note description: "Visitor for BYTE_NODE objects which generates the Eiffel melted code." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class MELTED_GENERATOR inherit BYTE_NODE_VISITOR BYTE_CONST export {NONE} all end SHARED_BYTE_CONTEXT export {NONE} all end REFACTORING_HELPER export {NONE} all end SHARED_WORKBENCH export {NONE} all end SHARED_TYPES export {NONE} all end INTEGER_TYPE_MASKS SHARED_BN_STATELESS_VISITOR export {NONE} all end COMPILER_EXPORTER INTERNAL_COMPILER_STRING_EXPORTER feature -- Initialize generate (a_ba: BYTE_ARRAY; a_node: BYTE_NODE) -- Generate `a_node''s code into `a_ba'. require a_ba_not_void: a_ba /= Void a_node_not_void: a_node /= Void do ba := a_ba a_node.process (Current) ba := Void end generate_old_expression_initialization (a_ba: BYTE_ARRAY; a_node: UN_OLD_B) -- Generate `a_node''s code into `a_ba'. require a_ba_not_void: a_ba /= Void a_node_not_void: a_node /= Void do ba := a_ba a_node.expr.process (Current) -- Write the end of last old expression evaluation. a_ba.write_forward a_ba.append (bc_old) a_ba.append_short_integer (a_node.position) a_ba.append_short_integer (a_node.exception_position) -- Mark start of next old expression evaluation. a_ba.mark_forward ba := Void end feature -- Access ba: BYTE_ARRAY -- Byte array where melted code is stored. is_in_creation_call: BOOLEAN -- Is current call a creation instruction? is_active_region: BOOLEAN -- Should a separate region be active when it is created? feature {NONE} -- Status report is_initialization: BOOLEAN -- Is initialization code being processed? feature -- Routine visitor process_std_byte_code (a_node: STD_BYTE_CODE) -- Process current element. do end feature {NONE} -- Implementation visitors process_hidden_if_b (a_node: HIDDEN_IF_B) -- Process `a_node'. do process_if_b (a_node) end process_hidden_b (a_node: HIDDEN_B) -- Process `a_node'. do context.enter_hidden_code process_byte_list (a_node) context.exit_hidden_code end process_do_rescue_b (a_node: DO_RESCUE_B) -- Process `a_node' do ba.mark_retry if attached a_node.compound as l_compound then ba.append (bc_do_rescue) if a_node.rescue_clause /= Void then ba.append_boolean (True) ba.mark_forward3 else ba.append_boolean (False) end -- Compound byte code l_compound.process (Current) ba.append (Bc_do_rescue_end) if attached a_node.rescue_clause as l_rescue_clause then ba.append (bc_jmp) ba.mark_forward4 -- Mark the start of the rescue clause ba.write_forward3 ba.append (Bc_rescue) l_rescue_clause.process (Current) --| No Bc_end_rescue, since we do not want to exit the routine ba.append (Bc_end_rescue) -- Mark the end of the rescue clause. ba.write_forward4 end end end process_try_b (a_node: TRY_B) -- Process `a_node' local l_except_part: detachable BYTE_LIST [BYTE_NODE] do if attached a_node.compound as l_compound then ba.append (bc_try) l_except_part := a_node.except_part if l_except_part /= Void then ba.append_boolean (True) ba.mark_forward2 else ba.append_boolean (False) end -- Compound byte code l_compound.process (Current) ba.append (bc_try_end) if l_except_part /= Void then ba.append (bc_jmp) ba.mark_forward3 -- Mark the start of the except part ba.write_forward2 l_except_part.process (Current) ba.append (Bc_try_end_except) -- Mark the end of the try/except clause. ba.write_forward3 end end end feature {NONE} -- Visitors process_access_expr_b (a_node: ACCESS_EXPR_B) -- Process `a_node'. do a_node.expr.process (Current) end process_address_b (a_node: ADDRESS_B) -- Process `a_node'. do ba.append (Bc_addr) ba.append_integer ( system.address_table.id_of_dollar_feature (a_node.feature_class_id, a_node.feature_id, context.class_type)) end process_argument_b (a_node: ARGUMENT_B) -- Process `a_node'. do ba.append (Bc_arg) ba.append_short_integer (a_node.position) end process_array_const_b (a_node: ARRAY_CONST_B) -- Process `a_node'. local l_feat_i: FEATURE_I l_target_type: TYPE_A l_base_class: CLASS_C l_special_info: CREATE_TYPE l_special_type: TYPE_A i: INTEGER do if attached {GEN_TYPE_A} context.real_type (a_node.type) as l_real_ty then l_target_type := l_real_ty.generics.first -- We first create a SPECIAL in which we will store the information above before -- creating the ARRAY using `make_from_special'. -- First push the number of elements in the SPECIAL ba.append (Bc_int32) ba.append_integer (a_node.expressions.count) -- Then create an instance of the SPECIAL. ba.append (bc_spcreate) ba.append_boolean (False) -- Specify whether `make_empty` or `make` is going to be used. ba.append_boolean (system.is_using_new_special) l_special_info := a_node.special_info.updated_info l_special_info.make_byte_code (ba) ba.append_natural_16 ({SHARED_GEN_CONF_LEVEL}.terminator_type) l_special_type := l_special_info.type check is_special_type: l_special_type /= Void and then l_special_type.base_class.lace_class = System.special_class end if attached {SPECIAL_CLASS_TYPE} l_special_type.associated_class_type (context.context_class_type.type) as l_special_class_type then l_special_class_type.make_creation_byte_code (ba) -- We compute the expressions and store them into the special across a_node.expressions as es loop if attached {EXPR_B} es.item as e then make_expression_byte_code_for_type (e, l_target_type) ba.append (bc_special_extend) ba.append_integer (i) i := i + 1 else check is_expression: False end end end -- Now we create the ARRAY instance vi the call to `to_array' from SPECIAL l_base_class := l_special_class_type.associated_class l_feat_i := l_base_class.feature_table.item_id ({PREDEFINED_NAMES}.to_array_name_id) ba.append (Bc_array) ba.append_integer (l_feat_i.rout_id_set.first) else check is_special_class_type: False then end end end end process_assert_b (a_node: ASSERT_B) -- Process `a_node'. do make_assert_b (a_node) end process_assign_b (a_node: ASSIGN_B) -- Process `a_node'. local l_target_type: TYPE_A l_target_node: ACCESS_B l_mark_count: NATURAL do l_target_node := l_target_type := Context.real_type (l_target_node.type) generate_melted_debugger_hook (ba) -- Generate expression byte code if a_node.is_creation_instruction then -- Avoid object cloning. a_node.source.process (Current) else -- Clone source object depending on its type and type of target. make_expression_byte_code_for_type (a_node.source, l_target_type) end if a_node.source.is_hector then if attached {HECTOR_B} a_node.source as l_hector_b then make_protected_byte_code (l_hector_b, 0) else -- Address expressions are disallowed for attachement check False end end end -- Generate assignment header depending of the type -- of the target (local, attribute or result). if l_target_type.is_true_expanded then -- Target is expanded: copy with possible exception ba.append (l_target_node.expanded_assign_code) else -- Target is basic or reference: simple attachment ba.append (l_target_node.assign_code) end melted_assignment_generator.generate_assignment (ba, l_target_node) -- Write marks if required. from until l_mark_count = 0 loop ba.write_forward l_mark_count := l_mark_count - 1 variant l_mark_count.as_integer_32 end end process_attribute_b (a_node: ATTRIBUTE_B) -- Process `a_node'. do if attached a_node.wrapper as f then process_feature_b (f) elseif not a_node.context_type.is_basic then -- Access to `item' from non-basic types -- when the right value is not yet on the stack. if a_node.is_first then ba.append (bc_current) ba.append (bc_attribute) else ba.append (bc_attribute_inv) ba.append_raw_string (a_node.attribute_name) end ba.append_integer (a_node.routine_id) ba.append_natural_32 (context.real_type (a_node.type).sk_value (context.context_class_type.type)) end end process_bin_and_b (a_node: BIN_AND_B) -- Process `a_node'. do process_bin_and_then_b (a_node) end process_bin_and_then_b (a_node: B_AND_THEN_B) -- Process `a_node'. do if a_node.is_built_in then a_node.left.process (Current) ba.append (bc_and_then) ba.mark_forward a_node.right.process (Current) ba.append (bc_and) ba.write_forward else a_node.nested_b.process (Current) end end process_bin_div_b (a_node: BIN_DIV_B) -- Process `a_node'. do make_binary_b (a_node, bc_div) end process_bin_eq_b (a_node: BIN_EQ_B) -- Process `a_node'. do make_binary_equal_b (a_node, bc_eq, bc_false_compar) end process_bin_free_b (a_node: BIN_FREE_B) -- Process `a_node'. do a_node.nested_b.process (Current) end process_bin_ge_b (a_node: BIN_GE_B) -- Process `a_node'. do make_binary_b (a_node, bc_ge) end process_bin_gt_b (a_node: BIN_GT_B) -- Process `a_node'. do make_binary_b (a_node, bc_gt) end process_bin_implies_b (a_node: B_IMPLIES_B) -- Process `a_node'. do if a_node.is_built_in then a_node.left.process (Current) ba.append (bc_not) ba.append (bc_or_else) ba.mark_forward a_node.right.process (Current) ba.append (bc_or) ba.write_forward else a_node.nested_b.process (Current) end end process_bin_le_b (a_node: BIN_LE_B) -- Process `a_node'. do make_binary_b (a_node, bc_le) end process_bin_lt_b (a_node: BIN_LT_B) -- Process `a_node'. do make_binary_b (a_node, bc_lt) end process_bin_minus_b (a_node: BIN_MINUS_B) -- Process `a_node'. do make_binary_b (a_node, bc_minus) end process_bin_mod_b (a_node: BIN_MOD_B) -- Process `a_node'. do make_binary_b (a_node, bc_mod) end process_bin_ne_b (a_node: BIN_NE_B) -- Process `a_node'. do make_binary_equal_b (a_node, bc_ne, bc_true_compar) end process_bin_not_tilde_b (a_node: BIN_NOT_TILDE_B) -- Process `a_node'. do process_bin_tilde_b (a_node) ba.append (bc_not) end process_bin_or_b (a_node: BIN_OR_B) -- Process `a_node'. do process_bin_or_else_b (a_node) end process_bin_or_else_b (a_node: B_OR_ELSE_B) -- Process `a_node'. do if a_node.is_built_in then a_node.left.process (Current) ba.append (Bc_or_else) ba.mark_forward a_node.right.process (Current) ba.append (bc_or) ba.write_forward else a_node.nested_b.process (Current) end end process_bin_plus_b (a_node: BIN_PLUS_B) -- Process `a_node'. do make_binary_b (a_node, bc_plus) end process_bin_power_b (a_node: BIN_POWER_B) -- Process `a_node'. do make_binary_b (a_node, bc_power) end process_bin_slash_b (a_node: BIN_SLASH_B) -- Process `a_node'. do make_binary_b (a_node, bc_slash) end process_bin_star_b (a_node: BIN_STAR_B) -- Process `a_node'. do make_binary_b (a_node, bc_star) end process_bin_tilde_b (a_node: BIN_TILDE_B) -- Process `a_node'. local l_lt, l_rt: TYPE_A do l_lt := context.real_type (a_node.left.type) l_rt := context.real_type (a_node.right.type) -- For values of the same basic type the equality test is generated. if l_lt.is_basic and then l_rt.is_basic and then l_lt.same_as (l_rt) then a_node.left.process (Current) a_node.right.process (Current) ba.append (bc_eq) elseif (l_lt.is_expanded and then l_rt.is_none) or else (l_lt.is_none and then l_rt.is_expanded) or else (l_lt.is_expanded and then l_rt.is_expanded and then l_lt.has_associated_class and then l_rt.has_associated_class and then l_lt.base_class.class_id /= l_rt.base_class.class_id) then -- A value of an expanded type is not Void. -- Two values of different expanded types are not equal. -- In both cases we simply evaluate the expressions and -- then remove them from the stack to insert the expected value. a_node.left.process (Current) a_node.right.process (Current) ba.append (bc_pop) ba.append_uint32_integer (2) ba.append (bc_bool) ba.append_boolean (False) else a_node.left.process (Current) if l_lt.is_basic and then l_rt.is_reference then ba.append (Bc_metamorphose) end a_node.right.process (Current) if l_lt.is_reference and then l_rt.is_basic then ba.append (Bc_metamorphose) end -- FIXME: This call assumes that `is_equal' from ANY always takes -- `like Current' as argument, but actually it could be different. ba.append (bc_standard_equal) end end process_bin_xor_b (a_node: BIN_XOR_B) -- Process `a_node'. do make_binary_b (a_node, bc_xor) end process_bool_const_b (a_node: BOOL_CONST_B) -- Process `a_node'. do ba.append (bc_bool) ba.append_boolean (a_node.value) end process_byte_list (a_node: BYTE_LIST [BYTE_NODE]) -- Process `a_node'. local l_area: SPECIAL [BYTE_NODE] i, nb: INTEGER do from l_area := a_node.area nb := a_node.count until i = nb loop l_area.item (i).process (Current) i := i + 1 end end process_case_b (a_node: CASE_B) -- Process `a_node'. local i: INTEGER do from i := a_node.interval.count until i < 1 loop ba.write_forward2 i := i - 1 end if attached a_node.compound as c then c.process (Current) end -- To end of inspect ba.append (Bc_jmp) ba.mark_forward end process_case_expression_b (b: CASE_EXPRESSION_B) -- local i: INTEGER do generate_melted_debugger_hook (ba) from i := b.interval.count until i < 1 loop ba.write_forward2 i := i - 1 end b.content.process (Current) -- To end of inspect ba.append (Bc_jmp) ba.mark_forward end process_case_expression_b_for_type (b: CASE_EXPRESSION_B; t: TYPE_A) -- Same as `process_case_expression_b`, but converts result value to type `t`. local i: INTEGER do generate_melted_debugger_hook (ba) from i := b.interval.count until i < 1 loop ba.write_forward2 i := i - 1 end make_expression_byte_code_for_type (b.content, t) -- To end of inspect ba.append (Bc_jmp) ba.mark_forward end process_char_const_b (a_node: CHAR_CONST_B) -- Process `a_node'. do if a_node.is_character_32 then ba.append (Bc_wchar) ba.append_character_32 (a_node.value) else ba.append (Bc_char) ba.append (a_node.value.to_character_8) end end process_char_val_b (a_node: CHAR_VAL_B) -- Process `a_node'. do ba.append (Bc_wchar) ba.append_character_32 (a_node.value) end process_check_b (a_node: CHECK_B) -- Process `a_node'. do if a_node.check_list /= Void then -- Set assertion type context.set_assertion_type ({ASSERT_TYPE}.In_check) ba.append (Bc_check) -- In case, the check assertions won't be checked, we -- have to put a jump offset ba.mark_forward -- Assertion byte code a_node.check_list.process (Current) -- Jump offset evaluation ba.write_forward context.set_assertion_type (0) end end process_constant_b (a_node: CONSTANT_B) -- Process `a_node'. do a_node.access.process (Current) end process_creation_expr_b (a_node: CREATION_EXPR_B) -- Process `a_node'. local l_call: ROUTINE_B l_nested: NESTED_B l_is_make_filled: BOOLEAN target_type: TYPE_A do target_type := context.real_type (a_node.type) if attached {BASIC_A} target_type as l_basic_type then -- Special cases for basic types where nothing needs to be created, we -- simply need to push a default value as their creation procedure -- is `default_create' and it does nothing. l_basic_type.c_type.make_default_byte_code (ba) else l_call := if a_node.is_special_creation and then attached {SPECIAL_CLASS_TYPE} target_type.associated_class_type (context.context_class_type.type) as l_class_type then check is_special_call_valid: a_node.is_special_call_valid is_special_type: target_type.has_associated_class and then target_type.base_class.lace_class = system.special_class end l_is_make_filled := a_node.is_special_make_filled l_call.parameters.first.process (Current) if l_is_make_filled then l_call.parameters.i_th (2).process (Current) end ba.append (Bc_spcreate) -- Say whether or not we should fill the SPECIAL. ba.append_boolean (l_is_make_filled) ba.append_boolean (a_node.is_special_make_empty) (ba) ba.append_natural_16 ({SHARED_GEN_CONF_LEVEL}.terminator_type) l_class_type.make_creation_byte_code (ba) if l_is_make_filled then create l_nested l_nested.set_target (a_node) l_nested.set_message (l_call) l_call.set_parent (l_nested) make_call_access_b (l_call, bc_feature, bc_feature_inv, True, a_node.is_active) l_call.set_parent (Void) end else ba.append (Bc_create) -- If there is a call, we need to duplicate newly created object -- after its creation. This information is used by the runtime -- to perform this duplication. -- The duplication is not needed for once creation procedure calls -- that act as functions and return the object. ba.append_boolean (not (target_type.has_associated_class and then target_type.base_class.is_once) and then attached l_call) -- Create associated object. (ba) ba.append_natural_16 ({SHARED_GEN_CONF_LEVEL}.terminator_type) -- Call creation procedure if any. if l_call /= Void then create l_nested l_nested.set_target (a_node) l_nested.set_message (l_call) l_call.set_parent (l_nested) is_in_creation_call := True is_active_region := a_node.is_active l_call.process (Current) is_active_region := False is_in_creation_call := False l_call.set_parent (Void) end end end end process_current_b (a_node: CURRENT_B) -- Process `a_node'. do ba.append (bc_current) end process_custom_attribute_b (a_node: CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE_B) -- Process `a_node'. do check not_applicable: False end end process_debug_b (a_node: DEBUG_B) -- Process `a_node'. do if a_node.compound /= Void then ba.append (Bc_debug) if a_node.keys = Void then ba.append_integer (0) else ba.append_integer (a_node.keys.count) from a_node.keys.start until a_node.keys.after loop ba.append_integer (a_node.keys.item.count) ba.append_raw_string (a_node.keys.item) a_node.keys.forth end end ba.mark_forward a_node.compound.process (Current) ba.write_forward end end process_elsif_b (a_node: ELSIF_B) -- Process `a_node'. do -- Generate hook for the condition test generate_melted_debugger_hook (ba) -- Generate byte code for expression a_node.expr.process (Current) -- Test if False ba.append (Bc_jmp_f) ba.mark_forward if a_node.compound /= Void then -- Generate alternative compound byte code a_node.compound.process (Current) end ba.append (Bc_jmp) ba.mark_forward2 ba.write_forward end process_elsif_expression_b (a_node: ELSIF_EXPRESSION_B) -- do -- Generate hook for the condition test. generate_melted_debugger_hook (ba) -- Generate byte code for condition. a_node.condition.process (Current) -- Test if False. ba.append (Bc_jmp_f) ba.mark_forward -- Generate hook for Then_part. generate_melted_debugger_hook (ba) -- Generate alternative expression byte code. a_node.expression.process (Current) ba.append (Bc_jmp) ba.mark_forward2 ba.write_forward end process_elsif_expression_b_for_type (a_node: ELSIF_EXPRESSION_B; t: TYPE_A) -- Same as `process_elsif_expression_b`, but converts result value to type `t`. do -- Generate hook for the condition test. generate_melted_debugger_hook (ba) -- Generate byte code for condition. a_node.condition.process (Current) -- Test if False. ba.append (Bc_jmp_f) ba.mark_forward -- Generate hook for Then_part. generate_melted_debugger_hook (ba) -- Generate alternative expression byte code. make_expression_byte_code_for_type (a_node.expression, t) ba.append (Bc_jmp) ba.mark_forward2 ba.write_forward end process_expr_address_b (a_node: EXPR_ADDRESS_B) -- Process `a_node'. --| Generation is exactly the same as in `process_hector_b'. local l_type: TYPE_A do l_type := Context.real_type (a_node.expr.type) if l_type.is_basic then -- Getting the address of a basic type can be done -- only once all the expressions have been evaluated ba.append (Bc_reserve) else a_node.expr.process (Current) if l_type.is_reference then ba.append (Bc_ref_to_ptr) end end end process_external_b (a_node: EXTERNAL_B) -- Process `a_node'. local i: INTEGER l_has_hector: BOOLEAN l_parameter_b: PARAMETER_B l_nb_expr_address: INTEGER l_pos: INTEGER l_is_in_creation_call: like is_in_creation_call l_is_active_region: like is_active_region creation_expression: CREATION_EXPR_B do l_is_in_creation_call := is_in_creation_call is_in_creation_call := False l_is_active_region := is_active_region is_active_region := False if a_node.parameters /= Void then -- Generate the expression address byte code from a_node.parameters.start until a_node.parameters.after loop l_parameter_b := a_node.parameters.item if l_parameter_b /= Void and then l_parameter_b.is_hector then l_has_hector := True if attached {EXPR_ADDRESS_B} l_parameter_b.expression as l_expr_address_b and then l_expr_address_b.is_protected then l_expr_address_b.expr.process (Current) l_nb_expr_address := l_nb_expr_address + 1 end end a_node.parameters.forth end from a_node.parameters.start until a_node.parameters.after loop a_node.parameters.item.process (Current) a_node.parameters.forth end end if l_has_hector then from a_node.parameters.start until a_node.parameters.after loop l_pos := l_pos + 1 l_parameter_b := a_node.parameters.item if l_parameter_b /= Void and then l_parameter_b.is_hector then if attached {HECTOR_B} l_parameter_b.expression as l_hector_b then make_protected_byte_code (l_hector_b, a_node.parameters.count - l_pos) elseif attached {EXPR_ADDRESS_B} l_parameter_b.expression as l_expr_address_b and then l_expr_address_b.is_protected then i := i + 1 l_expr_address_b.make_protected_byte_code (ba, a_node.parameters.count - l_pos, a_node.parameters.count + l_nb_expr_address - i) end end a_node.parameters.forth end end if attached a_node.static_class_type as p then if a_node.is_class_target_needed then -- Generate an empty object to be used as a target of the call. create creation_expression creation_expression.set_info (p.create_info) creation_expression.set_type (p) process_creation_expr_b (creation_expression) else ba.append (bc_current) end ba.append (bc_extern) ba.append_integer (a_node.routine_id) make_precursor_byte_code (a_node) else make_call_access_b (a_node, bc_extern, bc_extern_inv, l_is_in_creation_call, l_is_active_region) end if l_nb_expr_address > 0 then ba.append (Bc_pop) ba.append_uint32_integer (l_nb_expr_address) end if context.real_type (a_node.type).is_reference then -- Box return value if required. ba.append (bc_metamorphose) end end process_feature_b (a_node: FEATURE_B) -- Process `a_node'. local i, l_pos, l_nb_expr_address: INTEGER l_has_hector: BOOLEAN l_is_in_creation_call: like is_in_creation_call l_is_active_region: like is_active_region do l_is_in_creation_call := is_in_creation_call is_in_creation_call := False l_is_active_region := is_active_region is_active_region := False if a_node.parameters /= Void then -- Generate the expression address byte code across a_node.parameters as ps loop if attached ps.item as p and then p.is_hector then l_has_hector := True if attached {EXPR_ADDRESS_B} p.expression as l_expr_address_b and then l_expr_address_b.is_protected then l_expr_address_b.expr.process (Current) l_nb_expr_address := l_nb_expr_address + 1 end end end l_has_hector := l_has_hector or else attached a_node.parent as p and then -- Generate byte code for parameters ⟳ p: a_node.parameters ¦ p.process (Current) ⟲ end if l_has_hector then if attached a_node.parent as p and then and then attached {ACCESS_EXPR_B} as l_access_expression_b then -- We are in the case of a nested calls which have -- a target using the `$' operator. It can only be the case -- of `($a).f (..)'. where `($a)' represents an -- ACCESS_EXPR_B object which contains an HECTOR_B -- or an EXPR_ADDESS_B object. if attached {HECTOR_B} l_access_expression_b.expr as l_hector_b then make_protected_byte_code (l_hector_b, a_node.parameters.count) elseif attached {EXPR_ADDRESS_B} l_access_expression_b.expr as l_expr_address_b and then l_expr_address_b.is_protected then i := i + 1 l_expr_address_b.make_protected_byte_code (ba, a_node.parameters.count, a_node.parameters.count + l_nb_expr_address - i) end end across a_node.parameters as ps loop l_pos := l_pos + 1 if attached ps.item as p and then p.is_hector then if attached {HECTOR_B} p.expression as l_hector_b then make_protected_byte_code (l_hector_b, a_node.parameters.count - l_pos) elseif attached {EXPR_ADDRESS_B} p.expression as l_expr_address_b and then l_expr_address_b.is_protected then i := i + 1 l_expr_address_b.make_protected_byte_code (ba, a_node.parameters.count - l_pos, a_node.parameters.count + l_nb_expr_address - i) end end end end make_call_access_b (a_node, bc_feature, bc_feature_inv, l_is_in_creation_call, l_is_active_region) if l_nb_expr_address > 0 then ba.append (Bc_pop) ba.append_uint32_integer (l_nb_expr_address) end if context.real_type (a_node.type).is_reference then -- Box return value if required. ba.append (bc_metamorphose) end end process_agent_call_b (a_node: AGENT_CALL_B) -- Process `a_node'. do process_feature_b (a_node) end process_formal_conversion_b (a_node: FORMAL_CONVERSION_B) -- Process `a_node'. local l_type, l_expr_type: TYPE_A do a_node.expr.process (Current) l_type := context.real_type (a_node.type) l_expr_type := context.real_type (a_node.expr.type) if a_node.is_conversion_needed (l_expr_type, l_type) then if l_expr_type.is_basic then ba.append (bc_metamorphose) else ba.append (bc_clone) end end end process_guard_b (a_node: GUARD_B) -- do -- Generate hook for the condition test. if attached a_node.check_list as c then -- Generated byte code for assertions. context.set_assertion_type ({ASSERT_TYPE}.In_guard) c.process (Current) context.set_assertion_type (0) end if attached a_node.compound as c then -- Generated byte code for compound. c.process (Current) end end process_hector_b (a_node: HECTOR_B) -- Process `a_node'. local l_type: TYPE_A do l_type := context.real_type (a_node.expr.type) if l_type.is_basic then -- Getting the address of a basic type can be done -- only once all the expressions have been evaluated ba.append (Bc_reserve) else a_node.expr.process (Current) if l_type.is_reference then ba.append (Bc_ref_to_ptr) end end end process_if_b (a_node: IF_B) -- Process `a_node'. local i, nb_jumps: INTEGER do if attached {HIDDEN_IF_B} a_node then context.enter_hidden_code a_node.condition.process (Current) context.exit_hidden_code else -- Generate hook for the condition test generate_melted_debugger_hook (ba) -- Generated byte code for condition a_node.condition.process (Current) end -- Generated a test ba.append (Bc_jmp_f) -- Deferred writing of the jump value ba.mark_forward if attached a_node.compound as c then -- Generate byte code for first compound (if any). c.process (Current) end ba.append (Bc_jmp) ba.mark_forward2 nb_jumps := nb_jumps + 1 -- Write the relative jump value. ba.write_forward if attached a_node.elsif_list as l then -- Generate byte code for alternatives. across l as e loop e.item.process (Current) nb_jumps := nb_jumps + 1 end end if a_node.else_part /= Void then -- Generate byte code for default compound. a_node.else_part.process (Current) end from -- Generate jump values for unconditional jumps -- after the `nb_jumps' compounds encountered in the -- entire instruction. i := 1 until i > nb_jumps loop ba.write_forward2 i := i + 1 end end process_if_expression_b (a_node: IF_EXPRESSION_B) -- local nb_jumps: INTEGER t: TYPE_A do t := context.real_type (a_node.type) -- Generate byte code for condition. a_node.condition.process (Current) -- Generate a test. ba.append (Bc_jmp_f) -- Deferred writing of the jump value. ba.mark_forward if a_node.has_breakpoints then -- Generate hook for Then_part. generate_melted_debugger_hook (ba) end -- Generate expression for Then_part. make_expression_byte_code_for_type (a_node.then_expression, t) ba.append (Bc_jmp) ba.mark_forward2 nb_jumps := 1 -- Write relative jump value. ba.write_forward if attached a_node.elsif_list as l then -- Generate byte code for alternatives. across l as c loop process_elsif_expression_b_for_type (c.item, t) end nb_jumps := nb_jumps + l.count end if a_node.has_breakpoints then -- Generate hook for Else_part. generate_melted_debugger_hook (ba) end -- Generate expression for Else_part. make_expression_byte_code_for_type (a_node.else_expression, t) from -- Generate jump values for unconditional jumps -- after the `nb_jumps' expressions encountered in the -- entire conditional expression. until nb_jumps <= 0 loop ba.write_forward2 nb_jumps := nb_jumps - 1 end end process_inspect_b (b: INSPECT_B) -- local n: like {INSPECT_B}.case_list.count do generate_melted_debugger_hook (ba) -- Generate switch expression byte code b.switch.process (Current) if attached b.case_list as cs then n := cs.count -- Generate code for the inspect intervals. -- Because `ba.mark_forward2` and `ba.write_forward2`use a stack, -- the order of intervals need to be reversed, so that compounds come -- in source order to preserve breakpoints order. ⟳ c: cs.new_cursor.reversed ¦ make_case_range (c) ⟲ -- Go to else part. ba.append (Bc_jmp) ba.mark_forward3 -- Generate code for the inspect cases. ⟳ c: cs ¦ process_case_b (c) ⟲ ba.write_forward3 end if attached b.else_part as p then -- We need to pop the value of the expression since we do not need it anymore. ba.append (bc_pop) ba.append_natural_32 (1) p.process (Current) else ba.append (Bc_inspect_excep) end -- Jumps for cases. from until n < 1 loop ba.write_forward n := n - 1 end end process_inspect_expression_b (b: INSPECT_EXPRESSION_B) -- local i, l_nb_jump: INTEGER t: TYPE_A do t := context.real_type (b.type) -- Generate switch expression byte code. b.switch.process (Current) if attached b.case_list as cs then l_nb_jump := cs.count -- Generate code for the inspect intervals. -- Because `ba.mark_forward2` and `ba.write_forward2`use a stack, -- the order of intervals need to be reversed, so that compounds come -- in source order to preserve breakpoints order. ⟳ c: cs.new_cursor.reversed ¦ make_case_range (c) ⟲ -- Go to else part. ba.append (Bc_jmp) ba.mark_forward3 -- Generate code for the inspect cases. ⟳ c: cs ¦ process_case_expression_b_for_type (c, t) ⟲ ba.write_forward3 end if attached b.else_part as p then generate_melted_debugger_hook (ba) -- Pop the value of the expression that is not needed anymore. ba.append (bc_pop) ba.append_natural_32 (1) -- Generate code for default case. make_expression_byte_code_for_type (p, t) else ba.append (Bc_inspect_excep) end -- Jumps for cases. from i := l_nb_jump until i < 1 loop ba.write_forward i := i - 1 end end process_instr_call_b (a_node: INSTR_CALL_B) -- Process `a_node'. do generate_melted_debugger_hook (ba) (Current) end process_instr_list_b (a_node: INSTR_LIST_B) -- Process `a_node'. do a_node.compound.process (Current) end process_int64_val_b (a_node: INT64_VAL_B) -- Process `a_node'. do ba.append (bc_int64) ba.append_integer_64 (a_node.value) end process_int_val_b (a_node: INT_VAL_B) -- Process `a_node'. do ba.append (bc_int32) ba.append_integer (a_node.value) end process_integer_constant (a_node: INTEGER_CONSTANT) -- Process `a_node'. do a_node.make_byte_code (ba) end process_inv_assert_b (a_node: INV_ASSERT_B) -- Process `a_node'. do make_assert_b (a_node) end process_invariant_b (a_node: INVARIANT_B) -- Process `a_node'. local l_local_list: ARRAYED_LIST [TYPE_A] l_tmp_ba: BYTE_ARRAY l_context: like context do l_context := context l_local_list := l_context.local_list l_local_list.wipe_out l_context.add_locals (a_node.object_test_locals) create l_tmp_ba.make l_tmp_ba.clear -- Default precond- and postcondition offsets --l_tmp_ba.append_integer (0) --l_tmp_ba.append_integer (0) -- This is not once routine. l_tmp_ba.append ('%U') l_tmp_ba.append (Bc_start) -- no Routine id l_tmp_ba.append_integer (0) -- no Real body id ( -1 because it's an invariant. We can't set a breakpoint ) l_tmp_ba.append_integer (-1) -- Void result type l_tmp_ba.append_natural_32 (Void_type.c_type.sk_value) -- No arguments l_tmp_ba.append_short_integer (0) ba.append_raw_string ("_invariant") ba.append_short_integer (context.class_type.static_type_id - 1) -- No rescue ba.append ('%U') l_context.set_assertion_type ({ASSERT_TYPE}.in_invariant) l_context.set_original_body_index (a_node.associated_class.invariant_feature.body_index) -- Allocate memory for once manifest strings if required l_context.make_once_string_allocation_byte_code (ba, a_node.once_manifest_string_count) a_node.byte_list.process (Current) ba.append (Bc_inv_null) -- Generate information about types of locals. generate_local_types (l_local_list, l_tmp_ba) l_context.byte_prepend (ba, l_tmp_ba) -- Reset assertion type l_context.set_assertion_type (0) end process_local_b (a_node: LOCAL_B) -- Process `a_node'. do ba.append (bc_local) ba.append_short_integer (a_node.position) end process_loop_b (a_node: LOOP_B) -- Process `a_node'. local local_list: ARRAYED_LIST [TYPE_A] variant_local_number: INTEGER invariant_breakpoint_slot: INTEGER body_breakpoint_slot: INTEGER l_context: like context exit_count: NATURAL l_old_hidden_code_level: INTEGER do l_context := context l_old_hidden_code_level := l_context.hidden_code_level l_context.set_hidden_code_level (0) if attached a_node.iteration_initialization as i then -- Generate byte code for iteration initialization. generate_melted_debugger_hook (ba) l_context.enter_hidden_code i.process (Current) l_context.exit_hidden_code end if a_node.from_part /= Void then -- Generate byte code for the from part a_node.from_part.process (Current) end if a_node.variant_part /= Void then -- Initialization of the variant control variable local_list := l_context.local_list l_context.add_local (integer_32_type) variant_local_number := local_list.count ba.append (Bc_init_variant) ba.append_short_integer (variant_local_number) end -- Record context. invariant_breakpoint_slot := l_context.get_breakpoint_slot if not (a_node.invariant_part = Void and then a_node.variant_part = Void) then ba.append (Bc_loop) -- In case the loop assertion are not checked, we -- have to put a jump value. ba.mark_forward -- Invariant loop byte code if a_node.invariant_part /= Void then l_context.set_assertion_type ({ASSERT_TYPE}.in_loop_invariant) a_node.invariant_part.process (Current) end -- Variant loop byte code if a_node.variant_part /= Void then l_context.set_assertion_type ({ASSERT_TYPE}.in_loop_variant) a_node.variant_part.process (Current) ba.append_short_integer (variant_local_number) end -- Evaluation of the jump value ba.write_forward l_context.set_assertion_type (0) end -- Generate byte code for exit expression ba.mark_backward if attached a_node.iteration_exit_condition as e then -- Generate a test for iteration exit condition. e.process (Current) ba.append (Bc_jmp_t) -- Deferred writing of the jump relative value ba.mark_forward exit_count := 1 end if attached a_node.stop as s then -- Generate breakpoint slot. generate_melted_debugger_hook (ba) -- Generate a test for loop exit condition. s.process (Current) ba.append (Bc_jmp_t) -- Deferred writing of the jump relative value ba.mark_forward exit_count := exit_count + 1 end if a_node.compound /= Void then a_node.compound.process (Current) end if attached a_node.advance_code as a then a.process (Current) end -- Save hook context & restore recorded context. body_breakpoint_slot := l_context.get_breakpoint_slot l_context.set_breakpoint_slot (invariant_breakpoint_slot) if not (a_node.invariant_part = Void and then a_node.variant_part = Void) then ba.append (Bc_loop) -- In case the loop assertion are not checked, we -- have to put a jump value. ba.mark_forward -- Invariant loop byte code if a_node.invariant_part /= Void then l_context.set_assertion_type ({ASSERT_TYPE}.in_loop_invariant) a_node.invariant_part.process (Current) end -- Variant loop byte code if a_node.variant_part /= Void then l_context.set_assertion_type ({ASSERT_TYPE}.in_loop_variant) a_node.variant_part.process (Current) ba.append_short_integer (variant_local_number) end -- Evaluation of the jump value ba.write_forward l_context.set_assertion_type (0) end -- Restore hook context l_context.set_breakpoint_slot (body_breakpoint_slot) -- Generate an unconditional jump ba.append (Bc_jmp) -- Write offset value for unconditinal jump ba.write_backward -- Write jump value for the conditional exit(s). from until exit_count = 0 loop ba.write_forward exit_count := exit_count - 1 end l_context.set_hidden_code_level (l_old_hidden_code_level) end process_loop_expr_b (a_node: LOOP_EXPR_B) -- local local_list: ARRAYED_LIST [TYPE_A] variant_local_number: INTEGER result_local_number: INTEGER invariant_breakpoint_slot: INTEGER body_breakpoint_slot: INTEGER l_context: like context v: detachable VARIANT_B i: detachable BYTE_LIST [BYTE_NODE] exit_count: NATURAL l_old_hidden_code_level: INTEGER do l_context := context l_old_hidden_code_level := l_context.hidden_code_level l_context.set_hidden_code_level (0) -- Allow the debugger to stop after a nested call. generate_melted_debugger_hook_nested -- Initialize cursor without generating a debugger hook. l_context.enter_hidden_code a_node.iteration_code.process (Current) l_context.exit_hidden_code local_list := l_context.local_list -- Add a local to keep the loop expression result. l_context.add_local (boolean_type) result_local_number := local_list.count ba.append (bc_bool) ba.append_boolean (a_node.is_all) ba.append (bc_lassign) ba.append_short_integer (result_local_number) v := a_node.variant_code if v /= Void then -- Initialization of the variant control variable l_context.add_local (integer_32_type) variant_local_number := local_list.count ba.append (Bc_init_variant) ba.append_short_integer (variant_local_number) end -- Record context. invariant_breakpoint_slot := l_context.get_breakpoint_slot i := a_node.invariant_code if i /= Void or else v /= Void then ba.append (Bc_loop) -- In case the loop assertion are not checked, we -- have to put a jump value. ba.mark_forward -- Invariant loop byte code if i /= Void then l_context.set_assertion_type ({ASSERT_TYPE}.in_loop_invariant) i.process (Current) end -- Variant loop byte code if v /= Void then l_context.set_assertion_type ({ASSERT_TYPE}.in_loop_variant) v.process (Current) ba.append_short_integer (variant_local_number) end -- Evaluation of the jump value ba.write_forward l_context.set_assertion_type (0) end ba.mark_backward -- Generate byte code for result of loop expression. ba.append (bc_local) ba.append_short_integer (result_local_number) if a_node.is_all then ba.append (bc_jmp_f) else ba.append (bc_jmp_t) end -- Deferred writing of the jump relative value ba.mark_forward -- Generate byte code for iteration exit condition. a_node.iteration_exit_condition_code.process (Current) ba.append (Bc_jmp_t) -- Deferred writing of the jump relative value. ba.mark_forward exit_count := 2 -- One exit condition is controlled by the loop expression variable. if attached a_node.exit_condition_code as e then -- Generate byte code for optional exit condition. generate_melted_debugger_hook (ba) e.process (Current) ba.append (Bc_jmp_t) -- Deferred writing of the jump relative value. ba.mark_forward exit_count := 3 end generate_melted_debugger_hook (ba) a_node.expression_code.process (Current) ba.append (bc_lassign) ba.append_short_integer (result_local_number) -- Allow the debugger to stop after a nested call. generate_melted_debugger_hook_nested -- Advance cursor without generating a debugger hook. l_context.enter_hidden_code a_node.advance_code.process (Current) l_context.exit_hidden_code -- Save hook context & restore recorded context. body_breakpoint_slot := l_context.get_breakpoint_slot l_context.set_breakpoint_slot (invariant_breakpoint_slot) if i /= Void or else v /= Void then ba.append (Bc_loop) -- In case the loop assertion are not checked, we -- have to put a jump value. ba.mark_forward -- Invariant loop byte code if i /= Void then l_context.set_assertion_type ({ASSERT_TYPE}.in_loop_invariant) i.process (Current) end -- Variant loop byte code if v /= Void then l_context.set_assertion_type ({ASSERT_TYPE}.in_loop_variant) v.process (Current) ba.append_short_integer (variant_local_number) end -- Evaluation of the jump value ba.write_forward l_context.set_assertion_type (0) end -- Restore hook context l_context.set_breakpoint_slot (body_breakpoint_slot) -- Generate an unconditional jump ba.append (Bc_jmp) -- Write offset value for unconditinal jump ba.write_backward -- Write jump value for the conditional exits. from until exit_count = 0 loop ba.write_forward exit_count := exit_count - 1 end ba.append (bc_local) ba.append_short_integer (result_local_number) l_context.set_hidden_code_level (l_old_hidden_code_level) end process_nat64_val_b (a_node: NAT64_VAL_B) -- Process `a_node'. do ba.append (bc_uint64) ba.append_natural_64 (a_node.value) end process_nat_val_b (a_node: NAT_VAL_B) -- Process `a_node'. do ba.append (Bc_uint32) ba.append_natural_32 (a_node.value) end process_nested_b (a_node: NESTED_B) -- Process `a_node'. do (Current) if then generate_melted_debugger_hook_nested end a_node.message.process (Current) end process_null_conversion_b (a_node: NULL_CONVERSION_B) -- Process `a_node'. local l_expr_type, l_type: TYPE_A do a_node.expr.process (Current) l_expr_type := context.real_type (a_node.expr.type) l_type := context.real_type (a_node.type) if not l_type.same_as (l_expr_type) then inspect l_type.sk_value (Void) when {SK_CONST}.sk_char32 then ba.append (bc_cast_char32) when {SK_CONST}.sk_char8 then ba.append (bc_cast_char8) when {SK_CONST}.sk_int8 then ba.append (bc_cast_integer) ba.append_integer (8) when {SK_CONST}.sk_int16 then ba.append (bc_cast_integer) ba.append_integer (16) when {SK_CONST}.sk_int32 then ba.append (bc_cast_integer) ba.append_integer (32) when {SK_CONST}.sk_int64 then ba.append (bc_cast_integer) ba.append_integer (64) when {SK_CONST}.sk_uint8 then ba.append (bc_cast_natural) ba.append_integer (8) when {SK_CONST}.sk_uint16 then ba.append (bc_cast_natural) ba.append_integer (16) when {SK_CONST}.sk_uint32 then ba.append (bc_cast_natural) ba.append_integer (32) when {SK_CONST}.sk_uint64 then ba.append (bc_cast_natural) ba.append_integer (64) when {SK_CONST}.sk_real32 then ba.append (bc_cast_real32) when {SK_CONST}.sk_real64 then ba.append (bc_cast_real64) else end end end process_object_test_b (a_node: OBJECT_TEST_B) -- Process `a_node'. local l_source_type: TYPE_A l_target_type: TYPE_A do -- Generate expression byte code l_source_type := context.real_type (a_node.expression.type) l_target_type := context.real_type ( make_expression_byte_code_for_type (a_node.expression, l_target_type) if -- Assignment on something of type NONE always fails. l_target_type.is_none or else -- Assignment to an expanded variable. l_target_type.is_expanded and then -- Assigning Void to expanded. (l_source_type.is_none or else -- Non-conforming expanded types. l_source_type.is_expanded and then not l_source_type.conform_to (context.associated_class, l_target_type)) then -- Remove expression value because it is not used. ba.append (bc_pop) ba.append_uint32_integer (1) -- Types do not conform or expression is not attached. ba.append (bc_bool) ba.append_boolean (False) elseif l_target_type.is_expanded and then l_source_type.is_expanded then -- Do normal assignment. check from_conformance_test_of_expanded_types: l_source_type.conform_to (context.associated_class, l_target_type) end ba.append (if l_target_type.is_basic then else end) melted_assignment_generator.generate_assignment (ba, -- Types conform. ba.append (bc_bool) ba.append_boolean (True) else -- Target is a reference, source is a reference, or both if system.is_scoop and then not l_target_type.is_separate and then l_source_type.is_separate then -- Check if expression object belongs to the current processor. ba.append (bc_separate) -- Placeholders not used in this instruction sequence. ba.append_argument_count (0) ba.append_boolean (True) end ba.append (bc_object_test) ba.append_short_integer (context.object_test_local_position ( -- Generate type of target (ba) ba.append_natural_16 ({SHARED_GEN_CONF_LEVEL}.terminator_type) end end process_object_test_local_b (a_node: OBJECT_TEST_LOCAL_B) do ba.append (bc_local) ba.append_short_integer (context.object_test_local_position (a_node)) end process_once_string_b (a_node: ONCE_STRING_B) -- Process `a_node'. local l_is_str32: BOOLEAN l_value: STRING l_value_32: STRING_32 do l_is_str32 := a_node.is_string_32 if l_is_str32 then if a_node.is_immutable then ba.append (bc_once_immstring32) else ba.append (bc_once_string32) end else if a_node.is_immutable then ba.append (Bc_once_immstring8) else ba.append (bc_once_string) end end ba.append_integer (a_node.body_index - 1) ba.append_integer (a_node.number - 1) if l_is_str32 then l_value_32 := a_node.value_32 -- Bytes to read. ba.append_integer (l_value_32.count * 4) ba.append_raw_string_32 (l_value_32) else l_value := a_node.value_8 -- Bytes to read ba.append_integer (l_value.count) ba.append_raw_string (l_value) end end process_operand_b (a_node: OPERAND_B) -- Process `a_node'. do -- Nothing to be done. end process_parameter_b (a_node: PARAMETER_B) -- Process `a_node'. local l_target_type, l_source_type: TYPE_A do l_target_type := context.real_type (a_node.attachment_type) l_source_type := context.real_type (a_node.expression.type) make_expression_byte_code_for_type (a_node.expression, l_target_type) if l_target_type.is_expanded and then l_source_type.is_none then ba.append (Bc_exp_excep) end end process_paran_b (a_node: PARAN_B) -- Process `a_node'. do a_node.expr.process (Current) end process_real_const_b (a_node: REAL_CONST_B) -- Process `a_node'. do if a_node.real_size = 64 then ba.append (bc_real64) else ba.append (bc_real32) end ba.append_double (a_node.value.to_double) end process_require_b (a_node: REQUIRE_B) do make_assert_b (a_node) end process_result_b (a_node: RESULT_B) -- Process `a_node'. do ba.append (bc_result) end process_retry_b (a_node: RETRY_B) -- Process `a_node'. do generate_melted_debugger_hook (ba) ba.append (bc_retry) ba.write_retry end process_reverse_b (a_node: REVERSE_B) -- Process `a_node'. local l_source_type: TYPE_A l_target_type: TYPE_A do generate_melted_debugger_hook (ba) -- Generate expression byte code l_source_type := context.real_type (a_node.source.type) l_target_type := context.real_type ( make_expression_byte_code_for_type (a_node.source, l_target_type) if l_target_type.is_none then ba.append (Bc_none_assign) elseif l_target_type.is_expanded and then l_source_type.is_expanded then -- NOOP if classes are different or normal assignment otherwise. if attached {CL_TYPE_A} l_source_type as l_source_class_type and then attached {CL_TYPE_A} l_target_type as l_target_class_type and then l_target_class_type.class_id = l_source_class_type.class_id then -- Do normal assignment. if l_target_type.is_basic then ba.append ( else ba.append ( end melted_assignment_generator.generate_assignment (ba, else -- Remove expression value because it is not used. ba.append (bc_pop) ba.append_uint32_integer (1) end else -- Target is a reference ba.append ( melted_assignment_generator.generate_assignment (ba, -- Generate type of target (ba) ba.append_natural_16 ({SHARED_GEN_CONF_LEVEL}.terminator_type) end end process_routine_creation_b (a_node: ROUTINE_CREATION_B) -- Process `a_node'. local l_type: TYPE_A do -- Closed operands if a_node.arguments /= Void then a_node.arguments.process (Current) end -- Open map if a_node.open_positions /= Void then a_node.open_positions.process (Current) end -- Now create routine object ba.append (Bc_rcreate) -- Do we have arguments (a TUPLE) on the stack? ba.append_boolean (a_node.arguments /= Void) -- Generate byte code for `a_node.type'. l_type := context.real_type (a_node.type) l_type.make_full_type_byte_code (ba, context.context_class_type.type) -- Routine ID of the routine ba.append_integer_32 (a_node.rout_id) -- is_basic ba.append_boolean (a_node.is_basic) -- is_target_closed ba.append_boolean (a_node.is_target_closed) -- is_inline_agent if a_node.is_inline_agent then ba.append_integer_32 (a_node.class_type.static_type_id (context.current_type) - 1) else ba.append_integer_32 (-1) end -- open_count if a_node.omap /= Void then ba.append_integer (a_node.omap.count) else ba.append_integer (0) end end process_separate_b (a_node: SEPARATE_INSTRUCTION_B) -- do -- Generate evaluation of arguments. a_node.arguments.process (Current) -- Check if a compound needs to be generated. if attached a_node.compound as c and then not c.is_empty then if system.is_scoop then -- Generate byte code to add a request group. -- Push all arguments to the evaluation stack. across a_node.arguments as a loop check attached {OBJECT_TEST_LOCAL_B} as argument then argument.process (Current) end end -- Create a request group. ba.append (bc_start_separate) ba.append_natural_16 (a_node.arguments.count.as_natural_16) end -- Generate byte code for the compound. c.process (Current) if system.is_scoop then -- Generate byte code to remove a request group. ba.append (bc_end_separate) end end end process_string_b (a_node: STRING_B) -- Process `a_node'. local l_value: STRING_8 l_value_32: STRING_32 do if a_node.is_string_32 then l_value_32 := a_node.value_32 if a_node.is_immutable then ba.append (Bc_immstring32) else ba.append (Bc_string32) end -- Bytes to read ba.append_integer (l_value_32.count * 4) ba.append_raw_string_32 (l_value_32) else l_value := a_node.value_8 if a_node.is_immutable then ba.append (Bc_immstring8) else ba.append (Bc_string) end -- Bytes to read ba.append_integer (l_value.count) ba.append_raw_string (l_value) end end process_strip_b (a_node: STRIP_B) -- Process `a_node'. local l_attr_names: LINKED_LIST [STRING] do l_attr_names := a_node.attribute_names across l_attr_names as names loop ba.append (Bc_add_strip) ba.append_raw_string (names.item) end ba.append (Bc_end_strip) ba.append_short_integer (context.class_type.type_id - 1) ba.append_integer (l_attr_names.count) end process_tuple_access_b (a_node: TUPLE_ACCESS_B) -- Process `a_node'. local l_tuple_type: TYPE_A do l_tuple_type := context.real_type (a_node.tuple_element_type) -- It is guaranteed that the TUPLE object is on the stack because -- TUPLE_ACCESS_B is always the message of a NESTED_B node. if a_node.source /= Void then -- Assignment to a tuple entry. a_node.source.process (Current) if a_node.source.is_hector then if attached {HECTOR_B} a_node.source.expression as l_hector_b then make_protected_byte_code (l_hector_b, 0) else -- Address expressions are disallowed. check False end end end if l_tuple_type.c_type.is_reference then context.make_tuple_catcall_check (ba, a_node.position) end if system.is_scoop and then a_node.context_type.is_separate then -- Perform separate tuple access if required. ba.append (bc_separate) -- There is one argument and the access is not synchronized. ba.append_argument_count (1) ba.append_boolean (False) -- Make sure that target is at the top. ba.append (bc_rotate) ba.append_short_integer (2) end ba.append (bc_tuple_assign) ba.append_integer_32 (a_node.position) else -- Access to tuple field. if system.is_scoop and then a_node.context_type.is_separate then -- Perform separate tuple access if required. ba.append (bc_separate) -- There are no arguments and the access is synchronized. ba.append_argument_count (0) ba.append_boolean (True) end ba.append (bc_tuple_access) ba.append_integer_32 (a_node.position) ba.append_natural_32 (l_tuple_type.sk_value (context.context_class_type.type)) end end process_tuple_const_b (a_node: TUPLE_CONST_B) -- Process `a_node'. local l_expr: EXPR_B do if attached {TUPLE_TYPE_A} context.real_type (a_node.type) as l_real_ty then -- Need to insert expression into -- the stack back to front in order -- to be inserted into the area correctly from a_node.expressions.finish until a_node.expressions.before loop l_expr := a_node.expressions.item check l_expr_not_void: l_expr /= Void end l_expr.process (Current) if l_expr.is_hector then if attached {HECTOR_B} l_expr as l_hector_b then make_protected_byte_code (l_hector_b, 0) else -- Address expressions are disallowed for tuple -- initialization. check False end end end a_node.expressions.back end ba.append (Bc_tuple) l_real_ty.make_type_byte_code (ba, True, context.context_class_type.type) ba.append_short_integer (-1) ba.append_integer (a_node.expressions.count + 1) ba.append_integer (l_real_ty.is_basic_uniform.to_integer) end end process_type_expr_b (a_node: TYPE_EXPR_B) -- Process `a_node'. local l_type_type: TYPE_A do ba.append (Bc_create_type) -- There is no feature call: ba.append_boolean (False) l_type_type := context.descendant_type (a_node.type_type) l_type_type.create_info.make_byte_code (ba) ba.append_natural_16 ({SHARED_GEN_CONF_LEVEL}.terminator_type) -- Add annotations, if any, of the declaration of the manifest type. -- For example, we could have `detachable like x', the above code only -- generates the type of `like x' and does not include the attachment mark. -- Discard the upper bits as `RTLNTY2' only accepts the lower part. ba.append_natural_16 (l_type_type.annotation_flags & 0x00FF) end process_typed_interval_b (a_node: TYPED_INTERVAL_B [INTERVAL_VAL_B]) -- Process `a_node'. do -- Nothing to be done. end process_un_free_b (a_node: UN_FREE_B) -- Process `a_node'. do a_node.nested_b.process (Current) end process_un_minus_b (a_node: UN_MINUS_B) -- Process `a_node'. do make_unary_b (a_node, bc_uminus) end process_un_not_b (a_node: UN_NOT_B) -- Process `a_node'. do make_unary_b (a_node, bc_not) end process_un_old_b (a_node: UN_OLD_B) -- Process `a_node'. do if a_node.is_exception_block_needed then ba.append (Bc_retrieve_old) ba.append_short_integer (a_node.position) ba.append_short_integer (a_node.exception_position) else ba.append (bc_local) ba.append_short_integer (a_node.position) end end process_un_plus_b (a_node: UN_PLUS_B) -- Process `a_node'. do make_unary_b (a_node, bc_uplus) end process_variant_b (a_node: VARIANT_B) -- Process `a_node'. do make_assert_b (a_node) end process_void_b (a_node: VOID_B) -- Process `a_node'. do ba.append (bc_void) end feature {NONE} -- Implementation make_expression_byte_code_for_type (an_expr: EXPR_B; a_target_type: TYPE_A) -- Generate byte code for the expression which is about -- to be assigned or compared to the type `a_target_type'. require expr_not_void: an_expr /= Void target_type_not_void: a_target_type /= Void local l_expression_type: TYPE_A do an_expr.process (Current) l_expression_type := context.real_type (an_expr.type) if a_target_type.is_reference then if l_expression_type.is_basic then -- Source is basic and target is a reference: -- metamorphose ba.append (Bc_metamorphose) elseif l_expression_type.is_expanded then -- Source is expanded and target is a reference: -- clone ba.append (Bc_clone) else -- Source can be a boxed expanded object. generate_dynamic_clone (an_expr, l_expression_type) end elseif l_expression_type.is_none then -- Reattachment of void to expanded. ba.append (Bc_exp_excep) elseif not a_target_type.is_basic then if l_expression_type.is_true_expanded then -- Source and target are expanded: -- clone ba.append (Bc_clone) elseif not l_expression_type.is_basic then -- Source can be a boxed expanded object. generate_dynamic_clone (an_expr, l_expression_type) end end end generate_dynamic_clone (expression: EXPR_B; type: TYPE_A) -- Generate code that clones result of an `expression' depending on -- dynamic type of object of static type `type'. require expression_not_void: expression /= Void type_not_void: type /= Void type_is_reference: type.is_reference do if expression.is_dynamic_clone_required (type) then ba.append (bc_cclone) end end make_assert_b (a_node: ASSERT_B) -- Generate code for `ASSERT_B' node. require a_node_not_void: a_node /= Void do -- Assertion mark if context.assertion_type = {ASSERT_TYPE}.in_precondition then make_precondition_byte_code (a_node) else if context.assertion_type /= {ASSERT_TYPE}.in_invariant then -- No hooks when it is an invariant generate_melted_debugger_hook (ba) end ba.append (Bc_assert) inspect context.assertion_type when {ASSERT_TYPE}.in_postcondition then ba.append (Bc_pst) when {ASSERT_TYPE}.in_check then ba.append (Bc_chk) when {ASSERT_TYPE}.in_guard then ba.append (Bc_guard) when {ASSERT_TYPE}.in_loop_invariant then ba.append (Bc_linv) when {ASSERT_TYPE}.in_loop_variant then ba.append (Bc_lvar) when {ASSERT_TYPE}.in_invariant then ba.append (Bc_inv) end -- Generate the tag name if any. if a_node.tag = Void then ba.append (Bc_notag) else ba.append (Bc_tag) ba.append_raw_string (a_node.tag) end -- Assertion byte code a_node.expr.process (Current) -- End assertion mark if context.assertion_type = {ASSERT_TYPE}.in_loop_variant then ba.append (bc_end_variant) else -- For guards, we do not want the `in_assertion' to be affected, -- so we generate an extra boolean computation to let the interpreter -- do the right thing. ba.append (bc_end_assert) ba.append_boolean (context.assertion_type /= {ASSERT_TYPE}.in_guard) end end end make_precondition_byte_code (a_node: ASSERT_B) -- Generate byte code for a precondition. local l_context: like context l_ba: like ba do l_context := context l_ba := ba if l_context.is_new_precondition_block then l_context.set_new_precondition_block (False) if l_context.is_first_precondition_block_generated then from until l_ba.forward_marks4.count = 0 loop l_ba.write_forward4 end l_ba.append (Bc_goto_body) ba.mark_forward else l_context.set_first_precondition_block_generated (True) end end -- generate a debugger hook generate_melted_debugger_hook (ba) l_ba.append (Bc_assert) l_ba.append (Bc_pre) if a_node.tag = Void then l_ba.append (Bc_notag) else l_ba.append (Bc_tag) l_ba.append_raw_string (a_node.tag) end -- It's possible that there is a wait condition. -- Whether this is true or not is detected at run-time -- by inspecting if the argument used in the precondition -- as a separate target is controlled or not. separate_target_collector.clean a_node.expr.process (separate_target_collector) if separate_target_collector.has_separate_target then -- Enumerate all separate arguments used as a target of a call. across as s loop l_ba.append (bc_wait_arg) l_ba.append_short_integer (s.item) end end -- Assertion byte code a_node.expr.process (Current) l_ba.append (Bc_end_pre) l_ba.mark_forward4 end make_protected_byte_code (a_node: HECTOR_B; a_pos: INTEGER) -- Generate byte code for an unprotected external call argument require a_node_not_void: a_node /= Void local l_type: TYPE_A do l_type := context.real_type (a_node.expr.type) if l_type.is_basic then ba.append (Bc_object_addr) ba.append_uint32_integer (a_pos) a_node.expr.process (Current) end end make_binary_b (a_node: BINARY_B; a_node_opcode: CHARACTER) -- Generate code for `a_node' require a_node_not_void: a_node /= Void do if a_node.is_built_in then a_node.left.process (Current) a_node.right.process (Current) -- Write binary operator. ba.append (a_node_opcode) else a_node.nested_b.process (Current) end end make_binary_equal_b (a_node: BIN_EQUAL_B; a_node_opcode, a_node_obvious_opcode: CHARACTER) -- Generate code for `a_node' require a_node_not_void: a_node /= Void a_node_opcode_valid: a_node_opcode = bc_eq or a_node_opcode = bc_ne a_node_obvious_opcode_valid: a_node_obvious_opcode = bc_true_compar or a_node_obvious_opcode = bc_false_compar local l_lt, l_rt: TYPE_A l_flag: BOOLEAN do l_lt := context.real_type (a_node.left.type) l_rt := context.real_type (a_node.right.type) a_node.left.process (Current) if l_lt.is_basic and then l_rt.is_reference then ba.append (Bc_metamorphose) l_flag := True end a_node.right.process (Current) if l_lt.is_reference and then l_rt.is_basic then ba.append (Bc_metamorphose) l_flag := True end if l_lt.is_true_expanded or else l_rt.is_true_expanded or else l_flag then -- Standard equality ba.append (bc_standard_equal) if a_node_opcode = bc_ne then ba.append (bc_not) end elseif (l_lt.is_basic and then l_rt.is_none) or else (l_lt.is_none and then l_rt.is_basic) then -- A basic type is neither Void ba.append (a_node_obvious_opcode) elseif l_lt.is_reference and then l_rt.is_reference and then a_node.left.is_dynamic_clone_required (l_lt) and then a_node.right.is_dynamic_clone_required (l_rt) then -- Reference type equality. -- Check if one of the operands is of expanded type -- and use object comparison. Use reference comparison -- otherwise. ba.append (Bc_cequal) if a_node_opcode = bc_ne then ba.append (bc_not) end else -- Pure reference or basic type equality. ba.append (a_node_opcode) end end make_unary_b (a_node: UNARY_B; a_node_opcode: CHARACTER) -- Generate code for unary operator require a_node_not_void: a_node /= Void do if a_node.is_built_in then a_node.expr.process (Current) -- Write unary operator ba.append (a_node_opcode) else a_node.nested_b.process (Current) end end make_case_range (a_node: ABSTRACT_CASE_B [BYTE_NODE]) -- Generate range byte code require a_node_not_void: a_node /= Void local i: INTEGER l_inter: INTERVAL_B do from i := a_node.interval.count until i < 1 loop l_inter := a_node.interval.i_th (i) l_inter.lower.process (Current) l_inter.upper.process (Current) ba.append (bc_range) ba.mark_forward2 i := i - 1 end end make_call_access_b (a_node: ROUTINE_B; code_first, code_next: CHARACTER; is_creation: BOOLEAN; is_active: BOOLEAN) -- Generate call to EXTERNAL_B/FEATURE_B. -- Generate byte code for a feature call. -- `is_creation' indicates if this is a call to a creation procedure and `is_active' tells that an active region is to be created in case of a separate target type. -- if `meta', metamorphose the feature call. -- Doesn't process the parameters require a_node_not_void: a_node /= Void local l_inst_cont_type: TYPE_A l_finish_byte_code: BOOLEAN creation_expression: CREATION_EXPR_B do l_inst_cont_type := a_node.context_type if system.is_scoop and then l_inst_cont_type.is_separate then -- The call may be separate. ba.append (bc_separate) -- Arguments need to be passed together with feature information. ba.append_argument_count (if attached a_node.parameters as p then p.count else 0 end) -- Indicate if this is a query or procedure call and in case of separate creation whether the target region is active. ba.append_natural_8 (if is_creation then -- Add flags specific for object creation. -- Indicate whether the newly created object should be placed in a new active region. if is_active then scoop_call_mask_active_creation else scoop_call_mask_none end ⦶ -- Indicate whether the creation procedure of a once class returns a value. if l_inst_cont_type.has_associated_class and then l_inst_cont_type.base_class.is_once then scoop_call_mask_query else scoop_call_mask_none end elseif not a_node.type.is_void then -- The call returns a value. scoop_call_mask_query else scoop_call_mask_none end) end -- Note: Manu 08/08/2002: if `a_node.precursor_type' is not Void, it can only means -- that we are currently performing a static access call on a feature -- from a basic class. Assuming otherwise is not correct as you -- cannot seriously inherit from a basic class. if l_inst_cont_type.is_basic and a_node.precursor_type = Void and then attached {BASIC_A} l_inst_cont_type as l_basic_type then if a_node.is_feature_special (False, l_basic_type) then a_node.make_special_byte_code (ba, l_basic_type, a_node.type) else -- Process the call via the `feature_name' in the -- associated reference type if a_node.parameters /= Void then ba.append (Bc_rotate) ba.append_short_integer (a_node.parameters.count + 1) end ba.append (Bc_metamorphose) l_finish_byte_code := True end else if a_node.is_first then --! Cannot melt basic calls hence is_first --! is not used in the above if meta statement. if a_node.is_class_target_needed then -- Generate an empty object to be used as a target of the call. check instance_free_call_has_precursor_type: attached a_node.precursor_type as p then create creation_expression creation_expression.set_info (p.create_info) creation_expression.set_type (p) process_creation_expr_b (creation_expression) end else ba.append (Bc_current) end else if a_node.parameters /= Void then ba.append (Bc_rotate) ba.append_short_integer (a_node.parameters.count + 1) end end l_finish_byte_code := True end if l_finish_byte_code then if is_creation then ba.append (bc_creation) elseif a_node.is_first then ba.append (code_first) else ba.append (code_next) ba.append_raw_string (a_node.feature_name) end ba.append_integer (a_node.routine_id) make_precursor_byte_code (a_node) end end make_precursor_byte_code (a_node: ROUTINE_B) -- Generate precursor byte code if needed. local l_type: TYPE_A do if a_node.is_target_type_fixed then l_type := context.real_type (a_node.precursor_type) if l_type.is_multi_constrained then check has_multi_constraint_static: a_node.has_multi_constraint_static end l_type := context.real_type (a_node.multi_constraint_static) end ba.append_short_integer (l_type.static_type_id (context.context_class_type.type) - 1) else ba.append_short_integer (-1) end end feature {BYTE_NODE} -- Debugger hook generate_melted_debugger_hook (a_ba: BYTE_ARRAY) -- Record breakable point (standard) require a_ba_attached: a_ba /= Void local lnr: INTEGER ctx: like context do ctx := context if not ctx.is_inside_hidden_code and then attached ctx.current_feature as cf and then cf.supports_step_in then lnr := ctx.get_next_breakpoint_slot check valid_line: lnr > 0 end a_ba.generate_melted_debugger_hook (lnr) end end generate_melted_debugger_hook_nested -- Record breakable point for nested call local l_line, l_nested: INTEGER ctx: like context do ctx := context if not ctx.is_inside_hidden_code and then attached ctx.current_feature as cf and then cf.supports_step_in then l_line := ctx.get_breakpoint_slot if l_line > 0 then -- Generate a hook when there is really need for one. -- (E.g. we do not need a hook for the code generation -- of an invariant). l_nested := ctx.get_next_breakpoint_nested_slot ba.generate_melted_debugger_hook_nested (l_line, l_nested) end end end feature -- Type information generate_local_types (l: ARRAYED_LIST [TYPE_A]; b: BYTE_ARRAY) -- Generate types of locals `l' into byte array `b'. require l_attached: attached l b_attached: attached b do b.append_short_integer (l.count) across l as loc loop generate_local_type (loc.item, b) end end generate_local_type (t: TYPE_A; b: BYTE_ARRAY) -- Generate type information for a local of type `t' into byte array `b'. local r: TYPE_A do r := context.real_type (t) b.append_natural_32 (r.sk_value (context.context_class_type.type)) if r.is_true_expanded then -- Generate full type info. t.make_full_type_byte_code (b, context.context_class_type.type) end end feature {NONE} -- SCOOP separate_target_collector: SEPARATE_TARGET_COLLECTOR -- Visitor to detect wait conditions. once create Result end note ca_ignore: "CA033", "CA033: too large class" copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2020, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end