note description: "Inherited details of assertions. Used for the generation% %of chain assertions." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class INHERITED_ASSERTION inherit SHARED_BYTE_CONTEXT SHARED_IL_CODE_GENERATOR BYTE_CONST INTERNAL_COMPILER_STRING_EXPORTER create make feature -- Creation make -- Make lists do create precondition_list.make create precondition_types.make create precondition_body_indices.make create precondition_oms_counts.make create prec_arg_list.make create postcondition_list.make create postcondition_types.make create postcondition_body_indices.make create postcondition_oms_counts.make create post_result_list.make create post_arg_list.make create old_expression_list.make end feature -- Locals add_object_test_locals -- Add object test locals to the context. do from precondition_start until precondition_after loop precondition_context_init context.add_object_test_locals (precondition_list.item.object_test_locals, precondition_body_indices.item, True) precondition_forth end restore_current_context from postcondition_start until postcondition_after loop postcondition_context_init context.add_object_test_locals (postcondition_list.item.object_test_locals, postcondition_body_indices.item, False) postcondition_forth end restore_current_context end feature -- Visitor process_precondition (v: BYTE_NODE_VISITOR) -- Visit all precondition nodes using `v'. require v_attached: attached v types_and_assert_count_same: valid_prec_count is_precondition: context.assertion_type = {ASSERT_TYPE}.in_precondition do from precondition_start until precondition_after loop precondition_context_init precondition_list.item.process (v) precondition_forth end; restore_current_context ensure context_restored: restored end feature -- Assertion saved_class_type: CLASS_TYPE -- Saved class type saved_body_index: INTEGER -- Saved original body index from `context' saved_arguments: ARRAY [TYPE_A] -- Saved byte_code arguments saved_result_type: TYPE_A -- Saved byte_code arguments saved_old_expressions: LINKED_LIST [UN_OLD_B] -- Saved old expressions restore_current_context -- Restore details of current context. local o: like saved_old_expressions do Context.set_class_type (saved_class_type) Context.set_original_body_index (saved_body_index) Context.byte_code.set_arguments (saved_arguments) Context.byte_code.set_result_type (saved_result_type) o := saved_old_expressions if o = Void or else o.is_empty then Context.byte_code.set_old_expressions (Void) else Context.byte_code.set_old_expressions (o) end ensure restored: restored end init -- Save current context. require not_initialzed: saved_class_type = Void and then saved_arguments = Void and then saved_result_type = Void local o: like saved_old_expressions do saved_class_type := Context.class_type saved_body_index := Context.original_body_index saved_arguments := Context.byte_code.arguments saved_result_type := Context.byte_code.result_type o := Context.byte_code.old_expressions if o = Void or else o.is_empty then saved_old_expressions := Void else saved_old_expressions := o end end has_assertion: BOOLEAN -- Does Current have inhertied assertions? do Result := has_precondition or else has_postcondition end wipe_out -- Wipe out inherited details. do debug ("ASSERTIONS") trace; end precondition_list.wipe_out precondition_types.wipe_out precondition_body_indices.wipe_out precondition_oms_counts.wipe_out prec_arg_list.wipe_out postcondition_list.wipe_out postcondition_types.wipe_out postcondition_body_indices.wipe_out postcondition_oms_counts.wipe_out post_result_list.wipe_out post_arg_list.wipe_out old_expression_list.wipe_out saved_class_type := Void saved_arguments := Void saved_result_type := Void end enlarge_precondition_tree -- Enlarges inherited preconditions byte code -- tree for C code generation. require types_and_assert_count_same: valid_count is_precondition: context.assertion_type = {ASSERT_TYPE}.in_precondition do from precondition_start until precondition_after loop precondition_context_init precondition_list.item.enlarge_tree precondition_forth end restore_current_context end enlarge_postcondition_tree -- Enlarges inherited postconditions byte code -- tree for C code generation. require types_and_assert_count_same: valid_count is_postcondition: context.assertion_type = {ASSERT_TYPE}.in_postcondition local old_expr: LINKED_LIST [UN_OLD_B] do from postcondition_start until postcondition_after loop postcondition_context_init old_expr := old_expression_list.item if old_expr /= Void then Context.byte_code.clear_old_expressions end postcondition_list.item.enlarge_tree --! Need to replace old expressions with --! enlarged old expressions for C generation --! later on. -- This is done automatically because of equality given below. -- However, if old expressions are eliminated altogether, -- they should be set to void to avoid assertion violation later -- (for example in `BYTE_CODE.set_old_expressions'). check same_old_expressions: old_expr = Context.byte_code.old_expressions end if old_expr /= Void and then old_expr.is_empty then -- Old expressions were eliminated. old_expression_list.put (Void) end postcondition_forth end restore_current_context end valid_count: BOOLEAN -- Are types count the same as the assertion count? do Result := (valid_prec_count and then valid_post_count) end valid_prec_count: BOOLEAN -- Are types count the same as the precondition count? do Result := (precondition_list.count = precondition_types.count) end valid_post_count: BOOLEAN -- Are types count the same as the postcondition count? do Result := (postcondition_list.count = postcondition_types.count) end restored: BOOLEAN -- Was Byte Context restored? do Result := (Context.class_type = saved_class_type) and then (Context.original_body_index = saved_body_index) and then (Context.byte_code.arguments = saved_arguments) and then (Context.byte_code.result_type = saved_result_type) end precondition_list_count: INTEGER -- Number of inherited precondition. local c: CURSOR lst: like precondition_list do lst := precondition_list if lst /= Void then c := lst.cursor from lst.start until lst.after loop Result := Result + lst.item.count lst.forth end lst.go_to (c) end end feature -- Inherited precondition precondition_list: LINKED_LIST [ASSERTION_BYTE_CODE] -- List of inherited precondition prec_arg_list: LINKED_LIST [ARRAY[TYPE_A]] -- List of inherited arguments corresponding to assertion precondition_types: LINKED_LIST [CLASS_TYPE] -- List of class types associated with precondition precondition_body_indices: LINKED_LIST [INTEGER] -- Indicies of routine bodies declaring preconditions precondition_oms_counts: LINKED_LIST [INTEGER] -- Number of once manifest strings declared in routine body identified by `precondition_body_indices' has_precondition: BOOLEAN -- Does Current have inherited preconditions? do Result := (precondition_types.count > 0) end add_precondition_type (ct: CLASS_TYPE; bc: BYTE_CODE) -- Add class type `ct' and byte code `bc' to -- precondition details. require valid_arg1: ct /= Void valid_arg2: bc /= Void valid_prec: bc.precondition /= Void not_duplicated: not precondition_body_indices.has (bc.body_index) -- The same `ct' can be added as a precondition class type -- multiple times when several features of `ct' are merged -- into one, so check only that the precondition comes from -- different features regardless of `ct'. do precondition_types.extend (ct) precondition_list.extend (bc.precondition) precondition_body_indices.extend (bc.body_index) precondition_oms_counts.extend (bc.once_manifest_string_count) prec_arg_list.extend (bc.arguments) end has_prec_type (ct: CLASS_TYPE): BOOLEAN -- Does precondition_types have `ct'? do Result := precondition_types.has (ct) end generate_il_precondition (a_generator: IL_NODE_GENERATOR) -- Make IL code for inherited preconditions. require a_generator_not_void: a_generator /= Void types_and_assert_count_same: valid_prec_count has_precondition: has_precondition is_precondition: context.assertion_type = {ASSERT_TYPE}.in_precondition local success_block, failure_block: IL_LABEL assert_b: ASSERT_B l_prec: BYTE_LIST [BYTE_NODE] do from precondition_start success_block := il_label_factory.new_label until precondition_after loop precondition_context_init il_generator.generate_once_string_allocation (precondition_oms_counts.item) from failure_block := il_label_factory.new_label l_prec := precondition_list.item l_prec.start until l_prec.after loop assert_b ?= l_prec.item check assert_b_not_void: assert_b /= Void end a_generator.generate_il_precondition_node (assert_b, failure_block) l_prec.forth end il_generator.branch_to (success_block) il_generator.mark_label (failure_block) Il_generator.flush_sequence_points (context.class_type) precondition_forth end il_generator.generate_precondition_violation il_generator.mark_label (success_block) restore_current_context ensure context_restored: restored end make_precondition_byte_code (a_generator: MELTED_GENERATOR; ba: BYTE_ARRAY) -- Make byte code for inherited precondition. require a_generator_not_void: a_generator /= Void types_and_assert_count_same: valid_prec_count has_precondition: has_precondition is_precondition: context.assertion_type = {ASSERT_TYPE}.in_precondition do from precondition_start until precondition_after loop precondition_context_init context.make_once_string_allocation_byte_code (ba, precondition_oms_counts.item) a_generator.generate (ba, precondition_list.item) precondition_forth end restore_current_context ensure context_restored: restored end write_forward (ba: BYTE_ARRAY) -- Write forward for each precondition. local count, i: INTEGER do from count := precondition_types.count - 1 i := 1 until i > count loop ba.write_forward i := i + 1 end end analyze_precondition -- Analyze inherited preconditions require types_and_assert_count_same: valid_prec_count is_precondition: context.assertion_type = {ASSERT_TYPE}.in_precondition do from precondition_start until precondition_after loop precondition_context_init precondition_list.item.analyze precondition_forth end; restore_current_context ensure context_restored: restored end generate_precondition -- Generate inherited precondition. require types_and_assert_count_same: valid_prec_count has_prec: has_precondition is_precondition: context.assertion_type = {ASSERT_TYPE}.in_precondition do from precondition_start until precondition_after loop precondition_context_init context.generate_once_manifest_string_allocation (precondition_oms_counts.item) precondition_list.item.generate precondition_forth end restore_current_context ensure context_restored: restored end generate_precondition_import -- Generate declarations used in inherited preconditions. require types_and_assert_count_same: valid_prec_count has_prec: has_precondition is_precondition: context.assertion_type = {ASSERT_TYPE}.in_precondition do from precondition_start until precondition_after loop precondition_context_init context.generate_once_manifest_string_import (precondition_oms_counts.item) precondition_forth end restore_current_context ensure context_restored: restored end precondition_start -- Move cursor to start of precondition details lists. do precondition_list.start prec_arg_list.start precondition_types.start precondition_body_indices.start precondition_oms_counts.start end precondition_after: BOOLEAN -- Are lists' position after? do Result := precondition_list.after end precondition_forth -- Move cursor one position to right -- for precondition details lists. do precondition_list.forth prec_arg_list.forth precondition_types.forth precondition_body_indices.forth precondition_oms_counts.forth end precondition_context_init -- Initialize the byte context according -- to current assertion class type. do Context.set_class_type (precondition_types.item) Context.byte_code.set_arguments (prec_arg_list.item) Context.set_new_precondition_block (True) Context.set_original_body_index (precondition_body_indices.item) end feature -- inherited postcondition postcondition_list: LINKED_LIST [ASSERTION_BYTE_CODE] -- List of inherited postcondition post_arg_list: LINKED_LIST [ARRAY [TYPE_A]] -- List of inherited arguments corresponding to assertion post_result_list: LINKED_LIST [TYPE_A] -- List of inherited result type corresponding to assertion old_expression_list: LINKED_LIST [LINKED_LIST [UN_OLD_B]] -- List of inherited old expression corresponding to assertion postcondition_types: LINKED_LIST [CLASS_TYPE] -- List of class types associated with postcondition postcondition_body_indices: LINKED_LIST [INTEGER] -- Indicies of routine bodies declaring postconditions postcondition_oms_counts: LINKED_LIST [INTEGER] -- Number of once manifest strings declared in routine body identified by `postcondition_body_indices' add_postcondition_type (ct: CLASS_TYPE; bc: BYTE_CODE) -- Add class type `ct' and byte code `bc' to -- postcondition details. require valid_arg1: ct /= Void valid_arg2: bc /= Void valid_post: bc.postcondition /= Void not_duplicated: not postcondition_body_indices.has (bc.body_index) -- The same `ct' can be added as a postcondition class type -- multiple times when several features of `ct' are merged -- into one, so check only that the postcondition comes from -- different features regardless of `ct'. do postcondition_types.extend (ct) postcondition_list.extend (bc.postcondition) postcondition_body_indices.extend (bc.body_index) postcondition_oms_counts.extend (bc.once_manifest_string_count) post_arg_list.extend (bc.arguments) post_result_list.extend (bc.result_type) old_expression_list.extend (bc.old_expressions) end has_post_type (ct: CLASS_TYPE): BOOLEAN -- Does postcondition_types have `ct'? do Result := postcondition_types.has (ct) end has_postcondition: BOOLEAN -- Does Current have inhertied postconditions? do Result := (postcondition_types.count > 0) end has_old_expression: BOOLEAN -- Does Current have inhertied postconditions? do from old_expression_list.start until Result or else old_expression_list.after loop Result := (old_expression_list.item /= Void) old_expression_list.forth end end old_expression_count: INTEGER -- Total number of old expression do from old_expression_list.start until old_expression_list.after loop if old_expression_list.item /= Void then Result := Result + old_expression_list.item.count end old_expression_list.forth end end analyze_old_expressions -- Analyze inherited old expressions require types_and_assert_count_same: valid_post_count is_postcondition: context.assertion_type = {ASSERT_TYPE}.in_postcondition local old_expressions: LINKED_LIST [UN_OLD_B] old_exp: UN_OLD_BL do from postcondition_start until postcondition_after loop postcondition_context_init old_expressions := old_expression_list.item if old_expressions /= Void then --! Old expressions can be void postcondition_context_init from old_expressions.start until old_expressions.after loop old_exp ?= old_expressions.item -- Cannot fail old_exp.special_analyze old_expressions.forth end end postcondition_forth end restore_current_context ensure context_restored: restored end; analyze_postcondition -- Analyze inherited postconditions require types_and_assert_count_same: valid_post_count is_postcondition: context.assertion_type = {ASSERT_TYPE}.in_postcondition do from postcondition_start until postcondition_after loop postcondition_context_init postcondition_list.item.analyze postcondition_forth end restore_current_context ensure context_restored: restored end generate_postcondition -- Generate inherited postcondition. require types_and_assert_count_same: valid_post_count is_postcondition: context.assertion_type = {ASSERT_TYPE}.in_postcondition do from postcondition_start until postcondition_after loop postcondition_context_init context.generate_once_manifest_string_allocation (postcondition_oms_counts.item) postcondition_list.item.generate postcondition_forth end restore_current_context ensure context_restored: restored end generate_postcondition_import -- Generate declarations used in inherited postconditions. require types_and_assert_count_same: valid_post_count is_postcondition: context.assertion_type = {ASSERT_TYPE}.in_postcondition do from postcondition_start until postcondition_after loop postcondition_context_init context.generate_once_manifest_string_import (postcondition_oms_counts.item) postcondition_forth end restore_current_context ensure context_restored: restored end generate_il_postcondition (a_generator: IL_NODE_GENERATOR) -- Generate IL code for inherited postcondition require a_generator_not_void: a_generator /= Void types_and_assert_count_same: valid_post_count is_postcondition: context.assertion_type = {ASSERT_TYPE}.in_postcondition do from postcondition_start until postcondition_after loop postcondition_context_init il_generator.generate_once_string_allocation (postcondition_oms_counts.item) a_generator.generate_il_node (il_generator, postcondition_list.item) Il_generator.flush_sequence_points (context.class_type) postcondition_forth end restore_current_context end generate_il_old_exp_init (a_generator: IL_NODE_GENERATOR) -- Make byte code for inherited old expressions. require a_generator_not_void: a_generator /= Void types_and_assert_count_same: valid_post_count is_postcondition: context.assertion_type = {ASSERT_TYPE}.in_postcondition local old_expressions: LINKED_LIST [UN_OLD_B] do from postcondition_start until postcondition_after loop old_expressions := old_expression_list.item if old_expressions /= Void then --! Old expressions can be void postcondition_context_init il_generator.generate_once_string_allocation (postcondition_oms_counts.item) from old_expressions.start until old_expressions.after loop a_generator.generate_il_old_init (old_expressions.item) old_expressions.forth end end postcondition_forth end restore_current_context ensure context_restored: restored end make_postcondition_byte_code (a_generator: MELTED_GENERATOR; ba: BYTE_ARRAY) -- Make byte code for inherited postcondition. require a_generator_not_void: a_generator /= Void types_and_assert_count_same: valid_post_count is_postcondition: context.assertion_type = {ASSERT_TYPE}.in_postcondition do from postcondition_start until postcondition_after loop postcondition_context_init context.make_once_string_allocation_byte_code (ba, postcondition_oms_counts.item) a_generator.generate (ba, postcondition_list.item) postcondition_forth end restore_current_context end setup_local_variables (pos: INTEGER) -- Set up the local variable type for -- old expressions. local old_expressions: LINKED_LIST [UN_OLD_B] item: UN_OLD_B position: INTEGER do position := pos from postcondition_start until postcondition_after loop old_expressions := old_expression_list.item if old_expressions /= Void then --! Old expressions can be void postcondition_context_init from old_expressions.start until old_expressions.after loop item := old_expressions.item Context.add_local (context.real_type (item.type)) item.set_position (position) position := position + 1 Context.add_local (item.exception_type) item.set_exception_position (position) position := position + 1 old_expressions.forth end end postcondition_forth end restore_current_context ensure context_restored: restored end make_old_exp_byte_code (a_generator: MELTED_GENERATOR; ba: BYTE_ARRAY) -- Make byte code for inherited old expressions. require a_generator_not_void: a_generator /= Void types_and_assert_count_same: valid_post_count is_postcondition: context.assertion_type = {ASSERT_TYPE}.in_postcondition do from postcondition_start until postcondition_after loop if attached old_expression_list.item as old_expressions then --! Old expressions can be void postcondition_context_init context.make_once_string_allocation_byte_code (ba, postcondition_oms_counts.item) from old_expressions.start until old_expressions.after loop a_generator.generate_old_expression_initialization (ba, old_expressions.item) old_expressions.forth end end postcondition_forth end restore_current_context ensure context_restored: restored end generate_old_variables -- Generate value for old variables require types_and_assert_count_same: valid_post_count is_postcondition: context.assertion_type = {ASSERT_TYPE}.in_postcondition local old_expressions: LINKED_LIST [UN_OLD_B] item: UN_OLD_BL do from postcondition_start until postcondition_after loop old_expressions := old_expression_list.item if old_expressions /= Void then --! Old expressions can be void postcondition_context_init context.generate_once_manifest_string_allocation (postcondition_oms_counts.item) from old_expressions.start until old_expressions.after loop item ?= old_expressions.item -- Cannot fail item.initialize old_expressions.forth end end postcondition_forth end restore_current_context ensure context_restored: restored end; postcondition_start -- Move cursor to start of postcondition details lists. do postcondition_list.start post_arg_list.start postcondition_types.start postcondition_body_indices.start postcondition_oms_counts.start old_expression_list.start post_result_list.start end postcondition_after: BOOLEAN -- Are lists' position after? do Result := postcondition_list.after end postcondition_forth -- Move cursor one position to right -- for postondition details lists. do postcondition_list.forth post_arg_list.forth postcondition_types.forth postcondition_body_indices.forth postcondition_oms_counts.forth old_expression_list.forth post_result_list.forth end postcondition_context_init -- Initialize the byte context according -- to current assertion class type. do Context.set_class_type (postcondition_types.item) Context.set_original_body_index (postcondition_body_indices.item) Context.byte_code.set_arguments (post_arg_list.item) Context.byte_code.set_result_type (post_result_list.item) Context.byte_code.set_old_expressions (old_expression_list.item) end trace local c: CLASS_C do if has_precondition then io.put_string ("Precondition for feature:") io.put_string (Context.byte_code.feature_name) io.put_new_line from precondition_start until precondition_after loop precondition_context_init c := precondition_types.item.associated_class io.put_string (" precursor class - ") io.put_string ( io.put_new_line precondition_forth end end if has_postcondition then io.put_string ("Postcondition for feature:") io.put_string (Context.byte_code.feature_name) io.put_new_line from postcondition_start until postcondition_after loop postcondition_context_init c := postcondition_types.item.associated_class io.put_string (" precursor class - ") io.put_string ( io.put_new_line postcondition_forth end end end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2017, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end