note description : "Byte code generation for feature call." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class FEATURE_B inherit ROUTINE_B redefine allocates_memory, inlined_byte_code, is_feature, is_object_relative, is_once, is_process_relative, is_special_feature, is_unsafe end SHARED_TABLE SHARED_SERVER INTERNAL_COMPILER_STRING_EXPORTER create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (f: FEATURE_I; t: like type; p_type: like precursor_type; is_free: BOOLEAN) -- Create an byte node for a call to the feature `f`. -- Arguments: -- • is_free – Is it an instance-free call? require good_argument: f /= Void local feat_tbl: FEATURE_TABLE do feature_name_id := f.feature_name_id routine_id := f.rout_id_set.first is_once := f.is_once is_process_relative := f.is_process_relative is_object_relative := f.is_object_relative_once is_instance_free := is_free precursor_type := p_type type := t if System.il_generation then if precursor_type = Void then -- Normal feature call. if f.origin_class_id = 0 then -- Case of a non-external Eiffel routine -- written in an external class. feature_id := f.feature_id written_in := f.written_in else feature_id := f.origin_feature_id written_in := f.origin_class_id end else -- Precursor access, we need to find where body -- is defined. It is slow since we have to do a lookup -- in the parent feature table but we do not have -- much choice at the moment. The good thing is that -- since it is done at degree 3, we are most likely -- to hit the feature table cache. written_in := f.access_in feat_tbl := System.class_of_id (written_in).feature_table feature_id := feat_tbl.feature_of_rout_id_set (f.rout_id_set).feature_id end else feature_id := f.feature_id written_in := f.access_in --| IEK Changed from 'written_in' to handle replication correctly --| FIXME IEK .Net implementation needs updating end end feature -- Visitor process (v: BYTE_NODE_VISITOR) -- Process current element. local f: FEATURE_I l_node: ACCESS_B do if attached {CL_TYPE_A} context_type as c then if system.il_generation and then not (c.is_expanded and c.is_basic) then -- We cannot optimize .NET feature calls at this point. See eweasel test#term202 -- for an example where trying to optimize is not working properly: the issue is -- that the typing gets confused between inherited context and descendant context -- we do call `{BYTE_CONTEXT}.real_type. -- We only optimize calls on basic expanded type. v.process_feature_b (Current) else if not context.is_written_context then -- Ensure the feature is not redeclared into attribute. f := c.base_class.feature_of_rout_id (routine_id) debug ("fixme") (create {REFACTORING_HELPER}).fixme ("Correct evaluation of context type of an operator call.") end if attached f and then not f.is_attribute then if not system.il_generation or else not c.is_expanded then f := Void end end end if f = Void then -- Process feature as an internal routine. v.process_feature_b (Current) else -- Create new byte node and process it instead of the current one. l_node := byte_node (f, c.is_separate) if attached {like Current} l_node as l_feat then v.process_feature_b (l_feat) else l_node.process (v) end end end else check context_type_is_cl_type_a: False end end end feature -- Access is_once: BOOLEAN -- Is the current feature a once feature? --| Used when inlining is turned on in final mode, because we are not --| allowed to inline once routines is_process_relative: BOOLEAN -- Is current feature process-relative? is_object_relative: BOOLEAN -- Is current feature object-relative? is_thread_relative: BOOLEAN -- Is current feature thread-relative? do Result := not (is_process_relative or is_object_relative) end is_any_feature: BOOLEAN -- Is Current an instance of ANY_FEATURE_B? do end is_feature: BOOLEAN = True -- Is Current an access to an Eiffel feature ? same (other: ACCESS_B): BOOLEAN -- Is `other' the same access as Current ? do if attached {FEATURE_B} other as feature_b then Result := feature_id = feature_b.feature_id end end feature -- Status report allocates_memory: BOOLEAN = True -- --| Ideally a feature call does not always allocate memory, but it --| would be quite expensive to compute that information at the moment, --| so we always assume it allocates some. feature -- Array optimization is_special_feature: BOOLEAN local base_class: CLASS_C f: FEATURE_I do if attached {CL_TYPE_A} context_type as cl_type then base_class := cl_type.base_class f := base_class.feature_table.item_id (feature_name_id) Result := optimizer.special_features.has (create {DEPEND_UNIT}.make (base_class.class_id, f)) else check context_type_is_cl_type: False end end end is_unsafe: BOOLEAN local base_class: CLASS_C f: FEATURE_I dep: DEPEND_UNIT do if attached {CL_TYPE_A} context_type as cl_type then base_class := cl_type.base_class f := base_class.feature_table.item_id (feature_name_id) debug ("OPTIMIZATION") io.error.put_string ("%N%N%NTESTING is_unsafe for ") io.error.put_string (feature_name) io.error.put_string (" from ") io.error.put_string ( io.error.put_string (" is NOT safe%N") end optimizer.test_safety (f, base_class) create dep.make (base_class.class_id, f) Result := (not optimizer.is_safe (dep)) or else (parameters /= Void and then parameters.is_unsafe) debug ("OPTIMIZATION") if Result then io.error.put_string (f.feature_name) io.error.put_string (" from ") io.error.put_string ( io.error.put_string (" is NOT safe%N") end end else check context_type_is_cl_type: False end end end feature {NONE} -- Array optimization optimizer: ARRAY_OPTIMIZER do Result := System.remover.array_optimizer end feature -- Inlining inlined_byte_code: ACCESS_B local inlined_feat_b: INLINED_FEAT_B inline, l_is_deferred_inlinable: BOOLEAN inliner: INLINER type_i: TYPE_A cl_type, desc_cl_type, written_cl_type: CL_TYPE_A bc: STD_BYTE_CODE l_body_index: INTEGER entry: ROUT_ENTRY f: FEATURE_I context_class_type, written_class_type: CLASS_TYPE has_separate: BOOLEAN target_type_id: INTEGER do -- We have to disable inlining if target is a multi constraint. This fixes eweasel -- test#final078 and test#final094. type_i := context_type if system.is_scoop then -- Evaluate if the feature is called on a separate target -- or some arguments are separate. has_separate := type_i.is_separate or else attached parameters as p and then across p as parameter some context.real_type (parameter.item.attachment_type).is_separate end end if not is_once and then not has_separate and then not type_i.is_basic and then -- Inline only if it is not polymorphic and if it can be inlined (there is a reachable effective entry). (attached precursor_type as p and then (is_instance_free implies not p.is_formal and then (p.is_like implies p.is_expanded)) or else eiffel_table.is_polymorphic_for_body (routine_id, type_i, context.original_class_type) = -1) and then attached {ROUT_TABLE} tmp_poly_server.item (routine_id) as l_rout_table then target_type_id := type_i.type_id (context.context_cl_type) entry := effective_entry (type_i, target_type_id, l_rout_table) -- Avoid inlining if pattern IDs are different because it means some adaptation of arguments or result. if attached entry and then entry.pattern_id = l_rout_table.context_item.pattern_id then inliner := System.remover.inliner l_body_index := entry.body_index -- We need to instantiate `type` in current context to fix eweasel test#final065. if inliner.inline (context.real_type (type), l_body_index) then inline := True -- Special handling of deferred routine with one implementation in more than one -- descendants which do not conform to each other. To avoid the expensive cost of -- the computation we check first that the context type is deferred. This fixes -- eweasel test#final087. l_is_deferred_inlinable := attached precursor_type or else type_i.base_class.simple_conform_to (entry.written_class) or else -- The routine in the deferred class could be deferred and we need to -- ensure that all implementations of Current are forming an inheritance -- line, not a tree as if it is a tree, inlining has to be done from the top -- of the tree not from the first implemented version we found. -- Ideally we could figure it out, but it is more complicated, for the time -- being we disallow inlining in those rare cases. See eweasel test#final087. l_rout_table.is_inlinable (type_i, context.context_class_type) end end end if inline then -- Get information on the routine being inlined. f := system.class_of_id (entry.class_id).feature_of_feature_id (entry.feature_id) -- Ensure the feature is not redeclared into attribute or external routine. if f.is_failing then -- Inlining a feature that fails does not make much sense because: -- 1) it does not speed up execution since exception propagation is much slower; -- 2) it would be easier to track exception point if it is not inlined. inline := False elseif f.is_attribute then -- Changed the FEATURE_B into an ATTRIBUTE_B only if attribute is not of -- an attached type in some descendant that declares an explicit body for it. -- This is necessary because if the attribute requires a wrapper, often the wrapper -- is only known to the descendant, not the ancestor. This fixes test#final076. -- The wrapper is also required if a function has been redeclared into an attribute with a different type. Result := if entry.is_initialization_required then -- Use a wrapper to access the attribute. Current else -- Create new byte node and process it instead of the current one direct_byte_node (f, False).inlined_byte_code end elseif f.is_once then -- Once features (including constant attributes) are not inlined -- because they are executed at most once and it makes no sense to inline their code. inline := False elseif f.is_external or else f.is_constant then -- Create new byte node and process it instead of the current one Result := direct_byte_node (f, False).inlined_byte_code elseif l_is_deferred_inlinable then -- Adapt context type `type_i' to the appropriate context. -- For example, inlining SPECIAL [G#2] from HASH_TABLE [G#1, G#2] when -- the class is generated for HASH_TABLE [G#1, INTEGER] should yield -- SPECIAL [INTEGER]. -- We also use `deep_actual_type' to get rid of the anchors since we do -- not care about them and actually they can cause trouble (see eweasel -- test#final047). if attached {CL_TYPE_A} type_i.instantiated_in (context.context_cl_type).deep_actual_type as l_actual_cl_type then -- The target type could have attachment marks. -- They should be ignored because some preconditions expect a correct context type that has no attachment marks. -- See `{CL_TYPE_A}.generic_derivation`. cl_type := l_actual_cl_type.as_attachment_mark_free -- When the feature being inlined is implemented in a descendant or ancestor -- class of `cl_type' then we can perform inlining by providing two different -- contests (the target type/ the written type). -- If it is not the case, we have to do inlining differently (see the `else' -- part of the following if statement to see the explanation why doing -- it the same would yield a wrong result) by not really inlining, but -- by generating the code from the context in which it is defined (see eweasel test#final048 -- for an example of the `else' part). if cl_type.base_class.simple_conform_to (f.written_class) then -- Keep using `cl_type` as a target class type -- because there could be several descendants that do not conform to each other. -- Compute `written_cl_type`. context_class_type := cl_type.associated_class_type (context.context_cl_type) written_class_type := f.written_type (context_class_type) written_cl_type := written_class_type.type elseif f.written_class.simple_conform_to (cl_type.base_class) then -- Now try to find a proper descendant type for the candidate for inlining. There is -- two possibility here: The class associated with `entry' is the same as `cl_type' -- (case of a routine implemented in an ancestor), or `entry' is a descendant of `cl_type' -- (case of a deferred routine of `cl_type' with one implementation in descendant). desc_cl_type := cl_type.find_descendant_type (system.class_of_id (entry.class_id)) if desc_cl_type = Void then -- No valid descendant was found, therefore we cancel inlining (see -- eweasel test#final083). -- Note: This case means that the descendant is adding some new formal -- generic parameters that cannot be guessed in the current context. -- If the routine being inlined had no reference to the new formals -- then we could ideally allow it, but this is quite difficult at this -- time to perform this check. inline := False else -- We could find a descendant type, thus we can try to inline. cl_type := desc_cl_type -- Get the CLASS_TYPE from `cl_type'. context_class_type := cl_type.associated_class_type (context.context_cl_type) -- If `cl_type' has some formals, then they are formals that make sense for -- `context.context_class_type', but clearly not for `context_class_type' -- (see eweasel test#fina061 when inlining `set_value' in TEST1 [G]). Whenever -- possible we sanitize `cl_type' but worst case scenario it is `context_class_type.type'. cl_type := sanitized_type (cl_type, context_class_type.type) -- Get the actual type for code generation. At this stage we know for sure -- that it is either written in `cl_type' or one of its ancestor. It cannot -- be a descendant since we have already computed it above with `find_descendant_type' if cl_type.class_id = f.written_in then -- Optimization if this is the same class. written_cl_type := cl_type else -- Find the ancestor type. check ancestor: cl_type.base_class.inherits_from (f.written_class) end written_cl_type := cl_type.find_class_type (f.written_class) end -- Get the CLASS_TYPE for the class defining `f'. written_class_type := context_class_type.type.implemented_type (f.written_in).associated_class_type (Void) -- If `written_cl_type' has some formals, then they are formals that make sense for -- `context.context_class_type', but clearly not for `written_class_type' -- (see eweasel test#fina062 when inlining `set_value' in TEST1 [G]). In this -- scenario, we have no choice to take the least optimized type from `written_class_type'. written_cl_type := sanitized_type (written_cl_type, written_class_type.type) end else -- We are going to perform the inlining as if we were generating the class in -- which `f' is defined. To be clear, here is a sample: -- class A [G] feature f is do g end g deferred end end -- class B [H] feature g is do end end -- class C [G] inherit A [G] B [X] end -- class X end -- So when generating the code for A.f, we inline g, but we do it as if the code -- in A.f was: -- f is do -- local -- b: B [X] -- do -- b ?= Current -- Assignment cannot fail. -- b.g -- end -- The -- -- It is clear that in that case the implemented version of `f' cannot be in -- `cl_type', otherwise we would go via the `then' part of the current -- if then else. check different_class_id: cl_type.class_id /= entry.class_id end -- Using the example above, we get `C [G]' desc_cl_type := cl_type.find_descendant_type (system.class_of_id (entry.class_id)) if desc_cl_type = Void or else not same_for_generics (desc_cl_type.base_class, cl_type.base_class) then -- Another failures are test#final091 and test#final097 which we test -- by checking' the precondition of `associated_class_type'. inline := False else -- `f' cannot be implemented in the descendant version for which the first -- implementation of `f' appears, otherwise we would go via the `then' part -- of the current if then else. cl_type := desc_cl_type check different_class_id: cl_type.class_id /= f.written_in end -- Get the CLASS_TYPE corresponding to `C [G#1]'. context_class_type := cl_type.associated_class_type (context.context_cl_type) -- Get the CLASS_TYPE where `g' is coming from, that is to say `B [G#1]'. written_class_type := context_class_type.type.implemented_type (f.written_in).associated_class_type (Void) -- The actual type during code generation, i.e. B [X]. check type_conform: cl_type.base_class.simple_conform_to (f.written_class) end written_cl_type := cl_type.find_class_type (f.written_class) -- Here we are going to do the inlining, but we are going to use written_cl_type -- all the time. context_class_type := written_class_type cl_type := written_cl_type end end if inline then -- We can safely inline. -- Creation of a special node for the entire -- feature (descendant of STD_BYTE_CODE) inliner.set_current_feature_inlined -- Create inlined byte node. if cl_type.base_class.is_special then create {SPECIAL_INLINED_FEAT_B} inlined_feat_b.fill_from (Current) else create inlined_feat_b.fill_from (Current) end if attached {STD_BYTE_CODE} Byte_server.disk_item (l_body_index) as l_byte_code then bc := l_byte_code -- We set the `byte_code' of `inlined_feat_b' because we need to be set -- when handling in `pre_inlined_code' the type of attributes which relies -- on the type of the arguments of the inlined routine. -- This works because `bc' and `bc.pre_inlined_code' are the same object although -- the content is modified. inlined_feat_b.set_inlined_byte_code (bc) inlined_feat_b.set_context_type (context_class_type, cl_type, written_class_type, written_cl_type) -- Change context type before evaluating inlined feature byte code. context.put_inline_context (inlined_feat_b, context_class_type, cl_type, written_class_type, written_cl_type) bc := bc.pre_inlined_code check same_bc: bc = inlined_feat_b.byte_code end context.remove_inline_context Result := inlined_feat_b else check is_std_byte_code: False end end end else check type_i_is_cl_type: False end end else -- Case of an inline deferred routine that we cannot really inlined. inline := False end end if not inline then -- We could not inline, we perform a simple call as usual. Result := Current if parameters /= Void then parameters := parameters.inlined_byte_code end end end feature {NONE} -- Normalization of types sanitized_type (a_type, a_sanitized_type: CL_TYPE_A): CL_TYPE_A -- If `a_type' is generic, ensures that all the formals referenced in `a_type' -- are mapped to the proper formal generic parameter of `a_sanitized_type'. local i, nb: INTEGER l_generics, l_new_generics: ARRAYED_LIST [TYPE_A] l_type: TYPE_A do Result := a_type if attached {GEN_TYPE_A} a_type as l_gen_type then from l_generics := a_type.generics i := l_generics.lower nb := l_generics.upper until i > nb loop l_type := l_generics.i_th (i).actual_type if attached {FORMAL_A} l_type as l_formal then if l_formal.position /= i then if l_new_generics = Void then Result := Result.duplicate_for_instantiation l_new_generics := Result.generics end l_new_generics.put_i_th (a_sanitized_type.generics.i_th (i), i) end elseif l_type.has_formal_generic then -- There is a formal generic, but then it becomes harder to substitute that formal -- generic parameter with the correct one, we use `a_sanitized_type'. if l_new_generics = Void then Result := Result.duplicate_for_instantiation l_new_generics := Result.generics end l_new_generics.put_i_th (a_sanitized_type.generics.i_th (i), i) end i := i + 1 end end end same_for_generics (a_current_class, a_class: CLASS_C): BOOLEAN -- Is `a_current_class' using the same sets of generics as `a_class'. -- That is to say that `a_current_class' and `a_class' have the same number of -- generic parameter, and that each of them have the same routine ID. -- If `a_current_class' has not generic parameter then it is safe to assume True. require a_class_not_void: a_class /= Void local i, j, k, nb: INTEGER l_id_set, l_other_id_set: ROUT_ID_SET do if a_current_class.generics = Void then Result := True elseif a_class.generics /= Void and then (a_current_class.generics.count = a_class.generics.count) then -- They have the same number of generics, let's check they relate. from i := 1 nb := a_current_class.generics.count Result := True until i > nb or not Result loop l_id_set := a_current_class.formal_rout_id_set_at_position (i) l_other_id_set := a_class.formal_rout_id_set_at_position (i) from j := 1 k := l_id_set.count Result := False until j > k loop if l_other_id_set.has (l_id_set.item (j)) then Result := True j := k end j := j + 1 end i := i + 1 end end end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2019, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end