note description: "[ Generator for custom attributes (CA) in CIL code generation. It follows the description of the ECMA standard for CLI Partition II-23.3. There is a difference between fixed argument, i.e. argument set because the CA's constructor needs them, and named argument which corresponds to public field or property with a setter. ]" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." eweasel: "dotnet018" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE_GENERATOR inherit BYTE_NODE_NULL_VISITOR redefine process_array_const_b, process_bool_const_b, process_char_const_b, process_constant_b, process_external_b, process_integer_constant, process_null_conversion_b, process_paran_b, process_real_const_b, process_string_b, process_type_expr_b, process_void_b end SHARED_WORKBENCH export {NONE} all end REFACTORING_HELPER export {NONE} all end COMPILER_EXPORTER export {NONE} all end INTERNAL_COMPILER_STRING_EXPORTER export {NONE} all end feature -- Code generation generate (a_ca: CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE_B; a_owner_token: INTEGER; a_code_generator: CIL_CODE_GENERATOR) -- Generate `a_ca'. require a_ca_not_void: a_ca /= Void a_owner_token_valid: a_owner_token /= 0 a_code_generator_not_void: a_code_generator /= Void local cb: CREATION_EXPR_B l_extension: IL_EXTENSION_I count: INTEGER param: BYTE_LIST [EXPR_B] l_tuple_const: ARRAYED_LIST [TUPLE [STRING_B, EXPR_B]] l_ctor_token: INTEGER l_creation_class: CLASS_C do cil_generator := a_code_generator cb := a_ca.creation_expr check attached {CL_TYPE_A} cb.type as l_cb_type then l_creation_class := l_cb_type.base_class end l_tuple_const := a_ca.named_arguments param := if param /= Void then count := param.count else count := 0 end if cb.type.is_external then if attached {EXTERNAL_B} as l_creation_external and then attached {IL_EXTENSION_I} l_creation_external.extension as ext then l_extension := ext l_ctor_token := l_extension.token else l_extension := Void end end if l_extension = Void then if attached {CL_TYPE_A} cb.type as l_type then if count = 0 then -- Use default constructor l_ctor_token := cil_generator.constructor_token (l_type.associated_class_type (a_code_generator.current_class_type.type).implementation_id) else l_ctor_token := cil_generator.inherited_constructor_token (l_type.associated_class_type (a_code_generator.current_class_type.type).implementation_id, end else check is_cl_type_a: False end end end -- Start initialization of custom attribute. create ca_blob.make -- Generate value of arguments if any. if count > 0 then from param.start until param.after loop if attached {PARAMETER_B} param.item as param_b and then attached {CL_TYPE_A} param_b.attachment_type as l_param_type then set_target_type (l_param_type) param_b.expression.process (Current) else check is_param_b_with_type_a: False end end param.forth end end -- Generate name argument if l_tuple_const /= Void then ca_blob.put_integer_16 (l_tuple_const.count.to_integer_16) from l_tuple_const.start until l_tuple_const.after loop add_named_argument (l_creation_class, l_tuple_const.item) l_tuple_const.forth end else ca_blob.put_integer_16 (0) end -- Assign `ca_blob' to `a_owner_token'. cil_generator.define_custom_attribute (a_owner_token, l_ctor_token, ca_blob) -- Reset current cil_generator := Void target_type := Void ca_blob := Void end feature {NONE} -- Access target_type: TYPE_A -- Actual expected type of custom attribute argument or optional argument. cil_generator: CIL_CODE_GENERATOR -- Back-end of custom attribute code generator. ca_blob: MD_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE -- Blob used for storing custom attribute. feature {NONE} -- Setting set_target_type (a_type: like target_type) -- Set `a_type' to `target_type'. do target_type := a_type ensure target_type_set: target_type = a_type end feature {BYTE_NODE} -- Visitors process_array_const_b (a_node: ARRAY_CONST_B) -- Process `a_node'. local l_expressions: BYTE_LIST [BYTE_NODE] l_old_target_type: like target_type l_type: TYPE_A do check is_constant_expression: a_node.is_constant_expression end l_expressions := a_node.expressions check not a_node.type.generics.is_empty end l_type := a_node.type.generics [1] if is_target_object then -- Mark the fact it is an array when not a fixed argument ca_blob.put_integer_8 ({MD_SIGNATURE_CONSTANTS}.element_type_szarray) -- Mark the type of elements. insert_field_or_prop_type (l_type) end -- Put number of elements in array. ca_blob.put_natural_32 (l_expressions.count.to_natural_32) -- Process elements. from -- Store context. l_old_target_type := target_type -- All elements have the same target type. set_target_type (l_type) l_expressions.start until l_expressions.after loop if attached {EXPR_B} l_expressions.item as l_expr then l_expr.process (Current) else check is_expr_b: False end end l_expressions.forth end -- Restore context set_target_type (l_old_target_type) end process_bool_const_b (a_node: BOOL_CONST_B) -- Process `a_node'. do check is_constant_expression: a_node.is_constant_expression end if is_target_object then ca_blob.put_integer_8 (a_node.type.element_type) end ca_blob.put_boolean (a_node.value) end process_char_const_b (a_node: CHAR_CONST_B) -- Process `a_node'. do check is_constant_expression: a_node.is_constant_expression end if is_target_object then ca_blob.put_integer_8 (a_node.type.element_type) end if a_node.is_character_32 then ca_blob.put_natural_32 (a_node.value.natural_32_code) else ca_blob.put_character (a_node.value.to_character_8) end end process_constant_b (a_node: CONSTANT_B) -- Process `a_node'. local l_value: VALUE_I l_type: TYPE_A do check is_constant_expression: a_node.is_constant_expression end l_type := a_node.type if is_target_object and l_type.is_basic then ca_blob.put_integer_8 (l_type.element_type) end l_value := a_node.value if l_value.is_integer then if attached {INTEGER_CONSTANT} l_value as l_int then insert_integer_constant (l_int) else check is_integer: False end end elseif l_value.is_string then if attached {STRING_VALUE_I} l_value as l_string then ca_blob.put_string (l_string.string_value_32) else check is_string: False end end elseif l_value.is_boolean then if attached {BOOL_VALUE_I} l_value as l_bool then ca_blob.put_boolean (l_bool.boolean_value) else check is_boolean: False end end elseif l_value.is_character then if attached {CHAR_VALUE_I} l_value as l_char and attached {CHARACTER_A} target_type as l_char_type then if l_char_type.is_character_32 then ca_blob.put_natural_32 (l_char.character_value.natural_32_code) else ca_blob.put_character (l_char.character_value.to_character_8) end else check is_character: False is_target_of_char_type: False end end elseif l_value.is_real then if attached {REAL_VALUE_I} l_value as l_real then if target_type.is_real_32 then ca_blob.put_real_32 (l_real.real_32_value) elseif target_type.is_real_64 then ca_blob.put_real_64 (l_real.real_64_value) else -- Case where target is System.object. check is_target_object end if l_value.is_real_32 then ca_blob.put_real_32 (l_real.real_32_value) else ca_blob.put_real_64 (l_real.real_64_value) end end else check is_real: False end end else check not_supported: False end end end process_external_b (a_node: EXTERNAL_B) -- Process `a_node'. do check is_constant_expression: a_node.is_constant_expression end if attached {IL_ENUM_EXTENSION_I} a_node.extension as l_il_enum then if is_target_object then if attached {CL_TYPE_A} a_node.type as l_cl_type then insert_enum_type (l_cl_type) else check is_cl_type_a: False end end end insert_integer_constant (l_il_enum.value) else check not_supported: False end end end process_integer_constant (a_node: INTEGER_CONSTANT) -- Process `a_node'. do check is_constant_expression: a_node.is_constant_expression end if is_target_object then ca_blob.put_integer_8 (a_node.type.element_type) end insert_integer_constant (a_node) end process_null_conversion_b (a_node: NULL_CONVERSION_B) -- Process `a_node'. do check is_constant_expression: a_node.is_constant_expression end a_node.expr.process (Current) end process_paran_b (a_node: PARAN_B) -- Process `a_node'. do check is_constant_expression: a_node.is_constant_expression end a_node.expr.process (Current) end process_real_const_b (a_node: REAL_CONST_B) -- Process `a_node'. do check is_constant_expression: a_node.is_constant_expression end if is_target_object then ca_blob.put_integer_8 (a_node.type.element_type) end if target_type.is_real_32 then ca_blob.put_real_32 (a_node.value.to_real) elseif target_type.is_real_64 then ca_blob.put_real_64 (a_node.value.to_double) else check is_target_object end if a_node.type.is_real_32 then ca_blob.put_real_32 (a_node.value.to_real) else ca_blob.put_real_64 (a_node.value.to_double) end end end process_string_b (a_node: STRING_B) -- Process `a_node'. do check is_constant_expression: a_node.is_constant_expression end if is_target_object then -- Force the type to be a .NET SYSTEM_STRING as `a_node' is -- still considered as being an Eiffel string. ca_blob.put_integer_8 ({MD_SIGNATURE_CONSTANTS}.element_type_string) end ca_blob.put_string (a_node.value_32) end process_type_expr_b (a_node: TYPE_EXPR_B) -- Process `a_node'. local l_class_type: CLASS_TYPE l_type_name: STRING_32 do check is_constant_expression: a_node.is_constant_expression end if is_target_object then ca_blob.put_integer_8 ({MD_SIGNATURE_CONSTANTS}.element_type_type) end if a_node.is_dotnet_type then l_class_type := a_node.type.associated_class_type (cil_generator.current_class_type.type) elseif attached {GEN_TYPE_A} a_node.type as l_gen_type and then l_gen_type.generics.count > 0 then if attached {CL_TYPE_A} l_gen_type.generics[1] as l_actual_type then l_class_type := l_actual_type.associated_class_type (cil_generator.current_class_type.type) end else check a_node_type_with_non_empty_generics: False end end if l_class_type /= Void then create l_type_name.make_from_string_general (l_class_type.full_il_type_name) if l_class_type.is_precompiled and then not l_class_type.is_external then l_type_name.append_character (',') l_type_name.append_character (' ') l_type_name.append_string_general (l_class_type.assembly_info.full_name) else if attached {EXTERNAL_CLASS_C} l_class_type.associated_class as l_ext_class then l_type_name.append_character (',') l_type_name.append_character (' ') l_type_name.append (l_ext_class.assembly.full_name) end end ca_blob.put_string (l_type_name) end end process_void_b (a_node: VOID_B) -- Process `a_node'. do check is_constant_expression: a_node.is_constant_expression end if attached {CL_TYPE_A} target_type as l_cl_type and then l_cl_type.base_class = system.native_array_class.compiled_class then -- We insert the value 0xFFFFFFFF to show that it is a Void array. ca_blob.put_integer_32 (0xFFFFFFFF) else check not_supported: False end end end feature {NONE} -- Implemention is_target_object: BOOLEAN -- Is `a_type' of type System.Object? require target_type_not_void: target_type /= Void do if attached {CL_TYPE_A} target_type as l_cl_type then Result := l_cl_type.class_id = system.system_object_id or l_cl_type.class_id = system.any_id end end add_named_argument (a_class: CLASS_C; a_tuple: TUPLE [str: STRING_B; exp: EXPR_B]) -- Lookup named argument in `a_tuple' and insert it in `ca_blob'. require blob_not_void: ca_blob /= Void tuple_not_void: a_tuple /= Void tuple_valid: a_tuple.str /= Void and then a_tuple.exp /= Void local l_expr_b: EXPR_B l_feat: FEATURE_I l_string_b: STRING_B l_feat_name: STRING l_type: TYPE_A do l_string_b := a_tuple.str l_expr_b := a_tuple.exp check has_string: l_string_b /= Void has_expression: l_expr_b /= Void end l_feat_name := l_string_b.value.as_lower l_feat := a_class.feature_table.item (l_feat_name) -- Not Void because it must have passed the type checking. check has_feature: l_feat /= Void end -- First mark if it is an attribute or a property. if l_feat.is_attribute then ca_blob.put_integer_8 ({MD_SIGNATURE_CONSTANTS}.element_type_field) else ca_blob.put_integer_8 ({MD_SIGNATURE_CONSTANTS}.element_type_property) end l_type := l_feat.type insert_field_or_prop_type (l_type) -- Put name of attribute or property. if l_feat.written_class.is_external and then attached {IL_EXTENSION_I} l_feat.extension as l_extension then l_feat_name := l_extension.alias_name if not l_feat.is_attribute then l_feat_name := l_feat_name.twin check l_feat_valid_count: l_feat_name.count > 4 has_setter: l_feat_name.substring (1, 4).is_equal ("get_") end l_feat_name.remove_head (4) end end ca_blob.put_string (l_feat_name) -- Finally generate value. set_target_type (l_type) l_expr_b.process (Current) end insert_integer_constant (a_int: INTEGER_CONSTANT) -- Simply insert `a_int' into `ca_blob'. Depending on `target_type' -- it might requires to actually put any of the NATURAL_XX/INTEGER_XX -- compatible value, or a REAL_32/REAL_64 value. local l_element_type: INTEGER_8 l_feature_table: FEATURE_TABLE l_feature_i: FEATURE_I l_underlying_type: TYPE_A do if is_target_object then -- We simply assume that we will put the INTEGER as is. l_element_type := a_int.type.element_type else l_element_type := target_type.element_type if attached {CL_TYPE_A} target_type as l_cl_type_i and then l_cl_type_i.base_class.is_enum then -- Use underlying integer type. check l_cl_type_i_not_void: l_cl_type_i /= Void end from l_feature_table := l_cl_type_i.base_class.feature_table l_feature_table.start until l_feature_table.after or else l_underlying_type /= Void loop l_feature_i := l_feature_table.item_for_iteration if attached {IL_EXTENSION_I} l_feature_i.extension as l_il_extension_i and then l_il_extension_i.type = {SHARED_IL_CONSTANTS}.field_type then l_underlying_type := l_feature_i.type end l_feature_table.forth end if l_underlying_type /= Void then l_element_type := l_underlying_type.element_type end end end inspect l_element_type when {MD_SIGNATURE_CONSTANTS}.element_type_i1 then ca_blob.put_integer_8 (a_int.integer_8_value) when {MD_SIGNATURE_CONSTANTS}.element_type_i2 then ca_blob.put_integer_16 (a_int.integer_16_value) when {MD_SIGNATURE_CONSTANTS}.element_type_i4 then ca_blob.put_integer_32 (a_int.integer_32_value) when {MD_SIGNATURE_CONSTANTS}.element_type_i8 then ca_blob.put_integer_64 (a_int.integer_64_value) when {MD_SIGNATURE_CONSTANTS}.element_type_u1 then ca_blob.put_natural_8 (a_int.natural_8_value) when {MD_SIGNATURE_CONSTANTS}.element_type_u2 then ca_blob.put_natural_16 (a_int.natural_16_value) when {MD_SIGNATURE_CONSTANTS}.element_type_u4 then ca_blob.put_natural_32 (a_int.natural_32_value) when {MD_SIGNATURE_CONSTANTS}.element_type_u8 then ca_blob.put_natural_64 (a_int.natural_64_value) when {MD_SIGNATURE_CONSTANTS}.element_type_r4 then inspect a_int.il_element_type when {MD_SIGNATURE_CONSTANTS}.element_type_i1, {MD_SIGNATURE_CONSTANTS}.element_type_i2, {MD_SIGNATURE_CONSTANTS}.element_type_i4, {MD_SIGNATURE_CONSTANTS}.element_type_i8 then ca_blob.put_real_32 (a_int.integer_64_value.to_real) when {MD_SIGNATURE_CONSTANTS}.element_type_u1, {MD_SIGNATURE_CONSTANTS}.element_type_u2, {MD_SIGNATURE_CONSTANTS}.element_type_u4, {MD_SIGNATURE_CONSTANTS}.element_type_u8 then ca_blob.put_real_32 (a_int.natural_64_value.to_real_32) end when {MD_SIGNATURE_CONSTANTS}.element_type_r8 then inspect a_int.il_element_type when {MD_SIGNATURE_CONSTANTS}.element_type_i1, {MD_SIGNATURE_CONSTANTS}.element_type_i2, {MD_SIGNATURE_CONSTANTS}.element_type_i4, {MD_SIGNATURE_CONSTANTS}.element_type_i8 then ca_blob.put_real_64 (a_int.integer_64_value.to_double) when {MD_SIGNATURE_CONSTANTS}.element_type_u1, {MD_SIGNATURE_CONSTANTS}.element_type_u2, {MD_SIGNATURE_CONSTANTS}.element_type_u4, {MD_SIGNATURE_CONSTANTS}.element_type_u8 then ca_blob.put_real_64 (a_int.natural_64_value.to_real_64) end else check not_reached: False end end end insert_field_or_prop_type (a_type: TYPE_A) -- Fill `FieldOrPropType' in `ca_blob'. require a_type_not_void: a_type /= Void do if not attached {CL_TYPE_A} a_type as l_cl_type then ca_blob.put_integer_8 ({MD_SIGNATURE_CONSTANTS}.element_type_boxed) elseif l_cl_type.is_enum then insert_enum_type (l_cl_type) elseif l_cl_type.is_basic then ca_blob.put_integer_8 (l_cl_type.element_type) elseif l_cl_type.class_id = system.system_string_id then ca_blob.put_integer_8 ({MD_SIGNATURE_CONSTANTS}.element_type_string) elseif l_cl_type.class_id = system.system_type_id then ca_blob.put_integer_8 ({MD_SIGNATURE_CONSTANTS}.element_type_type) elseif l_cl_type.class_id = system.native_array_id then -- Mark the fact it is an array ca_blob.put_integer_8 ({MD_SIGNATURE_CONSTANTS}.element_type_szarray) check has_generics: l_cl_type.generics /= Void and then l_cl_type.generics.count = 1 end -- Mark the type of elements. insert_field_or_prop_type (l_cl_type.generics.first) else ca_blob.put_integer_8 ({MD_SIGNATURE_CONSTANTS}.element_type_boxed) end end insert_enum_type (a_cl_type: CL_TYPE_A) -- Insert enum specification in `ca_blob'. require a_cl_type_not_void: a_cl_type /= Void local l_type_name: STRING_32 do ca_blob.put_integer_8 ({MD_SIGNATURE_CONSTANTS}.element_type_enum) create l_type_name.make_from_string_general (a_cl_type.il_type_name (Void, cil_generator.current_class_type.type)) l_type_name.append_character (',') l_type_name.append_character (' ') if attached {EXTERNAL_CLASS_C} a_cl_type.base_class as l_ext_class then l_type_name.append (l_ext_class.assembly.full_name) else check is_ext_class: False end end ca_blob.put_string (l_type_name) end invariant is_dotnet_compilation: system.il_generation note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2023, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end