note description: "Special optimization on calls where target is a basic type." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" limitation: "We cannot handle `set_item', `copy', `standard_copy' or `deep_copy'% %because when called on attributes whose types are basic types we cannot% %store the result back to the attribute." class IL_SPECIAL_FEATURES inherit ANY SHARED_WORKBENCH export {NONE} all end SHARED_BYTE_CONTEXT export {NONE} all end SHARED_IL_CODE_GENERATOR export {NONE} all end IL_CONST export {NONE} all end PREDEFINED_NAMES export {NONE} all end SHARED_TYPES export {NONE} all end feature -- Access has (feature_name_id: INTEGER; target_type: CL_TYPE_A): BOOLEAN -- Does Current have `feature_name_id'? require valid_feature_name_id: feature_name_id > 0 target_type_not_void: target_type /= Void do Result := target_type.is_basic or else target_type.is_enum if Result then inspect type_of (target_type) when boolean_type_id, character_type_id, integer_type_id, real_32_type_id, real_64_type_id, pointer_type_id then Result := basic_type_table.has_key (feature_name_id) function_type := basic_type_table.found_item if function_type = out_type then -- {REAL_32}.out and {REAL_64}.out are processed -- as non-built-in to avoid issues with locale settings. -- {CHARACTER_32}.out is processed as non-built-in since it shows -- an hexadecimal representation of the character. Result := not target_type.is_real_32 and then not target_type.is_real_64 and then not target_type.is_character_32 end else if target_type.is_enum then Result := True inspect feature_name_id when infix_bit_and_name_id, bit_and_name_id then function_type := basic_type_table.item (infix_bit_and_name_id) when infix_bit_or_name_id, bit_or_name_id then function_type := basic_type_table.item (infix_bit_or_name_id) when to_integer_name_id then function_type := from_enum_to_integer_type when from_integer_name_id then function_type := from_integer_to_enum_type else Result := False end else Result := False end end end end feature -- Access code function_type: INTEGER -- Is current call based on an operator instead of a function -- call? feature -- Status valid_function_type (type: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Is `f' a valid function type supported by Current. do Result := type >= min_type_id and type <= max_type_id ensure valid: Result implies (type >= min_type_id and type <= max_type_id) end feature -- IL code generation generate_il (a_generator: IL_NODE_GENERATOR; feat: CALL_ACCESS_B; type: CL_TYPE_A; parameters: BYTE_LIST [PARAMETER_B]) -- Generate IL code sequence that will be used with basic types. require a_generator_not_void: a_generator /= Void a_generator_valid: a_generator.is_valid feat_not_void: feat /= Void valid_function_type: valid_function_type (function_type) type_not_void: type /= Void local f_type: INTEGER operator: like il_eq do f_type := function_type inspect f_type when plus_type, minus_type, product_type, integer_quotient_type, integer_remainder_type, bit_and_type, bit_or_type, bit_xor_type, bit_not_type, bit_shift_right_type then if parameters /= Void then parameters.process (a_generator) end generate_il_operation_code (f_type, type.is_natural) when quotient_type then il_generator.convert_to_real_64 if parameters /= Void then parameters.process (a_generator) end il_generator.convert_to_real_64 il_generator.generate_binary_operator (il_slash, False) when power_type then generate_power (parameters [1], type, a_generator) when bit_shift_left_type then if parameters /= Void then parameters.process (a_generator) end generate_il_operation_code (bit_shift_left_type, type.is_natural) if attached {INTEGER_A} feat.real_type (feat.type) as long and then long.size < 32 then -- IL extended "int8" and "int16" to "int32" which has to be converted back il_generator.convert_to (long) elseif attached {NATURAL_A} feat.real_type (feat.type) as nat and then nat.size < 32 then il_generator.convert_to (nat) end when bit_test_type then check parameters_not_void: parameters /= Void valid_count: parameters.count = 1 valid_type: type.is_integer or type.is_natural end il_generator.put_numeric_integer_constant (type, 1) parameters.i_th (1).process (a_generator) generate_il_operation_code (bit_shift_left_type, type.is_natural) generate_il_operation_code (bit_and_type, type.is_natural) il_generator.put_default_value (type) il_generator.generate_binary_operator (il_ne, type.is_natural) when set_bit_type then check parameters_not_void: parameters /= Void valid_count: parameters.count = 2 valid_type: type.is_integer or type.is_natural end generate_set_bit (a_generator, type, parameters) when set_bit_with_mask_type then check parameters_not_void: parameters /= Void valid_count: parameters.count = 2 valid_type: type.is_integer or type.is_natural end generate_set_bit_with_mask (a_generator, type, parameters) when is_equal_type, is_less_type, is_less_equal_type, is_greater_type, is_greater_equal_type then check parameters_not_void: parameters /= Void end parameters.process (a_generator) operator := inspect f_type when is_equal_type then il_eq when is_less_type then il_lt when is_less_equal_type then il_le when is_greater_type then il_gt when is_greater_equal_type then il_ge end if system.total_order_on_reals and then (type.is_real_32 or else type.is_real_64) then il_generator.generate_real_comparison_routine (operator, type.is_real_32, boolean_type) else -- Generate unsigned comparison for natural numbers. il_generator.generate_binary_operator (operator, type.is_natural) end when negated_type then il_generator.generate_unary_operator (il_not) when opposite_type then il_generator.generate_unary_operator (il_uminus) when zero_type, default_type then -- No need to keep pushed value as we are going -- to put something else. il_generator.pop il_generator.put_default_value (type) when one_type then -- No need to keep pushed value as we are going -- to put something else. il_generator.pop il_generator.put_numeric_integer_constant (type, 1) when as_natural_8_type, to_natural_8_type then il_generator.convert_to_natural_8 when as_natural_16_type, to_natural_16_type then il_generator.convert_to_natural_16 when as_natural_32_type, to_natural_32_type then il_generator.convert_to_natural_32 when as_natural_64_type, to_natural_64_type then il_generator.convert_to_natural_64 when as_integer_8_type, to_integer_8_type then il_generator.convert_to_integer_8 when as_integer_16_type, to_integer_16_type then il_generator.convert_to_integer_16 when as_integer_32_type, to_integer_32_type then il_generator.convert_to_integer_32 when as_integer_64_type, to_integer_64_type then il_generator.convert_to_integer_64 when min_type then check parameters_not_void: parameters /= Void valid_count: parameters.count = 1 end parameters.process (a_generator) if system.total_order_on_reals and then (type.is_real_32 or type.is_real_64) then il_generator.generate_real_comparison_routine (il_min, type.is_real_32, type) else il_generator.generate_math_two_arguments ("Min", type) end when max_type then check parameters_not_void: parameters /= Void valid_count: parameters.count = 1 end parameters.process (a_generator) if system.total_order_on_reals and then (type.is_real_32 or type.is_real_64) then il_generator.generate_real_comparison_routine (il_max, type.is_real_32, type) else il_generator.generate_math_two_arguments ("Max", type) end when three_way_comparison_type then check parameters_not_void: parameters /= Void valid_count: parameters.count = 1 end if system.total_order_on_reals and then (type.is_real_32 or type.is_real_64) then parameters.process (a_generator) il_generator.generate_real_comparison_routine (il_three_way_comparison, type.is_real_32, integer_32_type) else generate_three_way_comparison (a_generator, type, parameters.i_th (1)) end when offset_type then check parameters_not_void: parameters /= Void valid_count: parameters.count = 1 end parameters.process (a_generator) il_generator.generate_binary_operator (il_plus, type.is_natural) when to_real_32_type then il_generator.convert_to_real_32 when to_real_64_type then il_generator.convert_to_real_64 when ceiling_real_type then il_generator.convert_to_real_64 il_generator.generate_math_one_argument ("Ceiling", real_64_type) if type.is_real_32 then il_generator.convert_to_real_32 end when floor_real_type then il_generator.convert_to_real_64 il_generator.generate_math_one_argument ("Floor", real_64_type) if type.is_real_32 then il_generator.convert_to_real_32 end when out_type then il_generator.generate_out (type) when hash_code_type then generate_hash_code (type) when to_character_8_type then il_generator.convert_to_character_8 when to_character_32_type then il_generator.convert_to_character_32 when abs_type then il_generator.generate_math_one_argument ("Abs", type) when generator_type then il_generator.pop il_generator.put_manifest_string (if attached {TYPED_POINTER_A} type as typed_pointer_i then "POINTER" else type.dump end) when from_integer_to_enum_type then -- Argument value becomes the enum value, we discard -- original value of enum. il_generator.pop parameters.process (a_generator) when from_enum_to_integer_type then -- Nothing to do, as enums are basically integers. when set_item_type then generate_set_item (a_generator, feat, type, parameters) when is_digit_type then il_generator.generate_is_query_on_character ("IsDigit") when is_lower_type then il_generator.generate_is_query_on_character ("IsLower") when is_upper_type then il_generator.generate_is_query_on_character ("IsUpper") when lower_type then il_generator.generate_upper_lower (False) when upper_type then il_generator.generate_upper_lower (True) when identity_type, twin_type, as_attached_type then -- Nothing to do, top of the stack has correct value when is_nan_type then il_generator.generate_is_query_on_real (type.is_real_32, "IsNaN") when is_negative_infinity_type then il_generator.generate_is_query_on_real (type.is_real_32, "IsNegativeInfinity") when is_positive_infinity_type then il_generator.generate_is_query_on_real (type.is_real_32, "IsPositiveInfinity") when nan_type then if feat.need_target then il_generator.pop end if type.is_real_32 then il_generator.put_real_32_constant ({REAL_32}.nan) else il_generator.put_real_64_constant ({REAL_64}.nan) end when negative_infinity_type then if feat.need_target then il_generator.pop end if type.is_real_32 then il_generator.put_real_32_constant ({REAL_32}.negative_infinity) else il_generator.put_real_64_constant ({REAL_64}.negative_infinity) end when positive_infinity_type then if feat.need_target then il_generator.pop end if type.is_real_32 then il_generator.put_real_32_constant ({REAL_32}.positive_infinity) else il_generator.put_real_64_constant ({REAL_64}.positive_infinity) end when do_nothing_type then -- Simply remove top of the stack as we do not care about its value. il_generator.pop when is_default_pointer_type then -- We have the pointer on the stack, we load the default pointer -- type and then compare them for equality. il_generator.put_default_value (type) il_generator.generate_binary_operator (il_eq, True) when ieee_is_equal_type then parameters.process (a_generator) il_generator.generate_binary_operator (il_eq, False) when ieee_is_greater_type then parameters.process (a_generator) il_generator.generate_binary_operator (il_gt, False) when ieee_is_greater_equal_type then parameters.process (a_generator) il_generator.generate_binary_operator (il_ge, True) when ieee_is_less_type then parameters.process (a_generator) il_generator.generate_binary_operator (il_lt, False) when ieee_is_less_equal_type then parameters.process (a_generator) il_generator.generate_binary_operator (il_le, True) when ieee_maximum_number_type then check parameters_not_void: parameters /= Void valid_count: parameters.count = 1 end generate_extremum_number ({MD_OPCODES}.bge_un, parameters [1], type, a_generator) when ieee_minimum_number_type then check parameters_not_void: parameters /= Void valid_count: parameters.count = 1 end generate_extremum_number ({MD_OPCODES}.ble_un, parameters [1], type, a_generator) else end end feature {NONE} -- C and Byte code corresponding Eiffel function calls basic_type_table: HASH_TABLE [INTEGER, INTEGER] once create Result.make (100) Result.put (is_equal_type, is_deep_equal_name_id) Result.put (is_equal_type, is_equal_name_id) Result.put (is_equal_type, standard_is_equal_name_id) Result.put (is_less_type, is_less_name_id) Result.put (is_less_equal_type, is_less_equal_name_id) Result.put (is_greater_type, is_greater_name_id) Result.put (is_greater_equal_type, is_greater_equal_name_id) Result.put (zero_type, zero_name_id) Result.put (one_type, one_name_id) Result.put (as_integer_8_type, as_integer_8_name_id) Result.put (as_integer_16_type, as_integer_16_name_id) Result.put (as_integer_32_type, as_integer_32_name_id) Result.put (as_integer_64_type, as_integer_64_name_id) Result.put (to_integer_8_type, to_integer_8_name_id) Result.put (to_integer_16_type, to_integer_16_name_id) Result.put (to_integer_32_type, to_integer_32_name_id) Result.put (to_integer_32_type, truncated_to_integer_name_id) Result.put (to_integer_32_type, to_integer_name_id) Result.put (to_integer_64_type, to_integer_64_name_id) Result.put (to_integer_64_type, truncated_to_integer_64_name_id) Result.put (as_natural_8_type, as_natural_8_name_id) Result.put (as_natural_16_type, as_natural_16_name_id) Result.put (as_natural_32_type, as_natural_32_name_id) Result.put (as_natural_32_type, natural_32_code_name_id) Result.put (as_natural_64_type, as_natural_64_name_id) Result.put (to_natural_8_type, to_natural_8_name_id) Result.put (to_natural_16_type, to_natural_16_name_id) Result.put (to_natural_32_type, to_natural_32_name_id) Result.put (to_natural_64_type, to_natural_64_name_id) Result.put (identity_type, identity_name_id) Result.put (opposite_type, opposite_name_id) Result.put (plus_type, plus_name_id) Result.put (minus_type, minus_name_id) Result.put (product_type, product_name_id) Result.put (quotient_type, quotient_name_id) Result.put (integer_quotient_type, integer_quotient_name_id) Result.put (integer_remainder_type, integer_remainder_name_id) Result.put (power_type, power_name_id) Result.put (negated_type, negated_name_id) Result.put (bit_and_type, bit_and_name_id) Result.put (bit_and_type, infix_bit_and_name_id) Result.put (bit_or_type, bit_or_name_id) Result.put (bit_or_type, infix_bit_or_name_id) Result.put (bit_xor_type, bit_xor_name_id) Result.put (bit_not_type, bit_not_name_id) Result.put (bit_shift_left_type, bit_shift_left_name_id) Result.put (bit_shift_left_type, infix_shift_left_name_id) Result.put (bit_shift_right_type, bit_shift_right_name_id) Result.put (bit_shift_right_type, infix_shift_right_name_id) Result.put (bit_test_type, bit_test_name_id) Result.put (set_bit_type, set_bit_name_id) Result.put (set_bit_with_mask_type, set_bit_with_mask_name_id) Result.put (max_type, max_name_id) Result.put (min_type, min_name_id) Result.put (offset_type, plus_name_id) Result.put (offset_type, infix_plus_name_id) Result.put (to_real_64_type, to_real_64_name_id) Result.put (to_real_32_type, to_real_32_name_id) Result.put (to_real_32_type, truncated_to_real_name_id) Result.put (to_real_32_type, to_real_name_id) Result.put (to_real_64_type, to_double_name_id) Result.put (out_type, out_name_id) Result.put (hash_code_type, hash_code_name_id) Result.put (hash_code_type, code_name_id) Result.put (to_character_8_type, to_character_name_id) Result.put (to_character_8_type, to_character_8_name_id) Result.put (to_character_8_type, ascii_char_name_id) Result.put (to_character_32_type, to_character_32_name_id) Result.put (abs_type, abs_name_id) Result.put (default_type, default_name_id) Result.put (set_item_type, set_item_name_id) Result.put (set_item_type, copy_name_id) Result.put (set_item_type, deep_copy_name_id) Result.put (set_item_type, standard_copy_name_id) Result.put (is_digit_type, is_digit_name_id) Result.put (generator_type, generator_name_id) Result.put (three_way_comparison_type, three_way_comparison_name_id) Result.put (twin_type, standard_twin_name_id) Result.put (twin_type, twin_name_id) Result.put (twin_type, deep_twin_name_id) Result.put (as_attached_type, as_attached_name_id) Result.put (upper_type, upper_name_id) Result.put (lower_type, lower_name_id) Result.put (is_upper_type, is_upper_name_id) Result.put (is_lower_type, is_lower_name_id) Result.put (is_nan_type, is_nan_name_id) Result.put (is_negative_infinity_type, is_negative_infinity_name_id) Result.put (is_positive_infinity_type, is_positive_infinity_name_id) Result.put (ceiling_real_type, ceiling_real_32_name_id) Result.put (ceiling_real_type, ceiling_real_64_name_id) Result.put (floor_real_type, floor_real_32_name_id) Result.put (floor_real_type, floor_real_64_name_id) Result.put (nan_type, nan_name_id) Result.put (negative_infinity_type, negative_infinity_name_id) Result.put (positive_infinity_type, positive_infinity_name_id) Result.put (do_nothing_type, do_nothing_name_id) Result.put (is_default_pointer_type, is_default_pointer_name_id) Result.put (ieee_is_equal_type, ieee_is_equal_name_id) Result.put (ieee_is_greater_type, ieee_is_greater_name_id) Result.put (ieee_is_greater_equal_type, ieee_is_greater_equal_name_id) Result.put (ieee_is_less_type, ieee_is_less_name_id) Result.put (ieee_is_less_equal_type, ieee_is_less_equal_name_id) Result.put (ieee_maximum_number_type, ieee_maximum_number_name_id) Result.put (ieee_minimum_number_type, ieee_minimum_number_name_id) -- FIXME: Manu 10/24/2001. Not yet implemented. -- Result.put (memory_copy, memory_copy_name_id) -- Result.put (memory_move, memory_move_name_id) -- Result.put (memory_set, memory_set_name_id) end feature -- Fast access to feature name min_type_id: INTEGER = 1 unused_1: INTEGER = 1 set_item_type: INTEGER = 2 out_type: INTEGER = 3 hash_code_type: INTEGER = 4 max_type: INTEGER = 5 min_type: INTEGER = 6 abs_type: INTEGER = 7 generator_type: INTEGER = 8 to_integer_32_type: INTEGER = 9 offset_type: INTEGER = 10 default_type: INTEGER = 11 bit_and_type: INTEGER = 12 bit_or_type: INTEGER = 13 bit_xor_type: INTEGER = 14 bit_not_type: INTEGER = 15 bit_shift_left_type: INTEGER = 16 bit_shift_right_type: INTEGER = 17 bit_test_type: INTEGER = 18 zero_type: INTEGER = 19 one_type: INTEGER = 20 memory_move: INTEGER = 21 memory_copy: INTEGER = 22 memory_set: INTEGER = 23 to_integer_8_type: INTEGER = 24 to_integer_16_type: INTEGER = 25 to_integer_64_type: INTEGER = 26 is_equal_type: INTEGER = 27 to_real_32_type: INTEGER = 28 to_character_8_type: INTEGER = 29 From_integer_to_enum_type: INTEGER = 30 From_enum_to_integer_type: INTEGER = 31 is_digit_type: INTEGER = 32 to_real_64_type: INTEGER = 33 three_way_comparison_type: INTEGER = 34 to_natural_8_type: INTEGER = 35 to_natural_16_type: INTEGER = 36 to_natural_32_type: INTEGER = 37 to_natural_64_type: INTEGER = 38 twin_type: INTEGER = 39 as_integer_8_type: INTEGER = 40 as_integer_16_type: INTEGER = 41 as_integer_32_type: INTEGER = 42 as_integer_64_type: INTEGER = 43 as_natural_8_type: INTEGER = 44 as_natural_16_type: INTEGER = 45 as_natural_32_type: INTEGER = 46 as_natural_64_type: INTEGER = 47 lower_type: INTEGER = 48 upper_type: INTEGER = 49 is_lower_type: INTEGER = 50 is_upper_type: INTEGER = 51 set_bit_type: INTEGER = 52 set_bit_with_mask_type: INTEGER = 53 to_character_32_type: INTEGER = 54 as_attached_type: INTEGER = 55 ceiling_real_type: INTEGER = 56 floor_real_type: INTEGER = 57 is_nan_type: INTEGER = 58 is_negative_infinity_type: INTEGER = 59 is_positive_infinity_type: INTEGER = 60 nan_type: INTEGER = 61 negative_infinity_type: INTEGER = 62 positive_infinity_type: INTEGER = 63 do_nothing_type: INTEGER = 64 is_default_pointer_type: INTEGER = 65 ieee_is_equal_type: INTEGER = 66 ieee_is_greater_type: INTEGER = 67 ieee_is_greater_equal_type: INTEGER = 68 ieee_is_less_type: INTEGER = 69 ieee_is_less_equal_type: INTEGER = 70 ieee_maximum_number_type: INTEGER = 71 ieee_minimum_number_type: INTEGER = 72 identity_type: INTEGER = 73 opposite_type: INTEGER = 74 plus_type: INTEGER = 75 minus_type: INTEGER = 76 product_type: INTEGER = 77 quotient_type: INTEGER = 78 integer_quotient_type: INTEGER = 79 integer_remainder_type: INTEGER = 80 power_type: INTEGER = 81 is_less_type: INTEGER = 82 is_less_equal_type: INTEGER = 83 is_greater_type: INTEGER = 84 is_greater_equal_type: INTEGER = 85 negated_type: INTEGER = 86 conjuncted_type: INTEGER = 86 conjuncted_semistrict_type: INTEGER = 87 disjuncted_type: INTEGER = 88 disjuncted_semistrict_type: INTEGER = 89 disjuncted_exclusive_type: INTEGER = 90 implication_type: INTEGER = 91 max_type_id: INTEGER = 91 feature {NONE} -- IL code generation generate_il_operation_code (op: INTEGER; is_natural: BOOLEAN) -- Make byte code for call on bit operations from INTEGER. do inspect op when plus_type then il_generator.generate_binary_operator (il_plus, is_natural) when minus_type then il_generator.generate_binary_operator (il_minus, is_natural) when product_type then il_generator.generate_binary_operator (il_star, is_natural) when integer_quotient_type then il_generator.generate_binary_operator (il_div, is_natural) when integer_remainder_type then il_generator.generate_binary_operator (il_mod, is_natural) when bit_and_type then il_generator.generate_binary_operator (il_and, is_natural) when bit_or_type then il_generator.generate_binary_operator (il_or, is_natural) when bit_xor_type then il_generator.generate_binary_operator (il_xor, is_natural) when bit_not_type then il_generator.generate_unary_operator (il_bitwise_not) when bit_shift_left_type then il_generator.generate_binary_operator (il_shl, is_natural) when bit_shift_right_type then il_generator.generate_binary_operator (il_shr, is_natural) else check not_implemented_yet: False end end end generate_power (p: PARAMETER_B; t: CL_TYPE_A; g: IL_NODE_GENERATOR) -- Generate code to raise stack top to the value specified by `p` of type `t` using generator `g`. local power_value: REAL_64 do il_generator.convert_to_real_64 if attached {REAL_CONST_B} p.expression as power_nb then power_value := power_nb.value.to_real_64 if power_value = 0.0 then il_generator.pop il_generator.put_real_64_constant (1.0) elseif power_value = 1.0 then -- Nothing to be done. elseif power_value = 2.0 then il_generator.duplicate_top il_generator.generate_binary_operator (il_star, False) elseif power_value = 3.0 then il_generator.duplicate_top il_generator.duplicate_top il_generator.generate_binary_operator (il_star, False) il_generator.generate_binary_operator (il_star, False) else p.process (g) il_generator.convert_to_real_64 il_generator.generate_binary_operator (il_power, False) end else p.process (g) il_generator.convert_to_real_64 il_generator.generate_binary_operator (il_power, False) end end generate_hash_code (type: CL_TYPE_A) -- Generate hash-code for current basic type at top of evaluation stack. require type_not_void: type /= Void local l_else_label, l_end_label: IL_LABEL do inspect type_of (type) when boolean_type_id then -- We generate the code below -- if Current then -- Result := 1 -- else -- Result := 0 -- end l_else_label := il_generator.create_label l_end_label := il_generator.create_label il_generator.branch_on_true (l_else_label) il_generator.put_integer_32_constant (0) il_generator.branch_to (l_end_label) il_generator.mark_label (l_else_label) il_generator.put_integer_32_constant (1) il_generator.mark_label (l_end_label) else -- Convert type on stack to an integer and applies -- proper computation to get a positive hash-code. il_generator.generate_hash_code end end generate_extremum_number (c: like {MD_OPCODES}.ble; e: PARAMETER_B; t: CL_TYPE_A; g: IL_NODE_GENERATOR) -- Generate code for "ieee_maximum_number" (when `c = {MD_OPCODES}.bge_un`) or "ieee_minimum_number" (when `c = {MD_OPCODES}.ble_un`) -- for the value on stack and the value of `e` of type `t` using generator `g`. require valid_comparison_opcode: c = {MD_OPCODES}.bge_un or c = {MD_OPCODES}.ble_un valid_generator: g.is_valid local other_variable_number: INTEGER elseif_label, end_label: IL_LABEL do -- Generate code for "ieee_minimum_number" like -- if Current > other then -- other -- elseif Current /= Current then -- other -- else -- Current -- end -- -- Initialize labels for branching. -- Because "Current" in the "else" part is already on the stack, no code or label for the "else" part is required. elseif_label := il_generator.create_label end_label := il_generator.create_label -- Compute and save operands. il_generator.duplicate_top e.process (g) il_generator.duplicate_top context.add_local (t) other_variable_number := context.local_list.count il_generator.put_dummy_local_info (t, other_variable_number) il_generator.generate_local_assignment (other_variable_number) -- Generate "if Current > other then other". il_generator.branch_on_condition (c, elseif_label) il_generator.pop il_generator.generate_local (other_variable_number) il_generator.branch_to (end_label) -- Generate "elseif Current /= Current then other". il_generator.mark_label (elseif_label) il_generator.duplicate_top il_generator.duplicate_top il_generator.branch_on_condition ({MD_OPCODES}.beq, end_label) il_generator.pop il_generator.generate_local (other_variable_number) -- Generate "else Current": the result is already on the top of the stack, nothing to do. -- Generate end label. il_generator.mark_label (end_label) end generate_three_way_comparison (a_generator: IL_NODE_GENERATOR; a_type: CL_TYPE_A; a_expr: EXPR_B) -- Generate three_way_comparison computation for basic type objects -- at top of evaluation stack. require a_generator_not_void: a_generator /= Void a_generator_valid: a_generator.is_valid a_type_not_void: a_type /= Void a_expr_not_void: a_expr /= Void local l_local: INTEGER l_elseif_label, l_else_label, l_end_label: IL_LABEL do -- We will generate the code below for Current.three_way_comparison (x) -- if Current < x then -- Result := - 1 -- elseif x < Current -- Result := 1 -- else -- Result := 0 -- end -- Label for branching l_elseif_label := il_generator.create_label l_else_label := il_generator.create_label l_end_label := il_generator.create_label -- Duplicate Current. il_generator.duplicate_top -- Generate parameter and store it in a local variable a_expr.process (a_generator) il_generator.duplicate_top context.add_local (a_type) l_local := context.local_list.count il_generator.put_dummy_local_info (a_type, l_local) il_generator.generate_local_assignment (l_local) -- Generate: if Current < x then Result := -1 il_generator.generate_binary_operator ({IL_CONST}.il_lt, a_type.is_natural) il_generator.branch_on_false (l_elseif_label) -- Remove duplicate occurrence of `Current' that we push in case -- we had to perform one more comparison. il_generator.pop il_generator.put_integer_32_constant (-1) il_generator.branch_to (l_end_label) -- Generate: elseif x < Current then Result := 1 il_generator.mark_label (l_elseif_label) il_generator.generate_local (l_local) il_generator.generate_binary_operator ({IL_CONST}.il_gt, a_type.is_natural) il_generator.branch_on_false (l_else_label) il_generator.put_integer_32_constant (1) il_generator.branch_to (l_end_label) -- Generate: else Result := 0 il_generator.mark_label (l_else_label) il_generator.put_integer_32_constant (0) il_generator.mark_label (l_end_label) end generate_set_item (a_generator: IL_NODE_GENERATOR; feat: CALL_ACCESS_B; type: CL_TYPE_A; parameters: BYTE_LIST [EXPR_B]) -- Generate IL code sequence that will be used with basic types. require a_generator_not_void: a_generator /= Void a_generator_valid: a_generator.is_valid feat_not_void: feat /= Void valid_function_type: function_type = set_item_type type_not_void: type /= Void parameters_not_void: parameters /= Void valid_parameters: parameters.count = 1 local l_parent: NESTED_B l_access: ACCESS_B do l_parent := feat.parent if l_parent /= Void then l_access := if l_access.is_attribute then -- This is an expression of type `my_attribute.copy (a)'. -- Top of the stack is properly initialized in ATTRIBYUTE_B.generate_il_call -- so that object where `l_access' attribute belongs to is on -- top of the evaluation stack. parameters.process (a_generator) a_generator.generate_il_assignment (l_access, type) else -- Remove target as it will be attached directly il_generator.pop if l_access.is_local or l_access.is_result then parameters.process (a_generator) a_generator.generate_il_assignment (l_access, type) elseif l_access.is_argument and then attached {ARGUMENT_B} l_access as l_arg then parameters.process (a_generator) il_generator.generate_argument_assignment (l_arg.position) end end else -- Modification of Current results in NOP il_generator.pop end end generate_set_bit (a_generator: IL_NODE_GENERATOR; a_type: CL_TYPE_A; parameters: BYTE_LIST [EXPR_B]) -- Generate IL code sequence for `set_bit' require a_generator_not_void: a_generator /= Void a_generator_valid: a_generator.is_valid valid_function_type: function_type = set_bit_type type_not_void: a_type /= Void type_valid: a_type.is_integer or a_type.is_natural parameters_not_void: parameters /= Void valid_parameters: parameters.count = 2 local l_target, l_result: INTEGER l_else, l_end: IL_LABEL do -- Store target and result of call in temporary locals context.add_local (a_type) l_target := context.local_list.count il_generator.put_dummy_local_info (a_type, l_target) il_generator.generate_local_assignment (l_target) context.add_local (a_type) l_result := context.local_list.count il_generator.put_dummy_local_info (a_type, l_result) -- Get labels for branching. l_else := il_label_factory.new_label l_end := il_label_factory.new_label -- Generate boolean value. parameters.i_th (1).process (a_generator) -- Generate case where boolean value is True: -- `item | (a_type) 1 << n' il_generator.branch_on_false (l_else) il_generator.generate_local (l_target) il_generator.put_numeric_integer_constant (a_type, 1) parameters.i_th (2).process (a_generator) il_generator.generate_binary_operator (il_shl, a_type.is_natural) il_generator.generate_binary_operator (il_or, a_type.is_natural) il_generator.generate_local_assignment (l_result) il_generator.branch_to (l_end) -- Generate case where boolean value is False: -- `item & ~(a_type) 1 << n' il_generator.mark_label (l_else) il_generator.generate_local (l_target) il_generator.put_numeric_integer_constant (a_type, 1) parameters.i_th (2).process (a_generator) il_generator.generate_binary_operator (il_shl, a_type.is_natural) il_generator.generate_unary_operator (il_bitwise_not) il_generator.generate_binary_operator (il_and, a_type.is_natural) il_generator.generate_local_assignment (l_result) il_generator.mark_label (l_end) il_generator.generate_local (l_result) end generate_set_bit_with_mask (a_generator: IL_NODE_GENERATOR; a_type: CL_TYPE_A; parameters: BYTE_LIST [EXPR_B]) -- Generate IL code sequence for `set_bit' require a_generator_not_void: a_generator /= Void a_generator_valid: a_generator.is_valid valid_function_type: function_type = set_bit_with_mask_type type_not_void: a_type /= Void type_valid: a_type.is_integer or a_type.is_natural parameters_not_void: parameters /= Void valid_parameters: parameters.count = 2 local l_target, l_result: INTEGER l_else, l_end: IL_LABEL do -- Store target and result of call in temporary locals context.add_local (a_type) l_target := context.local_list.count il_generator.put_dummy_local_info (a_type, l_target) il_generator.generate_local_assignment (l_target) context.add_local (a_type) l_result := context.local_list.count il_generator.put_dummy_local_info (a_type, l_result) -- Get labels for branching. l_else := il_label_factory.new_label l_end := il_label_factory.new_label -- Generate boolean value. parameters.i_th (1).process (a_generator) -- Generate case where boolean value is True: -- `item | (a_type) 1 << n' il_generator.branch_on_false (l_else) il_generator.generate_local (l_target) parameters.i_th (2).process (a_generator) il_generator.generate_binary_operator (il_or, a_type.is_natural) il_generator.generate_local_assignment (l_result) il_generator.branch_to (l_end) -- Generate case where boolean value is False: -- `item & ~(a_type) 1 << n' il_generator.mark_label (l_else) il_generator.generate_local (l_target) parameters.i_th (2).process (a_generator) il_generator.generate_unary_operator (il_bitwise_not) il_generator.generate_binary_operator (il_and, a_type.is_natural) il_generator.generate_local_assignment (l_result) il_generator.mark_label (l_end) il_generator.generate_local (l_result) end feature {NONE} -- Type information boolean_type_id: INTEGER = 1 character_type_id: INTEGER = 2 integer_type_id: INTEGER = 3 pointer_type_id: INTEGER = 4 real_32_type_id: INTEGER = 5 real_64_type_id: INTEGER = 6 any_type_id: INTEGER = 7 unknown_type_id: INTEGER = 8 -- Constant defining type is_signed_integer: BOOLEAN -- Is `integer_type_id' corresponding to INTEGER_A? -- False when corresponding to NATURAL_A. is_wide: BOOLEAN -- Is `character_type_id' returned by `type_of' a WIDE_CHARACTER? type_of (t: CL_TYPE_A): INTEGER -- Returns corresponding type constants to `t'. require t_not_void: t /= Void do inspect t.sk_value (Void) when {SK_CONST}.sk_char8, {SK_CONST}.sk_char32 then Result := character_type_id when {SK_CONST}.sk_bool then Result := boolean_type_id when {SK_CONST}.sk_int8, {SK_CONST}.sk_int16, {SK_CONST}.sk_int32, {SK_CONST}.sk_int64 then Result := integer_type_id is_signed_integer := True when {SK_CONST}.sk_uint8, {SK_CONST}.sk_uint16, {SK_CONST}.sk_uint32, {SK_CONST}.sk_uint64 then Result := integer_type_id is_signed_integer := False when {SK_CONST}.sk_real32 then Result := real_32_type_id when {SK_CONST}.sk_real64 then Result := real_64_type_id when {SK_CONST}.sk_pointer then Result := pointer_type_id else if attached {TYPED_POINTER_A} t then Result := pointer_type_id elseif t.base_class.is_class_any then Result := any_type_id else Result := unknown_type_id end end ensure valid_type: Result = boolean_type_id or else Result = character_type_id or else Result = integer_type_id or else Result = pointer_type_id or else Result = real_32_type_id or else Result = real_64_type_id or else Result = any_type_id or else Result = unknown_type_id end invariant il_generation: System.il_generation note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2020, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end