slots (break_point_slot_count) end end rescue if not retried and then not error_handler.rescue_status.is_error_exception and then attached l_untyped_local then -- Report errors for untyped locals. resolve_locals (False, l_untyped_local) retried := True retry end end process_constant_as (l_as: CONSTANT_AS) do -- Nothing to be done end process_compound (compound: EIFFEL_LIST [INSTRUCTION_AS]) -- Process instruction list keeping track of local scopes. local s: like {AST_CONTEXT}.scope do s := context.scope compound.process (Current) context.set_scope (s) end process_eiffel_list (l_as: EIFFEL_LIST [AST_EIFFEL]) do process_eiffel_list_with_matcher (l_as, Void, Void) end process_eiffel_list_with_matcher (l_as: EIFFEL_LIST [AST_EIFFEL]; m: AST_SCOPE_MATCHER; b: BYTE_LIST [BYTE_NODE]) local l_cursor: INTEGER l_list: BYTE_LIST [BYTE_NODE] e: like {ERROR_HANDLER}.error_level do if is_byte_node_enabled then -- Initialize result byte node. if b = Void then create l_list.make (l_as.count) else l_list := b end end e := error_handler.error_level l_cursor := l_as.index from l_as.start until l_as.after loop l_as.item.process (Current) if m /= Void then m.add_scopes (l_as.item) end if attached l_list then if e = error_handler.error_level then l_list.extend (last_byte_node) else l_list := Void end end l_as.forth end l_as.go_i_th (l_cursor) if is_byte_node_enabled then last_byte_node := l_list end end process_indexing_clause_as (l_as: INDEXING_CLAUSE_AS) do -- Nothing to be done end process_operand_as (l_as: OPERAND_AS) local l_class_type: TYPE_A do if attached l_as.expression as e then reset_for_unqualified_call_checking e.process (Current) elseif attached l_as.class_type as t then t.process (Current) l_class_type := last_type if l_class_type /= Void then instantiator.dispatch (l_class_type, context.current_class) if is_byte_node_enabled then create {OPERAND_B} last_byte_node end end else -- Case of a question mark in either `agent ?.something' or `agent f (?, a)'. -- We rely on `current_target_type' to provide us the right type for ?, -- i.e. the current type in `agent ?.something', or the type of the formal argument -- of `f' in the current context. set_type (current_target_type, l_as) if is_byte_node_enabled then create {OPERAND_B} last_byte_node end end end process_tagged_as (l_as: TAGGED_AS) local l_vwbe3: VWBE3 l_expr: EXPR_B l_error_level: NATURAL_32 do break_point_slot_count := break_point_slot_count + 1 reset_for_unqualified_call_checking l_error_level := error_level l_as.expr.process (Current) if error_level = l_error_level then -- Check if the type of the expression is boolean if not last_type.actual_type.is_known then -- Record expected type. last_type.actual_type.conform_to (context.current_class, boolean_type).do_nothing elseif not last_type.actual_type.is_boolean then create l_vwbe3 context.init_error (l_vwbe3) l_vwbe3.set_type (last_type) l_vwbe3.set_location (l_as.expr.end_location) error_handler.insert_error (l_vwbe3) elseif is_byte_node_enabled then l_expr ?= last_byte_node check l_expr_not_void: l_expr /= Void end create {ASSERT_B} last_byte_node.make (assertion_tag (l_as), l_expr, l_as.expr.start_location.line) end end end process_variant_as (l_as: VARIANT_AS) local l_vave: VAVE do reset_for_unqualified_call_checking l_as.expr.process (Current) if last_type /= Void then -- Check if the type of the expression is integer -- We use `actual_type', otherwise eweasel test#valid265 is failing. if not last_type.actual_type.is_integer then create l_vave context.init_error (l_vave) l_vave.set_type (last_type) l_vave.set_location (l_as.expr.end_location) error_handler.insert_error (l_vave) end if is_byte_node_enabled then if attached {EXPR_B} last_byte_node as e then create {VARIANT_B} last_byte_node.make (assertion_tag (l_as), e, l_as.expr.start_location.line) else check expected_byte_node_type: False end end end end end process_un_strip_as (l_as: UN_STRIP_AS) local l_id: INTEGER l_index: INTEGER l_feat_tbl: FEATURE_TABLE l_attribute_i: ATTRIBUTE_I l_depend_unit: DEPEND_UNIT l_vwst1: VWST1 l_vwst2: VWST2 l_strip: STRIP_B l_needs_byte_node: BOOLEAN do l_needs_byte_node := is_byte_node_enabled from if l_needs_byte_node then create l_strip.make end l_feat_tbl := context.current_class.feature_table l_as.id_list.start until l_as.id_list.after loop l_id := l_as.id_list.item l_index := l_as.id_list.index l_as.id_list.forth (l_id) if not l_as.id_list.after then -- Id appears more than once in attribute list create l_vwst2 context.init_error (l_vwst2) l_vwst2.set_attribute_name (Names_heap.item (l_id)) l_vwst2.set_location (l_as.start_location) error_handler.insert_error (l_vwst2) else l_attribute_i ?= l_feat_tbl.item_id (l_id) if l_attribute_i = Void then create l_vwst1 context.init_error (l_vwst1) l_vwst1.set_attribute_name (Names_heap.item (l_id)) l_vwst1.set_location (l_as.start_location) error_handler.insert_error (l_vwst1) else if not is_inherited then create l_depend_unit.make (context.current_class.class_id, l_attribute_i) context.supplier_ids.extend (l_depend_unit) end if l_needs_byte_node then l_strip.feature_ids.put (l_attribute_i.feature_id) end end end l_as.id_list.go_i_th (l_index) l_as.id_list.forth end -- Type of strip expression is always attached. set_type (strip_type.as_attached_in (context.current_class), l_as) if not {SYSTEM_I}.is_array_class_alive and then not is_inherited then record_creation_dependence (strip_type) end if l_needs_byte_node then last_byte_node := l_strip end end process_converted_expr_as (l_as: CONVERTED_EXPR_AS) local l_feat: FEATURE_I l_feat_name: ID_AS l_location: LOCATION_AS l_error_level: like error_level l_is_qualified_call: BOOLEAN do l_error_level := error_level l_as.expr.process (Current) -- It only make sense to process the conversion data only when -- rechecking the code in a descendant class. if is_inherited and then l_error_level = error_level and then attached {PARENT_CONVERSION_INFO} as l_info then -- If we have some data about the above with a conversion, we need -- to extract it so that we can recheck that the converted code still -- make sense in a descendant. if l_info.is_null_conversion or l_info.is_from_conversion then -- For a from conversion or a null conversion, we just need to adapt the creation -- type to the descendant class (case of formal generics that might need to be -- instantiated). set_type (l_info.creation_type.evaluated_type_in_descendant (context.written_class, context.current_class, context.current_feature), l_as) else -- For a to conversion, we need to take the descendant version of the routine -- orginally taken and check that its return type still make sense. l_feat := last_type.base_class.feature_of_rout_id (l_info.routine_id) if l_feat /= Void then create l_feat_name.initialize_from_id (l_feat.feature_name_id) l_location := l_as.expr.end_location l_feat_name.set_position (l_location.line, l_location.column, l_location.position + l_location.location_count, 0, l_location.character_column, l_location.character_position + l_location.character_count, 0) l_is_qualified_call := is_qualified_call is_qualified_call := True process_call (last_type, Void, l_feat_name, l_feat, Void, False, False, True, False, False) is_qualified_call := l_is_qualified_call else -- We should not get there, but just in case we generate an internal -- error message. reset_types error_handler.insert_error (create {INTERNAL_ERROR}.make ( "In {AST_FEATURE_CHECKER_GENERATOR}.process_converted_expr_as could%N% %not find routine of a given routine ID in an inherited conversion")) end end end end process_paran_as (a: PARAN_AS) do a.expr.process (Current) if attached last_type as t then set_type (t, a) end end process_expr_call_as (l_as: EXPR_CALL_AS) local l_vkcn3: VKCN3 l_list: LEAF_AS_LIST is_assigner_call: BOOLEAN do is_assigner_call := attached assigner_source reset_for_unqualified_call_checking (Current) if attached last_type as t then if t.is_void and then not is_assigner_call then create l_vkcn3 context.init_error (l_vkcn3) l_vkcn3.set_location ( if attached context.written_class as cl then l_list := match_list_of_class (cl.class_id) if l_list /= Void and then (l_list) then l_vkcn3.set_called_feature ( (l_list)) end end error_handler.insert_error (l_vkcn3) reset_types else set_type (t, l_as) end end -- Nothing to be done for `last_byte_node' as it was computed in previous call -- `'. end process_expr_address_as (l_as: EXPR_ADDRESS_AS) do l_as.expr.process (Current) if attached last_type as l_type then create {TYPED_POINTER_A} last_type.make_typed (l_type) instantiator.dispatch (last_type, context.current_class) if is_byte_node_enabled and attached {EXPR_B} last_byte_node as l_expr then create {EXPR_ADDRESS_B} last_byte_node.make (l_expr) end else -- An error occurred. end end process_address_result_as (l_as: ADDRESS_RESULT_AS) local l_vrle3: VRLE3 l_veen2a: VEEN2A l_typed_pointer: TYPED_POINTER_A do reset_byte_node if is_checking_invariant or else not current_feature.has_return_value then -- It means that we are in a location where `Result' is not -- acceptable (e.g. an invariant, or within the body of a procedure). create l_vrle3 context.init_error (l_vrle3) l_vrle3.set_location (l_as.start_location) error_handler.insert_error (l_vrle3) elseif is_checking_precondition then -- Result entity in precondition create l_veen2a context.init_error (l_veen2a) l_veen2a.set_location (l_as.start_location) error_handler.insert_error (l_veen2a) end create l_typed_pointer.make_typed (current_feature.type) set_type (l_typed_pointer, l_as) instantiator.dispatch (l_typed_pointer, context.current_class) if is_byte_node_enabled then create {HECTOR_B} last_byte_node.make_with_type (create {RESULT_B}, l_typed_pointer) has_hector := True end end process_address_current_as (l_as: ADDRESS_CURRENT_AS) local l_typed_pointer: TYPED_POINTER_A do if current_feature.is_class then report_vucr (create {VUCR_BODY}.make_current (current_feature, context.current_class, context.written_class, l_as.current_keyword)) end create l_typed_pointer.make_typed (context.current_class_type) set_type (l_typed_pointer, l_as) instantiator.dispatch (l_typed_pointer, context.current_class) if is_byte_node_enabled then create {HECTOR_B} last_byte_node.make_with_type (create {CURRENT_B}, l_typed_pointer) has_hector := True end end process_address_as (l_as: ADDRESS_AS) local l_access: ACCESS_B l_argument: ARGUMENT_B l_local: LOCAL_B l_local_info: LOCAL_INFO l_feature: FEATURE_I l_vzaa1: VZAA1 l_veen: VEEN l_veen2b: VEEN2B l_arg_pos: INTEGER l_last_id: INTEGER l_type: TYPE_A l_typed_pointer: TYPED_POINTER_A l_depend_unit: DEPEND_UNIT l_needs_byte_node: BOOLEAN l_error_level: NATURAL_32 do l_needs_byte_node := is_byte_node_enabled -- Initialization of the type stack reset_for_unqualified_call_checking l_last_id := context.current_class.class_id if not is_inherited then l_as.set_class_id (l_last_id) end l_feature := current_feature -- Look for an argument if l_feature /= Void then if is_inherited then if l_as.is_argument then l_arg_pos := l_as.argument_position end else l_arg_pos := l_feature.argument_position (l_as.feature_name.feature_name.name_id) end end l_error_level := error_level if l_arg_pos /= 0 then -- Found argument l_type := l_feature.arguments.i_th (l_arg_pos) l_type := l_type.instantiation_in (last_type.as_implicitly_detachable.as_variant_free, l_last_id) create l_typed_pointer.make_typed (l_type) set_type (l_typed_pointer, l_as) if l_needs_byte_node then create l_argument l_argument.set_position (l_arg_pos) create {HECTOR_B} last_byte_node.make_with_type (l_argument, l_typed_pointer) has_hector := True end if not is_inherited then l_as.enable_argument l_as.set_argument_position (l_arg_pos) end else -- Look for a local if not in a pre- or postcondition if not is_inherited or else l_as.is_local then l_local_info := context.locals.item (l_as.feature_name.feature_name.name_id) end if l_local_info /= Void then -- Local found l_local_info.enable_is_used l_type := l_local_info.type if attached {LOCAL_TYPE_A} l_type as t and then attached t.minimum as m then -- Use type approximation. l_type := m end if l_type.is_known then l_type := l_type.instantiation_in (last_type.as_implicitly_detachable.as_variant_free, l_last_id) create l_typed_pointer.make_typed (l_type) set_type (l_typed_pointer, l_as) if l_needs_byte_node then create l_local.make (l_local_info.position) create {HECTOR_B} last_byte_node.make_with_type (l_local, l_typed_pointer) has_hector := True end else set_type (unknown_type, l_as) end if is_checking_postcondition or else is_checking_precondition then -- Local in post- or precondition --|Note: this should not happen since --|in the context of assertions we would have --|ACCESS_ASSERT_AS and not ACCESS_ID_AS objects. --|(Fred) create l_veen2b context.init_error (l_veen2b) l_veen2b.set_identifier ( l_veen2b.set_location (l_as.feature_name.start_location) error_handler.insert_error (l_veen2b) end if not is_inherited then l_as.enable_local end else l_local_info := context.inline_local (l_as.feature_name.feature_name.name_id) if l_local_info /= Void then if l_local_info.is_cursor then error_handler.insert_error (create {NOT_SUPPORTED}.make (agent format_elements (?, locale.translation_in_context ("Address of a cursor variable of {1} form of a loop is not supported.", "compiler.error"), <>), context, l_as.feature_name.feature_name)) else l_local_info.enable_is_used last_access_writable := False is_controlled := l_local_info.is_controlled l_type := l_local_info.type.instantiation_in (last_type.as_implicitly_detachable.as_variant_free, l_last_id) if context.is_readonly_attached (l_as.feature_name.feature_name.name_id) then l_type := l_type.as_attached_in (context.current_class) end create l_typed_pointer.make_typed (l_type) set_type (l_typed_pointer, l_as) if not is_inherited then l_as.enable_object_test_local end if l_needs_byte_node then create {OBJECT_TEST_LOCAL_B} l_local.make (l_local_info.position, l_feature.body_index, l_type) create {HECTOR_B} last_byte_node.make_with_type (l_local, l_typed_pointer) has_hector := True end end else if is_inherited then l_feature := context.current_class.feature_of_rout_id (l_as.routine_ids.first) else l_feature := context.current_class.feature_table.item_id (l_as.feature_name.feature_name.name_id) end if l_feature = Void then create l_veen context.init_error (l_veen) l_veen.set_identifier ( l_veen.set_location (l_as.feature_name.start_location) error_handler.insert_error (l_veen) else if l_feature.is_constant then create l_vzaa1 context.init_error (l_vzaa1) l_vzaa1.set_address_name ( l_vzaa1.set_location (l_as.feature_name.start_location) error_handler.insert_error (l_vzaa1) elseif l_feature.is_external then error_handler.insert_error (create {NOT_SUPPORTED}.make_from_string (locale.translation_in_context ("The $ operator is not supported on externals.", "compiler.error"), context, l_as.feature_name.start_location)) elseif l_feature.is_attribute then l_type := l_feature.type.actual_type create l_typed_pointer.make_typed (l_type) set_type (l_typed_pointer, l_as) if current_feature.is_class then report_vucr (create {VUCR_BODY}.make_attribute (l_feature, current_feature, context.current_class, context.written_class, l_as.feature_name.feature_name)) end else set_type (Pointer_type, l_as) end if error_level = l_error_level then -- Dependance if not is_inherited then create l_depend_unit.make_with_level (l_last_id, l_feature, depend_unit_level) context.supplier_ids.extend (l_depend_unit) end if l_needs_byte_node then if l_typed_pointer /= Void then check is_attribte: l_feature.is_attribute end l_access := l_feature.access (l_type, False, False) create {HECTOR_B} last_byte_node.make_with_type (l_access, l_typed_pointer) has_hector := True else create {ADDRESS_B} last_byte_node.make (context.current_class.class_id, l_feature) end end if not is_inherited then set_routine_ids (l_feature.rout_id_set, l_as) check_obsolescence (l_feature, context.current_class, l_as.feature_name.start_location) end end end end end end if error_level = l_error_level then instantiator.dispatch (last_type, context.current_class) else reset_types end end process_predecessor_as (a: PREDECESSOR_AS) -- local e: VEEN do reset_for_unqualified_call_checking if attached context.inline_local ( as i and then i.is_cursor then process_inline_local (i, create {ACCESS_INV_AS}.make (, Void, Void), True) else -- Report an unknown entity name. create e context.init_error (e) e.set_identifier ( e.set_location (a.start_location) error_handler.insert_error (e) end end process_type_expr_as (l_as: TYPE_EXPR_AS) local l_type: TYPE_A l_type_type: GEN_TYPE_A l_generics: ARRAYED_LIST [TYPE_A] do l_as.type.process (Current) l_type := last_type if l_type /= Void then create l_generics.make (1) l_generics.extend (l_type) create l_type_type.make (system.type_class.compiled_class.class_id, l_generics) -- The type is always frozen. l_type_type.set_frozen_mark -- The type is always attached. l_type_type := l_type_type.as_attached_in (context.current_class) instantiator.dispatch (l_type_type, context.current_class) set_type (l_type_type, l_as) if not is_inherited then record_creation_dependence (l_type_type) end if is_byte_node_enabled then create {TYPE_EXPR_B} last_byte_node.make (l_type_type) end end end process_routine_creation_as_ext (l_as: ROUTINE_CREATION_AS; a_feature: FEATURE_I) local l_class: CLASS_C l_feature: FEATURE_I l_table: FEATURE_TABLE l_target_type: TYPE_A l_return_type: TYPE_A l_target_node: EXPR_B l_needs_byte_node: BOOLEAN l_feature_name: ID_AS l_access: ACCESS_B l_named_tuple: NAMED_TUPLE_TYPE_A l_label_pos: INTEGER l_is_named_tuple: BOOLEAN l_error_level: NATURAL_32 l_old_current_target_type: like current_target_type do l_needs_byte_node := is_byte_node_enabled l_error_level := error_level -- Type check the target reset_for_unqualified_call_checking if = Void then -- Target is the closed operand `Current'. l_target_type := context.current_class_type if l_needs_byte_node then create {CURRENT_B} l_target_node end else l_old_current_target_type := current_target_type current_target_type := context.current_class_type (Current) current_target_type := l_old_current_target_type l_target_type := last_type if l_target_type /= Void then if l_needs_byte_node then check is_expression_byte_code: attached {EXPR_B} last_byte_node as e then l_target_node := e end end -- Insert an error if the target type is separate and open. if system.is_scoop and then l_target_type.is_separate and then then -- TODO: It might be a better idea to create a new error class. Error_handler.insert_error (create {VUTA3}.make (context, last_type, Void, end end end -- If `l_target_type' is Void, it simply means we had an error earlier, so no need to continue. if l_target_type /= Void then l_feature_name := l_as.feature_name if l_target_type.conformance_type.is_formal or l_target_type.conformance_type.is_basic then -- Not supported. May change in the future - M.S. -- Reason: We cannot call a feature with basic call target! error_handler.insert_error (create {NOT_SUPPORTED}.make_from_string (locale.translation_in_context ("Type of target in a agent call may not be a basic type or a formal.", "compiler.error"), context, if attached as t then t.start_location else l_feature_name end)) else if l_target_type.has_associated_class then l_class := l_target_type.base_class l_table := l_class.feature_table if is_inherited then if a_feature = Void then l_feature := l_class.feature_of_rout_id (l_as.routine_ids.first) else l_feature := a_feature end else if a_feature = Void then -- Note that the following can yield `Void' in case it is not a valid feature name or -- if it is a named tuple access. That's ok, since it is going to be properly -- handled by `process_call'. l_feature := l_table.item_id (l_feature_name.name_id) else l_feature := a_feature end end elseif attached {LOCAL_TYPE_A} l_target_type as t and then attached t.feature_call (l_feature_name.name_id, context.current_class) as f then l_feature := f.descriptor l_target_type := l_class := else l_feature := a_feature end -- Type check the call process_call (l_target_type, Void, l_feature_name, l_feature, l_as.operands, False, True, l_as.has_target, False, False) if error_level = l_error_level then if l_feature = Void then l_named_tuple ?= l_target_type if l_named_tuple /= Void then l_label_pos := l_named_tuple.label_position ( if l_label_pos > 0 then l_is_named_tuple := True end end elseif not l_as.has_target and then current_feature.is_class and then attached l_as.feature_name as feature_name and then not attached {INLINE_AGENT_CREATION_AS} l_as then report_vucr (create {VUCR_BODY}.make_unqualified_agent (l_feature, current_feature, context.current_class, context.written_class, feature_name)) end if l_feature = Void and then not l_is_named_tuple then if l_target_type.is_known then error_handler.insert_error (create {NOT_SUPPORTED}.make (agent format_elements (?, locale.translation_in_context ("Agent creation on {1} is not supported because it is either an attribute, a constant or an external feature.", "compiler.error"), <>), context, l_feature_name)) else set_type (unknown_type, l_as) end else -- Subsequent code that computes the type of the agent uses information about the corresponding class. -- Therefore, class ID should be set before that. if not is_inherited then l_as.set_class_id (l_class.class_id) if attached l_feature then -- This is a real agent rather than a named tuple access. -- Remember the corresponding routine IDs and the dependency. set_routine_ids (l_feature.rout_id_set, l_as) context.supplier_ids.extend_depend_unit_with_level (l_class.class_id, l_feature, depend_unit_level | if l_feature.is_inline_agent then {DEPEND_UNIT}.is_uniform_flag else {NATURAL_16} 0 end) end end l_access ?= last_byte_node check has_feature: not l_is_named_tuple implies l_feature /= Void end if l_is_named_tuple or else l_feature.is_attribute or else l_feature.is_constant then is_byte_node_enabled := False -- Special processing for return type for named TUPLEs since they do not have an associated -- feature. if l_is_named_tuple then l_return_type := last_type else l_return_type := l_feature.type end compute_routine (l_feature, True, False, l_class.class_id, l_target_type, l_return_type, l_as, l_access, l_target_node) if l_needs_byte_node then is_byte_node_enabled := True if l_is_named_tuple then compute_named_tuple_fake_inline_agent ( l_as, l_named_tuple, l_label_pos, l_target_node, l_target_type, last_type) else compute_feature_fake_inline_agent ( l_as, l_feature, l_target_node, l_target_type, last_type) end end else compute_routine (l_feature, not l_feature.type.is_void,l_feature.has_arguments, l_class.class_id, l_target_type, l_feature.type, l_as, l_access, l_target_node) end if last_type.is_known then instantiator.dispatch (last_type, context.current_class) end if not is_inherited then -- `last_type` was computed by the previous calls only, -- and could not be recorded earlier. record_creation_dependence (last_type) end end end end end if error_level /= l_error_level then reset_types end end process_routine_creation_as (l_as: ROUTINE_CREATION_AS) do process_routine_creation_as_ext (l_as, Void) end process_unary_as (l_as: UNARY_AS) require l_as_not_void: l_as /= Void local l_prefix_feature: FEATURE_I l_feature_type, l_last_feature_type: TYPE_A l_prefix_feature_type, l_last_constrained: TYPE_A l_last_class: CLASS_C l_depend_unit: DEPEND_UNIT l_vwoe: VWOE l_vuex: VUEX l_needs_byte_node: BOOLEAN l_expr: EXPR_B l_access: ACCESS_B l_unary: UNARY_B old_assigner_source: like assigner_source l_formal: FORMAL_A l_is_multi_constrained: BOOLEAN l_type_set: TYPE_SET_A l_result: LIST [TUPLE [feature_i: FEATURE_I; cl_type: RENAMED_TYPE_A]] l_result_item: TUPLE [feature_i: FEATURE_I; cl_type: RENAMED_TYPE_A] l_result_tuple: TUPLE[feature_item: FEATURE_I; class_type_of_feature: CL_TYPE_A; features_found_count: INTEGER] l_context_current_class: CLASS_C l_error_level: NATURAL_32 l_vtmc4: VTMC4 l_is_controlled: BOOLEAN l_target_type: TYPE_A do l_needs_byte_node := is_byte_node_enabled -- Reset assigner call flag old_assigner_source := assigner_source assigner_source := Void l_context_current_class := context.current_class -- Check operand l_as.expr.process (Current) l_target_type := last_type if attached l_target_type then if l_target_type.is_separate then validate_separate_target (Void, l_as.expr) l_is_controlled := is_controlled end if l_needs_byte_node then l_expr ?= last_byte_node end set_type (l_target_type.actual_type, l_as) l_formal ?= last_type if l_formal /= Void then if not l_formal.is_single_constraint_without_renaming (l_context_current_class) then l_is_multi_constrained := True else l_last_constrained := l_formal.constrained_type (context.current_class) end else l_last_constrained := last_type end l_error_level := error_level if not last_type.is_attached and then is_void_safe_call then error_handler.insert_error (create {VUTA2}.make (context, last_type, l_as.operator_location)) end if not l_is_multi_constrained then check has_constrained: l_last_constrained /= Void end -- Check if target is not of type NONE if l_last_constrained.is_none then create l_vuex.make_for_none (l_as.operator_name) context.init_error (l_vuex) l_vuex.set_location (l_as.expr.end_location) error_handler.insert_error (l_vuex) end end if error_level = l_error_level then if is_inherited then if l_is_multi_constrained then -- This code here is very similar to `process_access_feat_as'. -- Note: We do not need to protect against TUPLE access here since -- named tuples are not allowed in multiple-constraint. -- We need to iterate through the type set to find the routine of ID l_type_set := context.current_class.constraints (l_formal.position) l_type_set := l_type_set.constraining_types (context.current_class) l_result := l_type_set.feature_i_list_by_rout_id (l_as.routine_ids.first) check at_least_one_feature_found: l_result.count > 0 end -- As we inherited this feature there's the possiblity that now, from l_result.start until l_result.after or l_vtmc4 /= Void or last_alias_error /= Void loop l_result_item := l_result.item l_prefix_feature := l_result_item.feature_i l_last_constrained := l_result_item.cl_type.type l_last_class := l_last_constrained.base_class check_prefix_feature (l_prefix_feature, l_last_class) l_result.forth -- We inherited this feature. if last_alias_error = Void then l_feature_type := l_prefix_feature.type.recomputed_in (last_type.as_implicitly_detachable.as_variant_free, l_context_current_class.class_id, l_last_constrained.as_implicitly_detachable.as_variant_free, l_last_class.class_id).actual_type if l_last_feature_type = Void then l_last_feature_type := l_feature_type elseif not l_last_feature_type.same_as (l_feature_type) then -- The two features have redefined their return type differently. -- We don't allow this: Add an error, but continue checking as this only an additional -- check and does not break anything else. -- Note: If `like Current' is the type of the feature this is ok, as the type is adapted to the formal. create l_vtmc4 l_vtmc4.set_class (context.current_class) l_vtmc4.set_written_class (system.class_of_id (l_as.class_id)) l_vtmc4.set_feature (context.current_feature) l_vtmc4.set_location (l_as.start_location) l_vtmc4.set_feature_info (l_result) error_handler.insert_error (l_vtmc4) end end end else l_last_class := l_last_constrained.base_class l_prefix_feature := l_last_class.feature_of_rout_id (l_as.routine_ids.first) end else if l_is_multi_constrained then l_type_set := last_type.actual_type.to_type_set.constraining_types (l_context_current_class) l_result_tuple := l_type_set.feature_i_state_by_alias_name_id (l_as.operator_id) if l_result_tuple.features_found_count > 1 then error_handler.insert_error (new_vtmc_error (l_as.operator_id, l_formal.position, l_context_current_class, True, l_as.operator_location)) elseif l_result_tuple.features_found_count = 1 then l_prefix_feature := l_result_tuple.feature_item l_last_constrained := l_result_tuple.class_type_of_feature l_last_class := l_last_constrained.base_class last_calls_target_type := l_last_constrained end elseif l_last_constrained.has_associated_class then l_last_class := l_last_constrained.base_class l_prefix_feature := l_last_class.feature_table.item_alias_id (l_as.operator_id) elseif attached {LOCAL_TYPE_A} l_last_constrained as t and then attached t.operator_call (l_as.operator_id, l_context_current_class) as f then l_prefix_feature := f.descriptor l_last_constrained := l_last_class := l_last_constrained.base_class l_target_type := last_calls_target_type := l_last_constrained end end end if error_level = l_error_level then if not l_last_constrained.is_known then -- Unknown feature in unknown class. -- Use unknown type as a result type. adapt_type_to_target (unknown_type, l_target_type, Void, l_is_controlled, l_as, 0, Void) elseif l_prefix_feature = Void then -- Error: not prefixed function found create l_vwoe context.init_error (l_vwoe) if l_last_class /= Void then l_vwoe.set_other_class (l_last_class) else l_vwoe.set_other_type_set (l_type_set) end l_vwoe.set_op_name (l_as.operator_name) l_vwoe.set_location (l_as.operator_location) error_handler.insert_error (l_vwoe) else if not is_inherited then l_as.set_class_id (l_last_class.class_id) set_routine_ids (l_prefix_feature.rout_id_set, l_as) check_obsolescence (l_prefix_feature, l_last_class, l_as.start_location) end -- Validate the feature used as prefix operator. check_prefix_feature (l_prefix_feature, l_last_class) if last_alias_error /= Void then last_alias_error.set_location (l_as.operator_location) error_handler.insert_error (last_alias_error) else -- Suppliers update if not is_inherited then create l_depend_unit.make_with_level (l_last_class.class_id, l_prefix_feature, depend_unit_level) context.supplier_ids.extend (l_depend_unit) end -- Assumes here that a prefix feature has no argument -- Update the type stack; instantiate the result of the -- refixed feature l_prefix_feature_type := l_prefix_feature.type if l_as.is_minus then -- Let's say if it is a special case the negation of a positive -- value in which case we maintain the type of the expression. -- E.g. -127 is of type INTEGER_8, not of type INTEGER -- -128 is of type INTEGER_16, since 128 is an INTEGER_16 -- -511 is of type INTEGER_16, not of type INTEGER -- -- FIXME: Manu 02/06/2004: we do not attempt here to ensure -- that `-128' is of type INTEGER_8. We will have to wait for ETL3 -- to tell us what we need to do. The current behavior preserve -- compatibility with older version of Eiffel (5.4 and earlier). if attached {ATOMIC_AS} l_as.expr as l_value and attached {MANIFEST_INTEGER_A} l_last_constrained as l_manifest then l_prefix_feature_type := l_last_constrained else -- Usual case l_prefix_feature_type := l_prefix_feature_type.recomputed_in (last_type.as_implicitly_detachable.as_variant_free, l_context_current_class.class_id, l_last_constrained.as_implicitly_detachable.as_variant_free, l_last_class.class_id).actual_type end else -- Usual case l_prefix_feature_type := l_prefix_feature_type.recomputed_in (last_type.as_implicitly_detachable.as_variant_free, l_context_current_class.class_id, l_last_constrained.as_implicitly_detachable.as_variant_free, l_last_class.class_id).actual_type end if attached old_assigner_source then process_assigner_command (last_type, l_last_constrained, l_prefix_feature) end adapt_type_to_target (l_prefix_feature_type, l_target_type, l_prefix_feature, l_is_controlled, l_as, l_error_level, l_as.operator_location) if l_needs_byte_node then l_access := l_prefix_feature.access (last_type, True, l_target_type.is_separate) -- If we have something like `a.f' where `a' is predefined -- and `f' is a constant then we simply generate a byte -- node that will be the constant only. Otherwise if `a' is -- not predefined and `f' is a constant, we generate the -- complete evaluation `a.f'. However during generation, -- we will do an optimization by hardwiring value of constant. if l_is_multi_constrained then l_access.set_multi_constraint_static (last_calls_target_type) end if not (l_access.is_constant and l_expr.is_predefined) then l_unary := byte_anchor.unary_node (l_as) l_unary.set_expr (l_expr) l_unary.init (l_access) last_byte_node := l_unary else last_byte_node := l_access end end end end end end if error_level /= l_error_level then reset_types end end process_un_free_as (l_as: UN_FREE_AS) do process_unary_as (l_as) end process_un_minus_as (l_as: UN_MINUS_AS) do process_unary_as (l_as) end process_un_not_as (l_as: UN_NOT_AS) do process_unary_as (l_as) end process_un_old_as (l_as: UN_OLD_AS) local l_vaol1: VAOL1 l_vaol2: VAOL2 l_saved_vaol_check: BOOLEAN l_expr: EXPR_B l_un_old: UN_OLD_B s: like {AST_CONTEXT}.scope do if not is_checking_postcondition then -- Old expression found somewhere else that in a -- postcondition create l_vaol1 context.init_error (l_vaol1) l_vaol1.set_location (l_as.expr.start_location) error_handler.insert_error (l_vaol1) reset_types else l_saved_vaol_check := check_for_vaol if not l_saved_vaol_check then -- Set flag for vaol check. -- Check for an old expression within -- an old expression. check_for_vaol := True end -- Record current scope information. s := context.scope -- Mark the beginning of the old expression -- (to prevent OT locals declared outside the old expression from being used inside it). context.enter_old_expression -- Expression type check l_as.expr.process (Current) -- Mark the end of the old expression so that outer object test locals can be used again. context.leave_old_expression -- Restore scope information. context.set_scope (s) if attached last_type as t then set_type (t, l_as) if not l_saved_vaol_check then -- Reset flag for vaol check check_for_vaol := False end if t.conform_to (context.current_class, Void_type) or else check_for_vaol then -- Not an expression create l_vaol2 context.init_error (l_vaol2) l_vaol2.set_location (l_as.expr.end_location) error_handler.insert_error (l_vaol2) elseif is_byte_node_enabled then l_expr ?= last_byte_node create l_un_old l_un_old.set_expr (l_expr) if old_expressions = Void then create old_expressions.make end old_expressions.put_front (l_un_old) last_byte_node := l_un_old end if not is_inherited then l_as.set_class_id (class_id_of (t.actual_type)) end end end end process_un_plus_as (l_as: UN_PLUS_AS) do process_unary_as (l_as) end process_binary_as (l_as: BINARY_AS) require l_as_not_void: l_as /= Void local l_infix_type: TYPE_A l_left_type, l_right_type: TYPE_A l_feature_type, l_last_feature_type: TYPE_A l_right_constrained, l_left_constrained: TYPE_A l_target_type: TYPE_A l_left_id: INTEGER l_depend_unit: DEPEND_UNIT l_vuex: VUEX l_error: ERROR l_target_conv_info: CONVERSION_INFO l_left_expr, l_right_expr: EXPR_B l_needs_byte_node: BOOLEAN l_binary: BINARY_B l_call_access: CALL_ACCESS_B old_assigner_source: like assigner_source l_is_left_multi_constrained: BOOLEAN l_class: CLASS_C l_context_current_class: CLASS_C s: like {AST_CONTEXT}.scope l_error_level: NATURAL_32 l_arg_types: ARRAYED_LIST [TYPE_A] l_parameters: EIFFEL_LIST [EXPR_AS] l_result: LIST [TUPLE [feature_i: FEATURE_I; cl_type: RENAMED_TYPE_A]] l_result_item: TUPLE [feature_i: FEATURE_I; cl_type: RENAMED_TYPE_A] l_type_set: TYPE_SET_A l_vtmc4: VTMC4 l_is_controlled: BOOLEAN scope_matcher: AST_SCOPE_MATCHER old_is_byte_node_enabled: BOOLEAN do l_needs_byte_node := is_byte_node_enabled l_context_current_class := context.current_class -- Reset assigner call old_assigner_source := assigner_source assigner_source := Void l_error_level := error_level -- First type check the left operand l_as.left.process (Current) l_target_type := last_type if attached l_target_type then if l_target_type.is_separate then validate_separate_target (Void, l_as.left) l_is_controlled := is_controlled end l_left_type := l_target_type.actual_type if l_left_type.is_formal and then attached {FORMAL_A} l_left_type as l_formal then if l_formal.is_multi_constrained (l_context_current_class) then l_is_left_multi_constrained := True else l_left_constrained := l_formal.constrained_type (l_context_current_class) end else l_left_constrained := l_left_type end if l_needs_byte_node then l_left_expr ?= last_byte_node end if not l_is_left_multi_constrained then check l_left_constrained_attached: l_left_constrained /= Void end -- Check if target is not of type NONE if l_left_constrained.is_none then create l_vuex.make_for_none (l_as.operator_name) context.init_error (l_vuex) l_vuex.set_location (l_as.operator_location) error_handler.insert_error (l_vuex) end end if error_level = l_error_level then -- Then type check the right operand. -- Apply CAPs for semi-strict operators if applicable. if l_target_type.is_boolean and then attached if is_inherited then -- Use recorded information. l_target_type.base_class.feature_of_rout_id (l_as.routine_ids.first) else -- Lookup for an associated feature. l_target_type.base_class.feature_table.item_alias_id (l_as.operator_id) end as f then -- Rely on predefined feature name. inspect f.feature_name_id when {PREDEFINED_NAMES}.conjuncted_semistrict_name_id then create {AST_SCOPE_CONJUNCTIVE_EXPRESSION} scope_matcher.make (context) when {PREDEFINED_NAMES}.disjuncted_semistrict_name_id then create {AST_SCOPE_DISJUNCTIVE_EXPRESSION} scope_matcher.make (context) when {PREDEFINED_NAMES}.implication_name_id then create {AST_SCOPE_IMPLICATIVE_EXPRESSION} scope_matcher.make (context) else -- Some other operator. end end if scope_matcher /= Void then s := context.scope scope_matcher.add_scopes (l_as.left) end l_as.right.process (Current) if scope_matcher /= Void then context.set_scope (s) end if last_type /= Void then l_right_type := last_type.actual_type if l_right_type.is_formal and then attached {FORMAL_A} l_right_type as l_formal then if not l_formal.is_multi_constrained (l_context_current_class) then l_right_constrained := l_formal.constrained_type (l_context_current_class) end else l_right_constrained := l_right_type end if l_needs_byte_node then l_right_expr ?= last_byte_node end -- Conformance: take care of constrained genericity and -- of the balancing rule for the simple numeric types if is_inherited then if l_is_left_multi_constrained and then attached {FORMAL_A} l_left_type as l_formal then -- This code here is very similar to `process_access_feat_as'. -- Note: We do not need to protect against TUPLE access here since -- named tuples are not allowed in multiple-constraint. -- We need to iterate through the type set to find the routine of ID l_type_set := context.current_class.constraints (l_formal.position) l_type_set := l_type_set.constraining_types (context.current_class) l_result := l_type_set.feature_i_list_by_rout_id (l_as.routine_ids.first) check at_least_one_feature_found: l_result.count > 0 end -- As we inherited this feature there's the possiblity that now, from l_result.start until l_result.after or l_vtmc4 /= Void or l_error /= Void loop l_result_item := l_result.item last_alias_feature := l_result_item.feature_i l_left_constrained := l_result_item.cl_type.type l_class := l_left_constrained.base_class check_infix_feature (last_alias_feature, l_class, l_as, l_left_type, l_left_constrained, l_right_type) l_error := last_alias_error l_result.forth -- We inherited this feature. if l_error = Void then l_feature_type := last_alias_feature.type l_feature_type := l_feature_type.recomputed_in (l_left_type.as_implicitly_detachable.as_variant_free, l_context_current_class.class_id, l_left_constrained.as_implicitly_detachable.as_variant_free, l_class.class_id) if l_feature_type.has_like_argument then create l_arg_types.make (1) l_arg_types.extend (l_right_type) l_feature_type := l_feature_type.actual_argument_type (l_arg_types) end l_feature_type := l_feature_type.actual_type if l_last_feature_type = Void then l_last_feature_type := l_feature_type elseif not l_last_feature_type.same_as (l_feature_type) then -- The two features have redefined their return type differently. -- We don't allow this: Add an error, but continue checking as this only an additional -- check and does not break anything else. -- Note: If `like Current' is the type of the feature this is ok, as the type is adapted to the formal. create l_vtmc4 l_vtmc4.set_class (context.current_class) l_vtmc4.set_written_class (system.class_of_id (l_as.class_id)) l_vtmc4.set_feature (context.current_feature) l_vtmc4.set_location (l_as.start_location) l_vtmc4.set_feature_info (l_result) error_handler.insert_error (l_vtmc4) end end end else l_class := l_left_constrained.base_class last_alias_feature := l_class.feature_of_rout_id (l_as.routine_ids.first) check_infix_feature (last_alias_feature, l_class, l_as, l_left_type, l_left_constrained, l_right_type) l_error := last_alias_error end else if attached {LOCAL_TYPE_A} l_left_type as t and then attached t.operator_call (l_as.operator_id, l_context_current_class) as f then l_left_constrained := l_class := l_left_constrained.base_class l_left_type := l_target_type := l_left_type end if l_left_type.is_known then if is_infix_valid (l_left_type, l_right_type, l_as) then check last_calls_target_type /= Void end if l_left_constrained = Void then l_left_constrained := last_calls_target_type end else l_error := last_alias_error if not is_inherited and then l_left_type.convert_to (context.current_class, l_right_type.deep_actual_type) then l_target_conv_info := context.last_conversion_info if is_infix_valid (l_right_type, l_right_type, l_as) then l_right_constrained := last_calls_target_type l_left_constrained := l_right_constrained l_error := Void if attached scope_matcher then -- The target boolean type of a semi-strict operator is replaced with something else. -- Re-check the right-hand side for regular operator instead. context.set_scope (s) old_is_byte_node_enabled := is_byte_node_enabled is_byte_node_enabled := False l_as.right.process (Current) is_byte_node_enabled := old_is_byte_node_enabled end else l_target_conv_info := Void end end end end end check no_error_implies_feature: (l_error = Void and l_target_type.is_known) implies last_alias_feature /= Void end if error_level /= l_error_level then -- There was an error, ingnore further processing. elseif attached l_error then -- Raise error here. if attached {VWOE1} l_error then l_error.set_location (l_as.right.start_location) else l_error.set_location (l_as.operator_location) end error_handler.insert_error (l_error) elseif l_target_type.is_known then -- Process conversion if any. if l_target_conv_info /= Void then check no_conversion_if_right_type_is_formal: not l_right_type.is_formal therefore_l_right_constrained_not_void: l_right_constrained /= Void not_inherited: not is_inherited end l_class := l_right_constrained.base_class check not_is_inherited: not is_inherited end if l_target_conv_info.has_depend_unit then context.supplier_ids.extend (l_target_conv_info.depend_unit) end l_as.set_left (converted_expression (l_as.left, l_target_conv_info)) l_target_type := l_target_conv_info.target_type if l_needs_byte_node then l_left_expr := l_target_conv_info.byte_node (l_left_expr) end else l_class := l_left_constrained.base_class l_target_type := l_left_type end l_left_id := l_class.class_id if not l_target_type.is_attached and then is_void_safe_call then error_handler.insert_error (create {VUTA2}.make (context, l_target_type, l_as.operator_location)) end if not is_inherited then -- Set type informations set_routine_ids (last_alias_feature.rout_id_set, l_as) l_as.set_class_id (l_left_id) check_obsolescence (last_alias_feature, l_class, l_as.right.start_location) if context.current_class.is_catcall_detection_enabled then create l_arg_types.make (1) l_arg_types.extend (l_right_type) create l_parameters.make (1) l_parameters.extend (l_as.right) check_cat_call (l_target_type, last_alias_feature, l_arg_types, l_as.left.start_location, l_parameters) end end if last_infix_argument_conversion_info /= Void then check not_inherited: not is_inherited end if last_infix_argument_conversion_info.has_depend_unit then context.supplier_ids.extend (last_infix_argument_conversion_info.depend_unit) end l_as.set_right (converted_expression (l_as.right, last_infix_argument_conversion_info)) if l_needs_byte_node then l_right_expr ?= last_infix_argument_conversion_info.byte_node (l_right_expr) end end -- Suppliers update if not is_inherited then create l_depend_unit.make_with_level (l_left_id, last_alias_feature, depend_unit_level) context.supplier_ids.extend (l_depend_unit) end -- Update the type stack: instantiate result type of the -- infixed feature l_infix_type := last_alias_feature.type.recomputed_in (l_target_type.as_implicitly_detachable.as_variant_free, l_context_current_class.class_id, l_left_constrained.as_implicitly_detachable.as_variant_free, l_left_id) if l_infix_type.has_like_argument then create l_arg_types.make (1) l_arg_types.extend (l_right_type) l_infix_type := l_infix_type.actual_argument_type (l_arg_types) end l_infix_type := l_infix_type.actual_type if attached old_assigner_source then process_assigner_command (l_target_type, l_left_constrained, last_alias_feature) end adapt_type_to_target (l_infix_type, l_target_type, last_alias_feature, l_is_controlled, l_as, l_error_level, l_as.operator_location) if l_needs_byte_node then l_binary := byte_anchor.binary_node (l_as) l_binary.set_left (l_left_expr) l_binary.set_right (l_right_expr) l_call_access ?= last_alias_feature.access (last_type, True, l_target_type.is_separate) -- If we have a multi constrained formal we need to set the selected constrained type on which the call is done. if l_is_left_multi_constrained then l_call_access.set_multi_constraint_static (l_left_constrained.conformance_type) end l_binary.init (l_call_access) -- Add type to `parameters' in case we will need it later. l_binary.set_attachment (last_infix_arg_type) last_byte_node := l_binary end else set_type (unknown_type, l_as) end end end end if error_level /= l_error_level then reset_types end last_alias_error := Void last_alias_feature := Void last_infix_arg_type := Void last_infix_argument_conversion_info := Void end process_bin_and_then_as (l_as: BIN_AND_THEN_AS) do process_binary_as (l_as) end process_bin_free_as (l_as: BIN_FREE_AS) do process_binary_as (l_as) end process_bin_implies_as (l_as: BIN_IMPLIES_AS) local l_implies: B_IMPLIES_B l_bool_val: VALUE_I l_old_expr: like old_expressions do l_old_expr := old_expressions old_expressions := Void process_binary_as (l_as) if last_type /= Void and then is_byte_node_enabled then -- Special optimization, if the left-hand side is False, then -- expression is evaluated to True and we discard any new UN_OLD_AS -- expressions as they are not needed. l_implies ?= last_byte_node check l_implies_not_void: l_implies /= Void end l_bool_val := l_implies.left.evaluate if l_bool_val.is_boolean and then not l_bool_val.boolean_value then -- Expression can be simplified into a Boolean constant create {BOOL_CONST_B} last_byte_node.make (True) old_expressions := l_old_expr else -- Add any new UN_OLD_AS expression we found during type checking. if old_expressions = Void then old_expressions := l_old_expr elseif l_old_expr /= Void and old_expressions /= Void then old_expressions.append (l_old_expr) end end end end process_bin_or_as (l_as: BIN_OR_AS) do process_binary_as (l_as) end process_bin_or_else_as (l_as: BIN_OR_ELSE_AS) do process_binary_as (l_as) end process_bin_xor_as (l_as: BIN_XOR_AS) do process_binary_as (l_as) end process_bin_ge_as (l_as: BIN_GE_AS) do process_binary_as (l_as) end process_bin_gt_as (l_as: BIN_GT_AS) do process_binary_as (l_as) end process_bin_le_as (l_as: BIN_LE_AS) do process_binary_as (l_as) end process_bin_lt_as (l_as: BIN_LT_AS) do process_binary_as (l_as) end process_bin_div_as (l_as: BIN_DIV_AS) do process_binary_as (l_as) end process_bin_minus_as (l_as: BIN_MINUS_AS) do process_binary_as (l_as) end process_bin_mod_as (l_as: BIN_MOD_AS) do process_binary_as (l_as) end process_bin_plus_as (l_as: BIN_PLUS_AS) do process_binary_as (l_as) end process_bin_power_as (l_as: BIN_POWER_AS) do process_binary_as (l_as) end process_bin_slash_as (l_as: BIN_SLASH_AS) do process_binary_as (l_as) end process_bin_star_as (l_as: BIN_STAR_AS) do process_binary_as (l_as) end process_bin_and_as (l_as: BIN_AND_AS) do process_binary_as (l_as) end process_bin_eq_as (l_as: BIN_EQ_AS) local l_left_type, l_right_type: TYPE_A l_left_expr, l_right_expr: EXPR_B l_conv_info: CONVERSION_INFO l_binary: BINARY_B l_vweq: VWEQ l_needs_byte_node, l_conforming: BOOLEAN l_is_byte_node_simplified: BOOLEAN l_ne_as: BIN_NE_AS do l_needs_byte_node := is_byte_node_enabled -- First type check the left member l_as.left.process (Current) l_left_type := last_type if l_left_type /= Void and l_needs_byte_node then l_left_expr ?= last_byte_node end -- Then type check the right member l_as.right.process (Current) l_right_type := last_type if l_right_type /= Void and l_needs_byte_node then l_right_expr ?= last_byte_node end if l_left_type /= Void and then l_right_type /= Void then -- Check if `l_left_type' conforms to `l_right_type' or if -- `l_right_type' conforms to `l_left_type'. if not is_inherited then l_as.set_class_id (class_id_of (l_left_type)) end -- Check if right/left hand side types conform to their counterparts -- including the case when they conform to the detachable versions. -- The detachable variants are separated and protected for efficiency reasons, -- as otherwise it would be easier to compare to the detachable versions from the beginning. if not is_inherited and then not (l_left_type.conform_to (context.current_class, l_right_type.actual_type) or else l_right_type.conform_to (context.current_class, l_left_type.actual_type) or else l_right_type.actual_type.is_attached and then l_left_type.conform_to (context.current_class, l_right_type.actual_type.as_detachable_type) or else l_left_type.actual_type.is_attached and then l_right_type.conform_to (context.current_class, l_left_type.actual_type.as_detachable_type)) then if l_right_type.convert_to (context.current_class, l_left_type.deep_actual_type) then l_conv_info := context.last_conversion_info if l_conv_info.has_depend_unit then context.supplier_ids.extend (l_conv_info.depend_unit) end l_as.set_right (converted_expression (l_as.right, l_conv_info)) if l_needs_byte_node then l_right_expr := l_conv_info.byte_node (l_right_expr) end l_conforming := True elseif l_left_type.convert_to (context.current_class, l_right_type.deep_actual_type) then l_conv_info := context.last_conversion_info if l_conv_info.has_depend_unit then context.supplier_ids.extend (l_conv_info.depend_unit) end l_as.set_left (converted_expression (l_as.left, l_conv_info)) if l_needs_byte_node then l_left_expr := l_conv_info.byte_node (l_left_expr) end l_conforming := True end if not l_conforming then -- Report a warning (when enabled) except when comparing against -- Void if the other operand is expanded. That is to say it will -- not report an error for `a = Void' and `Void = a' if -- `a' is not expanded. if current_feature.written_in = context.current_class.class_id and then context.current_class.is_warning_enabled (w_vweq) and then ((l_left_type.is_none xor l_right_type.is_none) implies (l_left_type.is_expanded or l_right_type.is_expanded)) then create l_vweq context.init_error (l_vweq) l_vweq.set_left_type (l_left_type) l_vweq.set_right_type (l_right_type) l_vweq.set_location (l_as.operator_location) error_handler.insert_warning (l_vweq, context.current_class.is_warning_reported_as_error (w_vweq)) end if l_left_type.is_basic and l_right_type.is_basic then -- Non-compatible basic type always implies a False/true comparison. l_is_byte_node_simplified := True end end end if l_needs_byte_node then if l_is_byte_node_simplified then l_ne_as ?= l_as if l_ne_as /= Void then create {BOOL_CONST_B} last_byte_node.make (True) else create {BOOL_CONST_B} last_byte_node.make (False) end else l_binary := byte_anchor.binary_node (l_as) l_binary.set_left (l_left_expr) l_binary.set_right (l_right_expr) last_byte_node := l_binary end end end -- Regardless of a failure in either expressions, we can still assume the return -- type to be a BOOLEAN, that way we can detect all the other errors in the englobing -- expressions if any. set_type (boolean_type, l_as) end process_bin_ne_as (l_as: BIN_NE_AS) do process_bin_eq_as (l_as) end process_bin_tilde_as (l_as: BIN_TILDE_AS) do process_bin_eq_as (l_as) end process_bin_not_tilde_as (l_as: BIN_NOT_TILDE_AS) do process_bin_tilde_as (l_as) end process_bracket_as (l_as: BRACKET_AS) local old_assigner_source: like assigner_source constrained_target_type: TYPE_A target_expr: EXPR_B target_access: ACCESS_EXPR_B bracket_feature: FEATURE_I id_feature_name: ID_AS location: LOCATION_AS call_b: CALL_B nested_b: NESTED_B l_is_multi_constraint: BOOLEAN l_access_b: ACCESS_B l_is_qualified_call: BOOLEAN l_error_level: NATURAL_32 do -- Clean assigner call flag for bracket target old_assigner_source := assigner_source assigner_source := Void l_error_level := error_level -- Check target (Current) if attached last_type as l_target_type then if is_byte_node_enabled then target_expr ?= last_byte_node end l_is_multi_constraint := attached {FORMAL_A} last_type.actual_type as p and then not p.is_single_constraint_without_renaming (context.current_class) lookup_feature_alias ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.bracket_symbol_id, l_as, l_as.left_bracket_location, l_target_type) if attached last_alias_error as e then error_handler.insert_error (e) last_alias_error := Void else bracket_feature := last_alias_feature end if l_target_type.is_separate then validate_separate_target (bracket_feature.feature_name_32, end if l_error_level = error_level then if attached bracket_feature then -- Process arguments create id_feature_name.initialize_from_id (bracket_feature.feature_name_id) location := l_as.left_bracket_location id_feature_name.set_position (location.line, location.column, location.position, location.location_count, location.character_column, location.character_position, location.character_count) -- Restore assigner source. assigner_source := old_assigner_source constrained_target_type := last_calls_target_type -- Process call to bracket feature l_is_qualified_call := is_qualified_call is_qualified_call := True process_call (last_type, Void, id_feature_name, last_alias_feature, l_as.operands, False, False, True, False, False) if attached last_type as t then -- Record type for the call as a whole. set_type (t, l_as) end is_qualified_call := l_is_qualified_call if error_level = l_error_level and then is_byte_node_enabled then create nested_b create target_access.make (target_expr) target_access.set_parent (nested_b) if l_is_multi_constraint then l_access_b ?= last_byte_node -- Last generated bytenode is from `process_call'. check is_access_b: l_access_b /= Void end l_access_b.set_multi_constraint_static (constrained_target_type) call_b := l_access_b else call_b ?= last_byte_node end check call_b_not_void: call_b /= Void end call_b.set_parent (nested_b) nested_b.set_message (call_b) nested_b.set_target (target_access) last_byte_node := nested_b end else -- Target of the bracket expression is unknown. set_type (unknown_type, l_as) end end end if error_level /= l_error_level then reset_types end end process_object_test_as (l_as: OBJECT_TEST_AS) local l_needs_byte_node: BOOLEAN local_id: ID_AS local_name_id: INTEGER local_type: TYPE_A local_info: LOCAL_INFO local_b: OBJECT_TEST_LOCAL_B expr: EXPR_B l_has_type_error: BOOLEAN l_bin_ne: BIN_NE_B do l_needs_byte_node := is_byte_node_enabled -- Type check object-test local name if present. local_id := if attached local_id then local_name_id := local_id.name_id if not is_inherited and then (feature_table.has_id (local_name_id) or else current_feature.has_argument_name (local_name_id) or else context.locals.has (local_name_id) or else context.is_name_used (local_name_id)) then -- The local name is the same as one used for an entity in the current scope. error_handler.insert_error (create {VUOT1}.make_from_context (context, local_id)) end end -- There is no reason to check for object test local name clash -- as this will be detected and reported when their scopes intersect. if l_as.type /= Void then check_type (l_as.type) local_type := last_type if local_type /= Void then local_type := local_type.as_attached_in (context.current_class) if not is_inherited then -- No need to recheck for obsolete classes when checking inherited code. local_type.check_for_obsolete_class (context.current_class, context.current_feature) end if current_feature.written_in = context.current_class.class_id then instantiator.dispatch (local_type, context.current_class) end if local_type.has_associated_class then -- Add the supplier in the feature_dependance list context.supplier_ids.add_supplier (local_type.base_class) end else l_has_type_error := True end end -- Type check expression l_as.expression.process (Current) if attached last_type as expression_type and not l_has_type_error then if l_as.is_attached_keyword and local_type = Void then -- Set `local_type' to the type of the expression and make it attached. local_type := expression_type.as_attached_in (context.current_class) end check local_type_attached: local_type /= Void end if local_id /= Void or l_as.type /= Void then -- Avoid generating new object test local record when processing loop body multiple times. if local_id /= Void then local_info := context.unchecked_inline_local (local_id) end if local_info = Void and then (local_id /= Void or else l_needs_byte_node) then create local_info.make (local_type, context.next_inline_local_position) local_info.set_is_controlled (is_controlled) local_info.enable_is_used context.add_inline_local (local_info, if attached local_id then local_id else create {ID_AS}.initialize ("dummy_" + end) end if l_needs_byte_node then expr ?= last_byte_node create local_b.make (local_info.position, current_feature.body_index, local_type) create {OBJECT_TEST_B} last_byte_node.make (local_b, expr, expression_type.is_implicitly_attached, local_type.create_info, l_as.type = Void) end elseif l_needs_byte_node then create l_bin_ne expr ?= last_byte_node l_bin_ne.set_left (expr) l_bin_ne.set_right (create {VOID_B}) last_byte_node := l_bin_ne end end if l_needs_byte_node and then last_type = Void then -- Generate a stub. create {BOOL_CONST_B} last_byte_node.make (False) end set_type (boolean_type, l_as) end process_external_lang_as (l_as: EXTERNAL_LANG_AS) do -- Nothing to be done end process_feature_as (l_as: FEATURE_AS) local l_byte_code: BYTE_CODE l_list: BYTE_LIST [BYTE_NODE] l_property_name: STRING l_custom_attributes: EIFFEL_LIST [CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE_AS] l_error_level: NATURAL_32 do reset_byte_node l_error_level := error_level if current_feature.is_class then if current_feature.is_attribute then -- Ignore static external attributes. if attached current_feature.extension as e implies not e.is_static then report_vucr (create {VUCR_ATTRIBUTE}.make (current_feature, context.current_class, l_as.feature_name)) end elseif current_feature.is_object_relative_once then report_vucr (create {VUCR_ONCE}.make (current_feature, context.current_class, l_as.feature_name)) end end reset_for_unqualified_call_checking l_as.body.process (Current) if error_level = l_error_level then if is_byte_node_enabled then if attached {BYTE_CODE} last_byte_node as b then l_byte_code := b elseif not attached {IL_EXTENSION_I} current_feature.extension then create {ATTRIBUTE_BYTE_CODE} l_byte_code context.init_byte_code (l_byte_code) l_byte_code.set_end_location (l_as.end_location) end if attached l_byte_code then l_byte_code.set_start_line_number (l_as.start_location.line) l_byte_code.set_has_loop (has_loop) l_byte_code.set_has_hector (has_hector) end end -- For the moment, there is no point in checking custom attributes in non-dotnet mode. -- This fixes eweasel test#incr207. if system.il_generation then l_custom_attributes := l_as.custom_attributes if l_custom_attributes /= Void then l_custom_attributes.process (Current) if attached l_byte_code then l_list ?= last_byte_node l_byte_code.set_custom_attributes (l_list) end end l_custom_attributes := l_as.class_custom_attributes if l_custom_attributes /= Void then l_custom_attributes.process (Current) if attached l_byte_code then l_list ?= last_byte_node l_byte_code.set_class_custom_attributes (l_list) end end l_custom_attributes := l_as.interface_custom_attributes if l_custom_attributes /= Void then l_custom_attributes.process (Current) if attached l_byte_code then l_list ?= last_byte_node l_byte_code.set_interface_custom_attributes (l_list) end end end l_property_name := l_as.property_name if l_property_name /= Void then if attached l_byte_code then l_byte_code.set_property_name (l_property_name) end l_custom_attributes := l_as.property_custom_attributes -- See above comments for why it is only done in .NET mode. if l_custom_attributes /= Void and system.il_generation then l_custom_attributes.process (Current) if attached l_byte_code then l_list ?= last_byte_node l_byte_code.set_property_custom_attributes (l_list) end end end if is_byte_node_enabled then last_byte_node := l_byte_code end end end process_feature_name (l_as: FEATURE_NAME) do -- Nothing to be done end process_feature_name_alias_as (l_as: FEATURE_NAME_ALIAS_AS) do -- Nothing to be done. end process_feature_list_as (l_as: FEATURE_LIST_AS) do -- Nothing to be done end process_all_as (l_as: ALL_AS) do -- Nothing to be done end process_assign_as (l_as: ASSIGN_AS) local l_target_node: ACCESS_B l_source_expr: EXPR_B l_assign: ASSIGN_B l_ve03: VE03 l_source_type, l_target_type: TYPE_A target_attribute: FEATURE_I l_vjar: VJAR l_warning_level: like {ERROR_HANDLER}.warning_level l_reinitialized_variable: like last_reinitialized_variable l_error_level: NATURAL_32 do break_point_slot_count := break_point_slot_count + 1 l_error_level := error_handler.error_level -- Init type stack reset_for_unqualified_call_checking -- Type check the target. last_reinitialized_variable := 0 set_is_in_assignment (True) last_access_writable := False last_assignment_target := Void (Current) set_is_in_assignment (False) target_attribute := last_assignment_target last_assignment_target := Void -- Record initialized variable to commit it after the expression is processed. l_reinitialized_variable := last_reinitialized_variable l_target_type := last_type if l_target_type /= Void then current_target_type := l_target_type -- Check if the target is not read-only mode. if not last_access_writable then -- Read-only entity create l_ve03 context.init_error (l_ve03) l_ve03.set_target ( l_ve03.set_location ( error_handler.insert_error (l_ve03) end if is_byte_node_enabled then l_target_node ?= last_byte_node end end -- Type check the source l_as.source.process (Current) l_source_type := last_type if l_source_type /= Void and then l_target_type /= Void then -- Type checking l_warning_level := error_handler.warning_level process_type_compatibility (l_target_type) if not is_inherited then if l_target_type.is_like then system.conformance_checks.like_target := system.conformance_checks.like_target + 1 end if l_target_type.same_as (l_source_type) then system.conformance_checks.same := system.conformance_checks.same + 1 end system.conformance_checks.nb := system.conformance_checks.nb + 1 end if not is_type_compatible.is_compatible then create l_vjar context.init_error (l_vjar) l_vjar.set_source_type (l_source_type) l_vjar.set_target_type (l_target_type) l_vjar.set_target_name ( l_vjar.set_location (l_as.start_location) error_handler.insert_error (l_vjar) elseif attached target_attribute and then target_attribute.is_stable and then not l_source_type.is_implicitly_attached and then is_void_safe_conformance then error_handler.insert_error (create {VBAR2}.make (l_source_type, target_attribute, l_as.start_location, context)) else if l_warning_level /= error_handler.warning_level then error_handler.warning_list.last.set_location (l_as.start_location) end if not is_inherited and then is_type_compatible.conversion_info /= Void then l_as.set_source (converted_expression (l_as.source, is_type_compatible.conversion_info)) end end if l_error_level = error_handler.error_level and is_byte_node_enabled then -- Only create BYTE code if there is no error. l_source_expr ?= last_byte_node create l_assign.make (l_target_node, l_source_expr) l_assign.set_line_number ( l_assign.set_line_pragma (l_as.line_pragma) last_byte_node := l_assign end end if attached l_target_type and then l_reinitialized_variable /= 0 then if not attached l_source_type or else l_source_type.is_attached or else l_source_type.is_implicitly_attached then -- Local variable is initialized to a non-void value. -- (A non-void value is also assumed if there was an error -- when evaluating source to avoid spurious error.) if l_reinitialized_variable = result_name_id then context.add_result_instruction_scope context.set_result elseif l_reinitialized_variable > 0 then context.add_local_instruction_scope (l_reinitialized_variable) context.set_local (l_reinitialized_variable) else context.add_attribute_instruction_scope (- l_reinitialized_variable) end elseif l_source_type.is_initialization_required then -- Local variable might become Void, but it is set. if l_reinitialized_variable = result_name_id then context.remove_result_scope context.set_result elseif l_reinitialized_variable > 0 then context.remove_local_scope (l_reinitialized_variable) context.set_local (l_reinitialized_variable) end else -- Local variable might become Void, and it is unset. if l_reinitialized_variable = result_name_id then context.remove_result_scope context.unset_result elseif l_reinitialized_variable > 0 then context.remove_local_scope (l_reinitialized_variable) context.unset_local (l_reinitialized_variable) end end end end process_assigner_call_as (l_as: ASSIGNER_CALL_AS) -- local l_call_b: INSTR_CALL_B do break_point_slot_count := break_point_slot_count + 1 last_assigner_command := Void last_assignment_target := Void -- Set assigner call flag for target expression assigner_source := l_as.source (Current) is_last_access_tuple_access := False if attached assigner_source as s and then s /= l_as.source then -- The source might have been updated to change conversion into account. -- Save these changes for future use. l_as.set_source (s) end -- We need to wrap the NESTED_B instance that was created if type check was -- successful otherwise we would not generate the proper debugger hook. if is_byte_node_enabled and then attached {NESTED_B} last_byte_node as l_call then create l_call_b.make (l_call, l_as.source.start_location.line) l_call_b.set_line_pragma (l_as.line_pragma) last_byte_node := l_call_b end assigner_source := Void end process_reverse_as (l_as: REVERSE_AS) local l_target_node: ACCESS_B l_source_expr: EXPR_B l_reverse: REVERSE_B l_ve03: VE03 l_source_type, l_target_type: TYPE_A target_attribute: FEATURE_I l_vjrv1: VJRV1 l_vjrv2: VJRV2 l_vjrv3: VJRV3 l_attribute: ATTRIBUTE_B l_create_info: CREATE_INFO l_reinitialized_variable: like last_reinitialized_variable do break_point_slot_count := break_point_slot_count + 1 -- Init type stack reset_for_unqualified_call_checking -- Type check the target last_reinitialized_variable := 0 last_access_writable := False set_is_in_assignment (True) last_assignment_target := Void (Current) target_attribute := last_assignment_target last_assignment_target := Void set_is_in_assignment (False) l_target_type := last_type l_reinitialized_variable := last_reinitialized_variable if l_target_type /= Void then current_target_type := l_target_type -- Check if the target is not read-only mode. if not last_access_writable then -- Read-only entity create l_ve03 context.init_error (l_ve03) l_ve03.set_target ( l_ve03.set_location ( error_handler.insert_error (l_ve03) elseif l_target_type.is_expanded then if not is_inherited and context.current_class.is_warning_enabled (w_vjrv) then create l_vjrv1 context.init_error (l_vjrv1) l_vjrv1.set_target_name ( l_vjrv1.set_target_type (l_target_type) l_vjrv1.set_location ( error_handler.insert_warning (l_vjrv1, context.current_class.is_warning_reported_as_error (w_vjrv)) end elseif is_void_safe_conformance and then (l_target_type.is_attached or else l_target_type.is_initialization_required) then -- Allowing assignment attempts on attached entities does not make sense -- since we cannot guarantee that the entity will not be Void after. create l_vjrv3 context.init_error (l_vjrv3) l_vjrv3.set_target_name ( l_vjrv3.set_target_type (l_target_type) l_vjrv3.set_location ( error_handler.insert_error (l_vjrv3) elseif attached target_attribute and then target_attribute.is_stable and then is_void_safe_conformance then error_handler.insert_error (create {VBAR2}.make (l_target_type.as_detachable_type, target_attribute, l_as.start_location, context)) elseif l_target_type.actual_type.is_formal then check attached {FORMAL_A} l_target_type.actual_type as l_formal then if not l_formal.is_reference and (not is_inherited and context.current_class.is_warning_enabled (w_vjrv)) then create l_vjrv2 context.init_error (l_vjrv2) l_vjrv2.set_target_name ( l_vjrv2.set_target_type (l_target_type) l_vjrv2.set_location ( error_handler.insert_warning (l_vjrv2, context.current_class.is_warning_reported_as_error (w_vjrv)) end end end if is_byte_node_enabled then l_target_node ?= last_byte_node end -- Type check the source l_as.source.process (Current) l_source_type := last_type if l_source_type /= Void then if is_byte_node_enabled then l_source_expr ?= last_byte_node create l_reverse.make (l_target_node, l_source_expr) l_reverse.set_line_number ( l_reverse.set_line_pragma (l_as.line_pragma) if l_target_node.is_attribute then l_attribute ?= l_target_node create {CREATE_FEAT} l_create_info.make (l_attribute.attribute_id, l_attribute.routine_id) if system.il_generation then -- we need to record into current class context.current_class.extend_type_set (l_attribute.routine_id) end else l_create_info := l_target_type.create_info end l_reverse.set_info (l_create_info) last_byte_node := l_reverse end if l_reinitialized_variable /= 0 then -- Local variable might become Void. if l_reinitialized_variable = result_name_id then context.remove_result_scope context.unset_result elseif l_reinitialized_variable > 0 then context.remove_local_scope (l_reinitialized_variable) context.unset_local (l_reinitialized_variable) end end elseif l_reinitialized_variable /= 0 then -- The was an error evaluating source expression. -- Mark target as attached to avoid spurious errors. if l_reinitialized_variable = result_name_id then context.add_result_instruction_scope context.set_result elseif l_reinitialized_variable > 0 then context.add_local_instruction_scope (l_reinitialized_variable) context.set_local (l_reinitialized_variable) else context.add_attribute_instruction_scope (- l_reinitialized_variable) end end end end process_check_as (l_as: CHECK_AS) local l_check: CHECK_B l_list: BYTE_LIST [BYTE_NODE] s: like {AST_CONTEXT}.scope do if l_as.check_list /= Void then -- Attachment properties are not propagated outside the check instruction. set_is_checking_check (True) s := context.scope if is_void_safe_construct then -- Strict void safety: no variables change their attachment status because of this assertion. context.enter_realm process_eiffel_list_with_matcher (l_as.check_list, create {AST_SCOPE_ASSERTION}.make (context), Void) context.leave_optional_realm context.set_scope (s) else -- Soft void safety: variables may change attachment status because of this assertion. process_eiffel_list_with_matcher (l_as.check_list, create {AST_SCOPE_ASSERTION}.make (context), Void) context.remove_object_test_scopes (s) end set_is_checking_check (False) if is_byte_node_enabled then l_list ?= last_byte_node create l_check l_check.set_check_list (l_list) l_check.set_line_number (l_as.check_list.start_location.line) l_check.set_end_location (l_as.end_keyword) l_check.set_line_pragma (l_as.line_pragma) last_byte_node := l_check end elseif is_byte_node_enabled then create l_check l_check.set_end_location (l_as.end_keyword) l_check.set_line_pragma (l_as.line_pragma) last_byte_node := l_check end end process_creation_call (f: detachable FEATURE_I; t: detachable TYPE_A; c: detachable CLASS_C; a: ACCESS_FEAT_AS; n: AST_EIFFEL; r: TYPE_A) -- Process a call to creation feature `f` on base type `t` from class `c` of creation type `r` -- updating `last_type` associated with node `n` and `last_calls_target_type`. require attached f ⇒ attached t local target_type: TYPE_A creation_procedure: FEATURE_I creation_type: TYPE_A do target_type := t creation_type := r if attached t and then attached c and then c.is_once then creation_procedure := f if not attached creation_procedure then creation_procedure := if is_inherited then c.feature_of_rout_id (a.routine_ids.first) else c.feature_of_name_id (a.feature_name.name_id) end end end last_calls_target_type := target_type process_call (creation_type, Void, a.feature_name, f, a.parameters, False, False, False, False, False) -- Set type after evaluating the call to override `last_type` set to `VOID_A`. set_type (creation_type, n) end process_abstract_creation (a_creation_type: TYPE_A; a_call: ACCESS_FEAT_AS; a_name: STRING; typed_node: AST_EIFFEL; a_location: LOCATION_AS) require a_creation_type_not_void: a_creation_type /= Void a_location_not_void: a_location /= Void local l_call_access: ROUTINE_B l_formal_type: FORMAL_A l_generic_type: GEN_TYPE_A l_formal_dec: FORMAL_CONSTRAINT_AS l_creation_class: CLASS_C l_creation_type: TYPE_A l_renamed_creation_type: RENAMED_TYPE_A l_is_formal_creation, l_is_default_creation: BOOLEAN l_feature, l_feature_item: FEATURE_I l_orig_call, l_call: ACCESS_FEAT_AS l_vgcc1: VGCC1 l_vgcc11: VGCC11 l_vgcc2: VGCC2 l_vgcc4: VGCC4 l_vgcc5: VGCC5 l_creators: like {CLASS_C}.creators l_needs_byte_node: BOOLEAN l_actual_creation_type: TYPE_A l_type_set: TYPE_SET_A l_constraint_type, l_last_type: TYPE_A l_deferred_classes: ARRAYED_LIST [CLASS_C] l_is_multi_constraint_case: BOOLEAN l_is_deferred: BOOLEAN l_constraint_creation_list: LIST [TUPLE [type_item: RENAMED_TYPE_A; feature_item: FEATURE_I]] l_ccl_item: TUPLE [type_item: RENAMED_TYPE_A; feature_item: FEATURE_I] l_mc_feature_info: MC_FEATURE_INFO l_result: LIST [TUPLE [feature_i: FEATURE_I; cl_type: RENAMED_TYPE_A]] l_result_item: TUPLE [feature_i: FEATURE_I; cl_type: RENAMED_TYPE_A] l_original_default_create_name_id: INTEGER l_context_current_class: CLASS_C l_error_level: NATURAL_32 l_is_qualified_call: BOOLEAN is_target_type_known: BOOLEAN do l_error_level := error_level l_needs_byte_node := is_byte_node_enabled l_orig_call := a_call l_actual_creation_type := a_creation_type.actual_type l_context_current_class := context.current_class is_target_type_known := True l_generic_type ?= l_actual_creation_type if l_actual_creation_type.is_formal then -- Cannot be Void l_formal_type ?= l_actual_creation_type if l_formal_type.is_single_constraint_without_renaming (l_context_current_class) then l_constraint_type := l_formal_type.constrained_type (l_context_current_class).as_attached_in (context.current_class) l_creation_type := l_constraint_type l_creation_class := l_constraint_type.base_class l_is_deferred := l_creation_class.is_deferred else l_is_multi_constraint_case := True l_type_set := l_formal_type.constrained_types (l_context_current_class) l_is_deferred := l_type_set.has_deferred end -- Get the corresponding constraint type of the current class l_formal_dec ?= l_context_current_class.generics.i_th (l_formal_type.position) check l_formal_dec_not_void: l_formal_dec /= Void end if l_formal_dec.has_constraint and then l_formal_dec.has_creation_constraint then l_is_formal_creation := True -- Ensure to update `has_default_create' from `l_formal_dec' l_formal_dec.constraint_creation_list (l_context_current_class).do_nothing else -- An entity of type a formal generic parameter cannot be -- created here because there is no creation routine constraints create l_vgcc1 context.init_error (l_vgcc1) l_vgcc1.set_target_name (a_name) l_vgcc1.set_location (a_location) error_handler.insert_error (l_vgcc1); end else if l_generic_type /= Void then l_generic_type.reset_constraint_error_list l_generic_type.check_constraints (l_context_current_class , context.current_feature, True) l_generic_type.generate_error_from_creation_constraint_list (l_context_current_class , context.current_feature, a_location) end l_constraint_type := l_actual_creation_type l_creation_type := l_constraint_type if l_creation_type.is_known then l_creation_class := l_constraint_type.base_class l_is_deferred := l_creation_class.is_deferred else is_target_type_known := False end end if error_level = l_error_level then if l_is_deferred and then not l_is_formal_creation then -- Associated class cannot be deferred if l_is_multi_constraint_case then -- We generate a list of all the deferred classes in the type set l_deferred_classes := l_type_set.deferred_classes else -- There's only one class and it is deferred create l_deferred_classes.make (1) l_deferred_classes.extend (l_creation_class) end create l_vgcc2 context.init_error (l_vgcc2) l_vgcc2.set_type (a_creation_type) l_vgcc2.set_deferred_classes (l_deferred_classes) l_vgcc2.set_target_name (a_name) l_vgcc2.set_location (a_location) error_handler.insert_error (l_vgcc2) elseif is_target_type_known then if l_orig_call = Void and then ((l_creation_class /= Void and then l_creation_class.allows_default_creation) or else (l_is_formal_creation and then l_formal_dec.has_default_create)) then if l_creation_class /= Void then check not_is_multi_constraint_case: not l_is_multi_constraint_case end l_feature := l_creation_class.default_create_feature l_creation_type := l_creation_class.actual_type l_original_default_create_name_id := l_feature.feature_name_id else check is_multi_constrainet_case: l_is_multi_constraint_case l_formal_type_not_void: l_formal_type /= Void l_formal_dec_not_void: l_formal_dec /= Void l_creation_class_is_void: l_creation_class = Void second_part_of_if_is_true: l_is_formal_creation and then l_formal_dec.has_default_create end -- What we want to do is the following: -- We go through the list of creation constraints and have a look at each feature. -- If a feature is a version of `default_create' from `ANY' we record it. -- We should find exactly one feature as otherwise l_formal_dec.has_default_create should not have been true. l_constraint_creation_list := l_formal_dec.constraint_creation_list (l_context_current_class) from l_constraint_creation_list.start until l_constraint_creation_list.after or l_creation_class /= Void loop l_ccl_item := l_constraint_creation_list.item l_feature_item := l_ccl_item.feature_item if l_feature_item.rout_id_set.first = system.default_create_rout_id then l_feature := l_feature_item l_renamed_creation_type := l_ccl_item.type_item if l_renamed_creation_type.has_renaming then l_original_default_create_name_id := l_renamed_creation_type.renaming.new_name (l_feature.feature_name_id) else l_original_default_create_name_id := l_feature.feature_name_id end l_creation_type := l_renamed_creation_type.type.as_attached_in (context.current_class) l_creation_class := l_creation_type.base_class set_type (l_creation_type, a_call) end l_constraint_creation_list.forth end check found_item_was_the_only_one: (agent (a_constraint_creation_list: LIST [TUPLE [type_item: RENAMED_TYPE_A; feature_item: FEATURE_I]]): BOOLEAN -- Check that there is no more version of default create. --| Otherwise we should never get in here as `l_formal_dec.has_default_create' --| should have returned false and prevented this from happening. do Result := True from do_nothing until a_constraint_creation_list.after loop if a_constraint_creation_list.item.feature_item.rout_id_set.first = system.default_create_rout_id then Result := False end a_constraint_creation_list.forth end end).item ([l_constraint_creation_list]) end end check l_feature /= Void end check l_creation_class /= Void end -- Use default_create create {ACCESS_INV_AS} l_call.make ( create {ID_AS}.initialize_from_id (l_original_default_create_name_id), Void, Void) -- For better error reporting as we insert a dummy call for type checking. l_call.feature_name.set_position (a_location.line, a_location.column, a_location.position, a_location.location_count, a_location.character_column, a_location.character_position, a_location.character_count) -- The line below is to ensure that a call to `default_create' will be -- generated (see eweasel test#exec280) but only for non .NET classes -- (see eweasel test#dotnet007). if l_creation_class = Void or else not l_creation_class.is_external then l_orig_call := l_call end -- The AST node is temporary, there is no need to keep track -- of its modification by calling `set_routine_ids'. l_call.set_routine_ids (l_feature.rout_id_set) l_is_default_creation := True else l_call := l_orig_call end if l_creation_class /= Void then l_creators := l_creation_class.creators end if l_call /= Void then -- A creation call has to be considered as a qualified call. -- This fixes eweasel test#term161. l_is_qualified_call := is_qualified_call is_qualified_call := True if is_inherited then if l_is_multi_constraint_case then -- We need to iterate through the type set to find the routine of ID check -- It should work as we are in the multi constraint case l_formal_type_not_void: l_formal_type /= Void end l_result := l_type_set.feature_i_list_by_rout_id (l_call.routine_ids.first) check at_least_one_feature_found: l_result.count > 0 end from l_result.start until l_result.after loop l_result_item := l_result.item l_feature := l_result_item.feature_i l_creation_type := l_result_item.cl_type.type l_creation_class := l_creation_type.base_class last_calls_target_type := l_creation_type -- Store `last_type' as it will be reset by call to `process_call' to the type -- of the procedure, that is to say Void and thus will cause an incorrect VKCN(3) error -- to be reported. l_last_type := last_type -- Type check the call process_creation_call (l_feature, l_creation_type, l_creation_class, l_call, typed_node, a_creation_type) -- Even though this code is very similar to the one in `process_access_feat_as' we do not -- need to adapt last_type as this is a creation procedure without a result, but we still -- need to restore it. last_type := l_last_type l_result.forth end -- Martins 3/29/2007 -- After the loop we simply continue with whatever feature was last found. -- Is this a good idea? Well, it depends: -- We have done all checks, so whatever it might be, we're fine. -- But if we would have to generate new code (replication?) it is not decideable what to do -- because the selection of the static type of the call has an influence to the dynamic binding. -- And we have possibly more than one possibility to chose from and they are equally acceptable. fixme ("Possibly a multi constraint issue (in the future) regarding dynamic binding.") else check l_creation_class_not_void: l_creation_class /= Void end l_feature := l_creation_class.feature_of_rout_id (l_call.routine_ids.first) process_creation_call (l_feature, l_creation_type, l_creation_class, l_call, typed_node, a_creation_type) end else -- Type check the call process_creation_call (l_feature, l_creation_type, l_creation_class, l_call, typed_node, a_creation_type) end is_qualified_call := l_is_qualified_call if error_level = l_error_level then if not is_inherited then -- Set some type informations if l_is_multi_constraint_case then check last_calls_target_not_void: last_calls_target_type /= Void conforming: l_creation_class /= Void implies last_calls_target_type.base_class.conform_to (l_creation_class) end l_call.set_class_id (last_calls_target_type.base_class.class_id) else l_call.set_class_id (l_creation_class.class_id) end -- Note that `last_routine_id_set' could be Void in case it is -- a named tuple access. if last_routine_id_set /= Void then set_routine_ids (last_routine_id_set, l_call) end end if l_needs_byte_node and then l_orig_call /= Void then l_call_access ?= last_byte_node if l_is_multi_constraint_case and then l_is_default_creation then check no_static_set: not l_call_access.has_multi_constraint_static end l_call_access.set_multi_constraint_static (l_creation_type) end end if not l_is_formal_creation then -- Check if creation routine is non-once procedure if not l_creation_class.valid_creation_procedure (last_feature_name) then create l_vgcc5 context.init_error (l_vgcc5) l_vgcc5.set_target_name (a_name) l_vgcc5.set_type (a_creation_type) l_vgcc5.set_creation_feature (l_creation_class.feature_table.item (last_feature_name)) l_vgcc5.set_location (l_call.feature_name) error_handler.insert_error (l_vgcc5) elseif attached l_creators and then not l_creators.item (last_feature_name_id).valid_for (l_context_current_class) then -- Creation procedure is not exported create l_vgcc5 context.init_error (l_vgcc5) l_vgcc5.set_target_name (a_name) l_vgcc5.set_type (a_creation_type) l_vgcc5.set_creation_feature ( l_creation_class.feature_table.item_id (last_feature_name_id)) l_vgcc5.set_location (l_call.feature_name) error_handler.insert_error (l_vgcc5) end else -- Check that the creation feature used for creating the generic -- parameter has been listed in the constraint for the generic -- parameter. if not l_formal_dec.has_creation_feature_name_id (last_actual_feature_name_id) then create l_vgcc11 context.init_error (l_vgcc11) l_vgcc11.set_target_name (a_name) if l_is_multi_constraint_case then l_mc_feature_info := l_type_set.info_about_feature_by_name_id (last_original_feature_name_id, l_formal_type.position, l_context_current_class) if not l_mc_feature_info.is_empty then l_vgcc11.set_creation_feature (l_mc_feature_info.first.feature_i) end else check l_creation_class /= Void end l_vgcc11.set_creation_feature (l_creation_class.feature_table.item (last_feature_name)) end l_vgcc11.set_location (l_call.feature_name) error_handler.insert_error (l_vgcc11) end end end else if not l_is_formal_creation then if not attached l_creators or l_is_default_creation then elseif l_creators.is_empty then create l_vgcc5 context.init_error (l_vgcc5) l_vgcc5.set_target_name (a_name) l_vgcc5.set_type (a_creation_type) l_vgcc5.set_creation_feature (Void) l_vgcc5.set_location (a_location) error_handler.insert_error (l_vgcc5) else create l_vgcc4 context.init_error (l_vgcc4) l_vgcc4.set_target_name (a_name) l_vgcc4.set_type (a_creation_type) l_vgcc4.set_location (a_location) error_handler.insert_error (l_vgcc4) end else -- An entity of type a formal generic parameter cannot be -- created here because we need a creation routine call create l_vgcc1 context.init_error (l_vgcc1) l_vgcc1.set_target_name (a_name) l_vgcc1.set_location (a_location) error_handler.insert_error (l_vgcc1) end end if l_needs_byte_node then last_byte_node := l_call_access end end end end generate_creation ( l_is_active: BOOLEAN; l_access: ACCESS_B; l_call_access: ROUTINE_B; l_creation_type: TYPE_A; l_explicit_type: TYPE_A; l: LOCATION_AS) require l_access_attached: l_access /= Void l_creation_type_attached: l_creation_type /= Void local t: TYPE_A l_creation_expr: CREATION_EXPR_B l_assign: ASSIGN_B l_create_info: CREATE_INFO do t := l_creation_type -- Compute creation information if t.is_expanded then -- Even if there is an anchor, once a type is expanded it -- cannot change. t := t.conformance_type if t.is_formal then -- Even if the constraint is expanded, we still keep the formal information -- for creation. This fixes eweasel test#final093. l_create_info := t.create_info else create {CREATE_TYPE} l_create_info.make (t) end elseif not attached l_explicit_type and then attached {ATTRIBUTE_B} l_access as l_attribute then -- When we create an attribute without a type specification, -- then we need to create an instance matching the possible redeclared -- type of the attribute in descendant classes. create {CREATE_FEAT} l_create_info.make (l_attribute.attribute_id, l_attribute.routine_id) else l_create_info := t.create_info end if system.il_generation and attached {CREATE_FEAT} l_create_info as l_info then -- We need to record into current class that there is a creation -- using a feature, i.e. an anchor. This fixes eweasel test#dotnet100. context.current_class.extend_type_set (l_info.routine_id) end create l_creation_expr l_creation_expr.set_is_active (l_is_active) l_creation_expr.set_info (l_create_info) -- When this is not `default_create'. if l_call_access /= Void then l_creation_expr.set_call (l_call_access) l_creation_expr.set_multi_constraint_static (l_call_access.multi_constraint_static) end check t /= Void end l_creation_expr.set_type (t) l_creation_expr.set_creation_instruction (True) l_creation_expr.set_line_number (l.line) create l_assign.make (l_access, l_creation_expr) l_assign.set_line_number (l.line) check l_assign.is_creation_instruction end last_byte_node := l_assign end process_debug_as (l_as: DEBUG_AS) local l_debug: DEBUG_B l_list: BYTE_LIST [BYTE_NODE] l_node_keys: ARRAYED_LIST [STRING] do if l_as.compound /= Void then context.enter_realm process_compound (l_as.compound) context.leave_optional_realm if is_byte_node_enabled then l_list ?= last_byte_node create l_debug l_debug.set_compound (l_list) if l_as.keys /= Void then from create l_node_keys.make (0) l_node_keys.start l_as.keys.start until l_as.keys.after loop l_node_keys.extend (l_as.keys.item.value) l_as.keys.forth end l_debug.set_keys (l_node_keys) end l_debug.set_line_number (l_as.compound.start_location.line) l_debug.set_end_location (l_as.end_keyword) l_debug.set_line_pragma (l_as.line_pragma) last_byte_node := l_debug end elseif is_byte_node_enabled then create l_debug l_debug.set_end_location (l_as.end_keyword) last_byte_node := l_debug end end process_guard_as (l_as: GUARD_AS) local a: BYTE_LIST [BYTE_NODE] c: BYTE_LIST [BYTE_NODE] g: GUARD_B s: like {AST_CONTEXT}.scope l_needs_byte_node: BOOLEAN do l_needs_byte_node := is_byte_node_enabled context.enter_realm s := context.scope if attached l_as.check_list as l then -- Type check assertions. process_eiffel_list_with_matcher (l, create {AST_SCOPE_ASSERTION}.make (context), Void) if l_needs_byte_node then a ?= last_byte_node end -- If there is a false value, the instruction always fails. if l.there_exists ( agent (t: TAGGED_AS): BOOLEAN do Result := attached {BOOL_AS} t.expr as b and then not b.value end ) then context.set_all end end if attached l_as.compound as l then -- Type check compound. process_compound (l) if l_needs_byte_node then c ?= last_byte_node end end context.set_scope (s) context.leave_realm if l_needs_byte_node then create g.make (a, c, l_as.end_keyword) if attached l_as.start_location as l then g.set_line_number (l.line) end g.set_line_pragma (l_as.line_pragma) last_byte_node := g end end process_if_as (l_as: IF_AS) local l_vwbe1: VWBE1 l_needs_byte_node: BOOLEAN l_if: IF_B l_expr: EXPR_B l_list: BYTE_LIST [BYTE_NODE] s: like {AST_CONTEXT}.scope scope_matcher: AST_SCOPE_MATCHER do l_needs_byte_node := is_byte_node_enabled break_point_slot_count := break_point_slot_count + 1 -- Type check the test l_as.condition.process (Current) if last_type /= Void then if l_needs_byte_node then create l_if l_expr ?= last_byte_node l_if.set_condition (l_expr) l_if.set_line_pragma (l_as.line_pragma) end -- Check conformance to boolean if not last_type.actual_type.is_known then -- Record expected type. last_type.actual_type.conform_to (context.current_class, boolean_type).do_nothing elseif not last_type.actual_type.is_boolean then create l_vwbe1 context.init_error (l_vwbe1) l_vwbe1.set_type (last_type) l_vwbe1.set_location (l_as.condition.end_location) error_handler.insert_error (l_vwbe1) end else -- An error occurred, no byte code generation can be allowed. l_needs_byte_node := False end -- Type check on compound context.enter_realm create {AST_SCOPE_CONJUNCTIVE_CONDITION} scope_matcher.make (context) s := context.scope scope_matcher.add_scopes (l_as.condition) if l_as.compound /= Void then process_compound (l_as.compound) if l_needs_byte_node then l_list ?= last_byte_node l_if.set_compound (l_list) end end context.set_scope (s) context.save_sibling create {AST_SCOPE_DISJUNCTIVE_CONDITION} scope_matcher.make (context) s := context.scope scope_matcher.add_scopes (l_as.condition) context.update_realm -- Type check on alternaltives compounds if l_as.elsif_list /= Void then l_as.elsif_list.process (Current) if l_needs_byte_node then l_list ?= last_byte_node l_if.set_elsif_list (l_list) end end -- Type check on default compound if l_as.else_part /= Void then process_compound (l_as.else_part) if l_needs_byte_node then l_list ?= last_byte_node l_if.set_else_part (l_list) end end -- Even though Else part might be empty, -- we record its void safety information. context.save_sibling context.set_scope (s) context.leave_realm if l_needs_byte_node then l_if.set_line_number (l_as.condition.start_location.line) l_if.set_end_location (l_as.end_keyword) last_byte_node := l_if end end process_if_expression_as (l_as: IF_EXPRESSION_AS) -- local l_vwbe1: VWBE1 l_needs_byte_node: BOOLEAN l_if: IF_EXPRESSION_B l_condition: detachable EXPR_B l_then_expression: detachable EXPR_B l_else_expression: detachable EXPR_B l_list: BYTE_LIST [ELSIF_EXPRESSION_B] s: like {AST_CONTEXT}.scope scope_matcher: AST_SCOPE_MATCHER l_expression_type: detachable TYPE_A l_error_level: like error_level l_type_list: like last_expressions_type old_expressions_type: like last_expressions_type do old_expressions_type := last_expressions_type last_expressions_type := Void l_error_level := error_level l_needs_byte_node := is_byte_node_enabled break_point_slot_count := break_point_slot_count + 1 -- Type check the test l_as.condition.process (Current) if last_type /= Void then if l_needs_byte_node and then attached {EXPR_B} last_byte_node as c then l_condition := c end -- Check conformance to boolean if not last_type.actual_type.is_known then -- Record expected type. last_type.actual_type.conform_to (context.current_class, boolean_type).do_nothing elseif not last_type.actual_type.is_boolean then create l_vwbe1 context.init_error (l_vwbe1) l_vwbe1.set_type (last_type) l_vwbe1.set_location (l_as.condition.end_location) error_handler.insert_error (l_vwbe1) end end -- Type check on expression. context.enter_realm create {AST_SCOPE_CONJUNCTIVE_CONDITION} scope_matcher.make (context) s := context.scope scope_matcher.add_scopes (l_as.condition) l_as.then_expression.process (Current) if attached last_type as e then create l_type_list.make (if attached l_as.elsif_list as l then l.count else 0 end + 2) l_type_list.extend (e) last_expressions_type := l_type_list l_expression_type := e if l_needs_byte_node and then attached {EXPR_B} last_byte_node as t then l_then_expression := t end end context.set_scope (s) context.save_sibling create {AST_SCOPE_DISJUNCTIVE_CONDITION} scope_matcher.make (context) s := context.scope scope_matcher.add_scopes (l_as.condition) context.update_realm -- Type check on alternaltives compounds if attached l_expression_type and then attached l_as.elsif_list as l then create l_list.make (l.count) process_eiffel_list_with_matcher (l, Void, l_list) end -- Type check on default expression. l_as.else_expression.process (Current) if attached last_type as t and then l_needs_byte_node and then attached {EXPR_B} last_byte_node as e then if attached l_type_list then l_type_list.extend (t) l_expression_type := maximal_type (l_type_list) end l_else_expression := e end -- Even though Else part might be empty, -- we record its void safety information. context.save_sibling context.set_scope (s) context.leave_realm if attached l_condition and then attached l_then_expression and then attached l_else_expression then create l_if.make (l_condition, l_then_expression, l_list, l_else_expression, l_expression_type, l_as.end_keyword) l_if.set_line_number (l_as.condition.start_location.line) last_byte_node := l_if end if error_level = l_error_level then -- Update expression type. set_type (l_expression_type, l_as) else reset_types end last_expressions_type := old_expressions_type end process_inspect_abstraction (a: INSPECT_ABSTRACTION_AS [CASE_ABSTRACTION_AS [detachable AST_EIFFEL], detachable AST_EIFFEL]; f: MULTI_BRANCH_FACTORY) local l_vomb1: VOMB1 l_controler: detachable INSPECT_CONTROL l_inspect: ABSTRACT_INSPECT_B [ABSTRACT_CASE_B [BYTE_NODE], BYTE_NODE] l_constraint_type: TYPE_A l_formal: FORMAL_A l_type: TYPE_A s: like context.scope local_info: LOCAL_INFO o: OBJECT_TEST_LOCAL_B nested_b: NESTED_B do break_point_slot_count := break_point_slot_count + 1 a.switch.process (Current) if attached last_type as t then if is_byte_node_enabled and then attached {EXPR_B} last_byte_node as e then if not t.is_basic and then attached t.base_class as b and then attached b.feature_of_name_id (names_heap.inspect_attribute_name_id) as i then create local_info.make (t, context.next_inline_local_position) local_info.enable_is_used context.add_inline_local (local_info, create {ID_AS}.initialize ("dummy_" + create o.make (local_info.position, current_feature.body_index, t) create nested_b nested_b.set_target (o) nested_b.set_message (i.access (i.type, True, False)) nested_b.message.set_parent (nested_b) l_inspect := f.new_construct (create {IF_EXPRESSION_B}.make (create {OBJECT_TEST_B}.make (o, e, t.is_implicitly_attached, t.create_info, True), nested_b, Void, create {INTEGER_CONSTANT}.make_from_type (i.type, False, "0"), i.type, Void), a) else l_inspect := f.new_construct (e, a) end end l_type := t.actual_type if not l_type.is_formal then l_constraint_type := l_type elseif attached {FORMAL_A} l_type as formal_type and then not l_formal.is_multi_constrained (context.current_class) then l_constraint_type := formal_type.constrained_type (context.current_class) end -- Check if the expression type conforms to INTEGER_NN, CHARACTER_NN, NATURAL_NN, enum or -- an attached type based on a once class. if attached l_constraint_type implies (not l_constraint_type.is_integer and then not l_constraint_type.is_character and then not l_constraint_type.is_natural and then not l_constraint_type.is_enum and then not (attached l_constraint_type.base_class as b and then b.is_once and then (is_void_safe_conformance implies l_constraint_type.is_implicitly_attached)) and then l_constraint_type.is_known) then -- Error create l_vomb1 context.init_error (l_vomb1) l_vomb1.set_type (l_type) l_vomb1.set_location (a.switch.end_location) error_handler.insert_error (l_vomb1) else -- Initialization of the multi-branch controler if no errors are detected. create l_controler.make (l_constraint_type) end end inspect_controlers.put_front (l_controler) context.enter_realm if attached a.case_list as l then process_eiffel_list_with_matcher (l, Void, f.new_case_list (l.count)) if attached l_inspect and then attached {like {ABSTRACT_INSPECT_B [ABSTRACT_CASE_B [detachable BYTE_NODE], detachable BYTE_NODE]}.case_list} last_byte_node as b then l_inspect.set_case_list (b.remove_voids) end end if attached a.else_part as e then s := context.scope e.process (Current) context.set_scope (s) context.save_sibling if attached last_expressions_type as ts and then attached last_type as t then ts.extend (t) end if attached l_inspect then if attached {BYTE_LIST [BYTE_NODE]} last_byte_node as b then -- Compound. l_inspect.set_else_part (b) elseif attached {EXPR_B} last_byte_node as b then -- Expression. l_inspect.set_else_part (b) end end end context.leave_realm if attached l_inspect then l_inspect.set_line_number (a.switch.start_location.line) l_inspect.set_end_location (a.end_keyword) last_byte_node := l_inspect end inspect_controlers.start inspect_controlers.remove end process_inspect_as (a: INSPECT_AS) -- local old_type_list: like last_expressions_type do old_type_list := last_expressions_type last_expressions_type := Void process_inspect_abstraction (a, multi_branch_instruction_factory) last_expressions_type := old_type_list end process_inspect_expression_as (a: INSPECT_EXPRESSION_AS) -- local old_type_list: like last_expressions_type old_error_level: like error_handler.error_level t: TYPE_A do old_error_level := error_handler.error_level old_type_list := last_expressions_type create last_expressions_type.make (if attached a.case_list as l then l.count else 0 end + if attached a.else_part then 1 else 0 end) process_inspect_abstraction (a, multi_branch_expression_factory) if old_error_level = error_handler.error_level then t := maximal_type (last_expressions_type) if attached {INSPECT_EXPRESSION_B} last_byte_node as b then b.set_type (t) end set_type (t, a) else reset_types end last_expressions_type := old_type_list end process_instr_call_as (l_as: INSTR_CALL_AS) local l_vkcn1: VKCN1 l_call: CALL_B l_call_b: INSTR_CALL_B l_list: LEAF_AS_LIST do break_point_slot_count := break_point_slot_count + 1 reset_for_unqualified_call_checking (Current) if attached last_type as t then if not t.is_void and then t.is_known then create l_vkcn1 context.init_error (l_vkcn1) l_vkcn1.set_location ( l_list := match_list_of_class (context.written_class.class_id) if l_list /= Void and (l_list) then l_vkcn1.set_called_feature ( (l_list)) end error_handler.insert_error (l_vkcn1) elseif is_byte_node_enabled then l_call ?= last_byte_node create l_call_b.make (l_call, l_call_b.set_line_pragma (l_as.line_pragma) last_byte_node := l_call_b end end end process_loop_as (l_as: LOOP_AS) local l_vwbe4: VWBE4 l_needs_byte_node: BOOLEAN l_list: BYTE_LIST [BYTE_NODE] l_loop: LOOP_B l_variant: VARIANT_B s, q: like {AST_CONTEXT}.scope iteration_cursor_scope: like {AST_CONTEXT}.scope scope_matcher: AST_SCOPE_MATCHER e: like error_level invariant_as: like {LOOP_AS}.invariant_part variant_as: VARIANT_AS exit_as: EXPR_AS i: detachable ITERATION_AS local_info: LOCAL_INFO local_type: TYPE_A iteration_cursor_type: TYPE_A is_infinite: BOOLEAN do has_loop := True l_needs_byte_node := is_byte_node_enabled if l_needs_byte_node then create l_loop l_loop.set_line_pragma (l_as.line_pragma) end i := l_as.iteration if i /= Void then -- Record the state of inner locals before iteration to restore it after the loop. iteration_cursor_scope := context.scope -- Process Iteration part. i.process (Current) if l_needs_byte_node and then attached {BYTE_LIST [BYTE_NODE]} last_byte_node as iteration_part then l_loop.set_iteration_initialization (iteration_part) end -- Record the type of the cursor that is used to drive the loop. iteration_cursor_type := last_type if iteration_cursor_type /= Void then local_info := context.inline_local (l_as.iteration.identifier.name_id) end if local_info /= Void then -- Record original type of the cursor that is visible to the user. local_type := local_info.type end end if local_info = Void then -- There was an error or there is no iteration part, so we do not care which local info to modify. create local_info.make (none_type, 0) end if l_as.from_part /= Void then -- Type check the from part -- Processing is done on the same level as the outer instructions -- because the effective scope of setters is at that level l_as.from_part.process (Current) if l_needs_byte_node and then attached {BYTE_LIST [BYTE_NODE]} last_byte_node as from_part then l_loop.set_from_part (from_part) end end if attached i and then attached iteration_cursor_type then -- Avoid processing iteration exit condition and item access when iteration part has errors. -- Check iteration exit condition and item access assuming the cursor is of ITERATION_CURSOR type. if attached local_info.expression then local_info.disable_is_cursor end if is_inherited then -- Rely on routine ID computed earlier. i.exit_condition.process (Current) else -- Check the call and compute associated routine ID for the top iteration cursor type. local_info.set_type (iteration_cursor_type) is_byte_node_enabled := False i.exit_condition.process (Current) is_byte_node_enabled := l_needs_byte_node local_info.set_type (local_type) -- If everything is OK, recompute the code using actual local type. if last_type /= Void then is_inherited := True i.exit_condition.process (Current) is_inherited := False end end if attached local_info.expression then local_info.enable_is_cursor end if last_type /= Void then -- Check if it is a boolean expression. if not last_type.actual_type.is_known then -- Record expected type. last_type.actual_type.conform_to (context.current_class, boolean_type).do_nothing elseif not last_type.actual_type.is_boolean then create l_vwbe4 context.init_error (l_vwbe4) l_vwbe4.set_type (last_type) l_vwbe4.set_location (i.end_location) error_handler.insert_error (l_vwbe4) elseif l_needs_byte_node and then attached {EXPR_B} last_byte_node as ec then -- Save generated code. l_loop.set_iteration_exit_condition (ec) end end end invariant_as := l_as.invariant_part variant_as := l_as.variant_part exit_as := l_as.stop -- Type check the loop invariant, variant, exit condition and compound -- in a loop that computes new attachment information at every iteration. context.enter_realm from e := error_level create {AST_SCOPE_DISJUNCTIVE_CONDITION} scope_matcher.make (context) s := context.scope check has_at_least_one_iteration: not context.is_sibling_dominating end until context.is_sibling_dominating or else e /= error_level loop -- Record most recent scope information before the loop, so that -- it can be compared with the information after the loop on next iteration. context.update_sibling if attached invariant_as then -- Type check the invariant loop context.enter_realm q := context.scope process_eiffel_list_with_matcher (invariant_as, create {AST_SCOPE_ASSERTION}.make (context), Void) context.set_scope (q) context.leave_optional_realm if is_byte_node_enabled then l_list ?= last_byte_node l_loop.set_invariant_part (l_list) end end if attached variant_as then -- Type check th variant loop variant_as.process (Current) if is_byte_node_enabled then l_variant ?= last_byte_node l_loop.set_variant_part (l_variant) end end -- Type check the exit test. if exit_as /= Void then exit_as.process (Current) if last_type /= Void then -- Check if it is a boolean expression if not last_type.actual_type.is_known then -- Record expected type. last_type.actual_type.conform_to (context.current_class, boolean_type).do_nothing elseif not last_type.actual_type.is_boolean then create l_vwbe4 context.init_error (l_vwbe4) l_vwbe4.set_type (last_type) l_vwbe4.set_location (exit_as.end_location) error_handler.insert_error (l_vwbe4) elseif is_byte_node_enabled and then attached {EXPR_B} last_byte_node as ec then l_loop.set_stop (ec) end break_point_slot_count := break_point_slot_count + 1 -- Mark loop as an infinite if it has no iteration part -- and the exit condition is constant false. is_infinite := i = Void and then attached {BOOL_AS} exit_as as b and then not b.value end -- It's safe to take loop exit condition into account even when iteration is present, -- because if the loop is entered neither iteration nor loop exit conditions are True. scope_matcher.add_scopes (exit_as) end if attached l_as.compound as c then process_compound (c) -- Save byte code if required. if is_byte_node_enabled then l_list ?= last_byte_node l_loop.set_compound (l_list) end else -- Make sure the compound byte code is empty in case we have Iteration part. l_list := Void end -- Set `is_byte_node_enabled' to `False' to avoid regenerating -- the code next time. -- The original value will be restored from `l_needs_byte_node'. is_byte_node_enabled := False context.set_scope (s) end is_byte_node_enabled := l_needs_byte_node context.leave_realm if i /= Void then -- Avoid processing iteration advancement when iteration part has errors. if attached iteration_cursor_type then -- Generate cursor movement assuming the cursor is of ITERATION_CURSOR type. e := error_level if attached local_info.expression then local_info.disable_is_cursor end if is_inherited then -- Rely on routine ID computed earlier. i.advance.process (Current) else -- Check the call and compute associated routine ID for the top iteration cursor type. local_info.set_type (iteration_cursor_type) is_byte_node_enabled := False i.advance.process (Current) is_byte_node_enabled := l_needs_byte_node local_info.set_type (local_type) -- If everything is OK, recompute the code using actual local type. if error_level = e then is_inherited := True i.advance.process (Current) is_inherited := False end end if attached local_info.expression then local_info.enable_is_cursor end if error_level = e and then l_needs_byte_node then create l_list.make (1) l_list.extend (last_byte_node) l_loop.set_advance_code (l_list) end end -- Remove cursor's scope. context.remove_object_test_scopes (iteration_cursor_scope) end if i = Void and then exit_as /= Void then -- Take exit condition into account if there is no iteration -- because if iteration is present, the loop can be exited prematurely -- ignoring the loop exit condition. create {AST_SCOPE_CONJUNCTIVE_CONDITION} scope_matcher.make (context) scope_matcher.add_scopes (exit_as) end if l_needs_byte_node then if attached exit_as then l_loop.set_line_number (exit_as.start_location.line) end l_loop.set_end_location (l_as.end_leaf) last_byte_node := l_loop end -- Record loop for optimizations in final mode system.optimization_tables.force ( create {OPTIMIZE_UNIT}.make (context.current_class.class_id, current_feature.body_index)) -- Mark the code after the loop unreachable if the loop is infinite. if is_infinite then context.set_all end end process_loop_expr_as (l_as: LOOP_EXPR_AS) local iteration_as: ITERATION_AS local_info: LOCAL_INFO local_type: TYPE_A iteration_cursor_type: TYPE_A exit_as: EXPR_AS iteration_cursor_scope: like {AST_CONTEXT}.scope iteration_code: detachable BYTE_LIST [BYTE_NODE] invariant_code: detachable BYTE_LIST [BYTE_NODE] variant_code: detachable VARIANT_B iteration_exit_condition_code: detachable EXPR_B exit_condition_code: detachable EXPR_B expression_code: detachable EXPR_B advance_code: detachable BYTE_NODE s: like {AST_CONTEXT}.scope l_vwbe4: VWBE4 old_is_byte_node_enabled: BOOLEAN do iteration_as := l_as.iteration -- Record the state of inner locals before iteration to restore it after the loop. iteration_cursor_scope := context.scope -- Process Iteration part. iteration_as.process (Current) -- Remember generated code. if is_byte_node_enabled and then attached {BYTE_LIST [BYTE_NODE]} last_byte_node as iteration_part then iteration_code := iteration_part end -- Record the type of the cursor that is used to drive the loop. iteration_cursor_type := last_type if iteration_cursor_type /= Void then local_info := context.inline_local (l_as.iteration.identifier.name_id) end if local_info /= Void then -- Record original type of the cursor that is visible to the user. local_type := local_info.type else -- There was an error, so we do not care where to set the type. create local_info.make (none_type, 0) -- Skip code generation for next parts. iteration_code := Void end if l_as.invariant_part /= Void then -- Type check the invariant loop context.enter_realm s := context.scope process_eiffel_list_with_matcher (l_as.invariant_part, create {AST_SCOPE_ASSERTION}.make (context), Void) context.set_scope (s) context.leave_optional_realm if iteration_code /= Void then if attached {BYTE_LIST [BYTE_NODE]} last_byte_node as invariant_part then invariant_code := invariant_part else -- Skip code generation for next parts. iteration_code := Void end end end if l_as.variant_part /= Void then -- Type check th variant loop l_as.variant_part.process (Current) if iteration_code /= Void then if attached {VARIANT_B} last_byte_node as variant_part then variant_code := variant_part else -- Skip code generation for next parts. iteration_code := Void end end end -- Avoid processing iteration exit condition when iteration part has errors. if attached iteration_cursor_type then if attached local_info.expression then local_info.disable_is_cursor end if is_inherited then -- Rely on routine ID computed earlier. iteration_as.exit_condition.process (Current) else -- Check iteration exit condition assuming the cursor is of ITERATION_CURSOR type. local_info.set_type (iteration_cursor_type) old_is_byte_node_enabled := is_byte_node_enabled is_byte_node_enabled := False iteration_as.exit_condition.process (Current) is_byte_node_enabled := old_is_byte_node_enabled local_info.set_type (local_type) -- If everything is OK, recompute the code using actual local type. if attached last_type then is_inherited := True iteration_as.exit_condition.process (Current) is_inherited := False end end if attached local_info.expression then local_info.enable_is_cursor end if last_type = Void then -- Skip code generation for next parts. iteration_code := Void else -- Check if it is a boolean expression if not last_type.actual_type.is_known then -- Record expected type. last_type.actual_type.conform_to (context.current_class, boolean_type).do_nothing elseif not last_type.actual_type.is_boolean then create l_vwbe4 context.init_error (l_vwbe4) l_vwbe4.set_type (last_type) l_vwbe4.set_location (iteration_as.end_location) error_handler.insert_error (l_vwbe4) -- Skip code generation for next parts. iteration_code := Void elseif iteration_code /= Void then if attached {EXPR_B} last_byte_node as ec then iteration_exit_condition_code := ec else -- Skip code generation for next parts. iteration_code := Void end end end end -- Type check the exit test. exit_as := l_as.exit_condition if exit_as /= Void then exit_as.process (Current) if last_type /= Void then -- Check if it is a boolean expression if not last_type.actual_type.is_known then -- Record expected type. last_type.actual_type.conform_to (context.current_class, boolean_type).do_nothing elseif not last_type.actual_type.is_boolean then create l_vwbe4 context.init_error (l_vwbe4) l_vwbe4.set_type (last_type) l_vwbe4.set_location (exit_as.end_location) error_handler.insert_error (l_vwbe4) -- Skip code generation for next parts. iteration_code := Void elseif iteration_code /= Void then if attached {EXPR_B} last_byte_node as exit_condition_part then exit_condition_code := exit_condition_part else -- Skip code generation for next parts. iteration_code := Void end end break_point_slot_count := break_point_slot_count + 1 else -- Skip code generation for next parts. iteration_code := Void end end -- Type check the loop expression s := context.scope if exit_as /= Void then -- It's safe to take loop exit condition into account even when iteration is present, -- because if the loop is entered neither iteration nor loop exit conditions are True. (create {AST_SCOPE_DISJUNCTIVE_CONDITION}.make (context)).add_scopes (exit_as) end l_as.expression.process (Current) if last_type /= Void then -- Check if it is a boolean expression if not last_type.actual_type.is_known then -- Record expected type. last_type.actual_type.conform_to (context.current_class, boolean_type).do_nothing elseif not last_type.actual_type.is_boolean then error_handler.insert_error (create {VWBE5}.make (last_type, l_as.is_all, l_as.expression.end_location, context)) -- Skip code generation for next parts. iteration_code := Void elseif iteration_code /= Void then if attached {EXPR_B} last_byte_node as expression_part then expression_code := expression_part else -- Skip code generation for next parts. iteration_code := Void end end else -- Skip code generation for next parts. iteration_code := Void end context.set_scope (s) -- Avoid processing iteration advancement when iteration part has errors. if attached iteration_cursor_type then -- Generate cursor movement assuming the cursor is of ITERATION_CURSOR type. if attached local_info.expression then local_info.disable_is_cursor end if is_inherited then -- Rely on routine ID computed earlier. iteration_as.advance.process (Current) elseif attached error_level as e then -- Check the call and compute associated routine ID for the top iteration cursor type. local_info.set_type (iteration_cursor_type) is_byte_node_enabled := False iteration_as.advance.process (Current) is_byte_node_enabled := old_is_byte_node_enabled local_info.set_type (local_type) -- If everything is OK, recompute the code using actual local type. if error_level = e then is_inherited := True iteration_as.advance.process (Current) is_inherited := False end end if attached local_info.expression then local_info.enable_is_cursor end if attached last_byte_node as advance_part then advance_code := advance_part else -- Skip code generation for next parts. iteration_code := Void end end -- Remove cursor's scope. context.remove_object_test_scopes (iteration_cursor_scope) -- As iteration may terminate before explicit exit condition is fulfilled -- the latter does not affect the scopes after the loop expression. if iteration_code /= Void then check iteration_exit_condition_code /= Void expression_code /= Void advance_code /= Void end create {LOOP_EXPR_B} last_byte_node.make ( iteration_code, invariant_code, variant_code, iteration_exit_condition_code, exit_condition_code, expression_code, l_as.is_all, advance_code ) elseif is_byte_node_enabled then -- Generate stub in case of errors. create {BOOL_CONST_B} last_byte_node.make (False) end set_type (boolean_type, l_as) end process_iteration_as (l_as: ITERATION_AS) -- -- Set `last_type' to the type on which features "start", "after" and "forth" are to be called. local local_id: ID_AS local_name_id: INTEGER unattached_local_type: TYPE_A local_type: TYPE_A local_info: LOCAL_INFO iteration_cursor_type: TYPE_A initialization_code: BYTE_LIST [INSTR_B] assign_b: ASSIGN_B access_expr_b: ACCESS_EXPR_B new_cursor_b: NESTED_B l_old_current_target_type: like current_target_type old_error_level: like error_level is_expression_controlled: BOOLEAN do -- Type check iteration expression. -- We save `current_target_type' and set it to Void before evaluating the -- expression. See eweasel test#valid288. l_old_current_target_type := current_target_type current_target_type := Void l_as.expression.process (Current) current_target_type := l_old_current_target_type is_expression_controlled := is_controlled -- Type check loop local name. local_id := l_as.identifier local_name_id := local_id.name_id if not is_inherited and then (feature_table.has_id (local_name_id) or else current_feature.has_argument_name (local_name_id) or else context.locals.has (local_name_id) or else context.is_name_used (local_name_id)) then -- The local name is the same as one used for an entity in the current scope. error_handler.insert_error (create {VOIT2}.make_from_context (context, local_id)) -- Clear `last_type' to make sure it is not set when there is an error. reset_types end if attached last_type as iteration_type then -- Calculate the type of an iteration local. context.find_iteration_classes (context.written_class) if not attached context.iterable_class as i then -- Suitable class ITERABLE is not found. error_handler.insert_error (create {LOOP_ITERATION_NO_CLASS_ERROR}.make (context, "ITERABLE [G]", local_id)) -- Clear `last_type' to make sure it is not set when there is an error. reset_types elseif not attached context.iteration_cursor_class as c then -- Suitable class ITERATION_CURSOR is not found. error_handler.insert_error (create {LOOP_ITERATION_NO_CLASS_ERROR}.make (context, "ITERATION_CURSOR [G]", local_id)) -- Clear `last_type' to make sure it is not set when there is an error. reset_types elseif not attached i.feature_of_name_id (names_heap.new_cursor_name_id) as n then -- Class "ITERABLE" has no feature "new_cursor". error_handler.insert_error (create {LOOP_ITERATION_NO_FEATURE_ERROR}.make (context, names_heap.item (names_heap.new_cursor_name_id), i, local_id)) -- Clear `last_type' to make sure it is not set when there is an error. reset_types elseif n.argument_count > 0 or else n.type.is_void then -- Feature "new_cursor" has incorrect signature. error_handler.insert_error (create {LOOP_ITERATION_FEATURE_SIGNATURE_ERROR}.make (context, n, i, local_id)) -- Clear `last_type' to make sure it is not set when there is an error. reset_types else -- Lookup for a feature using general feature finder to deal with formal generics correctly. feature_finder.find_by_routine_id (n.rout_id_set.first, iteration_type, context.current_class) if not attached feature_finder.found_feature as f or else not attached feature_finder.found_site as iteration_base_type then -- Iteration expression type does not conform to ITERABLE because feature "new_cursor" is not found. error_handler.insert_error (create {VOIT1}.make_conformance (context, iteration_type, i.actual_type, local_id)) -- Clear `last_type' to make sure it is not set when there is an error. reset_types elseif not iteration_type.is_attached and then is_void_safe_call then -- Iteration expression type does not conform to ITERABLE because it is not attached. error_handler.insert_error (create {VOIT1}.make_attachment (context, iteration_type, i.actual_type, local_id)) -- Clear `last_type' to make sure it is not set when there is an error. reset_types else -- Check the target of a separate feature call. if iteration_type.is_separate then validate_separate_target (n.feature_name_32, l_as.expression) end -- Record dependency on cursor creation. if not is_inherited then context.supplier_ids.extend_depend_unit_with_level (iteration_base_type.class_id, f, depend_unit_level) end -- Record current error level to avoid unnecessary errors for separate cursors. old_error_level := error_level -- Use an attached variant of a cursor type if required. unattached_local_type := f.type.actual_type.instantiated_in (iteration_base_type) local_type := unattached_local_type.as_attached_in (context.current_class) adapt_type_to_target (local_type, iteration_type, n, is_expression_controlled, local_id, old_error_level, local_id) local_type := last_type if not local_type.base_class.conform_to (c) then -- Type of a cursor does not conform to ITERATION_CURSOR. error_handler.insert_error (create {LOOP_ITERATION_NOT_ITERATION_CURSOR_ERROR}.make (context, last_type, local_id)) elseif not unattached_local_type.conform_to (context.current_class, local_type) then -- Type of a cursor is not attached. error_handler.insert_error (create {LOOP_ITERATION_NOT_ATTACHED_ERROR}.make (context, unattached_local_type, local_id)) else -- Evaluate a type of a cursor. iteration_cursor_type := c.actual_type.evaluated_type_in_descendant (i, iteration_base_type.base_class, Void).instantiated_in (iteration_base_type) adapt_type_to_target (iteration_cursor_type, iteration_type, f, is_expression_controlled, local_id, old_error_level, local_id) iteration_cursor_type := last_type end if current_feature.written_in = context.current_class.class_id then instantiator.dispatch (local_type, context.current_class) if iteration_cursor_type /= Void then instantiator.dispatch (iteration_cursor_type, context.current_class) end end -- Avoid generating new object test local record when processing a loop body multiple times. local_info := context.unchecked_inline_local (local_id) if local_info = Void then create local_info.make (local_type, context.next_inline_local_position) context.add_inline_local (local_info, local_id) local_info.enable_is_used local_info.set_is_controlled (is_controlled) if attached l_as.item as cursor then local_info.set_cursor (cursor) end end -- Generate cursor creation code. if is_byte_node_enabled and then attached {EXPR_B} last_byte_node as e then create new_cursor_b if attached {ACCESS_B} e as a then a.set_parent (new_cursor_b) new_cursor_b.set_target (a) else create access_expr_b.make (e) access_expr_b.set_parent (new_cursor_b) new_cursor_b.set_target (access_expr_b) end new_cursor_b.set_message (f.access_for_feature (local_type, Void, True, iteration_type.is_separate, False)) new_cursor_b.message.set_parent (new_cursor_b) create initialization_code.make (2) create assign_b.make (create {OBJECT_TEST_LOCAL_B}.make ( local_info.position, current_feature.body_index, local_type ), new_cursor_b) assign_b.set_line_number (l_as.start_location.line) initialization_code.extend (assign_b) end -- Make iteration variable visible to the loop. context.add_object_test_instruction_scope (local_id) -- Check if feature "start" to initialize a cursor object is available. if attached c.feature_of_name_id (names_heap.start_name_id) then -- Process AST tree that initializes the iteration. local_info.set_type (iteration_cursor_type) if attached local_info.expression then local_info.disable_is_cursor end l_as.initialization.process (Current) if attached local_info.expression then local_info.enable_is_cursor end local_info.set_type (local_type) if attached initialization_code and then attached {INSTR_B} last_byte_node as b then initialization_code.extend (b) end end if is_byte_node_enabled then last_byte_node := initialization_code end -- Set `last_type' to the type that is used to call -- features in the automatically generated code. set_type (iteration_cursor_type, l_as) end end end end process_retry_as (l_as: RETRY_AS) local l_vxrt: VXRT l_retry_b: RETRY_B do break_point_slot_count := break_point_slot_count + 1 if not is_in_rescue then -- Retry instruction outside a recue clause create l_vxrt context.init_error (l_vxrt) l_vxrt.set_location (l_as.start_location) error_handler.insert_error (l_vxrt) elseif is_byte_node_enabled then create l_retry_b.make (l_as.line) l_retry_b.set_line_pragma (l_as.line_pragma) last_byte_node := l_retry_b end context.set_all end process_separate_instruction_as (a_as: SEPARATE_INSTRUCTION_AS) -- local local_id: ID_AS local_name_id: INTEGER location: LOCATION_AS e: EXPR_AS s: like {AST_CONTEXT}.scope local_info: LOCAL_INFO local_type: TYPE_A arguments: ARRAYED_LIST [ID_AS] argument_code: detachable BYTE_LIST [ASSIGN_B] assign_b: ASSIGN_B do -- Record current scope. s := context.scope -- Process arguments. create arguments.make (a_as.arguments.count) if is_byte_node_enabled then create argument_code.make (a_as.arguments.count) end across a_as.arguments as c loop -- Type check iteration expression. last_byte_node := Void e := c.item.expression e.process (Current) local_type := last_type if not is_inherited and then attached local_type and then not local_type.is_separate then if attached e.first_token (Void) as token then location := token else location := end error_handler.insert_error (create {V1SE}.make (local_type, context, location)) end -- Default to type "ANY" on error. if not attached local_type then local_type := system.any_type end -- Type check new local name. local_id := local_name_id := local_id.name_id if not is_inherited and then (feature_table.has_id (local_name_id) or else current_feature.has_argument_name (local_name_id) or else context.locals.has (local_name_id) or else across arguments as a some a.item.name_id = local_name_id end or else context.is_name_used (local_name_id)) then -- The local name is the same as one used for an entity in the current scope. error_handler.insert_error (create {FRESH_IDENTIFIER_ERROR}.make_from_context (context, local_id)) end -- A name clash with object test locals, iteration cursors and separate instruction arguments will be reported when checking for their scopes. local_info := context.unchecked_inline_local (local_id) if not attached local_info then create local_info.make (local_type, context.next_inline_local_position) local_info.enable_is_used -- Mark this variable as controlled. local_info.enable_is_controlled context.add_inline_local (local_info, local_id) end if attached argument_code and then attached {EXPR_B} last_byte_node as b then create assign_b.make (create {OBJECT_TEST_LOCAL_B}.make (local_info.position, current_feature.body_index, local_type), b) assign_b.set_line_number (c.item.expression.start_location.line) argument_code.extend (assign_b) end -- Record local to activate its scope for compound. arguments.extend (local_id) -- Reset scopes to original level to before computing a next argument. context.set_scope (s) end -- Activate scopes of argument names. across arguments as c loop context.add_object_test_instruction_scope (c.item) end -- Process compound. if attached a_as.compound as c then process_compound (c) end if attached argument_code and then attached {BYTE_LIST [BYTE_NODE]} last_byte_node as b then create {SEPARATE_INSTRUCTION_B} last_byte_node.make (argument_code, b, a_as.end_location) end -- Remove arguments of the separate instruction. context.remove_object_test_scopes (s) end process_external_as (l_as: EXTERNAL_AS) local l_external: EXTERNAL_I l_lang: COMPILER_EXTERNAL_LANG_AS do l_lang ?= l_as.language_name check l_lang_not_void: l_lang /= Void end l_lang.extension.type_check (l_as) if is_byte_node_enabled then l_external ?= current_feature if l_external = Void then create {DEF_BYTE_CODE} last_byte_node else create {EXT_BYTE_CODE} last_byte_node.make (l_external.external_name_id) end end end process_deferred_as (l_as: DEFERRED_AS) do if is_byte_node_enabled then create {DEF_BYTE_CODE} last_byte_node end end process_attribute_as (l_as: ATTRIBUTE_AS) local l_list: BYTE_LIST [BYTE_NODE] l_std_byte_code: STD_BYTE_CODE l_needs_byte_node: BOOLEAN do l_needs_byte_node := is_byte_node_enabled l_as.set_first_breakpoint_slot_index (break_point_slot_count + 1) if l_as.compound /= Void then process_compound (l_as.compound) if l_needs_byte_node then l_list ?= last_byte_node end end if l_needs_byte_node then create l_std_byte_code l_std_byte_code.set_compound (l_list) last_byte_node := l_std_byte_code end break_point_slot_count := break_point_slot_count + 1 end process_do_as (l_as: DO_AS) local l_list: BYTE_LIST [BYTE_NODE] l_std_byte_code: STD_BYTE_CODE l_needs_byte_node: BOOLEAN do l_needs_byte_node := is_byte_node_enabled l_as.set_first_breakpoint_slot_index (break_point_slot_count + 1) if l_as.compound /= Void then process_compound (l_as.compound) if l_needs_byte_node then l_list ?= last_byte_node end end if l_needs_byte_node then create l_std_byte_code l_std_byte_code.set_compound (l_list) last_byte_node := l_std_byte_code end break_point_slot_count := break_point_slot_count + 1 end process_once_as (l_as: ONCE_AS) local ast_compound: like {ONCE_AS}.compound compound: BYTE_LIST [INSTR_B] l_once_byte_code: ONCE_BYTE_CODE l_body: FEATURE_AS s: like context.scope n: like {ONCE_AS}.compound.count f: FEATURE_I do l_as.set_first_breakpoint_slot_index (break_point_slot_count + 1) ast_compound := l_as.compound if attached ast_compound then n := ast_compound.count end if current_feature.is_once_creation (context.current_class) then create compound.make (1 + n) -- Record creator position (used in multi-branch constructs). f := context.current_class.feature_of_name_id (names_heap.inspect_attribute_name_id) compound.extend (create {ASSIGN_B}.make (f.access (f.type, False, False), create {INTEGER_CONSTANT}.make_from_type (f.type, False, context.current_feature.creator_position.out))) else create compound.make (n) end if attached ast_compound then s := context.scope process_eiffel_list_with_matcher (ast_compound, Void, compound) context.set_scope (s) end if is_byte_node_enabled then create l_once_byte_code l_once_byte_code.set_compound (compound) l_body := current_feature.body check l_body_not_void: l_body /= Void end if l_as.has_key_process (l_body) then l_once_byte_code.set_is_process_relative_once elseif l_as.has_key_object then l_once_byte_code.set_is_object_relative_once else l_once_byte_code.set_is_thread_relative_once end last_byte_node := l_once_byte_code end break_point_slot_count := break_point_slot_count + 1 end process_list_dec_as (l_as: LIST_DEC_AS) do fixme ("what do we do about the identifiers?") end process_type_dec_as (l_as: TYPE_DEC_AS) do check_type (l_as.type) fixme ("what do we do about the identifiers?") end process_class_as (l_as: CLASS_AS) do -- Nothing to be done end process_parent_as (l_as: PARENT_AS) do -- Nothing to be done end process_like_id_as (l_as: LIKE_ID_AS) do check_type (l_as) end process_like_cur_as (l_as: LIKE_CUR_AS) do check_type (l_as) end process_qualified_anchored_type_as (l_as: QUALIFIED_ANCHORED_TYPE_AS) do check_type (l_as) end process_feature_id_as (l_as: FEATURE_ID_AS) -- do -- Nothing to be done. end process_formal_as (l_as: FORMAL_AS) do check_type (l_as) end process_formal_dec_as (l_as: FORMAL_DEC_AS) do -- Nothing to be done end process_constraining_type_as (l_as: CONSTRAINING_TYPE_AS) do -- Nothing to be done end process_class_type_as (l_as: CLASS_TYPE_AS) do check_type (l_as) end process_generic_class_type_as (l_as: GENERIC_CLASS_TYPE_AS) do check_type (l_as) end process_named_tuple_type_as (l_as: NAMED_TUPLE_TYPE_AS) do check_type (l_as) end process_none_type_as (l_as: NONE_TYPE_AS) do check_type (l_as) end process_rename_as (l_as: RENAME_AS) do -- Nothing to be done end process_invariant_as (l_as: INVARIANT_AS) local s: like {AST_CONTEXT}.scope do break_point_slot_count := 0 if attached l_as.assertion_list as l then reset_for_unqualified_call_checking set_is_checking_invariant (True) context.enter_realm s := context.scope process_eiffel_list_with_matcher (l, create {AST_SCOPE_ASSERTION}.make (context), create {BYTE_LIST [ASSERT_B]}.make (l.count)) context.set_scope (s) context.leave_optional_realm set_is_checking_invariant (False) else reset_byte_node end end process_interval_as (l_as: INTERVAL_AS) local l_inspect_control: like inspect_control do l_inspect_control := inspect_control if l_inspect_control /= Void then l_inspect_control.process_interval (l_as, is_inherited) if is_byte_node_enabled then last_byte_node := l_inspect_control.last_interval_byte_node end end end process_index_as (l_as: INDEX_AS) do l_as.index_list.process (Current) fixme ("is this really needed here?") end process_export_item_as (l_as: EXPORT_ITEM_AS) do -- Nothing to be done end process_elseif_as (l_as: ELSIF_AS) local l_vwbe2: VWBE2 l_needs_byte_node: BOOLEAN l_expr: EXPR_B l_list: BYTE_LIST [BYTE_NODE] l_elsif: ELSIF_B l_has_error: BOOLEAN s: like {AST_CONTEXT}.scope scope_matcher: AST_SCOPE_MATCHER do break_point_slot_count := break_point_slot_count + 1 l_needs_byte_node := is_byte_node_enabled -- Type check test first l_as.expr.process (Current) if last_type /= Void then -- Check conformance to boolean if not last_type.actual_type.is_known then -- Record expected type. last_type.actual_type.conform_to (context.current_class, boolean_type).do_nothing elseif not last_type.actual_type.is_boolean then create l_vwbe2 context.init_error (l_vwbe2) l_vwbe2.set_type (last_type) l_vwbe2.set_location (l_as.expr.end_location) error_handler.insert_error (l_vwbe2) l_has_error := True elseif l_needs_byte_node then l_expr ?= last_byte_node create l_elsif l_elsif.set_expr (l_expr) end else l_has_error := True end -- Type check on compound create {AST_SCOPE_CONJUNCTIVE_CONDITION} scope_matcher.make (context) s := context.scope scope_matcher.add_scopes (l_as.expr) if l_as.compound /= Void then process_compound (l_as.compound) if not l_has_error and l_needs_byte_node then l_list ?= last_byte_node l_elsif.set_compound (l_list) end end context.set_scope (s) context.save_sibling -- Add scopes for the parts that follow this one. create {AST_SCOPE_DISJUNCTIVE_CONDITION} scope_matcher.make (context) scope_matcher.add_scopes (l_as.expr) context.update_realm if not l_has_error and l_needs_byte_node then l_elsif.set_line_number (l_as.expr.start_location.line) last_byte_node := l_elsif end end process_elseif_expression_as (l_as: ELSIF_EXPRESSION_AS) local l_vwbe2: VWBE2 l_needs_byte_node: BOOLEAN l_condition: EXPR_B l_expression: EXPR_B l_elsif: ELSIF_EXPRESSION_B s: like {AST_CONTEXT}.scope scope_matcher: AST_SCOPE_MATCHER l_expression_type: TYPE_A do break_point_slot_count := break_point_slot_count + 1 l_needs_byte_node := is_byte_node_enabled -- Type check test first l_as.condition.process (Current) if attached last_type then -- Check conformance to boolean if not last_type.actual_type.is_known then -- Record expected type. last_type.actual_type.conform_to (context.current_class, boolean_type).do_nothing elseif not last_type.actual_type.is_boolean then create l_vwbe2 context.init_error (l_vwbe2) l_vwbe2.set_type (last_type) l_vwbe2.set_location (l_as.condition.end_location) error_handler.insert_error (l_vwbe2) elseif l_needs_byte_node and then attached {EXPR_B} last_byte_node as c then l_condition := c end end -- Type check on compound create {AST_SCOPE_CONJUNCTIVE_CONDITION} scope_matcher.make (context) s := context.scope scope_matcher.add_scopes (l_as.condition) l_as.expression.process (Current) l_expression_type := last_type if attached l_condition and then attached {EXPR_B} last_byte_node as e then if attached l_expression_type and then attached last_expressions_type as type_list then type_list.extend (l_expression_type) end l_expression := e end context.set_scope (s) context.save_sibling -- Add scopes for the parts that follow this one. create {AST_SCOPE_DISJUNCTIVE_CONDITION} scope_matcher.make (context) scope_matcher.add_scopes (l_as.condition) context.update_realm if attached l_condition and then attached l_expression then create l_elsif.make (l_condition, l_expression) l_elsif.set_line_number (l_as.condition.start_location.line) last_byte_node := l_elsif end -- Restore `last_type' to the type specified in Then_part. last_type := l_expression_type end process_create_as (l_as: CREATE_AS) do -- Nothing to be done end process_client_as (l_as: CLIENT_AS) do -- Nothing to be done end process_case_abstraction (a: CASE_ABSTRACTION_AS [detachable AST_EIFFEL]; f: MULTI_BRANCH_FACTORY) -- Process `a`. local l_intervals: SORTABLE_ARRAY [INTERVAL_B] l_interval: INTERVAL_B l_next_interval: INTERVAL_B l_tmp: BYTE_LIST [INTERVAL_B] l_case: ABSTRACT_CASE_B [BYTE_NODE] l_is_empty: BOOLEAN s: like context.scope do if not is_byte_node_enabled then if attached inspect_control as l_inspect_control then across a.interval as interval_cursor from l_is_empty := True loop interval_cursor.item.process (Current) if attached l_inspect_control.last_interval_byte_node then l_is_empty := False end end end if attached a.content as c then s := context.scope c.process (Current) context.set_scope (s) end else -- Collect all intervals in an array across a.interval as interval_cursor from create l_intervals.make_empty loop interval_cursor.item.process (Current) if attached {INTERVAL_B} last_byte_node as interval_byte_code then l_intervals.force (interval_byte_code, l_intervals.upper + 1) end end if l_intervals.is_empty then l_is_empty := True if attached a.content as c then s := context.scope c.process (Current) context.set_scope (s) reset_byte_node end else -- Array of intervals is not empty -- Sort an array l_intervals.sort -- Copy intervals to `l_tmp' merging adjacent intervals across l_intervals as interval_cursor from create l_tmp.make (l_intervals.count) l_interval := interval_cursor.item l_tmp.extend (l_interval) interval_cursor.forth loop l_next_interval := interval_cursor.item if l_interval.upper.is_next (l_next_interval.lower) then -- Merge intervals l_interval.set_upper (l_next_interval.upper) else -- Add new interval l_interval := l_next_interval l_tmp.extend (l_interval) end end if attached a.content as c then s := context.scope c.process (Current) context.set_scope (s) l_case := f.new_case (l_tmp, last_byte_node) else l_case := f.new_case (l_tmp, Void) end l_case.set_line_number (a.interval.start_location.line) end last_byte_node := l_case end if not l_is_empty then -- If all intervals are empty, the scope information is not changed, otherwise it's updated. context.save_sibling end end process_case_as (a: CASE_AS) -- do process_case_abstraction (a, multi_branch_instruction_factory) end process_case_expression_as (a: CASE_EXPRESSION_AS) -- do process_case_abstraction (a, multi_branch_expression_factory) if attached last_expressions_type as ts and then attached last_type as t then ts.extend (t) end end process_ensure_as (l_as: ENSURE_AS) local a: EIFFEL_LIST [TAGGED_AS] b: ASSERTION_BYTE_CODE i: INTEGER s: like {AST_CONTEXT}.scope do a := l_as.assertions if a /= Void then if is_byte_node_enabled then create b.make (a.count) i := context.next_inline_local_position end context.enter_realm s := context.scope process_eiffel_list_with_matcher (a, create {AST_SCOPE_ASSERTION}.make (context), b) context.set_scope (s) context.leave_optional_realm if b /= Void then if b.is_empty then b := Void else context.init_assertion_byte_code (b, i) end last_byte_node := b end end end process_ensure_then_as (l_as: ENSURE_THEN_AS) local a: EIFFEL_LIST [TAGGED_AS] b: ASSERTION_BYTE_CODE i: INTEGER s: like {AST_CONTEXT}.scope do a := l_as.assertions if a /= Void then if is_byte_node_enabled then create b.make (a.count) i := context.next_inline_local_position end context.enter_realm s := context.scope process_eiffel_list_with_matcher (a, create {AST_SCOPE_ASSERTION}.make (context), b) context.set_scope (s) context.leave_optional_realm if b /= Void then if b.is_empty then b := Void else context.init_assertion_byte_code (b, i) end last_byte_node := b end end end process_require_as (l_as: REQUIRE_AS) local a: EIFFEL_LIST [TAGGED_AS] b: ASSERTION_BYTE_CODE i: INTEGER s: like {AST_CONTEXT}.scope do a := l_as.assertions if a /= Void then if is_byte_node_enabled then create b.make (a.count) i := context.next_inline_local_position end s := context.scope if is_void_safe_construct then -- Strict void safety: no variables change their attachment status because of this assertion. context.enter_realm process_eiffel_list_with_matcher (a, create {AST_SCOPE_ASSERTION}.make (context), b) context.leave_optional_realm context.set_scope (s) else -- Soft void safety: variables may change attachment status because of this assertion. process_eiffel_list_with_matcher (a, create {AST_SCOPE_ASSERTION}.make (context), b) context.remove_object_test_scopes (s) end if b /= Void then if b.is_empty then b := Void else context.init_assertion_byte_code (b, i) end last_byte_node := b end end end process_require_else_as (l_as: REQUIRE_ELSE_AS) local a: EIFFEL_LIST [TAGGED_AS] b: ASSERTION_BYTE_CODE i: INTEGER s: like {AST_CONTEXT}.scope do a := l_as.assertions if a /= Void then if is_byte_node_enabled then create b.make (a.count) i := context.next_inline_local_position end context.enter_realm s := context.scope process_eiffel_list_with_matcher (a, create {AST_SCOPE_ASSERTION}.make (context), b) context.set_scope (s) context.leave_optional_realm if b /= Void then if b.is_empty then b := Void else context.init_assertion_byte_code (b, i) end last_byte_node := b end end end process_convert_feat_as (l_as: CONVERT_FEAT_AS) do -- Nothing to be done end process_void_as (l_as: VOID_AS) local l_class: CLASS_C l_vica2: VICA2 do if is_checking_cas then -- When we have Void, it is only valid, if target is -- an array type. l_class := current_target_type.base_class if l_class = Void or else l_class.class_id /= system.native_array_id then create l_vica2.make (context.current_class, current_feature) l_vica2.set_location (l_as.start_location) error_handler.insert_error (l_vica2) end end set_type (detachable_none_type, l_as) if is_byte_node_enabled then create {VOID_B} last_byte_node end end process_type_list_as (l_as: TYPE_LIST_AS) -- Process `l_as'. do process_eiffel_list (l_as) end process_list_dec_list_as (l_as: LIST_DEC_LIST_AS) -- Process `l_as'. do process_eiffel_list (l_as) end process_type_dec_list_as (l_as: TYPE_DEC_LIST_AS) -- Process `l_as'. do process_eiffel_list (l_as) end process_convert_feat_list_as (l_as: CONVERT_FEAT_LIST_AS) -- Process `l_as'. do process_eiffel_list (l_as) end process_class_list_as (l_as: CLASS_LIST_AS) -- Process `l_as'. do process_eiffel_list (l_as) end process_parent_list_as (l_as: PARENT_LIST_AS) -- Process `l_as'. do process_eiffel_list (l_as) end process_local_dec_list_as (l_as: LOCAL_DEC_LIST_AS) -- Process `l_as'. do l_as.locals.process (Current) end process_formal_argu_dec_list_as (l_as: FORMAL_ARGU_DEC_LIST_AS) -- Process `l_as'. do l_as.arguments.process (Current) end process_key_list_as (l_as: KEY_LIST_AS) -- Process `l_as'. do l_as.keys.process (Current) end process_delayed_actual_list_as (l_as: DELAYED_ACTUAL_LIST_AS) -- Process `l_as'. do l_as.operands.process (Current) end process_parameter_list_as (l_as: PARAMETER_LIST_AS) -- Process `l_as'. do l_as.parameters.process (Current) end process_named_expression_as (a_as: NAMED_EXPRESSION_AS) -- do -- Processing is done by `process_separate_instruction_as'. end process_rename_clause_as (l_as: RENAME_CLAUSE_AS) -- Process `l_as'. do safe_process (l_as.content) end process_export_clause_as (l_as: EXPORT_CLAUSE_AS) -- Process `l_as'. do safe_process (l_as.content) end process_undefine_clause_as (l_as: UNDEFINE_CLAUSE_AS) -- Process `l_as'. do safe_process (l_as.content) end process_redefine_clause_as (l_as: REDEFINE_CLAUSE_AS) -- Process `l_as'. do safe_process (l_as.content) end process_select_clause_as (l_as: SELECT_CLAUSE_AS) -- Process `l_as'. do safe_process (l_as.content) end process_formal_generic_list_as (l_as: FORMAL_GENERIC_LIST_AS) -- Process `l_as'. do process_eiffel_list (l_as) end feature {NONE} -- Feature lookup lookup_feature_alias (n: like {OPERATOR_KIND}.alias_id; a: ID_SET_ACCESSOR; l: LOCATION_AS; t: TYPE_A) -- Look for a feature alias `n' called on a target of type `t' for AST node `a' at location `l' -- and make it available in `last_alias_feature' if found without an error, -- or set `last_alias_error' otherwise. require {OPERATOR_KIND}.is_alias_id (n) {OPERATOR_KIND}.is_fixed_alias_id (n) local c: CLASS_C target_type: TYPE_A base_target_type: detachable TYPE_A target_class: CLASS_C formal_generic: detachable FORMAL_A found_features: TUPLE [feature_item: FEATURE_I; class_type_of_feature: CL_TYPE_A; features_found_count: INTEGER_32] vkcn3: VKCN3 vwbr: VWBR1 vuex: VUEX f: FEATURE_I do last_alias_feature := Void last_alias_error := Void c := context.current_class target_type := t.actual_type check actual_type_called: target_type = target_type.actual_type end if attached {FORMAL_A} target_type as p then formal_generic := p if p.is_single_constraint_without_renaming (c) then -- This is a formal generic with one contraint without any feature renaming. base_target_type := p.constrained_type (c) end else -- This is a regular class type. base_target_type := target_type end if attached base_target_type then -- Base class is known. if base_target_type.is_void then create vkcn3 context.init_error (vkcn3) vkcn3.set_location (l) last_alias_error := vkcn3 elseif is_inherited then f := base_target_type.base_class.feature_of_rout_id (a.routine_ids.first) elseif base_target_type.is_none then -- Check if target is not of type NONE create vuex.make_for_none (names_heap.item (n)) context.init_error (vuex) vuex.set_location (l) last_alias_error := vuex elseif attached {LOCAL_TYPE_A} base_target_type as x and then attached x.operator_call (n, c) as q then base_target_type := target_class := base_target_type.base_class f := q.descriptor -- Update target type. last_type := elseif base_target_type.is_known then -- Check if bracket feature exists. target_class := base_target_type.base_class f := target_class.feature_table.item_alias_id (n) end elseif is_inherited then -- We need to iterate through the type set to find the routine of ID. f := c.constraints (formal_generic.position).constraining_types (c).feature_i_list_by_rout_id (a.routine_ids.first).first.feature_item else found_features := formal_generic.constraints (c).feature_i_state_by_alias_name_id (n) if found_features.features_found_count > 1 then last_alias_error := new_vtmc_error (n, formal_generic.position, c, True, l) elseif found_features.features_found_count = 1 then base_target_type := found_features.class_type_of_feature target_class := base_target_type.base_class f := found_features.feature_item end end if attached f then last_alias_feature := f last_calls_target_type := base_target_type if not is_inherited then -- Record routine and class IDs in the AST node for descendants. set_routine_ids (f.rout_id_set, a) a.set_class_id (target_class.class_id) end elseif not attached last_alias_error then -- Feature with given alias is not found. create vwbr context.init_error (vwbr) vwbr.set_location (l) if not attached base_target_type then check type_set_not_loose: not formal_generic.constraints (c).is_loose end vwbr.set_target_type_set (formal_generic.constraints (c)) elseif base_target_type.is_known then vwbr.set_target_type (base_target_type) else -- The feature is not found because the target type is unknown. vwbr := Void end last_alias_error := vwbr end end feature_finder: TYPE_A_FEATURE_FINDER -- A facility to find a feature. once create Result end feature {NONE} -- Predefined types manifest_string_8_type: CL_TYPE_A -- String type for 8-bit manifest strings. once Result := system.string_8_class.compiled_class.actual_type.duplicate -- Manifest string have a frozen type. Result.set_frozen_mark end manifest_string_32_type: CL_TYPE_A -- String type for 32-bit manifest strings. once Result := system.string_32_class.compiled_class.actual_type.duplicate -- Manifest string have a frozen type. Result.set_frozen_mark end strip_type: GEN_TYPE_A -- Type of strip expression (ARRAY [ANY]). require any_compiled: system.any_class.is_compiled array_compiled: system.array_class.is_compiled once create Result.make (system.array_id, create {ARRAYED_LIST [TYPE_A]}.make_from_array (<>)) -- Type of a strip is a frozen array. Result.set_frozen_mark end feature {NONE} -- Parenthesis alias look_for_parenthesis_alias (p: PARAMETER_LIST_AS; e: ERROR; t: TYPE_A) -- Look for parenthesis alias for the last access with arguments `p' on type `t' and error `e' if there is no such an alias. require p_attached: attached p local old_assigner_source: like assigner_source constrained_target_type: TYPE_A target_access_expr: ACCESS_EXPR_B id_feature_name: ID_AS location: LOCATION_AS call_b: CALL_B nested_b: NESTED_B l_is_multi_constraint: BOOLEAN l_access_b: ACCESS_B l_is_qualified_call: BOOLEAN l_error_level: NATURAL_32 l_report_error: BOOLEAN l_target_type: TYPE_A do last_alias_feature := Void last_alias_error := Void -- If something goes wrong, an original error is reported rather then related to parenthesis alias. l_report_error := True -- Clean assigner call flag for bracket target old_assigner_source := assigner_source assigner_source := Void l_error_level := error_level -- Check if there are parentheses. if attached p then l_target_type := t end if attached l_target_type then if is_byte_node_enabled then create nested_b if attached {ACCESS_B} last_byte_node as a then -- Target is a (potentially qualified) feature call. a.set_parent (nested_b) nested_b.set_target (a) else -- Target is an (unqualified) expression. check attached {EXPR_B} last_byte_node as v then create target_access_expr.make (v) target_access_expr.set_parent (nested_b) nested_b.set_target (target_access_expr) end end end l_is_multi_constraint := attached {FORMAL_A} t.actual_type as g and then not g.is_single_constraint_without_renaming (context.current_class) lookup_feature_alias ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.parentheses_symbol_id, p, p.first_token (void), l_target_type) -- Report original error if alias feature is not found. l_report_error := attached {VWBR} last_alias_error or else attached {VKCN3} last_alias_error if not l_report_error and then l_target_type.is_separate then validate_separate_target (last_alias_feature.feature_name_32, p) end if attached last_alias_feature as alias_feature then -- Process arguments -- Initialize feature name token. create id_feature_name.initialize_from_id (alias_feature.feature_name_id) location := p.start_location id_feature_name.set_position (location.line, location.column, location.position, location.location_count, location.character_column, location.character_position, location.character_count) -- Restore assigner source. assigner_source := old_assigner_source constrained_target_type := last_calls_target_type -- Process call to bracket feature l_is_qualified_call := is_qualified_call is_qualified_call := True process_call (constrained_target_type, Void, id_feature_name, alias_feature, p.parameters, False, False, True, False, False) is_qualified_call := l_is_qualified_call if error_level = l_error_level then -- Record feature ID for future use. if not is_inherited then set_routine_ids (last_routine_id_set, p) end if attached nested_b then if l_is_multi_constraint then l_access_b ?= last_byte_node -- Last generated bytenode is from `process_call'. check is_access_b: l_access_b /= Void end l_access_b.set_multi_constraint_static (constrained_target_type) call_b := l_access_b else call_b ?= last_byte_node end check call_b_not_void: call_b /= Void end call_b.set_parent (nested_b) nested_b.set_message (call_b) last_byte_node := nested_b end end else -- Parenthesis alias cannot be found for unknown type. set_type (unknown_type, p) end end if l_report_error then error_handler.insert_error (e) reset_types elseif error_level /= l_error_level then reset_types end end last_vuar_error: detachable ERROR -- Last VUAR error set by `process_call' when found feature has no formal arguments, but there are actual arguments. -- Used to delay error report in case there is a parenthesis alias. feature {NONE} -- Assertions assertion_tag (a: TAGGED_AS): detachable STRING -- A tag associated with an assertion or a printable representation of the expression (if available). local e: EXPR_AS m: like match_list_of_class i: like assertion_tag.count has_space: BOOLEAN do if attached a.tag as t then Result := else e := a.expr m := match_list_of_class (context.written_class.class_id) if e.is_text_available (m) then -- Obtain the text as written in source code. Result := e.text (m) -- Normalize the text: remove leading and trailing spaces, replace white space sequances (including line endings) with a single space. from -- Assume there are white spaces at the end of a string. has_space := True i := Result.count until i <= 0 loop if Result [i].is_space then if has_space then -- Remove a subsequent white space character. Result.remove (i) else -- Replace a white space with a standard one. Result [i] := ' ' -- Remember that there are white spaces. has_space := True end else -- Remember that the last character is not a white space. has_space := False end i := i - 1 end if has_space and Result.count > 0 then -- Remove a leading white space. Result.remove (1) end end end end process_inherited_assertions (a_feature: FEATURE_I; process_preconditions: BOOLEAN) -- Process assertions inherited by `a_feature'. require a_feature_not_void: a_feature /= Void local assert_id_set: ASSERT_ID_SET assertion_info: INH_ASSERT_INFO body_index: INTEGER precursor_feature: FEATURE_AS routine_body: ROUTINE_AS i: INTEGER l_old_written_class: CLASS_C l_written_class: CLASS_C t: TYPE_A old_locals: like empty_locals do assert_id_set := a_feature.assert_id_set if assert_id_set /= Void then -- Save locals to make them usable after type checking completes. old_locals := context.locals context.set_locals (empty_locals) context.clear_local_context set_is_inherited (True) if context.local_scope = Void then -- Initialize structures to record and access scopes in assertions. -- This is required for result in postcondition, but also to make sure there is no call on void target -- because local scopes are processed together with attribute scopes. context.init_local_scopes end if not process_preconditions then t := a_feature.type if not t.is_void then -- Mark that result is initialized and attached if required. if t.is_initialization_required and then not context.local_initialization.is_result_set then context.set_result end if t.is_attached then context.add_result_instruction_scope end end end from i := assert_id_set.count until i <= 0 loop assertion_info := assert_id_set.item (i) check assertion_info_attached: assertion_info /= Void end if assertion_info.has_assertion then body_index := assertion_info.body_index precursor_feature := body_server.item (assertion_info.written_in, body_index) check precursor_feature_not_void: precursor_feature /= Void end routine_body ?= precursor_feature.body.content check routine_body_attached: routine_body /= Void end l_old_written_class := context.written_class l_written_class := system.class_of_id (assertion_info.written_in) context.set_written_class (l_written_class) inherited_type_a_checker.init_for_checking (a_feature, l_written_class, Void, Void) if process_preconditions then if assertion_info.has_precondition then set_is_checking_precondition (True) routine_body.precondition.process (Current) set_is_checking_precondition (False) context.clear_local_context end else if assertion_info.has_postcondition then set_is_checking_postcondition (True) routine_body.postcondition.process (Current) set_is_checking_postcondition (False) context.clear_local_context end end context.set_written_class (l_old_written_class) end i := i - 1 end if t /= Void and then t.is_attached then context.remove_result_scope end set_is_inherited (False) -- Restore previously computed locals in case they are used by later analysis. context.set_locals (old_locals) end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation process_expressions_list (l_as: EIFFEL_LIST [EXPR_AS]) -- Process `l_as' as an EIFFEL_LIST but also set `last_expressions_type' accordingly. -- Use `current_target_type' for proper evaluation of manifest arrays. require l_as_not_void: l_as /= Void local l_cursor: INTEGER l_list: BYTE_LIST [EXPR_B] l_type_list: like last_expressions_type i, nb: INTEGER l_cur_type: like current_target_type l_error_level: NATURAL_32 do l_error_level := error_level l_cursor := l_as.index l_as.start i := 1 nb := l_as.count create l_type_list.make (nb) l_cur_type := current_target_type if is_byte_node_enabled then from create l_list.make (nb) nb := nb + 1 -- for speeding up loop stop test. until i = nb loop reset_for_unqualified_call_checking current_target_type := l_cur_type l_as.item.process (Current) if attached {EXPR_B} last_byte_node as l_expr then l_list.extend (l_expr) l_type_list.extend (last_type) end i := i + 1 l_as.forth end last_byte_node := l_list else from nb := nb + 1 -- for speeding up loop stop test. until i = nb loop reset_for_unqualified_call_checking current_target_type := l_cur_type l_as.item.process (Current) l_type_list.extend (last_type) i := i + 1 l_as.forth end end l_as.go_i_th (l_cursor) if error_level = l_error_level then last_expressions_type := l_type_list else last_expressions_type := Void reset_byte_node end ensure last_expressions_type_not_void: error_level = old error_level implies last_expressions_type /= Void last_expressions_type_computed: error_level = old error_level implies old last_expressions_type /= last_expressions_type last_expressions_type_valid_count: error_level = old error_level implies last_expressions_type.count = l_as.count last_byte_node_valid: (error_level = old error_level and is_byte_node_enabled) implies ((old last_byte_node /= last_byte_node) and then last_byte_node /= Void) end process_expressions_list_for_tuple (l_as: EIFFEL_LIST [EXPR_AS]) -- Process `l_as' as an EIFFEL_LIST but also set `last_expressions_type' accordingly. -- Use `current_target_type' for proper evaluation of manifest arrays. require l_as_not_void: l_as /= Void local l_cursor: INTEGER l_list: BYTE_LIST [EXPR_B] l_type_list: like last_expressions_type i, nb: INTEGER l_types: ARRAYED_LIST [TYPE_A] l_error_level: NATURAL_32 do l_error_level := error_level l_cursor := l_as.index l_as.start i := 1 nb := l_as.count create l_type_list.make (nb) if attached {TUPLE_TYPE_A} current_target_type as l_tuple_type then l_types := l_tuple_type.generics end if is_byte_node_enabled then from create l_list.make (nb) nb := nb + 1 -- for speeding up loop stop test. until i = nb loop reset_for_unqualified_call_checking current_target_type := if attached l_types and then l_types.valid_index (i) then l_types [i] else Void end l_as.item.process (Current) if attached {EXPR_B} last_byte_node as l_expr then l_list.extend (l_expr) l_type_list.extend (last_type) end i := i + 1 l_as.forth end last_byte_node := l_list else from nb := nb + 1 -- for speeding up loop stop test. until i = nb loop reset_for_unqualified_call_checking current_target_type := if attached l_types and then l_types.valid_index (i) then l_types [i] else Void end l_as.item.process (Current) if attached {LOCAL_TYPE_A} last_type as t and then attached t.minimum as m then -- Use most appropriate type instead of a variable one. last_type := m elseif attached last_type as t and then not last_type.is_known then -- Use NONE for the time being. last_type := unknown_type end l_type_list.extend (last_type) i := i + 1 l_as.forth end end l_as.go_i_th (l_cursor) if error_level = l_error_level then last_expressions_type := l_type_list else last_expressions_type := Void reset_byte_node end ensure last_expressions_type_not_void: error_level = old error_level implies last_expressions_type /= Void last_expressions_type_computed: error_level = old error_level implies old last_expressions_type /= last_expressions_type last_expressions_type_valid_count: error_level = old error_level implies last_expressions_type.count = l_as.count last_byte_node_valid: (error_level = old error_level and is_byte_node_enabled) implies ((old last_byte_node /= last_byte_node) and then last_byte_node /= Void) end check_tuple_validity_for_ca (a_creation_type: CL_TYPE_A; a_tuple: TUPLE_AS; a_ca_b: CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE_B) -- Check validity of `a_tuple' in context of Current. -- i.e. it should be a tuple of tuple whose elements are -- a name and a value. For each name, a feature `f' -- should be available in context of class being created in `creation_expr'. -- To be more precise, tuple should look like: -- [["first_name", val1],["last_name", val2]] require a_creation_type_not_void: a_creation_type /= Void a_tuple_not_void: a_tuple /= Void a_ca_b_not_void: is_byte_node_enabled implies a_ca_b /= Void local l_vica2: VICA2 l_vica3: VICA3 l_vica4: VICA4 l_veen: VEEN l_sub: TUPLE_AS l_name: STRING_AS l_value: EXPR_AS l_has_error: BOOLEAN l_feat: FEATURE_I vjar: VJAR l_expressions: ARRAYED_LIST [TUPLE [STRING_B, EXPR_B]] l_expr_b: EXPR_B l_strings: SEARCH_TABLE [STRING] do -- Let's first check that TUPLE elements are indeed of the form -- ["my_attribute", my_value] from create l_strings.make (a_tuple.expressions.count) a_tuple.expressions.start until a_tuple.expressions.after or l_has_error loop l_sub ?= a_tuple.expressions.item l_has_error := l_sub = Void or else l_sub.expressions.count /= 2 if not l_has_error then l_name ?= l_sub.expressions.i_th (1) l_has_error := l_name = Void if not l_has_error then (l_name.value) if l_strings.found then -- The property/attribute appears twice, this is an error create l_vica4.make (context.current_class, current_feature, a_creation_type, l_name.value) l_vica4.set_location (l_name.start_location) error_handler.insert_error (l_vica4) else l_strings.put (l_name.value) l_value := l_sub.expressions.i_th (2) l_has_error := l_value = Void end end end a_tuple.expressions.forth end l_strings := Void if not l_has_error then -- Let's do the semantic analyzis of ["my_attribute", my_value] -- It consists to make sure that `my_attribute' is a feature of `a_creation_type' -- which is either an attribute or a property. -- We also need to check that `my_value' is a constant and that its type -- is valid for `my_attribute'. from a_tuple.expressions.start create l_expressions.make (a_tuple.expressions.count) until a_tuple.expressions.after or l_has_error loop l_sub ?= a_tuple.expressions.item l_name ?= l_sub.expressions.i_th (1) l_value := l_sub.expressions.i_th (2) l_feat := a_creation_type.base_class.feature_table.item (l_name.value.as_lower) l_has_error := l_feat = Void if not l_has_error then if not valid_feature_for_ca (l_feat, l_name) then create l_vica3.make (context.current_class, current_feature, a_creation_type) l_vica3.set_named_argument_feature (l_feat) l_vica3.set_location (l_name.start_location) error_handler.insert_error (l_vica3) else reset_for_unqualified_call_checking current_target_type := l_feat.type.actual_type l_value.process (Current) l_has_error := last_type = Void or else (not last_type.conform_to (context.current_class, l_feat.type.actual_type) and not last_type.convert_to (context.current_class, l_feat.type.deep_actual_type)) if l_has_error then create vjar context.init_error (vjar) vjar.set_source_type (last_type) vjar.set_target_type (l_feat.type.actual_type) vjar.set_target_name (l_name.value) vjar.set_location (l_value.start_location) error_handler.insert_error (vjar) elseif is_byte_node_enabled then fixme ("Not great since it can only be done when byte code is enabled.") l_expr_b ?= last_byte_node check l_expr_b_not_void: l_expr_b /= Void end if not l_expr_b.is_constant_expression then l_has_error := True create l_vica2.make (context.current_class, current_feature) l_vica2.set_location (l_value.start_location) error_handler.insert_error (l_vica2) end end end else create l_veen context.init_error (l_veen) l_veen.set_identifier (l_name.value) l_veen.set_location (l_name.start_location) error_handler.insert_error (l_veen) end if not l_has_error and is_byte_node_enabled then l_expressions.extend ([create {STRING_B}.make (l_name.value, False, False), l_expr_b]) -- TODO: check for manifest immutable string [2019-05-28] end a_tuple.expressions.forth end if not l_has_error and is_byte_node_enabled then a_ca_b.set_named_arguments (l_expressions) end end end valid_feature_for_ca (a_feat: FEATURE_I; a_name: STRING_AS): BOOLEAN -- Is `a_feat' valid to be used as a named argument in custom attribute? require a_feat_not_void: a_feat /= Void a_name_not_void: a_name /= Void local l_vuex: VUEX l_ext_class: EXTERNAL_CLASS_C do if a_feat.is_exported_for (system.any_class.compiled_class) then Result := a_feat.is_attribute if not Result and a_feat.is_function then -- Let's find out if we have an associated property setter to function -- `a_feat'. l_ext_class ?= a_feat.written_class if l_ext_class /= Void then -- It has to have a setter Result := l_ext_class.has_associated_property_setter (a_feat) end end else create l_vuex context.init_error (l_vuex) l_vuex.set_static_class (system.any_class.compiled_class) l_vuex.set_exported_feature (a_feat) l_vuex.set_location (a_name) error_handler.insert_error (l_vuex) end end is_infix_valid (a_left_type, a_right_type: TYPE_A; expression: BINARY_AS): BOOLEAN -- Does infix routine `a_name' exists in `a_left_type' and if so is -- it valid for `a_right_type'? require a_left_type_not_void: a_left_type /= Void a_left_type_known: a_left_type.is_known a_right_type_not_void: a_right_type /= Void local l_type_set: TYPE_SET_A l_last_constrained: TYPE_A l_infix: FEATURE_I l_class: CLASS_C l_context_current_class: CLASS_C l_vwoe: VWOE l_result_tuple: TUPLE[feature_item: FEATURE_I; class_type_of_feature: CL_TYPE_A; features_found_count: INTEGER] l_is_multi_constraint_case: BOOLEAN l_feature_found_count: INTEGER l_vtmc_error: VTMC do -- Reset last_calls_target_type := Void l_context_current_class := context.current_class -- No need for `a_left_type.actual_type' since it is done in callers of -- `is_infix_valid'. if a_left_type.is_formal then if attached {FORMAL_A} a_left_type as l_formal then if not l_formal.is_single_constraint_without_renaming (l_context_current_class) then l_is_multi_constraint_case := True -- this is the multi constraint case l_type_set := a_left_type.to_type_set.constraining_types (l_context_current_class) check l_type_set /= Void end l_result_tuple := l_type_set.feature_i_state_by_alias_name_id (expression.operator_id) -- We raise an error if there are multiple infix features found l_feature_found_count := l_result_tuple.features_found_count if l_feature_found_count > 1 then l_vtmc_error := new_vtmc_error (expression.operator_id, l_formal.position, l_context_current_class, True, expression.operator_location) elseif l_feature_found_count = 1 then l_infix := l_result_tuple.feature_item l_last_constrained := l_result_tuple.class_type_of_feature l_class := l_last_constrained.base_class last_calls_target_type := l_last_constrained else -- Evereything stays void, an error will be reported. end else l_last_constrained := l_formal.constrained_type (l_context_current_class) end else check is_formal: False end l_last_constrained := a_left_type end else l_last_constrained := a_left_type end if not l_is_multi_constraint_case then check l_last_constrained_not_void: l_last_constrained /= Void associated_class_not_void: l_last_constrained.base_class /= Void feature_table_not_void: l_last_constrained.base_class.feature_table /= Void end l_class := l_last_constrained.base_class l_infix := l_class.feature_table.item_alias_id (expression.operator_id) last_calls_target_type := l_class.actual_type end -- If there is no VTMC error, then we need to check more if l_vtmc_error = Void then if l_infix = Void then create l_vwoe context.init_error (l_vwoe) if l_class /= Void then l_vwoe.set_other_class (l_class) else l_vwoe.set_other_type_set (l_type_set) end l_vwoe.set_op_name (expression.operator_name) last_alias_error := l_vwoe else -- Export validity last_alias_feature := l_infix check_infix_feature (l_infix, l_class, expression, a_left_type, l_last_constrained, a_right_type) end else last_alias_error := l_vtmc_error end if last_alias_error = Void and then a_left_type.is_separate and then system.is_scoop then -- Left operand is of a separate type, so the right operand is subject to SCOOP argument rules. if a_right_type.is_reference and then not l_infix.arguments.i_th (1).is_separate then -- If the right operand is of a reference type then formal feature argument must be separate. create {VUAR3} last_alias_error.make (context, l_infix, Void, l_class, 1, l_infix.arguments.i_th (1).actual_type, a_left_type, expression.operator_location) elseif a_right_type.is_expanded and then not a_right_type.is_processor_attachable_to (a_left_type) then -- If the right operand is of an expanded type then it should not have non-separate reference fields. create {VUAR4} last_alias_error.make (context, l_infix, Void, l_class, 1, l_infix.arguments.i_th (1).actual_type, a_left_type, expression.operator_location) end end if last_alias_error /= Void then last_alias_feature := Void last_infix_arg_type := Void last_infix_argument_conversion_info := Void else Result := True end ensure last_calls_target_type_computed: last_alias_error = Void implies last_calls_target_type /= Void end check_infix_feature (a_feature: FEATURE_I; a_context_class: CLASS_C; expression: BINARY_AS; a_left_type, a_left_constrained, a_right_type: TYPE_A) -- Check validity of `a_feature'. require a_feature_attached: a_feature /= Void a_context_class_attached: a_context_class /= Void attached expression a_left_type_attached: a_left_type /= Void a_left_constrained_attached: a_left_constrained /= Void a_right_type_attached: a_right_type /= Void local l_arg_type: TYPE_A l_vuex: VUEX l_vape: VAPE l_vwoe1: VWOE1 do if not (context.is_ignoring_export or a_feature.is_exported_for (context.current_class)) then create l_vuex context.init_error (l_vuex) l_vuex.set_static_class (a_context_class) l_vuex.set_exported_feature (a_feature) last_alias_error := l_vuex else if not System.do_not_check_vape and then is_checking_precondition and then not current_feature.export_status.is_subset (a_feature.export_status) then -- In precondition and checking for vape create l_vape context.init_error (l_vape) l_vape.set_exported_feature (current_feature) last_alias_error := l_vape else -- Conformance initialization -- Argument conformance: infix feature must have one argument l_arg_type := a_feature.arguments.i_th (1) l_arg_type := l_arg_type.recomputed_in (a_left_type.as_implicitly_detachable.as_variant_free, context.current_class.class_id, a_left_constrained.as_implicitly_detachable.as_variant_free, a_context_class.class_id).actual_type if not l_arg_type.backward_conform_to (context.current_class, a_right_type) then if not is_inherited and then a_right_type.convert_to (context.current_class, l_arg_type.deep_actual_type) then last_infix_argument_conversion_info := context.last_conversion_info last_infix_arg_type := l_arg_type last_alias_error := Void else -- No conformance on argument of infix create l_vwoe1 context.init_error (l_vwoe1) l_vwoe1.set_other_class (a_context_class) l_vwoe1.set_op_name (expression.operator_name) l_vwoe1.set_operator_feature (a_feature) l_vwoe1.set_formal_type (l_arg_type) l_vwoe1.set_actual_type (a_right_type) last_alias_error := l_vwoe1 last_infix_argument_conversion_info := Void end else last_infix_arg_type := l_arg_type last_alias_error := Void last_infix_argument_conversion_info := Void end end end end check_prefix_feature (a_feature: FEATURE_I; a_context_class: CLASS_C) -- Check validity of `a_feature' for a prefix call. require a_feature_attached: a_feature /= Void a_context_class_attached: a_context_class /= Void local l_vuex: VUEX l_vape: VAPE do if not (context.is_ignoring_export or a_feature.is_exported_for (context.current_class)) then create l_vuex context.init_error (l_vuex) l_vuex.set_static_class (a_context_class) l_vuex.set_exported_feature (a_feature) last_alias_error := l_vuex else if not System.do_not_check_vape and then is_checking_precondition and then not current_feature.export_status.is_subset (a_feature.export_status) then -- In precondition and checking for vape create l_vape context.init_error (l_vape) l_vape.set_exported_feature (current_feature) last_alias_error := l_vape else last_alias_error := Void end end end last_alias_error: ERROR last_alias_feature: FEATURE_I last_infix_arg_type: TYPE_A last_infix_argument_conversion_info: CONVERSION_INFO -- Helpers to perform type check and byte_node generation. process_type_compatibility (l_target_type: like last_type) -- Test if `last_type' is compatible with `l_target_type' and -- make the result available in `is_type_compatible'. -- Adjust `last_byte_node' to reflect conversion if required. require is_type_compatible_set: is_type_compatible /= Void last_type_not_void: last_type /= Void last_byte_node_not_void: is_byte_node_enabled implies last_byte_node /= Void local l_source_type: like last_type l_source_expr: EXPR_B l_conv_info: CONVERSION_INFO do is_type_compatible.is_compatible := True is_type_compatible.conversion_info := Void l_source_type := last_type --| If `l_source_type' is of type NONE_A and if `l_target_type' does --| not conform to NONE, we generate in all the cases a VJAR error, --| we do not try to specify what kind of error, i.e. --| 1- if target was a basic or an expanded type, we should generate --| a VNCE error. --| 2- if target was a BIT type, we should generate a VNCB error. if not l_target_type.backward_conform_to (context.current_class, l_source_type) then if not is_inherited and then l_source_type.convert_to (context.current_class, l_target_type.deep_actual_type) then l_conv_info := context.last_conversion_info is_type_compatible.conversion_info := l_conv_info if l_conv_info.has_depend_unit then context.supplier_ids.extend (l_conv_info.depend_unit) end if is_byte_node_enabled then l_source_expr ?= last_byte_node check l_source_expr_not_void: l_source_expr /= Void end last_byte_node := l_conv_info.byte_node (l_source_expr) end elseif l_source_type.is_expanded and then l_target_type.is_external and then l_source_type.is_conformant_to (context.current_class, l_target_type) then -- No need for conversion, this is currently done at the code -- generation level to properly handle the generic case. -- If not done at the code generation, we would need the following -- line. -- create {BOX_CONVERSION_INFO} l_conv_info.make (l_source_type) else -- Type does not convert neither, so we raise an error -- about non-conforming types. is_type_compatible.is_compatible := False end else -- Check that if `target' is frozen, `source' is also frozen. is_type_compatible.is_compatible := is_frozen_type_compatible (l_source_type, l_target_type, False) end ensure last_type_unchanged: last_type = old last_type last_byte_node_not_void: is_byte_node_enabled implies last_byte_node /= Void end is_frozen_type_compatible (a_source_type, a_target_type: TYPE_A; a_for_conversion: BOOLEAN): BOOLEAN -- Is `a_source_type' compatible with `a_target_type' with respect to the frozen mark? require a_source_type_not_void: a_source_type /= Void a_target_type_not_void: a_target_type /= Void type_conforms: not a_for_conversion implies a_target_type.backward_conform_to (context.current_class, a_source_type) local l_source, l_target: TYPE_A do if a_target_type.is_frozen then if a_source_type.actual_type.is_none then -- Assignment `a := Void' where `a' is frozen detachable, -- this is ok. Result := True elseif a_source_type.is_frozen then -- Both source and target are frozen. if a_for_conversion then -- We have a conversion to a frozen type, so nothing to be done. Result := True else l_source := a_source_type.conformance_type.as_attachment_mark_free l_target := a_target_type.conformance_type.as_attachment_mark_free Result := l_source.same_as (l_target) if not Result then -- Type are not exactly the same. So we check that they are the same -- base type. Note that if one of the source and target type was a formal -- the above test using `same_as' should succeed for the call to be valid. Result := attached {CL_TYPE_A} l_source as l_source_type and then attached {CL_TYPE_A} l_target as l_target_type and then l_source_type.class_id = l_target_type.class_id end end else Result := False end else Result := True end end process_assigner_command (a_target_type, a_target_constrained_type: TYPE_A; target_query: FEATURE_I) -- Attempt to calculate an assigner call associated with `target_query' -- called on type of `target_class_id'. Make the result available in -- `last_assigner_command'. Register client dependance on the target -- command. require target_query_not_void: target_query /= Void local l_assigner_name: STRING l_assigner_command: FEATURE_I l_type: TYPE_A l_target_class_id: INTEGER do last_assignment_target := target_query l_assigner_name := target_query.assigner_name if l_assigner_name = Void then last_assigner_command := Void else l_assigner_command := target_query.written_class.feature_named (l_assigner_name) if l_assigner_command /= Void then -- Evaluate assigner command in context of target type l_target_class_id := a_target_constrained_type.base_class.class_id l_assigner_command := system.class_of_id (l_target_class_id).feature_of_rout_id (l_assigner_command.rout_id_set.first) check assigner_command_attached: l_assigner_command /= Void assigner_command_valid: l_assigner_command.argument_count >= 1 end -- Suppliers update if not is_inherited then context.supplier_ids.extend_depend_unit_with_level (l_target_class_id, l_assigner_command, depend_unit_level) end l_type := l_assigner_command.arguments.i_th (1).recomputed_in ( a_target_type.as_implicitly_detachable.as_variant_free, context.current_class.class_id, a_target_constrained_type.as_implicitly_detachable.as_variant_free, l_target_class_id).actual_type end last_assigner_command := l_assigner_command end end feature {NONE} -- Overloading overloaded_feature ( a_type: TYPE_A; a_last_class: CLASS_C; a_arg_types: ARRAYED_LIST [TYPE_A]; a_feature_name: ID_AS; is_static_access: BOOLEAN): FEATURE_I -- Find overloaded feature that could match Current. The rules are taken from -- C# ECMA specification "14.4.2 Overload Resolution". require a_type_not_void: a_type /= Void a_last_class_not_void: a_last_class /= Void feature_table_of_last_class_has_overloaded: a_last_class.feature_table.has_overloaded (a_feature_name.name_id) local last_id: INTEGER l_features: LIST [FEATURE_I] viof: VIOF l_list: ARRAYED_LIST [TYPE_A] i, nb: INTEGER do last_id := a_last_class.class_id -- At this stage we know this is an overloaded routine. l_features := a_last_class.feature_table.overloaded_items (a_feature_name.name_id) -- Remove all features that are not valid for Current call. -- C# ECMA l_features := applicable_overloaded_features (l_features, a_type, a_arg_types, last_id, is_static_access) if l_features.count = 1 then Result := l_features.first elseif not l_features.is_empty then -- Now that we have all valid features for this call, we need to find the -- best match. If we find more than one, there is an ambiguity. -- C# ECMA and l_features := best_overloaded_features (l_features, a_type, a_arg_types, last_id) if l_features.count = 1 then Result := l_features.first elseif not l_features.is_empty then -- Raise a VIOF error which states type of arguments of current call and list -- all possible features that matches the above types. if a_arg_types /= Void then from i := 1 nb := a_arg_types.count create l_list.make (nb) until i > nb loop l_list.extend (a_arg_types.i_th (i)) i := i + 1 end end create viof.make (context.current_class, current_feature, l_features,, last_id, l_list) viof.set_location (a_feature_name) error_handler.insert_error (viof) end end end applicable_overloaded_features (a_features: LIST [FEATURE_I]; a_type: TYPE_A; a_arg_types: ARRAYED_LIST [TYPE_A]; last_id: INTEGER; is_static_access: BOOLEAN): LIST [FEATURE_I] -- Use C# ECMA specification to find list of matching features in -- `a_features' that matches given arguments. -- That is to say it keeps features that have the same number of parameters, -- that are agent creations with full open type specification and whose -- signature is valid for given arguments. require a_features_not_void: a_features /= Void a_type_not_void: a_type /= Void last_id_nonnegative: last_id >= 0 local l_feature: FEATURE_I i, count: INTEGER l_done: BOOLEAN l_formal_arg_type: TYPE_A l_arg_type: TYPE_A do create {ARRAYED_LIST [FEATURE_I]} Result.make (a_features.count) if a_arg_types /= Void then count := a_arg_types.count end -- First remove not valid feature and feature with incorrect number of arguments. from a_features.start until a_features.after loop l_feature := a_features.item if l_feature /= Void and then l_feature.argument_count = count and then (not is_static_access or else l_feature.is_class) then Result.extend (l_feature) end a_features.forth end if Result.count >= 2 and then a_arg_types /= Void then -- Iterate through all found features and find all the features whose -- signature matches the one from the given arguments. -- In other words, for every `arg_i' of the given parameters, find -- all features where `arg_i' conforms to `formal_arg_i', formal argument -- type of the feature. -- Corresponds to second point of C# spec from Result.start count := count + 1 until Result.after loop l_feature := Result.item -- Conformance checking from l_done := False i := 1 until i = count or l_done loop l_formal_arg_type := feature_arg_type (l_feature, i, a_type, a_arg_types, last_id) l_arg_type := a_arg_types.i_th (i) if not (l_arg_type.conform_to (context.current_class, l_formal_arg_type) or l_arg_type.convert_to (context.current_class, l_formal_arg_type.deep_actual_type)) then -- Error, we cannot continue. Let's check the next feature. l_done := True end i := i + 1 end if l_done then Result.remove else Result.forth end end end ensure applicable_overloaded_features_not_void: Result /= Void end best_overloaded_features (a_features: LIST [FEATURE_I]; a_type: TYPE_A; a_arg_types: ARRAYED_LIST [TYPE_A]; last_id: INTEGER): LIST [FEATURE_I] -- Use C# ECMA specification and to find list of best matching -- features in `a_features' that matches given arguments. require a_features_not_void: a_features /= Void a_features_has_two_items_at_least: a_features.count > 1 all_features_have_arguments: a_features.for_all (agent {FEATURE_I}.has_arguments) a_type_not_void: a_type /= Void last_id_nonnegative: last_id >= 0 local l_feature1, l_feature2, l_better_feature: FEATURE_I l_place_found: BOOLEAN l_set: SEARCH_TABLE [FEATURE_I] l_set_traversal: ARRAYED_LIST [FEATURE_I] do -- Our goal is to build `l_set' which is the set of features that are better -- functions. If this set contains only one item, then it is the best function, -- if it contains more than one element, it means that they are not comparable -- (meaning they are neither worse nor better than the other). -- -- We iterate on all features in `a_features'. For each feature, we compare -- if it can be ordered in `l_set', if it can then we replace all worse feature -- by the one that can be ordered. Once all features of `a_features' have been -- handled, `l_set' is properly filled. -- -- To summarize: -- For each feature f1 in `a_features' do -- For each feature f2 in `l_set' do -- if f1 better than f2, replace f2 by f1 in `l_set' -- if f2 better than f1, nothing -- if f1 is no better or no worse than f2, it is not ordered -- end for -- if f1 was for each iteration in `l_set' not ordered then -- we add it to `l_set'. -- end if -- end for from a_features.start create l_set.make (a_features.count) until a_features.after loop l_feature1 := a_features.item l_set_traversal := l_set.linear_representation from l_place_found := False l_set_traversal.start until l_set_traversal.after loop l_feature2 := l_set_traversal.item l_better_feature := better_feature (l_feature1, l_feature2, a_type, a_arg_types, last_id) if l_better_feature = l_feature1 then -- Replace `l_feature2' by `l_feature1' since we found a better match. l_set.remove (l_feature2) l_set.put (l_feature1) l_place_found := True elseif l_better_feature = l_feature2 then l_place_found := True end l_set_traversal.forth end if not l_place_found then -- `l_feature1' could not be ordered in `l_set_traversal' -- so we need to add it to `l_set'. l_set.put (l_feature1) end a_features.forth end Result := l_set.linear_representation ensure applicable_overloaded_features_not_void: Result /= Void end better_feature ( a_feat1, a_feat2: FEATURE_I; a_type: TYPE_A; a_arg_types: ARRAYED_LIST [TYPE_A]; last_id: INTEGER): FEATURE_I -- If `a_feat1' is better for overloading that `a_feat2', returns `a_feat1', -- if `a_feat2' is better for overloading than `a_feat1', returns `a_feat2', -- otherwise returns Void. require a_feat1_not_void: a_feat1 /= Void a_feat2_not_void: a_feat2 /= Void a_feat1_has_arguments: a_feat1.has_arguments a_feat2_has_arguments: a_feat2.has_arguments a_feat1_and_a_feat2_have_same_argument_count: a_feat1.argument_count = a_feat2.argument_count a_type_not_void: a_type /= Void last_id_nonnegative: last_id >= 0 local l_target1, l_target2, l_better: TYPE_A l_current_item: TYPE_A i, l_formal_count: INTEGER l_done: BOOLEAN do from Result := Void l_done := False i := 1 l_formal_count := a_feat1.argument_count + 1 until i = l_formal_count or l_done loop -- Extract argument info from `a_feat1'. l_target1 := feature_arg_type (a_feat1, i, a_type, a_arg_types, last_id) -- Extract argument info from `a_feat2'. l_target2 := feature_arg_type (a_feat2, i, a_type, a_arg_types, last_id) -- Extract passed argument info. l_current_item := a_arg_types.i_th (i) if not l_target1.same_as (l_target2) then l_better := better_conversion (l_current_item, l_target1, l_target2) if l_better = Void then -- No better conversion found, it means that we can skip -- this feature `a_feat2'. l_done := True Result := Void else if Result = Void then if l_better = l_target1 then -- It means that at the moment `a_feat1' seems -- to be a better feature, we store `a_feat1' -- as best routine. Result := a_feat1 else Result := a_feat2 end else -- We had already assigned `Result', so we -- really have a better feature, so we need to ensure the new -- better conversion matches the better found feature. if Result = a_feat1 then l_done := l_better = l_target2 else l_done := l_better = l_target1 end if l_done then Result := Void end end end end i := i + 1 end ensure better_function_valid: Result = Void or Result = a_feat1 or Result = a_feat2 end better_conversion (source_type, target1, target2: TYPE_A): TYPE_A -- Using C# ECMA terminology, given `source_type' find which of `target1' -- or `target2' is a better conversion. -- Return type is either `target1' or `target2' if there is a better conversion, -- otherwise Void. require source_type_not_void: source_type /= Void target1_not_void: target1 /= Void target2_not_void: target2 /= Void target1_different_from_target2: not target1.same_as (target2) local conform1, conform2: BOOLEAN convert1, convert2: BOOLEAN do if source_type.same_as (target1) then Result := target1 elseif source_type.same_as (target2) then Result := target2 else -- First process conformance. conform1 := source_type.conform_to (context.current_class, target1) conform2 := source_type.conform_to (context.current_class, target2) if conform1 and conform2 then if target1.conform_to (context.current_class, target2) then Result := target1 elseif target2.conform_to (context.current_class, target1) then Result := target2 end elseif conform1 then Result := target1 elseif conform2 then Result := target2 else -- Conformance failed, so let's check conversion. convert1 := source_type.convert_to (context.current_class, target1.deep_actual_type) convert2 := source_type.convert_to (context.current_class, target2.deep_actual_type) if convert1 and not convert2 then Result := target1 elseif convert2 and not convert1 then Result := target2 end end end ensure better_conversion_found: Result /= Void implies (Result = target1 or Result = target2) end feature_arg_type (a_feature: FEATURE_I; a_pos: INTEGER; a_type: TYPE_A; a_arg_types: ARRAYED_LIST [TYPE_A]; last_id: INTEGER): TYPE_A -- Find type of argument at position `a_pos' of feature `a_feature' in context -- of `a_type', `last_id'. require a_feature_not_void: a_feature /= Void a_feature_has_arguments: a_feature.has_arguments a_pos_valid: a_feature.arguments.valid_index (a_pos) a_type_not_void: a_type /= Void last_id_nonnegative: last_id >= 0 do -- Get type from FEATURE_I. It should be evaluated already and therefore -- assignment attempt should work. Result ?= a_feature.arguments.i_th (a_pos) check feature_evaluated: Result /= Void end -- Evaluation of the actual type of the -- argument declaration if a_arg_types /= Void then Result := Result.actual_argument_type (a_arg_types) end -- Instantiation of `Result' in context of target represented by `a_type' and -- `last_id'. Result := Result.instantiation_in (a_type.as_implicitly_detachable.as_variant_free, last_id).actual_type ensure feature_arg_type_not_void: Result /= Void end feature {NONE} -- Agents compute_routine ( a_feature: FEATURE_I; a_is_query, a_has_args: BOOLEAN; cid : INTEGER; a_target_type: TYPE_A; a_feat_type: TYPE_A; an_agent: ROUTINE_CREATION_AS; an_access: ACCESS_B; a_target_node: EXPR_B) -- Type of routine object. require a_target_type_not_void: a_target_type /= Void valid_feature: is_byte_node_enabled or a_has_args implies a_feature /= Void; no_byte_code_for_attribute: is_byte_node_enabled implies not a_feature.is_attribute local l_type, l_query_type: TYPE_A l_generics: ARRAYED_LIST [TYPE_A] l_feat_args: FEAT_ARG l_oargtypes, l_cargtypes: ARRAYED_LIST [TYPE_A] l_tuple_type: TUPLE_TYPE_A l_arg_count, l_open_count, l_closed_count, l_idx, l_oidx: INTEGER l_operand: OPERAND_AS l_is_open, l_target_closed: BOOLEAN l_result_type: TYPE_A l_gen_type: GEN_TYPE_A l_last_open_positions: ARRAYED_LIST [INTEGER] l_routine_creation: ROUTINE_CREATION_B l_tuple_node: TUPLE_CONST_B l_expressions: BYTE_LIST [EXPR_B] l_parameters_node: BYTE_LIST [PARAMETER_B] l_expr: EXPR_B l_array_of_opens: ARRAY_CONST_B l_is_qualified_call: BOOLEAN do -- When the agent is a qualified call, we need to remove the anchors because otherwise -- we cannot create the proper agent type, see eweasel test#exec271. l_is_qualified_call := /= Void and then (not or else /= Void) if a_is_query then -- Evaluate type of Result in current context l_type := a_feat_type.instantiation_in (a_target_type.as_implicitly_detachable.as_variant_free, cid) if l_is_qualified_call or l_type.has_like_argument then l_type := l_type.deep_actual_type end if l_type.actual_type.is_boolean then -- generics are: open_types create l_generics.make (1) create l_gen_type.make (System.predicate_class_id, l_generics) else -- generics are: open_types, result_type create l_generics.make (2) l_query_type := l_type create l_gen_type.make (System.function_class_id, l_generics) end else -- generics are: open_types create l_generics.make (1) create l_gen_type.make (System.procedure_class_id, l_generics) end -- Type of an agent is frozen. l_gen_type.set_frozen_mark l_result_type := l_gen_type if a_has_args then l_feat_args := a_feature.arguments l_arg_count := l_feat_args.count + 1 else l_arg_count := 1 end -- Compute `operands_tuple' and type of TUPLE needed to determine current -- ROUTINE type. -- Create `l_oargtypes'. But first we need to find the `l_count', number -- of open operands. if /= Void and then then -- No target is specified, or just a class type is specified. -- Therefore there is at least one argument l_open_count := 1 l_oidx := 2 else -- Target was specified l_open_count := 0 l_target_closed := True end -- Compute number of open positions. if an_agent.operands /= Void then from an_agent.operands.start until an_agent.operands.after loop if an_agent.operands.item.is_open then l_open_count := l_open_count + 1 end an_agent.operands.forth end else if a_has_args then l_open_count := l_open_count + l_feat_args.count end end -- Create `oargytpes' with `l_count' parameters. This array -- is used to create current ROUTINE type. create l_oargtypes.make (l_open_count) if l_open_count > 0 then create l_last_open_positions.make (l_open_count) if l_oidx > 1 then -- Target is open, so insert it. l_last_open_positions.extend (1) l_oargtypes.extend (a_target_type) end end -- Create `l_cargtypes', array used to initialize type of `operands_tuple'. -- This array can hold the types for all closed arguments l_closed_count := l_arg_count - l_open_count create l_cargtypes.make (l_closed_count) -- Always insert target's type in `l_cargtypes' as first argument. if l_target_closed then l_cargtypes.extend (a_target_type) end -- Create argument types if l_feat_args /= Void then from -- `l_idx' is 2, because at position `1' we have target of call. l_idx := 2 l_feat_args.start if an_agent.operands /= Void then an_agent.operands.start end until l_feat_args.after loop l_type := Void -- Let's find out if this is really an open operand. if an_agent.operands /= Void then l_operand := an_agent.operands.item if l_operand.is_open then l_is_open := True if l_operand.class_type /= Void then l_operand.process (Current) l_type := last_type end else l_is_open := False end else l_is_open := True end -- Get type of operand. if l_is_open then if l_type = Void then l_type := l_feat_args.item end else l_type := l_feat_args.item end -- Evaluate type of operand in current context l_type := l_type.instantiation_in ( a_target_type.as_implicitly_detachable.as_variant_free, cid) if l_is_qualified_call then l_type := l_type.deep_actual_type elseif l_type.has_like_argument then l_type := l_type.deep_actual_type end -- If it is open insert it in `l_oargtypes' and insert -- position in `l_last_open_positions'. if l_is_open then l_oargtypes.extend (l_type) l_last_open_positions.extend (l_idx) else -- Add type to `l_argtypes'. l_cargtypes.extend (l_type) end l_idx := l_idx + 1 l_feat_args.forth if an_agent.operands /= Void then an_agent.operands.forth end end end -- Create open argument type tuple create l_tuple_type.make (System.tuple_id, l_oargtypes) l_tuple_type.set_frozen_mark -- Type of an argument tuple is always attached. l_tuple_type := l_tuple_type.as_attached_in (context.current_class) -- Add argument parameter of ROUTINE. l_generics.extend (l_tuple_type) -- Add result paramater of FUNCTION (if required). if l_query_type /= Void then l_generics.extend (l_query_type) end -- Type of an agent is always attached. l_result_type := l_result_type.as_attached_in (context.current_class) -- If a target type is separate, a type of the agent is separate. adapt_type_to_target (l_result_type, a_target_type, a_feature, is_controlled, an_agent, 0, Void) l_result_type := last_type if is_byte_node_enabled then create l_routine_creation l_parameters_node := an_access.parameters -- Setup closed arguments in `l_cargtypes'. create l_expressions.make_filled (l_closed_count) l_expressions.start if attached a_target_node and then not attached {OPERAND_B} a_target_node then -- A target was specified, we need to check if it is an open argument or not -- by simply checking that its byte node is not an instance of OPERAND_B. l_expressions.replace (a_target_node) l_expressions.forth end if l_parameters_node /= Void then -- Insert values in `l_expressions'. from l_parameters_node.start until l_parameters_node.after loop l_expr := l_parameters_node.item.expression if not attached {OPERAND_B} l_expr then -- Closed operands, we insert its expression. l_expressions.replace (l_expr) l_expressions.forth end l_parameters_node.forth end end -- Create TUPLE_CONST_B instance which holds all closed arguments. l_expressions.start create l_tuple_type.make (System.tuple_id, l_cargtypes) l_tuple_type.set_frozen_mark create l_tuple_node.make (l_expressions, l_tuple_type, l_tuple_type.create_info) -- We need to instantiate the closed TUPLE type of the agent otherwise it -- causes eweasel test#agent007 to fail. instantiator.dispatch (l_tuple_node.type, context.current_class) -- Setup l_last_open_positions if l_last_open_positions /= Void then create l_expressions.make_filled (l_last_open_positions.count) from l_expressions.start l_last_open_positions.start until l_last_open_positions.after loop l_expressions.replace ( create {INTEGER_CONSTANT}.make_with_value (l_last_open_positions.item)) l_expressions.forth l_last_open_positions.forth end -- Create ARRAY_CONST_B which holds all open positions in -- above generated tuple. l_expressions.start create l_array_of_opens.make (l_expressions, integer_array_type) end -- Initialize ROUTINE_CREATION_B instance -- We need to use the conformance_type since it could be a like_current type which would -- be a problem with inherited assertions. See eweasel test execX10 l_routine_creation.init (a_target_type.conformance_type, a_feature, l_result_type, l_tuple_node, l_array_of_opens, l_last_open_positions, a_feature.is_inline_agent, l_target_closed, a_target_type.base_class.is_basic) last_byte_node := l_routine_creation end set_type (l_result_type, an_agent) ensure exists: last_type /= Void end integer_array_type : GEN_TYPE_A -- Representation of an array of INTEGER local generics : ARRAYED_LIST [TYPE_A] once create generics.make (1) generics.extend (integer_type) create Result.make (System.array_id, generics) -- This array is used to create instances so it is frozen. Result.set_frozen_mark end compute_feature_fake_inline_agent (a_rc: ROUTINE_CREATION_AS; a_feature: FEATURE_I; a_target: EXPR_B; a_target_type: TYPE_A; a_agent_type: TYPE_A) local l_result_type: TYPE_A do -- We need to adapt type of agent to its context, as otherwise we have the wrong signature -- See eweasel test#agent010 where the FORMAL_A was not translated into CL_TYPE_A and we got -- a compilation crash at degree 2; as well as test#agent004. l_result_type := a_feature.type l_result_type := l_result_type.instantiation_in (a_target_type.as_implicitly_detachable.as_variant_free, a_rc.class_id) compute_fake_inline_agent (a_rc, a_feature.access (l_result_type, True, a_target_type.is_separate), l_result_type, a_target, a_target_type, a_agent_type, a_feature) end compute_named_tuple_fake_inline_agent (a_rc: ROUTINE_CREATION_AS; a_named_tuple: NAMED_TUPLE_TYPE_A; a_label_pos: INTEGER; a_target: EXPR_B; a_target_type: TYPE_A; a_agent_type: TYPE_A) local l_tuple_access_b: TUPLE_ACCESS_B do create l_tuple_access_b.make (a_named_tuple, a_label_pos) compute_fake_inline_agent (a_rc, l_tuple_access_b, l_tuple_access_b.type, a_target, a_target_type, a_agent_type, Void) end compute_fake_inline_agent ( a_rc: ROUTINE_CREATION_AS a_feature: CALL_B a_feature_type: TYPE_A a_target: EXPR_B a_target_type: TYPE_A a_agent_type: TYPE_A a_for_feature: FEATURE_I) -- Creates an inline agent bytenode that is semanticaly equivalent to the agent on the target byte node -- It further creates the proper routine creation -- agent T.a becomes: -- agent(t: TYPE_T): TYPE_a do Result := t.a end (T) require a_for_feature /= Void implies (a_for_feature.is_attribute or a_for_feature.is_constant) local l_func: DYN_FUNC_I l_args: FEAT_ARG l_code: STD_BYTE_CODE l_byte_list: BYTE_LIST [BYTE_NODE] l_nested: NESTED_B l_argument: ARGUMENT_B l_tuple_node: TUPLE_CONST_B l_closed_args: BYTE_LIST [EXPR_B] l_agent_type: GEN_TYPE_A l_target: EXPR_B l_cur_class: EIFFEL_CLASS_C l_enclosing_feature: FEATURE_I l_tuple_type: TUPLE_TYPE_A l_target_closed: BOOLEAN l_rout_creation: ROUTINE_CREATION_B l_generics: ARRAYED_LIST [TYPE_A] do l_target_closed := not ( /= Void and then l_cur_class := context.current_class.eiffel_class_c create l_func create l_args.make (1) l_args.extend_with_name (a_target_type, {PREDEFINED_NAMES}.fake_inline_agent_target_name_id) l_func.set_arguments (l_args) l_func.set_type (a_feature_type, 0) l_func.set_is_fake_inline_agent (True) l_enclosing_feature := init_inline_agent_feature (l_func, a_for_feature, l_cur_class, l_cur_class) create l_byte_list.make (1) l_byte_list.start create l_argument l_argument.set_position (1) create l_nested l_nested.set_target (l_argument) l_nested.set_message (a_feature) a_feature.set_parent (l_nested) l_byte_list.extend (create {ASSIGN_B}.make (create {RESULT_B}, l_nested)) create l_code l_code.set_compound (l_byte_list) l_code.set_arguments (<>) l_code.set_rout_id (l_func.rout_id_set.first) l_code.set_body_index (l_func.body_index) l_code.set_start_line_number (a_rc.start_location.line) l_code.set_end_location (a_rc.end_location) l_code.set_result_type (a_feature_type) l_code.set_feature_name_id (l_func.feature_name_id) if inline_agent_byte_codes = Void then create inline_agent_byte_codes.make end inline_agent_byte_codes.extend (l_code) l_func.process_pattern l_cur_class.insert_changed_assertion (l_func) if l_target_closed then create l_closed_args.make (2) if a_target = Void or attached {OPERAND_B} a_target then create {CURRENT_B} l_target else l_target := a_target end l_closed_args.extend (create {CURRENT_B}) l_closed_args.extend (l_target) create l_generics.make (2) l_generics.extend (context.current_class_type) l_generics.extend (a_target_type) create l_tuple_type.make (system.tuple_id, l_generics) l_tuple_type.set_frozen_mark else create l_closed_args.make (1) l_closed_args.extend (create {CURRENT_B}) create l_generics.make (1) l_generics.extend (context.current_class_type) create l_tuple_type.make (system.tuple_id, l_generics) l_tuple_type.set_frozen_mark end -- We need to instantiate the closed TUPLE type of the agent otherwise it -- causes eweasel test#agent007 to fail. instantiator.dispatch (l_tuple_type, context.current_class) create l_tuple_node.make (l_closed_args, l_tuple_type, l_tuple_type.create_info) -- We need to use the conformence type since it could be a like_current type which would -- be a problem with inherited assertions. See eweasel test execX10 l_agent_type ?= a_agent_type.conformance_type create l_rout_creation if l_target_closed then l_rout_creation.init (context.current_class_type, l_func, l_agent_type, l_tuple_node, Void, Void, True, True, False) else l_rout_creation.init (context.current_class_type, l_func, l_agent_type, l_tuple_node, open_target_omap_bc, open_target_omap, True, False, False) end if not is_inherited then -- Record a dependance between the fake inline agent and the enclosing routine being analyzed. context.supplier_ids.extend_depend_unit_with_level (l_cur_class.class_id, l_enclosing_feature, depend_unit_level | {DEPEND_UNIT}.is_uniform_flag) end last_byte_node := l_rout_creation end open_target_omap: ARRAYED_LIST [INTEGER_32] do create Result.make (1) Result.extend (2) end open_target_omap_bc: ARRAY_CONST_B local l_byte_list: BYTE_LIST [BYTE_NODE] do create l_byte_list.make (1) l_byte_list.extend (create {INTEGER_CONSTANT}.make_with_value (2)) create Result.make (l_byte_list, integer_array_type) end empty_omap_bc: ARRAY_CONST_B do create Result.make (create {BYTE_LIST [BYTE_NODE]}.make (0), integer_array_type) end init_inline_agent_feature (a_feat, a_real_feat: FEATURE_I; a_current_class, a_written_class: EIFFEL_CLASS_C): FEATURE_I -- a_feat may just be a fake wrapper to a_real_feat (for agents on attributes). require a_feat_not_void: a_feat /= Void a_feat_valid: a_feat.is_attribute implies a_real_feat /= Void local l_new_rout_id_set: ROUT_ID_SET l_cur_class: EIFFEL_CLASS_C l_enclosing_feature, l_new_enclosing_feature: FEATURE_I l_name: STRING l_number: INTEGER l_is_fake: BOOLEAN l_old_inline_agents: HASH_TABLE [FEATURE_I, INTEGER] l_old_feat: FEATURE_I do l_cur_class := a_current_class Result := a_feat l_is_fake := Result.is_fake_inline_agent create l_new_rout_id_set.make if l_is_fake then l_number := -1 else l_number := l_old_inline_agents := context.old_inline_agents if l_old_inline_agents /= Void and then l_old_inline_agents.has_key (l_number) then l_old_feat := l_old_inline_agents.found_item end end if l_old_feat /= Void then Result.set_body_index (l_old_feat.body_index) l_new_rout_id_set.put (l_old_feat.rout_id_set.first) Result.set_feature_id (l_old_feat.feature_id) Result.set_origin_feature_id (l_old_feat.origin_feature_id) else Result.set_body_index (system.body_index_counter.next_id) l_new_rout_id_set.put (Result.new_rout_id) Result.set_feature_id ( Result.set_origin_feature_id (Result.feature_id) end Result.set_rout_id_set (l_new_rout_id_set) Result.set_written_in (a_written_class.class_id) Result.set_origin_class_id (Result.written_in) Result.set_export_status (create {EXPORT_ALL_I}) -- calculate the enclosing feature from l_enclosing_feature := current_feature until not l_enclosing_feature.is_inline_agent loop l_new_enclosing_feature := l_cur_class.feature_of_body_index (l_enclosing_feature.enclosing_body_id_or_creator_position) if l_new_enclosing_feature = Void then -- then it has to be the class invariant feature check l_enclosing_feature.enclosing_body_id_or_creator_position = l_cur_class.invariant_feature.body_index end l_enclosing_feature := l_cur_class.invariant_feature else l_enclosing_feature := l_new_enclosing_feature end end if is_replicated then -- We need to replicate the agent feature. Result := Result.replicated (a_current_class.class_id) Result.set_is_replicated_directly (True) -- Instantiate agent with respect to current class. Result := Result.instantiation_in (context.current_class_type.conformance_type.as_implicitly_detachable.as_variant_free) if l_enclosing_feature.has_replicated_ast then Result.set_has_replicated_ast (True) end end Result.set_inline_agent (l_enclosing_feature.body_index, l_number) if l_is_fake then l_name := "fake inline-agent" l_name.append_character ('#') l_name.append_integer (Result.body_index) if a_real_feat /= Void then l_name.append_character ('#') l_name.append_integer (a_real_feat.written_in) l_name.append_character ('#') l_name.append_integer (a_real_feat.feature_id) l_name.append_character ('#') end else l_name := "inline-agent" l_name.append_character ('#') l_name.append_integer (Result.inline_agent_nr) end l_name.append_string (" of ") l_name.append (l_enclosing_feature.feature_name) Result.set_feature_name (l_name) if is_byte_node_enabled then system.rout_info_table.put (l_new_rout_id_set.first, l_cur_class) l_cur_class.put_inline_agent (Result) degree_2.insert_class (l_cur_class) end end init_inline_agent_dep (a_feat: FEATURE_I; a_new_feat_dep: FEATURE_DEPENDANCE) -- When an inline agent X of an enclosing feature f is a client of -- feature g, we make the enclosing feature f a client of g. require not_inherited: not is_inherited a_feat_not_void: a_feat /= Void a_new_feat_dep_not_void: a_new_feat_dep /= Void do from a_new_feat_dep.start until a_new_feat_dep.after loop context.supplier_ids.extend (a_new_feat_dep.item) a_new_feat_dep.forth end if attached a_new_feat_dep.instance_suppliers as s then across s as i loop context.supplier_ids.add_instance_supplier (i.item) end end a_feat.process_pattern context.current_class.insert_changed_assertion (a_feat) end check_agent_call_validity (a_feature: FEATURE_I; a_last_type: TYPE_A; a_parameters: EIFFEL_LIST [EXPR_AS]; a_arg_types: ARRAYED_LIST [TYPE_A]) -- Is the call to `{ROUTINE}.call' or `{FUNCTION}.item' and descendants valid with -- respects to the variance mark of the TUPLE actual generic parameter of the agent -- type. To be valid, the tuple type should not have any variant actual generic -- parameters as otherwise we could have a catcall. local l_tcat: CAT_CALL_WARNING do check has_generics: attached a_last_type.generics as l_generics and then not l_generics.is_empty end -- The type `a_last_type' represents a ROUTINE/PROCEDURE/FUNCTION/PREDICATE -- and its first actual generic parameter represents the type of the TUPLE. -- In the event, it is not generics, it means that the type is a formal one. -- In this case, we do not do anything because it should be taken care with -- existing rules governing calls on features involving formal generic parameters. if attached a_last_type.generics.first.actual_type.generics as l_generics then across l_generics as l_types loop if l_types.item.is_variant then if l_tcat = Void then create l_tcat.make (a_parameters.start_location) context.init_error (l_tcat) l_tcat.set_called_feature (a_feature) error_handler.insert_error (l_tcat) end l_tcat.add_covariant_generic_violation end end end end agent_call_routine_ids: SEARCH_TABLE [INTEGER] -- Set of the routine IDs for routines `call' and `item' of the agent classes (ROUTINE, -- PROCEDURE, FUNCTION and PREDICATE). do if attached internal_agent_call_routine_ids as l_result then Result := l_result else create Result.make (10) -- Adding {ROUTINE}.call. if attached system.routine_class as l_rout_class and then attached l_rout_class.compiled_class as l_class and then attached l_class.feature_table.item_id ({NAMES_HEAP}.call_name_id) as l_feat then Result.put (l_feat.rout_id_set.first) end -- Adding {PROCEDURE}.call. if attached system.procedure_class as l_proc_class and then attached l_proc_class.compiled_class as l_class and then attached l_class.feature_table.item_id ({NAMES_HEAP}.call_name_id) as l_feat then Result.put (l_feat.rout_id_set.first) end -- Adding {FUNCTION}.item (and implicitely {PREDICATE}.item). if attached system.function_class as l_func_class and then attached l_func_class.compiled_class as l_class and then attached l_class.feature_table.item_id ({NAMES_HEAP}.item_name_id) as l_feat then Result.put (l_feat.rout_id_set.first) end internal_agent_call_routine_ids := Result end end internal_agent_call_routine_ids: SEARCH_TABLE [INTEGER] -- Storage for `agent_call_routine_ids'. feature {AST_FEATURE_CHECKER_GENERATOR} break_point_slot_count: INTEGER -- Counts the breakpoint slots that occurred during processing the feature. feature {NONE} -- Precursor handling precursor_table (l_as: PRECURSOR_AS; a_current_class: CLASS_C; a_rout_id_set: ROUT_ID_SET): LINKED_LIST [TUPLE [feat: FEATURE_I; parent_type: CL_TYPE_A]] -- Table of parent types which have an effective -- precursor of current feature. Indexed by -- routine ids. require l_as_not_void: l_as /= Void local parents: FIXED_LIST [CL_TYPE_A] a_parent: CLASS_C p_name: STRING spec_p_name: STRING p_list: HASH_TABLE [CL_TYPE_A, STRING] i, rc: INTEGER couple: TUPLE [written_in, body_index: INTEGER] check_written_in: LINKED_LIST [TUPLE [written_in, body_index: INTEGER]] r_class_i: CLASS_I do rc := a_rout_id_set.count if l_as.parent_base_class /= Void then -- Take class renaming into account r_class_i := Universe.class_named (, if r_class_i /= Void then spec_p_name := else -- A class of name `l_as.parent_base_class' does not exist -- in the universe. Use an empty name to trigger -- an error message later. spec_p_name := "" end end from parents := a_current_class.parents create Result.make create check_written_in.make check_written_in.compare_objects create p_list.make (parents.count) parents.start until parents.after loop a_parent := parents.item.base_class p_name := -- Don't check the same parent twice. -- If construct is qualified, check -- specified parent only. if not (p_list.has_key (p_name) and then p_list.found_item.is_equivalent (parents.item)) and then (spec_p_name = Void or else spec_p_name.is_equal (p_name)) then -- Check if parent has an effective precursor from i := 1 until i > rc loop if attached a_parent.feature_of_rout_id (a_rout_id_set.item (i)) as a_feature and then not a_feature.is_deferred then -- Ok, add parent. couple := [a_feature.written_in, a_feature.body_index] -- Before entering the new info in `Result' we -- need to make sure that we do not have the same -- item, because if we were adding it, it will -- cause a VDPR3 error when it is not needed. if not check_written_in.has (couple) then Result.extend ([a_feature, parents.item]) check_written_in.extend (couple) end end i := i + 1 end -- Register parent p_list.put (parents.item, p_name) end parents.forth end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation feature_with_name_using (a_feature_name: ID_AS; a_feature_table: FEATURE_TABLE): FEATURE_I -- Feature with feature_name `a_feature_name' using among other means `a_feature_table' require a_feature_name_not_void: a_feature_name /= Void do Result := a_feature_table.item_id (a_feature_name.name_id) end class_id_of (a_type: TYPE_A): INTEGER -- Sets the class id of `a_type' in `a_as' if possible require a_type_not_void: a_type /= Void local l_formal: FORMAL_A l_type_a: TYPE_A cl: CLASS_C do l_type_a := a_type.actual_type Result := -1 if l_type_a.is_formal then cl := context.current_class l_formal ?= l_type_a if not l_formal.is_multi_constrained (cl) then l_type_a := l_formal.constrained_type (cl) if not (l_type_a.is_none or l_type_a.is_void) then Result := l_type_a.base_class.class_id end end elseif not (l_type_a.is_none or l_type_a.is_void or not l_type_a.is_known) then Result := l_type_a.base_class.class_id end end match_list_of_class (a_class_id: INTEGER): LEAF_AS_LIST -- Match list object for class id `a_class_id' require id_not_null: a_class_id /= 0 do Result := match_list_server.item (a_class_id) end feature {NONE} -- Implementation: Add type informations last_routine_id_set: ROUT_ID_SET -- The last routine ids. feature {NONE} -- Implementation: type validation check_type (a_type: TYPE_AS) -- Evaluate `a_type' into a TYPE_A instance if valid. -- If not valid, raise a compiler error and return Void. require a_type_not_void: a_type /= Void local l_type: detachable TYPE_A l_error_level: NATURAL do l_error_level := error_level if is_inherited or else is_replicated then -- Convert TYPE_AS into TYPE_A. l_type := type_a_generator.evaluate_type (a_type, context.written_class) -- Perform simple check that TYPE_A is valid, `l_type' should not be -- Void after this call since it was not Void when checking the parent -- class l_type := inherited_type_a_checker.solved (l_type, a_type) check l_type_not_void: l_type /= Void end l_type := l_type.evaluated_type_in_descendant (context.written_class, context.current_class, current_feature) else l_type := type_a_generator.evaluate_type (a_type, context.current_class) -- Perform simple check that TYPE_A is valid. l_type := type_a_checker.check_and_solved (l_type, a_type) end if error_level = l_error_level then -- Check validity of type declaration type_a_checker.check_type_validity (l_type, a_type) -- Update `last_type' with found type. set_type (l_type, a_type) end if error_level /= l_error_level then reset_types end ensure definition: (last_type = Void implies (error_level /= old error_level)) or (last_type /= Void implies (error_level = old error_level)) end adapted_type (a_type, a_last_type, a_last_constrained: TYPE_A): TYPE_A -- If `a_type' is formal or like, it adapts it to the context given by `a_last_type' -- and `a_constrainted_type'. require a_type_not_void: a_type /= Void a_last_type_not_void: a_last_type /= Void a_last_constrained_not_void: a_type.is_formal implies a_last_constrained /= Void local l_formal_type: FORMAL_A do -- If the declared target type is formal -- and if the corresponding generic parameter is -- constrained to a class which is also generic -- Result is a FORMAL_A object with no more information -- than the position of the formal in the generic parameter -- list of the class in which the feature "l_feature_name" is -- declared. -- Example: -- -- class TEST [G -> ARRAY [STRING]] -- ... -- x: G -- x.item (1) -- -- For the evaluation of `item', l_last_type is "G#1" (of TEST) -- `l_last_constrained_type' is ARRAY [STRING], `l_feature.type' -- is "G#1" (of ARRAY) -- We need to convert the type to the constrained type for proper -- type evaluation of remote calls. -- "G#1" (of ARRAY) is thus replaced by the corresponding actual -- type in the declaration of the constraint class type (in this case -- class STRING). -- Note: the following conditional instruction will not be executed -- if the class type of the constraint is not generic since in that -- case `Result' would not be formal. Result := a_type if a_last_type.is_formal then if Result.is_formal then l_formal_type ?= Result else l_formal_type ?= Result.actual_type end if l_formal_type /= Void then Result := a_last_constrained.generics.i_th (l_formal_type.position) end elseif a_last_type.is_like then if Result.is_formal then l_formal_type ?= Result else l_formal_type ?= Result.actual_type end if l_formal_type /= Void then Result := a_last_type.actual_type.generics.i_th (l_formal_type.position) end end if l_formal_type /= Void then -- Preserve attachment status of the original type. Result := Result.to_other_attachment (a_type).to_other_variant (a_type).to_other_separateness (a_type) end ensure adapated_type_not_void: Result /= Void end maximal_type (ts: ARRAYED_LIST [TYPE_A]): TYPE_A -- A type that is maximal in the list `ts`, if present, or a properly adapted version of "ANY". local c: CLASS_C l: LOCAL_TYPE_A do c := context.current_class -- Use `l` to collect type information about all types. create l.make (0, System.detachable_separate_any_type, c) -- Iterate over all types. across ts as t loop -- Mimic attachment of `t.item` to a local of type `l`. l.backward_conform_to (c, t.item).do_nothing end -- Obtain a type to which all elements conform. Result := l.minimum -- There is no restriction on the type to which the found type should conform. -- Therefore, the type always exists. check attached Result end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation: checking locals check_locals (l_as: ROUTINE_AS) -- Check validity of local declarations: a local variable -- name cannot be a final name of the current feature table or -- an argument name of the current analyzed feature. -- Also an external or a deferred routine cannot have -- locals. -- Local variables without type declarations are not reported as an error, -- but are recorded in `untyped_local' instead. If there are no untyped -- local variables, `untyped_local' is detached. require l_as_not_void: l_as /= Void locals_not_void: l_as.locals /= Void local l_id_list: IDENTIFIER_LIST l_local_name_id: INTEGER l_local_name: STRING i: INTEGER l_local_info: LOCAL_INFO local_type: TYPE_A l_context_locals: HASH_TABLE [LOCAL_INFO, INTEGER] l_vrle1: VRLE1 l_vrle2: VRLE2 l_vreg: VREG l_vpir: VPIR1 l_curr_feat: FEATURE_I l_vrrr2: VRRR2 l_missing_type: detachable MISSING_LOCAL_TYPE_ERROR l_untyped_local: like untyped_local do untyped_local := Void if l_as.is_deferred or l_as.is_external then create l_vrrr2 context.init_error (l_vrrr2) l_vrrr2.set_is_deferred (l_as.is_deferred) l_vrrr2.set_location (l_as.locals.start_location) error_handler.insert_error (l_vrrr2) elseif not l_as.locals.is_empty then from l_curr_feat := current_feature l_context_locals := context.locals l_as.locals.start until l_as.locals.after loop if attached l_as.locals.item.type as l_local_type then -- A type is present. l_missing_type := Void check_type (l_local_type) else -- No type is specified. -- Try to infer it without reporting an error immediately. create l_missing_type.make (l_as.locals.item.id_list, context, l_as.locals.item.first_token (match_list_of_class (context.written_class.class_id))) last_type := void_type end if attached last_type as l_solved_type then from if not is_inherited then instantiator.dispatch (l_solved_type, context.current_class) end l_id_list := l_as.locals.item.id_list l_id_list.start until l_id_list.after loop l_local_name_id := l_id_list.item l_local_name := Names_heap.item (l_local_name_id) if not is_inherited then if not is_replicated and then feature_table.has_id (l_local_name_id) then -- The local name is a feature name of the -- current analyzed class. create l_vrle1 context.init_error (l_vrle1) l_vrle1.set_local_name (l_local_name_id) l_vrle1.set_location (l_as.locals.item.start_location) error_handler.insert_error (l_vrle1) elseif context.is_name_used (l_local_name_id) then -- The local name is the same as one used for an entity in the current scope. create l_vpir context.init_error (l_vpir) l_vpir.set_entity_name (l_local_name_id) l_vpir.set_location (match_list_of_class(context.written_class.class_id) [l_id_list.id_list [l_id_list.index]]) error_handler.insert_error (l_vpir) elseif l_curr_feat.has_argument_name (l_local_name_id) then -- The local name is an argument name of the -- current analyzed feature create l_vrle2 context.init_error (l_vrle2) l_vrle2.set_local_name (l_local_name_id) l_vrle2.set_location (l_as.locals.item.start_location) error_handler.insert_error (l_vrle2) end end -- Build the local table in the context i := i + 1 -- Check an expanded local type if attached l_missing_type then local_type := create {LOCAL_TYPE_A}.make (i, system.detachable_separate_any_type, context.current_class) -- Record an error for this local. l_untyped_local := untyped_local if not attached l_untyped_local then create l_untyped_local.make (1) untyped_local := l_untyped_local end l_untyped_local.force (l_missing_type, i) else local_type := l_solved_type end create l_local_info.make (local_type, i) if l_context_locals.has (l_local_name_id) then -- Error: two locals with the same name create l_vreg l_vreg.set_entity_name (l_local_name) context.init_error (l_vreg) l_vreg.set_location (l_as.locals.item.start_location) error_handler.insert_error (l_vreg) else l_context_locals.put (l_local_info, l_local_name_id) end -- Update instantiator for changed class l_id_list.forth end if l_solved_type.has_associated_class then -- Add the supplier in the feature_dependance list context.supplier_ids.add_supplier (l_solved_type.base_class) end if not is_inherited then -- No need to recheck for obsolete classes when checking inherited code. l_solved_type.check_for_obsolete_class (context.current_class, context.current_feature) if (l_solved_type.is_basic implies not {SYSTEM_I}.is_basic_class_alive) and then l_solved_type.is_expanded_creation_possible then record_expanded_dependence (l_solved_type) end end end l_as.locals.forth end end end resolve_locals (is_untyped_local_allowed: BOOLEAN; missing_types: like untyped_local) -- Compute types of untyped locals. -- Update `has_untyped_local' accordingly. -- Allow some locals to remain untyped if `is_untyped_local_allowed'. -- Report `missing_types' errors otherwise, with a fix action if possible. require has_untyped_local local l: LOCAL_INFO r: detachable TYPE_A t: HASH_TABLE [TYPE_A, LOCAL_TYPE_A] u: MISSING_LOCAL_TYPE_ERROR do -- Pretend that all types of locals are resolved now. has_untyped_local := False create t.make (0) across context.locals as c loop l := c.item if attached {LOCAL_TYPE_A} l.type as x then -- Update local type information. -- Check if the type was computed earlier. r := t [x] if not attached r then -- The type was not computed. -- Compute the type now. local_type_a_resolver.resolve (x) r := local_type_a_resolver.last_type end if is_untyped_local_allowed then -- The type may be changed on a next iteration of type inference. if not attached r then -- Record that fixed-point is not reached yet. has_untyped_local := True end -- Prepare type collector for the next iteration. x.reset r := x else if attached missing_types and then attached missing_types [x.position] as e then -- Report the error. error_handler.insert_error (e) -- Remove the error from the list. from missing_types.start until not missing_types.has_item (e) loop missing_types.prune (e) variant missing_types.count + 1 end -- Keep the error for reporting a fix option. u := e end if not attached r or else not r.is_known then -- Record that fixed-point cannot be reached or does not exist. -- The type cannot be computed. -- Force the type to be "NONE" for mandatory type inference: -- r := none_type -- Behave as if the type is still unresolved for suggestive type inference. x.reset r := x elseif attached u and then not r.is_none then -- Suggest computed type as a fix. u.set_suggested_type (r) end end -- Update local type information. l.set_type (r) -- Keep computed type to avoid recomputing it again. t.force (r, x) end end -- Remove all information about object test locals. -- It will be recomputed again. context.clear_inline_locals end check_unused_locals (a_locals: HASH_TABLE [LOCAL_INFO, INTEGER]) -- Check that all locals are used in Current. If not raise -- a warning. require a_locals_not_void: a_locals /= Void local l_local: LOCAL_INFO l_warning: UNUSED_LOCAL_WARNING do from a_locals.start until a_locals.after loop l_local := a_locals.item_for_iteration if not l_local.is_used then if l_warning = Void then create l_warning.make (context.current_class, current_feature.enclosing_feature) end l_warning.add_unused_local (a_locals.key_for_iteration, l_local.type) end a_locals.forth end if l_warning /= Void then error_handler.insert_warning (l_warning, context.current_class.is_warning_reported_as_error (w_unused_local)) end end untyped_local: detachable HASH_TABLE [MISSING_LOCAL_TYPE_ERROR, INTEGER] -- Errors about missing type declaration indexed by local indexes. -- Because several locals may be listed in one declaration, -- the same error can appear in the table more than once. empty_locals: like {AST_CONTEXT}.locals -- Empty locals that are used when processing inherited assertions. once create Result.make (10) end local_type_a_resolver: LOCAL_TYPE_A_RESOLVER -- Resolver for types of locals without type declarations. once create Result.make end feature {NONE} -- Variable initialization last_reinitialized_variable: INTEGER_32 -- Name ID of the last reinitialized local (the one that is assigned a new value) -- or negated name ID of the last reinitialized stable attribute. result_name_id: INTEGER_32 = 0x7fffffff -- Value of `last_reinitialized_variable' that indicates -- that the local is a special entity "Result" feature {NONE} -- Implementation: Error handling new_vtmc_error (name_id: like {NAMES_HEAP}.id_of; a_formal_position: INTEGER; a_context_class: CLASS_C; is_alias: BOOLEAN; location: LOCATION_AS): VTMC -- Computes everything needed to report a proper VTMC error, inserts and raises an error. -- -- `a_type_set' for which we produce the error. -- `name_id` is the feature name ID or the alias ID which is not unique in the type set. -- If you don't have formals inside your type set you don't need to provide a context class. require not is_alias implies names_heap.has (name_id) is_alias implies {OPERATOR_KIND}.is_alias_id (name_id) is_alias implies {OPERATOR_KIND}.is_fixed_alias_id (name_id) is_really_a_problematic_feature: not is_alias implies a_context_class.constraints (a_formal_position).constraining_types (a_context_class).feature_i_state_by_name_id (name_id).features_found_count /= 1 is_really_a_problematic_alias_feature: is_alias implies a_context_class.constraints (a_formal_position).constraining_types (a_context_class).feature_i_state_by_alias_name_id (name_id).features_found_count /= 1 local l_error_report: MC_FEATURE_INFO l_vtmc1: VTMC1 l_vtmc2: VTMC2 l_constraints: TYPE_SET_A do l_constraints := a_context_class.constraints (a_formal_position) if is_alias then l_error_report := l_constraints.info_about_feature_by_alias_name_id (name_id, a_formal_position, a_context_class) else l_error_report := l_constraints.info_about_feature_by_name_id (name_id, a_formal_position, a_context_class) end if l_error_report.count < 1 then create l_vtmc1 context.init_error (l_vtmc1) l_vtmc1.set_location (location) l_vtmc1.set_feature_call_name (names_heap.item (if is_alias then {OPERATOR_KIND}.name_id_of_alias_id (name_id) else name_id end)) l_vtmc1.set_type_set (l_constraints.constraining_types (a_context_class)) Result := l_vtmc1 else check l_error_report.count > 1 end create l_vtmc2 context.init_error (l_vtmc2) l_vtmc2.set_location (location) l_vtmc2.set_error_report (l_error_report) Result := l_vtmc2 end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation: catcall check is_query_stable (a_callee_type: TYPE_A; a_feature: FEATURE_I; a_query_type: CL_TYPE_A): BOOLEAN -- Check if a query `a_feature' has the same base type in all descendants. -- -- `a_callee_type': Type on which the call happens -- `a_feature': Feature which is called on callee require a_callee_type_not_void: a_callee_type /= Void a_feature_not_void: a_feature /= Void local l_descendant_class: CLASS_C l_descendant_feature: FEATURE_I do -- Limitation of the compiler: if there are no descendants, we cannot ensure it is stable. if attached conforming_descendants (a_feature, a_callee_type) as l_descendants then -- Loop through all descendants from Result := True l_descendants.start until not Result or else l_descendants.after loop -- Get descendant class and the feature in the context of the descendant\ l_descendant_class := l_descendants.item.base_class l_descendant_feature := l_descendant_class.feature_of_rout_id (a_feature.rout_id_set.first) Result := attached {CL_TYPE_A} l_descendant_feature.type.actual_type as l_class_type and then l_class_type.class_id = a_query_type.class_id l_descendants.forth end end end check_cat_call (a_callee_type: TYPE_A; a_feature: FEATURE_I; a_params: ARRAYED_LIST [TYPE_A]; a_location: LOCATION_AS; a_parameters: EIFFEL_LIST [EXPR_AS]) -- Check if a call can potentially be a cat call. -- -- `a_callee_type': Type on which the call happens -- `a_feature': Feature which is called on callee -- `a_params': Parameters of call, already evaluated to their types -- `a_location': Location where warning will be linked to require a_callee_type_not_void: a_callee_type /= Void a_feature_not_void: a_feature /= Void a_params_not_void: a_feature.argument_count > 0 implies a_params /= Void same_number_of_params: a_feature.argument_count > 0 implies a_feature.argument_count = a_params.count local l_descendants: ARRAYED_LIST [TYPE_A] l_descendant_type: TYPE_A l_descendant_class: CLASS_C l_descendant_feature: FEATURE_I l_tcat, l_acat: CAT_CALL_WARNING i: INTEGER l_formal_arg_type: TYPE_A l_arg_type: TYPE_A l_desc_class_id: INTEGER l_like_arg_type: TYPE_A do l_descendants := conforming_descendants (a_feature, a_callee_type) if l_descendants = Void then -- Limitation of the compiler, we declare the call to be potentially a catcall. create l_tcat.make (a_location) context.init_error (l_tcat) l_tcat.set_called_feature (a_feature) l_tcat.add_compiler_limitation (a_callee_type) error_handler.insert_error (L_tcat) elseif not l_descendants.is_empty then -- Loop through all descendants from l_descendants.start until l_descendants.after loop -- Get descendant class and the feature in the context of the descendant\ l_descendant_type := l_descendants.item l_descendant_class := l_descendant_type.base_class l_desc_class_id := l_descendant_class.class_id l_descendant_feature := l_descendant_class.feature_of_rout_id (a_feature.rout_id_set.first) -- Check argument validity from i := 1 until i > a_feature.argument_count loop l_arg_type := a_params.i_th (i) l_formal_arg_type := l_descendant_feature.arguments.i_th (i) -- Take care of anchoring to argument if l_formal_arg_type.is_like_argument then l_like_arg_type := l_formal_arg_type.instantiation_in (l_descendant_type, l_desc_class_id) l_like_arg_type := l_like_arg_type.actual_argument_type (a_params) l_like_arg_type := l_like_arg_type.actual_type -- Check that `l_arg_type' is compatible to its `like argument'. -- Once this is done, then type checking is done on the real -- type of the routine, not the anchor. if not l_arg_type.conform_to (context.current_class, l_like_arg_type) then error_handler.insert_error (create {VUAR2}.make (context, l_descendant_feature, Void, l_descendant_class, i, l_like_arg_type, l_arg_type, a_parameters [i].start_location)) end end -- Adapted type in case it is a formal generic parameter or a like. l_formal_arg_type := adapted_type (l_formal_arg_type, l_descendant_type, l_descendant_type) -- Actual type of feature argument l_formal_arg_type := l_formal_arg_type.instantiation_in (l_descendant_type, l_desc_class_id).actual_type -- Check if actual parameter conforms to the possible type of the descendant feature if conformance -- was involved in the original call, otherwise nothing to be done. if not l_arg_type.conform_to (context.current_class, l_formal_arg_type) then -- Conformance is violated. Add notice to warning. if l_tcat = Void then create l_tcat.make (a_location) context.init_error (l_tcat) l_tcat.set_called_feature (a_feature) error_handler.insert_error (l_tcat) end l_tcat.add_covariant_argument_violation (l_descendant_type, l_descendant_feature, a_params.i_th (i), i) elseif l_formal_arg_type.is_variant then -- Check if the formal parameter is a formal, then the actual generic parameter has to be frozen. if l_tcat = Void then create l_tcat.make (a_location) context.init_error (l_tcat) l_tcat.set_called_feature (a_feature) error_handler.insert_error (l_tcat) end l_tcat.add_covariant_generic_violation end i := i + 1 end -- Check export status validity for descendant feature if not context.is_ignoring_export and not l_descendant_feature.is_exported_for (context.current_class) then -- Export status violated. Add notice to warning. if l_acat = Void then create l_acat.make (a_location) context.init_error (l_acat) l_acat.set_called_feature (a_feature) error_handler.insert_warning (l_acat, context.current_class.lace_class.options.is_warning_as_error) end l_acat.add_export_status_violation (l_descendant_class, l_descendant_feature) end l_descendants.forth end end if l_tcat /= Void then system.update_statistics (l_tcat) end if l_acat /= Void then system.update_statistics (l_acat) end end conforming_descendants (a_feature: FEATURE_I; a_type: TYPE_A): ARRAYED_LIST [TYPE_A] -- List of all descendants of the type `a_type' that are covariantly redefining -- `a_feature'. require a_feature_not_void: a_feature /= Void a_type_not_void: a_type /= Void local l_parent_type, l_descendant_type, l_constraint_type: TYPE_A l_formal: FORMAL_A l_parent_class: CLASS_C l_descendant_class: CLASS_C l_generics: ARRAYED_LIST [TYPE_A] l_target_types: ARRAYED_LIST [TYPE_A] i, nb: INTEGER l_rout_id_set: ROUT_ID_SET l_needs_formal_check, l_compiler_limitation, l_fail_if_constraint_not_met: BOOLEAN l_classes: ARRAYED_LIST [CLASS_C] do if a_type.is_frozen or a_type.is_like_current then -- When it is monomorphic then nothing to be done. -- When type is `like Current' then it was shown that doing a flat checking would catch -- the potential catcalls so no need to check it. create Result.make (0) else -- Proper instance of the lower bound of the intervals with the anchors removed. l_parent_type := a_type.instantiated_in (context.current_class_type.conformance_type) -- First take all classes for `l_parent_type' create l_target_types.make (1) if l_parent_type.is_formal then l_formal ?= l_parent_type if l_formal.is_multi_constrained (context.current_class) then -- Type is a multi constrained formal. Get all associated classes of -- constraints. l_target_types.append (l_formal.to_type_set.constraining_types (context.current_class).renamed_types) else -- Type is formal. Take associated class of constraint l_target_types.extend (l_formal.constrained_type (context.current_class)) end else -- Normal type. Take associated class l_target_types.extend (l_parent_type) end from l_target_types.start until l_target_types.after or l_compiler_limitation loop -- Check that `a_feature' is indeed part of one of the constraint in case `l_parent_type' is a multiconstraint. l_parent_type := l_target_types.item l_parent_class := l_parent_type.base_class if l_parent_class /= Void and then l_parent_class.feature_of_rout_id_set (a_feature.rout_id_set) /= Void then l_classes := l_parent_class.leaf_descendants if l_classes /= Void and then not l_classes.is_empty then -- Go through leaf descendants and build the proper type. from l_classes.start if Result = Void then create Result.make (l_classes.count) end until l_classes.after or l_compiler_limitation loop -- If descendant is generic, instantiate it with same -- generics as `l_parent_type.generics' l_descendant_class := l_classes.item l_classes.forth l_descendant_type := l_descendant_class.actual_type if l_descendant_type.generics /= Void then from l_descendant_type := l_descendant_type.duplicate l_generics := l_descendant_type.generics i := l_generics.lower nb := l_generics.upper l_needs_formal_check := False l_fail_if_constraint_not_met := False until i > nb or l_compiler_limitation loop l_rout_id_set := l_descendant_class.formal_rout_id_set_at_position (i) if attached {TYPE_FEATURE_I} l_parent_class.feature_of_rout_id_set (l_rout_id_set) as l_type_feat then l_constraint_type := l_parent_type.generics.i_th (l_type_feat.position) if l_constraint_type.is_variant then l_fail_if_constraint_not_met := True end l_generics.put_i_th (l_constraint_type, i) else -- We cannot find a definition for the new formal, we simply use its -- constraint, at least if it is not a multiconstraint. if attached {FORMAL_CONSTRAINT_AS} l_descendant_class.generics.i_th (i) as l_formal_dec and then not l_formal_dec.has_multi_constraints then l_constraint_type := l_formal_dec.constraint_type (l_descendant_class).type if attached {CL_TYPE_A} l_constraint_type as l_cl_type then -- l_cl_type.set_variant_mark l_needs_formal_check := l_needs_formal_check or l_cl_type.has_formal_generic else l_needs_formal_check := True end l_generics.put_i_th (l_constraint_type, i) else l_compiler_limitation := True end end i := i + 1 end if not l_compiler_limitation then if l_needs_formal_check then -- This line will properly instantiate the type with its formals. -- For example, if you have A [G -> FOO, H-> ARRAY [G]], then with the above -- where a type A [FOO, ARRAY [G]] will appear, we need to replace the G with -- the constraint type. We need to repeat this operation at least `nb ^ 2' times -- in case you have the following A [H -> A [K], K -> B [L], L -> C [G], G] from i := 1 until i > nb or not l_descendant_type.has_formal_generic loop l_descendant_type := l_descendant_type.instantiated_in (l_descendant_type) i := i + 1 end -- If we still have some formal generics, it means that one constraint is -- constraint to another formal generic parameter that is also constraint -- to a formal generic and there is a cycle. Simply replace all the formals with -- ANY. if l_descendant_type.has_formal_generic then from i := 1 until i > nb loop if l_descendant_type.generics.i_th (i).is_formal then l_descendant_type.generics.put_i_th (create {CL_TYPE_A}.make (system.any_id), i) end i := i + 1 end end end -- Check that the instantiated type `l_descendant_type' makes sense before -- checking its conformance against the parent type. This is -- useful when the constrait is more precise in a descendant: -- `A [G]' and descendant is `B [G -> STRING]', and if parent -- type is `A [INTEGER]' then `B [INTEGER]' would not make sense. l_descendant_type.reset_constraint_error_list l_descendant_type.check_constraints (context.current_class, context.current_feature, l_descendant_type.is_expanded) if not l_descendant_type.constraint_error_list.is_empty and then (l_fail_if_constraint_not_met or l_descendant_type.is_expanded) then -- We could not validate but since it is an expanded, we are in the case of -- a compiler limitation. If we have substitued a parent formal generic from -- the parent to the descendant, but the subsituted formal generic parameter -- does not meet the constraint and the actual generic parameter is marked variant -- we cannot invent a type that would work, so this is a compiler limitation. l_compiler_limitation := True end if not l_compiler_limitation and then l_descendant_type.constraint_error_list.is_empty and then l_descendant_type.conform_to (context.current_class, l_parent_type) then -- Only add descendants, if it makes sense. -- For example, if you have `l_parent_type' be `ARRAYED_LIST [INTEGER]' -- then it does not make sense to have `l_descendant_type' be -- `ACTION_SEQUENCE [G]' since the later inherits from -- `ARRAYED_LIST [PROCEDURE [ANY, EVENT_DATA]]' -- which does not conform to `ARRAYED_LIST [INTEGER]'. Result.extend (l_descendant_type) end end elseif l_descendant_type.conform_to (context.current_class, l_parent_type) then -- Even if `l_descendant_type' is not generic, it does not mean it conforms to `l_parent_type'. -- For example `l_parent_type' is `ARRAY [STRING]' and a descendant of `ARRAY' is -- `MY_ARRAY' which inherits from `ARRAY [INTEGER]'. Result.extend (l_descendant_type) end end end end l_target_types.forth end end if l_compiler_limitation then Result := Void elseif Result = Void then create Result.make (0) end end feature {NONE} -- Instance-free checks report_vucr (e: VUCR) -- Report a VUCR error `e`. require current_feature_is_class: current_feature.is_class do e.set_written_class (context.written_class) error_handler.insert_error (e) end check_instance_free (f: FEATURE_I; c: CLASS_C; e: PROCEDURE; l: LOCATION_AS) -- Check that feature `f` of class `c` is correctly called as instance-free at location `l` and report an error by calling `e` if not. do if not system.absent_explicit_assertion or else c.is_precompiled then -- Assertions are specified explicitly. Raise an error. elseif not c.is_full_class_checking then -- Full class checking of the target class is required. error_handler.insert_error (create {VD02}.make (f, c, context.written_class, l)) end end feature {INSPECT_CONTROL} -- AST modification is_inherited: BOOLEAN -- Is code being processed inherited? last_type: TYPE_A -- Type of last computed expression. If Void it means an error occurred. set_is_inherited (a_inherited: BOOLEAN) do is_inherited := a_inherited end set_routine_ids (ids: ID_SET; a: ID_SET_ACCESSOR) -- Set routine IDs `ids' for the given AST node `a' -- and register the modification to save modified AST. require ids_attached: attached ids a_attached: attached a do if not ids.is_equal_id_list (a) then a.set_routine_ids (ids) -- Record that AST node is modified. tmp_ast_server.touch (context.current_class.class_id) is_ast_modified := True end ensure routine_ids_set: ids.is_equal_id_list (a) end set_argument_position (p: like {ACCESS_INV_AS}.argument_position; a: ACCESS_INV_AS) -- Set position of an argument `a` to `p`. do if not a.is_argument or a.argument_position /= p then a.enable_argument a.set_argument_position (p) -- Record that AST node is modified. tmp_ast_server.touch (context.current_class.class_id) is_ast_modified := True end end set_local (a: ACCESS_INV_AS) -- Mark `a` as a local variable. do if not a.is_local then a.enable_local -- Record that AST node is modified. tmp_ast_server.touch (context.current_class.class_id) is_ast_modified := True end end set_inline_local (a: ACCESS_INV_AS) -- Mark `a` as an inline local variable. do if not a.is_inline_local then a.enable_inline_local -- Record that AST node is modified. tmp_ast_server.touch (context.current_class.class_id) is_ast_modified := True end end feature {NONE} -- Separateness is_controlled: BOOLEAN -- Is last expression of a separate type controlled? validate_separate_target (f: detachable STRING_32; a: AST_EIFFEL) -- Check validity rules for the target `a` of a separate type on which `f` is called. require a_attached: attached a is_last_type_separate: attached last_type as t and then t.is_separate do if system.is_scoop and then not is_controlled and then not is_inherited then error_handler.insert_error (create {VUTA3}.make (context, last_type, f, a.start_location)) end end adapt_type_to_target (non_adapted_type: detachable TYPE_A; target_type: TYPE_A; a_feature: FEATURE_I; c: BOOLEAN; n: AST_EIFFEL; e: like error_level; error_location: detachable LOCATION_AS) -- Adapt separateness status of the last message type `non_adapted_type' of the AST node `n' -- to the target of type `target_type' which has a controlled status `c' and update `is_controlled' accordingly. -- If `error_location' is attached and the target type is separate, check that the type `l' has no non-separate reference attributes -- and report an error using if `e' is the same as `error_level'. require target_type_attached: attached target_type local result_type: TYPE_A do if attached non_adapted_type then if target_type.is_separate and then not non_adapted_type.is_separate then -- Separate call is controlled if target is controlled -- and message type is not separate. is_controlled := c result_type := non_adapted_type.to_other_separateness (target_type) else is_controlled := False result_type := non_adapted_type end set_type (result_type, n) -- If the target of the call is `frozen' then we can keep `non_adapted_type' as is. Meaning that -- if it was frozen, it will stay frozen. For other cases, we check if we can still -- keep the frozen mark. if a_feature /= Void and not target_type.is_frozen and result_type.is_frozen then if a_feature.is_frozen and then attached {CL_TYPE_A} a_feature.type then -- Optimization: The feature is `frozen' (i.e. it cannot be redefined) and -- its base type is a Class_type which is not a formal, then it -- cannot change. -- We can keep the `frozen' mark. elseif attached {CL_TYPE_A} a_feature.type.actual_type as l_feature_type and then is_query_stable (target_type.actual_type, a_feature, l_feature_type) then -- The type of `a_feature' resolves into a Class_type and all descendants are using -- the exact same one. -- We can keep the `frozen' mark. else -- Remove frozen status of type. set_type (result_type.as_variant_free, n) end end -- Verify that if result type of a separate feature call is expanded it has no non-separate reference attributes. if error_level = e and then target_type.is_separate and then result_type.is_expanded and then not result_type.is_processor_attachable_to (target_type) then error_handler.insert_error (create {VUER}.make (context, result_type, error_location)) end else -- Set `last_type' to Void to indicate an error. is_controlled := False set_type (Void, n) end end feature {NONE} -- Conversion converted_expression (e: EXPR_AS; i: CONVERSION_INFO): EXPR_AS -- An expression converted from `e` using conversion information `i`. local p: PARENT_CONVERSION_INFO do create p.make (i) if not is_inherited and then not p.is_null_conversion then if p.is_from_conversion then record_creation_dependence (p.creation_type) end if attached system.class_of_id (p.class_id) as c and then attached c.feature_of_rout_id (p.routine_id) as f then check_obsolescence (f, c, e.start_location) end end Result := e.converted_expression (p) end feature -- Type recording type_recorder: detachable PROCEDURE [TUPLE [t: TYPE_A; a: AST_EIFFEL; w: CLASS_C; f: FEATURE_I; c: CLASS_C]] -- A procedure to record type `t' of AST node `a' written in class `w' -- when evaluated in a feature `f' of class `c'. set_type_recorder (r: like type_recorder) -- Set `type_recorder' to `r'. do type_recorder := r ensure type_recorder_set: type_recorder = r end feature {NONE} -- Type recording set_type (t: TYPE_A; a: AST_EIFFEL) -- Associate type `t' with AST node `a'. do if attached type_recorder as r then -- Use index of last token to associate type information with the node. ([t, a, context.written_class, current_feature, context.current_class]) end last_type := t end record_creation_dependence (t: TYPE_A) -- Record that current feature depends on type `t` used to create an object. require not is_inherited do dependence_generator.generate (t, {INSTANCE_DEPENDENCE_GENERATOR}.regular_creation_kind, context.current_class) if attached dependence_generator.dependence as d then context.supplier_ids.add_instance_supplier (d) end end record_expanded_dependence (t: TYPE_A) -- Record that current feature depends on type `t` used to create an object if it is expanded. require not is_inherited t.is_expanded_creation_possible do dependence_generator.generate (t, {INSTANCE_DEPENDENCE_GENERATOR}.expanded_creation_kind, context.current_class) if attached dependence_generator.dependence as d then context.supplier_ids.add_instance_supplier (d) end end record_non_object_call_dependence (t: TYPE_A) -- Record that current feature depends on type `t` used as a target of a non-object call. require not is_inherited do dependence_generator.generate (t, {INSTANCE_DEPENDENCE_GENERATOR}.call_kind, context.current_class) if attached dependence_generator.dependence as d then context.supplier_ids.add_instance_supplier (d) end end dependence_generator: INSTANCE_DEPENDENCE_GENERATOR -- A generator to compute instance dependencies for given creation or non-object call types. once create Result end feature {INSPECT_CONTROL} -- Checks for obsolete features check_obsolescence (f: FEATURE_I; c: CLASS_C; l: LOCATION_AS) -- Check that feature `f` from type `t` is obsolete and report a warning if so. do if -- Report a warning if the feature is obsolete. f.is_obsolete -- Unless current class is obsolete. and then not context.current_class.is_obsolete -- Or unless current feature is obsolete. and then (attached current_feature as cf implies not cf.is_obsolete) -- Provided that the code is not inherited (obsolescence is reported for immediate code). and then not is_inherited -- And this is not a target of an assignment. and then not is_in_assignment -- Or of a creation instruction. and then not is_target_of_creation_instruction then report (f, c, current_feature, context.current_class, l, context.current_class.obsolete_call_warning_index) end end feature {NONE} -- Byte node factory multi_branch_expression_factory: MULTI_BRANCH_EXPRESSION_FACTORY -- A factory to generate multi-branch expression byte nodes. once create Result end multi_branch_instruction_factory: MULTI_BRANCH_INSTRUCTION_FACTORY -- A factory to generate multi-branch instruction byte nodes. once create Result end note ca_ignore: "CA011", "CA011 — too many arguments", "CA032", "CA032 — too long routine", "CA033", "CA033 — too long class" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2023, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end