note description: "Byte code generation for a routine call." deferred class ROUTINE_B inherit CALL_ACCESS_B redefine calls_special_features, context_type, enlarged, enlarged_on, has_call, is_feature_special, is_instance_free, is_single, is_target_type_fixed, optimized_byte_node, parameters, set_parameters, size end feature -- Status report is_single: BOOLEAN -- do -- If a target class object is needed, no arguments are allowed. -- Smarter optimization may check that passed arguments do not include any arguments of enclosing feature, -- otherwise they can be moved or collected by GC. Result := (is_class_target_needed ⇒ not attached parameters) ∧ Precursor end is_instance_free: BOOLEAN -- is_target_free: BOOLEAN -- Is the feature independent of the target type of the call? -- (A non-object feature call can depend on the target type -- if the type is not bound to a specific class type (e.g., it's a formal, or an anchored type), or -- if it's a call to an internal feature or to an external with unqualifed calls to internal features.) require is_instance_free do if attached precursor_type as p then Result := p.is_basic or else not p.is_formal and then not p.is_like and then attached p.base_class as b and then b.feature_of_rout_id (routine_id).is_target_free else check from_precondition: False end end end is_class_target_needed: BOOLEAN -- Does a call need a class target rather than an object target? -- The class target may be required for instance-free calls that depend on the target type. do Result := is_instance_free and then not is_target_free ensure is_instance_free: Result implies is_instance_free not_is_target_free: Result implies not is_target_free end is_target_type_fixed: BOOLEAN -- do Result := attached precursor_type as p and then (not is_class_target_needed or else p.is_basic or else p.is_standalone) end has_call: BOOLEAN = True -- is_feature_special (compilation_type: BOOLEAN; target_type: BASIC_A): BOOLEAN -- Search for feature_name in `special_routines'. -- This is used for simple types only. -- If found return True (and keep reference position). -- Otherwize, return false do Result := special_routines.has (feature_name_id, compilation_type, target_type) end is_once: BOOLEAN -- Is the current feature a once feature? --| Used when inlining is turned on in final mode --| to avoid inlining once routines. do -- False by default. end is_process_relative: BOOLEAN -- Is current feature process-relative? do -- False by default. end is_object_relative: BOOLEAN -- Is current feature object-relative? do -- False by default. end feature -- Access parameters: detachable BYTE_LIST [PARAMETER_B] -- Arguments of the call (if any). feature -- Context type context_type: TYPE_A -- Context type of the access (properly instantiated) do if precursor_type = Void then Result := Precursor else Result := real_precursor_type end end feature {NONE} -- Target type real_precursor_type: TYPE_A -- A real type of precursor type. require attached precursor_type do Result := context.real_type (precursor_type) if Result.is_multi_constrained then if attached multi_constraint_static as s then Result := context.real_type (s) else check has_multiconstraint_static: False end end end end feature -- Modification set_parameters (p: like parameters) -- Assign `p' to `parameters'. local i: INTEGER do parameters := p if attached p then -- Set all parameter parents to `Current'. from i := p.count until i = 0 loop p [i].set_parent (Current) i := i - 1 end end end feature -- C code generation enlarged: CALL_ACCESS_B -- Enlarge the tree to get more attributes and return the -- new enlarged tree node. do -- Fallback to default implementation. Result := enlarged_on (context_type) end enlarged_on (type_i: TYPE_A): CALL_ACCESS_B -- Enlarged byte node evaluated in the context of `type_i'. local array_index: INTEGER target_type_id: INTEGER context_entry: ROUT_ENTRY target_type: TYPE_A do -- If this is a call to a precursor or a static call on a fixed type, -- the feature is known at compile time. -- Otherwise, even if `precursor_type` is set, it could be a static call on a variable type, -- e.g., "{G}.foo", that should be dealt with using dynamic dispatch. if attached precursor_type as p and then (is_instance_free implies not p.is_formal and then (p.is_like implies p.is_expanded)) then array_index := -1 end if context.workbench_mode then -- if array_index >= 0 then -- Call the feature polymorphically. if not context.is_written_context and then attached type_i.base_class as c and then attached c.feature_of_rout_id (routine_id) as f and then f.is_attribute and then (call_kind = call_kind_qualified implies not system.seed_of_routine_id (f.rout_id_set.first).has_formal) then -- The function is redeclared into an attribute. create {ATTRIBUTE_BW} Result.fill_from_access (Current, f) else create {FEATURE_BW} Result.fill_from (Current) end -- else -- -- Perform a direct call. -- -- TODO: add classes to handle direct internal and external calls. -- end else target_type := type_i if target_type.is_multi_constrained and then attached multi_constraint_static as c then target_type := real_type (c) end if array_index >= 0 then array_index := eiffel_table.is_polymorphic_for_body (routine_id, target_type, context.original_class_type) end if array_index = -2 then -- There is no feature to call. create {VOID_CALL_BL} Result.make (Current) elseif array_index >= 0 then -- The call is polymorphic. -- Check whether this is a call to a routine or to an attribute. if not context.is_written_context and then attached {CL_TYPE_A} target_type as c and then attached c.base_class.feature_of_rout_id (routine_id) as f and then f.is_attribute and then (system.seed_of_routine_id (routine_id).type.is_expanded or else not (context.has_expanded_descendants_information and then context.has_expanded_descendants (context.real_type (type).type_id (context.context_class_type.type)))) then create {ATTRIBUTE_BL} Result.fill_from_access (Current, f) else -- Make a polymorphic call. create {POLYMORPHIC_CALL_BL} Result.make (Current, array_index) end elseif attached {ROUT_TABLE} eiffel_table.poly_table (routine_id) as rout_table then -- The call is not polymorphic in the given context. target_type_id := target_type.type_id (context.original_class_type.type) if attached effective_entry (target_type, target_type_id, rout_table) as entry then context_entry := rout_table.context_item if entry.pattern_id /= context_entry.pattern_id then -- A trampoline is required to adapt argument and/or result type. create {TRAMPOLINE_CALL_BL} Result.make (Current, entry, context_entry, rout_table) else -- Figure out what type of a direct call should be performed. if entry.is_attribute then if entry.is_initialization_required then -- Call a wrapper. create {INTERNAL_CALL_BL} Result.make (Current, entry) else -- Access the attribute directly. create {ATTRIBUTE_BL} Result.fill_from_access (Current, system.class_of_id (entry.class_id).feature_of_feature_id (entry.feature_id)) end elseif attached system.class_of_id (entry.class_id).feature_of_feature_id (entry.feature_id) as f and then (f.is_constant and then not f.is_once or else f.is_external) then -- TODO: review type structure to make `CONSTANT_B` a descendant of `CALL_ACCESS_B` -- and remove the type cast. if attached {EXTERNAL_B} direct_byte_node (f, type_i.is_separate) as e then create {EXTERNAL_CALL_BL} Result.make (e, entry) else -- Call a wrapper. create {INTERNAL_CALL_BL} Result.make (Current, entry) end else -- Call the internal feature directly. create {INTERNAL_CALL_BL} Result.make (Current, entry) end end else -- There is no feature to call. create {VOID_CALL_BL} Result.make (Current) end else -- There is no feature to call. create {VOID_CALL_BL} Result.make (Current) end end end feature -- Array optimization optimized_byte_node: like Current do Result := Current if parameters /= Void then parameters := parameters.optimized_byte_node end end calls_special_features (array_desc: INTEGER): BOOLEAN do if parameters /= Void then Result := parameters.calls_special_features (array_desc) end end feature -- Inlining size: INTEGER -- do if parameters /= Void then Result := 1 + parameters.size else Result := 1 end end note date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2020, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end