note description: "Byte code for a routine." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" deferred class BYTE_CODE inherit IDABLE rename id as body_index, set_id as set_body_index export {NONE} all {ANY} body_index, set_body_index end BYTE_CONST export {NONE} all end BYTE_NODE redefine enlarge_tree end SHARED_C_LEVEL SHARED_PATTERN_TABLE ASSERT_TYPE SHARED_NAMES_HEAP export {NONE} all end SHARED_BN_STATELESS_VISITOR export {NONE} all end INTERNAL_COMPILER_STRING_EXPORTER feature -- Visitor process (v: BYTE_NODE_VISITOR) -- Process current element. do -- Do nothing as BYTE_CODE is not really a BYTE_NODE. end feature -- Access real_body_id: INTEGER -- Real body id of the feature to which current byte code belongs feature_name_id: INTEGER -- Name ID of the feature to which the current byte code tree -- belongs to start_line_number: INTEGER -- Line where feature name is located. end_location: LOCATION_AS -- Position where `end' keyword is located. rout_id: INTEGER -- Routine id of the feature written_class_id: INTEGER -- Class ID where feature is written. pattern_id: INTEGER -- Pattern id of the feature -- The corresponding C name of the generated feature in the concatenation -- of the body_index (which is the id for the byte code server) and of -- the current type id in final mode only. for the workbench mode, we -- used the feature id instead of the body index. arguments: ARRAY [TYPE_A] -- List of argument types of the feature: can be Void result_type: TYPE_A -- Result type of the feature: can be Void. locals: ARRAY [TYPE_A] -- List of local types of the feature, including its object test locals: can be Void. local_count: INTEGER -- Number of local variables declared in the feature precondition: ASSERTION_BYTE_CODE -- List of ASSERT_B instances: can be Void. postcondition: ASSERTION_BYTE_CODE -- List of ASSERT_B instances: can be Void. old_expressions: LINKED_LIST [UN_OLD_B] -- List of UN_OLD_B instances: can be Void. rescue_clause: BYTE_LIST [BYTE_NODE] -- List of INSTR_B instances: can be Void. property_name_id: INTEGER -- Name ID of an associated property (if any) clear_old_expressions -- Clear old_expressions require valid_old_exp: old_expressions /= Void do old_expressions.wipe_out end compound: BYTE_LIST [BYTE_NODE] -- Compound byte code do -- Do nothing: to be redefined in STD_BYTE_CODE end; -- compound custom_attributes: BYTE_LIST [BYTE_NODE] -- Custom attributes if any. interface_custom_attributes: BYTE_LIST [BYTE_NODE] -- Interface custom attributes if any. class_custom_attributes: BYTE_LIST [BYTE_NODE] -- Class custom attributes if any. property_custom_attributes: BYTE_LIST [BYTE_NODE] -- Property custom attributes (if any) is_external: BOOLEAN -- Is the current byte code relative to an external feature ? do -- Do nothing end is_deferred: BOOLEAN -- Is the current byte code relative to a deferred feature ? do -- Do nothing end is_once: BOOLEAN -- Is the current byte code relative to a once feature ? do -- Do nothing end is_process_or_thread_relative_once: BOOLEAN -- Is current byte code relateive to a once per thread or per process feature? do Result := is_once and then not is_object_relative_once end is_object_relative_once: BOOLEAN -- Is the current byte code relative to a once per object feature ? do -- Do nothing end once_manifest_string_count: INTEGER -- Number of once manifest strings in immediate (i.e., not inherited) -- precondition, body, postcondition and rescue clause feature {INTERNAL_COMPILER_STRING_EXPORTER} -- Access feature_name: STRING -- Final name of the feature require feature_name_id_set: feature_name_id > 0 do Result := Names_heap.item (feature_name_id) ensure Result_not_void: Result /= Void Result_not_empty: not Result.is_empty end property_name: STRING -- Name of an associated property (if any) do if property_name_id > 0 then Result := Names_heap.item (property_name_id) elseif property_name_id /= 0 then Result := once "" end ensure Result_not_void: property_name_id /= 0 implies Result /= Void Result_not_empty: property_name_id > 0 implies not Result.is_empty Result_empty: property_name_id < 0 implies Result.is_empty end feature -- Settings set_feature_name_id (id: INTEGER) -- Assign `id' to `feature_name_id'. require valid_id: id > 0 do feature_name_id := id ensure feature_name_id_set: feature_name_id = id end set_property_name (n: STRING) -- Set `property_name' to `n'. require n_attached: n /= Void do if n.is_empty then property_name_id := -1 else names_heap.put (n) property_name_id := names_heap.found_item end ensure property_name_set: equal (property_name, n) end set_real_body_id (i: INTEGER) -- Assign `i' to `real_body_id'. do real_body_id := i end set_start_line_number (l: like start_line_number) -- Assign `l' to `start_line_number'. do start_line_number := l ensure start_line_number_set: start_line_number = l end set_end_location (e: like end_location) -- Assign `e' to `end_location'. require e_not_void: e /= Void do end_location := e ensure end_location_set: end_location = e end set_rout_id (i: INTEGER) -- Assign `i' to `rout_id'. do rout_id := i end set_written_class_id (i: like written_class_id) -- Assign `i' to `rout_id'. do written_class_id := i ensure written_class_id_set: written_class_id = i end set_pattern_id (i: INTEGER) -- Assign `i' to `pattern_id'. do pattern_id := i end set_result_type (t: TYPE_A) -- Assign `t' to `result_type'. do result_type := t end set_precondition (var: like precondition) -- Assign `var' to `precondition'. do precondition := var end set_postcondition (var: like postcondition) -- Assign `var' to `postcondition'. do postcondition := var end set_old_expressions (var: like old_expressions) -- Assign `var' to old_expressions. require exp_not_empty: (var /= Void) implies not var.is_empty do old_expressions := var end set_custom_attributes (cas: like custom_attributes) -- Assign `cas' to `custom_attributes'. do custom_attributes := cas ensure custom_attributes_set: custom_attributes = cas end set_class_custom_attributes (cas: like class_custom_attributes) -- Assign `cas' to `class_custom_attributes'. do class_custom_attributes := cas ensure class_custom_attributes_set: class_custom_attributes = cas end set_interface_custom_attributes (cas: like interface_custom_attributes) -- Assign `cas' to `interface_custom_attributes'. do interface_custom_attributes := cas ensure interface_custom_attributes_set: interface_custom_attributes = cas end set_property_custom_attributes (cas: like property_custom_attributes) -- Assign `cas' to `property_custom_attributes'. do property_custom_attributes := cas ensure property_custom_attributes_set: property_custom_attributes = cas end set_rescue_clause (var: like rescue_clause) -- Assign `var' to `rescue_clause'. do rescue_clause := var end set_arguments (a: like arguments) -- Assing `a' to `arguments'. do arguments := a end set_locals (l: like locals; n: like local_count) -- Assign `l' to `locals' and `n' to `local_count'. require l_attached: n > 0 implies l /= Void n_non_negative: n >= 0 n_small_enough: l /= Void implies n <= l.count do locals := l local_count := n ensure locals_set: locals = l local_count_set: local_count = n end set_once_manifest_string_count (oms_count: like once_manifest_string_count) -- Set `once_manifest_string_count' to `oms_count'. require valid_oms_count: oms_count >= 0 do once_manifest_string_count := oms_count ensure once_manifest_string_count_set: once_manifest_string_count = oms_count end enlarge_tree -- Enlarges byte code tree for C code generation do enlarge_body_tree (True, True) end enlarge_body_tree (a_has_precond, a_has_postcond: BOOLEAN) -- Enlarges byte code tree for C code generation local inh_assert: INHERITED_ASSERTION do if a_has_precond then Context.set_assertion_type (In_precondition) inh_assert := Context.inherited_assertion if inh_assert.has_precondition then inh_assert.enlarge_precondition_tree end if precondition /= Void then precondition.enlarge_tree end Context.set_assertion_type (0) end if compound /= Void then compound.enlarge_tree end if a_has_postcond then Context.set_assertion_type (In_postcondition) if inh_assert = Void then inh_assert := Context.inherited_assertion end if inh_assert.has_postcondition then inh_assert.enlarge_postcondition_tree end if old_expressions /= Void then --! Wipe out old expression and rebuild --! it with enlarged function through --! postconditions enlargement. --! (Look at enlarged in class UN_OLD_B) old_expressions.wipe_out end if postcondition /= Void then postcondition.enlarge_tree end Context.set_assertion_type (0) end if rescue_clause /= Void then rescue_clause.enlarge_tree end end feature_origin (buf: GENERATION_BUFFER) -- Value of the dynamic type where the feature is written do if Context.workbench_mode then buf.put_static_type_id (context.class_type.static_type_id) else buf.put_type_id (context.class_type.type_id) end end argument_names: ARRAY [STRING] -- Names of the arguments local i, j, count: INTEGER temp: STRING l_current_str, l_arg_str: STRING l_is_workbench_classic: BOOLEAN do l_current_str := once "Current" l_arg_str := once "arg" if arguments /= Void then count := arguments.count create Result.make_filled (l_current_str, 1, count + 1) j := 2 from i := 1 l_is_workbench_classic := context.workbench_mode and then not system.il_generation until i > count loop create temp.make (5) temp.append (l_arg_str) temp.append_integer (i) if l_is_workbench_classic then temp.append_character ('x') end Result.put (temp, j) i := i + 1 j := j + 1 end else create Result.make_filled (l_current_str, 1, 1) end end argument_types: ARRAY [STRING] -- Declare C parameters, if any, as part of the definition. local type_name: STRING i, j, count: INTEGER l_is_workbench: BOOLEAN do if arguments /= Void then l_is_workbench := context.workbench_mode count := arguments.count create Result.make_filled (once "EIF_REFERENCE", 1, count + 1) j := 2 from i := 1 until i > count loop if l_is_workbench then type_name := once "EIF_TYPED_VALUE" else type_name := real_type (arguments.item (i)).c_type.c_string end Result.put (type_name, j) i := i + 1 j := j + 1 end else create Result.make_filled (once "EIF_REFERENCE", 1, 1) end ensure argument_types_not_void: Result /= Void end finish_compound -- Generate the end of the compound do -- Do nothing end generate_old_variables -- Generate value for old variables local inh_assert: INHERITED_ASSERTION buf: GENERATION_BUFFER do inh_assert := Context.inherited_assertion if Context.has_postcondition and then (old_expressions /= Void or else inh_assert.has_old_expression) then context.set_assertion_type ({ASSERT_TYPE}.in_postcondition) buf := buffer buf.put_new_line buf.put_string ("if (RTAL & CK_ENSURE) {") buf.indent buf.put_new_line buf.put_string ("in_assertion = ~0;") if old_expressions /= Void then from old_expressions.start until old_expressions.after loop check attached {UN_OLD_BL} old_expressions.item as item then item.initialize end old_expressions.forth end end if inh_assert.has_old_expression then -- Generate old assertions inh_assert.generate_old_variables end buf.put_new_line buf.put_string ("in_assertion = 0;") buf.exdent buf.put_new_line buf.put_character ('}') context.set_assertion_type (0) end end feature -- Inherited Assertions formulate_inherited_assertions (assert_id_set: ASSERT_ID_SET) -- Formulate inherited post and pre conditions -- from the precursor definition of feature `feat' -- and save the details in inherited_assertion. require valid_arg: assert_id_set /= Void current_not_basic: not Context.associated_class.is_basic local byte_code: BYTE_CODE inh_f: INH_ASSERT_INFO ct: CLASS_TYPE inh_c: CLASS_C i: INTEGER gen_prec: BOOLEAN has_assertion: BOOLEAN do --| Check to see if origin feature has precondition gen_prec := assert_id_set.has_precondition Context.set_origin_has_precondition (gen_prec) from i := 1 until i > assert_id_set.count loop inh_f := assert_id_set.item (i) -- Do not include assertions with the same `body_index' -- as current feature, because they are generated as -- non-inherited ones. This situation happens when -- the feature code is regenerated in the context of a -- descendant (e.g., in the expanded class). --| Only generate precondition if the origin of --| the feature has a precondition has_assertion := inh_f.body_index /= body_index and then (inh_f.has_postcondition or else (inh_f.has_precondition and then gen_prec)) if has_assertion then --! Has assertion inh_c := System.class_of_id (inh_f.written_in) ct := inh_c.meta_type (Context.original_class_type) byte_code := System.byte_server.disk_item (inh_f.body_index) if inh_f.has_precondition and gen_prec then Context.inherited_assertion.add_precondition_type (ct, byte_code) end if inh_f.has_postcondition then Context.inherited_assertion.add_postcondition_type (ct, byte_code) end end i := i + 1 end end feature -- IL code generation generate_il -- Generate IL byte code. do cil_node_generator.generate_il (il_generator, Current) end feature -- Byte code generation make_byte_code (ba: BYTE_ARRAY) -- Generate byte code. require valid_class_type: Context.class_type /= Void valid_feature: context.current_feature /= Void not_external: not is_external or else context.current_feature.extension.is_built_in local i, nb: INTEGER l_type, l_adapted_type: TYPE_A; local_list: ARRAYED_LIST [TYPE_A] inh_assert: INHERITED_ASSERTION feat: FEATURE_I r_id: INTEGER current_type: CLASS_TYPE create_info: CREATE_FEAT do --| Note: for once per object, --| we handle the rescue/retry clauses --| using DO_RESCUE_B --| So we need to handle differently the rescue and retry --| byte code generation and location local_list := context.local_list local_list.wipe_out feat := Context.current_feature inh_assert := Context.inherited_assertion inh_assert.init Context.set_origin_has_precondition (True) if not Context.associated_class.is_basic and then feat.assert_id_set /= Void then --! Do not get inherited pre & post for basic types formulate_inherited_assertions (feat.assert_id_set) end Temp_byte_code_array.clear -- Once mark and reserved space for once key. append_once_mark (Temp_byte_code_array) -- Header for byte code. Temp_byte_code_array.append (Bc_start) -- Routine id Temp_byte_code_array.append_integer (rout_id) -- Real body id Temp_byte_code_array.append_integer (real_body_id - 1) -- Result SK value l_type := context.real_type (if is_once_creation then real_type (context.current_type) else result_type end) Temp_byte_code_array.append_natural_32 (l_type.sk_value (context.context_class_type.type)) -- Argument number Temp_byte_code_array.append_argument_count (argument_count) -- Set up the local variables setup_local_variables (True) -- Feature name ba.append_raw_string (feature_name) -- Dynamic type where the feature is written in ba.append_short_integer (context.class_type.type_id - 1) -- Rescue offset if any. if rescue_clause /= Void and not is_object_relative_once then ba.append_boolean (True) ba.mark_forward else ba.append_boolean (False) end if feat.is_attribute then -- Access to attribute: -- if /= Void or else not .is_attached then -- Result := -- else -- -- := Result -- end ba.append (Bc_current) r_id := feat.rout_id_set.first current_type := context.class_type ba.append (Bc_attribute) -- Routine id ba.append_integer (r_id) -- Attribute meta-type ba.append_natural_32 (l_type.sk_value (context.context_class_type.type)) ba.append (bc_void) ba.append (bc_eq) ba.append (bc_jmp_f) ba.mark_forward3 if not l_type.is_attached then ba.append (bc_is_attached_attribute) ba.append_integer (r_id) ba.append (bc_jmp_f) ba.mark_forward3 end end -- Compound byte code make_body_code (ba, melted_generator) if not is_object_relative_once and then rescue_clause /= Void then -- Jump to the end of the rescue clause in case of normal execution. ba.append (bc_jmp) ba.mark_forward2 -- Mark the start of the rescue clause. ba.write_forward ba.append (Bc_rescue) melted_generator.generate (ba, rescue_clause) ba.append (Bc_end_rescue) -- Mark the end of the rescue clause. ba.write_forward2 end -- Generate the hook corresponding to the final end. melted_generator.generate_melted_debugger_hook (ba) if feat.is_attribute then check r_id_unchanged: r_id = feat.rout_id_set.first end -- := Result ba.append (bc_result) ba.append (bc_assign) -- Routine id ba.append_integer (r_id) -- Attribute meta-type ba.append_natural_32 (l_type.sk_value (context.context_class_type.type)) ba.append (bc_jmp) ba.mark_forward if create_info /= Void then ba.write_forward3 end ba.write_forward3 -- Access to attribute; Result := ba.append (Bc_current) ba.append (Bc_attribute) -- Routine id ba.append_integer (r_id) -- Attribute meta-type ba.append_natural_32 (l_type.sk_value (context.context_class_type.type)) ba.append (Bc_rassign) ba.write_forward end -- End mark ba.append (Bc_null) -- Generate type information for locals. melted_generator.generate_local_types (local_list, Temp_byte_code_array) -- Expanded Clone if arguments /= Void then from i := 1 nb := arguments.count until i > nb loop l_type := arguments.item (i) l_adapted_type := context.real_type (l_type) if l_adapted_type.is_true_expanded then Temp_byte_code_array.append_natural_8 ({SHARED_GEN_CONF_LEVEL}.expanded_tuple_code_extension) l_type.make_full_type_byte_code (Temp_byte_code_array, context.context_class_type.type) else Temp_byte_code_array.append_natural_8 (l_adapted_type.c_type.tuple_code) end i := i + 1 end end l_adapted_type := context.real_type(result_type) if l_adapted_type.is_true_expanded then -- Generate full type info. result_type.make_full_type_byte_code (Temp_byte_code_array, context.context_class_type.type) end context.byte_prepend (ba, Temp_byte_code_array) -- Clean the context inh_assert.wipe_out debug ("DEBBUGGER_HOOK") -- ASSERTION TO CHECK THAT `number_of_breakpoint_slots' is correct if context.get_breakpoint_slot + 1 /= context.current_feature.number_of_breakpoint_slots then io.put_string ("STD_BYTE_CODE: Error in breakable line number computation for: %N") io.put_string ("{""}") io.put_string ("."+context.current_feature.feature_name+"%N%N") end end end make_catcall_check (ba: BYTE_ARRAY) -- Add a check for catcall at runtime. require ba_not_void: ba /= Void local i, nb: INTEGER l_argument_types: like arguments l_type: TYPE_A l_any_class_id, l_name_id: INTEGER l_arg: ARGUMENT_BL l_optimize_like_current: BOOLEAN do -- We do not have to generate a catcall detection for some features of ANY -- which are properly handled at runtime. l_name_id := context.current_feature.feature_name_id l_any_class_id := system.any_id if context.current_feature.written_in /= l_any_class_id or else (l_name_id /= {PREDEFINED_NAMES}.equal_name_id or l_name_id /= {PREDEFINED_NAMES}.standard_equal_name_id) then nb := argument_count if nb > 0 then from l_argument_types := arguments i := l_argument_types.lower nb := i + l_argument_types.upper ba.append ({BYTE_CONST}.bc_start_catcall) until i = nb loop l_type := l_argument_types [i] -- We instantiate `l_type' in current context to see if it is -- really a reference if context.real_type (l_type).c_type.is_reference then -- Only generate a catcall detection if the expected argument is different -- than ANY since ANY is the ancestor to all types. if not attached {CL_TYPE_A} l_type as l_any_type or else l_any_type.class_id /= l_any_class_id then if l_arg = Void then create l_arg l_optimize_like_current := not attribute_assignment_detector.has_attribute_assignment (Current) end -- Push argument on stack. l_arg.set_position (i) melted_generator.generate (ba, l_arg) -- Perform catcall check context.make_catcall_check (ba, l_type, i, l_optimize_like_current) -- Remove argument from stack. ba.append ({BYTE_CONST}.bc_pop) ba.append_uint32_integer (1) end end i := i + 1 end ba.append ({BYTE_CONST}.bc_end_catcall) end end end once_mark_none: CHARACTER = '%/0/' -- Byte code mark for non-once feature once_mark_thread_relative: CHARACTER = '%/1/' -- Byte code mark for thread-relative once feature once_mark_process_relative: CHARACTER = '%/2/' -- Byte code mark for process-relative once feature once_mark_object_relative: CHARACTER = '%/3/' -- Byte code mark for object-relative once feature once_mark_attribute: CHARACTER = '%/4/' -- Byte code mark for attribute append_once_mark (ba: BYTE_ARRAY) -- Append byte code indicating a kind of a once routine -- (not once, thread-relative once, process-relative once, etc.) -- and associated information (if required) require ba_not_void: ba /= Void do if context.current_feature.is_attribute then -- Append attribute mark ba.append (once_mark_attribute) else -- Append non-once mark by default ba.append (once_mark_none) end end setup_local_variables (is_old_expression_included: BOOLEAN) -- Set the local variable type (which includes old expressions -- if `is_old_expression_included' is true). local nb, i, position: INTEGER item: UN_OLD_B l_old_expressions: like old_expressions l_il_generation: BOOLEAN assert_chheck: BOOLEAN do context.add_locals (locals) assert_chheck := context.workbench_mode or context.system.keep_assertions if assert_chheck or else context.has_wait_condition then Context.inherited_assertion.add_object_test_locals end if is_old_expression_included then position := context.local_list.count + 1 l_old_expressions := old_expressions l_il_generation := System.il_generation if (not l_il_generation and then l_old_expressions /= Void) or else (l_il_generation and then l_old_expressions /= Void and then assert_chheck) then from nb := l_old_expressions.count l_old_expressions.start i := 1 until i > nb loop item := l_old_expressions.item Context.add_local (item.type) item.set_position (position) position := position + 1 Context.add_local (item.exception_type) item.set_exception_position (position) position := position + 1 l_old_expressions.forth i := i + 1 end end if assert_chheck then Context.inherited_assertion.setup_local_variables (position) end end end make_body_code (ba: BYTE_ARRAY; a_generator: MELTED_GENERATOR) -- Generate compound byte code require good_argument: ba /= Void a_generator_not_void: a_generator /= Void deferred end argument_count: INTEGER -- Number of formal arguments do if arguments /= Void then Result := arguments.count end end Temp_byte_code_array: BYTE_ARRAY -- Temporary byte code array once create Result.make end feature -- Status report has_hector: BOOLEAN -- Does the current byte code has a hector? is_once_creation: BOOLEAN -- Is it a creation procedure of a once class? do -- False by default. end feature -- Status setting set_has_hector (v: BOOLEAN) -- Set `has_hector` to `v`. do has_hector := v ensure has_hector_set: has_hector = v end feature -- Array optimization has_loop: BOOLEAN -- Does the current byte code has a loop construct? --| Set during the creation of the byte code at degree 3. set_has_loop (v: BOOLEAN) -- Assign `v' to `has_loop'. do has_loop := v ensure has_loop_set: has_loop = v end has_array_as_argument: BOOLEAN -- Is ARRAY or one of its descendants used as an argument do Result := has_array_as_item (arguments) end has_array_as_local: BOOLEAN -- Is ARRAY or one of its descendants used as an local do Result := has_array_as_item (locals) end has_array_as_result: BOOLEAN -- Is ARRAY or one of its descendants used as result do Result := result_type /= Void and then Result_type.conforms_to_array end feature {NONE} -- Array optimization has_array_as_item (a: ARRAY [TYPE_A]): BOOLEAN local i, n: INTEGER do if a /= Void then from n := a.count i := 1 until Result or else i > n loop Result := a.item (i).conforms_to_array i := i + 1 end end end feature -- Inlining has_inlined_code: BOOLEAN -- Does the current byte code inline some of the calls ? do end invariant valid_once_manifest_string_count: once_manifest_string_count >= 0 note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2020, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end